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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [House] [ In reply to ]
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Ouch...poor Papa John. I just resumed one of my favorite runs as "The Flasher" has apparently moved. I used to run by this guy's house (in rural PA). I knew he was kinda weird but I had NO idea until one day he earned his new name..."The Flasher". YUCK. I watched the house for over a year. Someone new lives there now. Thankfully, I can use one of my favorite roads again!
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [gottabekidding] [ In reply to ]
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: )

I know that guy!!! I would have driven through that light if he was kicking my door : )

Remember the drink cup that was thrown at us when we were pre-riding the Grenlefe Duathlon race course? Came from a van, I think. That was a long time along. You rode your disc with nearly a flat for the entire pre-ride.

Can you tell I'm bored silly here. I have too many employees, I have nothing to do : )

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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [ms6073] [ In reply to ]
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"he bottle was simply bouncing around in the truck bed or was on top of one of those truck bed storage boxes and came off at an inoppurtune moment as the truck passed? "

Not a chance. The trajectory had too much force behind it. I am confident that it was meant to hit us (or scare us).

~ AB ~
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Karma would have this fellow later driving through those same tacks he threw on the road and getting a flat tire. What makes him think he is "safe" from the same fate he wished to heap on you? This gives absolute proof he is a "real rocket scientist!"

Ben Cline

Better to aspire to Greatness and fail, than to not challenge one's self at all, and succeed.
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [zipp] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah Paul,

I remember that one too. HOW THE HECK R U?

My most recent incident was a week ago while riding to my Saturday morning ride. This lady on her cell phone, ran a red light to make a left turn to beat a train. I had the right of way with a green light before the cross beams came down. She didn't want to wait and pulled her illegal left turn direclty in front of me. I had to slam on brakes and skid to avoid hitting her broad-side. Apparently she didn't see me at all, which I find odd because I wear a flame orange top and bottom, reflective ankle strips, lights for and aft. She never slowed or acknowledged she had done anything unusal. I did notice she was on the phone, so that tells a lot right there.

I wonder how many people have been killed or injured either directly or indirectly related to the cell phone. Hmm.

~ AB ~
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Tom, what's the story on the car plowing through your shop? Not the new one I hope.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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A car did indeed plow into a store- but not my new one. It was the Oriental rug store across the street. Here is the full story in nauseating detail:


Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, just another afternoon in sleepy Dearborn, eh!

Good work, Trooper Demerly.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [trailbait] [ In reply to ]
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"Last night while I was out riding some guy who must have been drunk..."


As Iron Sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another.
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [IronmanDan] [ In reply to ]
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"Last night while I was out riding some guy who must have been drunk..."[/reply]


That's very funny!

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Jim] [ In reply to ]
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re: agressive drivers, dogs

i ride with a frame pump under my top tube. In tense situations it quickly becomes an aluminum and plastic dog/window/redneck threatener.

i've only been confronted once by a non-canine. i pulled over, got off my bike and stood, sweaty, muscular and calmly silent holding my pump like a club. He got out of his truck and spewed profanity, but didn't come within 10 feet. Quickly gave up - no real response from me other than my standing ready to lay a beat down on him worked nicely. I was back on my bike inside of 2 minutes and avoided the 'bike vs car' calculus.

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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [gottabekidding] [ In reply to ]
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I have noticed what I believe to be a direct correlation between cyclist-directed road rage and rednecks.

Also, I'm trying to think before flipping the bird, etc. My wife tells me to be a "Budda behind the handlebars." I know she's right, but it shure is hard to keep the middle finger in the holster.
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Not as bizarre as you but yesterday I was riding home and someone threw a large styrofoam cup full of ice and hit me on the side of the head with enough force to knock me off my bike. I had no idea what hit me (at the time) but it felt like a 2x4 across the head.

A driver behind stopped and helped me up but did not get a good look at those responsible. No damage done but it's a good thing I had a helmet on, it would have hit me right on my left ear.

It was a waste of a perfectly good cup of ice, on a very hot day.

I showed them.


You sir, are my new hero! - Trifan 11/13/2008

Casey, you are a wise man - blueraider_mike 11/13/2008

Casey, This is an astute observation. - Slowbern 11/17/2008
Last edited by: Casey: Jul 26, 06 16:21
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [IronmanDan] [ In reply to ]
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I must be the drunk one because I don't even remember that!
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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Not as bizarre as you but yesterday I was riding home and someone threw a large styrofoam cup full of ice and hit me on the side of the head with enough force to knock me off my bike. I had no idea what hit me but it felt like a 2x4 across the head.
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Strangest or worst thing that was ever thrown at me was some lit fireworks. They were tossed out of a pickup by some drunken rednecks while I was riding on the 4th of July holiday. I didnt realize what they were at first when they bounced between me and the rider in front, but when they detonated I nearly shat my shorts and ran off the road!

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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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While odd I have that beat. Last year while riding 5:00am one day I am cruising along in the bike lane. I have a light on but it's only good for about 20' or so. Not really paying attention I look up and see something right in front of me. I swerve at the last moment and just miss it. "It was an alligator in the bike lane. My heart rate is still 10 bpm higher than normal.

Richard Nixon, Fit2Tri Multisport Inc.
Discount code, slowtwithch
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Buzzykill] [ In reply to ]
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I'm with you on this. I am an advocate of utter restraint when dealing with road rage. I never make gestures. I don't even acknowledge the antagonist. I just keep on going....

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [Irondicknixon] [ In reply to ]
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Whoa. Yeah, you absolutely have me beat on that one. That's crazy.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [House] [ In reply to ]
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I have been fortunate in my 20 years of riding and never had anything thrown at me.

My streak was broken this year. I've been on the 'hit' part of a hit & run, the end of a cig flick, and I've had a rock & a sandwich chucked at me. Yeah a sandwich, like what is that going to do!? LOL My guess is that the sandwich was thrown low as a distraction because as soon as I looked down the rock was coming at my head. To add insult to injury I snapped a good chain trying to chase down those chuckers. Talk about adreniline. That chain saved them from getting a front rim around their neck or me from getting popped by a pistola. Who knows. They say things come in 3's so I hope that I have had my share because if there is a next time it will be difficult for me to refrain from becoming barbaric.

I am beginning to think the bright colors are not to help people see us on the road, instead they think it's a big ol' bullseye! LOL and I used to laugh at the old-heads that keep a battery or 2 in their jersey pocket.

A while back a farm dog hopped a fence and gave chase. I was gassed so I barked back (really loudly) and he took off. The passing car found it hillarious.

"In the blocks you're a prisoner, the gun releases you."
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Re: A rather bizarre incident this morning.... [manonfire] [ In reply to ]
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State Road Race in Tennessee 3-4 years ago, I am racing and a truck coming the other way throws a staplegun and hits a rider in the face. Many of us didn't know until the race was over. A car following the pickup got the drivers license plate. Unfortunatly for the driver, one of the racers was a district attorney in the county and prosecuted. He ended up getting 11 months and 29 days (which is the max for county jails in tennessee). It was nice to see justice done. A staplegun in the face at 40 miles an hour could kill you easily.

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Re: Strange things in the road - a tiger! [ In reply to ]
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After hearing about the alligator, just have to throw in last weeks experience. Riding along in a pack of about 15 at a leisurely pace. Suddenly everyone starts moving to the left to avoid 'something'. Turns out that something was a tiger...which had been hit by a truck and somewhat flattened. Wasn't full size, about quite large dog size, but was a tiger. Guess I should mention that we were riding in Malaysia at the time!

"Oh man, it's going to take days to kill all these people!" - Jens Voigt
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