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Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy.
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6'2 205 pounds - trying to lose weight

Breakfast - 3 whole grain tortillas
5 egg whites
1/2 tblsp spoon olive oil
2 servings of spinach
cup of skim milk with half scoop whey protein (15g protein)

Post workout smoothie
2 cups skim milk
1.5 cups whole grain oats
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 scoop whey protein (15g protein)

12 oz Gatorade

Lunch smoothie
2 cups skim milk
1.5 cups whole grain oats
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup fat free yogurt

Random snacking throughout day
bowl of spinach with vinegar as dressing
Glass skim milk

8oz of tilapia or salmon
3-4 servings brown rice
broccoli or carrots or green beans
1/2 tblsp olive oil

Like once a week I snack on...potato chips and beer. If I do it more than twice a week I attach jumper cables from car battery to my nipples.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jun 29, 14 21:15
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Re: Critique my diet [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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I think you'll notice a big difference by ditching the tortillas and gatorade - you probably don't need either. Or at most just have 1 tortilla at breakfast not 3. But you don't ever need to drink gatorade.

1.5 cups oats is quite a lot, I'd reduce that a bit too (even if the 1.5 cups is "cooked" that's still probably too much at once).

I'd bet that just making those tweaks will accelerate your weight loss.
Your dinner looks really good don't change that.


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Re: Critique my diet [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Also I would skip the olive oil early in the day.

I have done the cereal diet for two weeks at a time and its good to bring down the weight about two to 4 kg depending on w here you are currently at.

Here is how it works.

Serving of cereal + milk

Lunch use your dinner menu here but keep the servings reasonable with the aim on losing weight.

Cereal + Milk

You are allowed to have a snack but try to limit it to once a day when you need the extra boost.
Hand full of nuts or a fruit,digestives, scoop of natella or peanut butter whatever makes you happy

Supplement this diet with a multi vit. and resume healthy eating after two weeks to restore balance. Try to use the Nestle Fitness cereal or similar. I even used Cheerios for some variety at times.

Easy and works every time.

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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Eat 3 whole eggs, not egg whites. The added fat sates your appetite and is a more complete protein.
Ditch the tortillas
Add lentils to breakfast Eggs (tastes better than you think), or add other stirfry vegies (can be frozen) if you don't want to try lentils. Alternatively, have a slice of wholegrain toast IF this breakfast is after a workout or just before.
Ditch the skim milk unless post workout - it's basically simple sugars. Also, prob no need for the protein powder if having whole eggs and the legumes.

Post Workout:
Ditch the gatorade. Maybe have it during the workout if the workout is 1.5 hrs plus. Otherwise you are not getting fat adapted and you are drinking sugar water.
ok to have the skim milk AFTER a workout. Also, you could cut the oats out completely or reduce by 3/4. 1.5 cups of oats is ALLOT.

Ditch the oats unless doing IM training and as above, reduce if you do want to still use it. Add in stuff like Kale etc. Prob also swap the milk to almond milk or water. Maybe have a massive chicken or tuna salad as a change with mixed beans, or kidney beans for the complex carbs - just no potato or starchy carbs or bread.

Awesome, but no need for the rice unless after a big workout. If you have come from a massive carb background, maybe keep the rice, but half this amount for a month then ditch it unless you need it.

Agree with a once a week binge.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for helpful tips.

Agree I do feel kind of like I get a sugar high and low from the tortilla shells even though they are supposedly have no enriched flour (I don't get the sugar high/low with w.g. oats and brown rice strangely). I only started buying them guess I should throw them away or save them for the occasional taco night. I do sometimes eat lentils mixed with my brown rice at night, will try mixing lentils and stir fry with my eggs as you suggested, sounds like a good idea.

The 1.5 cups whole grains does seem like a bit much agreed. I read all these articles suggesting athletes get 5-8g carbs per kg of body weight, why I eat all that crap....but I am trying to lose weight so I probably can eat less. Will prolly lower it to 1/2 cup to 1 cup based on my workout routine for the day.

Almond milk seems interesting though will try that. Is organic milk, rice milk, or soy milk good too? I've always been a hard gainer with body weight exercises and lifting at gym, so I figure I need the extra protein, that's why I drink all the milk and whey through the day.

