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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]I just read Record's post and I didn't see where he was saying that the general population ought to be left to die, it looks like he was speaking specifically about the criminals, looters, etc.

Maybe I missed something, but I don't think criminals should be left to die, I think the rules of engagement should be loosened up and they should be shot and killed.[/reply]

Is your reading comprehension that bad? His position is clear: anyone still in NO is a mental midget and is a looting criminal. That's what he wrote. If that's not what he meant he needs to learn how to communicate better. Only true mental midgets can't clearly articulate their position. And aren't you the big, bad, brave tough guy to want to shoot and kill all these "criminals!!" I don't know anything about you, really, but if I had to bet I'd bet you were just a little punk who never shot, killed or even hit anyone in his life. Hmm?
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [steveperx] [ In reply to ]
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Has been for quite some time. Now he is just plain revolting.
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [Frank13] [ In reply to ]
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Is your reading comprehension so good where you see words that he didn't even write?

Why are you calling me a punk? I might be wrong, but I would bet you are a liberal, because liberals always resort to name calling once big bad brave tough guys like me voice our opinions.

You are right, I have never shot and killed anyone in my life. However, I have played Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas. I have seen lots of shooting and killing at the movies too. Additionally, I have many guns, plenty of ammo and a bad attitude.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [Frank13] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
And aren't you the big, bad, brave tough guy to want to shoot and kill all these "criminals!!" I don't know anything about you, really, but if I had to bet I'd bet you were just a little punk who never shot, killed or even hit anyone in his life. Hmm?
Return to the lavender room, dude. It's time for your medication.
Last edited by: TomH: Sep 3, 05 4:57
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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This post is worse than his! Are you people are so perfect that you can just cast judgements like this? Screw that. Thats so bogus. who the hell does an approval rating of someone other than the president. Thats rediculous. get a life people. Even better, I'll make a judgement here, why dont half you people that pretend that you're any good get outside and train. Then maybe, just maybe we might actually have something positive to talk about here.

"I push the envelope so hard it says, 'excuse you'." -MC Paul Barman
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [RA] [ In reply to ]
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My approval rating? Seems to me that the many who posted and agree with me are my peers, the others seem to be name calling idiots - none of whom have presented any help they have offered. They sure have jumped the case of some of the more wealthy here tough "you are worth $5 million, that is the least you can do" was sent to one guy. The person that was made to did not have to send anything...and even if he sent a million, the god damn liberals would want him to send $3,900,000 more as I am sure that a liberal can justify why no one man should have more than $100k of personal wealth...lower I would bet.

I would think that it is attitudes like like these liberals have, that would mean that all of the police, National Guard, Red Cross and every other person there on a bulldozer or in a boat should not be paid...as if they were good people they would not ask to be paid...I bet the bus drivers families would like that too...

You people are such typical bleeding heart liberals you cant see past your damn emotions and tears to see humanity and reality for what it is...mean. Life sucks folks, and it is a fight. If you dont claw your way to the top you will be walked on - seems to me that these people in New Orleans are so used to being walked on that not only to they not try to fight to the top, they dont even know they can fight...someone knocked the will and or desire out of em (Mr. Welfare I presume). Sure, I guess we are all supposed to feel bad and cancel our vacations so that they can send gas to move these people. Maybe everyone here can send their next three weeks pay to the disaster funds...that would be the only right thing for us to do.

I gave my $500.00...I would presume that none of you who complained give any money to the church on sunday...we all know that New Orleans is the only worth while cause.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
Last edited by: record10carbon: Sep 3, 05 7:48
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't think it possible, but you have out-stupided Brokenrecord286.

It is always Us vs Them with you. Your posts are basically this: "I've got mine, fuck you" "You are poor & black, fuck you" "You don't agree with me, you must be a bleeding heart liberal who wants to take all of my money, fuck you"

You are easily the most hateful poster on the board & pretty much a wretched human being.

Great walking ad for compassionate conservatism though. What a piece of shit.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." John Rogers
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [Khai] [ In reply to ]
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Hey! I'm not American you jerk!

We like you anyway. =)


I'm not sure if you are serious or joking, so I'll explain quickly ... my comments about it "being Ameircan" deal with freedom ... it's one of those rights that our country boasts about often ... but not everyone seems to dig it ('specially when it applies to others). I meant "It's American" that so many people would be willing to allow someone to say something they don't agree with and/or offended by ... and realize that it is their right to speak those sentiments.

Too often people would rather try and censor someone expressing views they don't like or are offended by.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
Last edited by: TripleThreat: Sep 3, 05 10:14
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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> > Chip's approval rating up to 60%

Begrudging tolerance of someone's right to speak, however worthless that opinion is, is much different than approval.
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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So, some people think he sucks, some thinks he's ok, and some are inbetween. Can we now move this to the lavender room, or even move on. Ok, that last was too much to ask, but since I don't care about lavender room stuff, I stay out of there. I know, I could have stayed out of this thread, but it's been on the front page for a while.

flame away

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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [hammydad] [ In reply to ]
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Can we now move this to the lavender room, or even move on.

