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So I'm sitting in the tire shop, getting my tires changed and I see a copy of Wired magazine. It has an article about Dean Karnazes (http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/15.01/ultraman.html) and item #4 of his advice is "Eat Junk". The idea being, and I quote "fat contains roughly twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates." Ok, but that doesn't mean you should do it. But what do I know? While I enjoy my fig newtons, I'd much rather order pizza and eat Twinkies. Ok, maybe not the Twinkies. Does anyone other than Dean actually practice this and if so, have you noticed a difference? I'm not switching my routine... it works well for me and I'll stick to it but I'm just curious about the junk food binge.

El (I really am the Devil) Diablo
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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I imagine that while "running" 300 miles nonstop, getting the most calories for your buck becomes pretty damn important!


Any run that doesn't include pooping in someone's front yard is a win.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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mmmm...just fininshing off a bag of macadamia nut hershey kisses (I don't know if they sell these on the mainland...but I bought a bag at the store yesterday...and they are all gone now...very tasty).
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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I don't remember exactly... but here is somethings I heard about this topic.

The study that supports eating fat was done with cyclists on a stationary bikes.

It did not take in consideraton the weight gain that would come from gorging on fat. Unlike a stationary bike, on a real bike when a rider has to actually propel his mass forward, this weight gain could slow down the rider and use up additional energy.

That is just quick off the top of my head, I'm sure others could contribute more to this.

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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds like good enough reason for me to continue to drink Coke and eat pizza and burgers as I've always done!

My business-eBodyboarding.com
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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His diet is pretty strict outside of long training days (50+ mile runs) and races. He does no carb loading, day to day no refine sugars, and gets most of his simple carbs from apples and bananas.

On those days.. All bets are off, the guy eats densest calories (cheesecake, pizza,etc.) on the run. It was funny how he loves Round Table Pizza because they are the only company that will deliver to a street corner.

Pretty exceptional story, Ive read his runners world article a couple of years ago and heard him on Howard around the same time. Had a mid-life crisis on his 30th b-day at a bar, so he ran 30 miles that night (from what I can recall).

In short: I like that advice. Keau
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [KEAU] [ In reply to ]
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I eat junk food everyday! I'm talking about all my meals come from a drive thru. I have 11% body fat and will continue to eat this way. I don't like to eat health food just because it is too damn bland. I find that I have lots of energy throughout my workouts and haven't had a problem yet. I try to eat In N Out burgers at least 3 times a week. Double Double animal style(650 calories), fries(400 calories), and Chocolate shake (800 calories), and all of that for just $5.50!

Actions speak louder than words.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [johnnypilot] [ In reply to ]
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I think you're one of the lucky few. If I ate like that I'd baloon right up, even at 10-15 hrs a week training.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [johnnypilot] [ In reply to ]
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Damn, are the shakes really 800 calories? I just had a chocolate shake from In-N-Out tonight! I have a 10-mile run for tomorrow. Guess it will take all ten miles to burn that shit off!

My business-eBodyboarding.com
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [CCF] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]....getting the most calories for your buck becomes pretty damn important!

That's what Sam's is for!!!

"You're faster than you think!" --Nike
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [KEAU] [ In reply to ]
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His message is really confusing to 99.99999% of the populous who think you can work out and eat crap.

They don't listen to the fact that he owns a health food company and has an ulta-clean diet outside of races.

Scott Jurek has an even cleaner diet as a vegan and he is a much better runner.

On the other hand Pam Reed whose book I just finished eats a far more normal-American diet than either of them.

If anybody wants a counter-point to Dean's Ultramarathon Man read Pam's book The Extra Mile. She comes off a bit jealous, but one can understand why as she has matched or surpassed Dean in many ways, but gets none of the money or prestige. The fact that she won the overall Badwater TWICE is amazing. I can't recall ANY female that has beaten a mail in head-to-head competiton. She is in a state-of-denial about her eating disorder and she is white-trash-ish, but still an amazing athlete.

Swim - Bike - Run the rest is just clothing changes.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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I must admit eating lots of junk food including fast food meals several times each week. People who exercise can get away with more at least from a weight-gain perspective. Still even if one "burns it off" the high fat and additives may have some ill effects on things like longevity for those who care.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [johnnypilot] [ In reply to ]
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Well yeah no wonder healthier foods taste bland to you. Your taste buds are just used to the junk food.

