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Cycling Trip
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Anyone have any good advice for doing a cycling/camping trip? I'll be in Yellowstone and the Tetons for 10 days. Not sure how to expect to feel. First I've never cycled that many days in a row ( 9 days of riding). I am with an organized group which is good. But I haven't really tent camped in years either! I did buy or borrow a good tent, sleeping bag & pad. I'm concerned I will not sleep very well. I migth but some ear plugs. And I'm taking the Tylenol PM with me.

Are there things I should definitley take and things I definitely leave at home......

If you know Yellowstone or the Tetons what should I make sure I see. This is about the only area left in the US I haven't seen so that will be good.
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Re: Cycling Trip [NCCB] [ In reply to ]
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I assume that your question is not about handling the logistics of such an endeavor because it sounds like this is an organized, supported tour. If that is true my one suggestion for a 9 day riding tour would be to bring a big ol' tube of butt cream. Enjoy!
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Re: Cycling Trip [NCCB] [ In reply to ]
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Bring as little as you can get away with. My friends and I do a bike trip every year (Hotels) and new guys always bring to much crap. And the bike is too heavy.
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Re: Cycling Trip [NCCB] [ In reply to ]
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I have a question for people who've done an extended backpacking bike tour...How many pairs of cycling shorts do you bring? Do you wear them more than one day in a row, and how do you do laundry/bathe? NCCB, what is your plan for this?
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Re: Cycling Trip [Triocd] [ In reply to ]
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There's supposed to be laundry/bathing facilities where we will be camping. I was going to take 2 pairs of cycling shorts and 2 pairs of trishorts. The trishorts dry quicker and I figure I can wash them in a sink if I can't find a washing machine. I've always heard it's not good to rewear dirty cycling shorts. Most hotels have washing machines at them as well.
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Re: Cycling Trip [NCCB] [ In reply to ]
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Are you carrying your stuff on the bike, or having it carried for you? My neck starts to really bug me if I sleep in a tent for too many days without a pillow. If someone were carrying my gear, I'd definitely pack a good pillow. If you are lugging, figure out how you will deal with this--inflatable pillow or something that you can stuff with your soft clothing. towel, etc.

Suffering on the the bike is always more fun than suffering on the run.
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Re: Cycling Trip [NCCB] [ In reply to ]
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on my bike trips (its been a while), it always took me at least 3 days to get into the groove. if you ride long/hard or both on day 1, day 2 hurts. day 3 can be better or worse, depending on what you did on day 2. by day 4, i start to feel as if i am actually enjoying it and the effort is not really noticeable.

there is a good chance you will sleep better than you've ever slept before.

be sure to have good bike mitts, good sunglasses and good sweat management tools (whatever you use; bandana, headsweat, etc).

it really all depends on the nature of the "bike trip". there are bike trips that involve 40 miles a day with no panniers and comfy lodges with other people cooking for you. then there are trips that involve 120 miles/day with panniers, food and camping gear through the haute jura, followed by self-cooked single-stove meals. a world apart.
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