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Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete
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This is Part 3 of my 2015 wrap up, "Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete". It was a bit delayed, but timely due to tax season just wrapping up. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 those can be view here: "Part 1, Through the Len" and "Part 2, by the #'s".

Back in 2013, I had tracked all of my triathlon expenses to get an idea of what it would take financially to race a season of triathlon professionally. At the end of the year I looked at what I spent, and it was SCARY, $13,128 scary to be exact! It was my first year back in the US after 5.5 years of being stationed overseas, and my first year in the US full time, to put a triathlon schedule together. I lined up that schedule to what I thought would be pretty comparable to a pro race schedule, it included races in Florida, Texas, California, Nevada, Wisconsin and Hawaii.

I drove to a few of the races keeping the cost somewhat low, as my car got great gas mileage and I was able to avoid bike fees. I still had a hard time fathoming how I could possibly make it as a professional with the expenses being pretty high. That $13K did not include the expenses for Hawaii and Vegas, as the Air Force had stepped up and covered those races since they were World Champs at which I was representing them.

Cody Beals had written about his financials as a first year pro in a blog titled "My Rookie Pro Triathlon Budget" and that is what inspired this blog. Some of this will look familiar to what you may have seen in his blog, and some of it is my own take on the numbers.

When I started thinking about making the jump to the pro ranks, my wife and I agreed that I could do it for 2 years and see what the financial implications were and then we would re look at it after year 2. I however wanted to make sure that I was making smart business decisions so that I could continue to do this as long as possible. We didn't really set a "budget" per se, but I was loosely watching the amount I was spending on the sport. I am in a fortunate situation that I came out of the Air Force with a bit saved up and was debt free.

I set out as a first year pro with ZERO expectations on the prize money front. I had planned a strategic race schedule to hopefully build up a resume that would help with continuing to grow my current sponsor relationships as well as build new ones. That race schedule just so happened to land me on some great start lists, so that when I raced to my potential, I was able to collect a few paychecks.

I was really fortunate to build a strong sponsor base through my progression as an age grouper and all of those carried over into the ranks as a professional. I had hoped to continue to grow those relationships throughout the season and build upon them.
Goals / Reality-
It was pretty simple for year one. Race, race well, and hopefully lose as little as possible, all while trying to build a resume and get my name out there. I also wanted to be able to continue to contribute to my retirement fund and max out my Roth IRA ($5,500). Unfortunately that was not going to be possible purely on triathlon income, so that meant working a part time job.

I had been previously volunteering with Team Red, White, and Blue as the National Triathlon Director. That role was on a volunteer basis with ZERO income. I continued that work as I felt keeping my "resume" active and giving back to the Veteran community was important. I also held a part time job at US Military Endurance Sports, where I have a flexible schedule working an hourly wage and being able to work from anywhere in the world. It is a great job for someone in my position and I was working anywhere between 18-25 hours a week. On top of that I had started coaching in early 2014 and picked up a small group of athletes which was another minor source of income and also very flexible and rewarding.
So let's dive into the expenses and revenue.

Equipment Sales / Bike Rental:
44% of revenue was from equipment sales. This was due to having a few sets of extra race wheels, a few extra bikes and some random gear that was sold. Part of this sell-off can be attributed to our move to the UK, where we have a tiny flat and my wife and I needed to be selective on what bikes we would keep. I would expect this number to be lower in 2016, but if a new bike comes around, then that means selling the current bike, which will create some revenue.

I am fortunate enough to be partnered with Spinlister and have some of my bikes listed on there. I had a few rentals this year which contributed to the $206 in revenue. Small, but it is $206 I would have otherwise not had from the extra bikes I have laying around.
Sponsorship: Cash, Commission, and Bonuses
I was fortunate to have a few pure cash sponsors for 2015. These are by far the hardest sponsors to get in the sport. It is the equivalent of finding a herd of unicorns at the end of a rainbow that are eating from that magical pot of gold (at least that is what a majority of pros consider these cash sponsors to be). So to generate $3,779 (looks a bit funny as one sponsor paid in foreign currency) in cash sponsorship was something that I consider a huge win for 2015, but it is still an area that I think I can improve upon for 2016.

Commission is something that I am a bit torn on. A few companies are against having pros push sales as they do not believe we should be "salespeople". These agreements had carried over from when I had started making partnerships as an Age Grouper and I hope to transition these partnerships into a bonus structure or pure cash. However, I believe that one of the greatest assets I have to offer as an athlete is my reach within the triathlon community. So with that being said, I believe the commission setup works really well for me as a professional, but as I continue to progress in the sport, I think it is something that I may do less and less.
Race Winnings:
Like I had mentioned above, race winnings were not something that was expected this year. Picking up 3 pay checks totaling $4k ($3967 after fees/taxes) was quite nice. Not sure what 2016 has in store on the prize money side of things, but ideally this number continues to increase over the years! To have a better understanding of what Pro Triathletes make in prize winnings I would recommend this article: http://trstriathlon.com/...riathlon-money-list/ . In short, 40 athletes made over $50K, 40, yes 40 athletes, both men and women. This list is not annual, rather based on the Kona Points Year and ITU World Series. So with that, only IMUK counted for me putting me at $2,000 and 267 on the list of 444 males that took home money.
I have slowly started to build up a base of athletes that I coach. It has been purely by word of mouth but it brings in a few extra dollars and I really enjoy helping others succeed in this sport. In 2016 I look to continue to grow the number of athletes I coach and make this another source of revenue to support my triathlon career.