Health food can (and should) taste great. You just have to give it a little time to grow on ya.

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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [BottomFeeder] [ In reply to ]
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That is so true. I abstained from junk food for about a year, and then when I tried a McD's cheeseburger it tasted horrid. The same goes for soda, don't drink it for a while and then try it. The sweetness of it will probably disgust you.

Of course I've had a relapse and regularly eat McD's and drink soda.



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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [edwinj] [ In reply to ]
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Remember junk food has a lot of science behind it trying to make it taste as "good" as possible. The key ingredients are sugar, fat, salt, natural flavor, and caffeine for the jazzed up stuff. Seems like "more is MORE" is the motto for the junk food industry when it comes to these basic ingredients.

It takes a certain mindset to look past that and use these ingredients responsibly in health food cuisine.

Here's to a good In-and-Out burger though! :-)

Last edited by: BottomFeeder: Jan 25, 07 7:30
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [BottomFeeder] [ In reply to ]
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Salt is a particularly big offender in changing taste buds. I grew up on a wonderfully healthy diet of Hamburger Helper, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut, with a little Spam thrown in for good measure. Now I eat a whole foods based diet. When I go home, I am really disgusted by the salt in the foods. Plus, my body swells up. I know better than to wear rings at my parent's house. By the second morning my fingers are so swollen I can't get them off. Ugh

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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [BottomFeeder] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Well yeah no wonder healthier foods taste bland to you. Your taste buds are just used to the junk food.

Health food can (and should) taste great. You just have to give it a little time to grow on ya.

Whoever posted about being able to eat junk food and stay at 11% body fat- lucky you! I was able to do that until age 20, then genetics kicked in... As I've steadily changed my diet for the better over the past 3 yrs, I've found that you become more sensitive to subtle flavors. At 1st, the low-fat, no sugar plain yogurt with granola was NASTY, but now I can taste the sweetness of the granola. Same with bread, crackers, etc- I can taste the sugar as the more complex carbohydrates are broken down by saliva when I take a bite. I'm sure there's some some study on taste threshold out there, but that's my anecdotal 2 cents.

In competition, all food bets are off- the easier to digest and the more nutrient-dense, the better!

If I don't, who will? -Me
It's like being bipolar in opinion is a requirement around here. -TripleThreat
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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I imagine when you are logging the mileage that he is you can eat whatever you want.

I think the disclaimer should be "If you have 4% BF and run about 300 miles a week, eat as much fat as you can get your skinny little hands on."

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club
Industry Brat.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [Jodi] [ In reply to ]
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Mine swells up too with salt abuse. Look at it this way, good thing our bodies have become sensitive to salt. Makes it that much easier to recognize the abuses.

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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [Ti T'war] [ In reply to ]
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You might be able to get away with eating what you want for a day... like he does but you can't on a regular basis. At least not without long term consequences. Look at "Supersize Me". This is a perfect example of what fast food can do to a person who eats it for only 30 days. It nearly killed him.

And to the guy who eats only fast food at 11% body fat. I've got to wonder how much faster you'd be if you ate a healthy diet. I'm not an expert so I really don't know if it would make a difference but I gotta think it would.

El (I really am the Devil) Diablo
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [TriBodyboarder] [ In reply to ]
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In-N-Out...worth every bite. Now if they would just build them in colorado.

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Last edited by: RACERX: Jan 25, 07 20:11
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [tsilcyc] [ In reply to ]
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I have a lot of respect for him. He looks great and does a ton of races where he's usually fairly near the front.

On the other hand, the guys who regularly beat him don't eat pizza and cheesecake in their races. Scott Jurek is usally a couple of hours ahead of him in 100s and he's a vegan who eats hummus-filled whole wheat pitas on the trail.
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [RACERX] [ In reply to ]
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God Bless the Double Double!!!

My business-eBodyboarding.com
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Re: 4. EAT JUNK – LOTS OF IT [TriBodyboarder] [ In reply to ]
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I have noticed the swelling too.

One evening I had eaten some soup the night before with a LOT of salt. Of course I got quite thirsty, and drank quite a bit of water afterwards - didn't think much of it at that time.
The next morning I woke up, walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror - GOD D¤#%! I could hardly see my navel because of the swelling around my stomach - AND I had gained 2½ kg. from the previous morning! Of course it went away again during the day - but I felt quite weird for most of the day.
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