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Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated.
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This "editorial" appeared in the Newark (Ohio) Advocate. OK, it is my local paper, but don't hold it against me! If anyone else (aside from me) feels the need to let the reporter in on a different perspective, you can track him down at http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=CUSTOMERSERVICE03

Back Article published Jul 25, 2005
Lance, though great, not among greatest athletes

Bill Bender

I respect Lance Armstrong.

For someone to win the Tour de France seven straight times after beating three kinds of cancer is remarkable. It really is. I could never disrespect that.

That being said, now you're probably not going to like what I have to say.

Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. Not since "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" has one person received so much attention for riding a bike.

At least that bike could fly.

The fact of the matter is that if Armstrong were not racing, nobody here would care about the Tour de France. Cycling in itself is not that exciting to watch. Can you name five other American cyclists?

I didn't think so. That's why it's peculiar that they try to pass off the event as a team sport. Again, I don't think so. How many dates have George Hincapie and Sheryl Crow been on lately? Did Levi Leipheimer make a cameo on "Dodgeball?" Do the other riders on the so-called team get to wear the yellow jersey?

But people try to slap it on a Wheaties box and throw it on the Discovery Channel, and all of a sudden it's Hands Across America for a bunch of guys in lycra shorts.

I'm not buying it. Cycling is an individual sport aimed at individual achievement. And for his sport, Lance Armstrong is dominant. But he's not dominant in the NFL, NBA or NHL, where the competition is far more cut-throat then it is for one month in the mountains of France.

That's why it's hard for me to put Armstrong with whom I consider the greatest athletes. Tiger Woods plays in a more pressure-packed sport. Wayne Gretzky's career statistics are flat-out disgusting. Jerry Rice is still catching touchdowns, and he's 42. We're not even going to touch Michael Jordan.

I could put Armstrong in the same class with Barry Bonds, given that both are constantly dodging doping allegations. The public perception is still that Bonds is a liar, while Armstrong has been maliciously attacked. I don't think that's fair, and I'm not quite sure Armstrong could hit a ball into McCovey Cove, even if he was on the juice. I'm also not so sure how good a role model Armstrong is, especially if these allegations are true.

Finally, I'm not sure just how grueling the Tour de France really is. I had a close friend do the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure last month, and he spent all of two days preparing for that race.

Yes, the Tour de France is longer, and yes, the avid cyclist could be considered a good athlete. But if an overweight, out-of-shape kid who can't play two games of pick-up basketball can finish the GOBA, it makes you wonder.

After all, the saying doesn't go, "It's just like picking up yourself after getting hit on a blind-sided blitz on third-and-20 by a 300-pound defensive end late in the fourth quarter." That's not quite as easy as riding a bike.

Before you start calling me the spawn of Caligula, I will say that I realize that Armstrong's monopoly on the sport of cycling is impressive. I have no problem with him beating a bunch of French cyclists at their own game. And again, beating cancer is far more important than anything else he has done.

But there have been other great cyclists, such as Miguel Indurain and Greg LeMond, that have made their mark on the sport. With Armstrong gone, will you tune in to the Discovery Channel next year?

I won't. I'll probably be watching "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure."

John F. Martin, Jr.
+1 (614) 403-0567
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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ohio. say no more.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Just another myopic unsophisticated jackass sports writer. All these guys can think about is pro ball/team/stick sports, as if the entire world world revolves around the NFL or NBA. Other than Lance, this guy probably couldn't name another rider in this year's Tour.

I've always thought sports writers aren't the high end of journalism. This guy is proof.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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ummmmm, wow......

Dan DeMaio
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.
- Albert Einstein
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know this writer, but he seems to be yet another in a long line of US sports journalists who don't get out much. They have grown up on a steady diet of American professional Ball sports( Football, baseball and Basketball) and that's all he knows. He has no idea that OUTSIDE the US their is a whole other world of sport and that cycling is right up there in terms of it's profile and respect and that the US ball sports that he covers have very little profile in the rest of the world, with the possible exception of Basketball. Interesting, how the US is SHOCKED whenever another team beats the US National Basketball team. I have also heard that one of the reasons that professionals are not allowed to play baseball in international competition( the Olympics and so on) is to save the US the embarrasment of trying to explain how their multi-million dollar baseball stars could loose to Japan or, horrors, Cuba!!


