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Re: not an aero P3C [ezrahallam] [ In reply to ]
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"I was thinking only 12" I would of taken about 15, luv the gu!

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Re: not an aero P3C [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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I'd suspect that the PC3, with all that crap attached, is still a bit more aero than many other bikes would be with all that crap attached. Similarly, a 20 pound bike with 5 pounds of crap attached is a 25 pound package. A 16 pound bike with 5 pounds of crap attached is a 21 pound package.

Having said all that, I'm more with you than against you in your thinking. I kinda got flamed here a few weeks ago for talking about using a Camelbak system (road specific) under a skin suit for a 1/2 IM relay. That Camelbak can hold the equivalent of 2 large bottles of water and it makes only a modest bulge on the back. I don't think it presents any frontal surface to catch the wind whatsoever. With it, I can strip the bike frame and I can drink easily without reaching or breaking the aero position at all. It makes way more sense to me. Most people objected because of the "dork" factor. That's a ship that's already sailed for most all of us. Others objected because of "comfort issues." Shoot, after 2 minutes, I don't even realize it's there.

Bob C.
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Re: not an aero P3C [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Re: not an aero P3C [psycholist] [ In reply to ]
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<< I'd suspect that the PC3, with all that crap attached, is still a bit more aero than many other bikes would be with all that crap attached. Similarly, a 20 pound bike with 5 pounds of crap attached is a 25 pound package. A 16 pound bike with 5 pounds of crap attached is a 21 pound package. >>

Well when I saw the photo, all I thought of was why carry the gels for whatever weight or aero cost they have, when they GIVE you gels at all the aid stations. With that in mind, now the 16lb bike with 5lbs of crap, is 3 lbs heavier than my 18lb bike!

As far as the 'dork factor'.....damn...I think it's hilarious that a bunch of skinny, shaved leg, bright colored spandex man bra wearing men can say ANYTHING ELSE has a dork factor.....use the camelback....
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Re: not an aero P3C [Bavarian_Frank] [ In reply to ]
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I have the answer. The guy probably trains on GU. GU was not at Kona. This guy knew that GU worked for him. He wanted GU, not something that he wasn't 100% sure would work. This is Kona. You shouldnt leave anything to chance. Especially your nutrition. Perhaps this guy hates the gel that was on the course. Perhaps he knows that gel doesn't work well for him.

Chances are, this guy got going on the bike, and then pulled the gels from the top-tube and put them in his pocket. 3 pockets means 4 gels a pocket. Not a huge amount.

He probably wanted 12 gels thinking he might be out there for 6 hours. The weather was good and he was done in 5. But had he been out there for 6, he'd have a GU for each 30 minutes.

Overkill, I don't think so. This guy was racing in Kona and wanted to make sure he had what he knew worked for him. IMO, it was a smart move so long as he took the few seconds to stick the gels in his pockets.

- Nick
Now that I know some of you guys look through the special needs bags for kicks, I'm gonna put some really weird stuff in mine. I can see it now. "What the heck was he going to do with a family pack of KFC chicken, a football helmet full of peanut butter, a 12 inch rubber dildo, and naked pictures of Bea Arthur?"
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Re: not an aero P3C [Bavarian_Frank] [ In reply to ]
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Comparing this pix with the bike of the race winner ( Faris ) made me think....

Is it all this food really necessary to carry ??? Faris made the IM without carrying anything in the bike or in the body ... eating just what race organizers provided...

Luiz Eng
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Re: not an aero P3C [Leng] [ In reply to ]
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Faris gets a clear shot at food, the masses have to slow or stop.


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Re: not an aero P3C [styrrell] [ In reply to ]
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I like that water bottle holder...

Luiz Eng
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Re: not an aero P3C [Leng] [ In reply to ]
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Not trying to start a political discussion here, but was there any reason a German with Iraqi heritage was riding a bike with and American flag on it? Was it just a "Cannondale-Made in the USA" thing or was there a reason behind it.

I know, I know...why do I hate America....

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: not an aero P3C [Leng] [ In reply to ]
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Like said before, maybe Faris is OK with that gatorade stuff instead of gu....personally I can't stand it so I would of done the same. It's g'ade or the highway when your doing an IM.

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Re: not an aero P3C [Bavarian_Frank] [ In reply to ]
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I just want to know how many of you smart asses biked a 4:55 at Kona last weekend.

It is all engine...All this aero bullshit is over the top.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Hey Jelous People, how about you stop it [ In reply to ]
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last time i checked CHO beat aerodynamics in the conversion for ATP :)

Is it just me or does slowtwitch get funny those days. If this person would have ridden 7.5hrs for the bike we would hear non-stop how slow people with money ride high end bikes. Now we have someone out performing 99% of all people on Slowtwitch and there we go again.

To all the people that constantly talk shit: How does it feel to be jelous?? Jelous for nice bikes, jelous for performance, etc. Tell us, how does it feel?

�The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.� -Michelangelo

MoodBoost Drink : Mood Support + Energy.
Last edited by: theswiss: Oct 18, 05 19:28
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Re: Hey Jelous People, how about you stop it [theswiss] [ In reply to ]
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Felix da Housecat - "What Does It Feel Like? (Royksopp Return To The Sun Remix)"

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: not an aero P3C [Bavarian_Frank] [ In reply to ]
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The flavor mix is interesting.

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Re: not an aero P3C [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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My top tube looks similar when racing, minus the pill box. With the top of each GU taped down, the packet opens when tearing it off the bike. Seems much easier than reaching into the back of a jersey and then ripping the top off with your teeth. I then stuff the empty into the leg off my shorts until the next aid station.

So when you see my bike feel free to make fun of it because I would be out there at least an hour longer.

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Re: not an aero P3C [Jon499] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

As far as the 'dork factor'.....damn.....use the camelback....

All you quarterbacks would be out rushing to buy one if Faris wore a camelback to victory. Oh, and to save you all some time...they don't make carbon versions of camelbacks, so you'll have to settle for whatever your local shop has in stock.

Damn!!! theswiss is right...all you guys bitching about some dude's bike setup when he is faster than you'll ever be - it's ridiculous! This guy rides under 5 at Kona, with a bike full of gels to boot, and you guys pick him apart. Go ride your Cervelo's to 7 hour rides, and see if the same guy picks you apart.

I'm sure he won't - he's probably got more class than that. Either that, or he doesn't care to bother.

Maybe if you all stopped worrying about freakin' aerodynamics, and bitching about the amount of gels on a guy's bike...and started working on the engine (novel idea), you'd approach that level.

It's the engine. Want instant proof? Go in a MTB race on the lightest, most expensive bike you can buy and get your ass kicked by some kid on a wal-mart bike, and maybe you'll understand. Not many people here are actually good enough to be worrying about the precious seconds to be gained by spending ridiculous amounts on aero parts. Certainly there aren't many here worthy of bitching about the setup of some guy that rides sub-5 at Kona...


Hop on a crap bike and ride the hell out of it. Work the engine!!! And stop being so jealous that you need to pick apart faster riders. Riders that qualified, and kicked ass, at Kona nonetheless.
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