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Any reports from the DC Du
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Just curious how the most expensive Du in history went today.
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Re: Any reports from the DC Du [RoadWarrior] [ In reply to ]
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went well, nice day and well done event. Raced with alot of DC tri club. Adrian Fenty (probable new mayor) raced. He is pretty fast and his parents own Fleet Feet Stores. My first Du and the first run took more out of my second run than I would of liked. Bike course had some rolling little hills but was pretty fast, same with the run. Very Cool with all the roads closed. Will definitely do the race next year. Tri columbia ran it and did a suberb job as usual.
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Re: Any reports from the DC Du [silverback] [ In reply to ]
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I had a great time!!! Not dissappointed one bit. Although I haven't done a dualathon in a couple of years, maybe even more, it was all about the course...

Really not a technically hard course, infact I held one of if not the fastest avg bike speed in my years of racing. In fact, this was actually the first race where I got back into T2, and I was the 1st or 2nd person to rack bikes!! Its a damn good feeling!!!!

3K Run: Easy out and back, 1 turn and slight uphill gradient.

32K Bike: Awesome course... 2 Laps. Pull out onto parkway along river, nice and flat, smiled for some photos. Sweep under the Kenedy center and then up and into this big park where all the monuments are. Slight rollers, nothing hard at all, stayed aero. Past the Lincoln then the Washington Memorial, then up and into a downtown area near 15th st near another one of the grand monuments and buldings are. You can see Capital Hill up here too! Really cool stuff. Racing in the streets of the DC. Turn around and come back same way, but go past Transition up parkway approx 5k before turning back to transition to begin 2nd lap. GO FAST!!

10K Run: Riverside run out of T2 past Kennedy and Lincoln Memorials and over a bridge. Then turn around and run back to meet up with the bike course. Run alongside bike course towards the 15th st turn around. Then a mad 2mile dash back to the Washington Monument!!!! Finishing chute very professional, with dood calling out your name and where you live as you come home!

It was a great race!!!! Like I said, awesome bike, first time I came into T2 and was the 1st or 2nd person to rack. Although I got caught by other AGerz at mile 4 on the run, I felt good about accomplishing such a slammin bike split. Now I gotta work on some bike to run bricks so I can hold my lead.

Slammin bike course. You actually ride on DC streets. Unlike NYC tri (which is also a great race) they don't just close off a highway for the bike, they shut down quite a few city blocks. Certainly a Logistical Challenge, and I think the RD and his crew deserve some serious respect, even though we didn't get to swim.

Nice racing with you all!!! Right after the race, I got back to hotel, checked out b4 12PM and drove back to Hoboken, NJ. Time to eat a T-bone steak and pass out!!!

See you next year!!! Thank you Charles B and Crew and Volunteers!!! Successful race, I'm sure everyone was quite happy with the way things manifested!!!! Nice Job!!



"Where is your left foot? Yes!! On your left leg! Now make it kick!!!" ~ (Doug Stern @ Columbia Prep School Pool)
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