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2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23
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We're on to year 10 back by popular demand. I am mainly cutting and pasting last year's thread to get things rolling

The last few years we have had 500+ athletes from all over the world. Invite your friends and training partners. The more the better. Thanks to Slowman for accommodating us and hosting this virtual training camp on their website at no cost !!! This is the 10th year we're doing it.

On Dec 15th we'll start the 2015-16 edition of the 100 runs in 100 day challenge, commonly known as 100/100. The thing has evolved somewhat over the past few years, due to and contrary to popular demand. The basic “unit” that counts as a “run” is 30 minutes.

The goal of this entire challenge is to lay down a solid run base by doing volume through frequency. The goal of the challenge actually is not to randomly be doing a bunch of short runs, although some in the past may have chosen to. The goal really is to increase your overall mileage which will hopefully result in better performances next year as long as you don't go overboard and injury yourself. Frequency is the carrot to get you overall mileage, but don't end up using it to get injured!

The runs can be outdoors or on a treadmill, but it must be running (no water running, no elliptical trainer...). Walking does not count...there must be two feet off the ground at some point in every stride (the difference between race walking and running) and there must be forward motion so 30 minutes of jumping jacks will not count either :-) :-) :-).

  1. You can take days off
  2. You can do days with more than one run (doubles)
  3. You can and likely should take rest days
  4. You get no credit for going longer than 30 minute wrt number of runs, however it will help your distance totals. Over time, many of your runs will be in excess of 30 minutes.
  5. If you go fast, it will show up in your total distance over the challenge in less time and the speedsters get to beat the crap out of each other.
  6. You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every stride
  7. Listen to your body if you need to take a day off…don’t get too sucked into what the other geeks on the ‘standings’ are doing (who am I kidding….talking to a bunch a type A tri geeks)
  8. By all means, use the overall standing as a motivator to push you up a level, but don’t put yourself in the injury/hurt locker in the middle of winter
  9. Don't sprint out of the gate in the first 3 weeks....easiest way to get injured...start slow....perhaps take your aggregate mileage over the last 3 years and divide that total by 156 to get a gauge for what your average weeks for the first 4-6 weeks should look like before you ramp up
  10. If you make it through 10 weeks (70 days), pour it on in the final month when your body and mind can take it.

For a run to count as a double, it must be separated by at least 1 hour. I have to pick a duration to separate 2 runs and it can't be 1 minute or 5 minutes, and putting 1 hour in between means that I will allow you to count a run-swim-run, run-bike-run, run-wts-run, run-XC ski-run, run-McDonalds-run as 2 sessions as long as the thing in between lasts for at least 1 hour (be it 40K on the bike, or a session at the donut shop).

7 years ago _EH_, Jana and I put down 100 days in a row of running 30 min or more with ZERO rest days. Not really recommended. The last few years we have had approximately 50 or more hit 100 runs in 100 days, but that's really not for everyone (nor should it be).


While some might go for 100 runs, the reality is that unless you are already running 4-6 hours per week, this is not a realistic goal. If you did over 2500K of running last year, you're probably good to go to attack the full 100 (assuming you have no injuries)

For most a realistic goal is to start at Bronze “club pace” (or less) and then see how things go.
  1. Platinum Club = 100 runs in 100 days (March 24th)
  2. Gold Club = 90 runs in 100 runs in days
  3. Silver Club = 80 runs in 100 runs in days
  4. Bronze = 70 runs in 100 runs in days
It is great training for anyone doing a spring marathon or an early season triathlon, and you'll be shocked by how quickly you accumulate mileage, all without getting injured...because the focus is keeping them short and aerobic. By all means feel free to run longer than 30 minutes, but the main goal here is to get you out the door, 5-7 times per week, especially given that the weather is generally shitty for riding in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere.


The goal is to encourage people to run as much as possible. Sometimes, life gets in the way. We have lives outside sport.Something is better than nothing. So if you do 2 runs shorter than 30 minutes in one day (ex 20+15), you can count the total as 1 run, but beyond that, you can’t keep adding up incremental amounts to count for additional runs. For example, a 50 minute run and 10 minute run in one day won’t count as 2 runs and nor will 20+20+20. They will both count as one 60 minute run (you can add your short run amount to your large run amount to get full mileage credit).

So basically let's say you do a 15 minute run covering 3K. You can't enter this as a "complete run" for your "club status", however, if you do many of these over the winter, they all add up to more base, so what you CAN do is add these 15 minutes in your entry for your previous run...so if your previous run was 45 minutes, and 9K, just put it in as 60 minutes and 12K and take some partial credit for it.

However, we just added a fairly major change to this for 2015-16 to encourage people a bit more. What we will allow is twice per week have two days where 15 min counts provided you make up the time the NEXT day....read below:

New in 2015-16 is allowance for 2x per week minimum run of 15 minutes which must be followed up by 45 run the next day. A 15 min run earlier in the day, followed by a 45 min run later in the day does not count for 2 runs in that day, it still counts as the usual 1 run of 60 minutes. The reason for this is that the minimum on 2 days per week of 15 min run is being instituted to assist people in not over doing mileage on days when perhaps a short jog or transition run off the bike or swim is all they should really be doing in the context of an overall triathlon program"
1. Go to training.slowtwitch.com
2. Sign up for a training log account if you don’t already have one
3. Then go to training.slowtwitch.com/challenges
4. Look for the 2016-16 100 runs/100 days challenge and sign up for it, or just click here and sign up for it.
5. Now start entering your runs in the slowtwitch log. Make sure you only enter runs =>30 minutes as one entity. If you have a 20+15 day, enter it as one workout of 35 minute or it will not get rolled into the results sheet
6. Please ensure that you log a distance along with the time. If you don't know the distance, please try to estimate...this will also get you finely tuned to your pace at various times/distances...great for racing
7. Your runs will automatically get entered into the challenge results sheet with everyone else
8. From the challenges home page, click on the link to go to the 100/100 challenge, which will allow you to view the results
9. Once click on this link you will end up at the results page. You can click on any of the column headers, and it will sort the sheet based on that category (frequency, time, distance, aerobic points.
10. Please note that you must be logged in to actually enter your data. You can’t enter data without logging into your account (seems obvious...)

I’ll update this post as other questions come up.

And as was the case in previous years, there is lots of tough love around here, but everyone means well. If you think I/we might be hard nosed, let me just say, that offline, I get beaten up by even more hard core guys accusing me of making the challenge too "soft". So the rules are the rules (we had a discussion thread about that every year) They've been refined over the past few years and love them or hate them, they kind of work and out of respect to previous years’ finishers, let’s stick with what works OK.

Please put any questions on this thread. Better to put them here than send me PM's or emails, because they may not be answered n real time if sent directly to me, but if you post on this thread there are a bunch of guys and girls who will likely answer questions for your immediately. It's like being in a big training camp with a bunch of veterans. You don't need to ask the organizers all the questions. There are a bunch of vets who probably can provide much better insights than I can.


On my front, most years I shoot for 85-100, but this year, my goal is 1/100. I have some complication from a 2011 accident at IM Switzerland that are currently limiting my mobility (both walk and run), so I might just have to swim that often this winter while you guys run!
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Feb 20, 16 17:12
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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call me thick...but....if someone does 15min on day1 and 45min on day2, how do they enter it ? 30 + 30 ?
Last edited by: marcag: Dec 14, 15 15:33
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In for a second go-round....and since I am in HK right now, have already bagged my first run. Wink. Gotta love time differences!!

We'll see how it goes...had to bail halfway last year due to a bone contusion on my foot and last week felt a little niggle in my R heel that I worry may be the onset of PF. So I am taking things carefully and focusing on shorter, more frequent runs vs. mileage / days.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [marcag] [ In reply to ]
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marcag wrote:
call me thick...but....if someone does 15min on day1 and 45min on day2, how do they enter it ? 30 + 30 ?

On day 1 initially they enter nothing having run 15 minutes. On day 2 having run 45 minutes, they now go back to the log and enter 30 min for day 1 and 30 min for day 2. This way it keeps the structure within the ST training log consistent, while relying on athlete honor system to manually implement things while getting credit. Not ideal, but we have no way of dynamically setting the minimum on 2 days per week and 30 minutes for the other 5 days.

Hope that helps!

Hey it is already 8:43 AM Dec 15th in Tokyo. How come the slacker on that part of the world are not shooting ahead yet?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
In for a second go-round....and since I am in HK right now, have already bagged my first run. Wink. Gotta love time differences!!

We'll see how it goes...had to bail halfway last year due to a bone contusion on my foot and last week felt a little niggle in my R heel that I worry may be the onset of PF. So I am taking things carefully and focusing on shorter, more frequent runs vs. mileage / days.

OK good to know the Hong Kong visiting contingent is getting a leg up. How about posting some pictures on this thread. I love Kowloon area!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Staying on the HK side and it was a treadmill run.....not too exciting from a pic perspective. Heading into Shenzhen today and then flying to Taipei tomorrow night. So likely more treadmill time tomorrow....

BUT, there is a decent trail along the river near my hotel in Taipei so will definitely post some pics from there.

Currently leading the challenge, BTW....but I am also the only one to have logged a run yet. Wink

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
Staying on the HK side and it was a treadmill run.....not too exciting from a pic perspective. Heading into Shenzhen today and then flying to Taipei tomorrow night. So likely more treadmill time tomorrow....

BUT, there is a decent trail along the river near my hotel in Taipei so will definitely post some pics from there.

Currently leading the challenge, BTW....but I am also the only one to have logged a run yet. Wink

Take a taxi and then run up Yangming Mountain in Taipei. I am yet to do this, but when Slowman was working in the Taipei region with QR what he would do is take a taxi to the base of the climb and then tell the driver to drive up and wait for him at the top....then run up and meet your cabbie. If you do it at dusk and time it so you arrive at the summit just before dark the views of the city are astounding. I'll post some pics later. I have only rode my bike there.

Check out this ride with 2x climb of 700m each for a total ride of 1400m. Running it would be fun:

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'll look into it....don't think I will have time this trip, but I am coming back next month for our Chinese New Year party. May give it a while then as I'll have a bit more time / flexibility.

Our corporate office kinda frowns on us leaving before 5, so early AM runs are my best option and the river trail makes it convenient. We stay about 5km west of the Grand Palace, for reference, right near the shopping mall with the Ferris wheel.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In. going Platinum. My life feels like it has added purpose (sincerely). Thanks Dev.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ianpeace] [ In reply to ]
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I signed up and we'll see how it goes.
50/100 would be a big improvement for me - would that get me a tin medal?

PS Your listing of levels has typos for all but the platinum of 90 runs in 100 runs in days
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Very excited to begin logging the runs tomorrow! I can't remember exactly but last year I think I hit like 97 runs and came into spring super strong. This year I would like to at least do 100 for a nice push to Boston.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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what is the price purse for the winner?

who win, the most milage or the most # of runs? i m asking as no one want to finish second ;)

if i start my run tonight at 11:31 and finish at 12:01AM..... does it count as #1 run of the challenge for me?

what about water running?

bonus point for losing weight?

what s the record for most runs in a challenge?

we need more stats!!!!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok ok Dev. I surrender to your pressure and I've signed up. Should be fun!


Are you ready to do an Ultraman? | How I calculate Ironman race fueling | Strength Training for Athletes |
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Been lurking for few years now so no more excuse not to do it.

I am in Dev. Got myself a head start since I started as of Dec. 1 so today is day 14 for me but I will restart the counter as of tomorrow.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In! And and kicking it off with a little jog through London. I thought with the time zone difference I'd at least have a chance of leading the board for a couple hours but no such luck.

Aiming for 70/100 this year. Although I convinced the better half to join me and he seems focused on 100/100. Let's see how this one plays out.

Happy running all!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Okay, I'm in and shooting for Platinum... right on the cusp of 2,500km over the last 12mths, so might as well give it a shot, particularly seen as I managed my first run into work this morning even after a little too much indulgence at the Xmas party last night...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Kiwifly] [ In reply to ]
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The guys in NZ have the biggest advantage on you....but then again, their 100th day ends earlier too. One way of betting the max advantage is start on day 1 in NZ and end day 100 on Guam and pop back over the international date line.

Actually the first year I did this 2006, I ran every day in a row for 100 and did not want to miss any. There was one day when I got up at 5 am on a Monday to cram in a run before my flight to Japan. I arrived at my hotel in Japan on Tuesday evening around 10 pm. I had to get out on the road in Yokohama at 11 pm in cold driving rain to get that day's run in so as not to miss an entire day. I left home at 5 am and got to the hotel at 10 pm which makes it 41 hours door to door minus 14 hours time difference so 27 hours door to door with a run crammed in on each side. Whatever it takes to keep the craziness going. I am certain if I had the option of running on a treadmill in the airplane during the flight I would have taken that over what I had to do. But you know how things are, you remember the most miserable stupid things fondly.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Rob, if you can post some of your runs and pictures of them for your prep to Ultraman Florida it would be really cool. Plus when you have tough miles between 30 and 50 on race day, you'll have everyone here cheering for you to get to the final 6 miles of fun (should be less than 2x30 minutes for those 6....I hope).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ouch! So I guess I have no excuses for missing runs / days next week when I embark on an hellacious long-haul trip to spend Xmas in NZ? I leave the UK on Sunday evening and touch down in NZ at 23:55 on Tuesday so it looks like there may be some double run days in my immediate future. At least they will be in beautiful surroundings and under a summer sun. :)

On a side note, thanks Dev for organizing this annual stupid human feat. Especially this year when you aren't spreadsheet chasing yourself. Heal fast!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, just checked to challenge page to motivate me to get out there today and first place logged 9 miles in 45 minutes! 5 minute pace for 9 miles is pretty quick. I know that there are people that can run paces like that but is that really the way to start out a 100/100 challenge? Or did they think they were putting in 9km in 45 minutes?

I'm not calling anyone out but was just curious if people have ever been suspected and confronted on inflating numbers in the challenge? If so, has anyone ever been removed from the challenge?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I am going to give this a go as I have not been running for over 2 years due to my back issues. I know I am 2 minutes per km slower than normal right now and I have to stretch a ton after but this is a good reason to start running again and give it a show. Due to my back issues lets hope that the slower pace and consistency add up to shedding some weight and getting back to regaining some speed. I know my runs will all be at 30 minutes as I do not want to over due it with the back.

I think set the treadmill to 10kph and bang off 5km per day until I am able to speed it up to 12kph and get in 6km per day. Treadmill might be easier on my back.
Last edited by: BMANX: Dec 15, 15 6:58
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dbikelink] [ In reply to ]
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dbikelink wrote:
Wow, just checked to challenge page to motivate me to get out there today and first place logged 9 miles in 45 minutes! 5 minute pace for 9 miles is pretty quick. I know that there are people that can run paces like that but is that really the way to start out a 100/100 challenge? Or did they think they were putting in 9km in 45 minutes?

I'm not calling anyone out but was just curious if people have ever been suspected and confronted on inflating numbers in the challenge? If so, has anyone ever been removed from the challenge?

It is easy to enter the wrong units, so I suspect that person entered a 9K 45 min run at 9 mile 45 min run. No doubt they will realize it when they go to enter their next workout and fix it with the "edit workout" option that you see when you click on the workout.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Kiwifly] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the wishes and have a good trip back to NZ and no reason not to keep up the craziness on a hectic travel schedule....that's part of the fun and challenge. Please post some pictures from your runs when you get back to NZ and also from London.

Here is a picture from a run on day 99 of last year's challenge. I was going from Ottawa to Port Elizabeth South Africa for IM South Africa and had an 11 hour layover at Heathrow, so I took the tube into town and used the public swim facility near Victoria Tube Station, and did a swim and my final 15K run in prep for the IM. It was a great way to spend a long layover before resuming on the 12.5 hour flight to cape town:

As for myself, I was considering to ask someone else to pull all this challenge together, as I have mentally had many down days and not being able to walk and get around "normally" is probably harder than not running (I am swimming which is very therapeutic mentally). But I felt that over the haul it will be good to "stay involved" by encouraging others in their goals, and I have a lot to share on how to safely navigate through this and that info is useless sitting in my head and not sharing with those that will benefit.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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The last workout I had listed here was Dec 15, 2013. So I know I at least got one run in on that challenge! Lets see if I can at least double my output this year.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In. Year 2. I was 50/50 last year then Polar Vortex 2.0 derailed me and I ended at 59. Still, had an injury free 2015. So, I'll hope for longer consistency (less cold weather) and similar long term results.

60 degrees at 5 am in NY sure made the first run enjoyable.

Thanks Dev, ST and the minions for another year of motivation!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Hey Rob, if you can post some of your runs and pictures of them for your prep to Ultraman Florida it would be really cool. Plus when you have tough miles between 30 and 50 on race day, you'll have everyone here cheering for you to get to the final 6 miles of fun (should be less than 2x30 minutes for those 6....I hope).

will do... there are about 10 inches of snow outside today... I'm weighing up the epicness of an outdoor run vs the smart choice of treadmill... I'll post a pic when I decide which way to go ;-)


Are you ready to do an Ultraman? | How I calculate Ironman race fueling | Strength Training for Athletes |
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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robgray wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
Hey Rob, if you can post some of your runs and pictures of them for your prep to Ultraman Florida it would be really cool. Plus when you have tough miles between 30 and 50 on race day, you'll have everyone here cheering for you to get to the final 6 miles of fun (should be less than 2x30 minutes for those 6....I hope).

will do... there are about 10 inches of snow outside today... I'm weighing up the epicness of an outdoor run vs the smart choice of treadmill... I'll post a pic when I decide which way to go ;-)

I recommend treadmill run, then quick transition to Vibrams with embedded spikes and run in the snow and post pictures of your "Saquatch prints". Some whacko in Boulder will probably call the police when they see your prints especially if you choose to run with a furry suit on. Something like this will do for good Ultraman heat training in the snow.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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oh well, already training for the January Houston Marathon - might as well throw in for this too. Temps are going to get up to 80 degrees today, so another cool run day down here in Texas ; )
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In and logged first workout! Realized it's been since the end of the challenge two years ago since my last update - automatic push from Garmin Connect -> Strava is just so much easier (any chance there's something similar in the works here?). I just went ahead and filled out the month of December so at least I'll have a full month of data on here by the end of the year.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Quick question. I don't have a foot pod so when running on the treadmill, should I enter the distance completed displayed on the treadmill or enter my estimate distance?

i.e. --> 30 min run estimation would equal to 6.5 km for me.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [tixunau] [ In reply to ]
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Just knocked out my 2015/16 inaugural 100/100 run. 4 miles, 17 degrees F, heavy snow with 6-8" on the ground. Righteous run.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Got my bib ready!

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Wow...already this time of year again? How time flies... Was close last year at 98 runs and cracked 700 miles. Was ultra training last year though and only marathon training this time...I foresee a drop in both of those numbers.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, for some reason I thought this started closer to New Year's. I'm still only counting runs lasting 30 minutes or more, I don't care how they modify the rules.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Got my bib ready!


Can you also post the coveted participant medals that come with the outrageous entry fee for this event?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone having problems importing tcx files? I get a time, but no distance.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [speedskater] [ In reply to ]
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speedskater wrote:
Anyone having problems importing tcx files? I get a time, but no distance.

I don't get time or distance when I try and add a .tcx that I exported from Garmin Connect.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [MattAune] [ In reply to ]
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That's what I was doing- the download from Connect. I'll see if I can get it from the device.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [MattAune] [ In reply to ]
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Well, on the device they are .fit files. Oh well, I guess I"ll have to enter my tiny numbers by hand.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
RandMart wrote:
Got my bib ready!

Can you also post the coveted participant medals that come with the outrageous entry fee for this event?


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I don't think I am long for this challenge....the PF I noted earlier seems to be real, not just a little "niggle". Didn't run for a week, did some rolling, icing, heating, etc. Felt better this week and did 2 (short) treadmill runs. No pain when I was running, but definitely some lingering pain throughout the day, back to the level it was last week.

I am signed up for Madison this year, so I *know* the answer is to rest / recover now and not jeopardize IMWI....but I have been running well (for me) this fall. I would hate to go backwards at this point.

I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens, but I'm guessing I'm gonna have to drop out. Also have a doc appt Monday after I get back from Asia.


Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Today was my 66th consecutive running day - I'd love to make it 164 and get to the end of the challenge. 8.2 miles on the TM in an hour this morning.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
Well, I don't think I am long for this challenge....the PF I noted earlier seems to be real, not just a little "niggle". Didn't run for a week, did some rolling, icing, heating, etc. Felt better this week and did 2 (short) treadmill runs. No pain when I was running, but definitely some lingering pain throughout the day, back to the level it was last week.

I am signed up for Madison this year, so I *know* the answer is to rest / recover now and not jeopardize IMWI....but I have been running well (for me) this fall. I would hate to go backwards at this point.

I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens, but I'm guessing I'm gonna have to drop out. Also have a doc appt Monday after I get back from Asia.


There are still 99 days to 'get back into it'.....so just back it off now, ride the hotel spin bike, water run in the hotel pool if you need to, and probably a few days later you can resume very low intensity running. I agree don't jeopardize IMWI!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [natethomas] [ In reply to ]
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natethomas wrote:
Today was my 66th consecutive running day - I'd love to make it 164 and get to the end of the challenge. 8.2 miles on the TM in an hour this morning.

...on the path to a 3:1x run at your next IM!!!! By the way, what grade do you run on the treadmill? I think the grade option is under utilized, because it penalizes pace and distance, but I think the biggest benefit for IM running from the treadmill is using the grade to run lots of hills, often in every treadmill run. The nice thing about treadmill hills is that your legs don't take the downhill beating like outdoor hills and unlike Mirinda Carfrae who runs in "finesse" mode even in an IM, most of us are running with the heavier legs in "brute force mode" in an IM, akin to uphill running. Ultratriguy was saying this is also beneficial to ultra runners.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
natethomas wrote:
Today was my 66th consecutive running day - I'd love to make it 164 and get to the end of the challenge. 8.2 miles on the TM in an hour this morning.

...on the path to a 3:1x run at your next IM!!!! By the way, what grade do you run on the treadmill? I think the grade option is under utilized, because it penalizes pace and distance, but I think the biggest benefit for IM running from the treadmill is using the grade to run lots of hills, often in every treadmill run. The nice thing about treadmill hills is that your legs don't take the downhill beating like outdoor hills and unlike Mirinda Carfrae who runs in "finesse" mode even in an IM, most of us are running with the heavier legs in "brute force mode" in an IM, akin to uphill running. Ultratriguy was saying this is also beneficial to ultra runners.

I'm generally in the 'set it at 1% and forget it' mentality. I've been gearing up for a 5k this weekend, and hoping to be down close to 17 minutes. Been doing lots of 1/4 and 1/2 mile repeats on the TM as well as strides at 12mph. After the race maybe I'll do some hill repeat work.

For races like Boston, I've heard of folks throwing a few 2x4's under the rear of the TM to simulate some downhill running (which most TM's can't do), although it's probably not great for the motor unless it's a decent treadmill.

I'm not planning on another IM for a few years, but hoping to carry some real good run fitness into 2016. I feel I should be able to run mid 1:2x off the bike in a HIM come spring. Over the past 2+ months of solid running I've already seen some big gains, and my pace has dropped by around 20 sec/mile at the similar HR.

Blog: http://262toboylstonstreet.blogspot.com/
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ In reply to ]
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I'm in, at least until shoulder surgery in late January, and hoping to hit the bronze level at least in terms of percentage until that point. Also hoping it helps my husband get out more - he has always hated running but it's growing on him, so he'll go with me on the short runs (~30min) now and enjoys it more with company.

I'm a slow shuffler in general (~11:00), but he's an even slower shuffler (~12:00-13:00) so heads up don't judge too harshly! (Should that have been in pink font? #noob)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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TFW you've done 2 runs by day 2 and the challenge text says "98 runs behind."

It would be really useful in this context if there were an easy way to see what day number we are currently on.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, I signed up. Not sure if I'll even make bronze but we'll see. I actually did the full 100/100 a number of years ago but life has gotten in the way and I've let the training slide, a lot. I'm also about 40lbs heavier than what I got down to back then too. I'll just be going slow and easy, and ready to back off if I need to, but maybe this will help kick start a rebuild.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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i'm in for a week. maybe more but it will all depend on the lymph node biopsy. so far, though 3/3 (i started a day early... ) :)

thanks for doing this dev!


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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It is a great day today for a run 2c and sunny. Can't wait to get out after a crazy day at work.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [natethomas] [ In reply to ]
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Nate, are you running Boston again this year?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [natethomas] [ In reply to ]
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natethomas wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
natethomas wrote:
Today was my 66th consecutive running day - I'd love to make it 164 and get to the end of the challenge. 8.2 miles on the TM in an hour this morning.

...on the path to a 3:1x run at your next IM!!!! By the way, what grade do you run on the treadmill? I think the grade option is under utilized, because it penalizes pace and distance, but I think the biggest benefit for IM running from the treadmill is using the grade to run lots of hills, often in every treadmill run. The nice thing about treadmill hills is that your legs don't take the downhill beating like outdoor hills and unlike Mirinda Carfrae who runs in "finesse" mode even in an IM, most of us are running with the heavier legs in "brute force mode" in an IM, akin to uphill running. Ultratriguy was saying this is also beneficial to ultra runners.

I'm generally in the 'set it at 1% and forget it' mentality. I've been gearing up for a 5k this weekend, and hoping to be down close to 17 minutes. Been doing lots of 1/4 and 1/2 mile repeats on the TM as well as strides at 12mph. After the race maybe I'll do some hill repeat work.

For races like Boston, I've heard of folks throwing a few 2x4's under the rear of the TM to simulate some downhill running (which most TM's can't do), although it's probably not great for the motor unless it's a decent treadmill.

I'm not planning on another IM for a few years, but hoping to carry some real good run fitness into 2016. I feel I should be able to run mid 1:2x off the bike in a HIM come spring. Over the past 2+ months of solid running I've already seen some big gains, and my pace has dropped by around 20 sec/mile at the similar HR.

