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Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus
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Very slimy and disingenuous move by Discovery. I guess this is Lance's way of continuing to enforce the code of silence. I will be rooting for them to lose next year.

Former Team Wants Andreu Investigated

The Discovery Channel pro cycling team said in a statement yesterday that it was “considering all legal options” against the former team captain Frankie Andreu, in the wake of Andreu’s confession that he used the endurance-boosting drug EPO in preparation for the 1999 Tour de France.

Lance Armstrong, the leader of the team, which was formerly sponsored by the United States Postal Service, won that Tour. It was the first of his record seven consecutive Tour victories.

The statement said team management would investigate Andreu, and that USA Cycling, the United States Anti-Doping Agency and the International Cycling Union should do the same. The team has had a zero-tolerance policy regarding riders using performance-enhancing drugs, the statement said.

Andreu and another teammate, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of jeopardizing his job in cycling, said they had felt pressure to dope so they could make the team for the 1999 Tour.

Andreu, who retired as a rider in 2000, was traveling yesterday and could not be reached for comment.

“We are saddened and disappointed by this recent revelation,” the team’s statement said. “Any suggestion that any form of doping has ever been encouraged or tolerated on this team is patently false.”

In an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday, Armstrong said that former teammates confessing that they had doped — as well as other former teammates being caught for doping — should not taint his reputation or the reputation of the United States Postal Service team. Armstrong has repeatedly insisted he never took performing enhancing drugs. Three of Armstrong’s former lieutenants, including this year’s Tour winner, Floyd Landis, have tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs or methods after they left his team. Landis may be charged with an official doping violation as early as today.

“We’ve never had an athlete test positive,” Armstrong said of his former team’s 10 years in competition. “I think that is a strong statement.”

Officials from USA Cycling and the cycling union said they were not sure if they would investigate Andreu. Travis Tygart, general counsel for USADA, said he could not comment on any specific case.
Last edited by: rundhc: Sep 15, 06 12:10
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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I respectfully disagree, FA was the doper and Discovery is doing what they should do, I'm surpirsed it took them this long.

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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“We’ve never had an athlete test positive,” Armstrong said.

i absolutely love the only slightly hidden irony in that statement. how different that is from: “our athletes, including myself, have never taken any banned substances."

as we all know how easy it is to imbibe and yet not test postive.

armstrong's statement the perfect example of a non-statement.

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg x: Sep 15, 06 12:33
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Greg x] [ In reply to ]
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I think you are probably reading a little too much into that statement. Odds are that was just a snippet from an interview.

- Nick
Now that I know some of you guys look through the special needs bags for kicks, I'm gonna put some really weird stuff in mine. I can see it now. "What the heck was he going to do with a family pack of KFC chicken, a football helmet full of peanut butter, a 12 inch rubber dildo, and naked pictures of Bea Arthur?"
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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Here's what bothers me...

"Travis Tygart, general counsel for USADA, said he could not comment on any specific case."

Just have Dick Pound comment. He seems to have no problem making accusations before the legalities have gone forth.

I agree that doping is rampant in the cycling world; however, it's a shame the anti-doping powers cannot act ethically themselves. They seem to make their jobs difficult by leaking info and publicly speaking about cases that are in litigation.

Last edited by: tri1: Sep 15, 06 13:17
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Greg x] [ In reply to ]
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I really have no idea if LA took drugs or not, but this theme of "he never said he didn't take drugs, just that he never tested positive " is silly.

First off he has said in many many interviews that he never took illegal peds.

Secondly, do people really believe that he, or anyone else would have low enough morals to cheat, but wouldn't have low enough morals to flat out lie about it?

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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [smtyrrell99] [ In reply to ]
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Secondly, do people really believe that he, or anyone else would have low enough morals to cheat, but wouldn't have low enough morals to flat out lie about it?

Ha, good point.


You sir, are my new hero! - Trifan 11/13/2008

Casey, you are a wise man - blueraider_mike 11/13/2008

Casey, This is an astute observation. - Slowbern 11/17/2008
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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I think some people find it easier to assert their innocence if they rephrase it in a way that's more palatable, even if they are outright guilty. I recall Floyd's statement at a press conference - "I am not involved in ...(pause).... any doping program". Maybe not, and he could have been telling the truth about a systematic program. But it has no real bearing on whether or not he used a banned substance one night for recovery.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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Between this and following my beloved (but troubled) San Francisco Giants, I am sick to F&^%$#%^ Death of all this shit. I just want to go ride my bike...
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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Why wouldn't they? FA implicated it was a USPS recommended deal to take EPO. It wasn't the other way around. If it was and they came out of left field and said FA was a doper, then that would be weird - E
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Greg x] [ In reply to ]
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He made a 100% true statement.

