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Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her...
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Forgive me if this was posted earlier. This is a little close to home for me; my wife is a fourth grade teacher and triathlete.

Teacher killed on bike ride

- Ulysses Torassa, Chronicle Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 4, 2005

An avid bicyclist who was a popular fourth-grade teacher was killed Sunday while riding in Woodside when an out-of-town motorist ran his car into her while looking for a freeway on-ramp, police said Monday.

Michelle Mazzei's death stunned the staff, students and parents of Oak Knoll Elementary School in Menlo Park, where the 34-year-old teacher had worked for 11 years.

"She was an outstanding teacher. It's such a loss,'' said assistant principal Maria Clemo. Authorities contacted school officials Sunday afternoon, and teachers gathered to phone parents and alert them before school resumed Monday morning. "We didn't want anybody to show up today and not know what happened,'' Clemo said.

Mazzei, from Redwood City, was wearing a helmet Sunday morning as she rode her bike along Woodside Road about 11 a.m., Lt. Lisa Williams of the San Mateo Sheriff's Department reported. At the same time, Theodore Charles Thornbrough, 68, of Westminster, Colo., was driving his 1998 Mercedes on Woodside Road, looking for the on-ramp to Interstate 280.

The driver told police that his attention had been diverted as he tried to read a roadway sign, and his car drifted into the bicycle lane, hitting Mazzei. She was taken to Stanford Hospital, where she died of her injuries, Williams said.

"This is a horrible, horrible tragedy,'' said Williams, who added that alcohol was not a factor in the accident, which remains under investigation.

Grief counselors were on hand at the school Monday as staff, students and parents came to grips with the news. One fourth-grade teacher was so upset she went home early.

Susan Hogan, a first-grade teacher, and Karen Clancy, who teaches third grade, described Mazzei as humorous, upbeat and very active. Mazzei, who was single and had no children, was also known for her athleticism and her love of the outdoors.

"She loved being out in nature,'' Clancy said. She competed in triathlons, took many hikes and had more recently become enamored of bird-watching -- even plastering her classroom walls with bird posters and taking her students on birding field trips.

Hogan and Clancy said the last few months had been especially sweet for Mazzei, who also played on a softball team and had begun teaching spinning classes at the Redwood City YMCA. Recently, she had organized a karaoke night for her co-workers, they said.

"She was meeting new people, having a great time,'' Hogan said. "She was really happy with her life and where it was going.''

Eisa Evans, 11 and Brooke Delly, 11, rode their bikes over to Oak Knoll Monday afternoon after hearing the news that their former teacher had been killed.

"She was the best teacher I ever had,'' said Eisa, who said Mazzei had helped her assimilate into her class after she transferred from another school. "She was nice and hyper at the same time.''

"The thing I loved about her is she always had a smile on her face,'' said Brooke. She said Mazzei shared with her students her love of bird-watching, her cats Hank and Harley, and her beloved San Francisco Giants.

"She'd let us come in at recess and watch the Giants on TV,'' Brooke said.

E-mail Ulysses Torassa at utorassa@sfchronicle.com.


I'm not sure she could have done anything differently. At the moment it seems it was a case of wrong place, wrong time. If nothing else, when we ride on roads where vehicles travel, the risk of being struck is always there.

Sorry for the sad news. I just think it might keep us alert and conscious of the risks we sometimes take in the pursuit of our athletic endeavours.

Mr. Uncaptured External Costs

Fossil carbon is planetary poison.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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An absolute tragedy.


(I teach 8th graders and it does indeed hit close to home.)
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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What a trajedy...too much of that going on these days.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [TriMike] [ In reply to ]
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What could she have done to prevent this?

Oh, and as I say "hang em high!"...


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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I ride that stretch several times a week and am always looking over my shoulder for some car hauling up the hill to get on the freeway. The shoulder is quite wide but filled with roadside debris, gravel, broken glass, etc, so many cyclists (including me) tend to hug the white line. We are already talking about what we, as individuals, can do to clean up the shoulder with our leaf blowers, brooms and sweat. Two of my buddies have kids in her 4th grade class. Very sad for all.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Record, from the way it sounds she had no chance. Each time we go for a ride, our lives are at the mercy of other drivers. I hope she is in a "restful" place now and looking over all of us when we ride. All the best to her family, friends and students.

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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [Hoagy] [ In reply to ]
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That is why I ride 2-3 feet INSIDE the lane...we have every right to take our lane...and should. A bike is more commonly hit while on the white line than when they are 2 feet into the lane of traffic. A driver may think they have plenty of room to get around a bike on the line, a driver must slow and take action to get around me - or hit me. Either way, the driver will see me and have to make a decision.