I did that training for Boston 2001. I put 2x4's in the back of the treadmill and ran a weekly aerobic 39 min 10K on a continuous downhill. Basically I had my treadmill permanently set up so that with the 2x4's 4% was "level", so my max elevation was 11% and my max downhill was 4%. I figured for Boston this was a good way to get the leg speed up at low aerobic load. It worked on race day.

I took the cover off the motor and ran fan on it. I also only weighed 138 lbs for that Boston attempt do my treadmill only had to lift 138 lbs uphill before I strided down the belt. That treadmill is still going strong. I actually bought it when my son was 1 year old and he is 19 and runs on it most days (actually, why is he not signed up for this challenge ????).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [HH] [ In reply to ]
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HH wrote:
TFW you've done 2 runs by day 2 and the challenge text says "98 runs behind."

It would be really useful in this context if there were an easy way to see what day number we are currently on.

I know it would be nice, but we are stuck with the log the way it is. Slowman is doing a full rehaul of the site that will eventually include a training log update and will support the challenge feature with better data/displays. But we won't get that till next year's challenge. Sorry about that!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in and got my first run in today. Using this to jump start my weight loss and trying to take my time getting back into it as I've had some achillies pain in the past couple of weeks. I will say the 60 degree temps in New York have been nice. I'm used to starting (and some times finishing) this challenge in the snow and ice.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ABrunner] [ In reply to ]
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First Run done on Day Two

Depending on how you look at it, I could be on pace for

a) 99/100
2) 50/100
iii) 1/100

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
First Run done on Day Two

Depending on how you look at it, I could be on pace for

a) 99/100
2) 50/100
iii) 1/100

Well as a bare minimum if you don't do anything between now at Mar 24th, you can claim the 100/100 participation medal for achieving the 1/100 level. Is there a color code for the medals? My target is "(iii)" as I mentioned in the first post in this thread.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Is there a color code for the medals?

Oh yeah, I guess I'll have to Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze those puppies, huh?

Well, I got 99 days to do that, anyway

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Im in and I didnt even realize it.

Just updated work out log. Been running twice a day for the last 17 days already, 30 mins a pop.

Let it begin! (new years day is going to suck...)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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OK, I'm in... two days later; I'll make up the time by the end.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Maui_] [ In reply to ]
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So my foot felt OK today...and of course I didn't say "Progress...keep resting", I went out and ran 5 miles. Idiot....

Actually, I didn't have any issues during the run...we'll see how it feels later tonight or tomrrow though. But I mostly ran because Dev asked for pics from a run. Not a fan of running outside in Shenzhen and I don't really have time when I am there. But as I mentioned earlier, my Taipei hotel is near the river trail, so I felt compelled to run and post a few pics for Dev. And if I can't make it to IMWI now, it is all Dev's fault!

Temple across the street from the river park entrance

River park entrance

The 101 Building in Taipei (2nd tallest building in the world)

Grand Palace Hotel (basically where I turned around on my run)

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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This year's challenge is coming just in time for me. I've really dialed back for the last couple of months in order to allow a few (very) minor nagging tender spots to fully heal. And of course when the training slowed I filled the void with eating. As much as I would like to hit 100, I think 90 is a good target. Off to a good start, keeping the runs on the shorter side for now and aiming mainly for frequency in the beginning.

Happy trails,
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
So my foot felt OK today...and of course I didn't say "Progress...keep resting", I went out and ran 5 miles. Idiot....

Actually, I didn't have any issues during the run...we'll see how it feels later tonight or tomrrow though. But I mostly ran because Dev asked for pics from a run. Not a fan of running outside in Shenzhen and I don't really have time when I am there. But as I mentioned earlier, my Taipei hotel is near the river trail, so I felt compelled to run and post a few pics for Dev. And if I can't make it to IMWI now, it is all Dev's fault!

Temple across the street from the river park entrance

River park entrance

The 101 Building in Taipei (2nd tallest building in the world)

Grand Palace Hotel (basically where I turned around on my run)

Hey I have biked and ran numerous times along that river in Taipei. It is a real oasis of tranquility right by the city. Have you ever stayed at the Grand Palace Hotel? As for the IMWI plans being derailed, I take full responsibility, at least we got some good Taipei pictures!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I wish I had thought about that back in the day when I ran St. George's as that marathon just destroyed my quads when I ran it. Well all the downhill and the horrible pacing that I did. That was a long day.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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run in snowshoes! its running. it counts. its a hoot. and a pretty good strength workout if you are breaking trail in 10 inches of snow :-)

run well, run happy
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [georgereid] [ In reply to ]
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georgereid wrote:
run in snowshoes! its running. it counts. its a hoot. and a pretty good strength workout if you are breaking trail in 10 inches of snow :-)

you mean something like these? I'm up for that. Any pointers on best type to get much appreciated (I know a little bit less than zero about snow shoes)


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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How are points calculated?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Bru] [ In reply to ]
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Looks like points = miles x 4.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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OR ... 0.25 mile = 1 point

If you prefer to look at it that way

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Dec 17, 15 11:20
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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robgray wrote:
georgereid wrote:
run in snowshoes! its running. it counts. its a hoot. and a pretty good strength workout if you are breaking trail in 10 inches of snow :-)

you mean something like these? I'm up for that. Any pointers on best type to get much appreciated (I know a little bit less than zero about snow shoes)

Rob it you want to run with those and penalize your "mileage" that is fine, but there are much lighter racing options that would be fine too....in any case at 100/100 you can sort the table by frequency, by duration or by distance to feel studly in whatever category you want to feel studly in:

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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what about just putting screws in my normal shoes? I heard people do that. It's mostly hard packed snow not deep powder. For deep powder I'm selling my car and getting a fatbike (seriously)


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Oh... Aerobic points... I forgot about that.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dev...no, never stayed at the Grand Palace, but it is absolutely on my "to do" list at some point.

I stay right near the Miramar shopping mall (with the big Ferris wheel), so the trail is literally a few hundred meters from my hotel. Incidentally, they just opened a brand new Marriott in the area....VERY nice. Staying there now.

Foot was hurting big time after the run.....finished it fine, but after a quick snooze, it was very painful to walk until it loosened up. Luckily the restaurant I went to was just across the street. Which, incidentally,mid you like BBQ and stay in the area, check out Ed's Diner. Really good BBQ....and I am a BBQ snob, so the fact that there is high quality BBQ in Taipei was amazing to me.

May have to be the elliptical for me today before flying home.....

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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robgray wrote:
what about just putting screws in my normal shoes? I heard people do that. It's mostly hard packed snow not deep powder. For deep powder I'm selling my car and getting a fatbike (seriously)

Screws in Hokas would work fine for hard packed snow!!! Now post some pictures! Did you see any heel striking sasquatches wearing newtons on today's run in the snow? Or were they all DQ'd by USAT?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in again this year. It's either the 4th or 5th year for me.
This is the only time of year I ever post on ST.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Habs4ever wrote:
I'm in again this year. It's either the 4th or 5th year for me.
This is the only time of year I ever post on ST.

OK, welcome back. Pull some of your buddies in too!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Good luck folks and run smart (or is proper English 'smartly'?).....2 runs in 3 days appears to be my pace. Will simply publicly declare goal of 67 runs and 185 Lbs on day 100. Currently sporting a 194.0 lbs of gravity burden on the planet.
See y'all in late March.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Trihumor] [ In reply to ]
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Trihumor wrote:
Good luck folks and run smart (or is proper English 'smartly'?).....2 runs in 3 days appears to be my pace. Will simply publicly declare goal of 67 runs and 185 Lbs on day 100. Currently sporting a 194.0 lbs of gravity burden on the planet.
See y'all in late March.

Hey, that's only 3 lbs per 33 days, so why don't you post a picture of the monthly weigh in...we want to hear more from you guys than re appearing 100 days later. Imagine a group training where for the entire training camp no one talks to each other....would be pretty boring!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Trihumor wrote:
Good luck folks and run smart (or is proper English 'smartly'?).....2 runs in 3 days appears to be my pace. Will simply publicly declare goal of 67 runs and 185 Lbs on day 100. Currently sporting a 194.0 lbs of gravity burden on the planet.
See y'all in late March.

Hey, that's only 3 lbs per 33 days, so why don't you post a picture of the monthly weigh in...we want to hear more from you guys than re appearing 100 days later. Imagine a group training where for the entire training camp no one talks to each other....would be pretty boring!

Dev: Wonderful idea lest I turn into a total troll and slackard.....good to check in and commisserate with other OCD spread sheet chasers and compression sock crew. Easy to draw inspiration from posts and successes to keep the crazy train rollin'....
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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You can use hex head sheet metal screws or get special traction head screws like Icespikes. Or check out YakTrax run slip on traction. For serious ice conditions the Icebug shoe line is an option too.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [SummitAK] [ In reply to ]
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SummitAK wrote:
You can use hex head sheet metal screws or get special traction head screws like Icespikes. Or check out YakTrax run slip on traction. For serious ice conditions the Icebug shoe line is an option too.

thanks - great tips. I never knew about the IceSpikes - looks pretty cool


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't have time to go to the treadmill today. I tried to run outside but I got an ice cream headache just walking out the door! But I did do 4.5 hours on the trainer... so I don't feel like a complete slacker.
Tomorrow the weather gets warm again so I plan on a big double (Friday+Saturday) then some downhill skiing Sunday/Monday, maybe with some 30 min treadmill sessions thrown in (if I can find a treadmill there).


Are you ready to do an Ultraman? | How I calculate Ironman race fueling | Strength Training for Athletes |
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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I almost feel bad for a lot of you posting about running in snow and options between snow shoes and putting screws in your shoes. Seriously considering putting the fire on down here in Texas because it is down to 46 degrees tonight! Then again come and run here in July and August.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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robgray wrote:
I didn't have time to go to the treadmill today. I tried to run outside but I got an ice cream headache just walking out the door! But I did do 4.5 hours on the trainer... so I don't feel like a complete slacker.
Tomorrow the weather gets warm again so I plan on a big double (Friday+Saturday) then some downhill skiing Sunday/Monday, maybe with some 30 min treadmill sessions thrown in (if I can find a treadmill there).

You asked for snowshoes and there is downhill skiing mentioned?

No problem.... put the downhill skis and boots on your back (boots in the backpack, skis and poles strapped to the sides), and run up to the summit of Vail with snowshoes on....30 min run done....then downhill ski all you want...that's better than a 30 min treadmill run on a 15% uphill grade (which is what the last 30 min of the UMF run will probably feel like). That could win you the 100/100 hero of the week award (I guess I just committed to awarding that out....now I need Randmart to make a hero of the week virtual medal!!!).

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm again again this year - I think I may have taken last year off from the challenge after participating 2013 and 2014. I'll try to post more often but I think I promised that in 2014 as well and ended up posting only once or twice after posting a pic of my dog (who is sleeping nearby and hoping I'm not dragging him into the challenge again). Its funny - I remember posting about slipping on ice after one of my runs in 2014 (I think) and someone replying with comments about screws for the bottom of my shoes. It's been 55+ degrees for each day of the challenge so far here in NY and no need for screws in sight.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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rob, I picked THESE up last winter for trail running on hard packed snow here in Michigan and they work great! They are super easy to put on without having to put screws in a pair of your shoes. I've never noticed the weight. I use them 2-3 times a week.
Last edited by: StateTri: Dec 18, 15 5:12
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Only two runs in and I'm hooked on this. It's easy for me to do 4x/week but I've never tried running 7 a week. Missed the first day as I was in the car for 8 hours and hips were just fried. Going to make it up over the weekend. Feeling good and I'm shooting for 90+ over the course of the challenge. Starting off running almost too slow to avoid any injuries that will try to sneak their way in!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [StateTri] [ In reply to ]
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 All theses post about snow makes us in South Florida too spoiled. We have a cold front arriving tomorrow morning, highs will get into the mid 70s. Its been 85 degrees. You guys in cold places should get extra points per mile. I will be in Breckenridge for the holidays so I will find out how it feels to run in single digit temps.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dualsport] [ In reply to ]
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It's been hot here lately. It's almost Christmas and we're still running in shorts and a long sleeve tech tee at 46 degrees. Half the challenge of the 100/100 runs for the MidWest is deciding between 7 degrees with -1 degree windchill or suffocating on the treadmill.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [StateTri] [ In reply to ]
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Run #2 of the 10th Annual Slowtwitch 100 runs / 100 Days Challenge; tightening my grip on that valuable Participant Medal

Chilly, grey and gloomy, but yes, shorts and L/S shirt [a Safety Lemon one, because there still wasn't much brightness at 8am]

I know El Nino could bring a warmer than usual Winter around here, but also damper and therefore cloudier, and it's the lack of sunlight which sets off SAD

Hopefully, the increase of Endorphins through these 100 days can offset that

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Run #2 of the 10th Annual Slowtwitch 100 runs / 100 Days Challenge; tightening my grip on that valuable Participant Medal

Chilly, grey and gloomy, but yes, shorts and L/S shirt [a Safety Lemon one, because there still wasn't much brightness at 8am]

I know El Nino could bring a warmer than usual Winter around here, but also damper and therefore cloudier, and it's the lack of sunlight which sets off SAD

Hopefully, the increase of Endorphins through these 100 days can offset that

I need the 100/100 hero of the week medal design by Sunday (although so far, there are no heroics being reported on here worth of giving out the award). Maybe I need sportstats to put down some timing mats to nail course cutters and then we can award the hero of the week to anyone who busts a 100/100 course cutter and has that person banned from 100/100 participant medals! Whatever keeps it entertaining! What about that slacker Slowman? He invented the virtual challenge but no news on whether he has been out the door yet at the ST HQ? Maybe he should enter his horses in the challenge???
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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i have a bit of time off work starting today. any minute now the coffee will kick in and I'll be off & running... or maybe santa will bring me a pony.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I might want a medal after this.... 4/100 done this morning...18k run planned for tomorrow....down to 194lbs from 225 1 year ago.... :)
Hopefully down to 180-185 by March...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
HH wrote:
TFW you've done 2 runs by day 2 and the challenge text says "98 runs behind."

It would be really useful in this context if there were an easy way to see what day number we are currently on.

I know it would be nice, but we are stuck with the log the way it is. Slowman is doing a full rehaul of the site that will eventually include a training log update and will support the challenge feature with better data/displays. But we won't get that till next year's challenge. Sorry about that!

Sure, and I don't want that to sound bitter and/or entitled, it just seemed funny how you get to 100% but that metric looks like you are irrecoverably behind.

Anyway, my real solution to this is a phone widget that counts up every day. This is the one I am using.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
... <snip> ...we want to hear more from you guys than re appearing 100 days later. Imagine a group training where for the entire training camp no one talks to each other....would be pretty boring!
Ok then. I'm just doing minimum treadmill runs so far, but as of yesterday evening I'm 3 for 3. Yesterday's run was right after a big holiday office gathering with free drinks and food. I had to get the run in then though or it wouldn't have happened. At least the treadmill wasn't wobbling tooo badly.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [sportstats] [ In reply to ]
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sportstats wrote:
I might want a medal after this.... 4/100 done this morning...18k run planned for tomorrow....down to 194lbs from 225 1 year ago.... :)
Hopefully down to 180-185 by March...

OK, I knew that sportstats was hovering around here, so also make sure you nail any course cutters in addition to all that running. Don't overdo it and get injured!

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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This challenge came at a perfect time for me. Coming up on 8 weeks to LA. Probably would have skipped yesterday's double if it wasn't for this.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Just finished off run number three but I know my back will not hold out for 100 in 100 days so I will have to see how many I can string along over 100. Right now 80 is the minimum goal. Right calf is tight but the back is great so far.

Off work now until the 4th so a run everyday from today forward should give me a great base. So I will see if I can string 17 runs straight out of the body over Christmas and keep the weight down as well.
Last edited by: BMANX: Dec 18, 15 12:03
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [HH] [ In reply to ]
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I kind of think of it as "99 bottles of beer on the wall". So I drink one after each run.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [TimOB] [ In reply to ]
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Lets see if this'll help me to get rid of some lard... mist the start date but luckily had 2 runs in. Will see what doubling up on some days will do at my age!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I was planning on starting the 100/100 challenge on Tuesday and my mom shattered her hip overnight on Monday. After a couple of critical days in the hospital, she had surgery late Wednesday night and has started her recovery. Family first. Logged my first run today. Remind me not to get old..

John Snyder @URNotAsCoolAsMe
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
I need the 100/100 hero of the week medal design by Sunday

Delivered early and under budget

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Snyderman] [ In reply to ]
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Snyderman wrote:
I was planning on starting the 100/100 challenge on Tuesday and my mom shattered her hip overnight on Monday. After a couple of critical days in the hospital, she had surgery late Wednesday night and has started her recovery. Family first. Logged my first run today. Remind me not to get old..

Sorry to hear about your mom. How long will the recovery be? Is she in the same town so you can help out? Hopefully we can get her back to walking during this 100 day time frame too!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
I need the 100/100 hero of the week medal design by Sunday

Delivered early and under budget

OK OK....any candidates submitting for hero of the week. Last year one of our "contestants" pulled off an entire half marathon in flip flops! Can anyone one up that?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Does being at Disney walking 25K steps plus each day and getting in your runs in each day count? Right now the family is asleep, I am on ST, having coffee trying to talk by self into another run before we go out again....:)!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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warmed up a little yesterday. As a south african californian I never thought I'd think that 2C was warm! But there you go...

I took this pic of some geese enjoying the outdoors...


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [robgray] [ In reply to ]
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robgray wrote:
warmed up a little yesterday. As a south african californian I never thought I'd think that 2C was warm! But there you go...

I took this pic of some geese enjoying the outdoors...

Some of the most miserable cold rides and runs of my life have happened in 2C.....but they were 2C and driving rain....something you would be very accustomed to having spent several years of your life in the misery of London UK winters.....would take a bright freezing Canadian or Colorado winter any day over that. Over here is is warm with no snow in sight. But if we have a good freeze up with no snow it could be endless skating. Last year on Dec 31st, we did a 10K run followed by a 30K speed skate on the local lake!

Edit: Just recalled that after that 30K skate, I tacked on an extra 7K run for "run number 2" chasing the spreadsheet on Dec 31. It was one of the coolest workouts from last year's 100/100. Sorry, no pictures from the run though, but you can see the environment for the workout. Running on that ice with screws in the shoes would be perfect, but we ran up a road that was all climbing and descending instead!
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Dec 19, 15 6:58
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Every day done so far. Every day was on a 1/13 mile indoor track until today, which I did on a treadmill as all the turns on the track are wearing on my knees and ankles. I can get many more miles in on the track without suffering from boredom but every day of that starts to hurt.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [beercity] [ In reply to ]
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beercity wrote:
Every day done so far. Every day was on a 1/13 mile indoor track until today, which I did on a treadmill as all the turns on the track are wearing on my knees and ankles. I can get many more miles in on the track without suffering from boredom but every day of that starts to hurt.

Hey I think it is time to get outdoors then!!! Where do you live?

OK, now we are on day 5. I bet most of you folks in the challenge probably don't run 5 days in a row normally, so you MAY want to take a non running day and hit the pool or bike/trainer tomorrow or rest up. If is very individual and related to the starting base coming into the challenge, but every year we have people going from running 3-4 days per week up to 17 days in a row and are injured by Jan 1st. Don't be in the Jan 1st injury club please. Pace your 100 days out and don't depart more than 10-15% upwards from your current weekly mileage.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ugh Michigan here. In the 20s today and everything is coated in slick ice. Maybe once we get a good base of snow down for some traction I will get outside. Will be traveling to family for the holidays and the in laws have no treadmill so I'll have to get outside for a day or two.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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4th run and the body is adapting fairly well. Back is holding up nicely, right tight calf is not tight any longer. Total run distance is just short of 21km which is the most I have run in a week for the last 4 years. Will get the first 20 runs out of the way before I pick up the intensity a bit and start to do a longer run once a week. Just want to get some km's in the legs to see how the rest of the body holds up after way way too long away from running. Family is being extremely supportive in me trying to get as many runs in as possible for the next 95 days.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
... <snip>... would take a bright freezing Canadian or Colorado winter any day over that. ... <snip>...
I finally got outside today in some bright dry 2 C here. Still not much distance but this is a big jump from my recent history. Don't worry though, I'm watching carefully for any aches, pains, or excessive fatigue ... so far so good. :)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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"most I have run in a week in the past 4 years" - so great!! that's what this thing is all about. Thrilled for you.

I just came in from my second on the day and it was amazing!!! It's raining hard here in Los Angeles for the first time in months. I was feeling good this afternoon and went into my little condo gym to run on the mill. One of my neighbors was on the mill so I came back home, suited up and went for a wet, muddy trail run and just loved it. Stoked!!!


Ian Murray
I like the pursuit of mastery
Twitter - @TriCoachIan
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Pretty chuffed to be at 6/6 after a hectic work week, holiday parties and early xmas celebrations with the in-laws. All runs were short and slow in an attempt to prevent a crash and burn. Fingers crossed!

About to head to the airport for the long haul flight home. Will miss a couple days but already looking forward to double run days in the sun. Good bye UK winter gloom!

Oh, and the hubby is at 5/6 due to xmas indulgences. Bets on how long before the male ego forces him to squeeze in an extra run to catch up?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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The spread sheet chasing helped me go out last night at 10pm when my running partner canceled and rescheduled for this morning. I normally would have taken Friday off. I'm 4/6, which is showing the much needed constraint. I'm at 185lbs now with the goal of 165 at the end of the 100/100. My 3 mile run this morning was about 30 degrees with my 6 y/o on her bike, my 3 y/o in her jogging stroller and my running partner and his dog. We were a scary sight at 7am.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Kiwifly] [ In reply to ]
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Kiwifly wrote:
Pretty chuffed to be at 6/6 after a hectic work week, holiday parties and early xmas celebrations with the in-laws. All runs were short and slow in an attempt to prevent a crash and burn. Fingers crossed!

About to head to the airport for the long haul flight home. Will miss a couple days but already looking forward to double run days in the sun. Good bye UK winter gloom!

Oh, and the hubby is at 5/6 due to xmas indulgences. Bets on how long before the male ego forces him to squeeze in an extra run to catch up?

Southern Hemisphere sunshine should be awesome. Please post some pics. Where in Kiwi land will you guys be? Here is my suggestion. Let your husband get "ahead" and rest up a bit....then go out running all tapered and drop him on the first big uphill. He'll do everything to not get chic'd and if he is dropped, he will claim moral high ground on the 100/100 spreadsheet. Have a good flight back home!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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6runs/6days for me today and feeling pretty good. I'm trying to keep my pace between 8:30 and 9:30 min/mile to keep my mileage tolerable, but going slower than 9:00 min/mile seems to be less smooth or efficient for me. So far I feel like I can keep this frequency up and perhaps start increasing the speed slightly a few weeks in. I may be saying this too early, but I'm pretty optimistic about finishing 100/100 runs so far given that I've been finishing my runs with fairly fresh legs :D . A little rolling stick self massage and changing shoes every other run may be helping as well.

I'm not quite confident (or foolhardy) enough to mix in hard trainer sessions in yet, just swims. I might try to mix some cycling sessions into my routine in a week or two.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Run 5/6 and feeling good. I have decided to run the same course but changing directions each day. Today's run was same pace as the last 2 BUT my heart rate was lower for average and max. So body is adapting well. Today was 4c and drizzle so in a bit more clothing than like. Family is being very supportive.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I was disappointed this morning to miss our annual masters 100x100m charity swim due to work, but thanks to this challenge I was happy to get out and run in the bright sun and fresh snow! I'm at 6/6 and taking it pretty slow outside on the slippery roads. For someone who normally doesn't run a lot Sept-Feb, I'm thrilled with progress so far! Goal is as many runs as I can do, I'm usually all in or all out, so it's gotta be every day for me. Still swimming 3-4x and cycling 2x but have let the weight training go for now.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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6/6 so far - did a 5k yesterday and set a 12 sec PR in 17:33. Maybe I shouldn't have worn racing flats, as my left calf is quite sore now. Hope to get a very easy run in this afternoon and take things easy for a few days and hope all is well with my calf.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [beercity] [ In reply to ]
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beercity wrote:
Every day done so far. Every day was on a 1/13 mile indoor track until today, which I did on a treadmill as all the turns on the track are wearing on my knees and ankles. I can get many more miles in on the track without suffering from boredom but every day of that starts to hurt.

I run on a 1/13 track every once in a while... when the weather dictates it. I'll usually warm up for 2 miles on the track and then finish up on the treadmill. On longer days I'll even do track/treadmill/track just to keep things "interesting".
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [natethomas] [ In reply to ]
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natethomas wrote:
6/6 so far - did a 5k yesterday and set a 12 sec PR in 17:33. Maybe I shouldn't have worn racing flats, as my left calf is quite sore now. Hope to get a very easy run in this afternoon and take things easy for a few days and hope all is well with my calf.

Congrats on the 12 second PR....any other submissions for 100/100 hero of the week status otherwise we're giving Nate credit for shaving off 2 seconds per 1 day of 100/100....hey after 100 days, that a 3 minutes 20 second savings off the 5K (OK, at Nate's level with body composition and speed already good it will not happen, but I would not be surprised if some people who can lose 20 lbs can shave off that kind of time over 5K in 100 days).....and to be fair, Nate has done like 70 days of run focus in the lead in to this.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm only 3:7, but my goal is 70:100 and since I usually only run twice a week in the winter (telemark, fat bike, XC, swim, gym, etc. make up the bulk), that's an improvement. And 2 of the 3 runs were in ankle deep snow with some knee deep drifts that would normally have kept me indoors. Missed the other days due to even bigger snowstorms; went fat biking and skiing instead. :D

Keeping them shorter to help ease into the higher overall volume, and loving the group motivation to actually get me running more through the winter. Planning on some doubles visiting even snowier Alaska this weekend to make up!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [yentna] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with the short for us starting up again after injury and such. I think the frequency will be key to getting back to running but let the speed come back naturally but still keeping the runs to 5/6km for me is ideal. I have already dropped 30's per km and it keeps dropping as I get back at it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Best run today. I was able to do my 5km route 3:40 min faster than one week ago. HR was only 3 bpm higher over a week ago on the exact same course. All that keeps getting longer is my cool down run after my 5km to get that magic 30 minutes. My max HR was only 4 bpm higher for the hill I have to get back up to my house. So this running is doing something for sure. Also down 3 pounds this week.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I've registered on the 18th for this 100 runs 100 days challenge. I use Runkeeper to record my runs and then tweet it to @twitchlog. However, the runs don't get uploaded on to my profile . Could somebody just help me with feeding the data
devashish_paul wrote:
We're on to year 10 back by popular demand. I am mainly cutting and pasting last year's thread to get things rolling

The last few years we have had 500+ athletes from all over the world. Invite your friends and training partners. The more the better. Thanks to Slowman for accommodating us and hosting this virtual training camp on their website at no cost !!! This is the 10th year we're doing it.