With the amount of bikes that were sold and the change to bike sponsors in the middle of the year, that really contributed to the equipment being a big expense for 2015. It was basically a wash with the amount of revenue generated in sales. I am not "sponsored" per se by Cervelo, more "supported" by Cervelo, so that means that I am still having to pay for my bikes. I don't mind, as being on the best bike in the business is something that gives me confidence when I get on the start line knowing I have the best equipment. Ideally,, that partnership will grow and hopefully one day I will be a fully sponsored athlete by Cervelo.

Transport / Bike Fees:
Taking the big risks to travel to Asia for some races meant some big flight tickets. That is what drove the transportation expense so high, but for 2016, I have accrued enough flight miles to cash in on some free flights. The evil of flying with a bike is the amount airlines charge. This took a big hit to the expenses, but is getting harder and harder to avoid. When I was in the military, I very rarely paid for my bike to fly, maybe once every twenty flights. They were really generous to those of us on Active Duty. Now it is just part of the pain of traveling with a bike, forking out anywhere from $75 - $200--other than that one time where Asiana charged me $495 as they were charging by weight.

This may look really high, but it includes two different training camps I did and the lodging for those, so that is what drove this number up pretty high. For racing, I was at $695 and that was pretty low considering I had received a home stay for 1 race and then complimentary hotels for both Korean races.

Pretty straight forward. Most Pro Athletes pay a flat rate for coaching and then a % of winnings on top of that. That is the setup that I have with my coach (Scott DeFilippis) and it works well.

Race Entry / Membership:
This is where I saved quite a bit of money from racing as an amateur. WTC/IRONMAN has a pro membership that cost $848 in 2015. This allows you to do as many races as you want as a professional and as it may sound expensive, it ends up being a lot cheaper than what I had to pay as an amateur. Challenge Family did not charge for race entries in 2015 and I did one of their races. The "memberships" include the local Tri Team in the UK I pay to swim with, along with 2 other places that I swam at throughout the year.
Overall I lost $194 in 2015, which as sad as it is, I think that is a WIN for a majority of pro triathletes. When talking to someone else about how the financials had shaken out for 2015, they had mentioned looking at it like a "start up". Most start ups are not profitable for the first few years, so to come that close to breaking even, I am really happy with that.

For 2016, I have worked out several new financial sponsors which have had a huge impact on allowing me to not worry about how long I can do this for. It has given me the confidence that I can make this work and continue to do it for as long as I am passionate about the sport. I will continue to work hard in training, but also continue to work on the business side of my "brand" and hopefully with the hard work in training the results and progression will continue to trend in the right direction.

By the Numbers:
2 Full IMs and 5 70.3 races in 2015
3 Paychecks, totaling $4,000
$571 – average prize money per race
$2,000 – highest prize money at IMUK
122 Days– slowest prize money payment (70.3 Incheon)
$1,265 spent on airline bike fees, a LOT of international flights
$545 spent on hotels (lucky enough to have a few homestays + free rewards nights)
$4,291 + award miles on airfare
79,145 miles flown
$11,089 spent on 3 new bikes and parts for said bikes, this is what happens when a sponsor deal goes bad mid year……….
$11,480 on selling old equipment and 2 bikes

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
Last edited by: @BW_Tri: Apr 19, 16 18:23
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.


I appreciate your honesty and transparency.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
trail wrote:
Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.


I appreciate your honesty and transparency.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Great post. I'd say you did very well. I honestly don't know how other pro's do it with far less revenue than you. I give you props for being able to contribute to your retirement fund.

I'm curious how a bike sponsorship goes south mid season if you are able/willing to discuss it publicly.

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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [stevej] [ In reply to ]
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stevej wrote:
I'm curious how a bike sponsorship goes south mid season if you are able/willing to discuss it publicly.

Without going into all the details, there was breach of contract and I had given time for the issues to be resolved. When those were not resolved we went our separate ways. I will say that I was paid what I was owed and that I had met my obligations throughout the contract period. This is the only time that I have/had an issue with a sponsor, so I think I am very fortunate to be working with some great companies and people. I have heard a few horror stories throughout my time in the sport of deals going bad, so wasn't something that was completely shocking to me.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.

Thanks Trail. I was just in a position in my life with transitioning out of the Air Force that it was the opportunity to actually give this a proper go. And if I was going to do it, I wanted to do it the right way. I feel like working a part time job and training is still giving it a proper go. There are some more changes to come this year, that will hopefully allow me to give it even more focus, and hopefully within the next 2-3 years it can be 100% focus, with a little bit of coaching on the side.

I think at times that if all I had was training/racing that it could be a bad thing. Staying busy and keeping the mind active on other "things" has been a good thing up to this point I believe. I find when my work schedule or other obligations are not busy, I tend to let things slide rather than being super proactive on things.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
The GMAN wrote:
trail wrote:
Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.


I appreciate your honesty and transparency.



There are probably two dozen men and a dozen women making a reasonable living in our sport (I'm probably being optimistic). Everyone else is hoping that with hard work they can take someone's place in that group.

ECMGN Therapy Silicon Valley:
Depression, Neurocognitive problems, Dementias (Testing and Evaluation), Trauma and PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [stevej] [ In reply to ]
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Great post. I'd say you did very well. I honestly don't know how other pro's do it with far less revenue than you. I give you props for being able to contribute to your retirement fund.

