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Endurance Event- Can't Eat???
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I'm NEW to triathlon this year and have completed three events- (2) Sprints and (1) Olympic. In addition to triathlon, I've done two Century bike rides with a group of fast veteran roadies. During my two Century rides I've been very concerned with how my body reacted throughout the day. I'm working towards a 1/2 IM in 2007 and a full IM in 2008.

My body reacted the same during both rides. My pre-ride meal (3 large all natural waffles w/maple syrup) 2.5 hrs before the start was fine followed by a Cliff bar 1hr. before start and a FRS Energy Drink 1/2 hour before ride. During the entire ride I had no problem taking in fluids. The problem is eating! Once I started, I had no appetite whatsoever. I wasn't nauseous, just had to force myself to eat 2 pieces of bread at the first 25 mile rest stop. At the 50 mile rest stop I couldn't stomach anything, not nauseous, just couldn't eat. I forced myself to eat a bag of goldfish crakers and a fig newton. The same point on both rides at mile 65 or so I started to bonk a little. Then, like the flip of a switch, I felt ravenous for food! At the 75 mile rest stop I ate great and had to force myself to stop. I then felt great through the finish. Afterwards, It was right back to not being able to eat for 3-4 hours, I just couldn't stomach eating anything, then, like the flip of a switch flet ravenous.

I'm worried about my nutirition for a 1/2 or full ironman. I know this is a rather scientific type question but can anyone give me any input based on similar experiences or exactly what they think may be happening to me during these longer events.

I guess they were right when they said the 4th discipline in Triathlon is Nutrition!
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Re: Endurance Event- Can't Eat??? [mseanschmidt] [ In reply to ]
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Try experimenting with different stuff that's easy to carry. Gels, bars, shot bloks/sport beans are all options that are fairly easy to eat while riding and usually taste pretty good. Also, maybe try eating a little lighter breakfast to start so there isn't a huge amount in there you're trying to digest. Once you find a few gels you like, you can get quick calories and some electrolytes back in before you start feeling bad. One of my buddies doesn't even carry water anymore, just two large bottles of gatorade endurance (or similar). Eventually, you'll find something you can stomach and be fine.

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Re: Endurance Event- Can't Eat??? [unclegimpy] [ In reply to ]
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amen to a smaller breakfast, most people eat 350-400 or so calories for a normal breakfast. so why on race day do they eat much more as much.
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Re: Endurance Event- Can't Eat??? [mseanschmidt] [ In reply to ]
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You'll just need to experiment. I've found I can't handle solid foods while working out, so I rely almost entirely on gatorade, and supplement with CarboPro if I need extra calories. Also you can try gels + water if that is more appealing. There are lots of options to explore: Infinit, Hammer, etc. depends on what you can stomach, how much hassle you want to go through to get your nutrition (ie mail order vs grocery store).

Also realize that when you push really hard, your body has trouble also dealing with digestion on top of the demands of exercise. So you may need to slow down to avoid a bonk later, and you can help train your stomach to deal with both at the same time (to some degree).

Suffering on the the bike is always more fun than suffering on the run.
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