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Cliff notes:

My countires sports are better then the rest of the worlds sport so there.


Death Squad Cycling Club

"Why is that people will drop $2000 on race wheels and a few c-notes for an ugly tattoo and then balk at the race fee?" - Blackie
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Just a troll article, controversy for the sake of controversy to generate sales, no reason to take this drivel seriously, I can pretty much guarantee the writer is just throwing out stuff he knows is crap to get attention. Not original either, the same article has been written a few times now by different people.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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"Finally, I'm not sure just how grueling the Tour de France really is. I had a close friend do the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure last month, and he spent all of two days preparing for that race.

Yes, the Tour de France is longer, and yes, the avid cyclist could be considered a good athlete. But if an overweight, out-of-shape kid who can't play two games of pick-up basketball can finish the GOBA, it makes you wonder."

Mmmmh. This is an impressive piece of journalistic vista.

But this is a joke, right?


Pardon my French.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [cyclingfrenchie] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I don't know why, but this kind of thing REALLY pisses me off. I know it shouldn't and the guys a fool, but how can you let him print it...I HAD to write him a note. Hopefully I captured your/our thoughts on this fool. I might not be as great a writer as some, but this guys needs a swift kick even if no one reads his column:

Note to Bill Bender re article on Lance Armstrong.

Every year it seems that some misinformed dope who calls himself a sports writer plays this "cycling is not a sport" and "Lance isn't such a great athlete" game to get our ire up. Well it works, but I still have to respond to your article about Lance. I appreciate the fact that you throw some facts about cycling in (I'm really impressed you know Lemond and Indurain) but beyond that you prove that you don't know a thing about the sport. Stick to the big 4 and golf, and you'd probably be better off. You completely shoot yourself in the foot, when you compare the Tour to a local charity ride that some fat kid didn't train for. There are just as many cyclists throughout the world as there are football players in the U.S. and only the cream of the crop make the cut of 189 riders who can start the tour. These are the best of the best who have trained just as long and hard as any other top notch athelte in his respective sport. Just because you don't like/understand soccer, cycling, (insert international sport here), doesn't mean the atheletes aren't worthy of more respect than you give lip sevice to.... They then circumnavigate the entire country at speeds you cannot imagine on a bike. I for instance am a pretty decent amateur triathlete, but I can barely hold 66% of the speed these guys hold for 2 hours, let alone about 100 hours in the saddle. You also make assinine comparisons to Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky and Michael Jordan. Of course Lance couldn't hit a home run, but neither could Gretzky or Woods, just as none of them could hang for the easiest of stages in the Tour. Its a completely apples/orange argument that makes you sound just plain dumb. I could go on, but if you don't realize that you are talking about things you don't have any clue about, then you never will understand. I wouldn't write an article about biochemistry or international monetary policy, similarly you should never again attempt to write about cycling or the myriad of other topics you don't know a thing about. Trust me. If you want to, check out some cycling websites and start doing your homework. Then maybe you can hang.

Thanks for trying,
Steve Zelinger

"ah-hem...the time is yours."
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [cyclingfrenchie] [ In reply to ]
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It's obviously just a troll article, like Bayless' yesterday. These writers throw incendiary lobs out there to drum up interest in their "views".

I'm sure this writer knows that the Bike across Ohio comparison is roughly the same as saying that there's an overweight, out of shape guy on my company softball team. Makes you wonder if he can play MLB.

It's crap writing. He knows it, his eds know it, you know it, but it helps sell ad space and papers.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [tttiltheend] [ In reply to ]
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I agree. I don't think the writer is serious. However he knows that a large proportion of people reading will think he's serious. He writes the comparison between the Great Ohia Bike Adventure and the Tour de France. I've read other articles by guys that really seem to be ignorant morons, but in this case I think if you read between the lines the author himself even knows he's kidding.

