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April fish: we have a lot of Free time
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and back time. And breast and fly time. But mostly free timeā€¦

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick

40 x 50 on 1 swim
100 breast kick
6 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
5 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
4 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
3 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
2 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
1 x 100 IM kick
600 sidestroke kick

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
and back time. And breast and fly time. But mostly free timeā€¦

That's good! I like it!

I somehow managed 18 sessions in March, despite 2+ weeks with a hip flexor thing that caused my nights to be hell. I seem to be gradually emerging from this.

Our pools are closed on this Zombie Jesus Monday.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Easter monday closure - might as well celebrate; you only live once - except if you are Jesus

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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T Apr 2- 3250 free, 150 kick; 1 mi jog; 2.17 mi walk
5 x 50 on 1
4 x 75 on 130
3 x 100 on 150
2 x 125 on 220
1 x 150 on ?
50 kick
6 x 50 on 1
5 x 75 on 125
4 x 100 on 150
3 x 125 on 220
2 x 150 on ?
1 x 175
75 kick
75 swim
25 kick

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 2, 24 12:16
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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I never chime in on this thread (and am not even swimming right now due to recent shoulder replacement) but I just had to say those are two of the best Easter/Jesus jokes I have ever heard.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed.. great jokes

I swam today. My partner in speed opted for 10 days in mallorca so im solo... i dont know why she would want to leave new england but whatever....

So today was less inspired for speed but have to comment that some days, the water just works w me. Today was one of them. Started to work on my "undies" as they call them, the underwater dolphin kicks off the wall for fun. Started slow and easy and built up intensity but man i was flying in there. And I am NOT A KICKER, like, at all. But it was workin. Other fishies here can testify that some days its magic. Today was that.

I dont really have stats to back anything up, like this is some new secret or something everyone should do, hell, I prob wont do it the next time I am really trying to go fast but today was just a super special feeling in the water. I was playing and going fast and having fun in there.

Thats all. Thanks for reading. Keep swimming!!


Ps oh 4k total scy

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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [mcclelland] [ In reply to ]
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re: jokes - thanks!
keep us updated as to how the shoulder surgery recovery goes!

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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After a week with LOTS of swimming and riding, I got to the pool on April 1st for an easy 2500 (all free):
500 w/u
8x50 drill/swim
3x500 pull descending, negative split
100 c/d

took until the second 500 before I felt "normal"
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [AKCrafty] [ In reply to ]
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Apr 3- birthday swim, the 50s are the bday set. That is what my body can do right now and I am trying to be grateful for it. 2900 free, 400 kick; 3.7 mi walk

3 x (6 x 50 on 1, 6 x 50 on 55)
Right into one more 50 to make 37 of them for 37th bday
50 kick
10 x (100 swim, 25 kick)
50 swim
100 kick

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick
W Apr 3 - 2900 free, 400 kick

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 3, 24 7:38
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Hope you have a great day.


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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you! So far so good!

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Took a 25 minute diagonal swim in a Holiday Inn Express pool before an opening season duathlon on Saturday morning to do it, but I hit 100 straight days of swimming today. Going to see how long we can keep it going!
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Mark M] [ In reply to ]
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congrats on 100 days! That's awesome!

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Thanksā€¦and I hope itā€™s not too late in the day to wish you a Happy Birthday Alyie!šŸŠšŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸŽ‚
Iā€™d send off a Panera Cinnamon Crunch bagel, but thatā€™s like 15 years ago now!šŸ˜Š
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Been largely out of the pool for three weeks, but looking forward to more this month
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Why? You been sitting in the same chair Skuj has?
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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waverider101 wrote:
Why? You been sitting in the same chair Skuj has?

Haha, not by design....a cracked crown lead to a tooth infection at the exact same time as everyone at my office was dropping like flies from Covid and seasonal flu, so I was fighting it all at the same time, during a big deal closing stretch at work and my immune system went on strike. I actually think the crown cracked on a hard butterfly interval when I slammed my jaw shut after breathing before "head in" close to the wall (trying to practice a Phelps vs Cavic finish) haha. It was 11 days before swim provincials and I had to scratch that meet, because the fevers started around 5 days before the meet when the tooth infection blew up.

In any case, things are dealt with and hope to get back to pool tomorrow, Likely no swim meets because the last swim meet I can go to in 2 weeks is same weekend as funeral of one of the guys in my wedding party who I went to college with (died from massive heart attack a few days ago....which added to me funk as you can imagine....we both used to race triathlons together in the 80's). So need to go minimally for a virtual swim with him since he used to always beat me to T1. Now I have to swim for both of us....at my college 35 year reunion last fall I tried to get him to go for a run and swim and he said he actually got inspired by me to get into shape because his son who is a senior in college is racing tris now. So between the two of us, we were going to kick his ass back into shape, but that's not gonna happen now.

So one of us better get in the pool! That's my sorry set of excuses. Enough excuses !!!

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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thatā€™s rough going mate. Hope you get to have some time in a few weekends with old friends and remember the nice times. I can remember sets I used to do with great friends and I swim a lot by myself now but I feel like I am swimming right there with them when I do them
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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waverider101 wrote:
Thatā€™s rough going mate. Hope you get to have some time in a few weekends with old friends and remember the nice times. I can remember sets I used to do with great friends and I swim a lot by myself now but I feel like I am swimming right there with them when I do them

I think the other guys are going to be drinking like fish like it is 1988 and I'll be the designated driver who will be the only one getting up for a run and swim the next morning !!! If it was 1988 I would be drinking with them, but I would be the one kicking their asses out of the bed for workouts the next morning LOL. I think it will be a fun road trip. We all gotta go. I told the guys when I go, my wife is going to make them run laps around the track until the moral improves and they stop complaining about training!!! In the mean time, I can run and swim laps for those jokers but when I die, they better pick it up.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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waverider101 wrote:
Why? You been sitting in the same chair Skuj has?


Recently I've managed a 19sec 25m and a 39sec 50m, without hurting myself. I'm contemplating a sub 14min 800m later today.

I finally have some good drugs! (Naproxen, Cyclobenzaprine).

Xrays tomorrow.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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OK good luck in the 800m !!!
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
OK good luck in the 800m !!!

Thanks Dude. šŸ˜‚

Not gonna lie: 13:58.5 was a slog! šŸ˜³ Not agonizing, but certainly huffin' after 200m.

I am many sessions away from "feeling it".
I always theorize that whatever off-time you had, about twice that time back-on gets you to where you were at.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Mark M] [ In reply to ]
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Well one thing for sure Mark M, you are one consistent dude. How has all this daily consistency translated to your overall speed? Have you done any serious time trials in the pool or even swim meets? Or is it all just for your OW segments of all the triathlons you are doing?

I missed a bunch of days here, went on a mini vacation with the family and Knotts Berry Farm,. Did do one beach day, but the water was 59 and I spent 15 minutes trying to get rid of head and face freeze, but no luck. So took about 50 strokes and headed back in, but did get a cold plunge!!!

Got in on the way home today and just had 53 minutes, so crashed some yardages to get the feel back:

5x100 buoy@1;40(1;25 to 1;23)
3x(200p@3;00/50back@1;00) pulls(2;40/41/41)back(44/43/43)250frog@5;00(4;49)
3300SCY in 53 minutes
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Ok Dr. Tigerchick. Your joke was excellent and motivated me to engage. I've been long absent from ST chatter, but I'm always reading. But for good reason! I've been swimming all around the world!

I just got back from a swim holiday in Galapagos and I am forever ruined by this. No pool, no ocean, no lake, no body of water will ever measure up. If you have not swim in Galapagos, you must go. It is worth every red cent.