I'll echo what the others have said, and say Kudos for Brad coming on here and laying it all out. It's pretty bleak, I can tell you that.

I've lived through it. My wife now semi-retired raced professionally for a number of years, both in triathlon and also in bike road racing. She finished in the top 5 of various, Ironman and 70.3 races around the world, qualified for the Ironman World Championships (in the old system) 3 times and raced in Kona twice. Best finish there 21st after getting off the bike in 16th place.

In her best years, she "made" between $5,000 - $10,000. This was the women who in Canada for many years was ranked 2nd or 3rd in Long Course racing behind the great Lisa Bentley and was she was TriCan's Long Course Woman of the Year ounce.

We did OK with gear from various companies either given or at less than wholesale. The reason that it "worked" for her/us was that she ran her own Hair Styling business that was totally flexible with time-on/off - so she could get the training in, take time off for training camps, and races.

There is what I call the A-Listers in the sport, a group of maybe 20 - 50 triathletes, combined from the WTC and ITU, that are truly Professional and making a good to decent living from the sport of triathlon. After that group, the money drops off a cliff! You have ITU Athletes racing in the Olympic Games and doing reasonably well performance-wise on the ITU circuit and top-15 finishers at Kona on the WTC side of things barely making ends meet, or actually loosing money year over year.

There is no easy "solution" for this, as you can't just throw many at it, the athletes, and the sport itself needs to generate value, and then more money will come in. But we have a long way to go for that.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Apr 19, 16 18:11
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the breakdown of "Triathlon" expenses.

I'm curious as to why you didn't include your normal living expenses..health ins, lodging, food...etc in your budget?

"Good genes are not a requirement, just the obsession to beat ones brains out daily"...the Griz
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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very interesting thanks for sharing

really calls into question the definition of "professional" eg "engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as an amateur
if we treat the equipment sales as an exchange with the replacement purchases so not real income/occupation then race winnings are the highest revenue source so i guess that means professional.
however i tend to think of professional as actually making a living out of an occupation which i don't think you are - if i interpret that correctly you're just covering tri-related expenses in the balance sheet? roughly breaking even does not mean even covering general costs of long term non-tri life, though it is great you are still able to save for retirement.

but then, as a well paid IT professional i sometimes wish i had the opportunity to try that life for a while. i spend so much of my time stuck at a desk wishing i could be out training to see what i can really achieve. my bank balance is healthier than yours but perhaps my life is not. if you can do it for a few years without digging a financial hole then that's awesome.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [stringcheese] [ In reply to ]
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stringcheese wrote:
Thanks for the breakdown of "Triathlon" expenses.

I'm curious as to why you didn't include your normal living expenses..health ins, lodging, food...etc in your budget?

Because I feel those are "living" expenses, and if I wasn't covering those out of my "part time" job then I wouldn't be doing Triathlon.

Also, I am married and my wife is currently a student at the University of Oxford in the UK. We are fortunate that she is there on a full ride scholarship + paid stipend + GI Bill (which covers the housing).

Health Insurance we are covered under the NHS in the UK, but since we travel a lot we also have TriCare through the military which she still serves in. That is roughly $210 a month.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [pk1] [ In reply to ]
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pk1 wrote:
very interesting thanks for sharing

really calls into question the definition of "professional" eg "engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as an amateur
if we treat the equipment sales as an exchange with the replacement purchases so not real income/occupation then race winnings are the highest revenue source so i guess that means professional.
however i tend to think of professional as actually making a living out of an occupation which i don't think you are - if i interpret that correctly you're just covering tri-related expenses in the balance sheet? roughly breaking even does not mean even covering general costs of long term non-tri life, though it is great you are still able to save for retirement.

but then, as a well paid IT professional i sometimes wish i had the opportunity to try that life for a while. i spend so much of my time stuck at a desk wishing i could be out training to see what i can really achieve. my bank balance is healthier than yours but perhaps my life is not. if you can do it for a few years without digging a financial hole then that's awesome.

Did you take a look at this: http://trstriathlon.com/...riathlon-money-list/

There are VERY few people in our sport making a "living" at this. With 2015 being my first year racing as a "professional" I am happy with where things are. 2016 is headed in the right direction with my partnerships/sponsors and I will come back and post a follow up at the end of 2016.

Who's to say your bank balance is healthier than mine ;)?????

This was part of the thing with getting out of the AF, sure the money was good, but I wasn't waking up happy with work everyday. I dreaded going in. So with the transition out of the AF I was fortunate enough to be in a position to give this a go. I am now happier/healthier and going to see what happens. I am not going into debt doing this, and I am not digging myself a hole. Could I have a better "paying" job and possibly be putting more into retirement than just capping off the Roth IRA each year, sure.........But money does not equal happiness, but I am still pretty financially savvy and ensuring that I will be setup to retire at a decent age, rather than working the rest of my life.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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I recall listening to you as a guest on Triathlete Training Podcast! I drive a lot between Tennessee and Kentucky for work so I like to listen to anything I can.

Pretty interesting article. I would also be curious to see what the numbers look like for ITU.

