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Perpetually sore quads?
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I've been on a fairly typical Ironman training schedule since January, preparing for Escape from Alcatraz and ultimately IMFL, and I also do weights twice a week (lower weights & higher reps for legs).

Since just before Alcatraz (June 4) my quads have felt sore and achy - especially walking up stairs. I did 800m run intervals today and my legs felt like they were going to buckle a couple of times.

I took a few days off around Alcatraz, but I am not sure if I need to take some more time off?

Anyone else experience anything like this?
Last edited by: BillyJ: Jun 20, 06 9:13
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Re: Perpetually sore quads? [BillyJ] [ In reply to ]
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Every f%*king day. I always get rid of the leg weights in Feb and they still are sore just from training volume/severity..........but that's what they feel like in a race, so it's good mental toughness practice.

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Re: Perpetually sore quads? [BillyJ] [ In reply to ]
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Probably just too much training, too little recovery. You said you are on a 'typical' IM training program? I've looked at those and my volume is probably about 50-60% of what they suggest. Personally, my body reacts better to quality not quantity and more recovery than the average person. You just have to find out what works for you. If you are training through major soreness, you might be asking for an injury. My two cents.
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Re: Perpetually sore quads? [BillyJ] [ In reply to ]
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I had a similar problem starting last fall when I was in consistent training mode. The aching was isolated in my rectus femoris muscle (the top, center quad) in both legs. When I backed off in November it didn't go away. Finally saw a doctor for it and some other (back and hip) issues in March. He sent me to physical therapy. The PT worked mostly on my low back and it went away completely after 3-4 sessions. I'm back training with no problems (from the quads, anyway).
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Re: Perpetually sore quads? [Hoagy] [ In reply to ]
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That's interesting. I am seeing a PT guy for ITB issues and other minor ailments that go along with this crazy obsession.

He's a very knowledgable guy. I'll ask him about that.
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Re: Perpetually sore quads? [BillyJ] [ In reply to ]
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What about a massage? or one of these http://www.compextech.com/compexusa/

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