On Dec 15th we'll start the 2015-16 edition of the 100 runs in 100 day challenge, commonly known as 100/100. The thing has evolved somewhat over the past few years, due to and contrary to popular demand. The basic “unit” that counts as a “run” is 30 minutes.

The goal of this entire challenge is to lay down a solid run base by doing volume through frequency. The goal of the challenge actually is not to randomly be doing a bunch of short runs, although some in the past may have chosen to. The goal really is to increase your overall mileage which will hopefully result in better performances next year as long as you don't go overboard and injury yourself. Frequency is the carrot to get you overall mileage, but don't end up using it to get injured!

The runs can be outdoors or on a treadmill, but it must be running (no water running, no elliptical trainer...). Walking does not count...there must be two feet off the ground at some point in every stride (the difference between race walking and running) and there must be forward motion so 30 minutes of jumping jacks will not count either :-) :-) :-).


  1. You can take days off
  2. You can do days with more than one run (doubles)
  3. You can and likely should take rest days
  4. You get no credit for going longer than 30 minute wrt number of runs, however it will help your distance totals. Over time, many of your runs will be in excess of 30 minutes.
  5. If you go fast, it will show up in your total distance over the challenge in less time and the speedsters get to beat the crap out of each other.
  6. You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every stride
  7. Listen to your body if you need to take a day off…don’t get too sucked into what the other geeks on the ‘standings’ are doing (who am I kidding….talking to a bunch a type A tri geeks)
  8. By all means, use the overall standing as a motivator to push you up a level, but don’t put yourself in the injury/hurt locker in the middle of winter
  9. Don't sprint out of the gate in the first 3 weeks....easiest way to get injured...start slow....perhaps take your aggregate mileage over the last 3 years and divide that total by 156 to get a gauge for what your average weeks for the first 4-6 weeks should look like before you ramp up
  10. If you make it through 10 weeks (70 days), pour it on in the final month when your body and mind can take it.

For a run to count as a double, it must be separated by at least 1 hour. I have to pick a duration to separate 2 runs and it can't be 1 minute or 5 minutes, and putting 1 hour in between means that I will allow you to count a run-swim-run, run-bike-run, run-wts-run, run-XC ski-run, run-McDonalds-run as 2 sessions as long as the thing in between lasts for at least 1 hour (be it 40K on the bike, or a session at the donut shop).

7 years ago _EH_, Jana and I put down 100 days in a row of running 30 min or more with ZERO rest days. Not really recommended. The last few years we have had approximately 50 or more hit 100 runs in 100 days, but that's really not for everyone (nor should it be).


While some might go for 100 runs, the reality is that unless you are already running 4-6 hours per week, this is not a realistic goal. If you did over 2500K of running last year, you're probably good to go to attack the full 100 (assuming you have no injuries)

For most a realistic goal is to start at Bronze “club pace” (or less) and then see how things go.
  1. Platinum Club = 100 runs in 100 days (March 24th)
  2. Gold Club = 90 runs in 100 runs in days
  3. Silver Club = 80 runs in 100 runs in days
  4. Bronze = 70 runs in 100 runs in days
It is great training for anyone doing a spring marathon or an early season triathlon, and you'll be shocked by how quickly you accumulate mileage, all without getting injured...because the focus is keeping them short and aerobic. By all means feel free to run longer than 30 minutes, but the main goal here is to get you out the door, 5-7 times per week, especially given that the weather is generally shitty for riding in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere.


The goal is to encourage people to run as much as possible. Sometimes, life gets in the way. We have lives outside sport.Something is better than nothing. So if you do 2 runs shorter than 30 minutes in one day (ex 20+15), you can count the total as 1 run, but beyond that, you can’t keep adding up incremental amounts to count for additional runs. For example, a 50 minute run and 10 minute run in one day won’t count as 2 runs and nor will 20+20+20. They will both count as one 60 minute run (you can add your short run amount to your large run amount to get full mileage credit).

So basically let's say you do a 15 minute run covering 3K. You can't enter this as a "complete run" for your "club status", however, if you do many of these over the winter, they all add up to more base, so what you CAN do is add these 15 minutes in your entry for your previous run...so if your previous run was 45 minutes, and 9K, just put it in as 60 minutes and 12K and take some partial credit for it.

However, we just added a fairly major change to this for 2015-16 to encourage people a bit more. What we will allow is twice per week have two days where 15 min counts provided you make up the time the NEXT day....read below:

New in 2015-16 is allowance for 2x per week minimum run of 15 minutes which must be followed up by 45 run the next day. A 15 min run earlier in the day, followed by a 45 min run later in the day does not count for 2 runs in that day, it still counts as the usual 1 run of 60 minutes. The reason for this is that the minimum on 2 days per week of 15 min run is being instituted to assist people in not over doing mileage on days when perhaps a short jog or transition run off the bike or swim is all they should really be doing in the context of an overall triathlon program"
1. Go to training.slowtwitch.com
2. Sign up for a training log account if you don’t already have one
3. Then go to training.slowtwitch.com/challenges
4. Look for the 2016-16 100 runs/100 days challenge and sign up for it, or just click here and sign up for it.
5. Now start entering your runs in the slowtwitch log. Make sure you only enter runs =>30 minutes as one entity. If you have a 20+15 day, enter it as one workout of 35 minute or it will not get rolled into the results sheet
6. Please ensure that you log a distance along with the time. If you don't know the distance, please try to estimate...this will also get you finely tuned to your pace at various times/distances...great for racing
7. Your runs will automatically get entered into the challenge results sheet with everyone else
8. From the challenges home page, click on the link to go to the 100/100 challenge, which will allow you to view the results
9. Once click on this link you will end up at the results page. You can click on any of the column headers, and it will sort the sheet based on that category (frequency, time, distance, aerobic points.
10. Please note that you must be logged in to actually enter your data. You can’t enter data without logging into your account (seems obvious...)

I’ll update this post as other questions come up.

And as was the case in previous years, there is lots of tough love around here, but everyone means well. If you think I/we might be hard nosed, let me just say, that offline, I get beaten up by even more hard core guys accusing me of making the challenge too "soft". So the rules are the rules (we had a discussion thread about that every year) They've been refined over the past few years and love them or hate them, they kind of work and out of respect to previous years’ finishers, let’s stick with what works OK.

Please put any questions on this thread. Better to put them here than send me PM's or emails, because they may not be answered n real time if sent directly to me, but if you post on this thread there are a bunch of guys and girls who will likely answer questions for your immediately. It's like being in a big training camp with a bunch of veterans. You don't need to ask the organizers all the questions. There are a bunch of vets who probably can provide much better insights than I can.


On my front, most years I shoot for 85-100, but this year, my goal is 1/100. I have some complication from a 2011 accident at IM Switzerland that are currently limiting my mobility (both walk and run), so I might just have to swim that often this winter while you guys run!

Dr.Ketan Pai
Urologist & Transplant Surgeon
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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8/8 so far for me.

I think my hero of the week is my girlfriends dog. Borrowed her tonight as it is wet, windy and woeful in the UK right now. She (the dog, and sometimes the girl) is a reason to force me out and running and always is happy whatever the weather.

We found a nice trail, lots of mud and are now curled up on the sofa together. Happy runners.

Blog: http://www.coopstriblog.wordpress.com
Latest blog: Setting Goals. With or Without Gin.
Date: 10/31/2017
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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8/8 today for me as well. although I am not logging it here in ST, I am hoping for at least 80/100 overall. So far it's mostly been on the dreadmill with a couple of outside runs when weather permits.

Legs feel good but a little heavy today. it reminded me of Eminem's lose yourself lyrics "His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti"
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ran on the treadmill for the first time in ages and I have to say that having it set up in the new house in the basement looking at the wall for 5 km almost killed me mentally. I hate running on the treadmill.

I am going to set up a small TV and have to sort out something as it just sucks looking at the wall.

I will never do that again. It was just too cold and wet to run outside but I will take that over the wall again.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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11/8 for me and feeling pretty good. My heavy-set yellow lab is 2/8 but I'm planning on getting him out there tomorrow morning as long as the rain isn't too bad.

Dev - I know you like people to post pics but have you considered starting a slowtwitch 100/100 twitter account? It would make it very easy to post pics and comment. I've always found posting pics here to be difficult for the technically challenged (meaning me).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [TheKoz] [ In reply to ]
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No running for me since Friday due to PF, but doc yesterday told me it is OK to run as long as I let pain be my guide.

Ran 30 min today on a treadmill and had no pain while running and only mild residual pain the remainder of the day.

Probably won't try and run *every* day yet, but if I feel OK, will shoot for every other day. Don't expect to hit any substantial levels for the challenge at this point, but it helps serve as some extra motivation.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Running this evening may not have been a good idea but I'm still on par at 8/8. As meager as my volume is so far, it's a big jump for me and my calves have been a bit tight lately. Earlier today I joined a friend for some badminton. It's amazing how much energy you can put into swinging at that little bird, and how explosively you can leap and lunge sometimes. One calf muscle is very unhappy with me right now. I ran slowly, my usual speed lately, but much more flat footed than usual to stay off my toes and get through the run. I should know by tomorrow if I shouldn't have.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jac2689] [ In reply to ]
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The SUN is OUT
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kiki] [ In reply to ]
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Fantastic day in the UK. Makes me wish I wasn't at work staring at it out the window.

Blog: http://www.coopstriblog.wordpress.com
Latest blog: Setting Goals. With or Without Gin.
Date: 10/31/2017
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jac2689] [ In reply to ]
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Certainly is in sunny Wales too, about to head out in the light for once but I'm a bit worried the big fiery yellow ball won't last!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Heading out shortly here in the dark in BC to get the start on a double day. I need this to take the work stress away while I am on holidays.

This will get me back to 8/8 and I should have about 6 hours between runs.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jac2689] [ In reply to ]
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jac2689 wrote:
Fantastic day in the UK. Makes me wish I wasn't at work staring at it out the window.

Sun + UK + Dec in the same sentence? I think the incidence of skin cancer will rise by Jan unless you guys grab the SPF50? I though the entire reason for the British Empire if you guys got bored of cloud and rain, had to find a few places where the sun does not set!!!

OK, so my 2 cents on the challenge from the sidelines:

  1. Keep in mind that the goal of this is to not be at your fittest now, it is for the end of march
  2. If you are developing aches and niggle, hit the pool or the bike. I know it is addictive to stay on 100/100 track (been there done that), but there are plenty of days to double up if you want to hit 100 later when your body is stronger
  3. The A race is next spring or summer, not today's run or rest day. Today's run or rest day are enablers, not the end game (how many times did I not listen to my own advice....maybe some of you guys can listen to it).

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Because I am an extreme type Aa personality like I assume a lot doing this are and thus hate loosing, I have a question about the results / leader board. My understanding is that the challenge started on Dec 15 (8 days ago). I have got a run in all 8 days but find myself down on the list behind people who have 13 runs in 8 days?!?!? How is this possible? I read the directions and don't see anything about banking extra days, but it is possible I missed it I guess. So can you help me with this 1st world problem?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jhouckwsu] [ In reply to ]
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My understanding is that this challenge stops at 100 runs. Lots of guys and gals will do it in less than 100 days, but it does not give them extra points.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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1c, drizzle and dark outside. First run of the day. Feet were soaking wet from all of the puddles I ran into while out in the dark. Nice and slow at 6:30am and I will try to do the run later today a little bit faster.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dualsport] [ In reply to ]
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dualsport wrote:
My understanding is that this challenge stops at 100 runs. Lots of guys and gals will do it in less than 100 days, but it does not give them extra points.

It ends on March 24th ... If you reach 100 Runs before that, you can keep adding

If you look at last year's results, you'll see that a couple dozen Runners went over 100 Runs ["Freq." column]


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dualsport] [ In reply to ]
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You can do more than one run in a day (It is in the rules at the top of this thread). The challenge stops at 100 days. You can do 500 runs in 100 days if you want. There is no leaderboard in that you can sort it by number of runs, by distance, or by total time. Sort by the metric that you care the most about. The default view is shown with a sorting on frequency, but that''s not the official "leaderboard". The leaderboard is whatever category you want to sort on for YOU.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Only problem so far is that I'm supposed to be training for the Tour of Flanders (160 miles) and Paris-Roubaix (100 miles) sportives and running every day is too much fun. Back in Victoria after two months in Thailand, way way out of shape but enjoying the first couple of weeks of 100/100. Up to 10/9 after 5 in the last 3, not hearing any negative feedback from the muscles and connective tissue yet, but gotta start cranking up the bike miles or spring will be a terrible sufferfest. Some pics from the west coast:

Sylvan Smyth | http://www.sportstats.asia | sylvan@sportstats.asia | Starvas
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
dualsport wrote:
My understanding is that this challenge stops at 100 runs. Lots of guys and gals will do it in less than 100 days, but it does not give them extra points.

It ends on March 24th ... If you reach 100 Runs before that, you can keep adding

If you look at last year's results, you'll see that a couple dozen Runners went over 100 Runs ["Freq." column]http://training.slowtwitch.com/...llenge/frequency/214[/quote[/url]]

Thanks for clearing that up for me!!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [sylvan] [ In reply to ]
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I miss running in my home town. I used to love the Wednesday night runs up Moss St. Hill and the long Sunday runs along the waterfront to the University and back to town for Breakfast at John's.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Second 5km today just completed. 5 hours between runs. Second 5km was 1:30 faster than the morning run but it felt way slower. Might have been because it was raining and I was in my waterproof jacket which as we all know had more moisture inside than outside but the sweatbox jacket helps reduce the pounds.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dev, happy to be joining the party this year. Previously I've done this on my own and not logged runs on this thing, but some life changes this year have made me decide to take on some extra accountability. Goal is to do 100/100 by the time it's done. Starting slow and will probably start to hammer doubles in January. Base mileage should be good as I want to take an honest crack at a marathon this summer. Will be doing all of my runs outdoors here in Edmonton, AB. Cheers and good luck to everyone.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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13/8 so far and feeling great. I am a little disappointed with myself though, yesterday I started a run and was just dragging so I cut it short at 15 minutes and had to use the make up this morning by doing a 60 minute run. I logged yesterday as 30 and this morning as 45 to make up the difference I really didn't want to have to use the new option and am still unsure how I feel about it. I suppose that if it isn't relied on frequently then it isn't too big of a deal. Plus I ended up feeling great today and got a second run in later in the day :).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [sylvan] [ In reply to ]
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sylvan wrote:
Only problem so far is that I'm supposed to be training for the Tour of Flanders (160 miles) and Paris-Roubaix (100 miles) sportives and running every day is too much fun. Back in Victoria after two months in Thailand, way way out of shape but enjoying the first couple of weeks of 100/100. Up to 10/9 after 5 in the last 3, not hearing any negative feedback from the muscles and connective tissue yet, but gotta start cranking up the bike miles or spring will be a terrible sufferfest. Some pics from the west coast:

Sylvan thanks for posting those shots. Glad you had a good trip to Thailand too. Post more pictures from Victoria...soon enough we'll be under a blanket of snow and ice!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Ran on the treadmill for the first time in ages and I have to say that having it set up in the new house in the basement looking at the wall for 5 km almost killed me mentally. I hate running on the treadmill.

I am going to set up a small TV and have to sort out something as it just sucks looking at the wall.

I will never do that again. It was just too cold and wet to run outside but I will take that over the wall again.

Running on a TM while staring at a wall is cruel and unusual. I'm a heavy TM user in the winter and I usually watch tv without sound (closed caption if available) while listening to music. I can tolerate that set-up for a super long time. I can also do a mirror in lieu of a tv, but it's less entertaining, obviously.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jenschaf] [ In reply to ]
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jenschaf wrote:
I usually watch tv without sound (closed caption if available) while listening to music. I can tolerate that set-up for a super long time.

I do the same and if by super long time you mean 30 minutes, I can also tolerate it for a super long time. I can make it another 30 if I absolutely have to, but I'll pretty much run outside in any weather to avoid it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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I have a small TV that I will mount to the wall between Christmas and New Year's which I can connect my Surface to for NETFLIX or regular TV. There is 1-2 times a week that I can't run outside due to family obligations.

I do not have a problem running in all sorts of weather but for the family days, I need to get in at least 5 km on the treadmill. I have no problem however sitting on the bike on the trainer for 3 hours.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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I just wanted to drop in for a moment on Dec 24th to wish you all a great Christmas eve. Thank you for participating and playing and encouraging one another. I am thankful to be part of this community where so many of you have the health and the means to participate in sport. All the best for the next 90 days or so.

Merry Christmas

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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3rd year in challenge with mixed outcomes. Trying an easy start this season hoping to replicate my 1st challenge results that produced run PRs all season.

This is my excuse for missing 2 days; 2 feet of snow overnight and not a public treadmill in the small skitown. Not sweating the leader chasing (just yet)and just doing my own thing.

Going for a run now and hope to do some doubles later in the challenge to catch up (or not).

Tried to post pictures,bUt, can't figure it out. Tried a test below.

Happy holidays to all, hope, Santa brings you what you want.

<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2yxhoop" target="_blank"><img src="http://i68.tinypic.com/2yxhoop.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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xmas run in the bag, now on to wrangle the roast beast and Yorkshire puddings and richly deserved yule log

happy holidays to the speedsters and the sloggers and to our Grand Instigator Dev
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kiki] [ In reply to ]
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Had to take a day off due to altitude sickness. Being used to sea level the altitude at Breckenridge did the trick.
Felt better this morning and got in a 30 minute 5k run in. 9000 feet elevation, light snow and 10 degrees f.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Several inches of fresh snow, -20C, but no treadmills available today so I rubbed some fresh wax into my old leather boots and ran outside for a change.
Last edited by: Micawber: Dec 25, 15 12:00
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Got up early this morning and ran a chilly 20 miles before the inlaws came over for brunch. This caps off my highest 7 day mileage total ever at 90 miles! I have the Houston Marathon coming up in just over 3+ weeks and am looking forward to a short break from running after that but still targeting 100+ runs this year.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Run today was not great with a full tummy but the run was a little slower than normal but my HR was a lot lower.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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I'd like to share a really nice story that Slowman shared with me on a phone call today and forgive me if I got the details wrong.

A few years ago one of his close friends ended up with cancer in his spine, and was paralysed from his waist down. Slowman's friend was an elite runner and nordic skier from their youth days in the Lake Tahoe area as well as a top duathlete. He was barely given a few weeks to live, but magically has held cancer at bay with chemo etc. Not only did he beat cancer, but he started gradually moving on his own. Initially he was using a walker. I am told that he eventually had cancer in remission and started getting back some function in his lower body. He started walking with ski poles doing this more frequently. He moved way beyond "walker" with ski poles, using previous "memory" from when he was an elite nordic skier. Legend has it that he would do 50 mile run/treks in his youth in the mountains around Tahoe in this manner.....next thing you know, the guy did last year's 100/100 on his own terms but his 100/100.

That's a phenomenal story about the will of a human and I am thankful that all of you playing around touch more people than we are aware of. I hope slowman can get him over at some point to chime in on the journey if he so chooses. If he wants to keep it private and be part of the community in his way, that's cool too. Just glad to have that type of human in our mix.

But no....for the rest of you guys who can actually run (but maybe too lazy to get out the door), you're in this challenge with this set of rules. But if we spawn other associated challenges that create human feats of willpower to overcome adversity, that's pretty awesome!
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Dec 27, 15 13:34
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Great Story Dev and I would love to hear from him.

Had a good run today although we ate a lot today.Run felt sluggish and slow but when I got back it as a better time than expected. Now that all of the eating is done the goal is to get under 80kg for the first time in a decade. I will never be down to 74 like I was in 1996 for my first Ironman but if I can get back to 75kg that would be great as it is much better than 83kg.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev - I'm always blown away by your warmth and generosity of spirit. You're really a role model for, in particular, AG athletes everywhere. Best wishes and Merry Christmas!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jordandodd] [ In reply to ]
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It is almost two weeks into the 100/100 challenge and so far so good.
We had the mildest December ever in Ottawa, so some of the runs were, believ e it or not in shorts and T-Shirt.
Today was the 1st run in the slush, under a freezing rain warning.
Was reluctant to get out but it was an OK run. Slushy and wet more than sleepery.
13 days into it, 87 to go.
Thanks Dev for creating the challenge.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [caspibe] [ In reply to ]
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caspibe wrote:
It is almost two weeks into the 100/100 challenge and so far so good.
We had the mildest December ever in Ottawa, so some of the runs were, believ e it or not in shorts and T-Shirt.
Today was the 1st run in the slush, under a freezing rain warning.
Was reluctant to get out but it was an OK run. Slushy and wet more than sleepery.
13 days into it, 87 to go.
Thanks Dev for creating the challenge.

Great work Ben. Run a few miles for me and also post some pictures from some of the Ottawa area runs so the guys can see how beautiful it can get in the winter (albeit cold). Looks like winter is about to hit shortly.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev - love inspirational stories. Thanks for sharing. I watched the Spartan Championship Tahoe the other day and saw the story of Misty Diaz ( http://blog.mudrunfun.com/...-athlete-misty-diaz/ ) It was so powerful to see someone with her condition could conquer a grueling, high-altitude 14-mile obstacle course!

BMANX - I'm shooting for the same weight goal: currently 195 trying to get back to 175 (by July for Lake Placid), which I haven't seen in 3 years.

13 consecutive runs in. Feeling good, normal fatigue and soreness. Just ordered a pair of Hoka One One. Long time Asics faithful.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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haha, I like your thinking but execution may be tough - hubby is a 3:10 marathoner, I'm more like 3:50. He'd need a pretty heavy load in those legs before I managed to chick him! The bike is another story though. Where we are camping is hills, hills, hills and more hills and after several days I'm still holding on to the polka dot jersey. :)

With regard to the 100/100, I'm still holding at 2 down (12/14) after missing the two travel days. Best of intentions to squeeze in some doubles to catch up but there always seems to be something else fun / family related to do that soaks up the afternoons & evenings. Not stressed as my original goal was 70/100. And since every run (and ride) is a hill workout, the legs are feeling pleasantly weary.

I will try and post some pics if I can figure out the technology. I'm at the bottom of the Abel Tasman National Park in NZ and in my opinion there isn't a better place to be at this time of year.

Oh, and hubby is still lagging me by a run. Very surprised he hasn't made the effort to sneak in a double yet!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm taking it slow to start this year and am now up to 8 runs. I used the new 15/45 exception today. I took the kids out for a run yesterday, but about 10 minutes in the 6 year old was too cold on her bike and we turned around. Got out today in the rain and muddy trails for almost an hour and felt great. We head to Costa Rica on Thursday, so I'm looking forward to the warm weather an doing some runs on the beach and the trails.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Kiwifly] [ In reply to ]
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Enjoying the challenge so far - I actually started on Dec 1 with the intent of running every day in December. I stumbled upon this challenge a couple days after the 15th and am currently at 11/13. I did run every day, but two of my runs near the 15th were short. I am hoping to stick through to the end and log at least 70/100 - will listen to my body and adjust accordingly.

One question: I am going to crank up my bike workout intensity starting tomorrow (following the EN Outseason plan that I bought a couple years back). In the past I have always done my cycling first on days when I did both bike/run. How does everyone else deal with bike/run days? My plan is no intensity on the run - all low zone 2 effort.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dcon] [ In reply to ]
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There are others much more qualified to reply than me, but my simplistic view would be to do the priority workout first. So if you are doing hard bikes and easy runs, I'd ride first. Conversely if the run was my hard workout I'd do that first and then use the ride to spin out the legs.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Just finished off run number three but I know my back will not hold out for 100 in 100 days so I will have to see how many I can string along over 100. Right now 80 is the minimum goal. Right calf is tight but the back is great so far.

Off work now until the 4th so a run everyday from today forward should give me a great base. So I will see if I can string 17 runs straight out of the body over Christmas and keep the weight down as well.

How is the back holding out. Watch the calf because if it gets tight, the core/back will need to compensate.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the feedback. I have to admit that yesterday I took the day off. Feel like crap however for doing it as I am your typical Type AAAAAA personality and it is all or nothing. I have been stretching the calf out a fair bit but it is still a bit tight. The back has been doing amazing and I am extremely happy on that front. Now that we are past Christmas and I can focus on things a bit clearer and of course get back on a more realistic schedule, I will be doing a double run every week but taking a day off after that day. Still keep up the KM's but want to hit 100 in 100 if possible. Also the big goal is 10lbs for my first race next year.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Relish the day off...I am taking one today because my last 2 runs were not fluid despite the easy pace and I felt a few aches. I want a solid total number for the entire 100 days.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:

Thanks for the feedback. I have to admit that yesterday I took the day off. Feel like crap however for doing it as I am your typical Type AAAAAA personality and it is all or nothing. I have been stretching the calf out a fair bit but it is still a bit tight. The back has been doing amazing and I am extremely happy on that front. Now that we are past Christmas and I can focus on things a bit clearer and of course get back on a more realistic schedule, I will be doing a double run every week but taking a day off after that day. Still keep up the KM's but want to hit 100 in 100 if possible. Also the big goal is 10lbs for my first race next year.

The first year I did it (2006-2007) I took zero days off and at the tail end did a few doubles, which I felt I needed to get safely over 1000k over 100 days. It really was not optimal for training in the sense it was more of trying to do a "human feat" for myself. I was also racing Nordic Skiing through that winter (raced around 5-6 times) and those days was tough cramming in a 30 min run BEFORE short races, or worse yet AFTER 50K races. But I got it done. Never again. Taking days off are the way to go and if you want to hit 100, sure double up on "fresher days".