Thanks for sharing. Best of luck this season

USAT Level II- Ironman U Certified Coach
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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@BW_Tri wrote:
pk1 wrote:
very interesting thanks for sharing

really calls into question the definition of "professional" eg "engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as an amateur
if we treat the equipment sales as an exchange with the replacement purchases so not real income/occupation then race winnings are the highest revenue source so i guess that means professional.
however i tend to think of professional as actually making a living out of an occupation which i don't think you are - if i interpret that correctly you're just covering tri-related expenses in the balance sheet? roughly breaking even does not mean even covering general costs of long term non-tri life, though it is great you are still able to save for retirement.

but then, as a well paid IT professional i sometimes wish i had the opportunity to try that life for a while. i spend so much of my time stuck at a desk wishing i could be out training to see what i can really achieve. my bank balance is healthier than yours but perhaps my life is not. if you can do it for a few years without digging a financial hole then that's awesome.

Did you take a look at this: http://trstriathlon.com/...riathlon-money-list/

There are VERY few people in our sport making a "living" at this. With 2015 being my first year racing as a "professional" I am happy with where things are. 2016 is headed in the right direction with my partnerships/sponsors and I will come back and post a follow up at the end of 2016.

Who's to say your bank balance is healthier than mine ;)?????

This was part of the thing with getting out of the AF, sure the money was good, but I wasn't waking up happy with work everyday. I dreaded going in. So with the transition out of the AF I was fortunate enough to be in a position to give this a go. I am now happier/healthier and going to see what happens. I am not going into debt doing this, and I am not digging myself a hole. Could I have a better "paying" job and possibly be putting more into retirement than just capping off the Roth IRA each year, sure.........But money does not equal happiness, but I am still pretty financially savvy and ensuring that I will be setup to retire at a decent age, rather than working the rest of my life.

kudos to you for sharing and giving it a go while also, somehow, making ends meet (for now). Not to burst your bubble because I think it's cool that you posted and are trying to make it, but I think the rubber will truly meet the road if you and your wife decide to have children.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Definitely all the best to you. I gave it a bit of a half hearted go back in my late 20's but lacked the drive and the talent to get anywhere. It was more a case for me of having had enough of my boring office job and wanting to try something different. Ended up quitting and then becoming a personal trainer which certainly at the start of things gave me ample free time to train whilst I built a client base up - was working about 16 hours a week mostly either early morning or evening which meant the day was mine. It was a good job to have as I could within reason move clients around or cancel, but I found that for me the mental side of things was my biggest limiter - i.e. getting myself out of the door for long hard sessions on a Tuesday morning etc.

I'm still doing triathlon at a pretty decent level but wouldn't want the pressure of earning money. I think for me it would take away the pleasure of the sport. It is quite sobering seeing that list with olympic champions and the best of the best earning less than I do. I'm sure there is extra cash for some by the way of endorsements and book sales etc, but that will be a handful. Surely things have to improve - triathlon isn't on the level of football or other top tier sports, but it has certainly got a rapidly growing following.
Last edited by: Ironmike78: Apr 20, 16 2:13
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, thank you for the information and insight. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and saw an opportunity to do something and did it.

The speculation that you did not take this or that into consideration could very be a wash. Making that $100K is no slam dunk, one pays taxes and most people spend the rest - leaving them about where you are.

More commonly people decide on a job that will allow them to train/race, For example, a single teacher with no kids and a working spouse can usually swing the training and racing time without the stress of being a professional. Heck, practically any single person with no kids or a working spouse who is supportive can swing it.

It's amazing the Bill Rodgers and many other amateurs worked full time and trained enough to become professionals. It takes a lot of drive to make it.

Good for you! You are also very generous to share your knowledge with us. Thank you.

Indoor Triathlete - I thought I was right, until I realized I was wrong.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.

Like the stupid Mastercard commercial says: opportunity cost: $100k, value of pursuing your dream: priceless. 20 years from now, which would you value more: some equity in a house, a bigger 401k balance and maybe a nice car, or the memories of chasing a career as a professional athlete, traveling and racing around the world in a sport you are passionate about? I have the former, but I'd much rather have the latter.

Kudos to you for taking the risk and obviously putting yourself in a situation where you could.
Last edited by: deh20: Apr 20, 16 5:09
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Excellent write up. Thank you.

Fantasy Triathlon
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Considering your job with USME, I'm assuming you know George ... I was in the car last year with him on the way to a race and he had to make a call to a guy in the UK about social media, small world if that was you
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Definitely some interesting information. From reading your various posts over the years and getting an idea of how detailed you are, I suspect you've done a full income/expense analysis for your entire financial picture, which includes your daily living expenses, full household income, etc. and at the end of the day it's viable at the moment. Hopefully it will remain so and only continue to get better as you "live the dream." Congratulation!*

*I debated whether to put a period or exclamation point here. At first I had a period and realized it could come off as sounding sarcastic which is not what I wanted. I honestly wanted to congratulate you for having the ability as well as the confidence to take the chance to give this an honest go.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Ironmike78] [ In reply to ]
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Ironmike78 wrote:
Surely things have to improve - triathlon isn't on the level of football or other top tier sports, but it has certainly got a rapidly growing following.

Bit of a tangent, but the big difference from football and other top tier sports is that triathlon's growth is driven by number of participants, not number of spectators (and I'm not even sure it's rapidly growing any more is it?). More participants doesn't necessarily translate to more prize money. I guess it means more tri bikes and wetsuits sold, which could translate to more sponsorship money. Or more races, meaning more opportunities to win. But unless people actually start wanting to watch triathlon in big numbers, either live or on TV, there will never be more than a handful of pros making decent money from the sport. I just don't see that happening any time soon. I train every day, and I love watching sport, but even I have pretty minimal interest in watching a triathlon unfold. Might catch the highlights occasionally and I'll watch the Olympics if I can, but if it can't catch my attention then it's certainly not going to lure in the casual sports fan.