For example, I could write "Michael Jordan isn't special, and it's not hard to be good at basketball. Heck, at the family Christmas Party this year the kids were out the back and my Grandma even bounced the basketball and made a pass. I mean how hard can the sport be ?"

But this would never work for an American newspaper, because all American couch potatos would know that that's bogus, since they know the game of basketball (at the very least through the TV in the living room). But I'm sure there's lots of these same guys reading the article in question here thinking, "yeah, what's with that pansy bike race in France ? My grandma rides a bike, up some big hills too."

The author is writing to get a reaction. And it will work, and he'll be laughing at the fact that half the people reading will agree. Best to ignore it and hope you guys (the US) get another top team and GC contender next year so that they keep showing the Tour on TV.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [one_lap] [ In reply to ]
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Someone should take this guy on a flat 2-hour club ride then point out, when he regains consciousness, that TdF stages are 1) uphill, 2) three times as long in time, and 3) ridden at twice the speed. Then wake him up the next 20 mornings in a row and say "Want to go again?"
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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If it ain't NASCAR or got no ball it ain't no sport.

Now 'scuse me while I gets my mullet trimmed.

infinIT Nutrition
Custom Blended Nutrition Solutions

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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Could someone explain why the hell the NBA crowns its league championship team, "World Champions"? Are there any NBA teams outside the contiguous 48 states? "World Champions," my ass. Didn't the Olympics prove otherwise?

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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I am sure this guy is a 300 pound coach potato wothless piece of Sh*t that can even run for three miles.

Not a team sport !?!?!?!?!?!??? Can't name other cyclists????????

Let's try a quiz -- Name the Offensive Live of the Dallas Cowboys Superbowl team when Roger Stauback was Quaterback?? How about the Pittsburg steelers when Terry Bradshaw was Quarterback??

Name Joe Nameth's teammates??

Name Joe Montana's Center.

Who played Center for the Chicago Bulls with Micheal Jordon when they won ??

On all these there are a few people who can name them -- Just like most of us can name Ekimov, Hincappie, Landis, Chechu, etc. etc.

This guy is an absolute idiot -- He should just go to Burger King and have another double whopper.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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Same reason the WTC calls its Hawaii Ironman the "World Championships" although, at least you have an international field there. And no, the Olympics did not prove otherwise, because it wasn't the NBA Championships.

Steve Perkins
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [steveperx] [ In reply to ]
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The NBA championship & the WTC championship are vastly different, in the sense that those participating in the WTC event are from all around the world. The teams in the NBA championship are all from within the contiguous 48 states.

The NBA crowns is championship team, "World Champions". "The World Champion Detroit Pistons" At least in baseball/hockey there are (were?) teams from Canada.

If the US olympic basketball team (professional NBA all-stars) can't win a gold medal, how can the Pistons, Spurs, or whoever be world champions?

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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Basketball is defiantely a sport where the U.S. is having to wake up and smell the coffee, hard. For a while they did "own" the sport. However, in the last 10 years it's grown by leaps and bounds internationally and a number of countries can now field teams that can compete with the best team that the U.S. can put on the court even with the top U.S. NBA professionals on the team. We have experienced this in Hockey here in Canada - a sport we one time thought we owned, but international hockey is now very competitive amongst an elite group of countries. Canada goes into World Championships and Olympic games as a solid favourite, but there is a good chance that one of Russia, the Czech Republic, Finland or Swedan may win to.

Baseball is another interesting situation. Yes it's the US "Past-time" and for many years, the U.S. produced the best players. However, that is definately not the case now as many of the best players come from Latin America and even Japan. As I have posted elsewhere in this thread, I have heard that there has been a movement to keep the true baseball professionals out of international competition( indeed baseball has just been dropped by the IOC) to save Americans the embarrasment of being beaten at their "national past-time" by countries such as Japan or horrors, Cuba!!


