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Differences between Wisconsin 70.3 & 140.6
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Hey - I decided to pull the trigger on registering for my first Ironman this year in Madison. Last year, I finished the 70.3 race in Madison in a little over 6 hours and 40 minutes. Factoring in the fatigue and double the elevation, my time goal is sub-15 hours. Since I will be doing my first Ironman this September, I wanted to get some input regarding differences specifically between the Wisconsin half and the full, if any.

Since they were on the same day in 2021, I got a glimpse into some of the differences, including the transition area and the slightly different bike course - obviously with an added 3,000+ feet of elevation. Those differences aside, is there anything else I could plan and prepare for heading into this specific race? Or simply anticipate double the distance, elevation, fatigue, nutrition, etc.?
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Re: Differences between Wisconsin 70.3 & 140.6 [Xavier500] [ In reply to ]
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For this race the swim and run courses will be the same for the half and full. The full bike course is different from the half though (and in my opinion much more challenging) - notably it contains a longer climb to Mt Horeb and some steep rollers aka "the three sisters". Be prepared for lots of hills and do that for all your long rides. Some riders also find this course fairly technical since the road conditions aren't great and there are a couple spots where you descend quickly and then have to make sharp turns. Spending time out riding your bike versus the trainer should be sufficient to prepare you for that though.

Do you live nearby? If so I highly recommend a summer training weekend out exploring the course. A couple local tri groups also offer training camps so I would look into one of those if that's an option.

Good luck! It's a beautiful and challenging course.
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Re: Differences between Wisconsin 70.3 & 140.6 [Xavier500] [ In reply to ]
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Xavier500 wrote:
Hey - I decided to pull the trigger on registering for my first Ironman this year in Madison. Last year, I finished the 70.3 race in Madison in a little over 6 hours and 40 minutes. Factoring in the fatigue and double the elevation, my time goal is sub-15 hours. Since I will be doing my first Ironman this September, I wanted to get some input regarding differences specifically between the Wisconsin half and the full, if any.

In my opinion, the half was all of the bad parts of the full bike course, with a lot less of the good parts. It's not 'double' the toughness of the half course, if that makes sense. The full course just makes more sense and flows better since you get the full loop x2
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