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Training by time/distance or both...
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I see many Tri training plans are based on time but many running and swiming plans are based on distance. Is one better than the other? Do you go by distance or time for your workouts and why?

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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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I usually train based on time. That is variable that I have more control over. The only workout that is distance based is my commute to work.

My running is done on trails with only a watch to know what time it is. My swimming is done in a river where I do not make forward progress. My cycling is non-existant right now, but normally it is based on what my training partners are doing (this is my long hard ride day only).

Here is me swimming with a colleague at lunch.


Reverend Dr. Jay
Lake of the Pines Triathlon fastest bike course record holder - Golden State Super Sprint fastest tri course record holder - Wildflower Long Course slowest run course record holder (4:46:32)

"If you have a body, you are an athlete." -Bill Bowerman
Last edited by: Styk33: Sep 27, 06 21:55
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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [Styk33] [ In reply to ]
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that's an awesome swim video - a natural endless pool. I hope you know how lucky you are to have a place like that to swim :)
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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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Alway's time... I have to be able to tell the family I'm going out for x-hours and I'll be back by Y-time...

Why? If a training plan say's ride 20 miles and I only have 1 hour to do it in (because of family commitments) and I get a flat half way through, and I get home and have only riden 17 miles I feel as though I didn't complete my workout...

Either way... I was still out for an hour and feel different about a workout.
Last edited by: TargetGoingLong: Sep 28, 06 4:38
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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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I used to train by distance only. I now train by time. I find that it is easier to keep a flexible schedule (kids, work, spousal cimmittments) if I just know that this week requires 18 hours vs. 10000m of swimming, 300k biking, 60k running etc. I don't think that one way is better than the other and usually I know what my distance totals are even though I just keep track of the time.
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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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I train by time. Body knows time and intensity.

And, within a reasonable margin of rror, if I need to I can guesstimate how far I've gone based on time.

mmm-mmm-Momo Charms
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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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I train by distance. An IM is 2.4/112/26.2 fixed distance, why not prepare for it using fixed known distances? Not to mention the absurdity of running a fixed 2.5 hour time...for an elite that's >27 miles...for a slug like I used to be that's 12.5 miles. Silly.

It's way easier to fudge when running by time, and impossible to really judge relative performance unless you use a GPS. Otherwise you can't really tell how far you have gone and how fast unless you are lucky enough to have a clearly and regularly marked running path. For the rest of us, specific waypoints with known distances (3.5 miles to the water fountain, +1.56 miles to the intersection, +1.56 back, +3.5 home = 10.1 miles) is the only way to go.

Same thing with the bike, it's 20.15 miles round trip to one intersection near my house. I can easily judge my relative performance on this segment compared to previous days if I ride the whole distance. Anything else just doesn't make much sense.

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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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Don't be rigid, use both. There are times when distance is appropriate, there are times when time is appropriate. Some workouts it is better to have a time goal, others a distance. It's not an argument of time vs distance. Time is the easier variable to control though.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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I train by time, I couldn't gage my training properly when I was training by distance


There are those who try, and those who du, there is no tri, only du

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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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I'd have to agree on both. It really depends on the person and the goal of the session. If you're a person who always pushes the pace no matter what the schedule calls for, training simply by time can remove many of the pressures that lead one to go too hard as there are no splits to meet. Likewise, when athletes only train by heart rate and time, they don't develop a keen sense of their pacing, a key to optimal performance. I use both depending on the day and the goal of the session.

Dig It Triathlon and Multisport
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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [RkyMtnRocket] [ In reply to ]
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When I made my first go-around in this sport, I trained by distance. I knew the distance of all my run routes, the pool was a known length, and I had the bike computer.

Now, not knowing the length of my run routes, I just go by time. I could get a Garmin, or just deal with the hassle of the Timex arm GPS unit (hate that thing), but time will always be there.

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Re: Training by time/distance or both... [all] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for all your input. I don't plan on only doing one type of training but I was looking info on what should be my focus. It sounds like the majority of my workouts should be time based. I would have to throw in a few distance based ones to gage my progress.

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