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Muskoka Hit and Run
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I just wanna say thanks to the dickhead who hit me at the bottom of the last hill of the bike course yesterday, especially since you had lots of room to pass and there was nobody else near me. Sure I go flying off my bike at 60 kph, but I'm sure you gained a precious 3 seconds on your bike split, congrats. And no it's not necessary to turn around and see if I'm ok, because your aero helmet wasn't designed for that. I understand...

I later found out that you were a roadie which wasn't surprising but the fact that your are also a doctor is quite intertesting. I hope you're banned from future races because as it stands now you've ruined my ironman plans for the summer.

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Re: Muskoka Hit and Run [Larbot] [ In reply to ]
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What exactly happened?

How badly were you hurt?

What did/are the officials doing about it?

Member of the Litespeed Factory Team
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Re: Muskoka Hit and Run [Larbot] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry to hear about your "Hit & run". I hope your recovery is quick & painless (relatively).

BTW - I had a "Near miss" from #183 who felt it neccessary to pass on the inside at the turn around & lock up his rear wheel. He almost took himself out & a few others including me. For what? Sorry for the rant.

Paul "Speedy" Gonsalves

Canadian distributor for HED Cycling, Blue Competition, Akona Biospeed & Aerus Composites

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Re: Muskoka Hit and Run [Larbot] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry to hear about your "Hit & run". I hope your recovery is quick & painless (relatively).

BTW - I had a "Near miss" from #183 who felt it neccessary to pass on the inside at the turn around & lock up his rear wheel. He almost took himself out & a few others including me. For what? Sorry for the rant.

Paul "Speedy" Gonsalves

Canadian distributor for HED Cycling, Blue Competition, Akona Biospeed & Aerus Composites

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Re: Muskoka Hit and Run [Orcaman] [ In reply to ]
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This guy just came by and hit me at the bottom of the last hill (i.e. less than 1 km from transition). He didn't alert me he was trying to get by, and didn't seem phased by the contact which tells me he did it on purpose, especially since he had lots of room to pass.

I got some pretty bad road rash and landed directly on my hip which meant my glutes and quads were spasming for the entire run. I was able to finish the run pretty slowly, but I was under a lot of pain and still am. Fortunately nothing was broken other than my heart rate monitor and some other minor items.

We figured out who the guy was ( a witness had told me his number) and I reported him. I was told he would be DQed but as of now nothing has been done. They haven't even questioned the guy and ended up awarding him an IM Florida spot. I was furious and looked into the matter further this morning and was told unless the witness comes forward (I have no idea who she was), they won't do anything.

Typical of the OAT, I don't know why we have to pay their fees if they don't do their job properly. I would at least expect some type of investigation.
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