Surprisingly I've done the cereal diet before (more out of being too lazy to cook than anything) and it's helped me lose weight....something about cereal fills you up.

The Gatorade is one thing I'm not sure about. My interval workouts are very intense for being less than an hour....I'm completely saturated in sweat at end and keep sweating profusely for an additional 10 minutes. I figure the insulin boost from drinking Gatorade right after a workout helps me shuffle protein and carbs to my muscles. Also I lose a lot of sodium in my workouts. I've never had a problem with Gatorade after an intense workout as long as I don't drink too much of it.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jun 30, 14 1:21
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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For the gatorade, try drinking it half strength during the workout. Also, even though you sweat a ton, there is usually no reason to drink gatorade for less than an hour unless it's really hot, or you have another workout planned for later in the day. You'll get enough simple carbs from your post workout drink or the skim milk if you have if within half an hour of the workout. It will take you a few months to reduce it and feel ok during workouts, hence the idea of diluting it.

I'd also recommend you ditch the skim milk as a snack, Again, it's about trying to reduce your simple sugars during the day apart from 1-2 bits of fruit and the recovery drinks.

I'd recommend water or almond milk as lower sugar content, but skim milk or soy are ok for after workouts.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [RizzaNZ] [ In reply to ]
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RizzaNZ wrote:
For the gatorade, try drinking it half strength during the workout. Also, even though you sweat a ton, there is usually no reason to drink gatorade for less than an hour unless it's really hot, or you have another workout planned for later in the day. You'll get enough simple carbs from your post workout drink or the skim milk if you have if within half an hour of the workout. It will take you a few months to reduce it and feel ok during workouts, hence the idea of diluting it.

I'd also recommend you ditch the skim milk as a snack, Again, it's about trying to reduce your simple sugars during the day apart from 1-2 bits of fruit and the recovery drinks.

I'd recommend water or almond milk as lower sugar content, but skim milk or soy are ok for after workouts.

Well there's another issue...I noticed there's no protein in almond milk.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 4, 14 17:27
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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you eat the same thing every day. shoot me in the face

"4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul"
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [warwicke36] [ In reply to ]
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warwicke36 wrote:
you eat the same thing every day. shoot me in the face

I eat beer and potato chips once and a while, but then I cut myself then curl up into a little crying ball in the shower afterwards. Learn to read f*** face.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 4, 14 17:38
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, winning attitude. Point being why stick to eating the same tired thing every day? or was that just an example day?

"4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul"
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [warwicke36] [ In reply to ]
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warwicke36 wrote:
Wow, winning attitude. Point being why stick to eating the same tired thing every day? or was that just an example day?

I'm just kidding lol.

I add different things, different seasonings and spices, different sauces, cook stuff differently, but yes I eat a lot of the same stuff during main meals every day. Only time I eat different is if I'm away and have to eat out.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 4, 14 17:39
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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1 tortilla at breakfast, no oats in the smoothie, done

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
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disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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tigerchik wrote:
1 tortilla at breakfast, no oats in the smoothie, done

I see a lot of people here not a fan of oats.

How would I get complex carbs throughout the day without oats? Could I just eat half the oats I'm eating now? Healthier gluten free oats??

I'm just going for 185-190....and some muscle. I'm just doing sprints and Olympic as well as obstacle races (I mentioned that in another thread sorry should have mentioned it here).

You aren't trying to turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner, are you?
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 4, 14 18:42
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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My personal opinion would be that you need to incorporate different proteins into your diet. I know if I ate the same thing every day it would become a chore. Sure I have my favorite meals, but if I ate them every day I would grow to hate them, quickly. Secondly, eating fish every day is a bad idea. The mercury content, especially in salmon, and bigger fish will become problematic over time. It isn't recommended to eat more than 12-16oz per week, last I heard. Bigger the fish, higher up the food chain, more mercury. There are better ways to get omegas into your diet. Look into chia seeds. Easy to add them to your daily smoothies. Personally I add them to my drinks or just water. They make a weird tapioca type consistency that I have come to like. Just check your teeth as they tend to stick.

