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Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call
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It seems Challenge is having a tough time transitioning to North America. From what I know, they do a great job putting on races in Europe and have invested pretty heavily in the Atlantic City race. Large pro purse, some big appearance fees for Macca, T.O. and Rinny, good race directors, and they promise big race features and swag. So why aren't they booming with business and selling out as fast as Lake Placid, Chattanooga, and Florida?

My thought is that Americans are as IM branded as their m-dotted calves. IRONMAN is not commonly known as the brand, rather it is incorrectly recognized as the distance. Does it really matter if you do the distance in a Challenge race or an IM race? It's the same thing, with different event management and title. But the event management and title owns the identity of this distance of triathlon. I like Ironman; I think they do a good job putting on events. I'd like to see Americans give Challenge a chance though, because I think they will likely do a good job as well, and competition among event management will ensure quality and value.

So how can Challenge be given a chance when people want to be an Ironman? It's annoying to answer the questions of 'Are you doing any Ironman races this year?' with 'Well, sort of. I'm doing the Challenge full distance triathlon in Atlantic City.' I like the ring of Ironman, but I think we may need to start referring the 140.6 distance as 'full' to allow other brands into the Americas. The other thing that is helping dilute the Ironman association to full distance is that IM branded halves are Ironman 70.3, and the participants are starting to be called Ironmen... since first time half racers are likely to be offended by being called half ironmen :p

Those are some thoughts. I hope we can bypass the Ironman identity enough to give Challenge a chance.

I also thought I'd start a roll call to hopefully build some hype for the race... Include or exclude whatever you like...

-Relay or individual?
-First full?
-Where are you from?
-Time goal or just finish?
-Anything else?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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So, I'll respond to myself :P

I'll be racing!

-Relay or individual?

-First full?
Nope, I've done 4 other 'fulls' in the past two years (and all were Ironman branded... so they reaallly count, lol)
-Where are you from?
Greater DC area
-Time goal or just finish?
Time/rankings. Crossing my fingers for top three amateur. We'll see though.
-Anything else?
My dad will be racing too... so that's pretty sweet.

Well, if you're thinking about signing up, I hope you do so. Train smart and I'll see you there!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Challenge just only started its presence in North America. You can't (and shouldn't) expect instant success and recognition from athletes. It takes time to build a brand. They did this well in Europe, Asia and now Australia, time will tell if they can crack the stubborn 'mericans :-)
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual?
-First full?
-Where are you from?
Born and raised in Cali, currently stationed in Texas
-Time goal or just finish?
Just Finish
-Anything else?
I like your goal, mind putting a first and last name to it?

-Brad Williams
Website | Twitter: @BW_Tri |Instagram: @BW_Tri | Strava | Co-Founder & Coach at: KIS Coaching
Partnered with: Zoot Sports | Precision Fuel &Hydration | ISM
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Good post and I am in. Looking forward to a good turn out from the east coast and mid west. It should be a great race...

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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It will take some time for Challenge to build name recognition in the US. I am an endurance athlete, come from a bike racing background and never heard of the Challenge events until this popped up on my friends radar screen. If they do a bang-up job with AC and stick it out for a few years, it will grow but it is going to take time.

I will be there - Doing the bike leg for masters women relay team.
First time doing any distance longer than a sprint
Goal time for bike - under 6 hours
I live in Titusville, NJ about 60 miles northwest of AC
Last edited by: themadcyclist: Mar 28, 14 3:29
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I was excited about Challenge coming until they picked Atlantic City, been there and have no desire to go back. I was hoping for Mrytle Beach.

All I Wanted Was A Pepsi, Just One Pepsi

Team Zoot, Team Zoot Mid-Atlantic

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Doing the AC relay with some friends. I've down 1 IM before, doing 2 later in the year. IMO Challenge has a lot of work ahead of them. I want to do IM branded events to qualify for the legacy program, but I'd be happy to see Challenge do well.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I signed up for this race during it's first hours. I ONLY signed up because 1) it's not an Ironman branded race and 2) it's conveniently close for me and for those coming to support me. In that order. As my family continues to talk about my upcoming "ironman" I don't bother to waste time correcting semantics. All that really matters to them is that they're coming to cheer me on after all of my preparation for "some long-ass race."

As a bonus, I'm excited about the fact that Challenge wants to "make a splash" with this inaugural race. I'm confident that not only will this lend itself to me having a great experience with the race, but that my supporters should have a fun, full experience as well.

1st full (after 10+ years of olys and halfs)
outside Philly
Last edited by: gienopes: Mar 28, 14 7:04
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Billabong] [ In reply to ]
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Billabong wrote:
I was excited about Challenge coming until they picked Atlantic City, been there and have no desire to go back. I was hoping for Mrytle Beach.

I've never been to AC, but man, it must be bad if you like MB over AC..............

Pink? Maybe. Maybe not. You decide.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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You're pushing water uphill with me. AC is a 3 hour plane ride for me so that is a negative. I like IM. I haven't ever met anyone who has done a Challenge event so they are an unknown commodity. Since I like IMs ... why search for something else?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Did Challenge Penticton, doing CAC as relay (I am the marathoner) and I have done 7 IM branded races and besides Challenge Penticton, Great Floridian (did not like at all and will never do again!) - love what Challenge is all about - bringing 2 other relay teams and 2 individual racers all from the DC area! Love being a part of the Challenge Family!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I was going to quit LC, but this came along and I thought it was a great opportunity. Early season, but not too early. Warm, but not too hot. Flat swim, bike, and run. Run on a boardwalk and next to the ocean. About 2 hours from home. I get the rest of my summer to enjoy with the kids.

It all works for me!

No Kona, so no pressure. Like to run the ENTIRE marathon and finally nail it with a 3:30. 1 hour swim, 5:20 bike, 3:30 run. Finish around 10 hour mark. Anything less is a bonus, anything more and I'm not TOO disappointed.

After 4 disappointing attempts at IM (IMLP 2009 just wasn't a fun event, 2010 IMLP got sick right before race week, 2011 IMLP was with a broken collar bone and the ONLY non-wetsuit swim there ever, 2012 IMNYC had me at top 10 in AG before I just stopped running at mile 17 and mentally farted for a 10:06), I'm looking to have a non-pressured good time. I want to bike and run with a smile (probably not wise to smile while swimming).

Hoping for a beer tent near the finish. And maybe some beach babes!!!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I signed up early as well since I grew up on the Jersey Shore and was excited about Challenge bringing more competition to the table for IM. I really feel that they will do a great job and wow the participants. As others have echoed, they are new to the US and despite all the success overseas people want to see and hear others before trying something new. IM does a great job at their races but so do many others. M-dot has a stranglehold but I think that the competition will be good for the sport. Word of mouth is the best marketing and I think Challenge will get a big boost after the races in NJ and CA this year.

To answer your q's:
live in NC, grew up in NJ
sub 10
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone know what the total count is for individual race at AC?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [prattzc] [ In reply to ]
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Nevermind, looks like 700+ right now.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [afbadbrad] [ In reply to ]
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Ha... just finish?!? It looks like my new goal is to keep up with you! My name is Matthew Shanks... current PR was from Kona this past year, where I had a near perfectly executed race and was 24 minutes behind you. My training should bring me closer, but good thing I'm looking for top 3 and not 1st. Heck... what's that humble/self doubting mindset? The Real Starky would reproach. Better watch out Brad... I'm going for first!!!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I/we (PBN) will be there just about all week as I will be speaking at the CAC Sports Medicine Symposium & also at the expo. I may be doing a relay, but the original one I was supposed to run for, fell through...but if anyone is in need of a swimmer, I can be in 55ish shape by then, so lemme know. Swimming 2.4 hard vs running 26.2 hard, is a lot more palatable!

PBN is also carrying all on-course nutrition (Gatorade Endurance Drink & Chews) as well as the gels, which should also be made public within the next week & I think most are going to be pleased by that selection as well.

Any questions on the nutrition-front, please feel free to drop a post here or contact me via e-mail: Brian@PersonalBestNutrition.com

PS - Point Pleasant Beach reunion in AC DMags311!! Looking fwd to seeing everyone....except prattzc of course ;-))))


Brian Shea
Open-Water/Masters Swimming at the Jersey Shore:
Monmouth County NJ Ocean Swim/Masters Workouts
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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Damn, you should be happy to see me. With my new found weight gain, I'll need to eat a whole lot of products...

And please do the swim, I don't need to be passed by a skinny dude in gold short shorts.

Since you are up on the nutrition thing, what about post-race carb loading...a beer tent? I mean, come on, jersey shore, situation like abs, and fist pumping. This calls for PBR on tap!!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I think the race would have sold out had they announced it sooner (ideally a year out like most Ironman races). By the time they announced the race most folks had already signed up for their Ironman-branded June/July races (at least that is what I have heard from friends). Provided this race and all other Challenge-branded races have a good first year, I see no reason why they will not have much improved second years and then flourish after that.