The main thing in the challenge is to introduce guys to frequent runnning. As a high school track athlete and college runner, we ran every day during the weekday and generally had "home work" for weekend runs, so I never found concept of running daily to be a big departure and was frankly a bit confused by all the triathlon programs with 3 runs per week. In the same vein, I also feel that you can't make progress swimming only 2-3x per week. You want to get better at swimming, you need some parts of the year where it is a 5-8x sessions per week.

So part of my goal with the challenge is to introduce some of the guys are girls who were not introduces to running as high school runners is the concept of running several days per week and integrating it into lifestyle. The guys who hosts this website, slowman himself was a fairly decent high school milers with a PB of 4:16. He gets the "you want to get good at running, you have to spend time running like a runner".

This is a great time to do it. Also please keep in mind that running is also a skill sport, unlike biking where you are mechanically locked in. Frequent running allows you to do the sport with good form without breaking down. I encourage all of you to watch your form. Maybe if I get my act together, I'll find some appropriate youtube videos and post some links to help you all visualize. I was actually looking at some race pictures of myself over the last 15 years and trying to compare them in the same phase of stride which provides a visual proof of how badly my form has broken down over that time. Hip range of motion, extension in the back of the stride and weaker toe off are all very very evident. It's "normal" as we age, but I don't think it needs to be "normal" if we work on it.

For the young athletes in here, how you do the sport is more important than the numbers on your GPS. I was talking to my sister in law who is a fitness and yoga instructor....they measure success of a session by the form/technique and not by miles, not by time, not by speed. So feel free to leave the tracking devices at home and work on your form too (OK leave your watch in your pocket so you know that you did 30 min when you get back...LOL).

I'm going to see if I can get slowman to chime in on running form. The guy knows a few tricks with his background as a fairly high level high school miler.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Even though some try to say I run 7 days a week, I guess by your standards, I only run 3 days a week.

I run 3 days a week, 90 minutes per run.
I run 4 days a week on my treadmill for a brick for 10 minutes, 1.5 miles.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
Even though some try to say I run 7 days a week, I guess by your standards, I only run 3 days a week.

I run 3 days a week, 90 minutes per run.
I run 4 days a week on my treadmill for a brick for 10 minutes, 1.5 miles.

Dave, you run 7 days a week. The challenge just has certain rules, but that does not mean what you are doing is not running . Give it a break and either shut up and go away or please contribute something constructive. We already had another thread for people wanting to complain. In any case, you are basically running 5.5 hours per week which is a lot more than most people in this challenge. And just in case you did not check three of your 15 minute runs would count since they are backed up with 45 minutes of more the next day.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
Even though some try to say I run 7 days a week, I guess by your standards, I only run 3 days a week.

I run 3 days a week, 90 minutes per run.
I run 4 days a week on my treadmill for a brick for 10 minutes, 1.5 miles.

Dave, you run 7 days a week. The challenge just has certain rules, but that does not mean what you are doing is not running . Give it a break and either shut up and go away or please contribute something constructive. We already had another thread for people wanting to complain. In any case, you are basically running 5.5 hours per week which is a lot more than most people in this challenge. And just in case you did not check three of your 15 minute runs would count since they are backed up with 45 minutes of more the next day.

You get up on the wrong side of the bed today? :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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1st serious (cold) winter run. The snow storm is still here. Sidewalk covered with 15 cm of snow. It should have been snowshoe run.
Very slow pace in the deep snow, but a run is a run, pace does not matter if you are out there 30 minutes or over with one foot in the air at all time. Not the same foot. :-)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Backed off a bit last week to freshen up for a holiday half marathon. Surprised myself with a three-minute PR, but it was a pretty significant net-drop course (~700'). Took Monday off just to be safe, but now it's back to Pfitzinger volume with a lot of doubles. 7 weeks to LA.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Dave, you're not participating in the challenge so coming over here to complain about it is not constructive. There was already a thread up for 2 weeks to talk about the rules. No one said your runs don't count as runs for YOU. If you did 15 minute runs and claimed 10K at your local race, they would not count it either. Different events have different requirements. It does not mean you are not running, you're just not covering the requirement for this event, that's all. Please don't play victim either. No one asked for your opinion on here. If you were a participant and thereby a contributor, it would be another thing.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [caspibe] [ In reply to ]
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caspibe wrote:
1st serious (cold) winter run. The snow storm is still here. Sidewalk covered with 15 cm of snow. It should have been snowshoe run.
Very slow pace in the deep snow, but a run is a run, pace does not matter if you are out there 30 minutes or over with one foot in the air at all time. Not the same foot. :-)

Thanks Ben. Could you post some of the pictures from your runs when you have a chance! Always interesting for people to see the different running environments that challengers are faced with!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
And just in case you did not check three of your 15 minute runs would count since they are backed up with 45 minutes of more the next day.

I thought the rule was maximum 2 per week of the 15min runs. Did I get that wrong ?

BTW, I called it a wussification of the rules. I take that back. I think it actually allows to set up a better overall plan.
So I appreciate the fact you ignore our grievances :-)

edit : from the rules "New in 2015-16 is allowance for 2x per week minimum run of 15 minutes"
Last edited by: marcag: Dec 30, 15 3:55
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [marcag] [ In reply to ]
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marcag wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
And just in case you did not check three of your 15 minute runs would count since they are backed up with 45 minutes of more the next day.

I thought the rule was maximum 2 per week of the 15min runs. Did I get that wrong ?

BTW, I called it a wussification of the rules. I take that back. I think it actually allows to set up a better overall plan.
So I appreciate the fact you ignore our grievances :-)

edit : from the rules "New in 2015-16 is allowance for 2x per week minimum run of 15 minutes"

Yeah, it's 2x per week....ignore what I said.....so he would get credit for 5 runs!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [marcag] [ In reply to ]
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marcag wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
And just in case you did not check three of your 15 minute runs would count since they are backed up with 45 minutes of more the next day.

I thought the rule was maximum 2 per week of the 15min runs. Did I get that wrong ?

BTW, I called it a wussification of the rules. I take that back. I think it actually allows to set up a better overall plan.
So I appreciate the fact you ignore our grievances :-)

edit : from the rules "New in 2015-16 is allowance for 2x per week minimum run of 15 minutes"

I am just a wuss. :)
Just finished my velotron trainer for 90 minutes with powercranks. Now heading out for my wussy 90 minute run with 1000 feet of climbing in 31 degree weather. :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Last edited by: h2ofun: Dec 30, 15 7:04
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Someone said: "relish the rest day". I'd have to agree (even though I was tempted to chase the spreadsheet)

Weather induced rest yesterday which followed my first double. So, I was 15/14 but the rest day made me 15/15.
Today, I was a bit "frisky" and forced myself to hold back a bit. But the legs feel great!

I won't plan rest rest days (no dreadmill, so weather dictates most) but following a double, the rest worked for me and keeps me on track for 100/100.

Obviously, ymmv. Here's to more mild, dry weather in the northeast! And the occasional rest day ;)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Could you post some of the pictures from your runs when you have a chance! Always interesting for people to see the different running environments that challengers are faced with!
This was from the finish of Sunday's half (from the race's FB page):

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Had an amazing run today. -2c (28f)and I now realize that all of my fastest runs are in shorts. Layer the top but have to run in shorts no matter what temperature it is outside. Also can't run with gloves. With gloves or long tights I just overheat. Yes I suck in anything over 25c (77f) as well.

I have knocked 5 minutes off my 5km time in the last 2 weeks which is so nice. The cool down runs get longer and longer which is nice but I love that feeling to knowing that you are going faster than you have in such a long time. I still have to get another 5 minutes faster over 5km to get back to my fastest which I set in my 20's but now that I am in my 40's I doubt that will happen.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Thx for all the motivation folks........true mid-packer here at 10/16 but find some inspiration amongst the community.......and that is what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Trihumor] [ In reply to ]
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Another thank you here, for the motivation! Considering speed or distance, I'm solidly back of the pack but I've been hanging on to the frequency so far at 16/16. I'm hoping the legs will eventually remember a bit more speed or distance if they just keep moving. I realize this challenge is a poor training plan but for now I think I need the motivation of a challenge more than a plan. So thanks again... and Happy New Year everyone!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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That looks awesome!!! I would love to be there today.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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sorry to say sesamoiditis has me out of the running for a couple more weeks (starting off in five fingers was not the best move) -- but have compensated with some glorious hiking around Wengen Switzerland. Today did a New Year's dawn walk up to Maennlichen with my son -- the top pic shows the shadow of the Eiger down over the valley toward Interlaken.

Happy New Year to all and see you shortly I hope back on the log.
Last edited by: kiki: Jan 1, 16 1:14
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I've noticed an anomaly on the challenge page. Perhaps this is old news after 10 years but I thought I'd mention it just in case. The frequency column is counting my runs accurately at 18, however the bold text just above the "Leave challenge" link says I only have 4 runs. I'm guessing it's because only 4 of my runs so far are over 30 minutes.

Is it possible that the code checking "minutes in a run" for that piece of text is using " > 30" instead of " >= 30" ? Alternatively, could this be a computer math problem where the calculated and encoded value for 30 is not quite exactly 30 and the comparison fails? Binary calculations do have limited accuracy under certain conditions.

Great pics kiki!!
Last edited by: Micawber: Jan 1, 16 14:37
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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dev, i'm sorry to say i'm not planning to go through the 8 pages to see if my question has been answered but instead bother you here. :) are you still on crutches? how are your legs doing? how can this happen after so many years of "normal" nerve firing? i remember a year or two ago you were having some trouble but you seemed to overcome it and you were still recovering from the accident IIRC. did you have another trauma?

i had not planned to joint this challenge but i think i might. i'm 8 days postop and i don't think i'd have any more surgery at this point (cancer DX mid december pathology for spread comes next week) so i think i'm good to run. at any rate i walked 5km with the dog today. so if you have a recent DX of cancer and are 8 days postop, does a 1:05 walk 5 km walk count? (runs before Dev paddles her) :)

i'm hoping for a run tomorrow. i'm going to tape all incisions up well and put on supportive gear and i think i can get it done easily after today's walk.

since you're in the snow (if you're at home) here is some warm from today.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Nice easy run after eating a bit of crap last night with the kids and fiancé. Thought I would snap a few pictures today on the run. The fiancé bough me some Bluetooth headphones for Christmas for running so I now run with my phone. I said I would never do that but I love the wireless headphones.

Mt. Baker (from Canada) I love this view on my runs and on sunny days.

This is the view that I have from my home office window. Took the picture outside at the start of my run. The world famous North Shore Mountains where some of the worlds best MTB trails and riding happen.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Micawber wrote:
I've noticed an anomaly on the challenge page. Perhaps this is old news after 10 years but I thought I'd mention it just in case. The frequency column is counting my runs accurately at 18, however the bold text just above the "Leave challenge" link says I only have 4 runs. I'm guessing it's because only 4 of my runs so far are over 30 minutes.

Is it possible that the code checking "minutes in a run" for that piece of text is using " > 30" instead of " >= 30" ? Alternatively, could this be a computer math problem where the calculated and encoded value for 30 is not quite exactly 30 and the comparison fails? Binary calculations do have limited accuracy under certain conditions.

Great pics kiki!!

Yeah, it is a "less than or equal to bug"....I will go in and change the minimum threshold to 29.59 and let me know if your 30 min runs show up in both areas.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kiki] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for these pictures....some of my favourite riding is from Interlaken to Wengen and from Interlaken to the Sustenpass and Grimselpass...not related to the 100/100 but still really fun times. Did 5 different trips to ride in that area. Heaven on earth outside ski season too

kiki wrote:

sorry to say sesamoiditis has me out of the running for a couple more weeks (starting off in five fingers was not the best move) -- but have compensated with some glorious hiking around Wengen Switzerland. Today did a New Year's dawn walk up to Maennlichen with my son -- the top pic shows the shadow of the Eiger down over the valley toward Interlaken.

Happy New Year to all and see you shortly I hope back on the log.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for posting....that's the city I was born in!

OK, I just wanted to say Happy New Year to all of you. It is not too late to get some of your resolution friends to join in.

This is the first year in 50 years of my life where I am unable to start the year running (according to my mom, I was running before I learned to walk). Maybe I am being too optimistic, but still hoping to resume walking and get one run in before the end of this challenge.....18 days and the clock is ticking down to only 82% of the challenge left to get to that goal. Fingers crossed that some nervous system problems from 2011 crash sort their way out......in the mean time, all kinds of therapy and i can ride the trainer and swimming a lot (for me). Amazing how high your bike FTP gets when the legs are recovered for every ride and not trashed from all that running, but I really miss it (actually I miss walking more than running).

Keep it up and may you run and race injury free and with good health in 2016. Keep posting your pictures and stories please. Here is the "victory lap" from 100/100 last year. IM South Africa was 4 days after the end of the challenge, so I'll post that here:

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
dev, i'm sorry to say i'm not planning to go through the 8 pages to see if my question has been answered but instead bother you here. :) are you still on crutches? how are your legs doing? how can this happen after so many years of "normal" nerve firing? i remember a year or two ago you were having some trouble but you seemed to overcome it and you were still recovering from the accident IIRC. did you have another trauma?

i had not planned to joint this challenge but i think i might. i'm 8 days postop and i don't think i'd have any more surgery at this point (cancer DX mid december pathology for spread comes next week) so i think i'm good to run. at any rate i walked 5km with the dog today. so if you have a recent DX of cancer and are 8 days postop, does a 1:05 walk 5 km walk count? (runs before Dev paddles her) :)

i'm hoping for a run tomorrow. i'm going to tape all incisions up well and put on supportive gear and i think i can get it done easily after today's walk.

since you're in the snow (if you're at home) here is some warm from today.

Hey Kathy, would love to have you back in the challenge. Most importantly recover well from your cancer.

I have not posted all the details of my prognosis yet, partially because I am part way through the entire process and would like to let me medical staff handle it rather than being one of those guys posting details on the forum and then being told "don't ask a bunch of yahoos on the forum, go see your doc".

In a nutshell, from the head injury there is some injury to the motor cortex that results in a spastic reaction to some motions/stimuli commonly displayed by stroke or head injury victims. After the 2011 accident, I would mainly get it XC skiing, but after the first 6 months of rehab, was more or less home free on walk, bike and run (still bothered me skate skiing so gave it up and would just classic ski which is a motion like running).

But through all of 2015 season, it was kind of bothering me on the run and on some days on the bike , but never got out of control (ran 3:58 at IM South Africa and a bunch of sub 1:40 half IM runs). In October, due to some irritations to the left leg from a variety of "comedy of errors" like too tight shoes, black toenail, a ton of sitting in airplanes, less training, less doing my daily physio exercises etc, I managed to aggravate some nerves and surrounding muscle in my foot that now trigger the spastic reaction while walking and when that happens, I can't take more than 5 steps without it starting back up. So on crutches for the past 2 months since I am frozen in place when this happens and the entire left leg is quivering making getting around impossible. Dec 31st was the first day in 2 months that I walked from the car to the pool change room and pool deck and back without using the crutches and not having a spastic episode so that was a huge achievement, but today it is back in some ways (as would be expected some up days some down, some sideways/no change). As it is a central nervous system thing (if anyone cares read up on Babinski sign under plantar reflex) things will not be magical and I guess I have to stay patient and live through all of you guys for now. Keep up the running for those of us on the sidelines!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Dev, thanks for the challenge, it's been motivating thus far! The total doesn't seem to be picking up my 30 min runs, but maybe your tweak to 29.59 hasn't been implemented yet?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [F1rebird] [ In reply to ]
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I tried the 29.59, so I guess that is not the problem. You guys will just need to disregard that line for now. The problem is that the programmer who implemented the log and challenge feature is not available to do upgrades. There is supposed to be an entirely new website being launched and phase 2 (hopefully by next year) uses a new log and challenge feature.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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at first i thought, "wow! he wears the same kit to all his races!" which is a bit mind boggling considering the number of races you do. :) thanks for the welcome. i'm so sorry to read about your lingering issues. you really are quite a runner and this doesn't seem fair. have you considered botox at all? or baclofen? hoping for a better 2016 for you, dev.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
at first i thought, "wow! he wears the same kit to all his races!" which is a bit mind boggling considering the number of races you do. :) thanks for the welcome. i'm so sorry to read about your lingering issues. you really are quite a runner and this doesn't seem fair. have you considered botox at all? or baclofen? hoping for a better 2016 for you, dev.

LOL....I wear the same kit to all my races too (the green on dark skin is easy to spot for my family/friends)! The docs have offered both the botox to kill the spasticity and the baclofen and I will be meeting with them again on Tuesday to look into options and they can see the progress without. For now I have held off hoping to resolve things with natural/non drug intervention means like in 2011. On a plus note tacked on 20 min of water running the last few swims....they don't count for 100/100 but good exercise!

All the best with your recovery from surgery.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Great run today. Fastest 5km to date and it just seems to be getting faster every 2-3 runs. Right now I am 5:30 faster than my first 5 km run this year. So run 20 was the fastest to date. I am hoping that I will be able to drop a few more minutes off my 5km time over next few weeks. The runs are also getting easier as my HR is dropping while I am going faster. Back is also doing great so far but I do not want to jinx that by talking about it too much.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Great run today. Fastest 5km to date and it just seems to be getting faster every 2-3 runs. Right now I am 5:30 faster than my first 5 km run this year. So run 20 was the fastest to date. I am hoping that I will be able to drop a few more minutes off my 5km time over next few weeks. The runs are also getting easier as my HR is dropping while I am going faster. Back is also doing great so far but I do not want to jinx that by talking about it too much.

If I can ask you to just put away the timing for a few of your runs and go by feel for a while and then maybe measure performance in February again. At some point, when getting the early gains done, the next stage the gains will be slow, and you don't want to be "racing/measuring" every workout, because it tends to be a recipe for injury or burnout, or both. Or measure the workout with the plan to run intentionally 3-5 minutes slower and see if you can have enough discipline to reign it in for a while. Now that we are closing in on 3 weeks "in", this is the time that a lot of bodies "break". This is a good time to reduce overall load which can be done in many ways....less intensity, less mileage, less frequency or all of the above. I realize that the last option is going to be very hard for many of us in here, so maybe less intensity and less mileage if you can't cut back on frequency....my 2 cents.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [F1rebird] [ In reply to ]
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Last year I noticed the program not picking up my exact :30:00 runs.
If I just do 30:10 runs it picks it up. Not sure if it's the same issue you're experiencing.

Still running slow and steady trying to acclimate my body, stretching and rolling to try and prevent injuries I experienced last year.

Due to cold weather here (nothing like the participants up north) been doing treadmill runs. Discovered TED talks to help with the boredom.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Here is the funny thing is that I start the Garmin and I do not look at it until I stop. Whatever the watch says the time is, that is what it is. I have not set out on any of my 20 runs at this point trying to beat any times. I start the watch, start my music and whatever happens, happens. Some of the runs that I felt were fast were slow and some of the runs that I thought were slow were fast. As you said, it has only at this point been about getting out there and getting a base on the running again but naturally with such a long layoff from running the starting point was gong to be very slow and now with 20 runs in, my body is getting the feeling back. Biking is the only sport where I can get on the bike after a fairly long layover and be banging out +30 kph average.

I do thank you for the comments as we are all TYPE A personalities and can get caught up in the numbers. I used to be like that when I went a full year without missing a single work out. Talk about overtraining and burnout. 365 days without a break was pretty stupid but hey I was in my twenties and thought I knew everything.

I want to thank Dev for getting this going as it has been a big part of me getting some sanity back in my crazy work and family schedule and my family has been very supportive. My son is not happy as he was getting close to being able to beat me running and I am the only person in the family now that is faster than he is. Another triathlete in the building as he is cut from the same cloth
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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This is the first time I've done the challenge. It is a lot of fun, thanks for doing it!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kiki] [ In reply to ]
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Awesome! Love that area! Have hiked around there numerous times and did the Eiger 51K this past summer...maybe the 101K in a year or two...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Finally got out for my first run with this challenge.
The challenge started at a bad time for me, the day after a half marathon that really beat me up. My knee has been swollen and painful for two weeks after the race. Then, between Christmas and New Year''s I rode every day to meet a cycling mileage goal.
Today, I finally got out and took my dogs for a run.
They are a year and a half old and I recently started them on Couch to 5k to train them to run.
It' been going pretty good and today we did just under 40 minutes at a slow pace.
We'll see how many runs I can get in during this challenge.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Vermont finally got some snow, so my already elevation gain compromised pace suffered more from snow, slush, ice, and spikes over my shoes...but it sure did look nice.

Too many morning and evening treats over the holiday week didn't help with the climbs...

Taking my first rest day of the challenge tomorrow, time for some skiing (just downhill...skinning and CX will have to wait).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Cool Challenge! I just started something of a Barry P-plan this fall, and its coming along nicley. Volume actually works! (surprise!:))

Been going steady 6 times pr week since october - with double runs some days I might hit 90! However some cathing up to do after the x-mas-week. Only got in 4 runs that week! (family time!)

Good to see others also do this stuff in the cold. Being up in Norway my evening-run yesterday was pretty well below 0 yesterday!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Today was a double run day until I woke up to Snow here on the west coast. Let's see what happens.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
This is a good time to reduce overall load which can be done in many ways....less intensity, less mileage, less frequency or all of the above. I realize that the last option is going to be very hard for many of us in here, so maybe less intensity and less mileage if you can't cut back on frequency....my 2 cents.

Perhaps the advantage of only running outside (in NY) - weather induced "rest" days. I don't mind the cold, 25 today but single digit forecast plus high winds tomorrow. I'll enjoy the day off.

Certainly the layers necessary decrease the intensity (for me) as well.

21/21 and staying the course. Thanks again Dev.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Another pic from San Diego - the start/finish of my long run. Not as sunny as last weekend, but warmer. Just a bit windy on the coast. Headwind / tailwind made for a delta of about 30-40 seconds per mile depending on whether you were going north or south.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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I was in Vermont all of last week and it got progressively more winter like each day - and of course the snow came it buckets after we left! I took one day off to travel last week but picked up two more doubles yesterday and today and I'm at 26 runs and feeling good. I had planned on taking more days off last week but was able to run after downhill skiing every day. I needed the runs to work off the Vermont beer.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Starting to get some knee pain so I am cutting back to the minimum until I wake up with a knee that feels good. Hoping to start building more daily miles by day 25 or so.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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missed my run yesterday because i had a weird knot in my calf. since i am part of the over 50 crowd, i decided to be smart - and missed out on my run in the snow. which is a rare opportunity.
the weather has been cold and very windy for the pacific nw, so that caused the calf dealie.
better today but the snow made room for freezing rain. some had thawed and that made me hopeful

until i took the dog for a walk - we made it to the corner. barely. i had to go down the steps on my butt. one big sheet of ice. back home on the couch. bummer.

thinking of you dev on my runs and sending complete healing to you.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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easy double run today. 5km in the morning and 5km afternoon. nice hot bath and like is good.

Snow on the ground this morning so the first run was a bit slow.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry I have not been on here in a bit. I hope you guys are feeling good and getting into some nice repeatable routines. That's part of the entire madness of the challenge. Getting athletes to create a repeatable routine that pushes the rest of life aside even for 30 minutes of training is better than life creeping in to cover all 24 hours.....life can cover 23.5 hours. Running for 30 minutes is barely 2% of the entire day. In that context of time management it should always be possible to MAKE 30 minutes (3x10 min, 2x15....whatever). I stress the word MAKE vs FIND.

When it comes to time management a lot of people say, "I could not FIND time for XYZ"....as my drill sergeant said back when I was a recruit in 1983, "We don't FIND time. Everyone gets 168 hours per week. You either MAKE time or you don't". Or as I say, "The chances of me FINDING time are about the same as walking down the sidewalk and finding a $100 bill. Time and Money....we have to make both".

My 2 cents on day 22.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Just got back from my run in the cold rain. I have to admit that this is my first day back to work at the office and getting home and running was a gift. I need to be able to give that 2% of my day to the distressing of my life. So worth it.

Now it is time to give much more than 2% of my time to my fiancé when she arrives home from work.
Last edited by: BMANX: Jan 5, 16 15:19
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Just got back from my run in the cold rain. I have to admit that this is my first day back to work at the office and getting home and running was a gift. I need to be able to give that 2% of my day to the distressing of my life. So worth it.

Now it is time to give much more than 2% of my time to my fiancé when she arrives home from work.

All this challenge asks from you is 2% of your life.....seems pretty easy on paper. Keep it up guys!

Post some pictures too. I need to live vicariously through you guys right now!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Missed a bunch of days due to mild food poisoning layered with a sinus infection, just felt like sludge every day since sleeping has been a b*#@&, but feeling a bit better so hoping to get a short jog in after work tonight to get back on track.

On that note, it's been either below zero, or snowy & wet, and my typical running shoes aren't cutting it even with the addition of spray-on waterproofing and gaiters. Mostly dry, but COLD. Tried my Goretex hiking boots, but running in them makes my ankles hurt. Suggestions on a good waterproof and warm winter shoe? Looked at old threads, but a lot of shoes aren't available. I can start another thread if that would be better.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [yentna] [ In reply to ]
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If your feet are staying mostly dry, I'd adjust your socks before your shoes. I'll use Smartwool or Darn Tough no show wool running socks down to about 35, then I use the same brands but skiing socks to about 20. If it below, I use them both, thin running sock first and ski sock on top. I get cold hands and feet very easy, but have no issues when I use either of those brands wool socks. I've finished snow runs and my socks were soaked but feet were fine.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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Haven't missed a day yet, but today was damn close. 8 mile run, with 5 mile repeats. Brand new pair of Fastwitch and all pysc'd up to run only to learn I forgot to bring running socks, so I went with my dress socks. Not recommended, but I was damned determined to run.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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steelerguy wrote:
If your feet are staying mostly dry, I'd adjust your socks before your shoes. I'll use Smartwool or Darn Tough no show wool running socks down to about 35, then I use the same brands but skiing socks to about 20. If it below, I use them both, thin running sock first and ski sock on top. I get cold hands and feet very easy, but have no issues when I use either of those brands wool socks. I've finished snow runs and my socks were soaked but feet were fine.

