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time OFF (not easy, OFF)
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So how many of you take time entirely off during the year, and how long? By off I mean no swim, bike, run, or weights - really off. Just wondering if you think this is necessary and/or beneficial for the average MOPer. - zoe
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [flozert] [ In reply to ]
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zero, I take from Nov-Feb off from cycling, run 50-60 a week and swim 15,000 a week. I refuse to ride indoors on a trainer, plus running is an efficient way to keep the weight off.
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [flozert] [ In reply to ]
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I just ended my 3 weeks of total rest. No swim, no bike, no run, nada. It hurts but the family likes it.


Fuck a duck and try to fly
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [flozert] [ In reply to ]
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I would like to not take time off, but I usually take a week off after races unless the race is just a training day for something else. Also, when I get sick, I'm off for about a week. Also, vacation and 70 hour work weeks. I try to avoid stuff like that, but life happens and I can't help it that much.

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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [triathlete37] [ In reply to ]
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So you run all year then? No problems with injuries? I would love to do that cause it takes me forever to get in good run shape and to lose it and have to get it back again is just annoying. (of course in my best run shape I do about 40-50 a week) but still...
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [flozert] [ In reply to ]
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My last race is in three weeks (TI). After that I will enjoy at least one week of completely nothing, the next week maybe some stretching or other "active" things and then think about getting in a couple swims, bikes or runs the next week.

Rest is extremely important after stressing your body for so long it needs at least a week if not 2 to let it heal and recoup in preparation for the next year, especially from running since that is the most stressfull activity. Rest is where you gain the benifits from you workouts so think of and end of the season break as gaining what you have earned during the season. It can also be a great mental break. After 7-10 days off I am mentally ready for the next season I just want to get out there. Where as toward the end of the year it is easy to skip a workout here and there before your last race.

A break is benificial to everyone, you also want to loose fitness before starting the next year otherwise you can risk burn out early the next year.


"Here's to the finely tuned athlete on the verge of greatness"-Romeo, Tin Cup
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [trirakita] [ In reply to ]
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thanks for the imput. I am doing detroit marathon on sunday, and then nothing big until LP in july. It will be my first IM, so I have no idea how I will handle the training - but it makes sense that at least mentally, a break would be good. I guess what I don't understand is why it is necessary to lose fitness on purpose - I'll just spend more energy getting it back. When you say burn-out, are you talking physical or mental? - zoe
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [flozert] [ In reply to ]
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I just took more than a year off from racing and any form of structured training. I've been active (running, biking, skiing, etc., but zero swimming) but nothing more. I'm just now getting back into a routine, and my first race next spring will be two years after my last. Life kind of got in the way (i.e., we moved to Alaska) but I'm finding my focus, determination, and drive to excel has increased during my off time. I was usually a MOPer on the east coast, sometimes better depending on the race, but if things continue the way they are, I'm hoping to re-enter triathlon in a better position than when I left. Time off from anything, in my opinion, is good.
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Re: time OFF (not easy, OFF) [flozert] [ In reply to ]
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I took four days off to go fly fishing...does that count?
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