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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [trinoob] [ In reply to ]
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"Unless you're some kind of sicko control freak, eventually your kids will make their own decisions. They will be able to choose junk food at school and watch out for open campus lunches in high school. "

Really? They will choose what they want when I'm not around? Wow! The point is that yes they will pick what they want and every once in a while I will buy them a Happy Meal but the vast majority of the time I am making the call on what they eat and that makes me a parent. As far as being a sicko control freak when they are 18, out of my house and pulling in thier own money they can do what ever they hell they want but as long as they are under me and my wife's roof I am a sicko control freak.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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By the time the kids are old enough to start having (or at least wanting!) more independence (read: teen years), fast food will be the least of your worries.

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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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You mean there is something worse then thier addiction to crappy music?

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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That's right - they hit 13 and it's all Sheryl Crowe, al lthe time.

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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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(as not to offend sacred caw #1) Wow she rocks!

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know how it works in grade or middle school, but around here in high school they can eat junk food every day for lunch. It's part of the lunch program, they don't have to have any extra spending money. God forbid if they have access to some spare change and can buy a candy bar for a snack.

My bet is burger/fries/coke once per day and the occasional candy bar will make your kid fat. I'm not arguing your point really. If they're small kids, its your fault, if they're older kids, it's your fault for not instilling better habits.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [WebSwim] [ In reply to ]
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I finally saw the movie last weekend, and it was really good and funnny!! But it was frightening and sad at the same time. The situation now with kids and the power of TV and advertising for fast food is all unbelievable and pretty bad. I am glad I saw this movie.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Khristine] [ In reply to ]
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"The situation now with kids and the power of TV and advertising for fast food is all unbelievable and pretty bad."

Don't forget parents who are asleep at the wheel.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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"Don't forget parents who are asleep at the wheel.."

Tibbs, I think it all comes down to what you think about human nature. Do you think most people are lazy, evil, and intentionally malicious? Or, like me, do you think that most people are decent inside, average in most ways, somewhat intelligent, somewhat ignorant, but HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO ALL KINDS OF INFLUENCES?

I think what the movie was trying to say (among other things) was that, sure, you can look at one fat guy and say he is a lazy ass glutton and that his parents were definitely asleep at the wheel when they raised him. But when A VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS (and their children) are becoming obese and dangerously overweight, now ya gotta look at WHY this is happening.

Why RIGHT NOW are all these individual people becoming lazy, evil, and horribly gluttonous? Well, I don't think they are. What I think is that they are being influenced and affected by powerful societal forces that are affecting (and changing) their behaviors en masse.

If you believe anything about biology and evolution, we humans are "wired" to behave in certain ways: one way in scarcity and another way in plentitude. We are also highly "tribal" creatures, highly influenced by our peers (and for a lot of us today, our main peer is the TV) and by a powerful need for acceptance. All these things apply even more so to children.

Yes, yes, don't forget "parents who are asleep at the wheel", but doesn't our massively changing society, lifestyle, media, and culture play an enormous role here?

I say (and I think the film tried to say), yes!

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg/ORD: Jun 14, 04 9:34
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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"Yes, yes, don't forget "parents who are asleep at the wheel", but doesn't our massively changing society, lifestyle, media, and culture play an enormous role here? "

Everything is changing but that is no excuse. I left the military 4 years ago wieghing 176 pounds I now wiegh 220. I got there by medicating myself with the grizzle through the drive through window. I made the choice and I did it to myself. It was me. At know point did I think "Wow this stuff is good for me." No one does. We do it anyway for thousands of reasons. I do not believe that anyone in this country thinks that fast food is good for you. It's fast and easy and tasty. We have made the choice conviences is more important than health. Same reason why we smoke, it feels good.

My point is that adults will do what adults will do but kids can be protected from advertising by parents but these parents are not making the effort to save thier kids. They take the easy way out and shovel the shit down the kids throats to shut them up.

In the end of the day no one can make you do what you don't want to do.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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I think it's all the hydrogenated oils. That damn stuff is in everything! And, some research seems to indicate that these fats aren't processed properly by the body (that is, they are man-made fats which our bodies haven't learned over the millenia to process). I have no idea if there is real science behind any of this, or if it's just some internet conspiracy. Here is what I do know:

I was 6'0" 165 and even though I was eating "right" and exercising (running at least 40 mpw), I could not lose weight. I desperately wanted to get back down to 155 or so, which I consider to be my best race weight. I didn't want to starve myself because I have to be able to train, right? Cutting a few calories just left me tired and out of energy, and that didn't work with training. So I cut all the hydrogenated oils out of my diet and presto, I have been losing weight. In fact, I've lost like 8 pounds in two months, and I haven't added any workouts nor am I eating any less. Weird but true.
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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Headline from the Onion:

"Michael Moore Kicking Self For Not Filming Last 600 Trips To McDonald's"


Anyone who tells you they're as fast now as they were when they were 18...
sure wasn't very fast when they were 18.
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