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Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion)
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Cadel Evans wins 7th stage of Tour of Germany

Ned Overend comes in 4th overall at Mt Washington Hill Climb at the age of 50!

Benny Vansteelant dominates Powerman Duathlon WC by 10 minutes. In the women's race Erica Cosomor wins for 2nd year and Jess Dreskau Petersson (Gbr) came in second but proved in both run legs to be the fastest runner in the field.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Frank Day] [ In reply to ]
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Frank, on a much smaller local poser scale, I got 3rd overall at the Thousand Islands Olympic tri. Results are at www.sportstats.ca. I have to say that the posercranks...I mean Powercranks help your run. I had the second overall run split with zero run intervals since the Boston Marathon. How did that happen ? Just bike commuting on powercranks and riding at 90-100 RPM has helped. Don't know if the powercranks helped on the bike, I suspect that they have, but I also had lots of bike miles this year.

Not as studly as the real pro athletes, but I'll take it. Thanks Frank for a great training tool.
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Frank, on a much smaller local poser scale, I got 3rd overall at the Thousand Islands Olympic tri. Results are at [url "http://www.sportstats.ca"]www.sportstats.ca[/url]. I have to say that the posercranks...I mean Powercranks help your run. I had the second overall run split with zero run intervals since the Boston Marathon. How did that happen ? Just bike commuting on powercranks and riding at 90-100 RPM has helped. Don't know if the powercranks helped on the bike, I suspect that they have, but I also had lots of bike miles this year.

Not as studly as the real pro athletes, but I'll take it. Thanks Frank for a great training tool.[/reply]

Thanks. I can only "brag" about those results I know about. I know of another user who is doing a 5k today and was hoping to hear he set a PR (already set one this year but would like to see another) but haven't heard the results.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Frank Day] [ In reply to ]
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Frank, I set a PB on the swim, bike and run on this course today. I've done this race in 2002, 2004, and 2005. Since 2002, I took off 12 minutes off my results. The swim was short today (~ 3min, but I have been working on my swim), but the bike and run were identical to my pre powercrank days of 2002.

My hope is to set a PB on the Canadian Half Iron Distance event in Ottawa on Sep 3rd. I'll let you know how it works out.
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Frank, I set a PB on the swim, bike and run on this course today. I've done this race in 2002, 2004, and 2005. Since 2002, I took off 12 minutes off my results. The swim was short today (~ 3min, but I have been working on my swim), but the bike and run were identical to my pre powercrank days of 2002.

My hope is to set a PB on the Canadian Half Iron Distance event in Ottawa on Sep 3rd. I'll let you know how it works out.[/reply]

Very cool. Was the swim short for everyone? Now that I have become aware of the possibility I have yet to ask a single PC'er about swim splits without receiving reports of PR's in the swim in everyone I have asked. I think a stronger kick allows better positioning which results in better swim speed. At least that is the current theory to explain what is being reported to us. Or, it could just be placebo like all the other improvements. :-)

Good luck in Ottowa.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Frank Day] [ In reply to ]
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Frank, while I won't give you credit for a faster swim split, I will concede that my kick is stronger since I got on PC's. I don't think I kick any harder in racing, but my legs are ready to hammer on the bike after the swim. I've had really good swim to bike transitions this year. On the other hand, every one of my swims is preceded by a 20 min bike ride to the river and then a "transition bike" off the swim, so not sure if we can give powercranks credit. I just do a swim to bike transition after every one of swims, so it makes it easy on race day.
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Frank, while I won't give you credit for a faster swim split, I will concede that my kick is stronger since I got on PC's. I don't think I kick any harder in racing, but my legs are ready to hammer on the bike after the swim. I've had really good swim to bike transitions this year. On the other hand, every one of my swims is preceded by a 20 min bike ride to the river and then a "transition bike" off the swim, so not sure if we can give powercranks credit. I just do a swim to bike transition after every one of swims, so it makes it easy on race day.[/reply]

No one wants to credit the PC's (unlike for the improvements they see in the bike and run) for swimming improvements but "everyone" sees it. Would love to get a study done on this.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Frank Day] [ In reply to ]
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Frank, you know this forum better than all of us. Of course we would not want to give you credit for anything...but we'd gladly give Gerard credit :-).

Seriously folks, get yourself some powercranks. They are a good solid training tool.
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Frank, you know this forum better than all of us. Of course we would not want to give you credit for anything...but we'd gladly give Gerard credit :-).

Seriously folks, get yourself some powercranks. They are a good solid training tool.[/reply]

Watch out, people will start calling you a shill. Oh, and I now have to add the 1-2 at Timberman of Susan Williams and Kate Major on top of Dev's PR's.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Frank Day] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I'm back with another calf injury...I think I finished tearing a previously partially torn plantaris tendon...so, I'll be depending upon renewed PowerCranking to prevent my running form from going down the tubes. Funny that with this injury I can ride with little discomfort, but I limp when I walk and certainly can't run. PC's allowed me to train through an achilles problem a few years ago, resulting in some surprising run PR's for me when I could finally run again. Very nice. I'll also watch for biking improvements to see if they once again coincide with a big PC training stint. While I'm certainly no Devashish Paul, I do like to try and go reasonably fast for an old man.

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur
(That which is said in Latin sounds profound)
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Titan] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Well, I'm back with another calf injury...I think I finished tearing a previously partially torn plantaris tendon...so, I'll be depending upon renewed PowerCranking to prevent my running form from going down the tubes. Funny that with this injury I can ride with little discomfort, but I limp when I walk and certainly can't run. PC's allowed me to train through an achilles problem a few years ago, resulting in some surprising run PR's for me when I could finally run again. Very nice. I'll also watch for biking improvements to see if they once again coincide with a big PC training stint. While I'm certainly no Devashish Paul, I do like to try and go reasonably fast for an old man.[/reply]

At least I, for one, will anxoiusly await your report.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Titan] [ In reply to ]
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One more thing. Don't push getting back to running. Wait until you are really healed.

An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
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Re: Another great weekend for PowerCrankers, so far . . . (more shameless self-promotion) [Frank Day] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Day wrote: Don't push getting back to running. Wait until you are really healed.

Yes, Sir, I've already made that mistake and tried to run yesterday after a couple of weeks of no running. Went OK for about a mile, then BAM! Barely made it home, limping badly. Ice x 5 yesterday. I'll have to stick to the bike for a couple of months, probably, PowerCranking a good bit of the time. At least I don't have to worry about losing running form, as the running benefits of PCing have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. When I hurt my achilles a few years back, I PC'd for a few months, then with only a little gentle running set a 1/2 Marathon PR. At the same time I dropped 2-3 minutes off my 5k run split in triathlons, while having faster bike splits, well, nevermind, just a boring rehash of the past. It worked before, I'm sure it will work again this time. Thanks again for offering your money back guarantee, or I never would have tried PowerCranks.

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur
(That which is said in Latin sounds profound)
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