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Re: Ebola hits NYC [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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I got that from an interview with an administrator of a major hospital in Mass. who indicated that the extra time would make them reconsider their policy of supporting people who wished to volunteer.

Yes, but isn't this like a company saying "We will reconsider whether we pay for insurance or not because of the ACA?" Hardly factual evidence.

Furthermore, as I stated, if a major hospital would rather take the chance of one of their people running around infecting others...well then maybe they aren't the best people for the job in the first place. "We may reconsider whether or not we want our people to follow ALL the protocols necessary to prevent spread of the disease"


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Re: Ebola hits NYC [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
Did they develop an Ebola vaccine when I wasn't looking???

Why, yes. Yes, they did.
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
Allie wrote:

Interesting thread. I wish people would get up in arms about influenza and Measles like the do Ebola.

Did they develop an Ebola vaccine when I wasn't looking???

FWIW, the wifie works in a long term care facility and they quarantine suspected flu infected patients and will actually fire a staff member who refuses to get a flu shot and/or shows up to work with the flu.

The point is that there are viruses already out there that do have vaccines available, yet there are also still morons that refuse to get them. So if they had a vaccine for Ebola that was ready for production people would bitch about how unsafe it is and not use it, then whine about getting Ebola.
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [Allie] [ In reply to ]
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Allie wrote:
JSA wrote:
Allie wrote:

Interesting thread. I wish people would get up in arms about influenza and Measles like the do Ebola.

Did they develop an Ebola vaccine when I wasn't looking???

FWIW, the wifie works in a long term care facility and they quarantine suspected flu infected patients and will actually fire a staff member who refuses to get a flu shot and/or shows up to work with the flu.

The point is that there are viruses already out there that do have vaccines available, yet there are also still morons that refuse to get them. So if they had a vaccine for Ebola that was ready for production people would bitch about how unsafe it is and not use it, then whine about getting Ebola.

If that were the case, then I would have as little sympathy for them as I do for those who do not get current vaccinations and get sick.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [gotsand] [ In reply to ]
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gotsand wrote:
JSA wrote:
Did they develop an Ebola vaccine when I wasn't looking???

Why, yes. Yes, they did.

With no human trials. So, in other words, no, not yet.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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Fairly hard lefty senior editor at The New Republic, Noam Scheiber explains why it was best that the authorities were not really truthful in letting the story of the good doctor. Interesting that he ends suggesting there is a quarantine that is to take place (I think this is the self-quarantine). I'm guessing that Ken thinks this is stupid, as Dr Spencer apparantly did.

"In this context, publicly calling out Dr. Spencer for his failure to self-quarantine could have turned into its own minor disaster. Cuomo, de Blasio, and Bassett were generally pretty effective: They correctly assured people that it’s very difficult to contract Ebola, that all the relevant protocols were followed once Dr. Spencer came forward with his symptoms, that the city had thoroughly war-gamed this scenario. Had they taken the additional step of criticizing Spencer for not isolating himself beforehand, you can imagine that dominating the headlines, drowning out most of what they said, and generally contributing to the very panic they were trying to defuse. Everyone who’d ridden a subway or used Uber to get around New York on Wednesday would be asking themselves, Well, if he should have been quarantined but wasn’t, how much danger was I exposed to? (The answer, again, is almost certainly none.) Far better to play it cool while, behind the scenes, making sure any health worker who’s recently returned from the affected African countries has a month’s supply of Stouffer’s in his freezer and a complimentary Netflix subscription.

So one cheer for lying, Mr. and Mrs. Public Official. As a general rule, there’s no better way to get on my shit-list. But in this case, I think it’s your only move. "

Last edited by: dave_w: Oct 24, 14 17:28
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
Allie wrote:
JSA wrote:
Allie wrote:

Interesting thread. I wish people would get up in arms about influenza and Measles like the do Ebola.

Did they develop an Ebola vaccine when I wasn't looking???

FWIW, the wifie works in a long term care facility and they quarantine suspected flu infected patients and will actually fire a staff member who refuses to get a flu shot and/or shows up to work with the flu.

The point is that there are viruses already out there that do have vaccines available, yet there are also still morons that refuse to get them. So if they had a vaccine for Ebola that was ready for production people would bitch about how unsafe it is and not use it, then whine about getting Ebola.

If that were the case, then I would have as little sympathy for them as I do for those who do not get current vaccinations and get sick.
Agreed, and before someone goes off on a tangent, yes not all people mount a great response to vaccines and will still get sick with flu (depending on the strain, etc).

Don't get me wrong, I think that it is disturbing that we are seeing Ebola here; but at the same time, I see so many other illnesses that are so much worse that I guess I just have to wonder aloud if this deserves the amount of press we are seeing it get with flu season around the corner, HIV still being transmitted and falling vaccination rates causing a surge in Pertussis and Measles.

I tend to harp on influenza because it is a virus that has killed many in this country and it still does not get the respect it deserves. Like any other illness that is in our country, not falling victim to scare tactics and using some common sense and washing your hands will keep the general public safer. Vaccinating when you can will also help. Healthcare workers are always going to be on the front lines and the ones at highest risk for infection. We know this going into this profession and assume the risk of exposure (granted our employer needs to not be stupid about this either).
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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Somebody made a good point today. I fear them quarantining everybody now within the US.

Legitimate point, so wouldn't it make more sense to quarantine anybody who has been over there or flat out banning them from coming in? Quarantining them upon entry doesn't prevent if they spread it to people on the plane.

Funny how our country is in such a reactive mindset. We will quarantine the masses here already, but not high risk individuals before they come in.