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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That article made me want to through the computer out of the window. Not so much because the author is a complete ass, but because it will paint a very negative picture in many readers minds regarding the sport. It is idiots like these who undo what Lance, LeMond, and others have done for American cycling.

We all need to bombard this guy with letters to show him that maybe there are people who read his work...maybe that's what he was trying to provoke,but a part of me just think he is a misinformed idiot.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Idiot, with a capital I.

Have you hugged Your Mom today?
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [Sparticus] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

Name Joe Montana's Center.
Duh... Randy Cross

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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Jim Rome had Chris Carmichael on his "national" radio show yesterday and before he interviewed him he actually stood up for cycling as a sport. He said something to the effect that it requires speed, power, endurance, and mental toughness and just because it doesn't include a stick and a ball doesn't mean it's not a sport. With all the smack talk that Rome does, I didn't expect this from him.

This guy is completely ignorant and I wouldn't be too worried about his worthless opinion. His readership just tripled because you posted it on ST.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
The NBA championship & the WTC championship are vastly different, in the sense that those participating in the WTC event are from all around the world. The teams in the NBA championship are all from within the contiguous 48 states.

The NBA crowns is championship team, "World Champions". "The World Champion Detroit Pistons" At least in baseball/hockey there are (were?) teams from Canada.

If the US olympic basketball team (professional NBA all-stars) can't win a gold medal, how can the Pistons, Spurs, or whoever be world champions?
Umm, the Toronto Raptors???

"In the blocks you're a prisoner, the gun releases you."
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [Sparticus] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

Who played Center for the Chicago Bulls with Micheal Jordon when they won ??

Bill Wennington, Will Perdue, Bill Cartwright, Luc Longley. Ok, I see your point ;-).

We live in a country where people are enamored by the ball sports. That's what we grow up on and what is common. While many can appreciate and respect the accomplishments of endurance atheletes, they are in the minority. Most could care less. Cleary that is the reason many athletes seek success & fame outside of the US and get the backhand here unless it's time for the Olympics. Plain and simple. Track/field, triathlon, and surely cycling.

"In the blocks you're a prisoner, the gun releases you."
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [manonfire] [ In reply to ]
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Oops, my bad.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Well, the guy has a point. I rode my bike pretty far today and it wasn't THAT hard.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [Tom in PA] [ In reply to ]
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Well, the guy has a point. I rode my bike pretty far today and it wasn't THAT hard.

I went and shot hoops yesterday -- it wasn't that hard.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [Sparticus] [ In reply to ]
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I stroked it yesterday, it WAS hard.

"ah-hem...the time is yours."
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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These articles are all sad, obvious trolls, but the thing that's most interesting about them is how much they expose the authors as unprofessional in their job. These guys are professional sports writers, and they evidently don't feel the need to educate themselves to even a minimal degree about one of the world's premier sporting events before writing about it. It doesn't make me mad, but I think it's slightly pathetic, professionally speaking.

But I bet they all have funny Hawaiian shirts!

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [vitus979] [ In reply to ]
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well i guess i'll just do what I'm about to criticize but i'll just state the obvious.


The fact i just read the whole article and that all of you are amused by it makes for good journalism. Of course a real journalist would shoot me in the head but right now the papers publisher is congratulating him on writing an article that got his little local paper nation wide attention..... he'll appologize later on and a few hundred people will make sure they read his column over and over to make sure he doesnt make the same "mistake" again.

and regarding the other points... yes, americans should stop calling every darn championship the "World series" or "World championships" because its an insult to every hard working team and athlete around the world. the US good their but kicked in the olympics and in the actual "FIBA Basketball world championship". same with baseball over and hockey. its not that the world is better than the US its just that every country has a strong team out there today and everyone has to respect that. the same way the international community is starting to respect US soccer.

