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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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I live it. I know exactly what he was talking about. Nothing new. Everybody already knows what he is saying.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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So NOTHING about it got you thinkin'?

Wow, you are one pretty knowledgable guy, at least far more than me.

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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Most disturbing part is where they show the picture of Jesus to the kids and they have no idea who it is, then they show the picture of Ronald MeDonald and they all know who he is.

Now that is a f$%ked up commentary on our society.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [crzyfrm2xIM] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, the irony was amazing.

Wonder what ol' J.C. would have thought of the McDonalds machine?

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Cyborg42] [ In reply to ]
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"I seem to be way more strict about this stuff than other parents we know"

Good for you.

It surprises me to - the lackadaisical attitude of some/many parents towards what their kids eat. Of course the parents don't help themselves or their kids by not eating healthy themselves. I think beyond what you eat it's the role modelling that you do that is just as important. And also the attitude - its' food, and not to make a big deal about it.

It astounds me with all of the information out there about what is healthy to eat, that my six year old son is sent home with a letter from his Grade 1 teacher about suggestions for a healthy lunch. I know what that is and he is always sent to school with a healthy lunch, but it would seem that enough parents in the class don't seem to know this. That's scary!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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It was a good movie I like the dudes humor I just didn't learn anything new. I have been medicating myself with that junk for 3 years. Sometimes 4 times a day depending on how depressed I was. You don't eat this stuff and not think hard and heavy about what it is doing to you. It doesn't taste like beef so you know there is some "stuff" in the pattie and you feel like total shit after eating.

As far as the company goes yeah they are going to market addresivly to kids but I will stand behind the fact that parents need to act like parents and say no. As far as adults go I have no one to blame for the extra 55 pounds than myself. It's my fault. I did it.

I think everyone should see this movie because it is a fair movie and well done.

I have no love for the fast food chains. If they shut down tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear as lond as they closed down do to lack of buisness.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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Myself and my sister saw it last week (only opened here in Oz then) and thought it was great.

She found this article on the web afterwards, about a school principal who banned grap food from her school. Less visits to school doc, less disciplinary issues and better test scores.

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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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what is disturbing, well, no - funny to me is the way people seem to be so enthralled with film. i mean, i worked at a mc donalds some 20 odd years ago. even as a stupid ass appropriately chemically enhanced child of the 70's i knew mc-d's was crap food, made in totally dubious fashion, marketed by guys more savvy than the guys who had the keys to the nuclear missle silo's, hell bent on conquering every spare dime in america even back when sam walton was delivering papers.

what, this shit is NEWS to you guys ??

what a stupid concept for a movie. what is next for this pulitizer genius. will he do a documentary where he stares at the sun and his eyes hurt?
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [t-t-n] [ In reply to ]
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never change...never change...

"your horse is too high" - tigerchik
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [ms6073] [ In reply to ]
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Give me a break. I'm sure it's a funny movie, and anyone who eats nothing but super-size fries/hashbrowns 3x a day without doing an offsetting amount of exercise will definitely gain weight, but:

1. We Americans are obsessed with worrying and blame assessment -- now that tobacco has been punished (note that Japanese & Mediterraneans still have the longest life expectancy rates despite lighting up like crazy), carbohydrates and meat products are next. "It wasn't me or my fat lazy habits, it was the Spam! Grab the yellow pages, let's find a greedy lawyer and sue Hormel!".

2. McDonalds and most burger joints offer plenty of lower-fat alternatives. The dude could have super-sized his grilled chicken sandwich, salads, etc. His choice to go for the hardcore stuff.

3. I recall seeing a thread on the letsrun.com disscussion forum regarding a guy who was disgusted with this McD bashing and decided to use his own 30-day test: eat nothing but McDonalds (mainly the healthier items) and also begin an exercise program. Result after 30 days: they guy lowered his bad cholesterol, raised the good, and lost 5 pounds. So there.