While in that region, I went on adventures in Ecuador. I crashed while biking in Ecuador and had many typical bike crash injuries, but the broken rib was the killer for swimming. Fortunately, I was having the time of my life when I crashed. Unfortunately, the "how I crashed" story is just stupid and I'm sticking with the "a shark bit me" version of the story. Also fortunately, free healthcare in Ecuador! I paid $3.50 for the many stitches it took to reattach my right ear and patch me up, the rest was free including the very long ambulance ride and all the antibiotics ever invented.

Well over a month now since all of that and I jumped back in the pool. It turns out you lose all fitness in a month+ of no swimming. UGH. Regardless, I was able to log 3300SCY. My pace is something I'll keep to myself. Extra Free time, I suppose.

2x50 on 1:10 drill
3x100 on 1:45
2x25 on :30 Fast
Repeat 3 times
Main set:(20x100)
4x100 on 1:50 tempo pace
30 sec rest
4x100 on 2:10 hold best average from above
30 sec rest
4x100 on 1:50 pull
30 sec rest
4x100 on 2:30 FAST
30 sec rest
4x100 on 1:40 just make interval

Hillary Trout
San Luis Obispo, CA

Your trip is short. Make the most of it.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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yeah Phelps used to say 1 day off you need two days to get back to where you were three days ago!!!! So I hear your pain. Went to pool today, but it was closed due to lack of lifeguards....so hoping to get back to pool tomorrow. No more coughing and weasing!!! Did a 33 min run at lunch on treadmill and 90 min trainer ride in evening.

Congrats on the sub 14 800m
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [SLOgoing] [ In reply to ]
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Fri Apr 4- 1800 free as all 50s; 2 mi walk

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 5, 24 6:27
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
keep us updated as to how the shoulder surgery recovery goes!

Four months post surgery and progress is on track. I had multiple rotator cuff tears and biceps tendon was shredded as well so things will take longer than if it was "just" a joint replacement. So far I have only been walking - tried some jogging recently but peroneal tendon stared flaring up so backing off on that (it sucks getting old - if it's not one thing it's another). I don't see myself even attempting anything in the pool for another couple of months - the strength and mobility without pain just isn't there yet. Finally to the point where I feel like I can support my upper body on the bike, though any meaningful steering is questionable, so I'm planning to set up my new Kickr Core (50th bday present!) this weekend!
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [mcclelland] [ In reply to ]
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I did a pleasant 3000m in 57:38 today. I sauntered the first half in 29:33, then I "swam" 28:05.

Fun times!!

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Iā€™m a total AOS Mark. Never had any formal team/group training or have entered any swim meets. During my first tri season 40 years ago I did the elementary backstroke to get through the swim leg. I eventually got serviceable at it and it has become my exercise of choice in the last decade as it keeps the aerobic base intact for everything else without the wear and tear. It also helps that I can do it indoors year round as we are still getting snow here in northern IL this week. Race experience and results have also put me firmly in the camp that feels volume swimming can positively impact tri performance. Soā€¦off I went to consecutive day 102 this morning!šŸ˜Š
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Nice work. I did my first real swim in 3 weeks where I was not coughing up half a lung. Did random swimming in all strokes and threw in a few 200IMs, but realistically lost a ton in these three weeks. I should have been checking in my bike at Oceanside 70.3 around now, but cancelled that trip as doing a half IM tomorrow would have felt like death. I barely ran 5km in 30 minutes on treadmill after my 60 minute swim and that felt hard (but maybe it is because I did almost 300 ft climbing too as I had it on 3-4 percent for a large chunk of the run) . In any case, I will aim for Oceanside 2025 as it would be my first race in 60-64 if I don't blow myself apart before. I have St. George 70.3 in a month to panic train for and these days I find doing 50% of my hours in the pool really adds a lot of fitness versus wasting time running (injury) or riding (trainer is boring after 60 min)

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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Freezing cold pool swim. Whipping wind, rain. The kickboard box blew over. Just another day in California.

Trying to get my form back. It was ugly. But maybe progress was made.

Warm up: 200 swim, 100 kick, 100 pull, 100 swim
800 swim moderate effort;
10x50 kick 10s rest (fins optional);
600 swim moderate;
6x75 pull (no buoy, paddles optional) 10 s rest;
400 moderate swim.
100 cool down.
Total: 3350

Hillary Trout
San Luis Obispo, CA

Your trip is short. Make the most of it.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [SLOgoing] [ In reply to ]
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Welcome back to the fold there Hillary, was wondering where you had been. You will be back at your old pool self in no time, like riding a bike!!!!

I got so pumped today watching Lionel crush dreams that I went to the pool and put on my race suit. It was a bit hot, but so what, time to rock!!

2x(2x200swim or pull@3;10/200back@3;50/200frog@4;10/200IM@4;00)swims(2;54/51)pulls(2;37/34)backs(3;02/2;57)frogs(3;38/3;35)IM's(2;55/2;53)
2x(100frog@2;00/3x100p@1;40/50swim hard@1;00/50buoyeasy@1;00)frogs(1;48/1;46)buoys(1;19 to 1;17's)buoys(41's) swims(34/32)
5x50@1;00 as 1frog(54)3buoy(43/42/41)back(40)
200 easy pull(2;40)50dolphin(63)
3500SCY in 65 minutes
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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1500m total this morning, which included a not very hard 1:26 100m. I'm starting to "feel it".

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Last couple of OW swims for the season the next few weeks. Terrible rain and lots of flash flooding here last week so oceans were a mess I figured. Floating poo and logs and sticks eywhere. Skipped on the race I wanted to on the weekend and did the hardest efforts I've done in awhile this morning

LCM warm ups - 200 back 200 FRIM 150 back 150 FRIM 100 back 100 frim 50 back 50 frim 100 200 300 IM 200 easy 4x50 as 25 sprint 25 easy 200 easy

main set as 6x400 right into a 200 (2 on 545, 2 on 530, 2 on 515, 200 whatever left). held 530s first two, 512s second two, then 502,500,229
200 easy
100 200 300 400 400 on 1:20 cycle plus 10 hold 1:20s steady and 1:18 for last one
300 easy

sorry there goes my productivity today boss
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Did a swim stroke clinic today. Very useful tips. I really hope I can remember all that feedback. :-) Fortunately, I have the second half of the clinic in 2 weeks.

I have no clue the yardage, but there were many laps of head position, body rotation, hand entry. So many laps.

However, I caught the bubble and held it for an entire lap. If you know, you know.

Hillary Trout
San Luis Obispo, CA

Your trip is short. Make the most of it.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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main set as 6x400 right into a 200 (2 on 545, 2 on 530, 2 on 515, 200 whatever left). held 530s first two, 512s second two, then 502,500,229 //

That's a real nice set right there, helps take the sting out of not racing. I also backed out of a two day meet this weekend, was going to miss too many days just before and dont have the fitness for a 5 day taper yet!!!

Got in today and pool is inching up again in heat, around 84 I would guess. Its tolerable, but not comfortable by any means. Had to cut some longer swims down a bit to stand up and cool off.

2x(2x200buoy@3;10/200frog@4;10/400IM@7;00 or 4x100IM order@2;00) buoys(2;56/54/52/48)frogs(3;48/3;43)IM's(6;12/ 5;48--1;28/1;30/1;33/1;17)
3250SCY in 57 minutes
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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a 5 day taper sounds like a holiday...

been working in some explosive sprints and fast stuff to 15-20m the past week or so, just trying to wake up some fast twitch.

descending 400s a hard slog but good showing where fitness is and also good for pacing practice for OWS.

i think ive said this to you before on here but the really good OWS swimmers here (the crew who are 60 plus and still take all the podiums - they probably are much slower over a 50 to 400m than the youngers, but just have that solid aerobic pace they can hold for like 40 minutes. its probably 117-119 pace).

main set today 2 rounds of (4x50 fast 95% effort to 20 or so, 800 at 5-6/10 effort).
finish with 800 a bit quicker, then 600 1000 bit quicker
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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by 'really good' i do mean podium level at master OW worlds
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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One of these days I would like to pitch up to one of those OW worlds, maybe even pool swims too. The comp there is always a lot less than just racing in nationals here, a good guy or two, then a pretty steep drop off and not much depth. I mean I swam a national OW race here that was local last year(2.5 mile), and had to compete against the two fastest distance guys in the world,(both live in CA and dont go to worlds) so 3rd was my best outcome!!!

