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Bikesport! Pilgrimage Sunday.
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To celebrate the opening of Tom's new store (and the fact that he is going to be open on Sunday), myself and one or two others were going to ride from Grosse Pointe to the new shop some time on Sunday morning. By my calculations it is about a 60 mile round trip, and I predict a nice easy pace depending on the size of the final group and how late we were out on Saturday Night. We will ride down, check out the store, potentially grab a quick bite and coffee, and head back the way we came.

Tri bikes will be welcome (since that is all that I currnetly have) but you will be expected to pull if you want to be in your aero bars.

I will open my house for changing and bathrooms before and after the ride, and there is plenty of parking on the street.

Just reply here and I can get you the details.

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club
Industry Brat.
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Re: Bikesport! Pilgrimage Sunday. [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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wow, cool. Remember guys, the new place isn't open yet. About another week or 10-12 days until we are in there. I am giving tours though! You can see it when it is still clean.

I'll cross my fingers for good weather.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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