4. I admit I have a lousy diet. I eat McD, KFC, or worse at least 3x per week b/c I want a fast, cheap, filling lunch that tastes good. And you know what? I've been doing this over the last year and have lost 15 lb in the same time frame (183cm and 68kg, 11% body fat). I would prefer to eat more healthy stuff (please, buy me a range-raised chicken, fresh herbs, and blueberry / whole wheat low-fat dessert ingredients, then come over to my house and cook them for me, then do the dishes, then sort the leftovers/shopping bags into the mandatory recycle bins in my apartment building at exactly 9:45pm tonight when I'm home after working all day followed by swim workout).

5. McD gives us what we (as paying consumers who vote with their wallets) want. Actually, I would prefer that they offer range-raised alternatives, more vegetables, etc. If more Americans felt like me, they would. It's economics.

6. Let's not give the death penalty to Ronald McDonald yet. "Slow-cooking", range-raised organics, etc. are great, if you are a high-income person with free time to spare, these are worthy options. Likewise sushi, etc.

7. The actual reasons (I humbly submit, not saying it's good or bad) for our expanding US waistlines are: (1) over-stressed working lives, and (2) both spouses in the labor force. Re (1), I'm not sure we are really better off now with our productivity gains, 24hour communication tools, instant teleconferences, etc. Was it more sane when everyone worked M-F 9-5? Re (2), with both parents working full-time, traditional "slow-cooking", buying fresh fruits/vegetables/grains, etc. becomes difficult.

Just my thoughts.
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [Glacier] [ In reply to ]
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No shit, give me a break as well. I cannot believe so many people are falling for this crap. I have not seen the movie but given all the hysteria, I can save that money for a trip to McDonalds instead.

Question; Does this guy eat everything on the menu, or just big macs and french fries? There are some decent choices at Mc Donalds, right? I mean how about a diet coke, a veggie burger and a salad with low-fat dressing?

Or, are people going to start tripping out that the veggie burger was made with ingredients that are not 100% organic and harvested by people that don't make minimum wage, have medical insurance or access to public housing?

And, this shit about the salads being worse than the burgers!! Who is putting a gun to your head telling you to fuck up a perfectly good salad by soaking it with dressing?

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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"Who is putting a gun to your head telling you to fuck up a perfectly good salad by soaking it with dressing?"

The advertisers. Look it's not our fault. The TV tells me what to do and like everyone else I have to do it.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [Glacier] [ In reply to ]
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The overweight and obesity problem in North America and the ensuing health issues associated with that can be very easily summed up:

It'a all about calories in and calories out!

Over the past 30 years the portions that people consume both in restaurants and at home have increased significantly. By contrast the amount of physical activity that people get on a daily basis has decreased significantly. What does that mean - across the board people of all shapes, sizes, races, and socio-economic status will gain weight. It's really straight forward.

Everyone wants to blame someone else for this but it's as simple as reducing the number of calories that you consume each day and increasing the number of calories that you burn each day. Note that on the calorie burning side, we are not talking about working out like a madman all day, it's about leaving the car at home and walking or cycling( like people did 30 years ago). It's about taking the stairs and not the elevator. It's about getting out and playing with our kids. It's about turning the TV off and putting the video games down doing something else more active.

My grandfather lived to 85 years old smoking nearly 2 packs of cigrettes a day. He did not "workout" a day in his life, but he was very physically active. He ate moderate, basic and healthy meals He loved to walk. He was always outside working on something around the house and the cottage. He worked most of his life as a labourer and shipper. Lung cancer, not surprisingly took him in the end, but his doctor said that he was in extraordinarily good health otherwise. If not for the cigerettes he may have lived to be 100!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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>>I live it. I know exactly what he was talking about. Nothing new. Everybody already knows what he is saying. <<

I can't agree with this. I studied nutrition in college and am well aware of the nutritional problems with McDonald's in a general way. And I consider myself a pretty aware, involved, and concerned parent. But here are a few things I learned about from the movie:

1) The disturbing trends in portion size.

2) The perniciousness of the advertising directed to kids.

3) The horryfying state of school lunch programs.

4) The extent of the physical damage this kind of diet can cause, this was way more rapid and dramatic than I would have expected.

5) The powerful effect on mood that eating like this regularly can have.

6) How fat Texas is. (kidding)

I was happy to take my 10 year old son to see it. He has always made good food choices, without any prodding from me, but I hope these messages will stay with him through middle and high school when he may find himself in more and more situations where the bad choices way outnumber the good.

