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Re: confused swimmer [bradpreo] [ In reply to ]
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i've been a lurker here for a while and decided to start posting. I swam all of my teenage years and have some insights: its all about efficiency of motion (same in running and biking too). technique will beat power 90% of the time (and you don't wan't to be too tired coming out of the water so don't kill yourself muscling through the swim to be slightly faster b/c you'll suffer later). I teach swim lessons over the summer and the number one problem ppl have is body position. Try to imagine a pole that goes down your spine and comes out your forehead (you want to be looking slightly ahead) rotate your body (but not your head) along that pole. Lift your elbows up on recovery and make sure not to or cross your arms over the axis running down your body. I don't kick. (btw in a sprint tri I had the 10th fastest swim time out of 215 ppl, then I proceded to be passed by ~60 ppl on the bike...)
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Re: confused swimmer [bradpreo] [ In reply to ]
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...top swimmers... release your secrets
Grasshopper, you are not ready. The answer lies within the question.


Yes, I too am on Facebook. And LinkedIn. And Twitter. Which begs the question - do I exist in the physical world? Do I?
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