-Relay or individual? - Individual
-First full? - Second (IMAZ 2010)
-Where are you from? - Doylestown, PA
-Time goal or just finish? - 11:00:00....but ultimately to finish
-Anything else? - Really looking forward to being part of this inaugural event, I think the race directors are going to go above and beyond to make a statement with this race.

Last edited by: jwadtri: Mar 28, 14 10:34
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [jwadtri] [ In reply to ]
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jwadtri wrote:
I think the race would have sold out had they announced it sooner (ideally a year out like most Ironman races). By the time they announced the race most folks had already signed up for their Ironman-branded June/July races (at least that is what I have heard from friends). Provided this race and all other Challenge-branded races have a good first year, I see no reason why they will not have much improved second years and then flourish after that.

I think this is key. They announced late. 2015 will be huge.

I'm doing the relay. Using it as a lead up to IMMT, my first 140.6. Coming from Central PA. Just make the cutoff for my runner is my goal.

I'll tell you all right now, my seat is too low, I'm not aero and I carry too much fluid on the bike.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [japarker24] [ In reply to ]
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I kept thinking, it would be Asheville, NC after all the hub bub about WTC wanting to get into the area but then went with Chattanooga.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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I will be cheering on friends at the marathon turn around. The run course is gonna be great! It runs south through down beach with the turn around in longport. Great beach towns, Super flat and fast.

Yellowfin Endurance Coaching and Bike Fits
USAT Level 1, USAC Level 3
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [prattzc] [ In reply to ]
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PBR? God I hope not. Lots of really good NJ breweries have opened over the last few years with Kane and Carton being the best. If you can get any of their IPAs I highly recommend them. Oh, sadly they are only on tap.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Really looking forward to this race

Central NY

I've got some friends doing the relay, including a 2:18 marathoner. Interested to see what they can do.

Internet User
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual? Aquabike
-First full? No
-Where are you from? Philly
-Time goal or just finish? Just finish. First.
-Anything else? I am The Real Starky
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [msoranno] [ In reply to ]
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msoranno wrote:
Did Challenge Penticton, doing CAC as relay (I am the marathoner) and I have done 7 IM branded races and besides Challenge Penticton, Great Floridian (did not like at all and will never do again!) - love what Challenge is all about - bringing 2 other relay teams and 2 individual racers all from the DC area! Love being a part of the Challenge Family!

Can you share what you didn't like about the GFT.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [RunFatboyRun] [ In reply to ]
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RunFatboyRun wrote:
jwadtri wrote:
I think the race would have sold out had they announced it sooner (ideally a year out like most Ironman races). By the time they announced the race most folks had already signed up for their Ironman-branded June/July races (at least that is what I have heard from friends). Provided this race and all other Challenge-branded races have a good first year, I see no reason why they will not have much improved second years and then flourish after that.

I think this is key. They announced late. 2015 will be huge.

I'm doing the relay. Using it as a lead up to IMMT, my first 140.6. Coming from Central PA. Just make the cutoff for my runner is my goal.

Until WTC turns ChesapeakeMan into Ironman Maryland and holds it around the same time as Challenge AC. I'll give even money on that happening.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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GMAN19030 wrote:
RunFatboyRun wrote:
jwadtri wrote:
I think the race would have sold out had they announced it sooner (ideally a year out like most Ironman races). By the time they announced the race most folks had already signed up for their Ironman-branded June/July races (at least that is what I have heard from friends). Provided this race and all other Challenge-branded races have a good first year, I see no reason why they will not have much improved second years and then flourish after that.

I think this is key. They announced late. 2015 will be huge.

I'm doing the relay. Using it as a lead up to IMMT, my first 140.6. Coming from Central PA. Just make the cutoff for my runner is my goal.

Until WTC turns ChesapeakeMan into Ironman Maryland and holds it around the same time as Challenge AC. I'll give even money on that happening.

I don't see them moving the timeline that drastically. Eagleman is June 8 this year. I doubt they mess with that by putting new IM Chesapeake (Which I hope they use as a name as opposed to Ironman MD) only 3 weeks later. Eagleman already sells out, but imagine the building demand if they promote it as a build race 3 months out from the big one. That didn't work out so well for making Chesapeakeman a huge goal as an indie race, but with that branding, we know it will sell out.

Unless you see them decide that destroying Challenge is more important, which they may decide it is. Somehow I feel like this competition may not exactly end up as better for consumer if that's the case. Good thing I'm already planning an exodus to trail running after a couple more seasons in tri. There the big races prioritize not stepping on each other and spreading out the timelines.

I'll tell you all right now, my seat is too low, I'm not aero and I carry too much fluid on the bike.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [RunFatboyRun] [ In reply to ]
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You're right about probably not wanting to poach Eagleman but... they are moving IMTX to April which will cause the Texas 70.3 (which is one of their largest 70.3 races and held in April) to move.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I registered in the end of November for this and I'm excited about it. Something different and its new. I hope the the RD nails eveything down and it goes smoothly.

number five (four Mdot IM's)
North shore of Boston
always finish but hopefully a full iron PR around 10:45ish.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [tribuck] [ In reply to ]
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tribuck wrote:
I registered in the end of November for this and I'm excited about it. Something different and its new. I hope the the RD nails eveything down and it goes smoothly.

number five (four Mdot IM's)
North shore of Boston
always finish but hopefully a full iron PR around 10:45ish.

My impression of Delmo and Vigo working together is that it will be so nailed down, I'd make a hurricane metaphor here but it wouldn't be right considering it's the Jersey coast..... but it will be nailed down.

I'll tell you all right now, my seat is too low, I'm not aero and I carry too much fluid on the bike.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I am from Nevada, will be driving to Atlantic City a couple of weeks prior and will do the full 140.6. This will be my 15th Full (5th Challenge: 2x Roth, 1x Wanaka, 1x Penticton), have also done 2 IM (Regensburg and Tahoe), ALL Silverman (the oldest to do so), plus Grand Columbian and ITU Worlds (not 140.6, but I count it in MY tally). In all events I got what I signed up for: some cost more, some less; some were faster some were slower; all ended up being a great adventure. I have met Felix at his races and Silverman, and ran out of T2 with him at Wanaka. I love Roth (Solarberg!) and Regensburg (bike and run along the beautiful blue Danube!), too bad WTC did away with it. Whether you do a Challenge ( and I encourage all to do so), an IM, or any other full, always.....have a happy swim, enjoy the ride, and have a great run:)
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [bswift] [ In reply to ]
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I have done Steve Delmonte's other races. I have ZERO doubt that this race will be top notch. He raced Alcatraz to make his Escape the Cape the best it can be. I liked Eagleman, only did it once. But logistics is not very good. Very few hotels, some of the few are dumps. I can't imagine a full IM branded race there. We came from outside philly, so only stayed 1 night b4 race. With full races, usually stay 4-5 days. Can't imagine this with Cambridge. CAC has endless hotels. If CAC was Ironman AC and had 3000+ racers. Ya still would be able to get a hotel on a whim night b4. While AC isn't the best place for a family vacation, there are a number of great aeras to stay close to AC. Wildwood or Ocean city for the kids, or Cape May if ya prefer quiet historic. CAC is going to be a sucess
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [bswift] [ In reply to ]
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I did Regensburg also. My wife and I loved that trip. I never understood why it was cancelled. I thought they had a date conflict and it was supposed to be just a one year postponement but then it never came back. Shame.

I've done the ITU triple O too. Interesting distAnce but I don't count it as an IM.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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First Full 2nd will be IMMT
NJ 40 minutes from AC
Time Goal 11:30

I think AC is a fantastic venue for Challenge.

Throwing this out there, we own a Top 100 Golf Course http://www.gallowaynationalgolf.com about 20 minutes from the boardwalk area. I would be happy to have any Slowtwitchers as a guest or host some kind of get together at the course.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [VWH3RD] [ In reply to ]
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l have done close to 200 sprints and a half dozen Olympics. l then decided to move up in distance. 3 Halves ended in medical tent. Wife said no full until finish half w/o med tent. l did HITS Naples Half in Jan. No med tent. Even ran 5k with friend the next day. So here l am.
l live on island so wanted something pancake flat. l have done Beach 2 Battleship half 3 times and frozen. l hate cold weather. Swim in cold is not that bad, but bike for almost 3 hours while frozen is miserable. So l wanted a warm weather race.
l have had 3 knee surgeries and tend to get injured more than l would like to admit. Including calf injury last week.
So signing up a year in advance is not an option for me. l have signed up for several HITS races in last few years because they are great about allowing you to change to Aquabike or deferring because of injury. So having AB option is a huge plus for Challenge. Hope like hell to not need it, but glad there is this option if needed.
So lots of reasons for me to pick this race. 750 miles away for me. (not a positive) l love the B2B race course. Especially the swim. But do not want to take chance of freezing for 6 hours on bike.
This will be my first full. Doing another half in a few weeks as warm up.
Hilton Head Island, SC.
12 hours, but really finish
Anything else??? Not really looking forward to 6 hours on bike. So friend of mine said to just ride harder and do it in 5 hours. Yeah, right.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [VWH3RD] [ In reply to ]
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I live in NJ and would definitely take you up on playing Galloway. I've heard it's a gorgeous course!