And to the OP, fascinating blog post, thank you.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Ironmike78] [ In reply to ]
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Ironmike78 wrote:
Definitely all the best to you. I gave it a bit of a half hearted go back in my late 20's but lacked the drive and the talent to get anywhere. It was more a case for me of having had enough of my boring office job and wanting to try something different. Ended up quitting and then becoming a personal trainer which certainly at the start of things gave me ample free time to train whilst I built a client base up - was working about 16 hours a week mostly either early morning or evening which meant the day was mine. It was a good job to have as I could within reason move clients around or cancel, but I found that for me the mental side of things was my biggest limiter - i.e. getting myself out of the door for long hard sessions on a Tuesday morning etc.

I'm still doing triathlon at a pretty decent level but wouldn't want the pressure of earning money. I think for me it would take away the pleasure of the sport. It is quite sobering seeing that list with olympic champions and the best of the best earning less than I do. I'm sure there is extra cash for some by the way of endorsements and book sales etc, but that will be a handful. Surely things have to improve - triathlon isn't on the level of football or other top tier sports, but it has certainly got a rapidly growing following.

Brad did a nice write up there for sure, and brad also demonstrated his ability to punch well above his weight in terms of actually turning a profitable. That majority of pro triathletes are not this lucky. The unfortunately reality is the sport continues to consolidate, this may be a good thing in the end, but it is harder and harder to even get a paycheck at races, which means bonuses don't come as easy, which means, sponsorship doesn't come as easy.

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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [cartsman] [ In reply to ]
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Big thing is that the sport isn't growing right now. Only youth segment is exploding, but those kids aren't watching Tri on tv or causing large sums of money into the sport. Here in NC RD's are having super difficult time with getting people to races.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Im-a-miler] [ In reply to ]
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Im-a-miler wrote:
I recall listening to you as a guest on Triathlete Training Podcast! I drive a lot between Tennessee and Kentucky for work so I like to listen to anything I can.

Pretty interesting article. I would also be curious to see what the numbers look like for ITU.

Thanks for sharing. Best of luck this season

Yeah that was me on Triathlete Training Podcast. Thanks for listening. Just did one with ZenTri as well. http://www.zentriathlon.com/...alveston-703-pa.html

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [solitude] [ In reply to ]
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solitude wrote:
but I think the rubber will truly meet the road if you and your wife decide to have children.

We are expecting on 5 July, so time will tell. We aren't expecting anything to change at this point. We are financially stable and still plan to travel the world and not let the kiddo hold us back. People will probably laugh at that and say good luck, but so many people have told us they let their kids dictate their travel and pretty much stopped, and the advice a lot of people have given us is don't let that happen.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [tylerwal] [ In reply to ]
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tylerwal wrote:
Considering your job with USME, I'm assuming you know George ... I was in the car last year with him on the way to a race and he had to make a call to a guy in the UK about social media, small world if that was you

Yep have worked closely with George the last few years. Consider him a great friend and mentor, and more than likely that was me on the phone. Think I recall that day as well, just not sure exactly what was being discussed.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
Opportunity cost: $100K (e.g. what you could have earned if you had used the time spent training/racing in a profession that actually pays). :)

Wow, that's pretty eye-opening. Thanks for the transparency. Some people seem to treat showing numbers like that like some big secret, or something super private.

Kudos to you for making it work, and for being smart about it. And for choosing a life with so little immediate financial payoff, and no guarantee of an eventual payoff.

The opportunity costs are huge; and not only are they measured by what you could have earned in any single year, but in the time you are not investing into a career path with the potential for annual raises and promotions. However, assuming you are in your 20s, now is the time to take those risks...but only for so long. After 5 years at most, if that pro balance sheet isn't producing at least $50K net positive it's time to face reality and seek another job.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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My first daughter flew at three weeks - she'd have gone sooner but we we're waiting on her passport. At one, she'd done 60 legs from the Maldives to London, the second one we backed off a little with and she's done 8 long haul legs at 6 months.

I think its important to not stop BUT I dont think you can underestimate how tough 16 hour days with a toddler on a flight are. 3 weeks ago we're flying in to europe on a 7 hour flight, 90 minutes in the one year old projectile vomits on me, the floor, the seat and her self - I sat in vomit caked clothes for another 8 hours.

We've been lucky - beyond having to entertain her, she's only ever had 2 bad flights - the one three weeks ago and one when she was teething.

Our kids go where we go but my wife who does more of the heavy lifting (I do 50% of nights and everything else but in the end IME most women end up doing more than the men most of the time) finds constant travel exhausting - whether its 6 or more diaper changes a day, sterlising kit on running through half a dozen sets of underwear whilst potty training - the stuff never ends.

anyway good luck - no one ever tells you what its really like and whilst as an normal rule I'd completely disregard any info on child rearing I received on a tri forum I'll tell you that the single biggest mistake we made with our first was having her sleep in our bed. We are paying for it 2 years later - less than we were but it was a catastrophic mistake on our part. The second one doesnt even know we have a bed :) (the first one is always an experiential learning experience)

side note - you going to have the baby at the radcliffe?
Quote Reply
Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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@BW_Tri wrote:
solitude wrote:
but I think the rubber will truly meet the road if you and your wife decide to have children.