Cycling is a real sport and takes a lot of talent the same way track events do and ball sports do. its not as entertaining to watch to someone who doesnt understand the amount of talent and effort that it takes to get as good as the pros.....

i love soccer but i understand why some people dont get it... any one can kick a ball, but try to kick the ball within a foot from the sidepost from 30 yards away...
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [weightedsummer2] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, controversy is easy and it gets ratings, but it doesn't get respect. Not from me, anyway.

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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Well the fact of the matter is every sports has it's own unique attractions, most of which are only fully appreciated by the true enthusiast. People into darts would tell you how their sports is so much better.

It's kind of lame that this guy as a 'sports journalist' doesn't seem to be aware of this simple basic fact. He should know not to compare NFL and NBA to TdF in an apples compare to oranges kind of thing. Very unprofessional. And he obviously doesn't know what it is to really ride a road bicycle otherwise he wouldn't be saying things like he does ie it not being a team sport and second guessing how gruelling it is etc. I reckon force the guy to do just one century 100 miler or even a simple 100km and he'll be singing a different tune.

One exception to the unique factor is the most wold's most popular sport. It is the most simple and most lacks profound uniqueness. ie soccer which any idiot or idiotess can understand hence it's mass appeal. It's most avid fans come from countries with the lowest education standards or the lower classes in developed countries like the soccer hooligans in the UK. In general I like all sports but soccer is my most unfavourite and I try to avoid it to no avail cuz where I come from nearly everyone is happy to stoop to mediocraty. Majority of these individuals of course being couch athletes.
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 26, 05 22:52
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [obidude] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Jim Rome had Chris Carmichael on his "national" radio show yesterday and before he interviewed him he actually stood up for cycling as a sport. He said something to the effect that it requires speed, power, endurance, and mental toughness and just because it doesn't include a stick and a ball doesn't mean it's not a sport. With all the smack talk that Rome does, I didn't expect this from him.

This guy is completely ignorant and I wouldn't be too worried about his worthless opinion. His readership just tripled because you posted it on ST.
Jim Rome has respected and stood up for Lance for years. I too was initially surprised by Rome's ability to look past the major sports to a non-American mainstream sport and to speak up about it. Gave me new respect for someone I though would come off like the journalist who wrote the crappy piece at the beginning of this thread.

Have you hugged Your Mom today?
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [jfm225] [ In reply to ]
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That writer must somehow have french origins to write something like this against Armstrong :-)
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [Diabolo] [ In reply to ]
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ha-ha ...that's funny.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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"One exception to the unique factor is the most wold's most popular sport. It is the most simple and most lacks profound uniqueness. ie soccer which any idiot or idiotess can understand hence it's mass appeal. It's most avid fans come from countries with the lowest education standards or the lower classes in developed countries like the soccer hooligans in the UK. In general I like all sports but soccer is my most unfavourite and I try to avoid it to no avail cuz where I come from nearly everyone is happy to stoop to mediocraty. Majority of these individuals of course being couch athletes. "

just in case you were serious with that comment... you are aware that the US has one of the worst educational systems in the world right(high school level. in college level they actually surpass most)? you can lookup data on international literacy levels and education and prove it. Its also the fatest country in the world so their amusement with sports like golf and baseball doesnt surprise me. except for indoor football where players actually play defense and offense(thats actually pretty cool). i really have little respect for a sport where players sit outtside the court for most of it....
soccer takes a lot more work to master(play gracefully, i'm not talking playing at a Joe Montana level or Maradona) than baseball or american football. i've played all of them and i can throw a ball and catch it quite easily. i can ride a bike quite well and i get faster everyday. unless you tell me that you can actually play soccer (not just kick a ball) please dont insult the most popular sport in the world. its popular because 22 kids can have fun with one ball and in most countries due to economic hardship thats all theyve got. I went to and upper class school in Uruguay to which Diego Forlan attended growing up and he was rich and well educated before becoming Spains lead scorer.
american football's most avid fans are fat uneducated slobs who coulnt throw or catch a ball for anything,but i wouldnt generalize their fanbase or insult the sport because of that, or did i?

in defense of cycling fans. most cycling fans own a bike and ride it. that also the reason they are misunderstood....
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [weightedsummer2] [ In reply to ]
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You mean the USAs literacy is worse than say Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria, Vietnam ,Myanmar, Indonesia etc where soccer rules ...quite literally?