"Failure is only failure if we fail to learn from it."
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sreilly] [ In reply to ]
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l forgot to say earlier that l have confidence that Challenge will put on a fantastic race and will be around for a long time. l really wanted to be able forever to say that l was in on the very first one.
Long live Challenge group.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I am in

-Relay or individual? Individual
-First full? No
-Where are you from? Cleveland
-Time goal or just finish? Kona slot... oh wait, never mind.
-Anything else? trying to figure out where to stay. anyone want to share a room?

SmartBikeTrainers.com || YouTube || My Twitter
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual? Individual
-First full? #3
-Where are you from? Fort Knox, KY currently
-Time goal or just finish? Do better than my last one
-Anything else? Looking forward to seeing how Challenge puts on a race.

Proud Member of: TEAM ZOOT and TEAM RWB.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual? Individual
-First full? Yes
-Where are you from? Indy
-Time goal or just finish? Finish, prob in the 11-12 range.
-Anything else? I can't wait to have my kids cross the finish line with me
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual? Individual
-First full? #3
-Where are you from? South Florida
-Time goal or just finish? 9:45 or bust
-Anything else? Looking forward to see how well put on this event will compared to WTC.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual? INDIVIDUAL
-First full? NOPE - 13TH...
-Where are you from? PENNSYLVANIA
-Time goal or just finish? FINISH - HAVE FUN!!
-Anything else? NOPE

I am looking forward to doing this race. Vigo puts on a great race and he did for many years in Eagleman. Getting tired of the Ironman prices, vibe and chest pounding per se. Looking forward to a fun race.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [irongirl3018] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual? INDIVIDUAL
-First full? Yes
-Where are you from? PENNSYLVANIA (Philly)
-Time goal or just finish? FINISH
-Anything else? Psyched / nervous....don't a bunch of half IM's, bunch of marathons....but this is first go at a full. Live 50 minutes from AC, so this was a no brainer. Spent my whole life in that area on the beaches, etc....looking forward to racing down there. Still so fascinated / curious as to how they will shut down the AC Expressway on a Sunday.....either way, I am all in!

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [tucktri] [ In reply to ]
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tucktri wrote:
PBR? God I hope not. Lots of really good NJ breweries have opened over the last few years with Kane and Carton being the best. If you can get any of their IPAs I highly recommend them. Oh, sadly they are only on tap.

There's always Cherry Hill's Finest [OK, now they're Somerdale's Finest]

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual?
-First full?
-Where are you from?
-Time goal or just finish?
-Anything else?

Im in!

Individual. This will be my second full (first was IMLT last year... hell of a first IM!). I am from Downingtown (west of Philly). I would love to go around 11:00 or so, but finishing in daylight would be my main goal (should be doable given proximity to the summer solstice and light until almost 9pm). I was just over 15:00 at IMLT and I hadnt trained for that long of a day. The cold, elevation, hills, etc were enough to make for a much longer day than planned.

There will be a bunch of us that train together there to race (and a few volunteering). Should be a great day and I am looking forward to it. The fact that I can get to a full IM only an hour and a half drive away was too tempting to pass up. That and I would like to try my hand at a flat course (despite being hot) after my opposite experience at IMLT.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [japarker24] [ In reply to ]
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japarker24 wrote:
Billabong wrote:
I was excited about Challenge coming until they picked Atlantic City, been there and have no desire to go back. I was hoping for Mrytle Beach.

I've never been to AC, but man, it must be bad if you like MB over AC..............

AC is a bit of a shithole in general. But its a decent beach town, so despite the casinos and such there are other things to do for fun. Its not a place I ever go to normally, but I'll go for this sort of thing.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:
japarker24 wrote:
Billabong wrote:
I was excited about Challenge coming until they picked Atlantic City, been there and have no desire to go back. I was hoping for Mrytle Beach.

I've never been to AC, but man, it must be bad if you like MB over AC..............

AC is a bit of a shithole in general. But its a decent beach town, so despite the casinos and such there are other things to do for fun. Its not a place I ever go to normally, but I'll go for this sort of thing.

NJ has a lot of great beach towns, and no shortage of beautiful rural areas as well - Pine Barrens, Delaware Water Gap, etc. So it's kind of disappointing that they picked one of the worst places in the state to have a race. I suppose Camden, Jersey City, or Seaside Heights would be worse, but come on.

Twitter | Kancman | Blog
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [snackchair] [ In reply to ]
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I suspect they picked it due to AC's ability to handle a large influx of visitors on top of the crowd that would normally be there on a summer weekend.

It wont be that bad, but yea its certainly far from the nicest beach town on the shore.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I am racing. Wanted to complete an iron-distance race before 40 and when a local race was announced it was a no brainer. I am really excited and believe it will be a great event. This may well be my only 140.6 so hoping for a great day.

No time goal, well at least that I want to say out load.

Live in Lawrenceville, NJ.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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GMAN19030 wrote:

Until WTC turns ChesapeakeMan into Ironman Maryland and holds it around the same time as Challenge AC. I'll give even money on that happening.[/quote]

Ding ding ding!!! Nice call
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Billabong] [ In reply to ]
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" . . . until they picked Atlantic City, been there and have no desire to go back. I was hoping for Mrytle Beach. "
I've never been to AC, but you have got to be kidding w/ MB!

I'll be at Challenge Roth!

* Ironman for Life! (Blog) * IM Everyday Hero Video * Daggett Shuler Law *
Disclaimer: I have personal and professional relationships with many athletes, vendors, and organizations in the triathlon world.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Dark Mark] [ In reply to ]
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-Relay or individual?
-First full?
-Where are you from?
-Time goal or just finish?
was looking to break 10, but best friends wedding friday night, then i'm driving to ac on saturday :-(
-Anything else?
yeah, has ANYONE seen anything regaurding bike drop off etc. i haven't foudn jack!

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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I was wondering if they ever explained how they were going to run the marathon on the board walk in the middle of a Sunday afternoon during beach season on the Jersey shore. The field will be too small and too strung out to have a substantial mass to keep the path open, I would think. It may add some extra miles bobbing and weaving around the crowds. And based on the photos from the Challenge site showing the boardwalk, you may have to go way around some people. Boy they grow 'em big on the Jersey Shore.

It will be interesting to see how many individual finishers there are in the full distance. They seem to have changed there focus to aqua bike and relays.

In all seriousness though, good luck to all racing and to Challenge. I hope it works out for them....as much as I thnk AC was a crappy choice for a race, it beats Cambridge. :)
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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some of you guys gotta lighten up on AC, its not THAT bad! :) i'll still take it over panama city any day.

i have the same question about the boardwalk. there is a 'crossing point' (for lack of a better word) on the boardwalk every block. on a weekend in late june people are flocking over the boardwalk to the beach (or back) at a pretty constant rate. i would guess they're just gonna close off most of the crossing points and funnell people into a few that they leave open and have a cop directing pedestrial traffic when runners aren't coming by.

the other question i have is about the train that runs parallel to the a.c. expressway. it is, i believe, on the north side of the expressway and will have to be crossed to get into the hammonton section of the course. potential exists for having to stop while a train passes. not a huge deal but it could suck to lose 2 minutes for that...
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [slow leak] [ In reply to ]
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AC is not bad, but hanging at the beach and people watching. Its just not a great place for a 10-16 hour race. I asked the RD by email about the boardwalk issue way back in November. The only response I got was hsi typical crap about "this will be a world class race." Nothing else. I can only imagine that the people waiting to cross with be very pleasant and supportive if they have to wait for runners to cross.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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ha! that one almost didn't even need pink!

i don't recall anything too special (re boardwalk) being done for the sprint/olympic delmo puts on in september in a.c.. police at appropriate intersections, obviously, but not too much on b-walk that i can remember. that works out fine but its a much shorter stretch of the boardwalk, its september, and racers havent been going for 8+ hours.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [slow leak] [ In reply to ]
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Wouldnt most sprints be done before the crowds even arrive? This race will have runners on the boardwalk during peak beach hours. I just hope challenge thought through this or it could be ugly.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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HuffNPuff wrote:
I did Regensburg also. My wife and I loved that trip. I never understood why it was cancelled. I thought they had a date conflict and it was supposed to be just a one year postponement but then it never came back. Shame.

