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How was your week? Feb 10 Edition
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Hope all the womens are doing well.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Goals for this week:
Day off from running (might do this tomorrow) done on Friday
Swim 5x done
Ride at least once nope. Blaming the snow we got on T and F which cancelled school those two days!
Use all of my coping skills so I don't have food issues only had issues one day and it wasn't a huge binge just 3/4 a pan of lemon squares

Overall pretty happy with my week. I am still having lots of school stress but trying to make it productive, motivating stress...
M - 9.5 mi run
T - 8 mi run + 4400 yd swim
W - 7.5 mi run* + 2000 yd swim
T - 10 mi run + 2200 yd swim
F - 1:45 stairmaster + 2600 yd swim
S - 9 mi run** + 1600 yd swim
S - 11 mi run

* workout .5 mi w/u, 16 x [25 mi fast + .15 mi easy] @ 8.0, 8.2, ... 10.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6 mph , .6 mi c/d
** workout 10 min w/u, 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 min @ 9.0 mph (1 min easy 6.5 mph recoveries), long c/d

Totals 12,800 yd swim + 55 mi run

Goals for the coming week
1. No food issues
2. Day off from running
3. Swim 18k
4. Bike once

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: tigerchik: Feb 10, 14 10:56
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still not really training, but I have my goals every week, so as part of my "Focus on What I CAN Do" goal, here goes:

Today is the 8-month anniversary of my accident, and I haven't cried yet ;-) Those monthly anniversaries going by without seeing progress have been getting to me, but today I'm doing ok.

Mon, Wed, and Fri - swam. Goal = keep heart rate <110. I can do a 200 warmup and a few 100's on 2:30 before it starts to creep up, and then I switch to drills. Total yards 1000-1400 each session.

Thurs - had a swim lesson w/ my coach and got to spend an hour watching him work with a client. I don't have the knowledge or confidence to be a coach, but I am fascinated by what he picks up on when working with swimmers and how he adapts his explanations until the client "gets it." He definitely has the patience of a saint! We also had a little heart-to-heart talk about my goals and frustrations, keeping my mind focused on the right things (like not comparing my times now to my times before my accident, focus on technique, etc).

Tues and Sun - weight training, Tues by myself at the gym and Sun with a personal trainer who also happens to be a physical therapist - he is awesome and I trust him.

Sat - rode my bike around the neighborhood, 7.7 miles in a little over 30 min. It was my first "real" ride in 3 months - at first I was off because of my neck, and then we had a crappy spell weather-wise. It felt great to be out, I was able to be aero for maybe 3 of the miles, and I didn't panic. My headache got worse and I had to back off, and then I was up at 3:00 am with a headache and neck spasms, which was disappointing, but I think I've just got a lot of re-adapting to do.

Tues and Fri - had physical therapy. We had a victory on Friday when I did a "convergence drill" and my eyes moved the way they were supposed to! Before one would move in and the other stayed straight, which kind of freaked me out.

I only got one little walk in, but that's ok - it was cold and I'm a wimp. My HR jumps too fast when I try to run, so I never get warm with just walking. It will come....

Eating was not great, but I feel as if I'm getting close to getting it together. I met with a counselor on Thursday , and I feel as if I'm starting to get on the right track.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Last week's goals:
Run x 6: FAIL. 5 only - got home waaaay too late on Wednesday night.
Swim x 4: WIN
Bike x 3: WIN
Core/strength x 4: WIN
Tobogganing x 1: FAIL, but got in a bit longer xc ski yesterday

Also managed to fall the hell over while xc skiing - stepping over a fallen tree, had a ski go out from underneath me and landed on the left side of my butt right on the downed tree. Hurt like hell then, but was able to ski the ~1.5km back to the car and do a run & bike after. Still sore today, especially sitting in my office chair. Oh well.

This week's goals:
Run x 6
Swim x 4
Bike x 3
Core/strength x 4
Snowshoe x 1

I need to get back up over 50k/week running. I would have last week had I not taken Wednesday night off, but it has to happen this week. Should be closer to 60k/week by the end of the month to be in decent shape for a race at the end of March.