He has also said that he has never taken any banned substances, which he obviously should know.

He cannot with any kind of assurances that it's true say that anyone else has not taken PEDs.

He could say that he never saw anyone take PEDs, or told anyone to take PEDs.

Now, he may be lying about himself never taking PEDs, but as far as making a statement that is true, and can be backed up with the facts, he said what he could.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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That's crap. Lance is saying that he never doped. Fine. He's never tested positive. Great. Neither has Frankie....has anyone thought of that?

"It is not the great things we do in life that really matter, it's the small things we do with a great heart..."-Mother Theresa
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Greg x] [ In reply to ]
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I have a feeling that with that team it wasn't bad to take the drugs, it was only bad if you got caught.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [RICKYBOBBY] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [RICKYBOBBY] [ In reply to ]
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What gets me is that whenever a rider is caught none of the other riders ever say anything bad about the person. Maybe I'm just not reading it and they do, but it seems that no other riders every say anything about how that person should be banned for cheating. They always say something like we have to wait for the system to take it's course. Now when a rider comes out and admits he cheated everybody is pissed at him, not so much for the cheating, but for saying something about it.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [smtyrrell99] [ In reply to ]
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LA had low enough morals to cheat on his wife......something I find way more deplorable than taking PEDs. Especially since children were involved!!!
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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What's wrong with you people. You know NOTHING about what really happened. If indeed it's as Discovery says, then they SHOULD do everything they can to Frankie A.

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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [stallion1031] [ In reply to ]
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odds are that this is how non-positive testing dopers would respond to such a question.

�The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.� -Michelangelo

MoodBoost Drink : Mood Support + Energy.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [TriDavis] [ In reply to ]
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How do you know that, were you bangin' him? You have some inside info you want to share with us?

"Maybe you should just run faster..." TM
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Aztec] [ In reply to ]
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I for one commend Frankie for coming forward and admitting that he took peds, and I think it's retroactive justice at its worst for Discovery to threaten to throw the book at him NOW, six years after he retired. The guy already basically signed his death warrant with the team earlier this summer when he and his wife alleged having heard LA make comments about taking a laundry list of peds while undergoing cancer treatment. I agree with his stance that if the sport of cycling is ever going to clean up its act, riders need to quit the "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" baloney and come forward and admit that doping is absolutely endemic in the sport. I fully agree with the overwhelming sentiment that Dopers Suck, but I also believe that it's good practice to give people who admit their mistakes another chance to redeem themselves. Richard Virenque and David Millar are two examples (as opposed to TH, for example, and maybe Floyd too. I dunno). And I also think that the comment about no Postal/Discovery riders testing positive can be read several ways. Can we honestly belive that Heras was clean while riding as one of Lance's Lieutenants? Or Tyler or Floyd?

Do I have a magic solution to end doping in professional cycling? Nope. But I think that asking these guys to lay off EPO etc. would be like asking a stock trader to lay off the double espresso.

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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

“We’ve never had an athlete test positive,” Armstrong said of his former team’s 10 years in competition. “I think that is a strong statement.”
Yeah, this is a very strong statement now that two have admitted to doping, but yet never failed a test.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [Mito Chondria] [ In reply to ]
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Exactly-- a doper who hasn't been caught yet is not going to go throw a stone at someone who's luck just ran out, as they know that someone out there likely knows enough to turn them in.

Anyone who thinks Frankie is doing this for the money ought to think what Frankie might have done if that's what he wanted: write a memoir re. his cycling stories (he's got a bunch, and he's told some funny ones), include some shocking revelation re. doping, and make the announcement public just as the book is about to come out in the press.

Frankie's trying to take the high road. I encourage Discovery and everyone else to keep kicking at him enough to decide to stop playing nice and just say everything that he knows.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [tri1] [ In reply to ]
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Just have Dick Pound comment. He seems to have no problem making accusations before the legalities have gone forth.

you've been fully disinformationalized - dick pound has never made any "accusations before the legalities have gone forth." he is a pro manager and knows exactly what he says. he says, "be aggressive and find people who cheat"; he says, "that guy tested positive and we want to make sure his fed does something"

can you name an "accusation" that he has made that is ahead of a test or a process? has he condemed a person after the A sample and before the b? did you see what he said about marion jones' b sample?

like any proven drug user, you are spouting...
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [JM] [ In reply to ]
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He left his wife for Ms Crow.
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Re: Discovery Throwing Andreu Under the Bus [TriDavis] [ In reply to ]
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Does that mean that he was unfaithful while he was married? he is divorced and has had relationships with other women since then. Not all that uncommon of a behavior. He may have cheated on his wife, but none of this forum will ever know unless some evidence appears. The fact that he had a relationship AFTER divorce does not prove infidelity.
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