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Saturday Morning experience
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Just want to share my Saturdays experience in my last race. I’m an enthusiast 35-39 AG who has never broke the under 6 barrier. My best was in January IM Pucon, with 6:00:01 (yeah) with the best physical shape of my life.

I have always think that one of the things that were slowing me down was race nutrition, or even training nutrition. I made some research trying to improve that, finding some topics in ST forum in which Dr Alex made some contributions, but always finding myself kindda confused because I have zero background in that topic.

My thing was trying to achieve 90g carbs/hour, looking for the best product out there: SiS Beta Fuel, Maurten gels, never second c90, etc. in Chile, my country, these are very expensive (US$ 7-10 each), so I used to save them for my last trainings before racing and for the race itself.

But one day, Saturday arrives.

Sugar, salt, water and, for flavour, blue Gatorade. Eventually I bought some sodium citrate. And my performance dramatically change.

Long story short, my last 70.3 was Challenge Puerto Varas, swimming in a beautiful lake, rolling hills bike (~700ish m elevation) and semi hilly run (~200 m). The second leg of the bike was very windy, so the speed was lower. Regarding all that, not only I accomplished the sub6 goal, but destroyed my former PB by almost 30 minutes! (5:31:27). The main difference was muy run, also marking a new PB for the 21K ever (even with fresh legs).

The training was almost the same, so the main difference was nutrition. And there, Saturday make a HUGE contribution not only for my performance but also for my pocket.

Now I’m starting a weight reduction phase, so I reduced the max carbs amount from 110 to 90 hour, but I’ll monitoring that. This post was to show you that if your focus is performance, improve your overall felling in training, and avoid the light minded state, Saturday will work. Period.

Thanks dr Alex for this major contribution @drAlexHarrison

Ps: English isn’t my first language, so forgive any mistake that could have been made.
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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Great job with figuring it out.

I had a similar drop in time when i figured out nutrition as well.

It went hand-in-hand with the proper pacing for my ability.

BTW. Your English is pretty good :)
Last edited by: jaretj: Mar 26, 23 18:54
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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I've been using sugar, salt and sometimes BCAAs for flavor - but mostly now sugar and salt - and had my best 70.3 racing this year of my life. Sub 4:30, top 30 at 70.3 worlds, couple podiums, and zero gut issues. The only time I use Maurten gels is on the run course lol. It's been a game changer.

Congrats - huge PR.

DFRU - Detta Family Racing Unit...the kids like it and we all get out and after it...gotta keep the fam involved!
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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Hey so you are saying mix of sugar, salt, water, blue Gatorade and sodium citrate helped you a lot??? Do you have a link to Dr. Alex’s post? I’m very curious.
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [s13tx] [ In reply to ]
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Ive been using the Saturday morning app too and i love it. Just been using sugar and sodium citrate and it has beeb a game changer for me as well
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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I was kinda hoping this would be about watching cartoons while on the treadmill/trainer

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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I too am a new disciple in the Temple of the Speed Nectar.

Since I started making and using it, my carb intake during workouts has gone up, and sodium intake has gone from almost nothing to a gram per hour.

Result (n=1 and a good deal of subjectivity in this judgment): recovering from workouts much faster, eating less between workouts (no more giant meals! especially in the evening) and I think, slowly losing weight despite doing literally nothing "to lose weight".

s13tx wrote:
Hey so you are saying mix of sugar, salt, water, blue Gatorade and sodium citrate helped you a lot??? Do you have a link to Dr. Alex’s post? I’m very curious.

The recipe is in the Saturday Morning app. It's not a secret. Water, salt, sugar and flavor. Quantities will depend on your needs and whether you use salt (sodium chloride) like 99% of us or sodium citrate. If you add a lot of Gatorade or anything else, then also consider the carbs and sodium contained in it. A tablespoon of sugar is about 15 g of carbs and the fructose/glucose proportion is 1:1, so just about ideal. Try the app, it calculates everything for you depending on workout duration and intensity and you can choose whether to see quantities in grams, ounces, tablespoons, etc.

I'm in a camp right now and used no flavor for the first two days, just sugar (3-4 tablespoons per bottle) and salt. The taste is like 7/10, so remarkably good, given the ingredients.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: Mar 27, 23 6:30
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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kajet wrote:
The recipe is in the Saturday Morning app. It's not a secret. Water, salt, sugar and flavor. Quantities will depend on your needs and whether you use salt (sodium chloride) like 99% of us or sodium citrate. If you add a lot of Gatorade or anything else, then also consider the carbs and sodium contained in it. A tablespoon of sugar is about 15 g of carbs and the fructose/glucose proportion is 1:1, so just about ideal. Try the app, it calculates everything for you depending on workout duration and intensity and you can choose whether to see quantities in grams, ounces, tablespoons, etc.

I'm in a camp right now and used no flavor for the first two days, just sugar (3-4 tablespoons per bottle) and salt. The taste is like 7/10, so remarkably good, given the ingredients.

Hey, thanks a lot!!! I thought you had a good training last Saturday morning. LOLOL!! I will definitely check the app and I was able to find Dr. Alex's articles and already read the first one. I will read all of them for sure. Again, thanks!!!!
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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Great job OP.

I think too many people neglect nutrition in both training/racing. The popular/marketed stuff can be expensive but, to some extent, calories are calories. You see people eating all kinds of things on the bike in training. Whatever is in budget that your stomach can handle should be implemented in training. It'll help with performance, but also with recovery.
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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I can't agree more with your post! My weakness has always been longer rides/events and Dr Alex and the app have helped me make a huge imrovement in how I feel on the bike in the 3rd and 4th hour plus I don't feel like death warmed over the day after!

I also agree your english is pretty good!

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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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For weight loss, set the Satiety vs. Performance setting as far towards satiety as possible. It will still fuel performance just fine. But it'll help with weight loss. PS. thanks for such kind words, and major congrats on the PR.

Dr. Alex Harrison | Founder & CEO | Sport Physiology & Performance PhD
📱 Check out our app → Saturday: Pro Fuel & Hydration, a performance nutrition coach in your pocket.
Join us on YouTube → Saturday Morning | Ride & Run Faster and our growing Saturday User Hub
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Re: Saturday Morning experience [Osciozo] [ In reply to ]
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Great article on the front page on how to figure out the glucose and fructose content based on reading labels https://www.slowtwitch.com/...tion_Facts_8651.html. Easy to understand.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: Apr 1, 23 0:29
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