Above and beyond that what works for me is remembering to eat the majority of my diet like our early ancestors would have. I don't stick to any diet fad. If I had to say what fad my diet most resembles its paleo, but my diet is FAR from paleo. I eat mostly veggies, and meet. I do have carbs, and some from grains. I like bagels. In fact I love bagels. I live down the street from a world renowned bagel bakery. I eat them more than I should, and for me, that's ok.

So to sum up my drawn out post, don't try and stick to 1 right thing. Find as many right things as you can and mix it up.

"4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul"
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [warwicke36] [ In reply to ]
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warwicke36 wrote:
My personal opinion would be that you need to incorporate different proteins into your diet. I know if I ate the same thing every day it would become a chore. Sure I have my favorite meals, but if I ate them every day I would grow to hate them, quickly. Secondly, eating fish every day is a bad idea. The mercury content, especially in salmon, and bigger fish will become problematic over time. It isn't recommended to eat more than 12-16oz per week, last I heard. Bigger the fish, higher up the food chain, more mercury. There are better ways to get omegas into your diet. Look into chia seeds. Easy to add them to your daily smoothies. Personally I add them to my drinks or just water. They make a weird tapioca type consistency that I have come to like. Just check your teeth as they tend to stick.

Above and beyond that what works for me is remembering to eat the majority of my diet like our early ancestors would have. I don't stick to any diet fad. If I had to say what fad my diet most resembles its paleo, but my diet is FAR from paleo. I eat mostly veggies, and meet. I do have carbs, and some from grains. I like bagels. In fact I love bagels. I live down the street from a world renowned bagel bakery. I eat them more than I should, and for me, that's ok.

So to sum up my drawn out post, don't try and stick to 1 right thing. Find as many right things as you can and mix it up.

Yeah I agree. I do eat a ton of fish. Should switch it up a bit.

I noticed chia seeds have 3g of saturated fat per serving. If not for that they'd be a good source of fats and proteins.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 4, 14 18:30
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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But that's where the good omegas come from. It's important to keep the omegas in balance. Clinical studies show this ratio combats over inflammation... and certain diseases. Food for thought .... ughhh pun intended.

"4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul"
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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what's your training regimen? race schedule? seems not exactly negligible in all this.

What are you people, on dope?

—Mr. Hand
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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IF you have whole eggs at breakfast and change up your lunch, you are getting more than enough protein, even if you were hitting the gym solely to gain muscle instead of multisport. If you are that worried about protein - have a whole scoop of protein powder and still ditch the milk. The reason is the load of simple sugars. Ok in moderation, but you are having waayy too much.

As for the oats, if you cut them by 2/3 or 3/4, you are getting more than enough complex carbs. The diet you are describing in the original post is clean in regard to not too much processed food, but I'd potentially gain weight on this diet (apart from the heaviest weeks of load during the season, i.e. 14 hours plus a week),due to all the simple sugars (milk, tons of fruit during the day), and overdoses of complex carbs with the oats. I'm not saying cut them out (although I'd personally swap the oats and milk for other foods), I'd just cut them back to an acceptable amount - its worth noting that my recommendations are for a healthy training diet, not just to lose weight.

By the by, I'm also probably closer to a paleo, but with slightly more complex carbs due to the mutlisport training. I'd suggest this will become the more common trend of recommended diet for athletes over the next 5 years. I.e. not as low carb as paleo, but not a carb fest as well. Could be wrong, but works for me.
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Re: Critique my diet [BigCheese] [ In reply to ]
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That is the funniest thing I have ever read! The cereal diet - 'Just eat cereal' duh!

Do you work for a cereal company?

Yeh, may loose you some weight but you screw up your body!

Whatever you do OP do NOT follow this guys advice, he's one bowl of cereal and half a digestive away from a heart attack.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [scofflaw] [ In reply to ]
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scofflaw wrote:
what's your training regimen? race schedule? seems not exactly negligible in all this.


Been working off this with tweaks (more biking less running).

Racing - 5 sprint triathlons throughout year, 1 Olympic triathlon in august, tough mudder and Spartan in September.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 5, 14 1:32
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [RizzaNZ] [ In reply to ]
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What exactly is a "clean" diet, is it one where you scrub all your food before eating it?