We are expecting on 5 July, so time will tell. We aren't expecting anything to change at this point. We are financially stable and still plan to travel the world and not let the kiddo hold us back. People will probably laugh at that and say good luck, but so many people have told us they let their kids dictate their travel and pretty much stopped, and the advice a lot of people have given us is don't let that happen.

Wow, congrats! I agree with you re: travel, it is definitely doable with a child. I was thinking more along the lines of childcare. Life with a kid is expensive, not because of food, clothes, etc. but because of the time required to care for it, or the money to pay somebody else to do the same. Many have had to trade in their lifestyle job for a "corporate" job to make ends meet. Sounds like you have your finances in great shape. Hopefully you can make it work. Your honesty and transparency on here has made many fans, I will definitely be using one of your coupon codes to save a few dollars and send a few your way :). Best of luck to you.
Last edited by: solitude: Apr 20, 16 13:10
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Thomas Gerlach wrote:
Brad did a nice write up there for sure, and brad also demonstrated his ability to punch well above his weight in terms of actually turning a profitable. That majority of pro triathletes are not this lucky. The unfortunately reality is the sport continues to consolidate, this may be a good thing in the end, but it is harder and harder to even get a paycheck at races, which means bonuses don't come as easy, which means, sponsorship doesn't come as easy.

It is funny you are the second person to say I punched above my weight, AJ being the first. I think in terms of sponsor $$ to results, yes you guys are probably correct. I have received more financial sponsorship then other pros with similar results. I think where you guys are off, is that I have been compensated appropriately for my brand/following and what I have been able to do for the companies that pay me. I think if you were to compare my media reach in terms of articles, images used, etc., I am doing better than most with similar results to me. So punching above my weight, I don't think so. I think the people that are paying me are getting a good return on investment, and I have had a lot of great conversations with sponsors on my impact and how we can continue to improve things.

For all of your other points, agree 100%. To get results and paychecks in 2016 it will take, taking risks, flying around the world and hoping you put together a great day. Galveston was a perfect example of that. If I wouldn't have had issues with my feet and ran what I am capable of, let's say 1:20, I think I would have been 12th - 15th or something like that. Which is very little points (which is irrelevant to me) and a paycheck of ZERO. 12th-15th out of 50, that would have been a pretty good result for me, but still what is the difference between 11th and 50th (simply 10th means you can count a Top 10), but in reality what is the difference between 7th and 50th at Galveston, not much........

Thanks for the kind words on the write up, hoping some others at different levels of the sport will follow suit in this arena and open up to the public about the reality of the sport on the financial side.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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Andrewmc wrote:

side note - you going to have the baby at the radcliffe?

Yes, at the JR. We have TriCare through the military plus we are on NHS. Due to being on TriCare we get a "private" Doc at the hospital, which is really nice. Had a great experience so far and he has been really good. Better than having to go all the way to Lakenheath and "Stork Nest" there 4 weeks out from birth.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [solitude] [ In reply to ]
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solitude wrote:
Wow, congrats! I agree with you re: travel, it is definitely doable with a child. I was thinking more along the lines of childcare. Life with a kid is expensive, not because of food, clothes, etc. but because of the time required to care for it, or the money to pay somebody else to do the same. Many have had to trade in their lifestyle job for a "corporate" job to make ends meet. Sounds like you have your finances in great shape. Hopefully you can make it work. Your honesty and transparency on here has made many fans, I will definitely be using one of your coupon codes to save a few dollars and send a few your way :). Best of luck to you.

Yeah we are both pretty fortunate that we "work from home". She goes into the office only when she needs to be in the lab for her research or for lab meetings. Other than that she pretty much writes up from home. She does a bit of lecturing as well which gets her out of the house, and then my training gets me out of the house.

In the UK you get 6 months paid maternity leave and an additional 6 months unpaid. We are going to look into possibly using a Nanny, since we will only need childcare 1-2x a week. We have also put ourselves on the childcare list for the University, just in case we want to go that route.

I am very lucky to have a wife that if very supportive and we are both allowing each other to chase our dreams right now. We both work hard to ensure our financial stability and ability to travel the world.

Thanks for the use of a code, if you have questions about any of the products please let me know.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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HuffNPuff wrote:

The opportunity costs are huge; and not only are they measured by what you could have earned in any single year, but in the time you are not investing into a career path with the potential for annual raises and promotions. However, assuming you are in your 20s, now is the time to take those risks...but only for so long. After 5 years at most, if that pro balance sheet isn't producing at least $50K net positive it's time to face reality and seek another job.

Why is $50K the "magic" number? I just hit 30, have been on an upward progression in the sport since 22 and money is important, but happiness I have learned trumps that. I believe with my 10 years military experience, "pro" triathlon career, and the volunteer work I have done within the Veteran space I will not have a problem finding a job when the time comes. Could the career path be different if I was to hang it up sooner than later, sure, but it all comes back to happiness.

I think more importantly is the total household "positive" not just one person. That is the number that we focus on, ensuring that we are hitting that number and there are a bunch of different ways to get there.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
Quote Reply
Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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@BW_Tri wrote:
HuffNPuff wrote:

The opportunity costs are huge; and not only are they measured by what you could have earned in any single year, but in the time you are not investing into a career path with the potential for annual raises and promotions. However, assuming you are in your 20s, now is the time to take those risks...but only for so long. After 5 years at most, if that pro balance sheet isn't producing at least $50K net positive it's time to face reality and seek another job.