Apparently there was some conflict with road closures and the agriculture traffic in the area during July/August.
Then, moving it to June wasn't popular with the athletes.
And I think some other political issues as well...

I'm glad I competed in Regensburg, it was a fantastic course. I came back to Bavaria and did Roth instead.... mind blown. Never been to IM Kona but I can't imagine it comes anywhere close to Roth. Germany is the best place to race a triathlon.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [NordicSkier] [ In reply to ]
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Roth is definitely on my bucket list, but only after I get my Legacy spot to Kona! :)
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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sorry I hijacked your bump of this thread. I guess your answer is, not many people are doing CAC.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
sorry I hijacked your bump of this thread. I guess your answer is, not many people are doing CAC.

The CAC website says they closed registration today, and they have about 1200 people registered. I would say thats pretty damn good for a non-IM branded event.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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 711 are signed up as individuals (that is to say, actual triathletes) for the full event according to the registration website. But as you suggest, that is not a bad sized field. About the same as a decent non-WTC half iron distance race like Toughman or Musselman. It is about double what I would have expected the field to be.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Looking forward to joining the fun in AC. Flat course only 4 hours from home: what's not to like?

-Relay or individual?
-First full?
4th stab at this: Lake Placid, Beach 2 Battleship, Kona
-Where are you from?
Gaithersburg, MD
-Time goal or just finish?
-Anything else?
I hope the swim is downhill
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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has anyone heard or can link me to when athlete checkin etc is???? nothing was sent to me as an athlete yet.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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- Relay or Individual? - Individual AQUABIKE
- First full? - No.
- Where are you from? - New York
- Time goal or just finish? - 6:30:00
- Anything else? - glad I'm not running a marathon on the boardwalk. I predict a bunch of cones, with a "patient" summer beach crowd completely supportive and respectful of the space needed by the marathon runners. Plus, all the lovely chanting from the crowd, after 27 Bud Lights. God forbid anybody who resorts to walking - the crowd isn't there to support you. We're in their territory, not vice versa.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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ahhchon wrote:
has anyone heard or can link me to when athlete checkin etc is???? nothing was sent to me as an athlete yet.

There was a newsletter sent on April 18th with expo times and - it's pretty cool - they have a website just for this race and it even has a race schedule which includes when packet pick-up is
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [gienopes] [ In reply to ]
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please link. i can't seem to find it. i feel really stupid right now


that's all i can find.. no times etc. bike drop off time is when?
Last edited by: ahhchon: Jun 3, 14 12:33
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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I suspect you are worrying way too much here. If I had to guess they will want you to rack your bike on Saturday, likely with a large window of time.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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i'm worrying because i'm driving donw from boston on sat morning (best friends wedding friday night.. ugh)

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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this is from the email newsletter #1
  • Saturday, June 28
    - TYR Open Water Swim Practice, Back Bays, at Bader Field: 630-930am
    - The "Breakfast with Bob Show": Live ON site Global streaming, with host Bob Babbitt
    - Challenge Sports Medicine Symposium, Caesars AC Hotel, 8am
    - The Day Before... Challenge AC Expo, Ballys Hotel & Casino, 10-5pm
    - Challenge Race & Bike Gear drop-off, Bader Field, 1 pm-7 pm
    - Challenge Pro Athletes Race Forum... Featuring, Challenge Ambassador, "Macca" & 2-Time Ironman World Champion, Mirinda Carfrae, Ballys Hotel & Casino, 2:30-3:30 pm,
    - Challenge AC, Pro Athletes Meeting & USAT Officials Meeting, Ballys Hotel, 4pm
    - Challenge AC Final Pre Course Talk, Ballys, 5pm

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [gienopes] [ In reply to ]
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gienopes wrote:
this is from the email newsletter #1

  • Saturday, June 28
    - TYR Open Water Swim Practice, Back Bays, at Bader Field: 630-930am
    - The "Breakfast with Bob Show": Live ON site Global streaming, with host Bob Babbitt
    - Challenge Sports Medicine Symposium, Caesars AC Hotel, 8am
    - The Day Before... Challenge AC Expo, Ballys Hotel & Casino, 10-5pm
    - Challenge Race & Bike Gear drop-off, Bader Field, 1 pm-7 pm
    - Challenge Pro Athletes Race Forum... Featuring, Challenge Ambassador, "Macca" & 2-Time Ironman World Champion, Mirinda Carfrae, Ballys Hotel & Casino, 2:30-3:30 pm,
    - Challenge AC, Pro Athletes Meeting & USAT Officials Meeting, Ballys Hotel, 4pm
    - Challenge AC Final Pre Course Talk, Ballys, 5pm

Well there it is. Driving down from Boston on Saturday morning should pose no trouble
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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not sure why i didn't get newsletter 1. thanks folks.

where is athlete check in, packet pickup etc? doesn't seem to say that on there.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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ahhchon wrote:
not sure why i didn't get newsletter 1. thanks folks.

where is athlete check in, packet pickup etc? doesn't seem to say that on there.


In the line right above what I bolded... its at the host hotel Ballys
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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so no saturday late checkins? i e-mailed the RD 3 times and no responses... :-(

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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just called and talked to RD. athlete packets come out the end of this week.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [slow leak] [ In reply to ]
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slow leak wrote:
some of you guys gotta lighten up on AC, its not THAT bad! :) i'll still take it over panama city any day.

i have the same question about the boardwalk. there is a 'crossing point' (for lack of a better word) on the boardwalk every block. on a weekend in late june people are flocking over the boardwalk to the beach (or back) at a pretty constant rate. i would guess they're just gonna close off most of the crossing points and funnell people into a few that they leave open and have a cop directing pedestrial traffic when runners aren't coming by.

the other question i have is about the train that runs parallel to the a.c. expressway. it is, i believe, on the north side of the expressway and will have to be crossed to get into the hammonton section of the course. potential exists for having to stop while a train passes. not a huge deal but it could suck to lose 2 minutes for that...

The train is not a problem at all- the course avoids all at-grade crossings, both in the Hammonton loop and getting to the Hammonton area. They chose the only route in Atlantic County from the Expressway that doesn't cross the tracks.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [oceanswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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ok good news. thanks.
does that mean the tracks are elevated there (and xpressway ramp goes under) or something like that?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [gienopes] [ In reply to ]
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- The "Breakfast with Bob Show": Live ON site Global streaming, with host Bob Babbitt


Interesting, I always assume Babbitt was a IM guy.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
- The "Breakfast with Bob Show": Live ON site Global streaming, with host Bob Babbitt


Interesting, I always assume Babbitt was a IM guy.

He goes to Roth as well. Maybe has something to do with every time I click a link to triathlete mag article a Challenge ad pops up?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [NordicSkier] [ In reply to ]
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NordicSkier wrote:
FYI, Regensburg

The google translation is poor, but it sounds as if the Mayor wants to bring it back, but the citizens, or at least the author, don't want it. I wonder what the business community thought of the event.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Less than 2-weeks to go. Extended forecast is calling for upper 80's and humid. I'll take it with a grain of salt, but hoping it cools down or at least the humidity drops
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [yatyas] [ In reply to ]
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yatyas wrote:
Less than 2-weeks to go. Extended forecast is calling for upper 80's and humid. I'll take it with a grain of salt, but hoping it cools down or at least the humidity drops

You are not familiar with New Jersey summer weather, are you?

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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Nope. I'm guessing the weather changes hour to hour?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [yatyas] [ In reply to ]
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yatyas wrote:
Nope. I'm guessing the weather changes hour to hour?

No: the weather gets hotter and more humid from now until the end of August. That, and afternoon severe thunderstorms get more frequent.


"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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Not to worry. I am sure there is a lot of shade on the run course. :)

Just think...90 degree heat on the Jersey shore. There won't be any people trying to get to the beach who are pissed off at a few skinny triathletes whose race is getting in their way.

I cannot wait to read the race reports on this one.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds like the weather down here in South Florida. I was hoping to catch a little break on race day, but i guess that wish is out the window
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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At least I'm not skinny so maybe the nice people will leave me alone.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [yatyas] [ In reply to ]
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yatyas wrote:
Sounds like the weather down here in South Florida. I was hoping to catch a little break on race day, but i guess that wish is out the window

Exactly. Like driving from New Jersey to Florida: the Southern accents get deeper and deeper as you go further south, until you hit Florida and it sounds like you just got to New Jersey.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [jimswim99] [ In reply to ]
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jimswim99 wrote:
At least I'm not skinny so maybe the nice people will leave me alone.

Compared to the beachgoers on the Jersey shore? Without knowing anything about you, I think you are still pretty svelte./
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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Of all the great places in Jersey to have a race, this has gotta be one of the worst possible. Kind of like how Rev3 Maine has a race in the least Maine part of Maine (OOB is essentially the Jersey Shore).