And the sprints, forget about it. Guy on my team just aged up to 65 and went 23.8 free in a nothing meet for SCY!! Probably translates to a sub 27LCM when he gets serious..Although I'm going to try and get my 50 fly down a bit so I can be on a relay with that guy, and maybe the one I swam with last year that went 30.7 for the 50 breast SCY...Might be able to do some damage in the old mens!!!
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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 sounds like California is to masters swimming like what iten Kenya is too running. Funny that, makes for good local racing
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Does fly feel the most natural for you to sprint in? A friend of mine is a decent swimmer and cracks around 30 for a 50 fly and 50 free. Just canā€™t turn his arms enough in the free and the levers in the fly give him more speed
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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I'm about to do my 63rd swim session of the year. Today is day 100 of the year. 63% is bullshit. I want around 75%.

Some of that 63% couldn't be helped - ie injury/life etc. But much of it is me being idle and "tired" (ie feeling sorry for myself.)

By day 200 I expect a significantly higher mark.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Does fly feel the most natural for you to sprint in?//

I have never been a sprinter in anything, but fly does feel the best of all the worst. But as I age up it becomes clear to me, that my sprinting ability is closing in on the guys that dominated it for the past 50 years. So I have to take a fresh look at what I'm doing, and what races will best suit me in the future. Really hard to give up on my big events like 400IM and 200 fly, but man it gets really hard to hold the strokes together once you start getting close to 70..

On that note I decided today to start a program to see if I can get comfortable with distance fly again, and perhaps feel comfortable in that 400IM too:

2x(3x100buoy@1;40/2x100frog@2;00)buoys(1;26 to 1;19)frogs(1;54 to 1;48)
3x(3x100p@1;40/2x100fly or back@2;00/50frog@1;30/50fly or back@1;30). pulls(1;17/16/15/15/15/14/14/14/13)fly's(1;30/1;29/1;29/1;30)back(1;32/1;29)fly 50's(36/34+)back(39)
2950SCY in 57 minutes

I think once and if I can get comfortable with distance fly, I will then take a tack to getting better at the 50 too. But that mostly will be trying to learn how to do under waters beyond the 2 kicks I do now, and of course have them be faster than just popping up and swimming. Not sure that is even possible for old guys like me, but I'm gonna try at least..
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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4x400IM in the warm pool.. limp with fatigue after the first one, cramping in the last one. HR didn't reach 140. Not sure what that was all about, unusually bad day.

on Saturday off to Australia for 2 weeks. Hoping to get in some ocean swims, current Perth water temp is 70deg and dropping, may not be strong enough..
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [doug in co] [ In reply to ]
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Have fun in OZ, but isnt summer over and they getting close to winter now??

To continue with my leg fly and 400IM training, did some strokes again, longer rest and a little faster:

2x(3x100bouy@1;40/2x100frog@2;00)buoys(1;24 t0 1;18)frogs(1;52 to 1;47)
2x(3x100fly or back@2;30/3x100p@1;40/100frog@2;30)flys(1;29/1;26/1;26+)backs(1;29/1;27/1;24) pulls(1;16/14/13/12/12/08)frogs(1;48/4746)
3x(50stroke@1;00/100p easy@2;00)fly(37)back(40)brst(41)pulls(1;19/18/16)50 kick
2900SCY in 59 minutes

Really feels like I'm a long ways from doing easy comfortable fly, wonder if it is even possible anymore. HR really high going 1;26's....
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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4 x 150 on 2 min (prep for what was to come)
6 x 100 on 1:45 -- 103s and 104s but mostly 103s
50 easy
6 x 100 on 2 -- 102, 103, 102, 101, 103, 101
50 easy
12 x 50 on 1 -- all 30s and a few 29s sprinkled in (if I decided not to be lazy into the wall! Ha)
4250 all in

Did 5100 on tuesday but for the life of me, cannot remember the set. (training a lot now)


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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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daved wrote:

4 x 150 on 2 min (prep for what was to come)
6 x 100 on 1:45 -- 103s and 104s but mostly 103s
50 easy
6 x 100 on 2 -- 102, 103, 102, 101, 103, 101
50 easy
12 x 50 on 1 -- all 30s and a few 29s sprinkled in (if I decided not to be lazy into the wall! Ha)
4250 all in

Did 5100 on tuesday but for the life of me, cannot remember the set. (training a lot now)



I read most posts without commenting. Every now and then I wonder if a poster with an epic session to report feels that his/her post has been overlooked.

So every now and then I award a "yikes". šŸ˜‚

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Haha! I love it.

This week has been epic in my training. For sure.

Did an off road gravel race on Sunday right into a week of more rides and lifting more and adding in some diff core/ab stuffā€¦ itā€™s just been a lot. Plus the 5100 on Tuesday that wasnā€™t necessarily SUPER hard (we did do some 150s that were tough) but that level of volume added in on top of it allā€¦ yeah. All week has been a YIKES for me!! Ha

I do appreciate your support tho!
So. Thank you!


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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Well, here's my DLS* for today:

WU: 8x100m on 2:30 (1:59.5.......1:39.5).
A 400m - hoping for 6:48.
CD: 400m (7:27).

I figured 6:48 would feel challenging at this early comeback phase. But shockingly, 50/49sec laps felt quite good, and I ended up doing a very pleasant feeling 6:37.5 - signs of life!! I hope to be sub 6:30 on my next 400m. (20 Apr.)

*Dorky Little Session

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Nothing dorky at all (in my book) of anyone trying to get better at something

I respect it a lot.

Keep at it.
Youā€™ll get there.


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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Haven't really felt great about my swimming lately. Decided that it had been too long since my last shave so I clipped the Chewbacca suit at the end of March. Need a meet/OW event to spice things up; unfortunately I can't find one closer than 3+hr drive for awhile. Here's my April so far:

800 warmup
4x[100 IM, 100 fly kick, 100 paddles + ankle band, 200 swim]


+ 40 min strength

regular 800 warmup
500 build (5:40) on 6:45
10x100 threshold effort on 1:30
started at 1:06, ended around 1:04
4x50 easy



2x[200 swim, 4x50 drill]
4x50 25 sprint/25 easy
4x200 as 50 fast hands, 100 smooth, 50 build (on 2:45, held ~2:12)
4x50 easy

+ 6 mi run

'Olympic' Aquathlon
Swim was only 920y according to watch, split in 12:33 (that's slow)
Course was a 2-looper that was supposed to be triangular but was really a straight line.
So of course on the return in the first loop I got a head-on collision with someone who was 25 yards off course and swimming at a 45 degree angle to get back.
6.25mi run on a a hilly, lumpy grass course in 39:35

2x[300 swim, 4x50 drill]
2x[5x200 descend on 2:45, 100 easy]
Rd1: 2:17-16-13-12-09
Rd2: 2:15-15-13-11-08
3x200 pull strong on 2:30. 2 blue paddles, 1 red: 2:04-05-03


2x[200 swim, 4x50 drill]
5x100 ankle band
8x50 25 Sprint/25 easy. 3 free, 1 fly
1000 pull, negative split. Blue paddles (5:31-5:25)
2x500 pull, red paddles, faster than 1000 (5:20-5:19)
4x50 Cruise
3x[100 fast, 100 easy]. 58's on the fast ones. had planned to do 5 rounds but I was spent at 3.