Thanks - I'll have to try the layering idea, it's been -4 to 15F when the toe is freezing. Love both Darn Tough and Smartwool for hiking, will pick up some runners & ski socks.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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Great work...dress sock, running socks....all the same thing....just different colors. I still have 8 pairs of military dress socks that I use for cycling and running. To put it in perspective, my last day in the Armed Forces was in May of 1996 so these are closing in on 20+ years old (they may already have been >5 years old when I left) and going strong.

Tomorrow is day 25.....almost 25% there.

I am frankly no closer to my goal of running once by day 100, however, I have made progress and am able to run in the shallow end of the pool (landing and pushing off) with my normal gait and no spasticity. Earlier in the challenge, I could only water run in the deep end, but if my feet hit the ground I was toast.

But it does not matter. A little hope goes a long way. One year you are on a roll to do all 100 without missing a day, another year you reset expectations and work towards 1/100 (or maybe it ends up being zero, but better to try and fail then totally give up and lose all hope). I think this is in the athletic spirit and what we teach kids in sport....don't measure yourself against what you want to be, but get the most of what you are now.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev et al.... Been running lots of minimums; 30 minute runs, paced be dammed and just the frequency alone has me feeling so great again. I'm really thrilled. It's been raining in Los Angeles for a few days and this morning we woke to clear skies and sun. I took my camera up to get an image of the snow on the San Gabriel Mountains that stand as a back drop to the LA Basin and when I came up on the ridge of a local favorite trail found someone waiting to greet me. Los Angeles, it can surprise you!

Ian Murray
I like the pursuit of mastery
Twitter - @TriCoachIan
Last edited by: ianpeace: Jan 7, 16 12:35
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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the ice is now almost all gone and i got 11 miles in. i even added one extra mile. i am eyeing a fatass run end of the month. if it is not snowing, that is.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Tomorrow is day 25.....almost 25% there.

I think this is in the athletic spirit and what we teach kids in sport....don't measure yourself against what you want to be, but get the most of what you are now.


Hard to believe, already.
25/25, all outside. Loving the mild winter in NY (so far).
Thanks for the motivation all.

And Dev, to you too. Nice quote above and I hope the good karma you send out retruns 10 fold.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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For day 25, this morning started out at -25C (-14F) in a thick ice fog. I have run colder than that before and surely will again but for today I'll get on a nice warm treadmill after work.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Yikes that's cold!

I can handle double digits (F) but I'll build in a few days to avoid colder. And I'll never run on a treadmill again. Ever.

But good on ya. Keep at it. Next stop 50%
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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You must be in Southern Alberta. I'm in South Eastern Alberta. We have a thick covering of hoar frost on everything, including me when I got in from my run. I waited until it was about -16C before heading out.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Micawber wrote:
For day 25, this morning started out at -25C (-14F) in a thick ice fog. I have run colder than that before and surely will again but for today I'll get on a nice warm treadmill after work.

So did you head outdoors, or go for the treadmill....minus 25 on day number 25 would have been pretty cool! I remember doing an XC ski race in minus 26C in Tremblant and that race was 42K. I rememeber skiing at the redline and going by an aid station and wondering how the volunteers were staying warm...bless their souls!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Got my first winter run on the snow today after a 2 hrs drive to Montreal visiting my parents. Been lucky traveling to NJ during the holidays were temp there was above 10 C so this was my first outing in our Canadian winter.

Temperature was perfect for a night run with a clear sky. Felt amazing running at night in a quiet neighbourhood while enjoying the some quiet time and stretching my leg after a long ride. Love winter running specially when the snow is not too soft and every stride has this amazing crisp sound to it.

Only bad news is that I now have blister on both big toes (on the exterior) Ran in my Salomon Crosscheck shoes today for the first time where all my other runs were done with my Newton. Should have worn better socks. Oh well.. Tomorrow run will be fun.

Keep it up everyone! Cheers!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [tixunau] [ In reply to ]
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today was my longest run of the challenge, to date. 6.6 mi outdoors. some rolling hills in there too (garmin says 472 feet gained). most of my runs have been 30 minutes; a few 40 or 45. most of my runs have been on the treadmill. yesterday I ran twice to make up for a missed day. so, i'm feeling today's run. it's a good tired, but tired nonetheless. good times! the weather here is unseasonably warm (45F), but is apparently about to get cold and snowy. last outdoor run in shorts for a while.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Micawber wrote:
For day 25, this morning started out at -25C (-14F) in a thick ice fog. I have run colder than that before and surely will again but for today I'll get on a nice warm treadmill after work.

So did you head outdoors, or go for the treadmill....minus 25 on day number 25 would have been pretty cool! I remember doing an XC ski race in minus 26C in Tremblant and that race was 42K. I rememeber skiing at the redline and going by an aid station and wondering how the volunteers were staying warm...bless their souls!
I used the treadmill yesterday but got stuck late this evening with no choice but to go outside. I checked the temps after and it was -25C again, with a -33C wind chill. I just went out and back, aiming for the minimum half hour, but got it done. And yes, southern Alberta with lots of hoar frost on the trees.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Micawber wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
Micawber wrote:
For day 25, this morning started out at -25C (-14F) in a thick ice fog. I have run colder than that before and surely will again but for today I'll get on a nice warm treadmill after work.

So did you head outdoors, or go for the treadmill....minus 25 on day number 25 would have been pretty cool! I remember doing an XC ski race in minus 26C in Tremblant and that race was 42K. I rememeber skiing at the redline and going by an aid station and wondering how the volunteers were staying warm...bless their souls!

I used the treadmill yesterday but got stuck late this evening with no choice but to go outside. I checked the temps after and it was -25C again, with a -33C wind chill. I just went out and back, aiming for the minimum half hour, but got it done. And yes, southern Alberta with lots of hoar frost on the trees.

When it is that cold, I would recommend 2 min out 2 min back and do repeats. You don't want to go continuously one way into the wind if you can avoid it. I have a 1k loop close to my house around a few blocks that I just repeat on really cold days. Doing short loops allow you to focus also on technique and form since you need something to divert attention span given the scenery stays almost the same.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Long run on Saturday was just under 8 miles. -27C with a -37C windchill. Then Sunday's run was a quick 30 minutes at -29C with a -39 windchill. Welcome to winter in Winnipeg.

Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it. John D. Rockefeller Sr.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [DeVinci13] [ In reply to ]
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Enjoying my rest/cross-train day after week 3 on the Pfitzinger plan which involved 4 runs of 9+miles (plus a couple of recoveries), culminating in 15 yesterday. I'm wondering if cross-train might be translated as 'short run' this evening in order to keep up my 100/100 stats...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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AdamOJWall wrote:
Enjoying my rest/cross-train day after week 3 on the Pfitzinger plan which involved 4 runs of 9+miles (plus a couple of recoveries), culminating in 15 yesterday. I'm wondering if cross-train might be translated as 'short run' this evening in order to keep up my 100/100 stats...

Just finished up week 4 myself, on 3 of those weeks I did just what you are thinking, a 4ish mile run on the treadmill as a "warm-up" for some cross training.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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If you look at the higher-mileage plans, the off days become easy recovery days, and then doubles. I'd say add whatever you want, but just make sure they're really easy efforts.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Did anyone today run to any Bowie sound tracks? Man we'd have him blaring on our "ghetto blasters" during track practice or trying to act cool with him blaring "under pressure" with Freddie Mercury into our Walkmans before hitting the starting blocks at high school track meeting.

My favourite with Bowie + Mercury doing Under Pressure! Good memories from the Montreal track scene.


If you can guys can get into the starting blocks and run some 100's for me it would be awesome! We'd use the music to get into the "flow"...when you hit the sweet spot as a sprinter, its a powerful dance from the starting blocks to the finishing tape....4.3 strides per second so a bit faster than 3 strides per second at long distance pace :-)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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I hadn't looked at the 70+ plans (bit too much to bite off!), so that's good to know. I'm also thinking I might already have to split the 14mi this week as I'm not sure I can face getting 14mi done before first meetings at 7:30am or after 10pm which seems to be the earliest I'm able to get out right now...
Presume at this stage of the plan it's more about accumulating mileage and stressing the body appropriately and consistently, so it's mostly about building the mileage from 50something miles/week to 60something miles/week. I will say that I've followed a few marathon plans, but this is the first time I can remember doing an 18-miler 4 weeks into an 18-week plan...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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For a longer day, splitting the runs has been a nice surprise and not sure why I did not do that before. I will be doing double days on Wednesday and Friday this week.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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The MLRs are arguably the second most important run of the week, but probably the hardest to fit in to a busy work schedule. IMO they're the runs that set Pfitz apart from the other training plans. You have to be mentally tough to head out for a two-hour run while it's freezing cold and still dark or after a long day of work when it's already dark.

Of course, getting in the mileage in a split double is much better than only getting in half of the run, if that's the only way to do it. It's basically the same philosophy behind doubles in general. Instead of hammering out 10+ mile runs every day to get up over 80+ mile weeks, break up runs or add easy recovery doubles to increase blood flow and boost your endurance. The 85+ plan has 4 or 5 doubles per week (4-6 easy miles each).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ianpeace] [ In reply to ]
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Rumpled] [ In reply to ]
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Rumpled wrote:
Finally got out for my first run with this challenge.
The challenge started at a bad time for me, the day after a half marathon that really beat me up. My knee has been swollen and painful for two weeks after the race. Then, between Christmas and New Year''s I rode every day to meet a cycling mileage goal.
Today, I finally got out and took my dogs for a run.
They are a year and a half old and I recently started them on Couch to 5k to train them to run.
It' been going pretty good and today we did just under 40 minutes at a slow pace.
We'll see how many runs I can get in during this challenge.

i'm taking a late start too. i had surgery 23-12 and then a surgical drain put back in last week and finally all removed on friday 8-jan. doc wanted me to wait for Monday to run and it was so much sweeter for the chill (we're under a norte currently). so you're not alone in a delayed start. i'm going to do a 30-day thing and see if i can just do 30 min for 30 days. that should be interesting. still having to bind myself pretty tightly to minimize jarring/movement but lovely to get out there.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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yay dev! every improvement helps! did you decide on baclofen vs botox? (i don't check in on teh forums when i'm sidelined so forgive me if that has been answered, making my way through the threads slowly)

i'll get you a picture this afternoon when i take the mutt out for our run. we're under a norte - it was down to a bone chilling 23C yesterday for my run. i had tights 2 tops and long sleeves.

from last night's run with dog...

waiting for the monsoon to abate for today's run...


Last edited by: kathy_caribe: Jan 13, 16 10:13
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Missed a couple days due to being on vacation in -10 degree weather, but other than that this is the most that I have ever ran. Started running a couple years ago. I am also trying the Pfitz 18/70 plan and hope for a 5 minute improvement on my second marathon. One thing I can't manage time wise is doing doubles and most of my runs start before 4:30am.
This challenge has been the push I needed and will try to finish strong.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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This is my first time doing Pfitz and I had to break up my midweek for the 2nd time in 5 weeks. It is a tough one to get in. Got in almost 11 today before another 4 after work (both at long run intensity). I'm telling myself that getting in 10+ is giving me at least most of the effect of the mid week long run. Also telling myself, getting only 4 hours of sleep would be even worse than splitting. I guess the proof will be in the pudding come April.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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I would kill for some of that around now. Something like 10F here right now. Running inside is killing me.

Stepped it up to 40 minutes a day on day 25. Still have not missed a day but my knee was killing me for the last 5 minutes today so we will see how it goes tomorrow.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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I wouldn't worry too much about it. You get in what you can and an 11-miler followed by 4 more later is still a pretty good day!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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That's what I figure. I'm going to do 10.x home from work tonight then same in tomorrow morning and see if I have the energy to follow up with 4 tomorrow afternoon... won't beat myself up if I don't but might make the recovery 5mi on Sat into 7 or 8 instead... it'll all work out at about the right mileage come Sunday evening...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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I got in the 15 this morning, but was about an hour late to work. Meant that this eve's recovery double was mostly in the dark. I'm glad those can be whatever (preferably slower) pace.

Backed off a little this week to recover from some tough back-to-back trail runs on Catalina Island and what Pfitz has as a mini-taper for a tune-up race - have Carlsbad this weekend. Still not sure if I'm going to race all out or just do it as a part of an MP LR. Will see how the legs feel on Sunday morning.

Then off to Kona for the week! Hoping to get in the everyday doubles as prescribed as it's just 4 weeks from LA. A bit worried about getting derailed out on the Big Island.

Oh, and **Reminder** from the rules:

For a run to be considered a double, it needs to be separated by an hour. Warm-up, workout, cooldown doesn't count as three runs, even if they're 30+ minutes each!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Haven't missed a day yet. It's all low mileage - 4 mile runs, 6 mile long run, and 1 track workout per week - but I'm just trying to stay consistent and not injure myself.

It's been cold the past week in Chicago, but today it was above freezing. So I decided to go a little longer - 9 miles. Seemed super easy to do. Hey... This constancy thing works pretty well!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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on the Challenge page, why does it state at the top that I am at 21 and behind by 79, yet the list has me at 26 runs? thanks.

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Tri3] [ In reply to ]
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I had that problem last year when I entered an even 30:00 for the time. If you're enter 30:01 it will count at the top of the challenge page. Your actual count is correct though.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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thanks, that is probably it

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Nice easy run in the rain today. I am now at 35 runs and can't believe we are over a 1/3rd of the way done. Next mark will be the 1/2 way mark which will make it around 250km of running for me. Not bad coming off of years with no running due to back issues.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Haven't missed a day of the 100/100 season. Raced Frostys Frozen 10 Miler today. Felt great to run hard. 7th over all and 1st M40-44

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Nice easy run in the rain today. I am now at 35 runs and can't believe we are over a 1/3rd of the way done. Next mark will be the 1/2 way mark which will make it around 250km of running for me. Not bad coming off of years with no running due to back issues.

Congrats...that is fantastic. Sorry I almost missed day 33. By now you guys are almost 5 weeks in, so you should have a repeatable routine/process in place. Keep cranking out the miles, but be conservative. If you can make it from 50-60 days in without injury, it's pretty well clear sailing!

Yikes, it means I have 67 days for my goal of doing my first run. I don't feel anywhere remotely close, although I'll probably end up swimming 300K in 100 days at the race I am going which is usually around an entire year's worth swimming!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Cheers Dev. Whether or not you achieve your recovery goal by the end of the challenge, it won't be for lack of good spirits or motivation; both of which you emanate on these forums.

I sometimes think that we suffer through training as a luxury, in that life and fortune has afforded us the health, finances, and time to challenge our minds and bodies so that when life's true trials present themselves, our will and determination are hardened and tested, perhaps a bit more prepared. Some of the stories yourself and others have presented here illustrate this well, and I'd just like to share my appreciation.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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2015-2016 100/100 challenge entered its 2nd third.
439 active people signed up in order to be motivated to keep running. In our part of the world (Ottawa Canada), it is very cold. Well you can run on the treadmil.
Checking the spread sheet, it seems that 263 entered 10 tuns or more. So 176 has decided to participate, but some how could not, or would not.
I am trying my best to stay on course and so far so good.
On day 35 I have 35 runs.
This year I allowed myself to run few runs on the treadmil. Last year, when we had one of the worst winter in memory, I was stubborn to run all my runs outside.
Since I moved this year, and I am 500 meter from a gym, I run, very few so far, on the treadmil.
Looking at the spread sheet at other's activities and entering mine, sure motivates me to keep at it.
It is hard to run 7 times a week and to keep your swim and bike activities the way you should.
Well, since this year there is no full Ironman, I let myself slack a bit on the swim/bike. You can tell which of the 3 is my favourite.
So far all is good. Some runs outside in 10-15 cm of snow were 6:30-7:00 minutes per km, but they were hards just as those runs on the treadmill in 5 min/km pace.
Waiting to spring, 65 runs to go.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [caspibe] [ In reply to ]
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I am at 34 runs...one off pace...long way to go but feeling pretty good.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [blueraider_mike] [ In reply to ]
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I am at 39 runs, ran every day and doubled 4 times.
Lots of 30:01 runs on the TM, smooth and easy. I have no pain, even getting out of bed! Huuuge contrast to the run ramping up I did in Oct-Nov, with only longer runs 3x/wk. That didn't work for me.
Longest run so far is 11 miles outside in -12C, felt great.

I have 3 full IM planned this year and this challenge is the perfect beginning of my journey to Kona. That's right, Kona...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I missed my first day of the challenge yesterday and again today but that was planned. I ran the Houston marathon on Sunday and ran sub 3 for the first time! I think I've earned a few days off.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [maija] [ In reply to ]
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maija wrote:
I missed my first day of the challenge yesterday and again today but that was planned. I ran the Houston marathon on Sunday and ran sub 3 for the first time! I think I've earned a few days off.

Wow, that is awesome!!! Congrats! Take your time getting back in. The micro damage from sub 3 marathons can linger on for months if you don't respect the recovery!

Here is my story...last time I went sub 3 was in 2002 and I swear there are some days where I can still feel the impact of that day....I went deep into the well for a 2:59.52 in Boston...was on the rivet for the last 8 miles with zero flex in terms of letting up. I don't think I have ever been able to push myself that hard again...whether it is physical or mental, I don't know, and while those 8 seconds were the hardest I ever worked for, to this day I continue question if it was wise to go that hard. Also I think I wore myself down just getting to the start line. I with 4 weeks to go, I basically dropped 7 lbs going from 145 down to 138 lbs by limiting food intake to "lighten up" which was on top of training. It worked, but don't really want to do that stuff again.

In any case, that's my old war story....but please take your time to get back into training....you can double up later in the challenge.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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That's worrying to hear. I'm shooting for sub-3 in April (London marathon) having got within 6 or 7 minutes a number of times in the last few years. I'm pretty sure that weight is the big thing keeping me back, and even more so hearing that you were at 138 when you achieved it... my 185 current weight (or even my 175 goal) seems a little ridiculous in comparison!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Why am I doing this again???

I'm 36 for 36, 281 mi's and 30 hrs into it with no double up days. Lots of 5mi days with a few longer 10-17 miles days. I originally was going to try to go 100 -100 and I thought this would help me get ready for Boston but am now wondering if it's going to just wear me out? As someone who has done 100 days before, can you tell me, am I just at that stage in a long run where I am about to get through it and feel better / stronger or am I going to continue to wear down.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [jhouckwsu] [ In reply to ]
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jhouckwsu wrote:

Why am I doing this again???

I'm 36 for 36, 281 mi's and 30 hrs into it with no double up days. Lots of 5mi days with a few longer 10-17 miles days. I originally was going to try to go 100 -100 and I thought this would help me get ready for Boston but am now wondering if it's going to just wear me out? As someone who has done 100 days before, can you tell me, am I just at that stage in a long run where I am about to get through it and feel better / stronger or am I going to continue to wear down.

I have done 100+ in the challenge a couple times and yes you are likely at the stage where every run seems difficult. Some of that is physical fatigue and for me some of it is mental. You will break through that stage and start feeling really good, then it will cycle back around at least once more.

I would definitely recommend taking a day or even 2 off. Come back next week and do two really easy 30 minute runs and you are still on track. It has been rare that I have run more than 14 days straight during the past challenges.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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Great stuff, I'm doing London this year too.
1/3 down and so far, so good. Need to get the longer miles in but not panicking yet.
A 9 month old is making this years challenge 'interesting'
In Reply To:
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks! Wow that's quite a story!

I am surprised how quickly I am recovering compared to the 3 other marathons I've done. I ran easy today and only have a few tight spots but not a lot of soreness. I still plan to take it very easy for two weeks and then take another week or two to ease into harder training after that.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [maija] [ In reply to ]
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I think my run tonight made only 4 for the challenge.
Been doing a few cycling challenges as well.
I'll be fortunate to get to 30.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Rumpled] [ In reply to ]
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Bonus for us pre dawn runners - see some planets!


From NY this morning I saw Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Maybe Saturn too.

Added benefit as we approach 50! More enjoyment to early morning runs.
Last edited by: stillrollin: Jan 21, 16 7:51
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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I was sick over christmas (its a recurring theme) and the hard work of last year is all gone as far as my times/bpm/distances are concerned. I have done 7 incredibly slow runs (to heart rate -- GoGo Maffetone) to date, but my training worked last year so I have faith in it. This challenge is inspiring and I wish everyone the best with their own personal goals. if I can get anywhere near 70 runs I will be very happy, but a target of 50 will still need a bit more mental fortitude on my part xD Thankfully I am very easily motivated and 1 glance at the leaderboard already has me eager.

I edit my posts, a lot.
Last edited by: ferdia: Jan 21, 16 8:16
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [triphilc] [ In reply to ]
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I sort of remember those days, I think my sub-conscious must have blocked them out a little... kids are 7, 5 and 3 now, so almost out of the woods...! Certainly we get more sleep than we did when they were very small...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [caspibe] [ In reply to ]
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caspibe wrote:
2015-2016 100/100 challenge entered its 2nd third.
439 active people signed up in order to be motivated to keep running. In our part of the world (Ottawa Canada), it is very cold. Well you can run on the treadmil.
Checking the spread sheet, it seems that 263 entered 10 tuns or more. So 176 has decided to participate, but some how could not, or would not.
I am trying my best to stay on course and so far so good.
On day 35 I have 35 runs.
This year I allowed myself to run few runs on the treadmil. Last year, when we had one of the worst winter in memory, I was stubborn to run all my runs outside.
Since I moved this year, and I am 500 meter from a gym, I run, very few so far, on the treadmil.
Looking at the spread sheet at other's activities and entering mine, sure motivates me to keep at it.
It is hard to run 7 times a week and to keep your swim and bike activities the way you should.
Well, since this year there is no full Ironman, I let myself slack a bit on the swim/bike. You can tell which of the 3 is my favourite.
So far all is good. Some runs outside in 10-15 cm of snow were 6:30-7:00 minutes per km, but they were hards just as those runs on the treadmill in 5 min/km pace.
Waiting to spring, 65 runs to go.

i ran up to my day of surgery and then tried about 10 days postop but then had to back off again and let my oncologist decide when i could start again. but as of today, i've got 21 runs in and 12 days in a row right now. or maybe 11. can't remember. anyway, my plan is to run every day ala BarryP and do the DD 200 challenge (but it won't be 200 miles but instead 4 months focused running. maybe every day.). right now plan is 100 days of running. we'll see.

for those of you in the frozen north, here is a pretty sunrise we had the other day (wayyyy tooooo cold to run at that hour other than out to the beach for the picture (wearing a down jacket) and back under my blanket).


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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This is my first year doing this challenge started off well but had some planned days off around the Houston marathon last weekend - 3hr 50min which was good for me - so had in my mind that I wouldn't achieve the 100 days of running. Seeing some comments about putting in double run days to catch up. So my question is does the group consider someone who has completed 100 runs in 100 days, but not run everyday, that they have completed the 100 in 100 or is the idea more that you have continuously run every day? Really just a curiosity as I am going to carry on running anyway but I might throw in some extra doubles or runs off the bike to boost my numbers.

Re-reading this before I posted made me realize damn we triathletes can be vain. Here I am considering doing extra runs to move my anonymous name a few rows up a table that only relatively few people are even aware exists.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [HoustonTri(er)] [ In reply to ]
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HoustonTri(er) wrote:
This is my first year doing this challenge started off well but had some planned days off around the Houston marathon last weekend - 3hr 50min which was good for me - so had in my mind that I wouldn't achieve the 100 days of running. Seeing some comments about putting in double run days to catch up. So my question is does the group consider someone who has completed 100 runs in 100 days, but not run everyday, that they have completed the 100 in 100 or is the idea more that you have continuously run every day? Really just a curiosity as I am going to carry on running anyway but I might throw in some extra doubles or runs off the bike to boost my numbers.

Re-reading this before I posted made me realize damn we triathletes can be vain. Here I am considering doing extra runs to move my anonymous name a few rows up a table that only relatively few people are even aware exists.[/quote

Hey, move your anonymous name up...that's what it's all about. As long as "you care" the reward is intrinsic. It's not about what other people care about, it's about what motivates you. If "we" can motivate you, all the better. Keep it up.

Sorry I have not been on this thread for a few days. Please keep up the great work. This is planting the seeds in the field. You get to harvest later this year when you see the fruits of all this labour.

Kathy, thanks for the nice pictures. My visuals are the black line at the bottom of the pool or the wall in my basement doing physio or riding the trainer. But better than nothing. I do miss the connection with nature that running affords. In the last three months, the only thing I have done outdoors is office to car, car to office which is sub 60 seconds at best, plus car to pool (2-3 min). Barely 10 min outdoors all day. Probably not the healthiest existence right now, but these are the current cards.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Still in it for the long haul! I haven't increased my running time much over the mininum 30 minutes, but I've been adding more speed and other workouts as leg freshness affords. Before I started this challenge I wasn't sure I could handle the 25-30mpw as a 190lb guy, but I feel like I'm in the clear as far as injuries go - gonna keep the current perceived effort going till the last third of the challenge where I may be tempted to add longer runs and multiple runs.

Knowing that it would only get colder, I got my first run in the snow today by doing five laps around a few local blocks. It was about 27 deg F, but the time I got my gear on and running I was actually hotter than I would like. It was pretty enjoyable actually. Although, as a former Southern Californian new to this weather, I couldn't help but feel like the main character of The Martian :)

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [codygo] [ In reply to ]
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codygo wrote:
Still in it for the long haul! I haven't increased my running time much over the mininum 30 minutes, but I've been adding more speed and other workouts as leg freshness affords. Before I started this challenge I wasn't sure I could handle the 25-30mpw as a 190lb guy, but I feel like I'm in the clear as far as injuries go - gonna keep the current perceived effort going till the last third of the challenge where I may be tempted to add longer runs and multiple runs.