I personally don't get the need to hold races in places with 'other' stuff going on. My favorite races have either been entirely rural (Patriot, Pumpkinman), or small towns with quiet roads (Musselman, Montauk).

Twitter | Kancman | Blog
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [snackchair] [ In reply to ]
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wetsuit legal here? anyone know?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
I was wondering if they ever explained how they were going to run the marathon on the board walk in the middle of a Sunday afternoon during beach season on the Jersey shore.

I'm worried about the people being in the parade of bikes on the AC Expressway

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [andykronsch] [ In reply to ]
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looks like it will be as the air temp forecast (yahoo and goggle) for 6/29 will between 75-83 as a high. water temp 20 minutes ago was 74
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [andykronsch] [ In reply to ]
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andykronsch wrote:
wetsuit legal here? anyone know?

Website shows water temp reading of 74.3 degrees at 2:30pm today. Getting to 78 degrees by Sunday seems like a stretch, but your guess is as good as mine.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [homeloans365] [ In reply to ]
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The final course handbook was distributed by email, and the first four miles of the run course look like we're running back and forth on a runway at Bader Field. I feel like an idiot for not noticing this before: is this a recent change?

Also, Weather Underground is a bit more optimistic about race-day weather.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [homeloans365] [ In reply to ]
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homeloans365 wrote:
water temp 20 minutes ago was 74

I'm seeing 70º on SurfLine [States Ave / Steel Pier]

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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dont think its a new change. they always had the turnaround (town past margate) as mile 8 but when i ran the course from albany st/boardwalk to the turn around it was 5.5 miles so I think that was always the plan.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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ElGordo wrote:
The final course handbook was distributed by email, and the first four miles of the run course look like we're running back and forth on a runway at Bader Field. I feel like an idiot for not noticing this before: is this a recent change?

Also, Weather Underground is a bit more optimistic about race-day weather.

You're not crazy. That's a recent change to the course. Previous versions had a lap of Bader Field at the start, but you would exit before mile 2 and reach the southern turnaround at mile 8. Now it looks like there are several out and backs on the runway and runners exit Bader Field near mile 4, putting the southern turnaround at mile 10. The course no longer appears to turn off the boardwalk to McClinton Park at the northern end. The website shows one course, the recent newsletter shows another.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [TJL3] [ In reply to ]
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TJL3 wrote:
ElGordo wrote:
The final course handbook was distributed by email, and the first four miles of the run course look like we're running back and forth on a runway at Bader Field. I feel like an idiot for not noticing this before: is this a recent change?

Also, Weather Underground is a bit more optimistic about race-day weather.

You're not crazy. That's a recent change to the course. Previous versions had a lap of Bader Field at the start, but you would exit before mile 2 and reach the southern turnaround at mile 8. Now it looks like there are several out and backs on the runway and runners exit Bader Field near mile 4, putting the southern turnaround at mile 10. The course no longer appears to turn off the boardwalk to McClinton Park at the northern end. The website shows one course, the recent newsletter shows another.

Weird. I can only assume this "new" run course with the back-n-forths on the airstrip is the real thing. And having special needs at mile 18 seems entirely pointless. By 18 I am thinking finish line and am not going to stop to get a bag.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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I'm very interested to see how this race goes this weekend because it's on my 2015 list. Anyone know when 2015 registration might open?

Giddy up, there's no reason to look behind you, you're not heading that way.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [AustinDuDude] [ In reply to ]
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Pretty sure I saw registration for 2015 opens at noon, the Mon after the race.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [AustinDuDude] [ In reply to ]
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AustinDuDude wrote:
I'm very interested to see how this race goes this weekend because it's on my 2015 list. Anyone know when 2015 registration might open?

I'll try to write up a race report on Monday. I really hope this works out as a success as having a full iron distance race only a short drive away is huge for me (I live just west of Philly).
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:
AustinDuDude wrote:
I'm very interested to see how this race goes this weekend because it's on my 2015 list. Anyone know when 2015 registration might open?

I'll try to write up a race report on Monday. I really hope this works out as a success as having a full iron distance race only a short drive away is huge for me (I live just west of Philly).

Thank you, look forward to the report. Have a great race!!

Giddy up, there's no reason to look behind you, you're not heading that way.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [AustinDuDude] [ In reply to ]
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Why...worried about a sell out?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

"Keep those feet moving!" Me
Last edited by: runnerwv: Jun 24, 14 6:35
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [runnerwv] [ In reply to ]
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runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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Challenge is charging same price Ironman 70.3 $250

"Keep those feet moving!" Me
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:
runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race

I hear and read this a lot. But it is not true. CAC was $575. Quite a few IM cases, including Maryland, Cour d'Alene and Louisville are only $625. You save 50 bucks over a WTC. You cannot compare CAC to the most popular WTC events that cost more because CAC is not in the league with those races.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Relay via some ST peeps that had their team disintegrate - Bike portion
First relay race ever, 2nd time being involved in a 140.6 distance race (did IMFL in Nov '13)
Philadelphia, PA
Wind dependent, but < 4:30 bike split?

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
noofus wrote:
runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race

I hear and read this a lot. But it is not true. CAC was $575. Quite a few IM cases, including Maryland, Cour d'Alene and Louisville are only $625. You save 50 bucks over a WTC. You cannot compare CAC to the most popular WTC events that cost more because CAC is not in the league with those races.

I guess it was just my perception. I remember it being $500, so if it was $575 OK. I signed up the first day it was open, I dont know if that made a difference. I was basing it off the $750 that I think I paid for IMLT last year. Again maybe I am misremembering how much I paid for IMLT.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:
sinkinswimmer wrote:
noofus wrote:
runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race

I hear and read this a lot. But it is not true. CAC was $575. Quite a few IM cases, including Maryland, Cour d'Alene and Louisville are only $625. You save 50 bucks over a WTC. You cannot compare CAC to the most popular WTC events that cost more because CAC is not in the league with those races.

I guess it was just my perception. I remember it being $500, so if it was $575 OK. I signed up the first day it was open, I dont know if that made a difference. I was basing it off the $750 that I think I paid for IMLT last year. Again maybe I am misremembering how much I paid for IMLT.

And I was thinking the very nearby Ironman NY/NJ that went for a grand.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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This run course looks like the first serious foul-up for the race. What could be better than getting off the bike and running four miles up & back on airfield runways? In my opinion, anything up to and including a swift kick in the crotch, that's what. Mehh, in for a dime.....

The joys of a first-year race in a new community, no doubt.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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ElGordo wrote:
This run course looks like the first serious foul-up for the race. What could be better than getting off the bike and running four miles up & back on airfield runways? In my opinion, anything up to and including a swift kick in the crotch, that's what. Mehh, in for a dime.....

The joys of a first-year race in a new community, no doubt.

To be fair - that part of the course that would have gone out the park turnaround at the former 17th mile went through some sketchy neighborhood. As weird as the multiple back-n-forths at the airfield will seem, I bet its full of spectators, and precludes the need to run into a crap neighborhood later in the race.

That said - really? Back and forth in an air field?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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They call it the Parade Lap. I am not a big fan of it, but at least it is early in the race. While it won't be fun, we will get through it, then the rest is on the boardwalk.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [integrator] [ In reply to ]
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integrator wrote:
They call it the Parade Lap. I am not a big fan of it, but at least it is early in the race. While it won't be fun, we will get through it, then the rest is on the boardwalk.

Its the first 3 miles of the run - and my previous experience with IM is that first 3 is awful if there isnt much crowd support. This might be a boost. Who knows.

I wonder what its going to be like running most of the next 23 miles on wooden planks.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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I think the Boardwalk will be better than concrete or blacktop. It should have a little "give" so that should help and be easier on the the body.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [afurlong] [ In reply to ]
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That's a serious bike split!

I've got some friends doing the relay too. Biker should be <4:45, but they've got a 2:18 marathoner...

Should be a fun weekend.

Internet User
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Dark Mark] [ In reply to ]
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For the record... I am so fired up for this Sunday. This is the longest week at work. I am so not productive. I just want this race to happen. I'm ready!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [gienopes] [ In reply to ]
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gienopes wrote:
noofus wrote:
sinkinswimmer wrote:
noofus wrote:
runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race

I hear and read this a lot. But it is not true. CAC was $575. Quite a few IM cases, including Maryland, Cour d'Alene and Louisville are only $625. You save 50 bucks over a WTC. You cannot compare CAC to the most popular WTC events that cost more because CAC is not in the league with those races.

I guess it was just my perception. I remember it being $500, so if it was $575 OK. I signed up the first day it was open, I dont know if that made a difference. I was basing it off the $750 that I think I paid for IMLT last year. Again maybe I am misremembering how much I paid for IMLT.

And I was thinking the very nearby Ironman NY/NJ that went for a grand.