4500 scy

+ 5mi run
3x200 pull strong. 2 blue paddles, 1 red
4x50 easy

Heater was broken in the pool this week, so it was a fantastic 77F, made these last two hard sessions easier.

Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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daved wrote:
Nothing dorky at all (in my book) of anyone trying to get better at something

I respect it a lot.

Keep at it.
Youā€™ll get there.


Yeah. Thanks.

Most of my sessions are around 1600m average. I rarely do 3000m+. Around here 3000m is on the short side, eh? šŸ˜‚

Of course I'm not a Triathlete. Sometimes I convince myself that I am a "sprinter" (quotation marks required).

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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Cranking when the paddles go on...

OW courses set up with the chance for a collision are a real hassle. best shape is wide rectangle (not the tall rectangle) or diamond, rather than the skinny rectangle

Hope some OW events coming up now into spring and summer for you guys. I've got only one or two left in me for the season
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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I'm with you Adrian needing some races sitting out there to stay motivated. I mean training is good and all, would do it with no racing, but that is the icing on the cake so to speak to test yourself once in awhile..

Did a shorter rest set today, HR was high and stayed there in the hotter water at high pool:

4x(4x100buoy or pull@1;30/100frog@2;10/100IM@1;50)buoys(1;24/23's)pulls(1;16's)frogs(1;53/51/48/48)IM's(1;27/24/24/23)
3x(100frog@2;00/100p@1;50/50fly or back@1;00)frogs(1;51/50/50)pulls(1;18/17/16)fly's(38/38)bk(41)
150 dolphin/frog(3;02)
3300SCY in 58 minutes

Looking at a pentathlon 1st week of may, but can choose, sprint, middle, or long distance, thinking maybe middle for a change..
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Had a race today and managed to get a win. 34 minute finishing time. Got a slow start off the beach but slowly reeled in leaders and then put in a surge with my friend drafting, then I drafted her for a bit. We managed to break away.

From about halfway we just did our own thing and took slightly different lines - I took the slightly better line so ended up with a slight lead and just finished as best I could. By then it was much flatter so could push much harder

Really hard swimming out today right into head on chop. Any tips on how to do this? Also with the big tail chop? I couldnā€™t really get into my higher rhythm I get when itā€™s flatter. Just a practice thing to swim with a high rating in the water when itā€™s moving around like that?

I often find that when itā€™s rough like that the speed I can swim isnā€™t really that fast but itā€™s just having good strength to keep arms going over at the moderate level
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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All the fast crew were at surf nationals leaving the part timers to have a shot. Ocean around 21 degrees. Perfect.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Your post and your handle match perfectly! šŸ˜‚ Congrats.

Meanwhile, I'm happy to report a fiver. (ie 5 swim sessions over the last week - Mon to Sun.)

Sexy bits included 25m in 17.5, 50m in 38.0, 100m in 1:24.0, and 400m in 6:37.5. These are not "fast" for me, but I'm inching my way back to form.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Apr 15, 24 9:06
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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I read someone write work on your 5000m and your 50m bests - the rest in the middle will take care of itself. Thatā€™s what you are doing!
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Great job on the race win, and your lady friend must be one hell of an open water swimmer. With the workouts you post up here, doubt she is beating you in the pool? Unless your friend is Lani Pallister, suppose she could take you in the pool too... (-;

I had a rare Sunday swim today, was at a sea level and cooler pool and went in feeling marginal. But man once again I'm flabbergasted at how much better I can swim in a normal pool with full O2. Starting with warm up and ending with last 50, just all feels and is faster, even feeling shity:

3x(300p@4;30/100frog@2;00/2x50swim@1;00) pulls(3;49/3;43/3;42)frogs(1;51/48/45)swims(37/36/36/34/35/34)
2x(3x100IM kick@2;10/4x50buoy@1;00)kicks(1;56 to 1;52's)buoys(40 to 36's)
5x100p@1;40(1;17 to 1;10)5x50buoy@1;00(40/39/37/36/34)
4250SCY in 78 minutes

Had to swim mostly free since only 4 lanes open and had to share the entire swim. Would have been fun to do IM, but not cool to my lane mate.
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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My friend carves it up in the ocean. Once she gets on her pace she just goes and rough water doesnā€™t bother her one bit. Had some fun days swimming in rough and cold water during storms. Not that crazy nz conditions you sent that time though lol but still great fun. Swimming with those swells chopped off about 5-7 seconds per 100 a few years ago

I can keep her honest in the pool but I only got lucky on the weekend coming on a better line and I thought now is my chance so went for broke. May not come again.

Nice getting a cool Sunday swim in. When it gets really choppy and rough do you try to swim deeper in the water? Or just try to stay on top of rhythm and keep up the effort? Most people I know just say in the ocean get as high as possible and swim straight
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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All scy. Just to say I tried a workout advertised but not as quite advertised:

50s on 1
75s on 1:30
100s on 1:45

And a couple of fitness tests:
10x50s on :50. Could I have done 20? I think so.
6X50s on :45. Could I have done 7? Haha. No.

About a month of coming back in the books. Not as dire as it seemed in week 1.
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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waverider101 wrote:
I read someone write work on your 5000m and your 50m bests - the rest in the middle will take care of itself. Thatā€™s what you are doing!


I seem to be addicted/OCD about trying to do "well" at everything from 5000m to the 15m challenge (which is a thing!!), with my favourite (400m) right near the middle. I seem to crave Epic Variety in swimming, but I believe that the middle of this gigantic spectrum benefits from it all. Some might say aiming specifically at 400m instead of spraying bullets in all directions would be better for my beloved 400m, but I'd get bored with narrower training.

It is indeed 5000m o'clock in my monthly sequence! šŸ˜‚

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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When it gets really choppy and rough do you try to swim deeper in the water? Or just try to stay on top of rhythm and keep up the effort? Most people I know just say in the ocean get as high as possible and swim straight //

Its a hard thing for me to explain, as it is ingrained into my hard drive. I certainly have the 10,000+ ocean swims in to have perfected it, many from when I was just a nipper of 8 swimming in to get my lost board from back in the no surf leash days..Flat water is easy, like you said just swim straight and like in a pool. But when it gets really bumpy, that is where the magic is. Sometimes you ride high, but others you plow through, like doing an underwater. It is a feel for what is coming as you really cannot see it, but the ocean has a rhythm you can deduce. Going into heavy chop I bury my head a lot, sometimes skip a breath too to keep timing of the current stroke. Coming in or running with a swell, you use your kick a lot more to ride the railroads as we put it, and then back down in the trough to recover from the micro bursts.

Think of that dynamic as being on a flat escalator. If it moves and you move with it, your distance is more than actual output. Same for a swellcoming underneath you(not a wave, different story there). So if you pick up your pace very quickly right when it hits you, it is like swimming on that escalator, and you get some free distance. So the faster you go, the more free distance you get..And over time you learn to time those before they even hit you, there is a pull back or heaviness to your stroke just before you get the push, and you can accelerate just in front of it hitting you.

Anyway long answer to a short question, not sure if it helps or not. But being the swimmer you are I think you can visualize what I'm trying to describe..

Back in the high and HOT pool today, it really does test my fortitude sometimes. I'm really a self motivated swimmer and love it, even by myself day in and day out, but this hot water does try my patience sometimes. Pretty stark from yesterdays sea level cool swim on how much it makes a difference too:

4x(3x100bouy or pull@1;40/100back@2;00/100frog@2;00)buoys(1;27/26/24/23/23/23/22/20)pulls(1;17/15/15/13/14/14/13/13)backs(1;30/1;26+/1;25/1;24)frogs(1;52 to 1;46)
4x(100p@1;50 easy/50 fly or back@1;00/100frog easy@2;10)pulls(1;20/19/18/17)frogs(1;50's) fly(36/36+/36)back(39)
3200SCY in 59 minutes
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you - that is really well put. Not been explained to me before - but that does make sense.