And what is the ratio of carbs ingested to fat made, exactly?
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Tapeworm] [ In reply to ]
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need more fat in the diet
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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What kind of protein powder do people recommend? The kind I buy is likely heavily processed crap.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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With the amount you're eating do you actually need it? Wild-guess would be no.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Tapeworm] [ In reply to ]
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too much dairy......go paleo hybrid with whole grain bagels on training days.

"I would definitely smell her seat after a century ride"
Rappstar wrote:
That might be the post of the year right there.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [shivermetimbers] [ In reply to ]
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shivermetimbers wrote:
too much dairy......go paleo hybrid with whole grain bagels on training days.

Oh dear...

"Paleo" diet is an illusion, no idea what a hybrid version of an illusion is.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Swanson234 wrote:
6'2 205 pounds - trying to lose weight

Breakfast - 3 whole grain tortillas
5 egg whites
1/2 tblsp spoon olive oil
2 servings of spinach
cup of skim milk with half scoop whey protein (15g protein)

Post workout smoothie
2 cups skim milk
1.5 cups whole grain oats
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 scoop whey protein (15g protein)

12 oz Gatorade

Lunch smoothie
2 cups skim milk
1.5 cups whole grain oats
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup fat free yogurt

Random snacking throughout day
bowl of spinach with vinegar as dressing
Glass skim milk

8oz of tilapia or salmon
3-4 servings brown rice
broccoli or carrots or green beans
1/2 tblsp olive oil

Like once a week I snack on...potato chips and beer. If I do it more than twice a week I attach jumper cables from car battery to my nipples.

Loose all the tortillas, all the oats, you don't need Gatorade just because you sweat a lot, and the fat free yogurt is crap. Eat whole eggs, less milk, more healthy fat (nut butters, coconut, ect.).

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Tapeworm] [ In reply to ]
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Tapeworm wrote:
shivermetimbers wrote:
too much dairy......go paleo hybrid with whole grain bagels on training days.

Oh dear...

"Paleo" diet is an illusion, no idea what a hybrid version of an illusion is.

I've never been a fan of the paleo diet. I kind of like elements of it, but would never follow it as a whole.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Bryancd] [ In reply to ]
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Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:
6'2 205 pounds - trying to lose weight

Breakfast - 3 whole grain tortillas
5 egg whites
1/2 tblsp spoon olive oil
2 servings of spinach
cup of skim milk with half scoop whey protein (15g protein)

Post workout smoothie
2 cups skim milk
1.5 cups whole grain oats
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 scoop whey protein (15g protein)

12 oz Gatorade

Lunch smoothie
2 cups skim milk
1.5 cups whole grain oats
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup fat free yogurt

Random snacking throughout day
bowl of spinach with vinegar as dressing
Glass skim milk

8oz of tilapia or salmon
3-4 servings brown rice
broccoli or carrots or green beans
1/2 tblsp olive oil

Like once a week I snack on...potato chips and beer. If I do it more than twice a week I attach jumper cables from car battery to my nipples.

Loose all the tortillas, all the oats, you don't need Gatorade just because you sweat a lot, and the fat free yogurt is crap. Eat whole eggs, less milk, more healthy fat (nut butters, coconut, ect.).

Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Tapeworm] [ In reply to ]
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Tapeworm wrote:
What exactly is a "clean" diet, is it one where you scrub all your food before eating it?

And what is the ratio of carbs ingested to fat made, exactly?

It is termed often used in bodybuilding.com. My IQ often drops 20 points when I drop by this forum, but they aren't completely devoid of intelligence regarding daily nutrition.

Clean foods definition: refers to foods that are more on the organic end of the spectrum rather than the processed end of the spectrum. Either that or foods that provide them their daily allowance of 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight so they don't lose their valuable muscle.....bunch of paranoid vain f***s
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 5, 14 18:11
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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I was being facetious, it's an oft used, and utterly stupid term to refer to an aspect of diet. "Processing" is another vapid term. What exactly constitutes "processing" and at which point does it become "bad"?

Unless Project Mayhem is actually real, at which point I really do want "clean" food.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Swanson234 wrote:
Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).

Yeah, eat plain full fat greek yogurt and put some fruit in it. You need/want healthy fat from good sources. Almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil mixed in your smoothies, try that.

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Bryancd] [ In reply to ]
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Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:

Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).

Yeah, eat plain full fat greek yogurt and put some fruit in it. You need/want healthy fat from good sources. Almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil mixed in your smoothies, try that.

