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Support the local tri?
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Went to sign up for a local Olympic race and my cart at the end was $266. No thank you. Wish there was an option of no swag tshirt metal etc.
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Re: Support the local tri? [pedal-boy] [ In reply to ]
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Is this a new event? Support by volunteering, then?

Without volunteers it's tough to get anything off the ground, whether it's new or long-established

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Support the local tri? [pedal-boy] [ In reply to ]
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pedal-boy wrote:
Went to sign up for a local Olympic race and my cart at the end was $266. No thank you. Wish there was an option of no swag tshirt metal etc.

sprints in my area are over $300. There are many factors to consider. Is it a correct distance race? 1500m - 40k - 10k ... many local races are using label olympic and really coming short on the distances. Are all the roads closed? Was your price with USAT license and all other addon fees?
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Re: Support the local tri? [pedal-boy] [ In reply to ]
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I can't blame you. I trained for a bit when I found out they had a half-marathon in my hometown and was going to go and run and visit my parents. I went to sign up, admittedly late, and it was $140. For a 90-minute running event. I could not do it.

And yes, I also wish there was a no-swag option as well. I've been doing this a long time and I don't need t-shirts, medals or anything extra.
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Re: Support the local tri? [pedal-boy] [ In reply to ]
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pedal-boy wrote:
Went to sign up for a local Olympic race and my cart at the end was $266. No thank you. Wish there was an option of no swag tshirt metal etc.

That is a joke. Please DO NOT support races like that. They don't have common sense. I do races(tri/swim/duathlon/triathlon/sprint/oly/70.3), bike rallies almost every weekend from spring to fall and $266 is unheard of. They have 'take it or leave it' attitude. Please leave...
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Re: Support the local tri? [s13tx] [ In reply to ]
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Just going out on a limb -- the city is likely charging fees for closures, permits, etc. and the cost is so high that you have an RD saying, "if I'm spending all this time and risk, paying the city, paying insurance, paying suppliers, etc. I'm going to make it worth my while and actually get paid as well."

If the market doesn't want to pay the costs (which includes salary for the event organizer and profit to reinvest in the business) then the market will lose the race.

Totally agree it seems high. And I definitely wouldn't sign myself up at that price, but the other thought I have is:

Does the event offer a bunch of discount codes in the year leading up to the race that essentially ensures most athletes are paying much less, but the late comers and last minute racers really pay the price?

If the race closes down, will another be likely to take it's place that's much cheaper or will the community just lose triathlon altogether? Is you withholding your extra $100 one or two times a year that you perceive being exorbitant worth the cost of losing the race?

Out of curiosity, I looked up the Lavaman olympic distance on Waikoloa. It's $399! You save $24 if you're a resident. What's even more crazy is they charge $200 for youth. I realize that's a 50% discount, but of all the groups to really make low cost it's the kids.
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Re: Support the local tri? [pedal-boy] [ In reply to ]
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Just paid $130 for a local sprint that'll take 50ish minutes & thought it was a little high since it takes place primarily in a state park. The bike sort of circles the park but the roads are shared. You could get me to pay $260 for an Olympic with closed roads. I guess it depends what the local race is offering. If things are pretty equal I like to race local when I can.
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Re: Support the local tri? [pedal-boy] [ In reply to ]
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First race of the local season for me is this weekend in St. Louis. I just signed up last week for olympic distance for $140. The last few of the summer offer 70.3 distance which cost $240. In my opinion it is organized very well with closed roads on a high way. It reminds me of the bike leg of Texas IM except it is about a 6 mile out and back on the highway for 2 loops. There is even 3 aid stations on the run but the bike leg is self sufficient. There is pretty much one every month in the area for the same price put on by the same people and the do a great job.
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