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Almanzo 100
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Anybody have any info on this event? (http://www.almanzo.com)

Video makes it look like a pretty epic event: http://vimeo.com/47963412
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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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do it.
It can be epic, or fun, or somewhere in between. How the ride goes depends not only on your fitness and bike handling, but the weather can be a major factor. Last year it was in the 90s with 30mph sustained winds, the year before it was in the upper 30s with a few hours of rain. If you show up to race, be ready. The first group usually gets in at 5 1/2 hours plus or minus, and it is getting faster every year.
The roads are gravel, but generally they're in pretty good shape. Some years they're fantastic, some years there are sucky stretches of a few miles. A lot of that depends on the county road maintenance schedule. If they county has not had a chance to get out an spread fresh gravel then the roads are hard packed and fast. There are very few cars out there, that is very nice for a 100 mile ride. The scenery ranges from trout stream valleys to not very interesting corn and bean fields. Chris throws in some pretty good hills, I often see a lot of walkers on them.
The course is not marked. You print off (pre race) or pick up (race day) a set of cue cards at the start and follow the mileages and turns. There is one town at about 35 miles in, you can stop there and re-supply, the rest is completely rural. A few racers have a support car to meet them in feed zones - there are more of those (support cars) every year too.

Andy Tetmeyer (I work at HED)

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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be there. Gravel is awesome. Nice alternative to hours on the aero-bars.

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Re: Almanzo 100 [andy tetmeyer] [ In reply to ]
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Does anyone know of a good listing or website for these races? Seems like they are getting more popular, but they are hard to find if you dont know someone who has done it.

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Re: Almanzo 100 [andy tetmeyer] [ In reply to ]
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Is a CX bike necessary or recommended? I only have my tri bike and a single speed. Maybe I can rent a CX or road bike for the event.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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Tri bike??? you're just looking for a beatdown aren't you?
If you are fit, you can single it, as long as you can get some 30 or bigger tires in the frame. CX bike is probably the best option if you are equipment challenged.
We (HED) just got our first prototype gravel bike done. Gravel and cross bikes are pretty similar, but you are starting to see some companies (Salsa is one) come out with gravel specific bikes. Comfort should not be underestimated for a 100 or 200 mile gravel race.
for general info, start at http://www.gravelgrindernews.com/

There is a gravel running movement starting up too - same ethos: you're on your own, it is rural and epic. Almanzo had a series of footraces last year. Google: wilder footraces.

Andy Tetmeyer (I work at HED)

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Re: Almanzo 100 [andy tetmeyer] [ In reply to ]
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beatdown? they gotta catch you first. here's my whip from Dairy Roubaix...admittedly, only about 50% gravel...SC7 configured as road rig with clipons, A3 D3 tubies with FMB P-R rubber. Your comfort comment is on point. Those big 27c P-Rs were amazing. Mind you, if it had been anything other than dry there's no way I'd have put the draftbox on there, and maybe the whole thing would've been a no-go...I had verrrry little clearance in the wheel cutout. Other than that, what a smooth ride.

Carl Matson
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Carl] [ In reply to ]
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Giddyup! I'm a fan of "run what ya brung".
Tire choice can make a huge difference.
...maybe I should have phrased it "odd looks at the guy (gal?) on the tri bike".
really nothing new, but if you want to stand out, show up at a gravel race on a TT bike. Aero clip-ons are not unknown at gravel races, though I have yet to see anyone actually use them.

Andy Tetmeyer (I work at HED)

Last edited by: andy tetmeyer: Oct 23, 12 12:49
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Re: Almanzo 100 [andy tetmeyer] [ In reply to ]
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lol...I did get those looks, that's for sure. got the bug to find more of those events, too. what a fun ride.

Carl Matson
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Carl] [ In reply to ]
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Come on over. We have more gravel here than you guys with all your paved farm roads.
If you get cabin fever bad in February, then meet me in Des Moines for Cirrem next winter. I think you'll want something other than the SC though. Ice buildup can be a big problem.
I'm thinking about organizing what I would call the "50/50" next summer. 100 miles, half paved, half gravel, half daylight, half night. If it comes together I'll let you know.

Andy Tetmeyer (I work at HED)

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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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I have done it 4 times. It is local to me. 1x9, fixed one year(42x16 on a 'cross bike). Last 2 years I did it on a fatbike.

Andy speaks the truth. The events have gotten a lot faster as the top roadie guys are coming over. One event this year featured the top road guy and the top mtn guy in the state finishing 1-2.

IA/MN gravel rocks. I do not do that many events, but ride a lot of gravel. A lot of laid back, beard having, Surly riding, tattoo sporting (not IM), guys having fun and enjoying each other's company. I really enjoy the atmosphere.

My ride report is HERE

The longest one is called transiowa 320ish miles.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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Cross bikes are absolutely required. These events are amazing! It's like riding on the moon or in a parallel dimension compared to typical road rides. You'll go hours without seeing another human. Be prepared though, the people that show up to these events are fast and can hurt like nothing you've ever seen. I've witnessed first hand a friend ride gravel for 31 hours straight - http://transiowa.blogspot.com/. You know that "bad place" that you sometimes get to in an Ironman for a few minutes but then bounce out of it after you hit the nearest buffet aid station? He was in that bad place for 12 hours riding through the night. Freeking badass.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Carl] [ In reply to ]
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Carl, one of your co-workers Dirk won the Almanzo this year. I have also ridden many hours of gravel one year in transiowa with another of your co-workers, Travis B.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Superman] [ In reply to ]
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Funny...yesterday Travis was just talking about getting sucked into TI again.

Carl Matson
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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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Looks cool, and nice video.

I haven't done it, but I ride on gravel a lot. Sometimes it is smooth and easy (just dusty), sometimes it is rutted and so jarring that it nearly knocks my fillings out. So, after a good bit of trial and error on gravel, here is one possible road bike suggestion for those branching out in this direction, but still wanting some passable comfort and but maximum versatility.

That said, you can really use most any bike under the sun. It all kind of depends on how far you're riding, and how much abuse you and your tires are up for ...

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Almanzo 100 [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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So anyone else do this? Awesome day.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Superman] [ In reply to ]
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I did! Fun and good competition. Hills were fun the stream crossing was sketchy, I took my shoes off. Next year sub-seven.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Lederman] [ In reply to ]
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Weather plays too much of a factor to chase times. This year's course was different due to the reroute as well. I saw the line from everyone taking off their shoes. I hopped right across and kept the shoes on. Wool socks are the way to go.

JimmyDuece from here was under seven I believe.
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Re: Almanzo 100 [Superman] [ In reply to ]
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My buddy down the street did it ... had a blast ... I've not made the jump to gravel yet, but he loves it ... it sure seems like every one has a great time
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