Last edited by: Cyborg42: Jun 11, 04 14:13
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [crzyfrm2xIM] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Most disturbing part is where they show the picture of Jesus to the kids and they have no idea who it is, then they show the picture of Ronald MeDonald and they all know who he is.

Now that is a f$%ked up commentary on our society.
Maybe the kids were Jewish? Why is it odd that someone might not know who Jesus was (supposedly)? I dont get it? The thought that our society owes any debt of grandure to Jesus is as misplaced as thinking that our society has a debt to Gen. Robert E. Lee. Who did more to form this country? I would have to say Lee...I could not however pick him out of a photo lineup...unless he was in a bright orange car.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [crzyfrm2xIM] [ In reply to ]
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Most disturbing part is where they show the picture of Jesus to the kids and they have no idea who it is, then they show the picture of Ronald MeDonald and they all know who he is.


What's Jesus supposed to look like anyways? We don't have any pictures of him. No paintings of him from that point in history. Jesus the person- try to draw him, and you end up with a generic Middle Eastern-looking fellow. Only way you can tell is by drawing the man within the context of something recognized within a given Christian denomination (on the cross, sacred heart, etc.) and assuming the viewer sees the context around the man.
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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If you read "Fast Food Nation", it talks a lot about how food actually gets from the fields to our table, specifically with respect to McDonald's, and how many hands, hormones, subsidies, etc., are involved. It's fascinating.

What's equally interesting is that it singles out In-n-Out Burger as an example of how this food can still be produced economically without quite as many artificial and questionable additives being thrown into it. Doesn't mean it's healthy by any margin, I mean, a double-double is still a cleaned-up Big Mac, but man is it tasty. But it's clearly a better tasting meal, cheaper (!?), and marginally less crappy for you. If McDonald's could reduce the assembly-line aspect of their food, they might be able to charge a little more and make more money, instead of relying on blanketing the nation/world with stores, and adding things like the McGriddle...

I worship at the altar of In-n-Out, at least when I'm in CA.

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" - Benjamin Franklin
"Don't you see the rest of the country looks upon New York like we're left-wing, communist, Jewish, homosexual pornographers? I think of us that way sometimes and I live here." - Alvy Singer, "Annie Hall"
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Cyborg42] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Leigh,

I was considering taking my soon-to-be 9yr old daughter to see it. What did you think after taking your kid? Were there any parts that were inappropriate for kids?


"That's not a medical test! That's how you hypnotize a chicken!"
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Your Name Here] [ In reply to ]
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I thought it was fine for kids. His girlfriend does talk about how he's not performing very well in the sack, but I'm not one to shelter my kid from all sexual references (except that twisted veiw of sex Hollywood promotes!!).

He had a great "gross-out" during the puking scene.

Only thing I would say, it is a documentary and may not entirely hold her attention.

Last edited by: Cyborg42: Jun 11, 04 14:14
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Re: 'Supersize Me' movie [trio_jeepy] [ In reply to ]
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Mr. Jeepy, when I make it out to your area an In-n-Out burger dinner is on me.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Greg/ORD] [ In reply to ]
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I'm all for McDonalds-bashing! But don't you touch Burger King!

Bent Olav Olsen, recreational triathlete?
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Cyborg42] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the info, Leigh.

Just a thought, does "SuperSize Me" = "Scared Straight" for fast-food addicts?


"That's not a medical test! That's how you hypnotize a chicken!"
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Your Name Here] [ In reply to ]
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"Just a thought, does "SuperSize Me" = "Scared Straight" for fast-food addicts?"

Sort of. But I think what a lot of people really miss is that it is NOT really about McDonalds. It is more a parody and examination of American, Western(?), modern(?), world (?) culture, our habits, our values, and where we seem to be going (nowhere too fantastic).

And while it educates and examines, it tries (and succeeds pretty damn well) to be very funny--for those of us that have no problem laughing at ourselves.

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Mcdonalds getting better [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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Unless you're some kind of sicko control freak, eventually your kids will make their own decisions. They will be able to choose junk food at school and watch out for open campus lunches in high school.

You've already said they whine and cry for the happy meals, so I know where I'd lay my money if I had to bet on what they'd choose.
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