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Electrolytes. Concern for a half-marathon?
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Doing a half marathon on Saturday that promises 90-degree weather.

Unfortunately I did not anticipate that kind of heat, and did not train in heat, and...also have not experimented enough with electrolytes.

* In a half marathon distance, would it be sufficient to load up on electrolytes the day before/morning of, or do I also need to take something in during the race? (The race will take me over 2 hours.)

* Accelerade & Cytomax make my tummy queasy, so that is out.

* Of course I can salt my food in the days prior to the race. Although that will take care of the sodium only, not the others. Same with salt tablets.

* I just realized the gels I usually train on (gu) have almost no electrolytes.

There will be a race expo - it's a big HIM race (I'm doing a relay) - is there some product I should seek out at the expo?

I thought I saw somewhere a chart comparing the electrolyte content of various sports products. Maybe it was on the Hammer web site? but I can't find it now.

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Electrolytes. Concern for a half-marathon? [Oleander] [ In reply to ]
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I like plain water to drink and i supplement with ecaps.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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