Why is $50K the "magic" number? I just hit 30, have been on an upward progression in the sport since 22 and money is important, but happiness I have learned trumps that. I believe with my 10 years military experience, "pro" triathlon career, and the volunteer work I have done within the Veteran space I will not have a problem finding a job when the time comes. Could the career path be different if I was to hang it up sooner than later, sure, but it all comes back to happiness.

I think more importantly is the total household "positive" not just one person. That is the number that we focus on, ensuring that we are hitting that number and there are a bunch of different ways to get there.

I wouldn't get too caught up in it. There is a large segment of society that equates making money with happiness. What you find is a lot of people chase money/careers until they hit 40+, have a midlife crisis (like via triathlon) because they suddenly realize a lot of life has passed them by while they work at jobs they hate. Then they justify continuing to work at a job they hate in hopes they will finally get to start enjoying life when they retire at 65.

Also, thanks for the post. It is refreshing to see this sort of information shared.

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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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$50K is approximately the median family income in the U.S., but if you go by single income the median varies by state but in most states is in the upper 40s to very low 50s. It's just a simple barometer of success. And if you are already 30, if you haven't achieved financial success as a tri-pro in 5 years (4 more to go) then it just isn't going to happen. However, your premise seems to be that only fulltime triathlon brings fulfillment and all other career paths are misery. I certainly am not suggesting you make a choice of drudgery. And I think your long run perspective will change as you get older. My point is take the risk, but don't keep 'investing' if the return isn't there.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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HuffNPuff wrote:
$50K is approximately the median family income in the U.S., but if you go by single income the median varies by state but in most states is in the upper 40s to very low 50s. It's just a simple barometer of success. And if you are already 30, if you haven't achieved financial success as a tri-pro in 5 years (4 more to go) then it just isn't going to happen. However, your premise seems to be that only fulltime triathlon brings fulfillment and all other career paths are misery. I certainly am not suggesting you make a choice of drudgery. And I think your long run perspective will change as you get older. My point is take the risk, but don't keep 'investing' if the return isn't there.

I don't think all other career paths bring misery, it was just at the end of 10 years in the AF it was misery. Just glad to be waking up doing something I love now, and chasing a dream. Completely agree by 34 if it is not profitable and going well then I will hang it up. Thanks for the advice, couldn't agree more on if the return isn't there then stop doing it.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
Quote Reply
Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Brad, first off, CONGRATS! on the new one on the way! For the pro tri world, you set the bar high. You are a true professional and an example to many other "pros" who don't get the giving back part to sponsors and being transparent with the age groupers. My interactions with you has always been so amazing, and you are more about going above and beyond than any athlete I've had the pleasure of dealing with. You are so generous with your time, your information and being helpful to others. Keep up the awesome work, and I hope to cross paths again soon. You are the definition of class in every way......


Gary Geiger
http://www.geigerphoto.com Professional photographer

TEAM KiWAMi NORTH AMERICA http://www.kiwamitri.com, Rudy Project http://www.rudyprojectusa.com, GU https://guenergy.com/shop/ ; Salming World Ambassador; https://www.shopsalming.com
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [solitude] [ In reply to ]
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solitude wrote:
but I think the rubber will truly meet the road if you and your wife decide to have children.

Haha, I too was thinking to myself don't get her pregnant =) Anyway, congratulations, I hope it all goes well for the 3 of you BW! All I know is I'm 42, two kids (1 & 5) and we both work F/T...then I train for Tri...I don't know how I cope, but somehow I do. I'm certainly not racing at that level though. I also happen to be in the RAF, so semi pro ;-)

29 years and counting
Last edited by: Jorgan: Apr 21, 16 6:53
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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great write up by Brad

I think it will get easeir to make price money if you are prepared to go to asia thomas at the end its aobut chosing the right races.
there is a swedish guy that got it .

Thomas Gerlach wrote:
Ironmike78 wrote:
Definitely all the best to you. I gave it a bit of a half hearted go back in my late 20's but lacked the drive and the talent to get anywhere. It was more a case for me of having had enough of my boring office job and wanting to try something different. Ended up quitting and then becoming a personal trainer which certainly at the start of things gave me ample free time to train whilst I built a client base up - was working about 16 hours a week mostly either early morning or evening which meant the day was mine. It was a good job to have as I could within reason move clients around or cancel, but I found that for me the mental side of things was my biggest limiter - i.e. getting myself out of the door for long hard sessions on a Tuesday morning etc.

I'm still doing triathlon at a pretty decent level but wouldn't want the pressure of earning money. I think for me it would take away the pleasure of the sport. It is quite sobering seeing that list with olympic champions and the best of the best earning less than I do. I'm sure there is extra cash for some by the way of endorsements and book sales etc, but that will be a handful. Surely things have to improve - triathlon isn't on the level of football or other top tier sports, but it has certainly got a rapidly growing following.

Brad did a nice write up there for sure, and brad also demonstrated his ability to punch well above his weight in terms of actually turning a profitable. That majority of pro triathletes are not this lucky. The unfortunately reality is the sport continues to consolidate, this may be a good thing in the end, but it is harder and harder to even get a paycheck at races, which means bonuses don't come as easy, which means, sponsorship doesn't come as easy.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [ggeiger] [ In reply to ]
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ggeiger wrote:
Brad, first off, CONGRATS! on the new one on the way! For the pro tri world, you set the bar high. You are a true professional and an example to many other "pros" who don't get the giving back part to sponsors and being transparent with the age groupers. My interactions with you has always been so amazing, and you are more about going above and beyond than any athlete I've had the pleasure of dealing with. You are so generous with your time, your information and being helpful to others. Keep up the awesome work, and I hope to cross paths again soon. You are the definition of class in every way......