-mistress k

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Ok last week…goals: century ride on Sunday. Spent the week recovering from the half-marathon on the previous Saturday, though I did get a core class in on Thursday, and wasn't sore after it like I was the week before. Drove out to Palm Springs on Friday after work, walked around the expo with some friends I just happened to run into (not the one's I was riding with). Saturday's century turned into a metric century for me…massive winds and climbing all in the first 20 miles, I almost decided to give up at the first SAG stop, as I had lost the group I was riding with (there were 7 ahead of me, and 3 behind me, and the 3 took another route and ended up ahead of me without me knowing, so I was riding by myself most of the way). It was very demoralizing, especially when I couldn't keep up with these guys that I normally can keep up with on a flat ride. I ended up continuing to a point where the 55 mile course turned from the 100 mile course (55 mile course had shortcut to first SAG stop, that's how other friends got ahead of me), and turned off there, continuing to finish the ride of about 64 miles. It ended up being a fun time hanging out after the race with the rest of the gang.
This weeks goal: swim!!, run-1-2x, ride- 1x… heading to Fresno for nephew #2's baptism this weekend.

check out my blog http://theswimmingtriathlete.com
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah some goofy weather all over the place eh? Nice work everyone, hope the butt heals up mistress K sore glutes suck.

Last week: ran 5x (!!! most times a week since before Comrades! The foam roller really helps), skated 3x (and put on 1" longer blades for Sat - holy crap could I ever feel the difference!), rode 2x, gym/core/drills 2x. Sore (good sore) glutes after Sat's run + gym + skate day, the soreness means its working! :-) Watching buckets of Olympics - I am such an Olympics nerd. I would book off two weeks to watch it all if I could. :-) Only salad'd 4 times, need to get back to daily. It's a long weekend here and we kinda went overboard with not-so healthy foodstuffs. Gotta watch it.

This week: skate 4x, run 4x, gym/core/drills 2x.12 days til nationals! Wheee!!!!


"How bad could it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Spent the entire week fighting a heinous head cold while doing long work days. I blame the SF run in the pouring cold rain. And I got smacked in the face by a flying piece of tree bark. At least I've lost 5 lbs.

Learned the OFFICIAL date we are moving to Utah and freaked because it's way sooner than I expected - March 10th. Stress levels +1000.

Tried to quit my job. Failed-ish. Spent two hours talking with my HR guy then my project lead. Got "oh hell no, we'll fly you, we'll let you work remote, but NOT HAPPENING." which is really awkward. I finally got them to accept that I'm leaving, but now I have a meeting in 30 minutes with those two PLUS the VP of my company, so I'm borderline panic attack right now because I hate confrontation. A lot. Palms sweaty, stomach churning, hands shaking... SOWISA, baby...

But I'm going to let them talk me into staying - the money is too good to turn down and my husband conceded he will be okay with my flying 2 weeks a month. The airline miles will be nice for getting us back to CA and to races. I'm just mentally torn about moving to a new state and spending all my time either working from home alone or flying back to CA. I'm a newlywed and like spending time with friends and family. But again, the money... the money is big.

Back to training: I've admitted I am, in fact, a very poor athlete and after taking so much time off, I need to start slow. I am focusing on running and will start my plan again today with a itty-bitty mile run.


You. You make me stronger.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Going in for a knee MRI tonight after work.

Getting fat and lazy.

Ugh. Hopefully I can get this cleared up by the time the nice weather rolls around.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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fingers crossed it's something easy to address. AP

"How bad could it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [AndyPants] [ In reply to ]
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maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [AndyPants] [ In reply to ]
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AndyPants wrote:
fingers crossed it's something easy to address. AP

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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Last week not a very productive week.

Got in my runs and one ride but swimming was a big miss. We've been having so much bad weather - pool was closed for meet, then for ice storm, then snow storm. This winter has been big time depressing - we are gonna get hit again on Wednesday night into Thursday may wind up with feet of snow on the ground.

I keep telling myself, the spring sun is gonna feel so good on my back when I finally get outside on my bike again. I so miss riding and actually going somewhere when I ride!

Enough whining - this weeks goals!
4 swims
5 runs
2 rides
2 strength

And praying they are soo wrong about feet of snow later this week!

Happy training to all the womens!
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Good stuff, mostly. I ran 6x, as per schedule, the highlight was my long run which I hit the miles I was going for and hit the pace that puts me where I should be.
I wimped out on one swim. ugh. So I only swam once last week. boo.
Did get on the bike 3x.

But the very good news is I got the results of my last board exam and it was a pass. So relieved! So now I'm a CPO - certified orthotist prosthetist.

I had a bad food day - unusual for me. I got 'hangry' - which resulted in a pizza overeat. Oh well. It was the day after my long run, wonder if that had anything to do with it.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Good week last week. Doing what my coach says, but my legs are fatigued!!! I guess this is why I hired a coach. To push me more than I'd push myself.
This week I have 1/2 marathon on Sunday, but plan on running, not racing it. Tempo run - just cause it's a big race in my city and I love seeing all the people out there.
I have 7 weeks until first 1/2 IM of season. It sure is coming fast.

