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1/2 IM Training Run Volumes
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This is my first go at a half IM (coming up in July) and I am still slowly increasing my run volume (not a good runner). I just wondered what anybody had to say about what kind of volume I should be working towards.

I currently do 6-7 miles 3-4 times a week and try to do the 7 in less than an hour (some days are still better than others).

I plan on streching out the 7 to a longer distance and time, but how long or how much time and how often should I go longer than 7 mi?

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club
Industry Brat.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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I don't really keep track of my running mileage; instead I go by time. I typically do 3-4x 30-45 minute runs and one longer run (right now at 90 minutes). I'm a few weeks out from an early season half in May. After that race, I'll either be extending my long run out farther, or lengthening a second run.

I go by time so that I'm not forcing myself to maintain a certain pace. If I'm feeling a little beat, I run easier. If I feel really good, I run a little quicker. My one major goal this year is to be able to run the half marathon at the end of my A HIM in July (something I haven't been able to do in the past). At this point, I'm not worried about speed. I'm not a fast runner by any means, although I've been making huge progress this year with this approach. My durability has come a long way.

As someone who claims to not be a "good runner," I'd worry less about your other 6-7 mile runs, and focus on getting your long run out around and past 90 minutes. Your other runs in the week can supplement that.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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there's a half mar. training program at www.halhigdon.com
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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I certainly don't even remotely qualify as an expert, having been in triathlon for just over a year, but I've done two half IM's and what I do is run three times/week. One run is a brick run after my long bike ride on Saturdays. That is typically 4 miles. My second run is on Tuesdays, and is 8 miles at race pace (a "tempo" run), and my third run is my long, slow run on Thursdays, and it builds from 8 miles 3 months out, up to 13-14 miles 2-3 weeks out from the race.
I'm not a great runner or cyclist, and can put in about a 1:55-2hr half marathon after the swim and bike, which isn't fast as you can see. I would say what you're doing by running more often is a better way to improve your speed, but be gradual about your increases in distance to avoid injury. Just make sure you do at least 2 or 3 "over distance" runs in the weeks leading up to your 1/2 IM. Good luck!

My business-eBodyboarding.com
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [TriBodyboarder] [ In reply to ]
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BodyBoarder has it about right. The long easy run is your key workout for the week. This is how you build the aerobic base for a 1/2 IM. The speed work you can do on the shorter runs. I typically have my shorter runs add up to the total time for my longer run. If you are indeed new to running, or on the older side (like me) be extra careful when increasing the mileage to avoid injury. It can hit when you least expect it, and it will set you back for weeks. Also, try to run on non-paved surfaces as often as possible.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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this is my plan and it works very well for me. tweaked it to this with advice from Gordo and others:

long run - build up to 90-100 minutes. i do this on hills when possible to get a little sport specific strength.

other runs - 2x per week on easy days, run 40 minutes including 15 minutes of drills and strides. work high cadence, leg turnover stuff, quick efficient stride is key to long course running (for me)

off the bike- 3-4 times per week, easy and aerobic. short of 20 mins, long of 40 minutes.

- focus on frequency not volume.
- build long run steadily
- focus on AeT endurance, keep all runs steady pace and under control
- the key is bike endurance, you don't need to run hard until you can handle the 56 miles on the bike easily

hope that helps a bit.

-mike perlberg
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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your long run should be 2hrs or 14-15 miles assuming you want to run the run. separate your long run from your long ride by 48hrs or more. both workouts will be better.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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- focus on frequency not volume.
- build long run steadily
- focus on AeT endurance, keep all runs steady pace and under control
- the key is bike endurance, you don't need to run hard until you can handle the 56 miles on the bike easily

This advice from perly is about the best I've seen for a while. At Half-IM you don't need to do speed work. You do need to do volume on the run. And even more on the bike. A couple of years ago I ran a 1:13 open half marathon but could only run 1:35ish in a half-IM. Only when I increased my volume on the bike for three months and then rode a steady pace did my run in Half-IM drop by 11 minutes. My ride actually stayed about the same because I was riding too hard before. Perly didn't really define steady pace, but for me that corresponds pretty close with my half-IM bike pace. It is at the very edge of upper aerobic for me and something I can do without being totally trashed afterwards.

25-30 miles a week is not bad, but to really perform you likely need to be closer to 50 with at least one run at about two hours. If you run about 8:30s in training then your half IM pace will likely put you close to two hours. I strive for a 1.5:1 bike/run ratio by time. A good friend of mine said that there is not much difference in training for IM and half-IM if you really want to race half-IM, and for him that meant 15-20 hours on the bike with 7-8 hours running. To get through one without killing yourself I would recommend at least 8-10 a week on the bike with 5-6 hours running.

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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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Last year, my volume over 12 weeks leading up to my first HIM last year was:

Bike - 125mi. (200 for big weeks) Run - 25 (35 for big weeks).

I ran 9-10 miles 3 times and 12 miles twice.

It was plenty & I finished well under 5 hrs, which was my goal.

Bike high mileage and run frequently (but not necessarily high mileage). Many days I just ran 3 miles. Every bit helps.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [TBinMT] [ In reply to ]
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thanks guys,

I have been focusing on the run, and will now attempt the ride 56 mi w/o a problem part. I just need the weather to start cooperating.

My goal is a sub 6 hr race for my first time out and I really secretly hop3 to go a sub 5:25.

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club
Industry Brat.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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I'm also training for my first IM. I have been running again for the past 18 months.

For the past 5 months I have ran three times a week doing one of three different workouts:

1. Mon - 1h 0m run - medium pace overall with 5 x 1min short sprint intervals
2. Wed - 1h 45m run - medium pace
3. Fri - 1h 0m run - medium pace with 3 x 10min intervals very fast pace right under LHTR

Medium pace has gone from a 9min/mile to a 8min/mile over the winter.



Eric - "Train Smart, Race Smart, Finish Strong"
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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I've allways felt that getting in some 50mile bike 10 mile bricks have been key workouts and made a big difference.

The more past 50 mile I do the less I will run, 70-80mile in the bike and I'll do a 10k or less.

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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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What Gordo... uh... I mean perly said above is pretty accurate. Minus the AeT crap ;-)

Yes, this is not the Gordo Forum, so I can say this! ;-)))
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [bigsky17] [ In reply to ]
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Last year, I did my first half IM. I ran about 4 times a week and about 25 to 31 miles per week for a couple months before the race. I broke it up into a long run of up to 13 miles (meant to do a few a hair longer, but it just didn’t work out), a run of 2.5 to 4.5 miles after my long bikes, a faster run of 6 to 8 miles and a slower, easier run, usually of 4 to 6 miles. I ran a 1:50, which was only 8 minutes off my best open half marathon, so that worked out pretty well for me. I plan on doing more or less the same thing this year.
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Re: 1/2 IM Training Run Volumes [CTL] [ In reply to ]
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That there is just about what I did too and will do again this spring and summer ... I believe that's all anyone needs to do unless they expect to bust a blazing run time.
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