I read a study in a magazine about this (Mens Health I think it was). It confirmed what I already knew...if a car thinks he has room to just keep going, they will - if they know they dont have the room they tend to give you more room...

No I was not seriously asking what this woman could have done to prevent this...just that is what was asked when I was hit by a car.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Record, I agree with you. I also ride 2-3 feet into the lane. This way the driver sees me and has to make a decision to either slow down and wait to pass, or rear end me out of his own decision making process....not hit me cause he "thought he had enough room to pass"

Funny thing is both of us got hit by idiots in cars this year, although in my case it was a head on from a guy who pulled out to pass when he should not have.

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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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It's interesting that you two say this, because where I live I HAVE to ride in the lane - there are no paved shoulders except on Frank Kenney Drive (Dev, you'll know this). I constantly have the sense that drivers slow to accomodate my presence on the road, and I never get honked or yelled at. I can't say that I'm ever comfortable or secure on my rides, as all it takes is one idiot screwing around with his cell phone or something, but I remain impressed by the levels of respect I receive from motorists. MAY IT CONTINUE!
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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I took a bike safety course and was told that in California cyclists cannot take a lane if a bike lane exists. Wrong?
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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A terrible tragedy and loss.

For reference from one side, Woodside road descends into the 280 underpass. One can carry enough speed on a bike to easily reach 25-30 mph to try to catch both of the lights when they are green. On the other side, Woodside road rises to the 280 underpass and most recreational cyclists will be going 5-10 miles per hour. Cars are going 35-55 mph from both directions. It's four lanes with shoulders as wide as a lane on both sides.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [mcastle] [ In reply to ]
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What is one supposed to do if a bike lane exists to go straight at an intersection and there is a right turn lane and one wishes to go right? At what point may we take the right hand turn lane? Just curious.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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You should have to be tested periodically once you reach a certain age. Vision, reaction time, something...

Remember Pia Sass in MN who was rear ended while training for Moo '04. I think that guy was about 80.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [johnt] [ In reply to ]
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I agree totally. Older people are involved in a very high rate of accidents and there are more older people every day.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [mcastle] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]I took a bike safety course and was told that in California cyclists cannot take a lane if a bike lane exists. Wrong?[/reply]

True, and you can be cited a large amount of money, which is what happened to a clubmate this week in Sausalito. Though the Sausalito police look for any nit picky reason to cite cyclists.

I wonder how much driver age and being from out of the area had to do with it?


Nashville, TN
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [mcastle] [ In reply to ]
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I think the CVC states that you MUST use the bike lane if present. However I vaguely remember that if the bike lane is not rideable (debris, potholes, etc.), you MAY ride in a lane.

O.K., I admit it: I have no clue either.


(BOMK, racing drug and supplement free since 1985)
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Indoor bike trainer!!


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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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"This is a little close to home for me; my wife is a fourth grade teacher and triathlete. "

I hear you bro'. Mine is a 3rd grade teacher and triathlete. Very, very sad.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [adrialin] [ In reply to ]
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I know in Illinois you only have to ride where it is "safe" - if a bike lane is full of glass and stones as is common, you can take a real lane. Wi is the same way. I as a cyclist have every right to an entire lane as a car...it is only as a kind jesture that I dont ride right square in the center of the lane on some roads. You and I have a right to be there...we need to be safe, sometimes the best way to be safe is to let it be known that we are there by being right there - not on the periferary. (spell check me if you would like).


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [johnt] [ In reply to ]
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"You should have to be tested periodically once you reach a certain age. Vision, reaction time, something... "

I'll second that. I've been hit twice, once by a ~70 year old and once by an 80 year old. Plus numerous close calls that have stuck in my mind. I'd rather take my chances with drunks, distracted soccer moms, and hostile rednecks than the elderly.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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It just kills me to read about these senseless tragedies.

Chip- I agree that it seems to be safer to bike in the traffic lane instead of the white line.
Just the other day I noticed some grade school kids biking home from school on a back country road ,one kid was riding on another kids handlebars,the others in tow.
Picture perfect scene of country living.

What turned it scary was this huge truck(contractor's special)barely slows down to pass them.
I'm thinking what if that kid sitting on the handlebars fell off while that truck passed them w/ what seemed barely a foot of room in between ?

It just kills me that people can't seem to slow down for a few seconds of inconvenience to safely pass a bicyclist.