Got to feel the shifts from the moving water and then give higher bursts in energy and effort at different times... great post monty.
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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A master class in open water tech and thinking!

Well said Monty.

Back at it today. Nothing fancy at all tho. Only still getting two swims in a week and with kids home all week w April vaca... this week will be the same.

300 on 4 -- 329, 326, 321
4 x 75 on 1 -- all 50s and 51s (last set I had some cramping legs)
4 x 25s on :30 -- just racing my training mate to the mid of the pool
50 easy
4050. total

So, nothing fancy but happy to get it in


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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My xray results are in.

I put them as an image in my profile! šŸ˜‚ (Idk how you post images here.) šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø

My first reaction: "Jesus Christ! I'm getting fucking old." (Are you allowed to say "Jesus Christ" here?)

After some discussion with the Doc we agreed that disc surgery is the last resort. That option can be explored if things remain shit. (Things are improving by about 1-2% most days.)

3 ideas:

1. Core.
2. Core.
3. See 1 and 2 above.

Even when I was a good runner, my core was kind of shyte. I've been doing daily superman and plank lately. Now I'm really motivated!!


I'll swim a 3000m now......

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Apr 16, 24 16:08
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Toady I decided would be fly day, so more rest and harder swims. Got in 800 of fly at a 1;16 per 100 average, mostly 50's with a few 25's. Will have to go up in distance it get that flowing stroke, this one is all work..

2x(3x100buoy@1;40/2x100frog@2;00)buoys(1;28 to 1;19)frogs(1;54 to 1;48)
10x50 fly, odds hard @1;10/ evens recovery@1;20) Hards(38/38/38/37+/37) recovery(43/43/43/42/41)
4x(3x50frog@1;10/50fly@1;30)frogs(all 53/52's)fly(36+/36/36/36)
2x100p@1;50(1;17/15)2x25 fly@;40(16/16)100p(1;15)2x25fly(16/15+/
2700SCY in 59 minutes
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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A gentle, happy 3000m (56:31) tonight. šŸ˜€

I think the abwork that I recently started doing is really helping. I feel better in the water now.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [mcclelland] [ In reply to ]
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I am also lacking the strength and mobility to do a lot without pain. A storm- April 5/6 I think- shoveling and cleaning car a bunch had me in a lot of pain, which is why I disappeared.

20 x 50 on 1 this AM, felt so good to be back, hope pain doesnā€™t set in later. 3 mi walk after and all my PT stuff

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 17, 24 6:19
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I'm with you Adrian needing some races sitting out there to stay motivated. I mean training is good and all, would do it with no racing, but that is the icing on the cake so to speak to test yourself once in awhile..

someone on here - Murphy'sLaw? - used to have a sig line to the effect of "speed is icing on a cake and you don't have a cake". I wish I could remember it.

I live far more for the day in day out training bc it makes me feel good over racing.

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick
W Apr 3 - 2900 free, 400 kick
F Apr 5 - 1800 free
W Apr 17 - 1000 free

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 17, 24 6:21
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
I am also lacking the strength and mobility to do a lot without pain. A storm- April 5/6 I think- shoveling and cleaning car a bunch had me in a lot of pain, which is why I disappeared.

20 x 50 on 1 this AM, felt so good to be back, hope pain doesnā€™t set in later. 3 mi walk after and all my PT stuff


Welcome back! Fingers crossed.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah - for decades track races organized my training. And early in my swimming some Masters meets did the same. I trained to race!

But now I think I'm easing into "training to train", and my own personal monthly "decathlon". (15m, 25m, 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m.)

I have very mixed feelings about letting go of the former mindset. But I am genuinely happy with the latter.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Apr 17, 24 8:35
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone have any Ctretchcordz workouts they'd recommend? For days I don't get to the pool, it would be good to get some training in.

the world's still turning? >>>>>>> the world's still turning
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Callin'] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone have any Ctretchcordz workouts they'd recommend? For days I don't get to the pool, it would be good to get some training in.

I can tell you some good rotator cuff strength exercises w resistance bands. Is that what you're after, or something that's like swimming on dry land?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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More for "swimming" on dray land. Something like this:


the world's still turning? >>>>>>> the world's still turning
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
2nd month in a row we have made the "forum highlights" in the weekly newsletter! Wooo! Keep it up, apparently we are providing quality content :-)

(there's no sarcasm in that at all - really!)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 17, 24 14:01
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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welcome back tiger. you been doing any backstroke? can you swim that without any discomfort?

yeah just absolutely hammer those resistance band rotator cuff exercises until your forearms and rotator cuff stop working and that is a good workout. may only take 5 minutes for that to happen or may take 15.

did some mix of strkes today in lcm

400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 as alternate back and free
2 x (8x100 as 25 fast of stroke, 75 free). this was actually really hard to just keep swimming through. good strength workouts. just got my breath back on the wall for 5 - 10 seconds and went again
4x50 fast of the strokes
2x500 swim steady into 800 neg split
100 faster
500 easy
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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funny you mention backstroke as prior to the storm that caused the recent flare-up, the PT suggested adding that in. I've been hesitant lately as reaching backward (like to grab something on my nightstand) causes pain, but backstroke is in the plan!

The strength exercises are working since we started them in February; the PT said he could feel more infraspinatus muscle than when we started (he's been poking at it for dry needling). :-)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
One thing I always try to do, barring injury/illness, is at least 20 sessions per month.

I enter today, the 18th, with only 10 sessions so far. šŸ˜³ I'm looking at my life-sched over the next 2 weeks, and I have come to a startling conclusion:

I shall swim twice today!! šŸ˜‚ (11am and 5pm.)

Both sessions are short/sprinty. I'm hoping that the 5pm will see a 50m in 37.5sec - my next step in this "comeback".

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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I was expecting you to say you were not gonna make it.. then you double down on doing 2x/day!

Swam today

4 x 150 on 2 (building to speed work) so 1:45s or faster on these
8 x 100 on 1:40 105, 104, 103, 103, 103, 103, 103, 102
8 x 100 on 2 alt 1 max 1 easy: fast ones were 1:00. 59.9, 59.1, 58.6

4k total w warm up and some cool down.

Happy to be back under a min and having some feel/power today.


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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How nice to be back under a minute daved, my goal is to get one under that barrier, shaved and tapered!!!! And I think that will get me to a 100LCM to equal my age, something wave rider threw out there as a challenge.

Had a thought to do a 1650p TT today as pool was only about 83.5, started it out fine, but got hot and bailed at 1k. Feels like in a cooler pool I can get back to 20+mid/high now though, maybe try next time I'm at a low cool pool...

2x(3x100bouy or pull@1;40/1;30/100frog@2;00) buoys(1;26/24/21)pulls(1;17/16/15)frogs(1;54/51)
13x50@1;00 as 3x(2x50buoy/50 stroke/50frog)buoys(42 to 40's)frogs(55's)fly(38)bk(42)brst(43)50buoy(39)
3650SCY in 60 minutes
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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daved wrote:
8 x 100 on 2 alt 1 max 1 easy: fast ones were 1:00. 59.9, 59.1, 58.6


(That's my "YIKES" face.)

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Had a mix of everything today and it was ugly I can't remember it all

5x100 300 200 100 free 4x50 fly 600 free. Free as just good honest effort.
4x100 HARD on 140 hold 108-109s (first one was 107)
100 200 300 400 building (from paces 119 to 116-117)
500 easy snorkel 300 on 117
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Skuj wrote:
One thing I always try to do, barring injury/illness, is at least 20 sessions per month.

I enter today, the 18th, with only 10 sessions so far. šŸ˜³ I'm looking at my life-sched over the next 2 weeks, and I have come to a startling conclusion:

I shall swim twice today!! šŸ˜‚ (11am and 5pm.)