Thanks Gary, really appreciate it. It has been great working with you and Kiwami over the years. Look forward to next time we cross paths. Room is always available when you want to come out to the UK!

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [pk] [ In reply to ]
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pk wrote:
great write up by Brad

I think it will get easeir to make price money if you are prepared to go to asia thomas at the end its aobut chosing the right races.
there is a swedish guy that got it .

Yeah, it has been fun racing Freddie over in Asia. He has done really well over there and make it even easier basing yourself out of there. If I was single and could live anywhere, I would probably put a strategic block in over in Korea around the race schedule over there. I spent 4 years there and really enjoyed it there. It was great to get back last year, and looking to get back again this year if all goes will with the arrival of BabyW!

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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@BW_Tri wrote:

This was part of the thing with getting out of the AF, sure the money was good, but I wasn't waking up happy with work everyday. I dreaded going in. So with the transition out of the AF I was fortunate enough to be in a position to give this a go. I am now happier/healthier and going to see what happens. I am not going into debt doing this, and I am not digging myself a hole. Could I have a better "paying" job and possibly be putting more into retirement than just capping off the Roth IRA each year, sure.........But money does not equal happiness, but I am still pretty financially savvy and ensuring that I will be setup to retire at a decent age, rather than working the rest of my life.

Love that attitude - Congrats on being brave enough to chase it.

Re the kid, you'll do fine it's totally do-able. Won't be easy but then what in life is? I remember going to a race when ours was 6 weeks old, she got passed around all day long whilst we went away and were working with the coaching. If 1 person bottle fed her I'd say she was actually looked after by about 20-30 people that day. She's now very comfortable in the company of others and gets on with everyone. They say it takes a village to bring up a kid - use your village the Tri community to support you and you'll do just fine. Good luck.
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Very interesting read. Curious to know how much success you would need to make it as a pro and be cash flow positive after supporting yourself and family? Is it only the top 1% (Crowie, Rinny, Macca, etc)? Or is there a deeper waterfall for midpack pros to make a living all things considered (as you itemized)?
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [Salmon Steve] [ In reply to ]
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Salmon Steve wrote:

Love that attitude - Congrats on being brave enough to chase it.

Re the kid, you'll do fine it's totally do-able. Won't be easy but then what in life is? I remember going to a race when ours was 6 weeks old, she got passed around all day long whilst we went away and were working with the coaching. If 1 person bottle fed her I'd say she was actually looked after by about 20-30 people that day. She's now very comfortable in the company of others and gets on with everyone. They say it takes a village to bring up a kid - use your village the Tri community to support you and you'll do just fine. Good luck.

Thanks Steve, didn't want to look back 5,10,15 years from now and regret anything. Depending when the baby arrives, he should be at IMUK for his first triathlon :)

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [3Aims] [ In reply to ]
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3Aims wrote:
Very interesting read. Curious to know how much success you would need to make it as a pro and be cash flow positive after supporting yourself and family? Is it only the top 1% (Crowie, Rinny, Macca, etc)? Or is there a deeper waterfall for midpack pros to make a living all things considered (as you itemized)?

I am not sure right now where I would need to be. We are doing it on ~$30K right now from my own "cash flow". The equation is really about our "household" income. And right now living in Oxford it takes a bit more money to live since the Cost of Living is high there. We are paying $2,050USD right now for 943sqft, to put cost into perspective. There are many other places in the world we could live for much less and bring home the same amount of money (we both currently "work" from home, on top of her working on her DPhil/PhD).

I think there is a decent amount of pros supporting their families off of triathlon related income, there are some people outside the top 1% that have other triathlon related businesses going that are supporting their families, a few people have done this very well. I think it would be more like 5-10% that are able to support their families off of their triathlon living. Not sure how "deep" the waterfall runs though.

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [@BW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Brad,

Great write up, on a side note I did something similar about 12 years ago for 2-3 years. Although I raced "pro" I hesitate to call my self that, my best time was 9:25.

I used to work sub contract labour as an electrician for my brother. Basically when the season was done I would go work for him for 2-3 months 60 hours a week plus and then budget that money for the rest of the year. If it makes you feel any better I had much worse financials than you.

On a side note of "life experience" vs "opportunity cost" I have absolutely zero regrets, I knew full well that if I had to work an extra couple of years into retirement that it would be worth it. I look back on that time 12 years later as the best years of my life.

I also learnt a shit tonne about my self, including the hard realization that I didn't have the extra step required to get to the next level. Not talking genetics, but the extra step in terms of details and relentless motivation the extra 10% above and beyond just working hard and working a lot. This has carried through in the rest of my life, IE if you are undertaking a new challenge how motivated are you to give 110%, IE some really great (perhaps hard) lessons learnt for myself personally.

On a side note, not sure how taxes work in the U.S. but I wrote off everything, including 33% of my food (I ate about 33% more than your average 145 pound guy) % space in my house for trainer etc (IE some portion of that crazy rent you are paying ;-) gas to the pool etc.

All the best,
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Re: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Financials of a Pro Triathlete [mauricemaher] [ In reply to ]
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Are their updated links to part 1 and part 2? Links in the first post no workee.

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