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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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How exactly would the strongest leader handle north korea? Be explicit, so we can see how trump lives up to your ideals. That way we can hold your feet to the fire.

Man up! Show us how steong you are by actually giving an answer, or be as weak as you say obama is.

who's smarter than you're? i'm!
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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Sir.Vaylo wrote:
Maybe he could even forewarn the North Korean leadership and tell him when and where we will hit first. You know, kinda like what has happened in the past.

Exactly! I hate it when we do that. Should not have given warning to those Russkies - let 'em burn with their Libyan dogs.

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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [spudone] [ In reply to ]
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Um. Not really. If they wanted to go beyond the tension they would. The US won't make nice with people either.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Tibbsy] [ In reply to ]
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I miss rod. He was always so angry and 1 heart attack away from any posts. Sad.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Tibbsy] [ In reply to ]
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Tibbsy wrote:
Brilliant non answer. You are good. You just won't be cornered by having a real opinion. You are a beautiful fraud. Very empty.

You're right...its a non answer. I don't know why liberals think how they think. Matter of fact, there are a number of things I wonder about but have no answer to...such as:

I don't know why liberals...
...believe you can take away guns from the citizens, therefore, prevent crime.
...believe that you can discriminate based on race as long as it benefits the minority.
...believe in big government.
...believe in high taxes.
...believe in limited free speech.
...believe that the solution to every problem lies in government programs.
...believe we should have single payer healthcare.
...believe that competition is unfair.
...believe that the environment trumps people.
...believe that we should be internationalists and care about what the rest of the world thinks about us.
...believe that its good to be hostile towards Christianity.
...believe that policy should be directed by "feelings".
...believe that the government can better raise our children than us as parents.
...believe that society is responsible for individual actions and not the individual.
...believe in the welfare state.
...believes in social justice.
...believe that wealth and success is bad.
...believe that the government should regulate everything. EVERTHING.
...believe that business is evil.
...believe in complete tolerance.
...believe that you can fight terrorism with law enforcement policy.

I could go on and on and on. Can you answer these wonders?
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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Sir.Vaylo wrote:
swimwithstones wrote:
Sir.Vaylo wrote:
This is precisely the difference between the Trump Administration and the weak and castrated Obama Administration. This is the difference between a strong US and the US desired by liberals.

Very curious. Why would a liberal American desire a weak America?

That is a great question, and one that I and many others have wondered about over the past 8 years.

My guess is that rather than try to learn whether your presupposition is correct, you'll continue to believe that liberals want a weak America precisely because it makes no sense, and thus gives you an simplistic strawman to parade out and theatrically debunk when you need to demonstrate that liberals are both irrational and weak.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [veganerd] [ In reply to ]
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veganerd wrote:
How exactly would the strongest leader handle north korea?

I'll answer as a weak libtard.

1. Unleash full cyberwarfare. Take down their Internet.
2. Park at least one full carrier fleet offshore.
3. Advise Japan, South Korea to go into full defensive posture.
4. Start regular overflights of surveillance craft.
5. Start electronic warfare (jam the shit out of NK)
6. Put bombers in the air continously.
7. Wait for the phone to ring, so real negotiations can begin.

I'm not there yet. Because there are serious risks. But that's how you do it when you want to go there. You don't huff and puff and strut at a golf resort, then immediately expose yourself as an idiot.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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You suck so bad I love you. You have me in stitches. You have to be putting on an act. This is too perfect. You are like this little ball of all the neo-con and alt-right stereotypes that somehow achieved life and created you. You just dodge and dodge and dodge. Never say anything. Throw down tired stereotypes and falsities. Keep going you slug. You buffoon. You looping clown.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Tibbsy] [ In reply to ]
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Tibbsy wrote:
You suck so bad I love you. You have me in stitches. You have to be putting on an act. This is too perfect. You are like this little ball of all the neo-con and alt-right stereotypes that somehow achieved life and created you. You just dodge and dodge and dodge. Never say anything. Throw down tired stereotypes and falsities. Keep going you slug. You buffoon. You looping clown.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [trail] [ In reply to ]
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8. Tweet until KJI cries uncle.

trail wrote:
veganerd wrote:
How exactly would the strongest leader handle north korea?

I'll answer as a weak libtard.

1. Unleash full cyberwarfare. Take down their Internet.
2. Park at least one full carrier fleet offshore.
3. Advise Japan, South Korea to go into full defensive posture.
4. Start regular overflights of surveillance craft.
5. Start electronic warfare (jam the shit out of NK)
6. Put bombers in the air continously.
7. Wait for the phone to ring, so real negotiations can begin.

I'm not there yet. Because there are serious risks. But that's how you do it when you want to go there. You don't huff and puff and strut at a golf resort, then immediately expose yourself as an idiot.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Tibbsy] [ In reply to ]
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You're way too easy.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [veganerd] [ In reply to ]
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It's August. It's the time of year when N.Korea starts talking trash, because it's the time of year when we traditionally hold our largest military exercise with S.Korea.

For some reason, every year, this stuff takes us by complete surprise.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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Beautiful. Keep to that. Empty and sad. Keep bringing it. I love it so. Keep hitting me with nothing.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [swimwithstones] [ In reply to ]
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swimwithstones wrote:
Sir.Vaylo wrote:
swimwithstones wrote:
Sir.Vaylo wrote:
This is precisely the difference between the Trump Administration and the weak and castrated Obama Administration. This is the difference between a strong US and the US desired by liberals.

