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Clyde Running Help...
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Need some input on my running. Standard MOP Clyde, meaning I will never be confused for a 5:30 miler...can't drive that fast.
I have been doing tri's for a little over a year and cannot get any faster on my run. Long runs at about a 10:30-11 pace - did a sprint this weekend at 10:10. I have done 2 half marathons this year at mid 10 pace, which is ok. I feel I should be much faster than that. Very frustrating. I feel that when I am running I cannot get enough air into my lungs. When I push my pace to the low to mid 9's, I almost feel as if I am taking 1/2 breaths. When I swim sometimes I get the same feeling, so I blow all the air out and take in fresh air - seems to help bigtime on my swim. I can't seem to do that during the run.
Any ideas?
Is there anything I can do (breathing exercise's...) to increase lung capacity?
I am very frustrated by this and feel my breathing is really holding me back on my performance...
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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Don't skip meals, and don't eat dessert. If you are about to eat junk, tell yourself the following: "I know I can eat this, but I don't know how fast I can run." Eat raisins instead of junk. Losing weight will help you a ton in running. Not only will you be able to run faster, but there will be far less impact on your body. Make it a goal to get out of the "clyde" category if you really want to run faster.
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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Are you a tall, lean clyde, or one that could stand to lose a couple pounds? If you store a lot of your body fat in your abomen, that might be constricting your lung capacity (I'm not sure here, but just a guess). Losing weight seems to make everyone run faster, so that's probably the place to start.

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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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I'm 5" 8", weighing 185 (been up to 225 at times) and my running has improved a bit lately by following the advice on this forum of increasing my leg turn over. At first I had to shorten my stride- especially once I began to tire and have breathing issues. But with practice, my stamina has increased- leading to better breathing stamina as well as being able to keep my normal (as opposed to shortened) stride for longer periods.
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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I'm slow too...and now I'm gonna sound like all the fast people (I'm not a doctor...but I play one on TV) -- honestly what helped my running pace/endurance?? -- more running.

..but let me be clear..I have horrible knees..run with a forest gump knee brace...so I can't physically run more than 3x/week...so..I run one longer run at whatever pace I can hold for that time...one shorter run at a faster pace - make myself work a bit...and then I rely on a bike ride or two each week for the extra work...

Still not fast...but building endurance has helped ..and the "speed" - believe me I use that term loosely - improves as conditioning does...

Just my thoughts...

I have deceptive speed...I'm slower than I look.
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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the other thing I found that helps is to try and keep your upper body relaxed. a lot of people tense up as they push their pace and that can make it harder to get a good breath. concentrating on the exhalation. and like other posters said, if you are a clyde because of excess weight then as you lose it you will run faster.
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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A bit of core strengthening would probably help, especially for a big dide that is carrying some weight, How tall and how heavy are you?..if you dont mind my asking.

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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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I too qualify as a "clydesdale" but just because you are "big" does NOT mean that you have to run slowly nor do you have to suffer from injury due to running. It always amazes me how people never speak to running technique instead of motion control shoe selection and the "more is more" philosophy. I would suggest taking a SERIOUS look at Chi Running, Evolution Running and also take a look at how good runners run. It takes time but I assure you that with an effort things can really change for the better. I wish you the best. ERIK

"Spectacular achievements are always preceded by spectacular preparation."
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [eDeRoche] [ In reply to ]
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I agree whole heartedly. I am a Clyde as well, and since I started working on my form about three years ago, with Chi Running and some other stuff I read, I have not been injured and now my running is my best event. Motion control shoes are certainly not the answer. Quit heel striking and get out of you fore foot. That will immediately help your knees. Then, focus on increasing your cadence. Take it slow, but increase it every few weeks. You will be amazed at what happens.
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Need some input on my running. Standard MOP Clyde, meaning I will never be confused for a 5:30 miler...can't drive that fast.
I have been doing tri's for a little over a year and cannot get any faster on my run. Long runs at about a 10:30-11 pace - did a sprint this weekend at 10:10. I have done 2 half marathons this year at mid 10 pace, which is ok. I feel I should be much faster than that. Very frustrating. I feel that when I am running I cannot get enough air into my lungs. When I push my pace to the low to mid 9's, I almost feel as if I am taking 1/2 breaths. When I swim sometimes I get the same feeling, so I blow all the air out and take in fresh air - seems to help bigtime on my swim. I can't seem to do that during the run.
Any ideas?
Is there anything I can do (breathing exercise's...) to increase lung capacity?
I am very frustrated by this and feel my breathing is really holding me back on my performance...

As a fellow, Clyde, there's a ton of good stuff here. Couple of things I wonder about: If you can run a 1/2 Mary in the mid 10s and your sprint tri run spilt is in the same ballpark, I'm guessing you actually have the cardio base for running but your joints and technique haven't caught up yet. Take a look at your running form. Technique is actually huge especially for us clydes. Have you tried shorter strides with a high cadence? Also, finding a couple of track workouts could do wonders for your pacing.

One more thing, do you train with a Heart Rate Monitor or are you pacing yourself based on perceived exertion?

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Re: Clyde Running Help... [darbster] [ In reply to ]
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My recommendation would be to get in the pool and swim more. Two reasons. First it's going to help you lose weight and there is less stress on your muscles and joints. Secondly, the aerobic fitness you will get from swimming far exceeds that of what you will get from running 10-11 minute miles. Of course unless you can figure out a way to hold your nose and mouth shut when your running......

You may also want to go to your doctor and get checked out for allergies...it is that time of the year...

Swim more = increased aerobic capacity = weight loss = better all around fitness = faster run times....
Good luck....

Team Zoot Northeast
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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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jojomojo- not sure that this will address your question regarding lung capacity, etc. But I am a clyde (hopefully for less than one more week). When I am heavy ~225, I seem to use the same amount of energy, and it actually feels worse on my joints when I run more slowly.

When you're bigger, you tend to do more up and down than forward, picture step aerobics without the step. You may need to feel the difference in a slightly more forward, instead of upward, push. Clearly, you will get to a point where it takes a lot more effort to go faster, but I think that the 11-->9/8.5min mile is almost a wash as far as energy goes and it will feel better on your knees and hips.

The push off is different when you're trying to go faster, it should not be a harder version of what you are probably doing now, as that will just send you farther up, and not so much forward. I am certainly no running guru, just trying to give you an idea of what it feels like for me to go "faster".

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Re: Clyde Running Help... [jojomojo] [ In reply to ]
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There have been a lot of good suggestions...

Doing more is likely the first solution.
I have found that when I breath under stress that I am not used to I tense up my abs/stomach and shorten my breath.

When I relax and breathe through my stomach I find I can handle a lot more work without feeling constricted.

It has worked for me but building a bigger base with longer runs at a medium pace will also help.

Don't let the skinny punks get you down!

C'mon legs run faster!
Being fast on a crappy bike is cool
Fueled by Guinness, Tuborg, Anchor Steam and Creemore Springs
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