I've heard about this high fat low carb diet. Made a thread about it.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 6, 14 6:10
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Swanson234 wrote:
Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:

Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).

Yeah, eat plain full fat greek yogurt and put some fruit in it. You need/want healthy fat from good sources. Almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil mixed in your smoothies, try that.

I've heard about this high fat low carb diet. Made a thread about it.

I prefer higher fat, lower, better quality carb. And far less sugar based sport drinks and foods. And try training without any calories if doing aerobic work under an hour or so.

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Bryancd] [ In reply to ]
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Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:
Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:

Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).

Yeah, eat plain full fat greek yogurt and put some fruit in it. You need/want healthy fat from good sources. Almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil mixed in your smoothies, try that.

I've heard about this high fat low carb diet. Made a thread about it.

I prefer higher fat, lower, better quality carb. And far less sugar based sport drinks and foods. And try training without any calories if doing aerobic work under an hour or so.

What would you consider "quality" fats and "quality" foods? Ben Greenfield's super human food pyramid?? hehe

I like a lot of foods in the high fat low carb diet as they seem really healthy, but a lot of people say they feel like crap for a while going low carb.
Last edited by: Swanson234: Jul 6, 14 8:45
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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Swanson234 wrote:
Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:
Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:

Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).

Yeah, eat plain full fat greek yogurt and put some fruit in it. You need/want healthy fat from good sources. Almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil mixed in your smoothies, try that.

I've heard about this high fat low carb diet. Made a thread about it.

I prefer higher fat, lower, better quality carb. And far less sugar based sport drinks and foods. And try training without any calories if doing aerobic work under an hour or so.

What would you consider "quality" fats and "quality" foods? Ben Greenfield's super human food pyramid?? hehe

I like a lot of foods in the high fat low carb diet as they seem really healthy, but a lot of people say they feel like crap for a while going low carb.

They feel like crap when they go REALLY low carb, like a couple 100 grams per day. I find that unnecessary.

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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What is so bad about carbs?
Based on my training I need to eat over 800 grams of carbs today (60% of my calories).
I weigh in the low 140's- so a lot less than you.
My point is twofold.
1.) Don't fear carbs when you are training
2.) If you know what numbers you are trying to hit- you can figure out how much and what to eat.
You need to figure out your daily caloric need with no training. Then you need to figure out the calories for your various activities.
Once you have this- you can subtract 300-500 to the deficit you need.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [bootsie_cat] [ In reply to ]
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bootsie_cat wrote:
What is so bad about carbs?

Nothing, as long as they come from cereal.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Bryancd] [ In reply to ]
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Bryancd wrote:
Swanson234 wrote:

Tortillas gone. Going with 1/2 the oats....and gluten free oats for the f*** of it. Gatorade gone. Fat free plain yogurt bad?????? I eat cage free whole eggs just for the f*** of it. What is nut butter? Coconut, where do they sell non-processed version of that????

If you guys turn me into a Kenyan marathon runner I'm gonna track you all down and stab you in the eye!!! (for legal purposes nobody is actually going to get tracked down and stabbed in the eye).

Yeah, eat plain full fat greek yogurt and put some fruit in it. You need/want healthy fat from good sources. Almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil mixed in your smoothies, try that.

What is wrong with plain fat free yogurt? It's way better than skim milk sugar wise. It has 23g protein 9g sugar per serving while skim milk has 8g protein 12g sugar per serving.
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Re: Critique my diet, then spank me and tell me i'm a naughty boy. [Swanson234] [ In reply to ]
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you're drinking an extra 400 calories in milk. replace it with water.
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Re: Critique my diet [Marcell_S] [ In reply to ]
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Marcell_S wrote:
That is the funniest thing I have ever read! The cereal diet - 'Just eat cereal' duh!

Do you work for a cereal company?

Yeh, may loose you some weight but you screw up your body!

Whatever you do OP do NOT follow this guys advice, he's one bowl of cereal and half a digestive away from a heart attack.

It's tastier than the cabbage diet. Or the grapefruit diet.

My triathlon training blog
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Re: Critique my diet [BigCheese] [ In reply to ]
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I heartily endorse the cereal diet especially if Lucky Charms are the cereal of choice.
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