Both sessions are short/sprinty. I'm hoping that the 5pm will see a 50m in 37.5sec - my next step in this "comeback".

Well, the second session felt tired and I swam 38, dammit.

I won't do this often. šŸ˜‚

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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Yay for sub-1!

Fri Apr 19

1000 free as 20 x 50 on 1 . Scy; 3.36 mi walk
Feels so good to swim

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick
W Apr 3 - 2900 free, 400 kick
F Apr 5 - 1800 free
W Apr 17 - 1000 free
F Apr 19 - 1000 free

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 19, 24 6:45
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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YAY for swimming!!!

keep it up


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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Swimming. Lol.

I didn't push hard today. My bodybrain is tired.

WU 4x200m + 4x50m.
200m in "tempo" 3:11.
CD 400m.

Noswim tomorrow. WU+800m+CD Sunday. My last 800m was a bit of a slog 13:59. I hope that Sunday is less of a slog 13:40s.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Apr 19, 24 12:08
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Back in the lake for some real swimming!

Across in 21 (started with breast stroke, then head up, then normal).

Back in 15.

An unusually windy day at Whonnock.

http://www.fitspeek.com the Fraser Valley's fitness, wellness, and endurance sports podcast
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Callin'] [ In reply to ]
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Callin' wrote:
Anyone have any Ctretchcordz workouts they'd recommend? For days I don't get to the pool, it would be good to get some training in.

Some threads (from the COVID years, I bet):



I did well with workouts that used short sets and lots of repetition, sessions that were 20-45 minutes. Like:
8X30 sec of one arm pulls w 30 sec rest with a light cord
8X20 sec of fly w 30 sec rest w a heavy cord
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [apmoss] [ In reply to ]
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scy. a couple of sets that are versions of one another (with no rest after the 100s).

50 on 1:00
75 on 1:30
100 on 1:50

50 on 1:00
75 on 2:00
100 on 1:30
Last edited by: apmoss: Apr 20, 24 5:48
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Had a double today. Morning in an outdoor 50m unheated 19.3 degrees for a brisk 1200m then a bit of an afternoon loosen after a drive home today. Nothing much was feeling good but still nice to loosen out

Hey lots of negativity in the media at the moment in regards to the Chinese swim team. I canā€™t pretend to understand every aspect of the criticisms of the USADA chief as to the way WADA handled this but itā€™s pretty terrible from a fans point of view wanting to enjoy fast swimming, without uninformed views

Sun yang is remembered for smashing his blood vials with a hammer but the situation didnā€™t play out like that

Now the 23 Chinese swimmers have all been doped on TMZ , apparently, but there is a good amount of grey surrounding it all

Donā€™t know why I am so sympathetic to the Chinese swimmers but I am.

Must just all show how many difficulties and flaws the anti doping process has, given separate national and inconsistent procedures marred by an inherent conflict of interest
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Sunday Apt 21: 2.25 mi run (20 min), 1000 yd swim, 200 kick, 1 mi walk

Bit of infraspinatus tendon pain which was unexpected (adding running may be irritating it?)

10 x 100 on 2 easy
200 kick

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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10 x 75s doubles on long rest

8 x 25s fast* on :30
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [apmoss] [ In reply to ]
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10 x 75s doubles on long rest

what's "doubles"?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Hey lots of negativity in the media at the moment in regards to the Chinese swim team. I canā€™t pretend to understand every aspect of the criticisms of the USADA chief as to the way WADA handled this but itā€™s pretty terrible from a fans point of view wanting to enjoy fast swimming, without uninformed views//

I too have been following this Chinese story, but I'm not as conflicted as you are. First of all I'm very upset with USADA, more so than the swimmers. No doubt the swimmers are all part and parcel of an integrated national doping plan, you really dont get to do things like this individually there, and they always seem to think they are beating the system there, much like Russia. I dont think it was inadvertent, but I do think the choice is not like we think about here, more like forced..

But USADA is going to get really hurt here, and now most likely a ton of retroactive medals being taken away and awarded to next in line. And so many times that other single athletes have been popped for what they claimed was inadvertent, and sometimes actually proved so, but were all made public with the positive..

So most of my anger is at the system right now, and secondly at the country. Like the East Germans of my time, hardly a choice for the young athletes in their teenage years, and later when mature enough to understand, too sucked into the system to buck it...Probably some have, but we will never hear about those folks, probably working in some factory in some far away land...
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I'm happy that I swam 5 sessions over this last week (Monday to Sunday). But I'm sad about how the last few sessions have felt. Sometimes you have to accept that you are in a tired-slump phase. That great session is always just around the corner!

My "post retirement" hobby job is working at a record store. And yesterday was Record Store Day. 8 hours non-stop on my feet may have something to do with today's tired session.

Sometimes we go to the pool and think "Bitch, I'm gonna kick yer ass today!". And it happens. But on other days - the pool wins.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
But USADA is going to get really hurt here, and now most likely a ton of retroactive medals being taken away and awarded to next in line. And so many times that other single athletes have been popped for what they claimed was inadvertent, and sometimes actually proved so, but were all made public with the positive..

Do you mean WADA, and not USADA? I think that this has created a lot of negativity and some of the posts made by the athletes (particularly the GB team members) has been quite spiteful, which speaking for myself, detracts some of the enjoyment and excitement I had for these games. Swimming was on quite a good run since Sun Yang has been out.

I am not sure more 'transparency' is actually always that beneficial. We certainly don't have transparency on TUEs, which are regarded as 'legal doping'. I mean many of the fittest athletes in the world have multiple TUEs (I have heard some athletes having up to 8 or 9).

But a real problem with this is that there is no consistency - we probably assume that cases of contamination involve a provisional suspension and then a process to establish the contamination. However, how many cases don't we hear about it where the national federation sweeps in and does an investigation and then notifies WADA. Cynics may say that Swimming Australia has been quite silent / non-combative in its public statements because it has adopted a similar approach (investigating, then notifying WADA - rather than provisional suspension).
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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Mom Apr 22- 2000 yd swim, 2 mi walk

20 x 100 on 2

Tiny bit of pain on the last two. Not sure the stroke technique was perfect (on the whole set)- idk how much I was using ā€œoldā€ stroke. Long process of rebuilding

Felt good to be in and proud of self for not running as did that two days in a row and am
JUST back to it - and hamstring felt a little tight, so played it super safe

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick
W Apr 3 - 2900 free, 400 kick
F Apr 5 - 1800 free
W Apr 17 - 1000 free
F Apr 19 - 1000 free
Sun Apr 21 - 1000 free, 200 kick
Mon Apr 22 - 2000 free

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 22, 24 6:23
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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10 x 50s doubles* on medium rest.
10 x 25s doubles on :30

*Doubles = anything in IM order, twice, with a free on each end. A method of making 10 of something, I would guess. A leftover from my old, old club team.



Zany? Effective? Who knows. I never got to do them as a younger athlete, since I could not do any of those other strokes. Now it does not matter if I can't make the back sendoff! :-)
Last edited by: apmoss: Apr 23, 24 8:33
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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This topic is and can be so toxic its hard to know what to say without fear of being attacked.

Im sad for swimming, esp in an olympic year where the sport has any chance to gain traction.
Im sad that cycling is almost unilaterally associated w doping.

Im sad bc a majority of the most lucrative sports on planet earth dont play by the same rules. If you think for a second that athletes in tennis, nba, golf, nhl, nfl, MLB etc etc are NOT taking drugs(on a regular basis) that any olympic athlete would be banned for life for, you are delusional (even if it happens to be just a tainted supplement for the oly athlete). The double standard is absurd to the point of comedy.