Knowing that it would only get colder, I got my first run in the snow today by doing five laps around a few local blocks. It was about 27 deg F, but the time I got my gear on and running I was actually hotter than I would like. It was pretty enjoyable actually. Although, as a former Southern Californian new to this weather, I couldn't help but feel like the main character of The Martian :)

Very nice, I see all 5 sets of tracks from the 5 loops leaving your imprint in nature on a path not frequently traveled. Just you and one vehicle. Guess who had more fun?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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aw, dev. do you see black lines in your sleep? :) since surgery i have not yet made it back into the water. omg - just checked the date - it has been exactly a month. so here are some pictures i have taken recently on runs. i think i have to make them public...lmk if you can't see them...


from a couple hours ago...

and last night...fishermen..


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
aw, dev. do you see black lines in your sleep? :) since surgery i have not yet made it back into the water. omg - just checked the date - it has been exactly a month. so here are some pictures i have taken recently on runs. i think i have to make them public...lmk if you can't see them...


from a couple hours ago...

and last night...fishermen..

Fantastic pictures! I believe we are already on day 40 now. You guys should be in cruise control now and in a solid routine. If you are uninjured in the next 3 weeks, its a great time to add mileage or intensity (either through an extra run, or longer runs or some hills etc)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Was supposed to do a trail half marathon yesterday in NJ but it was postponed (which was good since they got 2.5 feet of snow and all the roads were closed). Instead I did run number 50 in blizzard conditions in Westchester County NY. No one but sledders and snow plows out on the road. Ran most of it in the middle of the street with my kahtoola spikes on my trail runners. Feeling good at day 40 - will have my first week over 40 miles when I do run number 2 of the day later.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [TheKoz] [ In reply to ]
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I knew joining this challenge would improve my running, but not as much as results from today's Half Marathon. Ran the Miami Half Marathon today in 1:23:10 a PR of over 6 minutes from last year and 4minutes faster than my half last month. Thanks for setting up this challenge. Hope to stay injury free and keep the runs coming.
In Reply To:
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dualsport] [ In reply to ]
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That's a great run!

I must confess my first spreadsheet chase of this challenge... after the run this morning I saw that I was in spot 11. So tonight I ran on the tm for 30:01. Top 10 sounds a lot better!
Generally I am not feeling that great, (sucessfully) trying to lose 1kg/week since the challenge started. 4kg's to go, then I can be calorie neutral again, can't wait.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Nicko] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, that spreadsheet is quite the incentive. once i was cleared to run again i started in the 240s. i'm now in the 170s (maybe 160s, can't remember) and in a couple weeks i'll be able to do doubles and start reclaiming some spreadsheet real estate from when i had been benched. here are some pictures from this morning's run. it was a morning of boats

fishing boat

this is the first time in over 7 years (maybe 8?) i've ever seen a boat anchored in this bay. pretty cool.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Was in Kona last week and got in doubles Tues-Thurs. I think the heat caught up with me and I took Friday off. Got up early and ran one more time on Saturday morning before we flew out.

Did the first 10-mile out-and-back of the Ironman course a couple of times. Started at Lava Java, ran down to the pier and then followed the course out to the little blue church and back to the hot corner. Finally found the actual turnaround marker on the last day. On Wednesday, I did the last 16 of the course out on the highway and the last few miles back to town were a grind.

I was staying up in the Palisades above the airport, so my late recovery runs were done down in the energy lab. Found the turnaround markers on the third attempt out there, too. Happy to (mostly) stay on track through vacation. 3 weeks to LA!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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50 - I hit the half way point today. It was very slow and extremely wet. I have to admit having not run this much in the last 10 years and then jumping into the challenge it is catching up a bit with me. I think I have overdone the double runs a bit so I will need to back off on those. I am not running as far as most but I do have the frequency. The goal is to get at least 10 runs ahead of schedule then do some longer runs and no doubles.

Hope everyone else finishes strong and I hope I do.
Last edited by: BMANX: Jan 26, 16 15:35
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
50 - I hit the half way point today. It was very slow and extremely wet. I have to admit having not run this much in the last 10 years and then jumping into the challenge it is catching up a bit with me. I think I have overdone the double runs a bit so I will need to back off on those. I am not running as far as most but I do have the frequency. The goal is to get at least 10 runs ahead of schedule then do some longer runs and no doubles.

Hope everyone else finishes strong and I hope I do.

OK, looks like you have a good plan to take rest days and longer runs coming up. Let your body decide and don't let the spreadsheet "break you".

43 days in and I am no closer to my goal of a single run. But in parallel, I am doing a 100/100 personal swim challenge. Basically I have only missed 3 swims. Rather than a minimum 30 minutes I am going with a minimum or 30 min and covering at least 1600m which I realize is a bit arbitrary since that is not a standard swim distance. So far I am averaging around 2500m per day and just at 110K total in that duration. I have a goal of doing at least 200K over 100 days, but might push for 250K today over 100 swims. Yes and none of this counts on the 100/100 runs spreadsheet, but you gotta do what you gotta do. The rest of you keep running!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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I'm right there with you. Looks like we are neck and neck for the low-distance/high frequency award. :)
Best of luck-
Once you got it up, keep it up.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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so far, so good. most of my runs are 30 minutes on the treadmill (1` grade to limit the belt's assist - true?). last year at about this time, a situation at work threw some challenges my way and I didn't get much running done beyond early feb. I'm hoping to see it through all the way this year, aches and pains permitting. My pace is increasing a little; I'm beginning to think about the possibility of a good day at the local spring 5k. Hang in there, everyone!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
BMANX wrote:
50 - I hit the half way point today. It was very slow and extremely wet. I have to admit having not run this much in the last 10 years and then jumping into the challenge it is catching up a bit with me. I think I have overdone the double runs a bit so I will need to back off on those. I am not running as far as most but I do have the frequency. The goal is to get at least 10 runs ahead of schedule then do some longer runs and no doubles.

Hope everyone else finishes strong and I hope I do.

OK, looks like you have a good plan to take rest days and longer runs coming up. Let your body decide and don't let the spreadsheet "break you".

43 days in and I am no closer to my goal of a single run. But in parallel, I am doing a 100/100 personal swim challenge. Basically I have only missed 3 swims. Rather than a minimum 30 minutes I am going with a minimum or 30 min and covering at least 1600m which I realize is a bit arbitrary since that is not a standard swim distance. So far I am averaging around 2500m per day and just at 110K total in that duration. I have a goal of doing at least 200K over 100 days, but might push for 250K today over 100 swims. Yes and none of this counts on the 100/100 runs spreadsheet, but you gotta do what you gotta do. The rest of you keep running!

Seems I'm lagging abit behind! Currently at 37 / 43 - but have to admit It's been somewhat intentional. This winter is the first winter I really give running a serious go. Previously I've had 1-3 runs pr week, and 0 for other weeks, so figured it's probably a little aggressive to go for the 100/100 right away! I've been building milage on a pretty consistent 6 runs pr week schedule. I have even been getting in some doubles, so If i keep that up maybe I can play catch-up and hit 90? :)

Anyway - a question for the long-time runners: I've been going pretty steady 6 times a week now since sept/oct last year, building milage pretty slowly. I started out very low, and did a couple weeks of 30, 35, 40k. As pr now I've stabilized around 55 - 65k pr week. I dont think I'll be able to get very much higher than this (maybe an occasional "peak-week" of 75-80, but not consistently higher than 60k/week). I guess I can keep chipping away 60k pr week for a long time and still see improvements, but wanted to hear from others. How long did you see improvements in running performance after plateauing distance-wise? Since starting my run focus I've had some nice PR's in both 10k and HM. What I'm wondering is if I can hope for further improvements by merely sticking to the plan and chipping away 60k / week? :) (so - a motivational issue) :)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [speedskater] [ In reply to ]
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With my back issues, shorter runs but lots of them seem to be working. When I get up over 1:15 for a run my back is in sever pain. Doing the shorter runs but with a higher frequency seems to be working very well. PLUS lots going on in my life so these runs have been saving my sanity.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Awesome job getting to 50! Bummer about the back. But at least it sounds like you can run for an hour without too much pain. Keep it up!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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There is always a way around a problem. I just have to sort out the back while doing the shorter runs and hope that I can get back up to the half marathon distance. No desire to go longer.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Only on 12 runs so far...still a lot of catching up to do!! However I jumped from 290th to 260th in a week xD I thought it would be "easy" to catch up with double runs - but I was wrecked for 2 days after only doing the first such! At least my crummy distance over time is improving and I can see the road ahead (and its not too bad). Onwards :--)

I edit my posts, a lot.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ferdia] [ In reply to ]
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My frequency isn't even top 50, but keeping my time and distance in the top 10, even with a few downhill skiing days off over MLK weekend. I have stopped the short run on my days off as I felt it was compromising my quality runs, at the expense of getting that "extra" run in, and trying not to split up my midweek long. Hurts the total runs, but feeling a bit of marathon fitness coming back, and that is the real goal. Did manage 5+ miles in the middle of the blizzard here on LI while dodging plows and 15 the day after in the slop and aftermath, hoping those are the miles that knock a few seconds per mile off come April. A bit less beer may help that also...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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I'm with you steelerguy... currently 66th in frequency and neck and neck with you in time (4mins difference), though you have run a few more miles than me! I also had a plan of running short and easy on scheduled day off but after 18mi on Sunday with 10 at marathon pace my legs felt exhausted just walking up stairs, so think I made the right decision to have the day off...
After 5 weeks of ~60mi/week, I also feel like I'm getting back some of that marathon fitness... nearly 10mi/day is helping gradually take the winter weight off too... just need to increase pace by ~10-15secs/mile from NY marathon in Nov to get where I need to get in Apr... tough but not impossible I'm thinking...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ In reply to ]
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Had a great run this week with my fastest km, fastest mile and fastest 5km in the same run. This was 7:08 faster than my first 5km of the challenge. Getting back to as fast as I was in my 20's which is not bad now that I am mid 40's but I am still about 35s per km slower. Back has been holding up so when I hit the 60 run point, I will be replacing my multiple double short runs per week with longer runs. The distance per week will be the same but I will only be doing 1 double run per week rather than the 3 I have been doing lately. weekly distance will still be around 44km per week.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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after starting in the 250s or so 19 days ago I'm hitting the 150s. had a streak of 17 days in a row but could not get out yesterday. am finally coming back to presurgery times and that is really nice to see. i felt amazing today after a day off and thinking maybe a day off isn't such a bad thing but dayum i wanted that 20-day badge from smashrunner. :) my husband calls it my meowmeowyumyums (the badges). :)

super calm sea today (and we paid for it with freezing temperatures). really tranquil at evening run. did my first double today to make up for yesterday in the challenge (but alas i start over for my yumyumeows... :)


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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GREAT WORK. It is not easy coming back after surgery so take it easy.

After reading your post I went back to see how many days/runs I have been able to do in a row after my back went out early this month and I missed three days. 21 day and 32 runs so far. I hope I can keep this up but I think a day off per week might be a good idea.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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I got the effing flu! rested the last 2 days...hoping to get back out tomorrow.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [blueraider_mike] [ In reply to ]
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Hey guys......we're on day 47....almost at halfway!!!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [blueraider_mike] [ In reply to ]
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50th run today! My goal is to finish ahead of where I finished last year-15th in frequency and 11th in distance. Tough competition, so I'm not sure it's doable.
Keep up the great work everyone.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Habs4ever wrote:
50th run today! My goal is to finish ahead of where I finished last year-15th in frequency and 11th in distance. Tough competition, so I'm not sure it's doable.
Keep up the great work everyone.

...you can't change who shows up, so do what is right for your body for your progression and racing goals....don't make the 100/100 spreadsheet the prize. It is just the carrot to get to prizes during your spring and summer of racing!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I don't suppose it would do any good to whine that a blizzard kept me from running for a week. ;-)

First run today in over a week. Sunshine was out but we've still got a good 6-10 inches on the ground. It was good to get some fresh air.

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Habs4ever wrote:
50th run today! My goal is to finish ahead of where I finished last year-15th in frequency and 11th in distance. Tough competition, so I'm not sure it's doable.
Keep up the great work everyone.

...you can't change who shows up, so do what is right for your body for your progression and racing goals....don't make the 100/100 spreadsheet the prize. It is just the carrot to get to prizes during your spring and summer of racing!

Absolutely right. I guess I shouldn't have said it that way. I'm following my training plan and I'll end up where I end up.
Last edited by: Habs4ever: Jan 30, 16 13:59
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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A story from the back of the pack, at least by speed or distance. I've been trying to get back into some kind of running shape since last fall. Of course, I'm almost 40 lbs heavier than when I was training for an Ironman 7 or 8 years ago, not to mention nearly a decade older. I never stopped running but it's been pretty sporadic. For the nine months before September I averaged less than 12 miles per month, yes, per month.

With no particular plan, from September through November I started running 3 or 4 times a week and getting about 30 miles per month. In December a local running store sponsored a 'run through the holidays' challenge that involved running a minimum of 1 mile per day every day and on a whim I joined that. A couple weeks into Dec., I stumbled over this challenge that I'd done years ago. It would be a bit of a stretch but I started and, so far, I'm still getting at least a 30 minute run in every day. Silly enough so far? As of last weekend, I've joined a local marathon club, following their half marathon program that aims for one of several different events in May. That will involve progressively lengthening weekend group long runs as well as some mid week group runs, clinics, and other suggested supporting runs.

Pushing for more speed may happen eventually, or maybe not. There's nothing to put the 'icing' on, so far. I wouldn't even say I'm 'baking a cake' so much as just seeing if I still have any of the ingredients. ;)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Checking in here, data is all logged on Strava.

50 runs since Dec 15
346 miles

11 days till the LA Marathon!

Last edited by: davidembree: Feb 1, 16 18:45
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Well done and keep at it. I have barely done any running for years and your 12 miles per month was much more than I was doing. I have been going at it pretty hard as I want to get the frequency part up as much as possible but like you keeping the runs to 30 minutes per day or a bit longer. Once a week I do one run as quickly as possible for 5km and I have been able to get my time down by over 7 minutes since the first run of the challenge. It will come. Just take it easy and once in a while turn up the pace a bit.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [davidembree] [ In reply to ]
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Nice! I'll be there, too. Good luck with the final race prep.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev, have we ever had a women leading this far into the challenge? GabbyF is killing it! (Not trying to be sexist - the two time I've done this the board was very guy heavy).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [TheKoz] [ In reply to ]
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Hey guys....sorry for being so far out of the loop....WE'RE ON DAY 50....wow half way done already? Time goes too quickly. Keep up the great work. If you don't have injuries, it's a great time to extend runs, add intensity or add a double or an additional day since your bodies should be adapting to all this. It would be cool to see the total lbs lost over all the participants since Dec 15th!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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weight loss for me, 0. But I came into the challenge fairly fit. What I've found this year is my legs feel great at day 50. They seem to recover much quicker than in the past.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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only 3 lbs lost (7 more to go). Unfortunately, my diet has not been as consistent as my running (52/51) {sigh}
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure I've lost much weight as, like mck, I was fairly fit coming into the challenge (HM PR on 12/27). Maybe 5? The big work is done for LA and I'm enjoying the taper. Just don't want to enjoy it too much and put those 5 lbs back on over the next 2 weeks!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I've lost a whopping 4lbs. I was fairly fit coming into the challenge so don't expect to lose much more. I'm a short compact female who really doesn't need to lose weight, but I seem to always want to lose those 5-10 vanity pounds.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Hey, good for you!
I've been "virtually" competing with you to stay in the top 30.
I'm a medium build 51 year old who always wants (needs) to lose 10 lbs. Tho my wife disagrees ;)
Keep at it. You're doing great!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Habs4ever wrote:
I've lost a whopping 4lbs. I was fairly fit coming into the challenge so don't expect to lose much more. I'm a short compact female who really doesn't need to lose weight, but I seem to always want to lose those 5-10 vanity pounds.

This is ST....it's like biking...you can never be aero enough, and when it comes to running, can't be light enough. As for the vanity side, well, there is another thread where the women are asking if "A" or "B" is the preferred option, so we'll leave that discussion on that thread and focus here on getting faster/fitter.

For the record, I did a weigh in and came in at only 2 lbs over last year's race weight and a full 5 lbs under last year's winter weight when I was running and training like madman for IM South Africa. This winter, I am mainly swimming and doing some trainer riding and zero running so far. I am not exactly sure why I am lighter than last year this time. At least if/when I can start running (which is not now), I won't be starting carrying an extra built in weight vest.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Feb 3, 16 18:50
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I owe todays run to the challenge:

Snowing & blustery at 5 am when I poked my head outside. Would've been much easier to crawl back into bed. BUT the roads weren't covered yet so I got dressed and headed out.

Wind in my face, the first 5 minutes sucked and I figured I'd just bang out 30 minutes. Alas, the wind mellowed, the snow falling added a tranquility and I ended up doing my usual 45 minutes.

Don't think, just do. Or, embrace the suck. It often works out well for me. Thanks 100/100!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't been paying much attention to my weight, other than to try to limit snacking and 2nd helpings. I usually check it every week or two and it's been somewhere between 225 and 230 lbs for a few years now. I'm fairly tall though and don't have a big belly so I still get called skinny sometimes. Since the challenge started, my weight dipped a little and came right back so no net loss yet. No rush. I'm hoping to bring it down to try for some decent races by next year when I start into the 60+ age groups. I hadn't really considered a goal like that until this challenge started working out as well as it has. Thanks again Dev for the 100/100.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I've lost about 5lbs within the challenge and while I'm happy with that there are things I'm celebrating more than that - we're at day 55 today and I'm sitting two runs up at 57 and have felt the breakthrough that comes mid way: I feel stronger/fitter in every run. I'm running faster and my gastroc/soleus/achilles have been holding up (that's been my trouble area in the past) so I'm ready to stretch some durations.

This past week I ran 3 days at ST HQ in Xantusia with TravisR and a few other Slowtwitch Forum regulars during a F.I.S.T. bike fit clinic. One morning was 24deg which, for many of you is a gift, but here in So Cal that'll be the coldest run of my streak and I felt stiff the whole time. The desert sunrises were magic, snow on the peaks, 100% trail with big rabbits sprinting out from behind sage and joshua trees - fantastic!!

Thank you Dev as always for organizing. Thank you others for being passionately involved - you're what makes this possible.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ianpeace] [ In reply to ]
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Still cruising along, frequency has dropped a bit, mileage and intensity is up a bit. Did opt for some cross training last Saturday and skinned up Okemo rather than do a recovery run.

Totally worth it, wasn't easy, but gave my joints a beak and had a good 20 miler the next day.

Legs are feeling tired, looking forward to next weeks recovery week. Still have a marathon pace run on Sunday though and it looks like it will be in negative temps in VT when I am doing it...gonna be rough. Think I'll be doing another skinning day on Saturday to prepare...

Falling back on the frequency ranks, but have climbed a bit on the time and distance. Just broke 500 miles and yet the 2 guys ahead blow my mind...amazing! You guys rock!
Last edited by: steelerguy: Feb 10, 16 23:00
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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From 260th to 210th since last update, but 100 runs as a goal is no longer realistic, this year. I will adjust my target to 50 which for me will still mean doing more, and more and...
I can see more of these double runs as being required at this point, still, i joined a new gym so who knows. At least no injuries (recently!)
Best of luck to all in this challenge!

I edit my posts, a lot.
Last edited by: ferdia: Feb 11, 16 1:53
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ferdia] [ In reply to ]
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I really want to make 100 runs but not sure its the "right" thing to do for me. I have 54 runs in after 58 days.

Despite keeping my intensity easy and the mileage low I am getting some aches and pains - specifically my heels which are tender. Its fine when I run but sore otherwise. Took yesterday off, and today will do something low impact. Never been able to stay healthy with a lot of mileage or too much frequency. I made 80 runs two years ago.

Not sure of my way forward. Tough getting older!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ianpeace] [ In reply to ]
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They let the race horse out of the barn!!!!!

I ran 10 min today. I THINK I could have done 30 today, but the jockey pulled the race horse back off the track before horse could damage himself so in a positive way my run today did not qualify for 100/100, but I MAY be on track to do 30 min before March 24th, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

Here is the story. Even up to last week I could not walk across a room without muscle spasms but in the last 3 weeks, I started noticing a lot of small positive changes in my body from the various non drug treatments I have been doing. Outwardly no changes. I started walking very slowly on the treadmill 3 weeks ago at 1 mph holding the hand rails with the threat of a debilitating spasm any moment but got up to 5 min holding the rails, then 10 min holding the rails a few times per week. Then I added grades holding the rails up to 12 percent. Then I added "speed" going from 1.5 mph gradually up to 3 mph. Eventually I got up enough nerve to remove my hands from the rails for short bouts, but I needed to largely hold the rails to avoid left leg spasms. But eventually I got up to swinging my arms like a normal person. I had a mirror placed in front so that I could watch my bad left foot and try to make it do the same thing as the good right foot. At one point last week I made it to 20 minutes walking up to 3.2 mph up to 10% grade and down to zero percent...but doing it on dryland was not possible....for whatever reason the "assist" of the treadmill belt was helping me sustain coordination.

This week I got up enough nerve to do a biz trip to the west coast where I was speaking at a tech industry event. Even 2 days before I was waffling with canceling, but figured that my endurance on crutches was getting good enough to traverse airports. I was parking my car further and further from the pool and would crutch over to build up "endurance" for longer airport transfers.

In my hotel at Santa Clara, the hallways had "soft padding" and so did my room. At home it is all hardwood and I was noticing better coordination on the soft surface and starting walking around slowly in the halls bare foot on soft carpet. I got 10m, then 50m, then 100m from my room. Eventually I just started walking loops around the hotel. Three days in a row, walked 20 min barefoot loops on soft carpet. Putting on a shoe, I lose coordination.

Anyway on the last day, I noticed that my coordination with shoes felt "better" and tried walking on dryland without crutches....no spasms...so I walked a bit more. After checking my bags I got some courage and walked around San Francisco airport holding my crutches in my hands, but not using them for support. Eventually I was just carrying them. I walked ~ 3 loops around the international terminal. It felt like a miracle. I was connecting through Vancouver and this morning used the elliptical at the airport hotel. No spasms. Walked over to the treadmill....3mph mph felt fine....then 3.5 and I was not detecting any problem...then 3.8 mph at which point if felt "natural" to break into a jog which started at 4.5 mph and then 10 min later I was running at 8 mph and it was feeling "waaaay too good" at which point I said, "put the horse back in the barn...enough time on the track".

I don't know where this will lead but as this is a nervous system rooted problem this was huge progress. I told one of my friends that once I can walk with no spasms, I am certain I will be running a few weeks after that.

There was one doc that I dealt with who basically said, I'd be doomed for life with limited mobility. Normally my motivations are very intrinsic, but every once in a while someone challenges me with "it can't be done".

I know I have to be patient, but I am hopeful I can finish this challenge in "last place with 1 official run". That's still the goal. I don't want to get ahead of myself, since all this could unravel backwards just as fast is it first did in Oct/Nov since when I have permanently been on crutches. But like with Kona slots, a "little hope goes a long way". I am hoping to line up for 1/100 run awards/slot allocation on 24 March and hopefully the event organizer gives me a Lei with a permanent trip back to normal mobility!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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That is great news, Dev. I hope it keeps getting better.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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I'm after some help, did my first double run today, first at 9.00am and the second at 2.30pm, both uploaded manually. They only seem to be counting as one run, when I view each run they seem to have the same time logged, ie both taking place at the same time of 00:00:00. Is this because I uploaded the workout manually and if so can I alter the time so they count as two runs? I've tried edit and can't see the option to say what time they were done.

Awesome challenge by the way, I feel so much stronger and it's a real help to get the runs done that you may not do normally.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Dexter Dog] [ In reply to ]
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Ignore my question I've answered it myself! Apologies if I've put anyone to any trouble or confused them with my own stupidity.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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They let the horse out of the barn again today. Today I did an 80 min roller+trainer ride....last 30 min of the trainer ride was pretty hard. Then I got on the treadmill and after a walk "transition" was able to run well. No spasms and cramps. I stayed on the treadmill for 15 min and called it a day. It was really tempting to keep running and I wanted to but the jockey pulled the horse off the track and stuck him back in the barn so he can run another day. So no setbacks since the last outing. Will try another treadmill jog again in a few days.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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if I do a 10 min warm up and a 20min 5k race, does it count as 30min run?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Congratulations Dev! That's great news.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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OMG AMAZEBALLS Dev!!! SO happy for you! this horse is heading back out on the track after 4 days off - chemo drugs kicking my ass - but 3 runs in last 2 days and i'm a happy camper. SO excited for you!!!


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats guys. That's both very inspirational.

For me this challenge has literally taken my running and love for the sport to another level. Ran my second marathon yesterday and ran a 11 minute PR with a time of 2:52 and an age group win.
Already looking forward to what I can do next year.

Hope to keep logging miles and also learn to swim as I have my first Sprint Tri next month.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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That's great news Dev! I'm going to miss a few days due to LA taper and recovery, but will be back at it soon. Happy to report a three-minute PR, so I'm ok taking a break from spreadsheet chasing.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Been watching all you marathon racers logging the big miles the last few months. Good to see dualsport and mstange22 running some fast PR times this last weekend. I'm just trying to get through the challenge with my daily runs injury free. Good job you two!! I'm wonder what shoes you high mile runners use for training and what you use for race days as I'm still trying to find the right shoe combination for me. Since doing most of my runs on the street instead of my usual trails my Asics are burning up pretty fast. Dev glad to hear of all your progress stay strong.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power Giant] [ In reply to ]
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I switch up shoes a lot. Trying to follow the rule of never wearing the same pair on back-to-back days means at least 4 in the rotation when you're running a lot of doubles.

I have two pairs of Nike Vomeros for trainers, Frees for racing and speed sets and Altra Instincts for other GA/MLR/LRs. I raced in Altra One 2.5s on Sunday, but I think they were too light for me at only 6.x oz (I'm 170lbs). I also have trail shoes (both Nike and Altra).