"In the world I see you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Towers. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying stripes of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway." T Durden
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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NY and NJ decide to do their own mandatory quarantine:

The federal government already stipulates that passengers arriving from Ebola-affected areas self-monitor their temperature every day for three weeks.

Under the new policy in the two states, all travelers from high-risk areas will be interviewed about any contact with Ebola patients. If they have been exposed to the virus, they will be quarantined, and possibly medically monitored, until the incubation period has ended.

"There is no more ‘voluntary quarantine’ in New Jersey because you can't count on people to do it," said Christie, a possible presidential contender in 2016. Cuomo agreed, adding that a voluntary quarantine is "almost an oxymoron to me."

"This is not the time to take chances," Cuomo said.


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Re: Ebola hits NYC [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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A fine piece of political theatre.
So NJ has already quarantined a nurse, except officials don't know where to quarantine her.
Yeah, that is prepared.
So tell me, just where did the MSF protocol fail in NY?
Be specific. Try for something that approximates fact and not what is.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think he did break protocol (as it exists), but I'll bet the protocol is being reevaluated. Your anger sounds like that of those who defended CDC early on...until CDC came out and admitted weaknesses in their preparations and protocols.
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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No anger. I worked in labs that cultured class 3 pathogens and have an excellent understanding of risks and protocols. What the doctor did was follow protocols that have worked for decades. I'm just not panicking.
So still, tell me at what point in time the public was at risk.
Oh and frankly I thought the cdc protocols initially were weak. We followed higher precautions in our lab than what they had for caregivers. That said, I have no issue with the self monitoring by a medical professional like this
Look up his background. He was well trained with this disease and did not put the public at risk.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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So you'd be ok with wearing his bowling shoes?

Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.

- Chinese proverb
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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It looks like he was infected just at the end of his stay, and his girlfriend might think that protocol needs to change if she comes up positive. OTOH, if he was doing intimate things with his GF up till symptoms appeared, and she does not test positive, they could (and should) trumpet that to good effect.
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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That makes me feel better.

Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.

- Chinese proverb
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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And my point is that all his running around N.Y was pre symptomatic and as such pre contagious.
You do raise an interesting point however that if he and his woman were intimate and she becomes infected, that would be new information. Generally ebola in semen is considered a much later pathology. If that turns out to not be the case then certain models of infection need to be changed.
But viruses are not that sophisticated. They follow the same old infection route and don't change those easily. That would be a game changer in viroligy models.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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Seriously Duffy, what would you'd get from an early stage person. Sweat. And to date they have never found a complete virus in sweat. They have found partial RNA fragments in sweat in late stage disease, but that is probably from epidermal contamination.
So really, guy pre symptomatic. I will share shoes.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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jriosa wrote:
Seriously Duffy, what would you'd get from an early stage person. Sweat. And to date they have never found a complete virus in sweat. They have found partial RNA fragments in sweat in late stage disease, but that is probably from epidermal contamination.
So really, guy pre symptomatic. I will share shoes.

No seriously, you're willingness to share shoes with an ebolator makes me feel better.

As for what can happen with feet in shoes, well blisters is one thing.

Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.

- Chinese proverb
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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Ok. I know you don't use pink. Thought you were being sarcastic or something.
Yeah I am not worried about pre symptomatic our even early symptom folks.
If you are bleeding, puking, our crapping, whole new ball game.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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jriosa wrote:
Ok. I know you don't use pink. Thought you were being sarcastic or something.
Yeah I am not worried about pre symptomatic our even early symptom folks.
If you are bleeding, puking, our crapping, whole new ball game.

Well, so here's my thing with the shoes. Looking at my own as I type this, on the right heel I have a blister (no blood) and on the bottom of my left foot I have a few decent cuts from surfing a reef break the other day (no booties yet, water still warm). So if I put the ebowling shoes that were worn by a sweaty, blistered, cut foot ebolanating doctor there's no risk?

I mean those bowling shoes are nasty enough without Ebolas swimming around in 'em, right?

I'm seriously asking because you seem to be the only one here with experience with pathogens of this caliber.

Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.

- Chinese proverb
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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Duffy wrote:
jriosa wrote:
Ok. I know you don't use pink. Thought you were being sarcastic or something.
Yeah I am not worried about pre symptomatic our even early symptom folks.
If you are bleeding, puking, our crapping, whole new ball game.

Well, so here's my thing with the shoes. Looking at my own as I type this, on the right heel I have a blister (no blood) and on the bottom of my left foot I have a few decent cuts from surfing a reef break the other day (no booties yet, water still warm). So if I put the ebowling shoes that were worn by a sweaty, blistered, cut foot ebolanating doctor there's no risk?

I mean those bowling shoes are nasty enough without Ebolas swimming around in 'em, right?

I'm seriously asking because you seem to be the only one here with experience with pathogens of this caliber.

You would probably be at higher risk for getting a foot fungus or MRSA to be honest.
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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MJuric wrote:
I got that from an interview with an administrator of a major hospital in Mass. who indicated that the extra time would make them reconsider their policy of supporting people who wished to volunteer.

Yes, but isn't this like a company saying "We will reconsider whether we pay for insurance or not because of the ACA?" Hardly factual evidence.

Furthermore, as I stated, if a major hospital would rather take the chance of one of their people running around infecting others...well then maybe they aren't the best people for the job in the first place. "We may reconsider whether or not we want our people to follow ALL the protocols necessary to prevent spread of the disease"



"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Ebola hits NYC [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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dave_w wrote:
NY and NJ decide to do their own mandatory quarantine:

And it worked.
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