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do you care?
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I suppose this would be somewhat of a follow up question following the bode miller story: One thing that struck me as interesting about that story, was the fact that he didn't really care if he won or not, but simply if he had the "perfect" run. In essence, he isn't that interested in going out and smoking the competition, so much as he is looking to go out and have the perfect "moment".

Does anybody here race that way? (particularly some of you faster guys?) Are you simply out there to have the perfect race, however you may define that, or are you looking to just go as hard and fast as possible?

I realize that going super fast and having the perfect race can be linked pretty closely. However, at least in my mind, it would be possible for me to have a perfect race without going as absolutely fast as I can.
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Re: do you care? [dirtrunr] [ In reply to ]
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Or a third (or fouth?) option: the perfect race/moment AND going as fast as you can BUT not caring where that ends up placing you? I suspect that describes a lot of AGers (including me)

"Are you sure we're going fast enough?" - Emil Zatopek
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Re: do you care? [dirtrunr] [ In reply to ]
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everybody has their own idea of perfect. and perfection is fleeting. going as fast as possible might be perfection or it might not, it is up to everyone's own idea as to whether or not that applies.

also, i'm sure there are people out there that are just seeking experience, purpose, which to some could be considered lesser goals than "fast as possible" or "perfection". most people i know don't pursue perfection, but try to go as fast as possible on that given day.

what Bode says is really ironic. he wants a perfect run...i'm sure his idea of perfect far exceeds most ideas of "the perfect run". his quest of perfection, i'm sure, will land him a medal...and it's quite possible he could get a medal and still be disappointed that he didn't have a perfect run. his quest exceeds the medal, that's what most people aren't getting. for him, it's harder to achieve perfection than it is the medal. he's striving for more, but yet, most people think he doesn't care at all...those people have missed the entire point and have an idea of a lower goal than he does. it's not about the medal, it's about something much greater. it's a beautiful thing, he truly has no limits.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jan 13, 06 6:51
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Re: do you care? [dirtrunr] [ In reply to ]
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I don't care if I win or not, I do care that I give it my best. If I don't, them it was a wasted effort.

I saw that interview with Bode. he came off as a fraud to me. He says he doesn't care about the win, or about the money. i felt he was just afraid of failing, afraid of training properly and not succeeding and he does care about the money.
That little shit acted like a little free spirit, not going with the rest of the group, racing with a hangover and saying he does it just for a perfect race.
Then, when he gets called to task for his statements, he starts apologizing to everyone and to the press for not being there for them.
He backtracked and showed what a child he's been.
If he just wants the perfect race, go ski by yourself Bode. Then he doesn't have to worry about the drug test and the corruption of money.
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Re: do you care? [dirtrunr] [ In reply to ]
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That's an interesting question. Guess I don't really care if I win (although it would be nice once in a while). There’s always the possibility that I’ll win an AG award but it really depends on who shows up.

When I was in competitive Karate I would live for the moment, the perfect kata or perfect technique so I can understand what he was after. I think a perfect race or performance of any type is more important than a win, it might not get you any money or fame but it’s good for the spirit.
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Re: do you care? [dirtrunr] [ In reply to ]
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coming from a bike racer's perspective, there is no perfect race as far as effort is concerned. There is 'giving your best', but in my book, the guy who crosses the finish line first, rode the best race. Of course, within the boundaries of the ethical and legal - I don't advocate sitting on somebody's wheel and not working, and then smoking him on the finish line.

I guess what I'm saying is, that I take pleasure in riding a smart race and beating the people I know I can beat. Of course, it's nice to get the feeling I couldn't have turned another crank at the finish line, but if it comes more easily from riding a smart race, I'll take it!

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Re: do you care? [dirtrunr] [ In reply to ]
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On the world class level it can't be "perfect" if somebody beats you. At least that's the way I see it.

I just can't see how Bode Miller or anyone can be pleased if he gets his ass handed to him by someone he should be able to beat.
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