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Sudden pain in calf above/to side of Achilles
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I am (or possibly was :() planning on running the Austin Marathon this coming Sunday. Logged plenty of miles during the last couple of months, all in same shoe (replaced when worn), on pavement, running from mid/forefoot. Started to taper down running volume after last 20 miler weekend before last. Went for last long-ish run (12 miles) yesterday in 40-some degree weather. Was warmed up and just cruising along, when suddenly after ~5.5 miles a sharp pain developed in my left lower leg, slightly above and to the left of the Achilles, over ~100 yards. Slowed to a walk, it went away, started running again, it came back. Shifted to the heel, it went away but came back for good after another ~300 yards. So I decided to call it, and walked back home; walking is no problem, I can also point the toe without any pain
Now, I was well rested, warmed up properly at that point, and don't have a history of injuries. Some online research leaves me a bit confused if the painful part is still considered the Achilles, or if it's the soleus. What I'm wondering is if anybody had a similar issue in the past, and what the solution was (I'm icing it and am not running for the time being). I have an appointment with a specialist on Wednesday, but am wondering if there's anything else I could/should be doing, and if the Marathon is a write-off.
Good thing is that I got my base miles from all the running :), and the marathon is just a 'target of convenience', if I have to drop out it's not too big a deal/disappointment.

Thanks for any thoughts!

- Stephan
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Re: Sudden pain in calf above/to side of Achilles [spdpnk] [ In reply to ]
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Please post the result of your visit to the specialist. I developed what seems like virtually the identical pain yesterday in my right leg. The pain set in about 2 miles into a 10 mile run. It is up and to the outside of where my achilles attaches to my calf.

I twisted my right ankle pretty seriously on the ice Thursday night. I walked it off, but, it was pretty sore. I wondered it this new pain was related. However, the ankle pain was on the outside of the ankle. This is definitely higher and more toward the back.

Wish I could offer more input, but, would greatly appreciate if you could let me know what the doc tells you.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Sudden pain in calf above/to side of Achilles [spdpnk] [ In reply to ]
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Any luck figuring this out?

I've had a very similar problem appear yesterday. Gonna bow out of the half mary I'm entered for this weekend.
My sharp pain is in right leg, on the rear and outer side of the lower leg, maybe 3 inches higher up than the ankle ball protuberance (?). From google images it seems that is the soleus, not achilles or calf/gastrocnemeus.

Hope you sorted out your issues and can share some insight.

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Re: Sudden pain in calf above/to side of Achilles [Spinmeister] [ In reply to ]
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I had a similar problem - sore calf initially that worked down the achilles. By massaging the calf this also solved the achilles issue. A massage therapist can work this out for you, or products similar to a tp massage ball, tennis ball, etc.. Keep working at it yourself before and after running. It took a week and I'm back to normal.
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