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Lubricating cables and housing
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How much and what kind of lube is good for installing new cables and housing. Anyone ever re-use cables and housing after just cleaning them, if it looks to be in good condition?


"When I first had the opportunity to compete in triathlon, it was the chicks and their skimpy race clothing that drew me in. Everyone was so welcoming and the lifestyle so obviously narcissistic. I fed off of that vain energy. To me it is what the sport is all about."
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Re: Lubricating cables and housing [Tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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I change cables once per year. This sounds excessive, but ever since I have utilised this practise, I have not broken a cable in G'd knows how long. Inners are cheap. I do not re-use housings, either. They aare cheap enough to replace yearly, as well. I amalso the dude that re-tapes my bars after only a few thousand miles. Fresh cables and tape feel so good.

I just use what I lube my bearings and threads with: Phil Wood grease. I just put a little on a finger and pull the cable through my pinched finger. I do this AFTER I pre-cut the cable and soldered the end of the cable.
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Re: Lubricating cables and housing [bunnyman] [ In reply to ]
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If you ride in the cold I wouldn't lube them. Clean works regardless of temperature.
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Re: Lubricating cables and housing [caleb] [ In reply to ]
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True. My bike never gets in weather under 50 degrees F.
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Re: Lubricating cables and housing [Tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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I'm generally using teflon coated cables now, which I run dry.

I only reuse housing if it was only used for a short while-- an experiment with position, change in bars, etc. For the yearly overhaul, it's new cables and housing.
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