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FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement?
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What might cause a cramp while riding? I have been getting a cramp (mainly in the arch of my right foot) while riding. I bought a new bike and new cleats. I was fit by a pretty decent and knowledgeable shop. Spoke with them about my problem and they didn't think it was cleat placement. What is proper cleat placement? If I were to change shoes how do I know where to place the new cleats? And what else could cause this cramping. I was wearing a thin pair of riding socks. Shoe snugged too tight or too lose? As far as I know I am pretty neutral in the arch area. Never had a problem with other shoes. What are your thoughts?


"You can quit, and no one will care if you do. But you will know."
~John Collins, Ironman founder

Member HED Mafia
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [christian1] [ In reply to ]
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Do you have a leg discrepency, right leg being shorter? I think possibly your seat is too high (I know it's a joke on this board, but seriously) causing problems in your right foot.
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [auto208562] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think my right leg is shorter. Seat being too high? How would I tell? This adds to my already confusing dilemma. Anyone weigh in?


"You can quit, and no one will care if you do. But you will know."
~John Collins, Ironman founder

Member HED Mafia
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [christian1] [ In reply to ]
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I got foot cramps before with the straps being too tight over my instep.
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [christian1] [ In reply to ]
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chris, i got your message. more to come. but about your foot cramp, it is very, very likely the fit of the shoe. or, a slightly more remote possibility is the angle of the cleat. but ya gotta tell us a lot more, like what is your regular street shoe size? what is the size of your cycling shoes? what type and brand of shoes are you having the problem with? and what type and model of pedal system? what do you think about the fit of the shoes? are they roomy? are they tight?

clues like this may help....

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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Greg, looking forward to hearing back from you.

Concerning the shoes they are these (Adidas Vueltano)http://www.nashbar.com/...sku=16133&brand=

I normally wear a 9.5-10 shoe. These are 9.5. They seem to have plenty of room. I have a good thumb with from the end of my big toe to the end of the shoe. There isn't much room for movement when you snug them up though.

I just switched to Look KEO's in November when I got the new bike.

I am looking to replace these shoes this spring with the new Adidas Carbon Tri. I sincerely hope it is just the shoe.


"You can quit, and no one will care if you do. But you will know."
~John Collins, Ironman founder

Member HED Mafia
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [christian1] [ In reply to ]
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Well, the way I figured it out was while on my bike on a trainer or against the wall, without your shoes on and your heels of your feet on the pedal, slightly raise your seat ever so slightly. At a certain point, my right heel still had contact with the pedal while my left did not.

I then dropped the seat to compensate for my 'shorter' left leg and then the cramping and discomfort stopped. It seems I was overextending my left foot/leg to reach the pedal and after many miles of that, the bottom of my foot would cramp up.

This is just what fixed my problem. Yours may be the cleat position or shoe size like everyone else thinks it is.
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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [christian1] [ In reply to ]
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I've had problems with foot cramps in the past and solved them by using Peterson Powerbeds to provide more even support. They mold somewhat to the shape of your foot but may not fit comfortably inside tight shoes. Expensive for what they are, but worth it to me, make most shoes more comfortable.

As for cleat placement, I've found most people have their cleats too far forward, but I've never noticed cleat position causing foot pain. I have my cleats pushed back as far as they can go on most shoes.

As for other issues, most shops don't fit you for foot angle. I'm a big big fan of the LeWedges. Foot angle problems usually show up as sole soreness or knee problems, not cramps. The wedges can also be stacked to compensate for leg length discrepancies.


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Re: FOOT CRAMP--Shoe fit? Cleat placement? [christian1] [ In reply to ]
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Try LeWedge....i rate it as the best cycling related product i have ever purchased and it instantly solved the pain i used to get on the outside of my feet on long rides.....totally worked for me.....look into them.....they work BIG time

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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