Very curious. Why would a liberal American desire a weak America?

That is a great question, and one that I and many others have wondered about over the past 8 years.

My guess is that rather than try to learn whether your presupposition is correct, you'll continue to believe that liberals want a weak America precisely because it makes no sense, and thus gives you an simplistic strawman to parade out and theatrically debunk when you need to demonstrate that liberals are both irrational and weak.

Ok, the floor is yours...tell me why liberalism makes the country stronger. How is our military better because of liberalism? How is our national security better because of liberalism?
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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If you don't have an answer just ask a question. Ask several as to overwhelm the other person insuring that you can continue to ask question keeping the other in constant confusion. BRAVO!
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Tibbsy] [ In reply to ]
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You eluded to the fact earlier that you and I were more alike than different - that you hated liberals and their beliefs. I believe that's how you put it. Me thinks you lied.
What have you brought to the table?
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
It's August. It's the time of year when N.Korea starts talking trash, because it's the time of year when we traditionally hold our largest military exercise with S.Korea.

For some reason, every year, this stuff takes us by complete surprise.

I agree that they like to crow about with their chest puffed up on a regular basis. The problem is, trump does too.

who's smarter than you're? i'm!
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [veganerd] [ In reply to ]
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Here's a good summary of (some of the) options:

1. Prevention: A crushing U.S. military strike to eliminate Pyongyang’s arsenals of mass destruction, take out its leadership, and destroy its military. It would end North Korea’s standoff with the United States and South Korea, as well as the Kim dynasty, once and for all.
2. Turning the screws: A limited conventional military attack—or more likely a continuing series of such attacks—using aerial and naval assets, and possibly including narrowly targeted Special Forces operations. These would have to be punishing enough to significantly damage North Korea’s capability—but small enough to avoid being perceived as the beginning of a preventive strike. The goal would be to leave Kim Jong Un in power, but force him to abandon his pursuit of nuclear ICBMs.
3. Decapitation: Removing Kim and his inner circle, most likely by assassination, and replacing the leadership with a more moderate regime willing to open North Korea to the rest of the world.
4. Acceptance: The hardest pill to swallow—acquiescing to Kim’s developing the weapons he wants, while continuing efforts to contain his ambition.

Let’s consider each option. All of them are bad.

Suffer Well.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, the floor is yours...tell me why liberalism makes the country stronger. How is our military better because of liberalism? How is our national security better because of liberalism?

I can't. And I never suggested I could. Frankly, I think there's very little causality between the two.

I merely pointed out that you're insisting liberals believe something irrational so you can call them irrational. You're the one who insisted there's some link between liberals and a weak America. I'm sorry if you can't defend your point. Just retract it if you have no reason to propose it. You spoke in haste. It's not a big deal.
Last edited by: swimwithstones: Aug 9, 17 12:53
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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I am a leftist. What does that mean? I am feeling my way toward that but know you hate my politics. What the last election showed was the weakness of the liberal/neo-liberal. They stood by the Democratic party come hell or high water. When the Democrats threw up the worst candidate in US history they just followed along allowing the corporate loving war loving sold out Dems run straight into a brick wall of stupid. They ignored their base and ran to the mythical moderate Republicans and worthless independence who saw straight through Hillary's bullshit and put Trump in office. I put the full blame for Trump winning on liberals.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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Sir.Vaylo wrote:
You're right...its a non answer. I don't know why liberals think how they think. Matter of fact, there are a number of things I wonder about but have no answer to...such as:

Everything you've just posted is a strawman. You believe in one thing, so you've made a caricature out of the opposing position because it looks foolish and is easy to ridicule. You won't learn anything because you've just made any other position irrational, and you won't persuade anyone because you are arguing against a point that they don't hold.

Random bullet from your list: "I don't know why liberals believe in big government." I doubt whether there are any liberals whose goal is to somehow increase the size of the government. What's more accurate is to say that if the nation can be made better a way that requires an increase in government size, then a liberal is less likely to object to it than a conservative.

There, now you can actually have a discussion about an issue.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [Sir.Vaylo] [ In reply to ]
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Suffer Well.
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [veganerd] [ In reply to ]
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To me, what I find extremely distasteful was his use of the phrase "as the world has never seen"--twice! When I heard him use that phrase my mind immediately jumped to the events at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can bet that was his intention in his little mind.

For the President of the US to evoke those events in a public threat was un-presidential, and in horrible taste. He's basically saying "remember what we did to Japan? That was nothing!"
Last edited by: zed707: Aug 9, 17 13:42
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Re: trump promises fury on north korea [zed707] [ In reply to ]
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zed707 wrote:
To me, what I find extremely distasteful was his use of the phrase "as the world has never seen"--twice! When I heard him use that phrase my mind immediately jumped to the events at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can bet that was his intention in his little mind.

For the acting President of the US to evoke those events in a public threat was un-presidential, and in horrible taste. He's basically saying "remember what we did to Japan? That was nothing!"

Exactly. Hes an incredible buffoon.

who's smarter than you're? i'm!
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