Congrats to dualsport for taking the AG. Was that at LA?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Tip of the hat to Stange, who I see was an age group winner at the L.A. Mar. Congratulations !
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [KingMidas] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know if anyone answered your question about combining your warm up of 10 mins and your 20 min 5k. I think the answer to the question is yes - you would enter that as 1 30 min run.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Good info on the shoes mstange22. Been wanting to get a pair of the Nike Vomeros. Right now I only have two Pairs of shoes, a pair of Hoka Huaka One for training and a pair of Under Armour Speed Form for races. Congrats on your great effort and AG win at the LA Marathon. My race was the Ft. Lauderdale A1A Marathon, pretty much flat as can be, but there was a bit of a headwind.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Hey mstange22 thanks for your input on what shoes you use. It really helps to hear what works for others. I looked at the Altra online and will look if I can find a shop that has them so I get sized up right. I like a light weight shoe but they get eaten up pretty fast on the pavement. Maybe a heavy trainer for most runs mixed with lighter for speed and races would work better than running in lighter shoes like I've been doing. Have a good season of racing!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power Giant] [ In reply to ]
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Power Giant - Glad it was helpful. I really like the Vomeros. Have tried a lot of trainers and some just feel way too heavy or they give me blisters. You can pick up a pair of the 10 for pretty cheap now as they've released the 11. I haven't tried the 11 yet, but ordered 2 more pairs of the 10 from Roadrunner Sports so that I'll have them. I hate how shoe mfrs (*Nike*) always seem to screw up a good thing.

I have a wide foot and the Vomero is available in widths. That's also why I like the Altras - the "foot shape" toe box is great for me. Has cleared up some issues I has having, probably as a result of cramming my feet into narrow racers. Altras run a little big. I wear a 12 in Nike and I go up a half a size in Altra.

I'd definitely recommend getting out of light shoes for the bulk of your miles. If you're putting in a lot of volume, you'll be susceptible to all kinds of trouble over time. I had a case of metatarsalgia last year after not replacing my trainers and just running in my Frees every day. At least I didn't break the bone. Many do.

And thanks for the kudos on the race. I was just hoping to break 2:46 for the "Moose Mug" 2 hours + age goal, so to dip under 2:45 and place 1st in the 45-49 was a bit of a surprise.

Got out there for an easy run this morning. Felt pretty good. My avoidance of spreadsheet chasing lasted one day.

Keep it up everybody! The PRs are out there!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Nice job mstange22 and dualsport, great times and PRs are always nice! Just under 9 weeks out from Boston, the -18 F low in VT on Sunday meant a treadmill run...16 miles on a treadmill with 12 at marathon pace...torture! Guess it was not only a good physical workout but also mental. Replaced my Saturday recovery run with a skin up a mountain and ski down the last two weeks, awesome cross training.

As far as shoes go, I do about 95% of my training in Saucony Kinvaras. I race and do V02 max workouts in Saucony A6s, at 185-190 (where I should be on race day...where I am now...if I'm lucky...) I don't think I could wear them any more than that.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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Dang steelerguy that's some burly cold weather to be training in. I watched a show on Log Homes around Chester VT and looked up houses there on Zillow. Now I see why the prices are reasonable. Brrr! Looks beautiful in the summer time. It was in the 80's the last couple days here in N California. Good job getting a 16 miler on the treadmill done. I use the Kinivara also but kind of fall between 12 and 12.5 so they feel a little short as the 12.5 was too loose. So I've been running in Asics Hyper speed and the inside edge breaks down pretty quickly. A had a pair of older pair Asics DS Racer i had stashed and started using them and like the little bit of over pronation control and the truss they have on the inside edge. I just order the DS Trainer for more cushion so I can start getting some longer runs going on the road.
I appreciate you guys chiming in and sharing your experience with what works. I'm really enjoying the challenge and getting out running more than I ever have in my life. Fun stuff!!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power Giant] [ In reply to ]
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Grrrr... 2/3rds of the way into the challenge and I get injured... just a slight tweak of the right calf muscle during medium-long run last night... can still feel it a little (just noticeable, not really painful) when I go down stairs today. What's the over-under on number of days I should take off before resuming running? 3 maybe? And what's the view on treatment? I'm thinking that stretching and a bit of rolling should do it, nothing to dramatic... thoughts?

For what it's worth, I used to run in Kinvara but was getting too many calf/achilles issues (fore-foot supinator), so I've been running in the more cushioned Cortana for the past couple of years... now they stopped making those, so I'm trying out the Zealot... still 4mm drop and cushioned enough for me generally not to have any issues... apart from when they've started to wear right down on the outsides at the front... like the shoes I was running in last night when I got injured... d'oh...

I think the 100 is gone for me now, but still hopeful to end up in the Top 10 for distance... still lots of miles to put in ahead of April marathon...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [steelerguy] [ In reply to ]
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Sunday was brutal weather in the Northeast. I had scheduled a trail half marathon that was originally in Jan the day of Blizzard Jonas and then was rescheduled for the coldest day of the year - this past Sunday. I went back and forth on what to do and decided to drop down to the 10k and then see what the temps were like in the morning. When I got up it was -5 temp and much lower than that with the windchill but I drove down to New Jersey anyway. Was definitely the coldest "race" I've ever done but it kept the fast crowd away and I finished 5th (well behind the fast guys who finished 1-4). I was not able to do any sort of warm-up besides sitting in the car with the heaters on and I struggled through miles 1-3 but felt great the second half once I warmed up. They had a cooler full of great beer at the finish - grabbed one and it was half frozen! The weather just north of NYC this year has been crazy - was -5 on Sun and then 55 on Tuesday.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [TheKoz] [ In reply to ]
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I think the weather craziness is all over. I just got in from 15k in +12C temperatures in Southern Alberta! Wearing shorts and short sleeves makes me forget it's the middle of February.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Hello again. We talked a couple years ago. Just wanted to say hi and nice thread!

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [AdamOJWall] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure which generation Kinvaras people are talking about, but I'm about 192 lbs and I was switching between Adidas Adios Boost 2 and Kinvara 4s early on in the challenge. About 20'ish runs ago I decided I slightly prefer the Kinvaras and have been running almost exclusively in those shoes. I prefer a very flexible shoe and used to run in very "minimal" shoes (NB minimus) but my stockpile of the early gen shoes ran out and figure I'd try something with more cushioning for adding volume.

Also, congrats on your recovery progress Dev :)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I hope to up my numbers a bunch next week - heading off on a cruise and have good intentions of getting multiple runs in each day to try and combat the likely daily gluttony that will also take place. Will have to update my logs when I get back.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Wow! Some people are almost done, frequency-wise, and there's still like a month left in the challenge. Nice job!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Transitioning from run only to run and bike as I'm 3 months from my "A" race, AmZof. I'm also doing a Half Marathon in two months but that's just Amzof prep and the carrot at the end of the challenge.

Curious what others are doing or have done besides running and when. I sense I'm early and that most do this for a spring half or full marathon, but I need to get back on the bike.
I'm on pace for 100 (all outside!), feel great and have lost 5 lbs. The challenge has been awesome and I'm chomping at the bit to get training, then racing!

Kepp at it, you all inspire. 70% this weekend!
Last edited by: stillrollin: Feb 19, 16 5:53
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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I swim with the local masters club, usually 3x a week. I've dusted off the commute bike a few times recently but have yet to get serious about biking this spring. Biking was my stronger sport though. Still plodding along for at least 30 minutes every day and weekend longer runs are up to 10k now. I've had a calf and a knee complaining a bit, at different times, but by keeping the running slow and easy they've both subsided again. I'll be back of the pack but I'm considering some oly's this summer and maybe a 1/2 IM.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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I *might* ride tomorrow. Or not. Feeling pretty good, post-marathon, so I may just keep on running through Boston and a 50 in May. Then I really need to get back on the bike and in the water to prep for IMAZ.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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I picked up a pair of the new Asics DS Trainer 20 off ebay for $57.00 and ran in them last night. Boy what a difference they made. Light and fast feeling and feel like pillows for my feet. It is exactly what my legs needed after 75 days of pavement. I might need to stock pile a few more pair before they get bought up. At this rate I might make 100 days injury free. Five days of 75 degrees weather headed our way... Cheers!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power Giant] [ In reply to ]
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I never thought about trying to find a pair of DS Trainers on Ebay and might try that now. I used to run in them all the time and loved how they felt.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Asics USA is selling them for $57.00 on ebay and have then for $79.00 on their own website so pretty much as cheap as you will find them. They only had blue in my size, but have orange in many sizes. I have run in a lot of the DS Trainers over the years, but they seem to have lost it on a few versions. The 20th anniversary ones are just about as perfect as I could ask for after running in them last night. Good running...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [Power Giant] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the heads up. I will see if they have my size and if they do maybe 2 pairs and being in Canada, I am lucky we have an office in the USA which I can ship to.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Think I might of hurt my left calf. Going to keep things very easy and not run for a week. Ran a marathon last Sunday then did not take enough recovery days and that is when I tweaked my calf.
Going to get back on the bike while it heals right. Hope I can get back to running soon.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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mstange22 wrote:
Wow! Some people are almost done, frequency-wise, and there's still like a month left in the challenge. Nice job!

I just realized that I made a mistake on the dates. This year's challenge should end of Mar 23....I forgot we have a leap year going on....you guys have 32 days of running as soon as your local clock flips to 21 Feb. I need to go in and edit things!!!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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this week was my highest distance week ever - 50km. very happy with that. how are you doing? how's the horse? :)


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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I completed (notice how i said completed rather then competed?) my first Duathlon of the year yesterday, finnishing 150th (or 18th out of 27 in my age catagory). Most importantly however I retain bragging rights with my friend, who came 151st (or 19th out of 27 in our age catagory), 44 seconds slower :). Lets not talk about what I had to do with my heart rate to do this LoL...

Run 16.17 Transition 1.30 Cycle 43.31 Transition 1.39 Run 18.59.
Run 16.10 Transition 1.35 Cycle 45.28 Transition 1.31 Run 17.56.

This was over 3.5K 20K & 3.7K in wind and rain (bleh). Obviously I am no where near alot of you but health permitting, im heading in the right direction.

I had the better bike last year, but he did a serious upgrade. so all of our races this year will be very close ( I had been increasing the gap last year but his new bike has completely destroyed that it seems ). Have to keep this challenge going...
Last edited by: ferdia: Feb 22, 16 5:18
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [ferdia] [ In reply to ]
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That's awesome, great job.

Not trying to one-up ferdia by any means, but I too have a quick race report. I raced the Snowman Stampede 10-miler in Littleton, CO on 2/20. Could not have asked for better February weather for racing. This was my final race as a 44 y/o, finishing in 1:01:46, good enough for 2nd in AG and 13th OA.

Next race up, Three Creeks Half Marathon in April.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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very nicely done mck414! Will Three Creeks be your first as a 45 y/o?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [dreammaker] [ In reply to ]
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Yep. Looking forward to it.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats mck! Is that a PR for the distance?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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No, my PR is 1:02:11 from a couple of years ago. I'm starting to hit the inevitable loss of speed age.

Edited to update time.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
Last edited by: mck414: Feb 23, 16 11:06
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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No! I'm not hearing that. You're not even 45 yet!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 24 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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I hit the big four-five in two weeks. I'm not out running March 8th no matter how hard I try.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Great day for a run. Was able to do my fastest mile in a run today, missed my fastest 5km by 9 seconds but I was running 10 km today so I still had another 5 km to go. Hindsight is that I should have backed off a bit. Tomorrow is my big day for this challenge. Will update tomorrow on my thoughts after the run.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Nice job by GabbyF – first to 100 runs! Not that it's a race or anything... ;-)
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [AG Tri Newbie] [ In reply to ]
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AG Tri Newbie wrote:
Nice job by GabbyF – first to 100 runs! Not that it's a race or anything... ;-)

oooh, i checked a day or so ago and BMANX had taken her coveted #1 spot and had a number of runs on her. Glad to see she took her crown back! Go Gabby! :)

(i just cracked the top 100 this week after starting around 250 or more down? am running more than i have ever done in the past, trying desert guy's 4month challenge.)

still waiting to hear about Dev and his horse! :)


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [AG Tri Newbie] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats to GabbyF!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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Good job GabbyF. Anyone know what happened to NOexplode his last run was the 2/5/16 as he was leading for most of the challenge and now is dropping down the leader board. I hope he is just taking some time off after a big race and not injured. Keep up all the good running that's going on out there!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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GabbyF never gave up the #1 spot. I was just posting my runs every day where she was posting them a couple of times a week. She is and has been #1 for a long time. My personal goal has been to do 500km in 100 runs. So I had to back off on the double runs in the last 4 days and do longer single runs to hit my goal. Today the goal is to get my fastest 5km time within my 10km run and to never do a double run day again (until next I do this challenge again).
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats to both for reaching 100 already. All the leaders continue to inspire.

With 2 in the bank, I'm taking a much needed rest day. After adding in 2 bikes I'm feeling some fatigue. Thankfully, it was raining just hard enough to save me from myself or I would've been out the door.
Last edited by: stillrollin: Feb 24, 16 10:17
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Power Giant] [ In reply to ]
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There were a few times when NOexplode would slip down the leaderboard after not posting for a while. Then he would catch back up with a week's worth of monster totals. This absence has been a bit longer, so I hope everything is okay. I'm guessing he just hasn't gotten around to posting.

He's so fast that I might be able to catch him in overall Time, but that's about my only hope.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Will you get out there and run your 100th already!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Hopefully he is out doing secret training somewhere nice. I look at your guys totals and shake my head. Man the weather here is 75 degrees all week so no excuses to not run. Already got a summer tan going which should make the Dermatologist happy when I visit her. Over and out...
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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100 - Feeling pretty good to reach my personal goal of 500km. When I started this challenge, I had not run more than 10 times in the year and even less the year before due to back issues. My back has been getting better so I thought I would give this challenge a go to see how I would be able to handle the running every day. Even when I was racing I was never running every day which I now see the advantage of doing a block of running like we are doing.

My first run felt like crap and it took me 32:16 to run 5km which was very discouraging to me as I have never run that slow before but you have to start somewhere when coming back. The runs in December felt OK but still running 30 minutes per day every day was a new sensation having never done that before. Rain or shine I was out there getting that 30 minutes in.

January did not start well with my back going out and I rushed back which made me miss 4 days. That is when the race to the finish really started to me. I figured I would throw in a few double run days to get back on track.

February was much better but I was fearful that my back would go out again and the double runs were feeling pretty good. I can't believe how many I did which I have to say, I do not think I would do that many again. With 40km in the last 4 days, my knees want a day off tomorrow.

47 days of straight running with 77 runs in that time was the most running I have ever done.

So today was the test to push it as much as possible over the 10km distance even though I was not feeling very fresh from the last 72 days.

I was able to run my fastest km, fastest mile, fastest 5km and fastest 10km over the time I have been in the challenge all today.

First 5km was 32:16 in challenge and last 5km is 23:44 in challenge.

I am pretty happy with that. Also pretty happy averaging almost 7km a day for the last 72 days.

I will scale this back to 3-4 times a week until the final day of the challenge so that would be about 112 runs I hope when completed.

Thank you Dev for setting this up and I hope everyone stays healthy and safe while they achieve their goals during this challenge.

Last edited by: BMANX: Feb 24, 16 16:47
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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Well done!

I'm still on pace for 100/100, no days missed. The biggest revelation I've made through this journey is the new Brooks Pure Flow 5 isn't for me. Which, is unfortunate, I really wanted to like this shoe but any run over 40 minutes and I get nasty blister under my right big toe knuckle. It took a while to narrow it down, but I figured it out, the sock liner has grooves on the bottom, one of which runs right under my big toe knuckle. No other shoe/sock liner I have has that groove.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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I will have to buy a new pair of shoes for sure. I was running in ACSIC GT 1000's which have been alright but now that I am running more I will move back up to the GT2000's which I did run in for years when they were the GT 2140 and such numbering. I will also try to get a pair of ACSIC DS trainers as I love those shoes.

I also burned though my favorite nike socks that I have had for year. So I now have to find some new favorite socks.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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mck - can you just swap out the stock sock liner for a custom insole like Superfeet or something?

BMANX - congrats on getting the 100th run done! That was quick! Now you're playing with house money.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Now I just have to finally get the P2C completed so that I can ride that on my days off running.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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mstange22 wrote:
mck - can you just swap out the stock sock liner for a custom insole like Superfeet or something?

BMANX - congrats on getting the 100th run done! That was quick! Now you're playing with house money.

I suppose I could. My local run shop allows returns within 30 days, I'm pretty I haven't hit that mark yet so I may swap them out for the new Mizuno Catalyst. I demo'd them last week, they're a sweet ride.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok I am hooked on the challenge and was going to take the day off but decided on a slow 5km run.

Maybe the next challenge is to stay at number 1 by doing more double runs for the rest of the challenge. lol.
Last edited by: BMANX: Feb 25, 16 17:20
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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The challenge got me out the door for a second run this eve.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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I better get back to double runs but honestly I do not know if my body will keep up as much as my mind wants it to.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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I think as long as you make sure to keep one of the runs super easy, and run in trainers, you'll be fine. May actually make you stronger.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Ok I am hooked on the challenge and was going to take the day off but decided on a slow 5km run.

Maybe the next challenge is to stay at number 1 by doing more double runs for the rest of the challenge. lol.

In past years, the leaders have kept going, some reaching 140 or 150+ runs in the hundred days.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [AG Tri Newbie] [ In reply to ]
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I will keep going but I am not sure to what extent. I have to admit my body is tired as I have never run this much. Knees hurt a bit but that depends on route, hills and how fast I am going. Might need new shoes as well.

I do love the weight loss, endorphins from the runs and the almost zen like feeling I have been experiencing while running after work. I sort of just zone out and bang off my 30 minutes. Auto pilot in the afternoons for sure.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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first morning run in a long time. took it easy & felt pretty good. date night - we do what it takes!

best of luck for a full recovery, Dev.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [gym] [ In reply to ]
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we haven't had pictures for a while - these are from yesterday afternoon and this morning.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [gym] [ In reply to ]
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Mornings are the best! I used to hate them, but now I love getting up and getting it done as the sun comes up. Sets me up for a great day, regardless of how work plays out. It's like whatever happens is no big deal because I've already gotten in a good run. The evenings are much tougher now. I don't really have zen runs after work. They're more of a slog.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
we haven't had pictures for a while - these are from yesterday afternoon and this morning.

Day 75...thanks for the pictures. Here at home it is around 32F and about to break out into a mix of snow and freezing rain. Also you asked about progress. I feel I have made some good progress and walking more often with no spasms and generally using crutches less and less in terms of feeling I need them in case the body locks up. I had to go to Europe for work so that we enough stress getting through airports and a massive convention center and have not tried to do a run in ~10 days. I feel it would be best long term to wait until there are no spasms from walking (walk before you can run). I am staying fit swimming around 1 hour per day (this month I should hit 90K of swimming tomorrow) and each time I get on the bike, I am surprised how high the wattage is with all the swim kick sets and cardio. In the mean time, I am getting enjoyment watching you guys roll through the challenge. How is your recovery post operation?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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oh, i thought your trip was still ahead. i figured you were doing much better to be in a place where you were ready to take trips again. so happy for you! as for me i'm doing very well. hoping to start a clinical trial next month - going to MN to see if i qualify and how it works. dabbled in chemo but not sure i'll keep it up. and i broke into the top 80s this past week. after starting in the 260s or something that is making me happy. also hitting weekly distance records trying to do desertdudes 4 month challenge thing.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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Glad to be back on the leaderboard after a 3 week hiatus of posting. Still training hard, just been too lazy to post. I ran a 5k on an indoor track in the middle of February and dropped a 15:36. A massive PB for me and pretty good for a 35 year old, but that time wasn't even good enough to crack the top 10 in the race!

Hoping to break 1:12 at NYC half in 2 weeks but an old hamstring injury has flared up again... Timing is obviously awesome haha.

I noticed some comments about the pace that I run... I really slowed down my non-workout days running this year. Previously I would run most of my "easy" runs at about 6:45-6:50/mile, but since November I have been running 7:10-7:15 mile at the suggestion of my coach. I have fresher for workouts and just had a big PR so it obviously works for me. I guess the old quote "easy days easy" is true afterall. If only I knew this 10 years ago haha.

Anyway we are almost through this so keep up the good
work everyone!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [NOexplode] [ In reply to ]
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Two over par at 74.

Illness took 4 days. Skiing/snowboarding took two. Birthday took one.

Slowly doubling up to try to get back on pace for 100.

With spring break vacation coming up would be nice to be under-par to coast into the finish. :)

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [NOexplode] [ In reply to ]
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NOexplode wrote:
Glad to be back on the leaderboard after a 3 week hiatus of posting. Still training hard, just been too lazy to post. I ran a 5k on an indoor track in the middle of February and dropped a 15:36. A massive PB for me and pretty good for a 35 year old, but that time wasn't even good enough to crack the top 10 in the race!

Hoping to break 1:12 at NYC half in 2 weeks but an old hamstring injury has flared up again... Timing is obviously awesome haha.

I noticed some comments about the pace that I run... I really slowed down my non-workout days running this year. Previously I would run most of my "easy" runs at about 6:45-6:50/mile, but since November I have been running 7:10-7:15 mile at the suggestion of my coach. I have fresher for workouts and just had a big PR so it obviously works for me. I guess the old quote "easy days easy" is true afterall. If only I knew this 10 years ago haha.

Anyway we are almost through this so keep up the good
work everyone!

35 years old is pretty young and there should be zero reason for any decline. There have been many 100m guys going way sub 10s at 35, so over 5000m, being 35 should have zero negative bearing.

You can't use that as a limitation since you are only running at 18.72 seconds per 100m which in the context of foot speed is actually quite slow (sorry to burst the bubble), but there are 10 year old kids who run faster over 100m. So no age related excuses....the limitation here is engine and mitochondria/oxygen delivery. You are moving at 5.34 meters per second, so assuming 3 strides per second (180 strides per minute, that's 1.78m per stride....nothing a 35 year old can't handle....the question is really "how long can you sustain that for".

Sorry for the tough love, but you did pull the age card and you can't pull the age card yet...at least not until you are well past 45. Keep plugging and thanks for participating every year!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
35 years old is pretty young and there should be zero reason for any decline. There have been many 100m guys going way sub 10s at 35, so over 5000m, being 35 should have zero negative bearing.

So then why are there so few 35+ top 10 finishers in all the major 5000 meter road races?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ In reply to ]
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Looks like it is getting crowded at the 100 mark. Well done! I took three days off after hitting and my body is loving the rest. I did 5.2 today and it just felt effortless and the little aches and pains from all the running I did to hit 100 runs in 72 days seems to have gone away. Weight is stable as well which is very nice. I am 1.2 lbs off my race weight which means maybe I can be a bit under race weight on my next race.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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BMANX wrote:
Looks like it is getting crowded at the 100 mark. Well done! I took three days off after hitting and my body is loving the rest. I did 5.2 today and it just felt effortless and the little aches and pains from all the running I did to hit 100 runs in 72 days seems to have gone away. Weight is stable as well which is very nice. I am 1.2 lbs off my race weight which means maybe I can be a bit under race weight on my next race.

Congrats on hitting 100! That is really early equaling running every day and a double day every third day!
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Mar 2, 16 4:27
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Back and caught up with posting after my first big back-to-back and a trip to SF for work. Got in a run to the bridge and back from Fisherman's Wharf yesterday. Back in the saddle with 15 around Miramar this morning before work.

From the Alcatraz run course:

Looking back at the swim course:

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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need help to keep the streak alive. I'm traveling on Saturday and have 3 hours at DEN (denver) airport. i will have to go through customs but that shouldn't be too long (i hope). any idea on getting 5 km in? I can't go before as it will be dark and i don't go running in the jungle in the dark. when i get to my destination it will be cold and dinner time and i won't have any cold clothes yet. is it possible to leave carryon stuff and go outside and run at an airport - i guess take my passport as it is the USA ID i have and ticket in a plastic bag?

i'm sure you've done this a million times and hope you have some ideas. how was the barcelona pool? SO jealous!


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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I believe there is a gym at the Denver airport with treadmills. Not as fun as going outside, but probably more practical.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
need help to keep the streak alive. I'm traveling on Saturday and have 3 hours at DEN (denver) airport. i will have to go through customs but that shouldn't be too long (i hope). any idea on getting 5 km in? I can't go before as it will be dark and i don't go running in the jungle in the dark. when i get to my destination it will be cold and dinner time and i won't have any cold clothes yet. is it possible to leave carryon stuff and go outside and run at an airport - i guess take my passport as it is the USA ID i have and ticket in a plastic bag?

i'm sure you've done this a million times and hope you have some ideas. how was the barcelona pool? SO jealous!

3 hours is usually enough to definitely get some training in at an airport. I have certainly done that a zillion times. The problem is luggage and where to leave it. What I do is generally look on google to see if there is an airport hotel attached to the terminal. A quick look suggests DIA has a Westin Hotel attached. Next thing, look up the number and call the desk and see if the hotel gym allows day passes. Usually they do. If not, you have to sweet talk someone at reception to letting you use the place and pay them a decent tip. You might have to go in person for this. If I need to do this, I try to dress well like a businessman and not like a triathlete bum or an unshaven brown skin terrorist. They tend to provide better service going from first to last in that list. Once at the front desk, the sell job starts and usually they figure if someone is crazy enough to want to run between flights, its just worth their own entertainment value to accommodate that. Pay whatever tip you have to. If you use the trreadmill in the gym you can keep your stuff with you. If you want to run outdoors, usually front desk will check it. Then you're set.

This system has never "not worked". It always does. You just need to be persistent and nothing like keeping a streak alive to make that all happen.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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where's the "like" button? thanks Dev.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I had a pretty amazing run on Friday. I was in Clermont, Fl and was pretty fried from 2 days of presenting at the Slowtwitch Coaching Swim Seminar. I was at the athlete briefing for the ITU and had to run one of my guys back to his place...so I found myself at 6:30pm driving back to my hotel and thinking..."how the hell am I gonna get my run in?".