Pretty sure the only IMNYC that was ever run cost the entrants who registered about $850. But that was one race three years ago. The often repeated dialogue is that Challenge is "cheaper" than WTC. There may be lots of reasons to do a Challenge race over a WTC race. But I just think in all fairness when one makes a factual comment suggesting the superiority of one brand over the other, it should be correct. I also think that if you consider that IMLT sold out last year, and less than 700 individuals will do CAC, CAC is either overpriced or IMLT was under priced. That is kind of how supply and demand works.

Regardless, good luck Sunday. I hope your execution, and that of the RD, is flawless.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Do the y have a cool logo for a tattoo?

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
gienopes wrote:
noofus wrote:
sinkinswimmer wrote:
noofus wrote:
runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race

I hear and read this a lot. But it is not true. CAC was $575. Quite a few IM cases, including Maryland, Cour d'Alene and Louisville are only $625. You save 50 bucks over a WTC. You cannot compare CAC to the most popular WTC events that cost more because CAC is not in the league with those races.

I guess it was just my perception. I remember it being $500, so if it was $575 OK. I signed up the first day it was open, I dont know if that made a difference. I was basing it off the $750 that I think I paid for IMLT last year. Again maybe I am misremembering how much I paid for IMLT.

And I was thinking the very nearby Ironman NY/NJ that went for a grand.

Pretty sure the only IMNYC that was ever run cost the entrants who registered about $850. But that was one race three years ago. The often repeated dialogue is that Challenge is "cheaper" than WTC. There may be lots of reasons to do a Challenge race over a WTC race. But I just think in all fairness when one makes a factual comment suggesting the superiority of one brand over the other, it should be correct. I also think that if you consider that IMLT sold out last year, and less than 700 individuals will do CAC, CAC is either overpriced or IMLT was under priced. That is kind of how supply and demand works.

Regardless, good luck Sunday. I hope your execution, and that of the RD, is flawless.

Curious about your motives here. You have been nothing but negative in this thread regarding Challenge, why even bother participating in this thread, do you not want to see growth in Triathlon? Do you in anyway have any vested interest in WTC or Ironman? When you have chimed in you have been wrong or "skewed" things in a way to favor Ironman. For instance, for the record the entry fee for IMNYC was $895 but that doesn't cover the active fee which would have brought it close to $1000. Ironically you say "when one makes a factual comment suggesting the superiority of one brand over the other, it should be correct". Hmm, may this is just how you are on ST, I dunno, but it almost reads like you are the primary investor in the VC firm that owns WTC. And btw, I'm a big fan of Ironman and I receive the occasional paycheck from them, but I just can't see why you think competition would be bad for a consumer. Challenge will keep Ironman on its toes and that is a good thing for all Ironman participants and Ironman races. I just have a really tough time understanding your hate towards Challenge and the constant need to bash this event at every turn.

As for me, I for one am looking forward to the event. I have done many many IM races but this is my first Challenge event. So far the Challenge organization has been nothing but a pleasure to work with and I'm really looking forward to the event. And don't get me wrong, I will reiterate that I am a huge fan of Ironman as well and I have received far more from them than Challenge thus far.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Can we call out El Gordo for his negative comments as well? You guys are seriously depressing. Go get a workout in or something and blow off some steam.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Thomas Gerlach wrote:
Challenge will keep Ironman on its toes and that is a good thing for all Ironman participants and Ironman races. I just have a really tough time understanding your hate towards Challenge and the constant need to bash this event at every turn.

As for me, I for one am looking forward to the event. I have done many many IM races but this is my first Challenge event. So far the Challenge organization has been nothing but a pleasure to work with and I'm really looking forward to the event. And don't get me wrong, I will reiterate that I am a huge fan of Ironman as well and I have received far more from them than Challenge thus far.

I have no hatred or ill will towards the WTC, but one of the reasons I signed up for this one was precisely because I knew that the WTC needs competition. Between Rev3 and Challenge, we are starting to see the makings of a healthy market. I wanted to support and encourage that. Whats it going to be like this weekend? Is it going to be the "everybody is a rock star" treatment we get at a WTC race? I dont know. I am willing to find out.

This is going to be a much smaller field than a typical IM. I am fine with that. I tend to do obscure races anyway. I race the half at Bassman and find myself nearly alone out on the course on occasion. I am fine with that too. I am not in it for the "experience", although that can be fun. I just like to race.

No clue why the hate from sinkinswimmer, it seems entirely unwarranted.

At the moment the weather is predicted to be near perfect for Sunday with a likely wetsuit-legal swim and a not too hot day. I am pumped for this and ready to go!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Thomas Gerlach wrote:
sinkinswimmer wrote:
gienopes wrote:
noofus wrote:
sinkinswimmer wrote:
noofus wrote:
runnerwv wrote:
I was not familiar with the brand until recently as I am considering doing the Challenge 70.3 in New Albany. I was a little sticker shocked at the price tag for it!

But I will probably give it try

Not sure what the price for the half was, but the AC race was easily $250 cheaper than an M-dot race

I hear and read this a lot. But it is not true. CAC was $575. Quite a few IM cases, including Maryland, Cour d'Alene and Louisville are only $625. You save 50 bucks over a WTC. You cannot compare CAC to the most popular WTC events that cost more because CAC is not in the league with those races.

I guess it was just my perception. I remember it being $500, so if it was $575 OK. I signed up the first day it was open, I dont know if that made a difference. I was basing it off the $750 that I think I paid for IMLT last year. Again maybe I am misremembering how much I paid for IMLT.

And I was thinking the very nearby Ironman NY/NJ that went for a grand.

Pretty sure the only IMNYC that was ever run cost the entrants who registered about $850. But that was one race three years ago. The often repeated dialogue is that Challenge is "cheaper" than WTC. There may be lots of reasons to do a Challenge race over a WTC race. But I just think in all fairness when one makes a factual comment suggesting the superiority of one brand over the other, it should be correct. I also think that if you consider that IMLT sold out last year, and less than 700 individuals will do CAC, CAC is either overpriced or IMLT was under priced. That is kind of how supply and demand works.

Regardless, good luck Sunday. I hope your execution, and that of the RD, is flawless.

Curious about your motives here. You have been nothing but negative in this thread regarding Challenge, why even bother participating in this thread, do you not want to see growth in Triathlon? Do you in anyway have any vested interest in WTC or Ironman? When you have chimed in you have been wrong or "skewed" things in a way to favor Ironman. For instance, for the record the entry fee for IMNYC was $895 but that doesn't cover the active fee which would have brought it close to $1000. Ironically you say "when one makes a factual comment suggesting the superiority of one brand over the other, it should be correct". Hmm, may this is just how you are on ST, I dunno, but it almost reads like you are the primary investor in the VC firm that owns WTC. And btw, I'm a big fan of Ironman and I receive the occasional paycheck from them, but I just can't see why you think competition would be bad for a consumer. Challenge will keep Ironman on its toes and that is a good thing for all Ironman participants and Ironman races. I just have a really tough time understanding your hate towards Challenge and the constant need to bash this event at every turn.

As for me, I for one am looking forward to the event. I have done many many IM races but this is my first Challenge event. So far the Challenge organization has been nothing but a pleasure to work with and I'm really looking forward to the event. And don't get me wrong, I will reiterate that I am a huge fan of Ironman as well and I have received far more from them than Challenge thus far.

Thank you and have a great race!! I agree with your comments and don't understand why ST'ers are being so negative on this race. I've done several inaugural races and the only one that has gotten it right the first time was IM Mont-Tremblant. Chill people competition is good greed is not.

Giddy up, there's no reason to look behind you, you're not heading that way.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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I see that athlete check-in is at Bally's. If you're not staying at Bally's, and not staying on the boardwalk, where do we park to do check-in?

Also - for AQUABIKERS - I don't see anything that makes it clear that *finish line clothes bags* don't want to go to the boardwalk.

If the RD is on here, can you please comment?
Last edited by: TallTris: Jun 25, 14 6:57
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [AustinDuDude] [ In reply to ]
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The race will undoubtedly have some issues, but such is the case with any first year race. What Challenge AC has going for it is two race directors who have tremendous reputations in South Jersey. They will do everything in their power to make this race a success and then for the second year, improve upon it.

With regard to the run course, I am not a fan of the first four miles, but after that it should be smooth sailing as we will be on the boardwalk for about 18 miles of the marathon. I think it will be very fan/family friendly and should have a lot of support for that last 13.1 miles.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [TallTris] [ In reply to ]
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as far as parking for check in at Ballys, you can just park in the casino garage. it'll cost you $5 (unless they work out some kind of deal for racers) but you're parked right there so unless $ is really tight it should be no problem ((the parking garage can hold thousands of cars)

you can also find street parking the second block in from the beach block but its pretty congested in that area and you might end up a couple blocks away by the time you found it. it'd be free tho.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [TallTris] [ In reply to ]
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TallTris wrote:
I see that athlete check-in is at Bally's. If you're not staying at Bally's, and not staying on the boardwalk, where do we park to do check-in?