Well I played a lot of Rugby Union from school to University and the Armed Forces, and it's my opinion almost any rugby player can play a simple game of me kick to you and you kick to me without any special training. Put a good soccer player amongst club level Rugby game and he'll get creamed, probably sent out in a stretcher.

In fact I have never had soccer training, but even at my age I play around with my neighbourhood kids for fun on the weekends. These kids play for their high schools and I hold up pretty well. I play for the fun of mixing with the young'uns, but for sure am no way near worshiping the stupid game like so many do. In fact riding my bike pretty well, like keeping up with the fast groups on our usual varied terrain rides has required a helluva lot more effort and training just not to get dropped.

You know soccer is just like Aussie rules football in OZ it's always in your face. If you're not a fan it gets really tiresome. Some of the Classic bike races supposed to show on TV get's wiped off because some stupid sucker match goes into overtime. At work in the newspapers on the tele it's always sucker ..sucker ..soccer. And for the life of me I can't understand why someone like David Beckham should command the kind of income just cuz he can kick a bendy ball. ..big deal.

Like I said I like nearly all sports ..but sucker soccer ...hmmm. Well if you so enjoy it, good for you Dude ..go for it, go soccer crazy ..life's too short.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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To each his own. But as a soccer fan and player I HAVE to respond to 2 things.....

[quote]It is the most simple and most lacks profound uniqueness. ie soccer which any idiot or idiotess can understand hence it's mass appeal.[/quote]

1. Have you EVER tried to explain the offsides rule to a newbie?!?!?! Methinks not. =)

2. Your jab about soccer followers/hooligans being poor and less intelligent is illogical at best and racist as worst. Soccer is popular worldwide because the Brits exported it at the height of their empire. Baseball is so popular in Japan, Korea, and latin America because we (americans) exported it during occupation as well. All sports have their hooligans. Ohio State fans are prime examples. ;P
Last edited by: martytram: Jul 27, 05 10:39
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Could someone explain why the hell the NBA crowns its league championship team, "World Champions"? Are there any NBA teams outside the contiguous 48 states?

perhaps because they have player from all over the world.

on the same note. why is the baseball championship that is limited to select north american teams called the world series?
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [martytram] [ In reply to ]
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"1. Have you EVER tried to explain the offsides rule to a newbie?!?!?! Methinks not. =) "

Well soccer isn't the only game to have offside ruling. And yes, that is the most simple complicated rule in soceer. Where I come from the fans even the old Grannies who never went to school can understand it.

Soccer has widespread hooliganism unlike any other sport. As for the racism accusation I'm not going to attempt to explain it away, because it seems in the internett discussions there are always people so ever ready to jump on something to accuse someone else of being racist. All I can do is promise you I am definitely not racist. Believe it or not, that's entirely up to you Dude.

To you as to the ignorant masses (borrow a phrase out of the terrorists' religion) soccer may be the best sports surpassing even nookie. To me it's just one big time soccer sucker for many to stoop to mediocrity, to embrace the sport simply because of it's simpleton mass appeal.

As we agree to each his own.
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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"I didn't think so. That's why it's peculiar that they try to pass off the event as a team sport. Again, I don't think so. How many dates have George Hincapie and Sheryl Crow been on lately? Did Levi Leipheimer make a cameo on "Dodgeball?" Do the other riders on the so-called team get to wear the yellow jersey? "

How is any of that relevant?

This guy is lame. he is trying to get a rise out of people. Or he hates anything that the hordes follow and he has to make himself look cool by making it look bad.

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Re: Armstrong's exploits in the Tour de France are overrated. [igobackwards] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe he's a soccer fan. -:)
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