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S-bend clip ons...
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Hey all,

now that everyone and their brother has s-bend clip-ons available, has anyone ridden/reviewed/actually seen enough of them to give a decent review of what's out there? Vision "R" bars, Profile, HED, whoever else has them. I'd sure appreciate your advice, pros/cons for whatever you have had the chance to use or see (and I know there is sporadic information on this board spread all over the place but was hoping to get it all in one place)

Thanks a lot in advance.


PS. my plan is to use them most likely with the Vision Basebar, but am still loosely considering the whole Oval a700 thing...thoughts?
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Re: S-bend clip ons... [don] [ In reply to ]
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I have the Hed S-bend clipons and love them. BTW I have them mounted to vision basebars and they work great.
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Re: S-bend clip ons... [konaby2008] [ In reply to ]
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I have the Hed straight carbons (thanks for the quick shipping guys!) and so far they are great. One arm was pretty tight getting in there, but they are strong, light and comfy. Not sure how they got 300g as a weight...mine with the pads were 353g, but that's mostly irrelevant compared to the 32oz of water on my bars. I have them on a Syntace 400 base bar (the only non-flat bar I could find with decent dimensions).

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Re: S-bend clip ons... [don] [ In reply to ]
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I hear Woodward is getting the $2500 Oval A911 Jetstream. I'm just sayin' ....
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Re: S-bend clip ons... [don] [ In reply to ]
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This is just an opinion, and it could change when I see the new version of the Aero-Concepts Genesis bar.
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