Also - for AQUABIKERS - I don't see anything that makes it clear that *finish line clothes bags* don't want to go to the boardwalk.

If the RD is on here, can you please comment?

I'm guessing that with less than 4 days to go until the race, both Delmo and Vig are going to a little too busy to be checking the slowtwitch forums for last-minute logistical questions. You might want to try emailing them if you haven't already - I know Delmo has always been very responsive to emails re: his previous races.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [TallTris] [ In reply to ]
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TallTris wrote:
I see that athlete check-in is at Bally's. If you're not staying at Bally's, and not staying on the boardwalk, where do we park to do check-in?

Also - for AQUABIKERS - I don't see anything that makes it clear that *finish line clothes bags* don't want to go to the boardwalk.

If the RD is on here, can you please comment?

Rather than hoping they may happen to find this, you should try contacting them directly. I've had great & quick responses from them by emailing them, even recently. Anecdotally, lots of member of the FB page for the race have had great direct communiction too. There are also several people related to the race answer questions on FB.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [gienopes] [ In reply to ]
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gienopes wrote:
TallTris wrote:
I see that athlete check-in is at Bally's. If you're not staying at Bally's, and not staying on the boardwalk, where do we park to do check-in?

Also - for AQUABIKERS - I don't see anything that makes it clear that *finish line clothes bags* don't want to go to the boardwalk.

If the RD is on here, can you please comment?

Rather than hoping they may happen to find this, you should try contacting them directly. I've had great & quick responses from them by emailing them, even recently. Anecdotally, lots of member of the FB page for the race have had great direct communiction too. There are also several people related to the race answer questions on FB.

+1 - The FaceBook page is very helpful, good questions/commentary

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [mcnocera] [ In reply to ]
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I got a reply to my email at 6:05AM. Dudes are working HARD down there in AC! I sent a joking text back to them about the early hour to the RD Vigo and he said it was "late" because he likes to get them done at 5:30AM.

Oh and Haters on the ST forum??? NO WAY????!!!???!!! I like that they are hating on a race BEFORE it even takes place.

I have done 15-20 Iron races and this one seems to have all the ducks in a row. I have also done first time races and non WTC races and this one seems to be the best organized before hand of all of them. Challenge has been amazing to work with. Of course no one will know until Sunday night how it went. But with the level of production and the experience of the RD I have a lot of faith in this one.

I find it interesting that someone said the WTC makes everyone feel like a rock star. They made me feel like cattle or a cog in a machine. I think maybe because I recall the first years of IMLP when it was Gram's show and he had a real passion for the sport that you could feel in the tone of the event. My experience is that personal touch seems long gone and the sense that the WTC cares about our sport is dead. But I am glad someone feels differently thats encouraging for that brand. For me, I have come to embrace the Challenge and Rev3 vibe which still seems like its more "for athletes, by athletes" and people who are for, in and care about the sport, not just a bottom line. But of course with 3000 people at each Ironman, I am sure there are 3000 different experiences and feelings. Some races like IMLP are just classics and between the athletes, town and spectators is magical still regardless of the WTC.

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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:
Thomas Gerlach wrote:
Challenge will keep Ironman on its toes and that is a good thing for all Ironman participants and Ironman races. I just have a really tough time understanding your hate towards Challenge and the constant need to bash this event at every turn.

As for me, I for one am looking forward to the event. I have done many many IM races but this is my first Challenge event. So far the Challenge organization has been nothing but a pleasure to work with and I'm really looking forward to the event. And don't get me wrong, I will reiterate that I am a huge fan of Ironman as well and I have received far more from them than Challenge thus far.

I have no hatred or ill will towards the WTC, but one of the reasons I signed up for this one was precisely because I knew that the WTC needs competition. Between Rev3 and Challenge, we are starting to see the makings of a healthy market. I wanted to support and encourage that. Whats it going to be like this weekend? Is it going to be the "everybody is a rock star" treatment we get at a WTC race? I dont know. I am willing to find out.

This is going to be a much smaller field than a typical IM. I am fine with that. I tend to do obscure races anyway. I race the half at Bassman and find myself nearly alone out on the course on occasion. I am fine with that too. I am not in it for the "experience", although that can be fun. I just like to race.

No clue why the hate from sinkinswimmer, it seems entirely unwarranted.

At the moment the weather is predicted to be near perfect for Sunday with a likely wetsuit-legal swim and a not too hot day. I am pumped for this and ready to go!

Kind of simple. I think Atlantic City was a bad selection and I think most of what I have seen about the race has been mishandled. But if you think I hate this race, you ought to see my thoughts on Ironman Maryland, which have the same tone. Similarly, I am pretty pumped about a possible Ironman Muskoka and would be thrilled if Challenge put a race some where like Vermont, or Colorado. I fact, if you dig you will find posts from me about Challenge St. Andrews that are pretty positive (at least I think they were). I was very excited that Challenge was coming. I just think Challenge AC and IM Maryland are really bad selections, and hey, guess what, I am exercising my right to say so. But, what have I said that is incorrect? Anything? Is Challenge signficantly cheaper than any other WTC event as suggested by the WTC-haters on this thread? No. Is the Challenge course as interesting as any course in IM circuit? Personal choice, of course, but seriously, does ANYONE think it is? Is their organization really better than WTC? Not from what I have seen. I am just holding them to the standard you all seem to want set for them.

. I really do not care if the sport grows. I do not think it is growing. I think it has reached its peak, but I do know that putting on more and more mediocre races is not likely to grow the sport. I do not think the sport benefits from bad races any more than the car industry benefitted from the Yugo. I asked the RD one simple question a while ago when I was considering this race: How are you going to keep the masses from interfering with the run? I got back the typical (from them) line that "everything will be world class." So, my gripes with the race are (1) Atlantic City, and (2) crowd control. I am pretty sure I have even said, that if everything goes off great, GREAT. I may even do the race next year. But think about this. What if the guys at Challenge read this board and want to prove me wrong, and actually figure out a way to keep the fat slobs trying to get to the beach from interfering with the race. Then, you are welcome.

And once again...good luck to all racing. I honestly do hope it goes well for everyone.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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You sound like those people who think that climate scientists haven't thought of all sorts of stuff that might make their data invalid, but you have.

Do you really think that Stephen Del Monte and Robert Vigorito don't have a rock-solid plan for crowd control on the run? Seriously? Like they didn't think about it before you brilliantly pointed it out?

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
You sound like those people who think that climate scientists haven't thought of all sorts of stuff that might make their data invalid, but you have.

Do you really think that Stephen Del Monte and Robert Vigorito don't have a rock-solid plan for crowd control on the run? Seriously? Like they didn't think about it before you brilliantly pointed it out?

Nah...your right. Just like WTC had the IMNYC figured out when they thought it would be a great idea to run along the Hudson. All I read were race reports about dog walkers in the way. Imagine the boardwalk. So, yeah, those guys have it figured out. It seems to me WTC could not figure out NYC. But I am sure these two guys have AC figured out. I am sure it will be no problem at all. Silly me.

But I notice you did not say you think the course is interesting, or that you think you are saving a few hundred dollars over WTC events, or that Challenge blows away WTC in organization. By the way, I forgot to mention I also hate relays and aqua bike. And letting families cross the finish line with athletes. Let's see...what else....nope. That should do it for now.

Have fun.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
klehner wrote:
You sound like those people who think that climate scientists haven't thought of all sorts of stuff that might make their data invalid, but you have.

Do you really think that Stephen Del Monte and Robert Vigorito don't have a rock-solid plan for crowd control on the run? Seriously? Like they didn't think about it before you brilliantly pointed it out?

Nah...your right. Just like WTC had the IMNYC figured out when they thought it would be a great idea to run along the Hudson. All I read were race reports about dog walkers in the way. Imagine the boardwalk. So, yeah, those guys have it figured out. It seems to me WTC could not figure out NYC. But I am sure these two guys have AC figured out. I am sure it will be no problem at all. Silly me.

But I notice you did not say you think the course is interesting, or that you think you are saving a few hundred dollars over WTC events, or that Challenge blows away WTC in organization. By the way, I forgot to mention I also hate relays and aqua bike. And letting families cross the finish line with athletes. Let's see...what else....nope. That should do it for now.

Have fun.

I'm not doing the race, but thanks anyway.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
By the way, I forgot to mention I also hate relays and aqua bike. And letting families cross the finish line with athletes. Let's see...what else....nope. That should do it for now.

Have fun.

Now you are just being nasty
Last edited by: noofus: Jun 25, 14 17:50
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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Delmo also puts on the Atlantic City tri. Run is entirely in the boardwalk.

Having done this race the crowds in the boards have never been an issue.