Don't open the thread, man, if you think it will bug you. Jeez---I just don't get people sometimes.

I know, I could have stayed out of this thread, but it's been on the front page for a while.

Go with that first instinct next time. Or substitute "should" for "could".
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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"You are right, I have never shot and killed anyone in my life. However, I have played Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas. I have seen lots of shooting and killing at the movies too. Additionally, I have many guns, plenty of ammo and a bad attitude."

Dang that was funny..

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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12:45 PM


I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [TripleThreat] [ In reply to ]
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Joking, naturally. It's just that SAC doesn't let me put smilies after jokes anymore...

I wasn't joking about being American though. I'd never joke about that!

<If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough>
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Post deleted by Sampson [ In reply to ]
Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [Sampson] [ In reply to ]
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I thought we were a PEACEFULL TRIBE

Do you read the threads here?

Seriously, I really like the folks here, and enjoy my time here, but that "peaceful tribe" stuff would called, in the business world, "creative marketing" and/or drug-induced hallucination. =)

Honestly, we fight and argue like twin brothers trying to decide which of the two is better looking ... and neither ever concedes the point or drops the issue.

There are many good, helpful, caring, etc people here ... but peaceful we (as a group) are not. Of the few really good triathlon forums out there, we are, by far, the least peaceful. I concede that we are a tribe. I am not equating "peaceful" with worthwhile. The are more peaceful forums out there that one could go to, but I don't feel they have the same quality of information (once you find it between all of the banter).

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [TripleThreat] [ In reply to ]
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Get a grip, bro... everyone knows that I'm the better looking one!

<If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough>
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Post deleted by Sampson [ In reply to ]
Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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A big thumbs down to that one particuliar post.

Amazes me how in the USA liberals get blamed for everything. Katrina must have been caused by the liberals also. Or maybe it was the commies.

Also agree this belongs on the Lavender Room.
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [Sampson] [ In reply to ]
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So you condone and stand behind what he says?

I like Chip. I did not say I condone or stand behind what he says. I think he popped of with the frustration he was feeling at the moment and said what was on his mind. I thought what he said was dumb.

I try to not use one bit of information or one (IMO) mistake a person makes to judge their total character. Sometimes I'm more successful than other times.

This guy if he was face to face with someone would not say half the things he says but becasue he can remain hidden on this board he doesnt have to answer to anyone so therefore he feels like he can post without recourse.

I've said that repeatedly about the internet. Breeds cowardice, MOF. Buncha rock-throwers talkin' tough from far away. "Internet Muscles". Any other clever title one can think of that describes the cowardly (even here at ST) anonymous attacks that peopple unleash. Chip posts his name. If someone got pissed off enough, they could find him. While it is not "face to face", he posts his name to be accountable for what he says. Plenty of folks don't. I did notice that once folks got pissed he didn't run away and create a new username so that he could avoid any backlash.

I dont and will not associate myself with anyone that thinks nor talks like he does and if your a smart person than I dont think you would either.

Ya take the good with the bad. Fortunately for me, my friends have stood by me when I have acted like an idiot. I try an do the same. Really, I have to spend too much effort on keeping my own self doing what I am suppossed to be doing, I can worry about Chip next week. =)

Seriously, I do agree with what you say. You can't keep associations that can lead you astray or unduely influence your decisions.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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Amazes me how in the USA liberals get blamed for everything.

CG ... everyone gets blamed for everything.

If you accept public responsibility in America, you will be destroyed by all of the perfect people in our society (i.e., critics).

Admitting faults is only allowed by sports superstars and celebrities ... but usually only if they are really talented, witty, and/or good looking.

Also agree this belongs on the Lavender Room.

or deleted.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [Sampson] [ In reply to ]
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You may notice that my real name is on my threads...I dont hide behind the internet. My name is Chip, I live at 5745 Covey Ridge Trail, Loves Park IL....I am NOT hiding behind the internet. And I think that as every day passes, more and more are seeing what I am seeing happen in NO. I do not put myself on a pedistal for having been homeless, more so, I am ashamed of it. I have been on that side of the tracks - none of the others on ST have. I can see what is happening in NO with a presepecive that none of the others can...though today I donate to the homeless shelter, there was a time I lived there for a night or two...I know what these people are capable of, I have seen it first hand. I am a very proud american, I am a very proud person. I have been in the fight, cheated, stolen and lied just to live...that does not make me better than anyone on ST...just gives me more insight to what people will do and why.

I will say that I can judge a persons charicter better and faster than anyone I have ever met...it only takes a couple times getting your ribs broken by a "friend" to enable yourself to start to read people very well...


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Quick Poll: Chip's Approval Rating in LR [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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"I have been on that side of the tracks - none of the others on ST have."

Wow, pretty broad statement. Do you send PMs asking if anyone has ever been down-and-out? Didn't get mine....
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