So, I hope our swimmers (team usa) in particular dont suffer too much in the public arena for what is happening outside the US in oly sports and happening rampantly in our "professional" sporting arenas.

Now for much more boring news:

MyMainSet :
4 rounds (no extra rest)
1 x 200 on 2:45
4 x 50 on :45 dec to Race Pace

I was 2:19. 2:17, 2:15, 2:12 on the 200s
and 34, 33, 32, 30-31s on the 50s.

Pretty good set btw.
For clarity we did take an extra 15 seconds after the last 50 to start on the top again.


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
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No one here is going to attack you or cancel you ass daved, think we mostly are all on the same page, clean sport..This one is going to be messy though, and it is going to shine a light on some of the agencies that are supposed to be our gate keepers, heads are gonna roll..

On that note, great set there, your couple times a week is holding you in pretty good shape there. I got in yesterday after a 4 day off for no reason except to play with kids, and this was today's 2nd back. Sluggish but at the precipice of fitness, where I reside for 90% of my life these days:

30x100 as 20@1;40--4buoy/1stroke-buoys(1;28 to 1;23's) back(1;31/1;29)brst(1;33/1;33)2x(4x100p@1;35/100fly or IM @2;00)pulls(1;18 to 1;16's) fly(1;28)IM (1;26)
3300SCY in 58 minutes

And to waverider, I watched the Aussie lifeguard champs last weekend, and low and behold there was Lani Pallister and Sam Short anchoring the Taplin relays at the end of the 5 day meet. Think they had their own big swim meet to do all week, but both showed up and hit the chunderous surf that was on hand that day. Lani swam her team into first on that last leg, but Sam went in too far back and was a non factor. Think the guys are just better in the surf too, and Lani is a seasoned surf swimmer so could use her 4;01 400m speed!!!
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Lani could definitely hit GOAT woman surf swimmer in AUS if she can keep racing. There was talk she should start doing the OW over the pool races but I think she breaks down pretty hard even on her training load at the moment (which is not huge in KMs). But she has got what the other big OW woman don't have which is more 800 and down speed. She is training really hard to get a spot on the 4x200 relay team as well as her distance events. Could get some hardware from paris.
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [apmoss] [ In reply to ]
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Wed. Apr 24- 2000 yd swim, 1 mi walk

Shoulder didnā€™t feel good pre swim (reached back too much accidentally last night- reaching too far back w arm at a certain height is a sure fire way to generate pain, and I try to remember to not do this movement. It is the ā€œturn off lamp in bedā€ motion basically). Felt like I had a knot during swim but it didnā€™t get worse. Feels a little better post PT exercises I think?

20 x 100 randomly on 2 and 1:55
Really just trying to build better technique and not have pain

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
There was talk she should start doing the OW over the pool races but I think she breaks down pretty hard even on her training load at the moment (which is not huge in KMs). But she has got what the other big OW woman don't have which is more 800 and down speed. She is training really hard to get a spot on the 4x200 relay team as well as her distance events. //

It's funny that for my past 50 years in the sport, great long distance pool swimmers were always thought to have the chops for long distance OW too. But it really has morphed into something like bike racing, you have your great TT'ers, and your great road and stage racers, and they only very seldom lead the pointy end of the two disciplines. Seems like swimming is the same now, you cannot just pluck a Ledecky or a Hackett and put them in the 10k and think they will dominate. In fact they get their lunches eaten most often, and now we see the difference in what it takes to win at each.

So I suspect you are right in that Lani could be really good at OW, but it does appear there is a price to be paid in the pool if you go both routes. Barley a handful of folks have won medals at both, and no one I can recall who had a good enough 200 to be a medal(or relay) contender. So Lani is definitely going for that relay, she has the distance events in her sights already, but just. Might throw all that away if she focused on the 10k..
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for saying Monty...
I was referring more to folks outside of the fish thread if they said what I did on national tv or something.

it pretty safe here. Hell I get ripped more for offering swim advice on this site!!! ha.

two x per week is just barely squeaking me by tho. I need to get in more but just not finding the time w the focus on bike racing this year.

Not sure tomorrrows swim is gonna happen either, just too much to do.


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Ch ch ch chaaaaanges......

My apologies - I've made some grumpy posts lately. I've been in a rut. But over the last couple of days I SWITCHED SHIT UP.

New goals. New philosophy. New training. New priorities. New visualizations. And new goggles - cap - swimwear too! šŸ˜‚

Yesterday's and today's sessions were very positive.

And my 400m CD today was a "return to norm" 7:19. I maintain that the 400m CD swim is the biggest indicator of my swimming state. šŸ˜‚

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Apr 24, 24 13:35
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah thatā€™s a good point, a bit hard to mix both ends. I am interested to see how the big 10k men go at Paris, they havenā€™t been as fast as they were in a few years. I think the timing of the events also hurts them. Canā€™t do a big 5 and 10km race and then be at your best the next week in the 8 and 15. They are doing ow after the pool in Paris but did the ow before the pool at worlds.

Paltrinieri went real fast in Budapest 21 but hasnā€™t been so fast since then in the 15

I donā€™t know if they still do this but if a ledecky or Hackett level swimmer went into the ows theyā€™d get absolutely hammered physically. A Real beat down on the cans and pack
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
New goggles and new swimmers are great. I donā€™t wear caps , hate them with a passion, but glad youā€™re on the up up up

Caps are like another well known plastic covering for the human form , if you donā€™t have to wear one why would you
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
waverider101 wrote:
New goggles and new swimmers are great. I donā€™t wear caps , hate them with a passion, but glad youā€™re on the up up up

Caps are like another well known plastic covering for the human form , if you donā€™t have to wear one why would you

Dude, that's soooo February.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Another day at the lake.
Wore gloves/booties - didn't really need them.
The wetsuit was a good idea though.
33:45 to end of lake + return, just a touch under 1500 M.
Nice "walk" in nature.

http://www.fitspeek.com the Fraser Valley's fitness, wellness, and endurance sports podcast
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I donā€™t know if they still do this but if a ledecky or Hackett level swimmer went into the ows theyā€™d get absolutely hammered physically. A Real beat down on the cans and pack //

Ya remember when Hackett had a go, got completely hammered in the middle of the lead pack, fighting for 15th..That had to be quite depressing for him too, so different from your own lane and just hammering to the walls...It would certainly help if the OW races were after the pool ones, then maybe more top distance swimmers would have a go..Doing it before, well pretty much has shown to hamper those pool races that are decided by tenths of a second...

Got in for day 3 in a row here, just did a bunch of 200's, didnt feel like anything special:

15x200 as 3buoy@3;10(2;54/52/48)3p@2;50(2;36/35/34)3back@3;30(3;12/10/07)3frog@4;00(3;42/38/34)3p@3;00(2;37/36/33)
9x50@1;00 as 2buoy/1stroke--buoys(41/40's)back(42/41)brst(43)
3300SCY in 58 minutes
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Skuj wrote:
Ch ch ch chaaaaanges......

My apologies - I've made some grumpy posts lately. I've been in a rut. But over the last couple of days I SWITCHED SHIT UP.

New goals. New philosophy. New training. New priorities. New visualizations. And new goggles - cap - swimwear too! šŸ˜‚

Yesterday's and today's sessions were very positive.

And my 400m CD today was a "return to norm" 7:19. I maintain that the 400m CD swim is the biggest indicator of my swimming state. šŸ˜‚

As the ringleader of this little operation, I would like to inform you that saying how you feel without censoring it is A-ok. Nothing you said was grumpy and if it were it would be ok. Pain sucks. Not being able to do what one want sucks. We can feel that AND be positive, simultaneously. Ignoring either isnā€™t smart mental health wise

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
2600 free, 3.28 mi run (th Apr 25)

26 x 100 on a random mix of 2 and 1:55

Infra tendon talked in last two but much better than yesterday! Love from, emotional roller coaster

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Great post TC!!

