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What will my first 1/2 time be?
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This is my third ever tri...my best olympic is 2:26. Just started swimming one year ago. My best timed swim open water at Lake Placid for 1.2m was 35 min with wetsuit. Bike is my best by far and average 20 mph at olympic distance and run about 7:30 pace for olympic distance. No aero bars, not in the budget this year. I rampped up my volume and have a good mentor who is multiple time IM finisher sub 11 Hrs. He says just have fun and celebrate the day...

I raced an Olympic distance this year so far in early July to get that racing feeling again for motivation. I am very excited to just cross the line but not sure what to guess. I am mostly interested in having fun out there but wonder what my time will be...

Any suggestions or guesses?
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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What has your bike training been like over the past 10 weeks?
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [Harkin Banks] [ In reply to ]
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I have 1800 Miles in for the season. About 150 - 200 per week with big rides on weekend. I did a brick of 56 bike 6m run just to make sure I had running legs off the bike... it was a hot day but I felt good. I averaged 19 mph on the bike that day and wanted to make sure i was ok on the run.

I felt good.

I ride one intense ride per week with local pro and Cat 2-3 racers at avg about 21 - 23 mph for 40 - 50 miles. I am certainly a back of pack rider these days and get dropped occasionally. Dropped mostly on hills as I am 185 lbs rider. (6' 1")
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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Just a stab:

36:00 swim

2:50 bike

1:50 run

Add some for transitions and other mishaps: 5:23 on a decent day.

With a sub-2:30 Oly time, you probably have the potential to go faster, but for your first "long" race, I'm betting 5:20s.

If you go slower, no worries. The impacts of nutrition, weather, fitness etc. are all much greater when go long. Many are the days when things just don't line up right.

Good luck! And feel free to go prove me wrong!!
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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defintely 4:52, definitely.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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My gut would say right around 5:00 hrs, maybe like 5:10 - the wild-card with the longer races is the run....if you start walking, that just kills the time.

People I've loved, I have no regrets
Some I remember, some I forget
Some of them living, some of them dead
All I want is to be home ".....Foo Fighters, Home

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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Of course you're right. Don't know why I didn't see it sooner. 4:52 then.
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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deanpc, your speed #'s sound very similar to mine. I did my first half 3 years ago with a similar amount of exeperience as you, and I did it in 5:25. I've done 5 more since then w/ the fastest being 4:55 and everything else in between those 2. My fastest 2 races were 'training days' on zero taper while prepping for an Ironman. The other 4 that I trained for specifically and tapered for were not as fast - go figure...

i agree w/ sparky, that 5:20 would be a safe bet, but you could go closer to 5hr or a little under on a good day, and likewise don't be too disappointed if you go longer than 5:20. A half is just long enough that a hot day or miscalculation on nutrition can impact your time finishing time by double digits of minutes.

what kind of course is your race on? in my experience, a half on a course w/ rolling hills can easily add 10-15 minutes to average finishing times compared to a flatter course
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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This is my first year of tri's and I just did an Olympic a week ago with a 2:28 time. I did a HIM in July and my time was 5:35.

Depends on the day and the course. I did the Musselman and the bike was fair and the run was tough. The biggest problem for the day was the heat and humidity. Slowed me down from a projected 5:23 at halfway through the run to my finish time.

I say at this time of year, you will be 5:15 to 5:25 depending on the course. I may do Esprit in Montreal and I will aim to break 5:20.
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [cmsc] [ In reply to ]
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I am doing the Vermont Journey 1/2 this Sunday. I heard that it is rolling hills but the elevation does not sound all that bad. I would be very happy with 5:20's. I have a nutrition plan but this is the first time I am doing a 1/2 so I am not kidding myself and know it will be a learning experience.

We will see how it all goes...
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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My OD times are pretty similar to yours (I'm a slightly faster runner). I did my first 1/2 this year in 4:57. I was thrilled. I had no idea how I would finish, so I did a little math and thought: over 6 hours and I'm dead, over 5:30 and, hey, I'm just happy I finished my first 1/2, around 5:15 and I'm thrilled, anything under that was inconceivable. Lesson is that you just never know.

BTW, I didn't consume any solid foods and felt great. It's all about the tasty Gu.
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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Your best OLY time is about the same as mine (2:24). I've done a 6:02 1/2 and a 5 hour 1/2. Just did a 5:30 1/2. I swim about like you, bike a little faster and run a little slower (I'm guessing you are younger). The run on a 1/2 can be very hard, even if the bike leg is flat/easy. I just did 21 mph average 2 days ago on a somewhat hilly course and paid big time on the run (cramping). Lots of variables as you go farther, especially nutrition. I can do/eat/drink anything for an OLY event - must have a plan for a 1/2.

I'm saying 5:20 as well as a good estimate. Swim - easy. Bike at 19 mph, run 8 min/mile with 3 mins for T1 and T2.

Best to you - most importantly since you won't be gunning for a podium slot with those times, enjoy!

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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You can have a good OLY race with little or no attention to nutrition/fuel. HIM is the distance where nutrition comes into play. If you botch the nutrition you can forget about these estimated times. I would say if you get the nutrition right, anything sub 5:30 for your first is great. Enjoy!

Fortitudine Vincimus
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [trinitythlete] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks all for the help and support. It rained all day but I had a good day and my race plan worked out.

I did it in 5:23 and was very happy with the time. My guess was 5:30 because I had some bad Plantar Fasciitis and a strained calf just two weeks leading into the race. I rested well for the last two weeks and on race day it never acted up on me! Imagine that.

Sparky, you nailed it!!! Damn you are good.

I learned lots and I am pumped up for another ½ in the future! It certainly makes Olympic distance races seem short! We will see, I have one lined up in 3 weeks and hope to go sub 2:20.
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Re: What will my first 1/2 time be? [deanpc] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you. Thank you very much.

Of course, you did the hard part. Nice job.
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