Happy training everyone.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [determination] [ In reply to ]
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Huge congratulations!!!! That's awesome.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [themadcyclist] [ In reply to ]
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themadcyclist wrote:
AndyPants wrote:
fingers crossed it's something easy to address. AP


x 4
Let us know when you can. Sending good positive thoughts your way.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [mdiane630] [ In reply to ]
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Hang in there... I'm with you on the slow recovery and know just how frustrating it can be.

I've now had 5 days relatively pain free--the most in a long time. It's a good thing I have a line of pros holding me back, otherwise it would be way too easy to overdo it.

My goals for this week are to walk a total of 25 miles; core x2; PT home exercises x7; and try an upright bike on the trainer.

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [Tri3] [ In reply to ]
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I am so psyched that you've had some relatively pain free days. It is about time :D

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks! ;-)

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [themadcyclist] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks womens. No results from the MRI yet but I did get all of the film which is cool to look at.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [Tri3] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, glad you're also doing better - I'm impressed with the 25 miles of walking. When the weather was decent, I was getting in maybe 9-12 miles but I don't have a good attitude about it. I have a couple of friends I meet up with when I can, which helps. I've never liked listening to music when I exercise, but I might have to try it if things don't pick up a bit soon. Glad you're being smart about coming back slowly - that's a tough lesson to learn!

Hang in there,

Tri3 wrote:
Hang in there... I'm with you on the slow recovery and know just how frustrating it can be.

I've now had 5 days relatively pain free--the most in a long time. It's a good thing I have a line of pros holding me back, otherwise it would be way too easy to overdo it.

My goals for this week are to walk a total of 25 miles; core x2; PT home exercises x7; and try an upright bike on the trainer.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [mdiane630] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, although with a foot of new snow on the ground, I probably won't hit 25 this week--no way I'm risking a tumble on ice/snow.

My sweetie gave me an Ipod shuffle, and the music does help pass the time. Also, I keep myself motivated by telling myself "it's not walking--it's getting ready to run."

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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I have an update, and it's good news.

I had two conflicting opinions from two surgeons, so I decided to go for tie breaker. There wasn't a clear path there...I felt like they were both missing something. After a month's wait, I got in to a top foot/ankle ortho at Big Prestigious University Clinic, and it was such a cool experience. He agreed more with my second, which was a WAY less drastic surgery. But, his assessment felt right, addressed all of my concerns, and included so much good information that I felt comfortable just scheduling the surgery. Let's do this.

Unfortunately, it's a two month wait for surgery with this dude, but I will live. It will be worth it. I can swim and do some light biking for now, but aside from testing out my second batch of diagnostic cortisone, biking has been really uncomfortable. So, it might be time to HTFU and spend more time in the pool, which is something I can do as long as I don't wear fins or kick too much. But it's movement, and even 10 minutes on my bike is 10 minutes on my bike. I need to be better about doing what I can do.

I should be able to be back to actually training by September and with a far less scary procedure and recovery than originally thought. And, he even thinks it's strongly possible that with this all fixed I'll be able to return to actual running in the future, which is such an amazing thought.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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Awesome! My MRI came back negative for a tear but I don't feel like I got a good explanation for my pain from the Dr when he called me. I'm thinking about getting a second opinion.

I tried running again but it was really painful. I'm not sure what to do from here except continue PT.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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JenSw wrote:
Awesome! My MRI came back negative for a tear but I don't feel like I got a good explanation for my pain from the Dr when he called me. I'm thinking about getting a second opinion.

I tried running again but it was really painful. I'm not sure what to do from here except continue PT.

It's been a really long road for me to get to a diagnosis. I've been at this since October. Honestly, I have been dealing with this for years but working on the wrong things.

If you don't feel like your issues are getting resolved or that it all makes sense, go see someone else. Keep seeing people until someone takes your whole history into account and has an answer for all of your questions that makes sense to you.
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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katcycle, that is good news. Thank you for the update. Are you able to water-run?
I am not sure how much kicking is too much, but you can do a lot with pulling. With a buoy, with a band, with both, with paddles... laying on your back and sculling is great for feel of the water... can you stairmaster? I hate the elliptical but love the stairmaster...

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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glad the MRI was neg. for a tear - but do they have any idea what IS actually wrong?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: How was your week? Feb 10 Edition [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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Arrgh, I know that must be so frustrating. When you say you didn't get a good explanation, do you think talking more with the doc, asking more questions would help you understand better? What does the doc say when you ask what is wrong? In other words, is it a communication issue or has the doc ruled out a bunch of things and doesn't know?

Are you seeing a doc that specializes win working with athletes? That can make all the difference, particularly if they are comfortable and experienced in working with female athletes.

Finally, if all the obvious have been ruled out, I would wonder about something further up the kinetic chain, like ITB issues, is going on.

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
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