This is a good group of folks


Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Pretty blah day today, got in late so just had 55 minutes and decided to do some fly:

7x100bouy@1;40/50fly@1;10--buoys(1;27 to 1;22)flys(46 to 38+)
4x 100frog@2;20/50fly@1;10--frogs(1;50 to 1;46)fly(39/38+'s)
2550SCY in 54 minutes
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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3k and 2k yesterday and today

just with some nice smooth and long strokes and a bit of goal racing effort and pace but not over doing it

hoping to feel fresh tomorrow for one more ow race. Marked as 2.5km and last year winning group was 40 minute year before 34 minutes so could be a long one

Iā€™m taking a cap in case itā€™s cold. Im probably stupid enough I shouldnā€™t get cold.

Maybe a bit of a wave on in the finish and start sections
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [waverider101] [ In reply to ]
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3.11 mi easy jog (31 min)
1200 yd swim as 12 x 100 on 1:55

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick
W Apr 3 - 2900 free, 400 kick
F Apr 5 - 1800 free
W Apr 17 - 1000 free
F Apr 19 - 1000 free
Sun Apr 21 - 1000 free
Mon Apr 22 - 2000 free
Wed Apr 24 - 2000 free
Th Apr 25 - 2600 free
Sat Apr 27 - 1200 free

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Apr 28, 24 11:17
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply

5 x 200s on med rest descend each 200
10 x 25s on long rest fast
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Super stoked to get away at lunch yesterday after dropping kid off at play date, and getting in an actual 82 degree pool at sea level. The one I usually swim at here is closed for the week, and usually a couple degrees hotter, so this was a real treat in the Palm Springs pool..And once again didnt feel great, but the environment let me work hard and do better times than usual...

5x100buoy@1;40(1;27 to 1;18)3x100frog@2;00(1;50/48/47)
1000p med/hard@13;30(12;47--6;26/6;21)300frog@6;00(5;29)
2x(100p@2;00/50hard IM order@1;30) pulls(1;18 to 1;13's) fly(35/37)bk(40/41)brst(41/42+)free(32/33+) was only going to do one set so went all out on first, but cool water led me to believe I could do one more, tired arms but ok
6x50 kick@1;20, odds dolphin/ evens frog--(67/63/60dolphin)(53/52's frog)
3800SCY in 73 minutes
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
waverider101 wrote:
New goggles and new swimmers are great. I donā€™t wear caps , hate them with a passion, but glad youā€™re on the up up up

Caps are like another well known plastic covering for the human form , if you donā€™t have to wear one why would you
Dude, that's soooo February.


maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Well, I'm happy with 5 sessions over this last week (Monday to Sunday).

But I'm sad that flipturns might be history for me. My latest injury means pain whenever I do the knees-towards-chest thing. Maybe this will change eventually.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Apr 28, 24 11:42
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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2000 scy in mostly 100s on 1:50, wondering if I will ever be the swimmer I was. I was in a lot of pain after Saturdayā€™s swim and it went down but that might be attributable to nsaids. Had a tiny bit of something today, hard to say if it is pain or fatigue from the PT exercises, and sometimes pain sets in later. Iā€™m trying to remind myself that the nerve damage and muscle atrophy took years (3- really, if I think of the onset it was three years in the making) so I cannot reasonably expect to be back to normal only 3 months after surgery. But the fear of having lost (a) my ability to swim without pain and (b) the ability to swim fast feels very, very strong and threatening and sad. Like, that happens. People have physical things they never come back from. I am trying to lean on all the times I thought I would never run again - only to run again- and believe that this will be the same.

And I am grateful for what I can do - I am not in a sling or on crutches etc etc and yes I am so grateful for that - but I can appreciate what I can do, and still be sad and scared.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [daved] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
straight from the favorite set thread:

40 x 50
16 with every 4th fast
12 with every 3rd fast
8 with every 2nd fast
4 fast
Last edited by: apmoss: Apr 29, 24 13:36
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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I feel for you Allison, you should not be going through this kind of stuff at your age, it should be a thing 20 years from now at the earliest. All of us in our 60's and up know this dynamic, but we have had time and experience to deal with it mentally, not something for you to have to deal with. Just keep doing what appears to be the right thing, and realize it may take months, years to get back to your normal. Most likely it will come, you kids heal fast and have great recuperative powers, just have to give your body the time, space, and patience it needs..Great thing about us triathletes, is that when something is hurt or broken, we can often do the other thing to keep the wheels turning. Find some peace in that during this time and let the swimming just come back to you in its own time, dont rush it...

My one day cold pool adventure is in the rearview now, and back at the 84 degree high pool, oh well. In light of what you have to endure, no complaining from me:

4x(3x100buoy or pull@1;40/100frog@2;00/100back@2;00)buoys(1;29 to 1;19)pulls(1;17 to 1;14's)backs(1;30/27/26/24)
4x(100frog@2;30/2x50stroke@1;10/1;20)frogs(1;51 to 1;47)flys(38/37+)back(40/39)brst(43/42)free(34/33)
6x50 kick@1;20, odds dolphin/evens frog (61/60/64 dolphin)(55/53/53 frog)4x50p@1;00(37/36/35/34)
3600SCY in 73 minutes
Last edited by: monty: Apr 29, 24 19:33
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Thank you. The ā€œthis took years to happen and it may take years to reverseā€ is a new thought to me but it is some ways a very helpful thought.

I really appreciate the support.

Stay tuned for new thread tomorrow :)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Got one more in on the last day of the month here, doing some longer rest stroke stuff, might do a meet this weekend if all the stars align:

2x(3x100buoy@1;40/2x100frog@2;00)buoys(1;27 to 1;20)frogs(1;54 to 1;48)
4x(100frog@2;20/50stroke hard@1;10)frogs(1;50 to 1;48's)fly(34+)bk(39)brst(40)free(32)
2x(100p@2;00/50fly or back@1;30)pulls(1;17/16)fly(34)bk(38+)
2900SCY in 59 minutes
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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here's hoping the stars align for you!

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Did a medley set today first one in a while

3 rounds through of 3x200 (first round freestyle, backstroke, IM)

The order moves backwards each round

Got my backstroke feeling nice at the moment and doing 2-3 fly kicks off each wall. Leaning back with my head to not pop up too quick helping. Butā€¦ Breastroke is bloody hard
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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
I feel for you Allison, you should not be going through this kind of stuff at your age, it should be a thing 20 years from now at the earliest. All of us in our 60's and up know this dynamic, but we have had time and experience to deal with it mentally, not something for you to have to deal with. Just keep doing what appears to be the right thing, and realize it may take months, years to get back to your normal. Most likely it will come, you kids heal fast and have great recuperative powers, just have to give your body the time, space, and patience it needs..Great thing about us triathletes, is that when something is hurt or broken, we can often do the other thing to keep the wheels turning. Find some peace in that during this time and let the swimming just come back to you in its own time, dont rush it...

+1 to this..

my first serious run injury was 2 (two) months after starting regular run training, that was 50 years ago..
had many others run and swim since then, so far it's been possible to come back from all of them, with patience and a good PT (they're all good actually)
Dr T, we're all sending you healing thoughts..

my late update, two swims in Australia, one in a delightful 50m saltwater pool beachside at Scarborough near Perth, another in the ocean there.
Ocean swim the jellyfish got me in the armpit ow. That's why people prefer the pool I guess ;-)

Pool, 30x50m turns out to be much harder than 30x50yd. Also quite a few people in the fast lane who should not have been there, had to route around them or wait at start to let them get ahead. I was thoroughly jetlagged so didn't mind the wait.. ha.

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Re: April fish: we have a lot of Free time [doug in co] [ In reply to ]
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Pool envy

Ripper morning for it by the look of it
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