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Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC.
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Watching the women's 800, noticed the lead swimmers were only kicking for balance. The commentator observed this as well, and explained that your leg muscles are your largest muscles in your body, and use the most oxygen, yet only contribute 10-20% of speed/power to your freestyle -- hence, an inefficient use of oxygen in a distance event. They really only kick in the last 50M for the end.

Given this information, and the fact we tend to swim even longer distances, why would we kick in triathlon swimming?
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [mfreeman72] [ In reply to ]
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precisely for the reason that the observer commented on. for balance.

also, I suspect that the law of diminshing returns comes into play. A 6 beat kick probably uses 3x the energy that a 2 beat kick does, but not 3x the propulsion.

Also, kick efficiency makes a difference. Although the top distance swimmers may use what appears to be a lazy 2 beat kick, it still helps their stroke. The average triathlete has a kick which does not help their stroke, hence the need to put some work into it.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [mfreeman72] [ In reply to ]
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In triathlon swimming, you kick to overcome loss of momentum if you're a long glide swimmer, or if the water conditions are choppy.

The thing to realize with the elite women is they get an insane amount of power from what looks to be a light two beat kick because they are amazingly efficient kickers. I've seen Laure Manaudou described as a weak kicker on a couple of occasions. Truth is, there is no way you can go as fast in backstroke as she does- second woman in history to swim a 59 long course- if you've got a weak or inefficient kick.

That kind of two beat kick at its best about generating lots of power with very little foot amplitude.
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [More is MORE] [ In reply to ]
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Agree about balance...even I do a two-beat kick for balance. But beyond that, why the need for kicking sets, which encourage more of a 4 or 6 beat kick?
Last edited by: mfreeman72: Mar 31, 07 15:17
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [mfreeman72] [ In reply to ]
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I never did any kicking drills when I was a swimmer, we did either drills or kick sets. (I was a middle distance swimmer though so what I did doesn't necessarily translate to the distance lane).

But anything you do that will get you more propulsion with less effort is a good thing. That is the point of any drill, to get more propulsion out of less.

I would be very hesitant to look at what the top swimmers in the world do and try to apply everything to what the average AG triathlete should do.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [mfreeman72] [ In reply to ]
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It was interesting though that the eventual winner started kicking in the final 50m and blew by the French swimmer.
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [mfreeman72] [ In reply to ]
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In a wetsuit legal swim, I do not kick at all, with the exception of the last couple of minutes to ensure there is some blood flow to my legs. Usually a good kick helps your body to ride higher in the water. The wetsuit already does that for you, so you really don't have to kick when you have a wetsuit on.

I generally feel I have a fairly strong kick, as far as triathletes are concerned. I did 1000 yards with a board yesterday in 14:25. That training is mostly to help flush out my legs from the running and cycling I do, and I find it to be good cross training for the bike; however, I do not kick at all during at wetsuit legal swim.
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Re: Why even bother kicking? Observations from the FINA WC. [mfreeman72] [ In reply to ]
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I think a lot of AG athletes need a small kick to keep their hips up / body level.

Another benefit of a strong kick is to get the idiot following you to stop tapping your feet.
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