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Breathless Agony---May 5th
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Wondering if any Southern California STer's are doing Breathless Agony. The 114 miles and 12,000 feet of climbing have me wondering if I made a BIG MISTAKE signing up for this! If anyone has done it and has some words of wisdom, I am all ears...

Lar Dog
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Re: Breathless Agony---May 5th [Lar Dog] [ In reply to ]
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Haven't done that one but we have a similar ride here in TN called Cherohala Challenge. Just take the climbs nice and slow and if you sweat at all, take salt tablets or endurolytes to prevent muscle cramping.
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Re: Breathless Agony---May 5th [Lar Dog] [ In reply to ]
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Haven't done BA, but have done Around the Bear a couple of times, which is slightly shorter (100 miles) and little less climbing (9,000 feet versus 12,000 feet). Recommendations?

1). Gearing: Suggest a 12-25 cassette at a minimum. Some may recommend a 11-25 to give you more gears on the down hills. If you haven't done a lot sustained climbing you may even want to use a 11/12 - 27.

2). Pace: It's a long day in the saddle. Take it easy and work into the ride. You will pass people later in the day that passed you early on.

3). Other: Unless you are trying to set a PR or hit a particular time goal, stop at the aid stations, stretch your back, and take in calories.

Gary Clendenin (aka, "The Kid" or "G-man")
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