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Re: Posers Debate [t-t-n] [ In reply to ]
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single speeders rock
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Re: Posers Debate [Flanagan] [ In reply to ]
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I was going to buy a nice truck, instead I am going with a smaller one and buying a new bike also. My health and happyness is more important. Besides I do not need a big truck.
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Re: Posers Debate [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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"How bout mind your effin' business " ( forgot to Quote it).

Yea...I'll have to third that one as well :)

Damn near sprayed coffee on my screen.

Although , with all due respect to Bryin, I do think he has some very valid points. But then again , voicing his beliefs to "Type A" personalities regarding their ride, is bound to make the hair stand-up.

For what it is worth ,I recently dropped 10$ grand on my steed , and the wife , a financial planner is happy as hell. And no ,I'm not going to publicize my financial position :)

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" - Les Brown
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" - Jim Rohn
Last edited by: canuck8: Oct 2, 05 23:36
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Re: Posers Debate [bryin] [ In reply to ]
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My attitutude ?:

I strive for the best quality equipment, best support, best quality training, best mindset.

The cost ? - bikes everywhere, erratic bank statements, burning life's candle at both ends and no girlfriend. I guess you can't have it all........
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Re: Posers Debate [bryin] [ In reply to ]
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1 thought:
Why are you wasting valuable money-earning time posting on a web site filled with wildly profligate, utterly selfish and completely irresponsible people? You could be out there working a second job, making more money, putting your nose to the grindstone, making hay while the sun shines, getting ready for a rainy day, gathering those nuts for the winter....christ, you sound like you must be a hell of a lot of fun!
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Re: Posers Debate [bryin] [ In reply to ]
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"1. How many of the folks who have high zoot bikes have their financial shit together?"

We've had alot of threads about "high priced" bikes lately. Can someone come up with some sort of list that will let me know what price point of bikes are expensive and what's cheap?

I'm just curious on if I'm living my life all wrong or not. I'd feel better if I found out my bikes weren't in the "high Zoot" category, becasue I don't qualify under some of the above rules.

Christ!, not only do I have to break 13 hrs to be part of the club but now I have to do it on a cheap bike or get a better job....

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Re: Posers Debate [tryemdad] [ In reply to ]
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Exactly. Thank you.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Posers Debate [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
In any event, I've always felt that your speed needs to match your gear. Its just my values. Here in Canada, the poser factor is relatively lower. Anyway, some view that gear should matched to desire for toys, some believe it should be matched to earnings, some believe it should match net assets, some believe it should match performance, everyone is entitled to their views. I like the performance metric :-) What a crock of shit. Could you please tell me what bikes I am wothy to ride if my avg HIM bike split is 2:42. AND PLEASE DON"T POST YOUR FRIGGIN LP RESULTS AGAIN - WE HAVE THEM MEMORIZED BY NOW.
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Re: Posers Debate [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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that wuz funny
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Re: Posers Debate [bryin] [ In reply to ]
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Why do you care how other people spend their money?
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Re: Posers Debate [bryin] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Posers Debate [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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"Monkeys humping robots. Greatness."

I think you might be reading too much into this photo. If I remember from my Psychology 101 days, both of those "robot" things are supposed to represent mommy monkey to the little monkey. One of them provided milk (you can just make out the feeding mechanism) but no comfort, while the other one provded comfort but no food. Poor sad little monkey preferred to spend most of its time cuddling its pretend mommy, just popping over for food every now and then. What this proves, I am not sure.


Those who know do not speak, those who speak, do not know.
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Re: Posers Debate [bryin] [ In reply to ]
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I have a decent bike, nothing like some of the ones on here. Its a custom built aero tubed aluminum bike with ultegra, zipp 404s, etc..

Now to the other part of this discussion. I attended college for 7 years and came out with 2 bachelors degrees, one in architecture, and one in fine arts. Accumulated about $15,000 in student loan debt, and also some credit card debt ~$8000. Got out of school and in a few months got a job with an architecture firm being paid $27,000/yr. After a year of working there I decided to buy a new vehicle, nothing fancy just a new Jeep Liberty for about $21,000. Probably not the wisest decision to take on a car loan that big but I did it. After 3 years at this firm they cut my job. Spent about 8 months looking for a new job and finally found one at another architecture firm making $32,000. During this time I was looking I collected unemployment but had significantly lower income than I had before. After I started my new job I was up to about $20,000 in credit card debt and had 2 years paid on my car. Worked at this firm for a year and then they decided to restructure and again my job was cut. I am now printing t-shirts for a screen printing/embroidery company for $6.15/hr trying to figure out how to pay my bills. I am also taking an EMT class with hopes of sometime getting a firefighter job.

Oh and I have no savings, no retirement... and I am 30, and single with a girlfriend (who would like a ring soon).

http://www.ventuscustoms.com Custom Bicycle Painting.
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