Haters gonna hate

Yellowfin Endurance Coaching and Bike Fits
USAT Level 1, USAC Level 3
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [surfNJmatt] [ In reply to ]
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surfNJmatt wrote:
Delmo also puts on the Atlantic City tri. Run is entirely in the boardwalk.

Having done this race the crowds in the boards have never been an issue.

Haters gonna hate

Yes but the times that racers will be running on the boardwalk are much different for an Olympic vs a full IM. Foot traffic will be much heavier at CAC by the time the racers are running. But it shouldn't matter much. There will only be 800-900 racers and I would assume they will be pretty spaced out.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [tucktri] [ In reply to ]
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I was at AC TRI last year. Biggest issue was old people on beach cruisers ignoring the volunteers. Blasting thru the course without any regard for the runners. But bikes are not allowed on boardwalk after 11am. So this shouldn't be an issue.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Hey guys, just an FYI...pro triathlete Scott Defilippis (8:09 IM pb at IMF; 2nd place at Challenge Penticton) & I will be hosting an "Ask Me Anything Pre-Race Q&A" on Saturday from 2-3pm in the Ocean Room at Bally's. All details are posted below:


Also, if you need any last-minute nutrition (ie CarboPro, EFS, IM Perform, Gatorade Endurance, electrolyte caps, etc etc etc), feel free to shoot me an email & we can arrange for pick-up in AC (Brian@PersonalBestNutrition.com). I'll be presenting at the Sports Medicine Symposium from 1:40-2:20pm on Fri & then again at Bally's as noted above.

See you guys down there!


Brian Shea
Open-Water/Masters Swimming at the Jersey Shore:
Monmouth County NJ Ocean Swim/Masters Workouts
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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At the athlete talk now. The run course has changed again. No more loops at Bader Field (they must have read my bitching on ST!). Now we head straight to the boardwalk for multiple loops.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [tucktri] [ In reply to ]
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After going for a little run on the boardwalk this evening, I'm a bit concerned about the traffic on the boardwalk. This race isn't that big compared to a large IM, but that may only mean that people walking on boardwalk will be less aware of the runners. It will be easy for non-racers to cross the course without getting in the way since there will be large gaps between runners, but I'm concerned about people crossing the course without realizing it and stepping right in front of delirious runners. And like you said, at that time there may be a lot of foot traffic (or maybe not on a sunday? idk). I know my agility is pretty terrible on the marathon and I will tumble strait into someone if they step right in front of me. Hopefully they have the course marked well enough that that isn't a problem.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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Will you be giving out gambling vouchers?
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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on a sunday afternoon you'll be more likely to have people crossing (from beach to streets), then the kind of strolling you would see on an evening or even a saturday day. but its still a concern. guess we'll see soon enough! i suspect the casino areas will be very well marked and patrolled, but i think as you go south on the boardwalk (towards, and into Ventnor) the boardwalk narrows and it just feels like an area that wont be given as much attention.

on a positive note, the weather is still holding steady as just about perfect. keep waiting for the inevitable creep-up of temps or humidity, but so far it aint happening! high of 75degrees with moderate humidity is pretty much hitting the jackpot for here this time of year.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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ElGordo wrote:
At the athlete talk now. The run course has changed again. No more loops at Bader Field (they must have read my bitching on ST!). Now we head straight to the boardwalk for multiple loops.

IMPOSSIBLE! According to klehner those RDs are legends who had thought of EVERYTHING! NO WAY ST would have influenced them! They are way too smart to need our help!
Last edited by: sinkinswimmer: Jun 27, 14 9:39
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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sinkinswimmer wrote:
ElGordo wrote:
At the athlete talk now. The run course has changed again. No more loops at Bader Field (they must have read my bitching on ST!). Now we head straight to the boardwalk for multiple loops.

IMPOSSIBLE! According to klehner those RDs are legends who had thought of EVERYTHING! NO WAY ST would have influenced them! They are way too smart to need our help!

I can't imagine what it must be like to go through each day as you.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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the more i think about it, i think the last run course change is a very good one. almost all of the run is now on the boardwalk, which should increase the concentration of runners. if it had reamained going all the way to longport the volume of runners would have been diluted. this new way it would, i think, create a more 'steady stream' of runners to occupy the running lanes and kind of stake a claim to that territory. pedestrians will be less likely to just not realize a race is going on.
plus, as delmo said, makes it better for spectators.
i fully endorse the change :)
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [slow leak] [ In reply to ]
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Great "carbo load" dinner tonight at Bally's ( included in the reg fee ) First class food and dessert and coffee during the welcome/awards presentation. Blazeman's mother and father spoke. Very emotional. Nice story of how challenge got started by the owner and Vigo did a great job MC'ing. These guys are doing everything 1st class so far. Can't wait for Sunday.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [jime] [ In reply to ]
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jime wrote:
Great "carbo load" dinner tonight at Bally's ( included in the reg fee ) First class food and dessert and coffee during the welcome/awards presentation. Blazeman's mother and father spoke. Very emotional. Nice story of how challenge got started by the owner and Vigo did a great job MC'ing. These guys are doing everything 1st class so far. Can't wait for Sunday.

Good to see that Challenge put up a good show, hope more folks will give them a chance
What is the total number of entries, i hope it is at least 500!
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [asianzone] [ In reply to ]
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The registration numbers go up to 800, so I figure we put 600-750 individual athletes in the water tomorrow. They have another 150 relay teams it looks like just eyeballing the board.

Walking on the boardwalk yesterday my thinking is now that the run will either be completely awesome or suck balls. I've never run on that type of surface for over 20 miles, and race hour is a sea of Jersey Bros, push cabs, and the generally bewildered. The locals will either get into it or be totally annoyed. I don't think there's much in-between here.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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I agree that the run will either be awesome or totally suck. Not so much because of the surface but all the people and stuff. I'm really hoping they control the people some how. Last thing I want to be doing is swerving around people and stopping etc...I'm sure they (RD) planned for this.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [slow leak] [ In reply to ]
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I agree. Higher concentration of runners is better to 'stake our claim' of the course.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [Shankster] [ In reply to ]
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Water temp just announced as 80 degrees. No wetsuits for age group placing or awards.

A whole bunch of people around me just threw up in their mouths a little.

Will be a lot of people in the wetsuit wave starting at the end.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
You sound like those people who think that climate scientists haven't thought of all sorts of stuff that might make their data invalid, but you have.

Do you really think that Stephen Del Monte and Robert Vigorito don't have a rock-solid plan for crowd control on the run? Seriously? Like they didn't think about it before you brilliantly pointed it out?

So, what exactly was the "rock-solid" crowd control plan on the run? I have seen at least two threads suggesting that crowds on the run were a problem.

http://forum.slowtwitch.com/...;;page=unread#unread (actually mentioned crowds making it so hard for runners a guy went off on his bike to help, which caused two runners to get dq'd for pacing)

http://forum.slowtwitch.com/...t_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; (one post mentions people walking all over the course and not "giving a rats ass." and another post called boardwalk traffic "inexcusable")

Maybe just those three people and no one else had a problem? Just curious.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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I started the run a little bit before 1. The foot traffic going south from the hit you first hit the BW coming from bader field wasn't bad in my opinion. People would move out of the way when they heard you coming. Going north from the start of be hotels area were a bit more busy but I saw volunteers asking people to move out of the "run lane". I also noticed there were those Gator ATV's going up the run lane(north of the finish line) and honking the horn. People definitely moved out of the way for that.

I overheard a lot of people on the course asking what was going on IMO they couldve printed out more signs saying "please use caution, race in progress". Just don't think the public was fully made aware. I will say that it totally sucked the aid stations south of the finish line were every 2-2.5 miles. Maybe due to the last minute course change? However those aid stations were fully stocked and the volunteers were awesome.

Hopefully Vigo and DelMo can build off the SNAFU's. It was my first Challenge event and happy with the over all production put on.

And now, I'll be getting back to my Founders IPA I finally found. This town has poor beer choices.
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Re: Challenge thoughts and Atlantic City roll call [sinkinswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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The mile or so stretch north of the finish line, had significant traffic around the course, but I didn't have any issues with people slowing me down (and I had a top 10 AG run split, though don't ask about the swim). There were some volunteers redirecting people as much as possible, but there could have been more and definitely more signage. I found most people on the boardwalk to be encouraging or just confused. If you smiled and responded they would cheer and high five you. I had a ton of fun on the run, in all honesty, and think I set a course record for high fives. The people who walked onto the course were mostly oblivious, not malicious and apologized when they realized ther were in the way. At least that was my experience.

Like I said, I do think more signage, notification, and especially volunteers would have helped a lot, with keeping people from wandering onto the run course without knowing it. They were not allowed to rope off the course, but I think it is a great experience, and I'd rather run that course than a 13 mile out and back on empty roads. YMMV.
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