Seeing him in deep torment, I said. " You can have my last GU , but its been down my pants for most of the run". - John Hirsch

Take care of your body, its by far the coolest thing you're going to ever own.- Can't remember who told me this, but I love it.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [SwordFish] [ In reply to ]
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yeah...they jacked the farm road speed limits here to 65...not at all safe - go over a small hill at 65 and run head long into a combine on a road that is a lane and a half (total) wide.

Having ridden in CA quite a bit I can tell you all that CA "farm roads" are about 15' wider than typical WI and IL farm roads. The roads here do not allow for two cars to pass with out both slowing and moving onto the shoulder.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [SwordFish] [ In reply to ]
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basically it's gotten so I won't ride alone anymore. there's safety in numbers. if I want to ride alone I find a multi use trail and take it easy.
EVERY single time I go out alone I have a close call. By close call I mean some moron in a big truck who won't give me an inch. It's just not worth it .


"the trouble with normal is - it always gets worse"

- Cockburn
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [miater] [ In reply to ]
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I think that is all of us depending on where we ride. I however will not be afraid and will not change my rides...if it is my time it is my time...if it is not my time and I get hurt, I will be on a P3C with $2000.00 handlebars when I am back riding.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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I agree totally. Older people are involved in a very high rate of accidents and there are more older people every day.

Let's not go overboard and assume too much. Younger people are in more accidents than anyone and there are more and more young people every day.

The guy was distracted looking at a sign. I don't know that we can assume he's borderline bline and severely lacking in response-time.

We all know plenty of people that when they look left, they drift right. Heck, I'm sure we know plenty of pepole that are like that when taking their water bottle from their bike.

It's sad that a life is lost because someone was distracted while trying to find their exit ... an out of town driver in unfamiliar surroundings.

I am usually not one to let somebody else's actions dictate my own ... but there are too many deaths in bike-car accidents. I know my chances of getting hit are low, low, low ... but at a father of two young kids and a loving, I'm thinking I owe it to them to consider other, safer options. I can do a good deal of my riding on the trainer. Perhaps I can go on my long rides (over 3 hours) with a group. I ride quite a bit on rolling hills, and I KNOW people coming up the hill don't see me, and I KNOW they sure don't see me if I am on the downside of the hill.

Are there signs up that say, "Be considerate of cyclists" or "Please be aware of cyclists" or even "An icon of a cyclist" on some of these often ridden roads? Those can't be all that expensive. I'd be willing to bet many cyclists or riding groups would raise the money to foot the bill, if it ever came to that.

I am deeply saddened to lose another cyclist ... this one strikes me b/c it's a fellow teacher. Although we've never met, we have two very important aspects of our life in common. I'm sure her friends and family are wondering "Why?", and I hope they find some resolution and comfort.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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I live near a country club in the North County of San Diego - I have had many close calls with large cars and older drivers while running and biking - they just never seem to to see you - I have to watch everytime I get close to the area since I have had sveral close calls with them making a righ hand turn in fornt of me.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Same here. The good thing is that most times, cars slow way down, to be extra careful when passing me. There have been occassions where I've felt cars were "buzzing the tower" to let me know they did not appreciate my causing them to change their path (my impression). They were going (my guesstimation) likely 20mph OVER the 55mph speed limit. Country roads, for some folks, means "Hey, no cops ... no limit".

Obviously, I try to find the least-traveled roads with the best grade ... and I've found quite a few of them.

I will be on a P3C with $2000.00 handlebars when I am back riding.

Heh Heh.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
Last edited by: TripleThreat: Oct 5, 05 6:48
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I don't want to speak to IL, but I would caution you in your thinking in WI that you have the right to the "entire" lane. The law requires that we "ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb" with few exceptions. Sec. 346.80(2) Wis. Stats.

As a practicle matter I agree, motorists are more likely to give way if we are actually in the way, but they only "need" to give us 3 feet, which of course is not nearly enough.

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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [TripleThreat] [ In reply to ]
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That's not true any more. Older people are in more accidents and have a higher rate of accidents than any other age group. Look it up.
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Re: Another triathlete killed; "inattentive motorist" hits her... [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Didn't know that. I doubt it is that older people today are moving so much slower than older people of the past ... I'd guess that the world gets moving at an increasingly faster pace. Bunch of new roads, traffic moving faster andmore crowded ... on and on.

I would bet that the older drivers both pass the vision test and the reaction test ... but in the real world, on the streets, there's so much stuff to watch and look out for ... that it's too easy to get distracted.

I feel for these folks. They needto be able to care for themselves (no one else will).

Anyway ... thanks for the update.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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