There had been some talk in the coaching education group about this 10 mile clay road loop thing that's so well known in the area that athletes drive sometimes 90min to get there to train on it. I had done a search and realized it was right beside me off the hwy so I pulled over an started a run as dusk on this soft, rolling road. About 10min into it my legs were loosening up, I was starting to feel energized and was looking about taking in the trees, cows, etc when I look east and so this rocket that had launched perhaps 3 minutes earlier and was burning bright as start as it ascended through the atmosphere.

I learned later that Cape Canaveral is ~80mi east of Clermont and I think the launch was a Space X satellite. I had never seen such a thing before and was pretty fired up by the expereince. Running so often allows us to witness things we'd simply miss sitting at home or in car.


Ian Murray
I like the pursuit of mastery
Twitter - @TriCoachIan
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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I was on a nice roll through last Friday, well on my way past the 110-115 runs I had hit in years past and feeling great running wise - and then post work trip I came down with the flu on Sat that came on quickly and hit hard. I have not run since Fri and it's looking like this week may be a total rest week.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ianpeace] [ In reply to ]
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I'm guessing this was the "Orange Grove"? I was there many years ago. A neat spot! I hit 100 this morning at 5:30am, me & my headlamp! Days are getting longer & spring is in the air! Bring it on!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [TheKoz] [ In reply to ]
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With all of the running that I have done to this point my left knee is pretty sore so I backed off this week as well. Would like to hit 120 if possible but not sure that will happen now.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ In reply to ]
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I'm still on track to hit 100/100, and with a run every day so far too. A couple of weeks before this challenge started, I began a run streak from another site. Their definition of a minimum run is at least a mile per day, though their version doesn't allow days off. This challenge allows me to follow that one too. So, besides being current here, today marks 100 days straight of running at least a mile every day for me.

This is also a huge jump from my previous inactivity so I'm still content with mostly slow and easy half hour runs. Weekend longer runs are starting to stretch out a bit though and I've begun toying with a little more intensity now and then.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ianpeace] [ In reply to ]
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wow ian - that sounds amazing. I did my most hard core ever run in my life this morning - I ran in the cold. Smashrun says the temperature was 1C and I think my sweat turned to snow on my pants? anyway I was fine until I stopped. I had to pull over to the side of the road in the car and strip off my top layers and change into dry and I was still a total mess until I got under hot water. My fingers are still numb.

This USA water has my stomach all messed up too. I'm trying to only drink boiled water but running I need water and then I pay for it.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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Reached my goal of 1,000 miles this morning, three runs shy of 100. Heading into a three-week block of racing with HM, 50k and 10-miler. All just training efforts. Next goal race is a 50-miler in May, but will be running Boston along the way. Still haven't decided whether to race or just enjoy the day. It will probably depend on the weather.

Thanks again to Dev for setting up the challenge. It really helped with motivation on those days when I just didn't want to get out for that second run. Keep it up everyone - just two more weeks left to go!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I hit my 100th run today. No days off so far, 1066km.
Feeling great still.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Habs4ever] [ In reply to ]
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Habs4ever wrote:
I hit my 100th run today. No days off so far, 1066km.
Feeling great still.

Congrats....10.66K average per run in 89 days. That is really solid. Thanks for participating!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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2x 30min runs yesterday and today. This is as close as I've ever been to 100 runs in 100 days. such fun. i've had a few days off and I've done doubles a few times. most of my runs have been on my treadmill (1' or 1.5' elevation, for what that's worth). some music on my headphones and a sporting event on the tv, I'm good to go. 100? could be.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Have not missed a day so far. 91 runs, 413 miles. Some vacation and business travel limited me to 30min max runs, that really took down my total miles. Planning on finishing out the 100 days with as many miles as possible.

The big question is, what next?
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ In reply to ]
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So, I'm just happy to have met (or at least when I finally log the last couple runs...) and soon exceed my goal of 50/100 since I'm a new distance runner. I'm working up to a marathon this summer and HIM in 2018 after shoulder surgery so 50/100 is quite an increase over the the usual of only 2-3x week when mixed with swimming & biking. :) E.g. longest run ever was 13.4 miles, and that was this weekend, #HappyOuch

You all will probably laugh, but it's been an awesome change in perspective to go on a "long" run and then see a 3-4 miler as a "little" or "short" run!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ In reply to ]
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We're on the home stretch: 1 week to go! Have a good finish everyone.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I have been running in the frozen north for almost 2 weeks now. Quite simply getting out the door has been the most challenging thing for me. I went to the thriftstore and bought a metric ton of warm clothing and boy oh boy does that make a difference. I also am learning the fine line of being warm but not too warm (latter produces sweat and when you stop you FREEZE). I actually had to pull over in the car one day and change all my clothes before I could continue home. So learning processes.

That said I really miss the sun and was starting to feel completely hopeless. And my sister bought me a "happy light" and today, well, I'm feeling better about life. Good gawddamn I miss the sun but this happy light is very oddly making a huge difference in my outlook.

I honestly don't know how you people manage to live without being in the tropics.:) I really miss the wretched heat and that lovely ball in the sky.

Pictures from the past couple weeks. Oh well. I guess we can't post pictures here. Maybe a link? Dunno. I'm in advanced fucking editor and no fucking mountain icon.

Trying again

Ooh! It worked! Okay....


Last edited by: kathy_caribe: Mar 17, 16 9:24
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Almost at the end of the challenge now. I "failed" with my 70/100 Goal but I expect to complete 50/100. This is the most amount of running I have done in my entire life (38yrs). If consistency transforms into habit then the last few months have been a great step forward for me. Im still not a fast runner and I doubt I ever will be, but I will continue running on after this challenge, and there is always next year. This challenge has turned my running from a chore into a habit, so yes, all in all, great Challenge, and Kudos to all that have taken part.

I edit my posts, a lot.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [ferdia] [ In reply to ]
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Still on par for 100. Haven't missed a day, though I would have liked too once or twice, but I skipped a swim or ride instead.

ETA: I've decided to challenge myself following the 100/100 by registering for the Mt. Evans Ascent June 12th.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
Last edited by: mck414: Mar 19, 16 16:10
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Micawber wrote:
We're on the home stretch: 1 week to go! Have a good finish everyone.

4 Days left!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Just logged run #101. Kind of amazing that 100 days are nearly over!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Ironma'am] [ In reply to ]
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:-) this is fun. I've trained a bunch over the years but I've never had a stretch with so few days off. I've been able to do a few 2-run days, so today I hit 100. Most of my runs have been 30 min on a treadmill, so it hasn't been a huge load, but having trained at a fairly low rate since Aug 2012, so it feels good to get into this sort of groove. fitness has improved. pace has improved. no injuries to speak of. Congrats to everyone & thanks Dev, for keeping the challenge going. My wife has been the key to my success. there were plenty of times that I'd have taken a day off, but she encouraged me to go to the treadmill for a session. that's all right!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [gym] [ In reply to ]
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gym wrote:
:-) this is fun. I've trained a bunch over the years but I've never had a stretch with so few days off. I've been able to do a few 2-run days, so today I hit 100. Most of my runs have been 30 min on a treadmill, so it hasn't been a huge load, but having trained at a fairly low rate since Aug 2012, so it feels good to get into this sort of groove. fitness has improved. pace has improved. no injuries to speak of. Congrats to everyone & thanks Dev, for keeping the challenge going. My wife has been the key to my success. there were plenty of times that I'd have taken a day off, but she encouraged me to go to the treadmill for a session. that's all right!

Wow, congrats! Way to go on this and thanks to your wife for supporting you. We need all the people in our lives to support the active lifestyle. Glad she is on board.

3 days to go. Funny thing I finally have some MRI results back and will see the neurologist on day 100 for treatment options. I stayed away from trying anything challenging that is weight bearing until I know the options.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Ironma'am] [ In reply to ]
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Tomorrow is day 100. Hopefully some of you can share your stories on this thread. No point if we all just go and fill out entries on a spreadsheet. Numbers don't tell the real story behind the people and spirit although they may give some visibility into the effort, it is just an outcome of the daily toil. I'd like to hear a bit more recap tomorrow if you all can.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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 Although I fell far short of my goal, I STILL get my Participant Medal

I'll be doing another 100/100 in the Summer from Memorial Day to Labor Day [although, I have it on good authority that's 104 days]


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Mar 23, 16 3:44
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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On day 99 I have gotten run 100 in.

It's my worst 100/100. Times didn't really improve. Weight didn't really change. Mileage was low. Knees hurt.

But it still got me out on days I wouldn't have, and that's a win. I will say that the previous years the first 30 were easy and the last 20 were easy. This time I didn't really pay attention but kept track of my "par" score. Knowing I was 5 or 6 over par and that I needed to make them up without knowing the exact number actually erased some of that for me.

No great photos.

No great stories.

But still happy to get a job done.

Thanks to all for helping me chase a spreadsheet.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [gamebofh] [ In reply to ]
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Done! 100 runs, all outside in NY! Last year the Polar Vortex derailed my first attempt. This winter was the complete opposite. I think I had 2 or 3 cold (windy) runs.

I had the fitness to jump from 30 minutes to 45 after the second week. Which for me translated to a 5 mile loop around my neighborhood.

I basically did that every weekday morning at 5:30. I added a few 30 minute runs at night to keep ahead of lousy weather reports. I'm also fortunate to have my wife join me on weekend runs at tthe local state park. There, I bumped my long run up gradually getting to 1:15 or so. I found after the doubles and longer weekends I needed a rest day. That seemed to work for me.

I never worried about pace and just ran by feel. At 51, my goal was to keep injuries at bay, lose weight and enter
spring with some great fitness.

Mission accomplished: I lost 13 pounds, my legs feel great, I'm ready to pick up the intensity and race AmZof in May.

Thanks Dev for setting it up and all participants for the motivation!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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I'm sitting at 99/100, haven't run yet today. today's run is will be the most epic of the 100 day challenge no matter how far I run for two reasons. This will be my first time hitting 100/100 and we're in the middle of blizzard here in Colorado.

I had 8 miles planned but with already 6" of snow on the ground and the wind blowing somewhere north of 20mph, I may only hit four miles. Then looking forward to a day off.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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Going to do my 100th run today. Really happy that I made it. I feel a twinge of a cold coming on, should not hit hard until tonight so I will put in 45 minutes at lunch and earn my internet medal.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for setting this up Dev. I made it 100/100. No double up days, 100 straight days. 7758 miles, 82:18 total time. Worst day was xmas. Kids woke up way to early, didn't get the run in til after dinner. =4 glasses of wine 1lb +/- of prime rib. #burpvomit. 3.2 miles that day. Boston in 4 weeks and I am mf'n stoked and ready to rock it. May just go 201 for shits and giggles.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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I finished up this morning with run 120 on a local trail that I never knew existed (and I've lived here for 18 years). I took the dog so it was slow and he is mileage limited but it was a good way to end the challenge and I found a new place to run that's not far from my house. I was pretty consistent throughout the challenge and mixed outdoor trail runs, road runs and treadmill runs - the mild northeast winter really helped. I usually try to front load with doubles during the start of the challenge to allow for missed days but I actually didn't miss many days other than 5 full days off in a row due to the flu.

I went into the challenge thinking I'd build my base (without injuring myself) and try a trail half marathon or longer without killing myself. During the challenge I ran two NJ Trail Series races - one at -5 degrees which was the coldest race I've done and then the following weekend I did a 10 mile trail race where it hit 60 degrees and I was way over dressed. Coming out of these 100 days I have a road 5k coming up early April and then I have Leatherman's Loop and Bear Mountain North Face Endurance Challenge Half Marathon back to back weekends at the end of the month. I'm feeling pretty good, just need to add in some longer runs in place of all the doubles I've been doing.

I tried to upload a pic of Tony the Dog and I think it will show once I post but not sure. He was the lucky dog who got to run with me on many of my slow runs on my double days. He's got himself down to sub 30 mins for 3 mins which is pretty good for him (the first year we did this he was 11-12 mins miles). He also was below 100 lbs mid-challenge for the first time in forever.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [TheKoz] [ In reply to ]
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This is my first time to do the challenge, and I hit 104 runs. I definitely fit in a few short runs that I wouldn't have done without the challenge. I enjoyed the running, but got tired of the logging. As I ran my last run of the challenge this morning, I felt kind of sad that it is over, even the logging. 100 days is a long time, long enough to create a habit. Thank you, Dev, for creating the challenge!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Good luck with your neurologist today Dev!!

I have my 100th run yet to do today but it'll happen. No doubles for me either, it's been 100 straight days. As related before, this has been a return to running for me so, even though many of them were only 30 minutes slow on a treadmill, it was frequently a struggle to get it done. There were several mild strains. I know it can be a bad idea but I just eased up, ran through them, and in time everything settled down. This challenge also led into a local club's half marathon program that started in January and aims for one of several events near the end of May. Still pretty slow but I'm hoping for some respectable performance by the time I break into the 60+ brackets next year.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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I am going to get my last run in today as well. My knee is much better so I have to get one last run in for sure. I think doing 100 in 72 days was way too much for my old body so next year I will take it a bit slower.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [BMANX] [ In reply to ]
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First time for me on the challenge and I've managed 101 runs with no missed days.

Got London Marathon coming up in about 4 weeks and the challenge has really helped me lay down a good base, I have never run this consistently before.

Thanks to Dev for coming up with the challenge in the first place, congratulations to everybody who has attempted it and good luck with all your upcoming events.

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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100th run done. This was my second time. First was in 2013. I ran just over 100 more miles this time, which I pretty happy about. Thought I was in trouble a few weeks ago when I DRILLED a stump during a trail race and, luckily, only killed a big toe nail. Missed 2 days then and I think only 1 other day the whole time.

I'm planning to keep the daily runs up as I push onto a possible 50 miler later this year.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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80/100 - this was my first time doing this and although I didn't hit 100 days it has instilled some new habits that I hope to continue moving forward, such as lunch time runs at work. Its amazing the mileage that adds up when you do 35 minutes here and there - usually slow recovery runs - with the bonus that I get back to work re-invigorated for the afternoon. Although I didn't do as much riding the last 3 months as I usually do I haven't seen a big drop in power outputs which is a bonus. Too many miles on the treadmill but that's due to work/life circumstances - I don't have any excuses from the weather.
Got a marathon PR in January too - already looking forward to December with a goal of making 100/100.
A great motivational tool - good luck with your recovery.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev - Thanks again for setting this up for us. Bummer that you weren't able to participate, but it sure looks like your swim will be on point this year.

I still need to get in one more run - meeting a friend for some easy miles after work. Should wind up with 109 runs, ~1150 miles. I skipped some days, but got in enough doubles to make up for it. All runs were at least 30 minutes. Averaged just over 10 miles per run. Having the challenge was just another motivator to get out the door when I just wasn't feeling it in the afternoon.

PRed in the half & full marathons and then recently beat my previous best 50k time by more than an hour.

On to Boston and then my first 50-miler in May. IMAZ looms in the fall. At some point, I may have to get on the bike and start swimming. Could probably use a challenge to get started.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I was all gung-ho for this year's challenge and then, on the very first day fell sick and couldn't run for something like 8 days. So I was a little lax in getting my runs entered. But after that my mileage improved. Should hit run 100 today. Nothing like training for a spring marathon to get you out there.

This used to be a whole lot easier about 7 or 8 years ago.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [JoeO] [ In reply to ]
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JoeO wrote:
This used to be a whole lot easier about 7 or 8 years ago.
You can say that again!!
JoeO wrote:
This used to be a whole lot easier about 7 or 8 years ago.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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Dev, et. al.,

This was my second time doing the challenge. In 2013-14 it was a great way to set me up for a series of PRs and I really enjoyed the consistency of the challenge and hit 107 runs. I couldn't do the Challenge last year as I had surgery in December and was not able to run until mid-Jan 15. However, I haven't missed a day since then and am really enjoying the benefits of consistency while paying attention to having slow/easy days as opposed to chasing a tempo run every day. This year's challenge finished up with 117 runs on my 427th consecutive day of running (which I consider a minimum 30' run). Over this year and this challenge I have PRd the marathon by 8' and PRd the 5k by 12" with an 18'24" (which though not 'slowtwitch fast' did earn me a pretty ribbon!).

I am certainly awed by some of the runners on here whose consistency, volume, and pace is downright scary. The spreadsheet is a fun motivational tool as is the forum topic and I thank all of you for your contribution and participation!

So, who wants to bridge up to next year's 100 in 100 Challenge by running straight through until December 15th? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Great Work Everyone!

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mstange22] [ In reply to ]
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mstange22 wrote:
At some point, I may have to get on the bike and start swimming. Could probably use a challenge to get started.

Hmmm., I am not sure that would work - the bike would be a real drag in the water and I cannot imagine how hard it would be to clean after - but it certainly would be a challenge !!)

(Sorry, I couldn't help myself - I must be pumped up on challenge completion endorphins!)

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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good luck today, Dev. I'll be thinking of you.

I'm actually disappointed with my effort. Which is cray-cray because it started after I'd been dx'd with cancer and I had to take 2 weeks off for the surgery and then another week off with surgery complications. And chemo kicked my ass for a little while there. and then 3 weeks ago I moved from the sunny caribbean and Mexico to the frozen Minnesota (seriously it is SNOWING TODAY). So honestly I should really just be happy to be out and have been able.

But 83/100 just didn't hit the "happy" button for me. :)

OTOH, I'm incredibly jazzed that I have been running in incredible conditions and have not wimped out of a run (due to cold) yet. I take my layering seriously and do 2 socks, 2 hats, usually 2 tights (one fleece), 3-4 tops and a jacket. And I usually am frozen the first couple K.

Again, thanks so much for this Dev and I'm thinking good thoughts for you today!


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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It's 3:45pm in Los Angeles and I just walked in the door from finishing my 100th run of this challenge.I ran 10k on the ridge trail at the top of my neighborhood. It's windy today so it's clear as crystal; could see the Valley, Downtown LA, all the South Bay communities, Catalina and even the cranes in the port of Long Beach, which is super rare. Also, I only saw two people during the whole run. I was reminded that running allows you to see & experience things that you simply can't from so many other modes; car, bike, swim, etc. My life here in a city of 10 million can be daunting at times but to able to escape for a run at 3pm on a weekday and see only 2 people and take in nature beyond all the pavement & construction - it's a wonderful thing.

I think this was 100/100 Challenge number 6 for me and it was really good. I only had one moment where my achilles started whispering to me and I let up for two days to let it recover - I'm really thrilled with how this shook out: I'm tipping the scale at just under 180lbs for the first time in maybe a year, I feel strong and fresh and stoked for the multisport season.

Dev and everybody, thank you for making this happen. It takes a community and I'm so grateful to all of you.

Sincerely, Ian

Ian Murray
I like the pursuit of mastery
Twitter - @TriCoachIan
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for keeping this (us) going! Best to you until next year.

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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100th run today!

It feels good to have completed it all without injury. I definitely went through several days where I went out for a run at 10pm or later to chase the spreadsheet, and only used two double days following flights from west to east coast (the other way is easier to handle with the time advantage).

Today's run was 7 miles at ~7:40 pace which is about the same as when I started, but my breathing was much more relaxed and my legs felt fairly fresh afterwards for the same speed & distance. I've been saving my hard effort days for TrainerRoad 40k TT training, so I think that with some time to recover I should be able to score some 5k and 10k PRs. I'm feeling like a sub 20 min or even sub 19 minute 5k might be doable. While I don't have any times to show running improvement, my cadence has gone from 160 to 180 and ground contact time went from about 240-250ms to 190-200ms - both as just a matter of course as I wasn't really trying to change these metrics.

I credit the consistent running with improving my cycling 20 minute power about +25W from TT of the season. I'll continue with consistent running, starting with the 24 miles per week that I've become accustomed to, but I'll be adding in faster runs and rest days.

Congrats to everyone else who participated and achieved your personal goals, and speedy recovery to you Paul.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [codygo] [ In reply to ]
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Earned my ridiculous medal today ,did all 100/100, did my 100th run today as a 10K on the indoor track.

What now?

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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [beercity] [ In reply to ]
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beercity wrote:
Earned my ridiculous medal today ,did all 100/100, did my 100th run today as a 10K on the indoor track.

What now?

I think we all know that the answer to your question is to print it out in color, trim it, and wear it around your significant other, family, and friends.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I finished with 109 runs and 785 miles and a no run day on the last day of the challenge thanks to a blizzard. I was hoping to finish with more miles and more runs then last year, but tapering and recovering from a marathon and getting a bad cold/bronchitis got in the way of that goal. I've been dealing with some medical issues and the challenge helped me get out to just run 30 mins and see how I felt which usually led me to complete all of my planned run and usually feel better afterwards. Thanks for putting on the challenge!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [maija] [ In reply to ]
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OK, here on eastern time, you have 2 hours to go to cram in a few more runs with an hour gap in between! Make it happen.

Please keep sharing your stories. I'll share mine. First time in 38 years aside from one 3 months stretch that I missed more than 1 week of running. This time I missed the entire 100/100 and the 1.5 months before that, but it is OK. For the long term view, I think the time off was good. I intend to be back at this next year based on today's visit with neurologist.

More to come, but please share your stories as we wrap up.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Just finished my 112th run, 1206k. No days off. Feeling strong. This is my 5th year doing the challenge, but I think it's the first time not taking any rest days. Weight on December 15: 127.2 pounds. Weight today: 121.6 pounds
I'm a runner so I never had to juggle swim and bike workouts, so I give a shout out to anyone who did all three disciplines during this challenge.

Thank you so much for setting this up again, Dev. I'm so sorry you couldn't participate, but hopefully next year.
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [mlawless] [ In reply to ]
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mlawless wrote:
.......So, who wants to bridge up to next year's 100 in 100 Challenge by running straight through until December 15th? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Great Work Everyone!


I've been on a running streak since November 25th. I'm not sure how much longer I can continue. I'll give it a good go though!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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If I had a gold medal to give you Kathy Carbie, I would! I can't even imagine running while doing chemo. No joke, my hat is off to you. Great job!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Micawber] [ In reply to ]
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At my age, this used to be a whole lot easier 1 year ago!

JoeO wrote:
This used to be a whole lot easier about 7 or 8 years ago.
You can say that again!!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I just logged my 129th and last run of the challenge. This is my first time trying the challenge. Before this season I would have never guessed I would end up participating or running this much. My running streak started after returning from Zell Am See and a cycling camp in France last September. I picked up a bug before the race and had a rough day. Even so, I felt my run could've gone much better. For years I toyed with the idea of adapting the BarryP approach and just never fit it into my schedule. So I finished the year by starting a new run plan. Following principles of BarryP and the volume recommendations from the Desert Dude 50mpw challenge from a few years ago I started running daily.

I was on day 91 when the ST 100 in 100 started. So today marks 191 days of running 1/day and a number of doubles. With the exception of 1 huge cycling volume week, I've run over 50mpw since mid-December. As the biking volume has picked up, I've dropped some of the longer runs and done more doubles.

Looking forward to race season and finishing races with a strong run leg! Thanks for the challenge and to everyone that participated!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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First, thanks! This was awesome. Definitely effective motivation for me. I worked through two injuries (a bad ribcage bruise and some left ankle issues) by taking some rest days and running easy.

In December I was running "heavy," feeling every step. Now I'm faster than I've been since graduating high school, and just feeling good when I run. And "only" 72/100.

Looking forward to next year, already!


P.S. Best of luck w your medical stuff, Dev. It's inspiring how much you're doing!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [Deserwest] [ In reply to ]
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Deserwest wrote:
If I had a gold medal to give you Kathy Carbie, I would! I can't even imagine running while doing chemo. No joke, my hat is off to you. Great job!

Well, it is a little disingenuous. I only did chemo for just under a month and am now in a clinical trial. So I can't really claim the chemo card. :) but thank you, kind sir.


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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
Deserwest wrote:
If I had a gold medal to give you Kathy Carbie, I would! I can't even imagine running while doing chemo. No joke, my hat is off to you. Great job!

Well, it is a little disingenuous. I only did chemo for just under a month and am now in a clinical trial. So I can't really claim the chemo card. :) but thank you, kind sir.

I know it says "Hero of the Week" on there, but you get the idea

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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This was my fourth year participating in the challenge and second being run focused rather than triathlon focused. Didn't get in as many runs as last year, but training was more focused, and I got in many more hours and miles:

2014/15 - 98 runs, 92:33 time, 707.45 miles
2015/16 - 92 runs, 111:21 time, 871.77 miles

After the first few weeks of the challenge I realized I needed to stop chasing 100 by doing a run on my rest day or another 30 at night after a hard workout. I could tell it was compromising my quality workout. So I stuck to Monday as an off day and would only do prescribed doubles rather than randomly add them in. I also tried really hard to get a midweek long run in rather than split it into two runs, I felt a single run was more important for marathon specific training. I also substituted some recovery runs with skinning up a ski mountain, which I think was great beneficial.

Finished up the challenge without suffering anything more than some sore muscles here and there. Weighed myself for the fun of it and realized I lost 5-6 pounds, which is getting me down to where I want to race...hopefully 180ish. Trained though a couple short races with pretty good results, so hoping it all comes together for Boston. Then I really need to get on my bike because AmZof will be staring down the barrel of a gun at me, going to be so unprepared for the bike portion...

Thanks for another year of the challenge Dev!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
kathy_caribe wrote:
Deserwest wrote:
If I had a gold medal to give you Kathy Carbie, I would! I can't even imagine running while doing chemo. No joke, my hat is off to you. Great job!

Well, it is a little disingenuous. I only did chemo for just under a month and am now in a clinical trial. So I can't really claim the chemo card. :) but thank you, kind sir.

I know it says "Hero of the Week" on there, but you get the idea

+1 !!!
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Re: 2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23 [beercity] [ In reply to ]
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Yesterday March 23rd, was the last day of the 100/100 Challenge.

This year I was less obsessed as last year. Made it to 95 run. Ran 954km in 87 hours. 5:28 min/km average pace. Not bad consider some of the runs were with snowshoes and some in deep snow.

Some overachievers ran more than 100 runs, 23 of them. The first one on the list ran 129 runs.

437 runners have registered, 147 ran 50 times or more, which is not bad. A run every second day in this 100 days period. 163 athletes ran between 10 runs to none.

Those who were on the list and took the time to register their runs motivated each other for sure.

Thanks to all.
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