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Official Oprah Lance interview live thread
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The interview is only a few hours away and promises to be a great one.

Share your thoughts on the interview in this thread.

(Well, recorded, but live to us. Couldn't resist the homage, especially during the off-season)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I was just about to post a thread about a drinking game for tonights show. Anybody got any ideas?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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trichris wrote:
I was just about to post a thread about a drinking game for tonights show. Anybody got any ideas?

Thinking about calling it O'LA! (long "o" & long "a" sounds, quite obviously)

  • Mention "Tour de France" or "The Tour," swig of Shiner
  • Mention Floyd Landis, shot of whiskey
That's as far as I got. Others?

Last edited by: dseiler: Jan 17, 13 14:31
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Turns out i don't get the oprah channel, is it going to be gifted(sold) to any other more normal ones for tonights interview??
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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On Oprah website...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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no tailgate party?

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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I'm going to have to stock the bar if anyone suggests a drink every time he says "but look at all the good I've done with Livestrong"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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trichris wrote:
I was just about to post a thread about a drinking game for tonights show. Anybody got any ideas?

This is the best one I've seen ...

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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I'll play.

Drinking phrases. Pick one (or two depending if you have to work tomorrow). I only have a half day so... :-)

"I never..."

"Same road, same rules."


"I feel bad.."

"They knew what they were doing..."

"I never meant..."

"There were others..."

"The UCI..."

"I never pressured..."

"Take my word".


"Listen..." (I think that one's mine. Like I said half day). :-)

"I'm not..." (that may be a good one too)

I think those should get us started
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
trichris wrote:
I was just about to post a thread about a drinking game for tonights show. Anybody got any ideas?

This is the best one I've seen ...

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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Here ya go!



- I do all my own stunts
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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How about this one?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TRI2BeFree] [ In reply to ]
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only 2 hrs and 13 minutes till L-day

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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This thread sucks, where is the un-official thread?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Starky's blog says that LA came forward without being asked and helped Starky get out of jail in the UAE and back to the states last spring...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [chrisodg] [ In reply to ]
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I might have just lol'd for real...maybe
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for posting that. That's very funny!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TRI2BeFree] [ In reply to ]
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Damn, that's better than the one I found!

Hilarious, thanks !

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I just cancelled my wife's scheduled DVR recording of American Idol... Hopefully she doesn't divorce me if I sit and get hammered while participating in the Lance drinking game...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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OK I rarely sign in but just had to say this thread is hilarious and I am wondering if a cup of tea instead of beer is acceptable in the Bingo game? If I put Bailey's in it does it count?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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where have i seen that gesture before?

could it be?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Is actually watching the video required to contribute to this thread?

My prediction: He's going to cry, make a half assed apology, and take as little responsiblity for his actions as he can. Oprah will eat it up like a piece of cake while tossing softballs (that she thinks are fastballs).

He's not sorry for what he did to anyone or the lies he has told to everyone. He's only sorry he got caught and can't feed his ego in triathlon.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I predict haters and fanboys alike will leave unsatisfied.
No new information.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I don't see his Livestrong bracelet on? I dont thinkni have ever seen him not wearing one. Did he also stop supporting the cause?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vdubkb] [ In reply to ]
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perhaps he was asked to stop wearing a bracelet as part of his removal form the board.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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This is the benchmark:


Lets see if Lance's crocodile tears can top wrestling guy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Peanut wrote:
The interview is only a few hours away and promises to be a great one.

Share your thoughts on the interview in this thread.

(Well, recorded, but live to us. Couldn't resist the homage, especially during the off-season)

I'm just starting a popcorn home delivery service. I was told this would be a good time to launch it.

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Giddy friggin up!!! Let's do this!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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It's on it's on.......

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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"The Fit Shall Inherit the Earth" -Endurance Conspiracy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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10 seconds in and thats 12 sips!

"Only those who risk going too far truly know how far one can go"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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It's on folks...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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"The Fit Shall Inherit the Earth" -Endurance Conspiracy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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This is fucking awesome!!!!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [blackduckracing] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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He's good
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [number114] [ In reply to ]
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Wow - I didn't think it was going to be so forth coming. I'm numb.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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He dropped the initial bomb, and now he's going into damage control. "I did wrong, but so did everyone else!"

Impressed by Oprah actually asking tough questions so far.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Wow - I didn't think it was going to be so forth coming. I'm numb.

I generally think Oprah is a sycophantic ass-kissing interviewer... but not so far.

That first set of Yes/No questions was perfectly played by her... and Lance for that matter.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
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She didn't waste time getting into it. "Yes or no - did you use PED's?"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Did Lance get his suit from George Costanza?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I just wonder how much of this is "smoke and mirrors" and what is truth.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I wonder how candid this interview really is. How much scripting was involved with both parties.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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more lies! "I never read Tyler Hamilton's book" pshaw!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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trichris wrote:
I wonder how candid this interview really is. How much scripting was involved with both parties.

Lance's responses have been incredibly scripted thus far
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
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The one ball testosterone was awesome !

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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Lance is a Lance hater.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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It appears he was definitely prepped by his lawyers on how to answer. The pauses, looking up, etc. I sense he wants to say a lot more than what what she is asking, but, he's reining it in.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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He just said he didn't read Tyler hamiltons book
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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There has to be scripting involved. Oprah needed to know where the interview was going to go beforehand.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
Lance is a Lance hater.


Yes or No: you've been waiting to use that one
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
It appears he was definitely prepped by his lawyers on how to answer. The pauses, looking up, etc. I sense he wants to say a lot more than what what she is asking, but, he's reining it in.

I'll take it a step further and say that those pauses and "ums" and stuff with him looking around are intentional. It's a technique used to make it look like you're putting thought into a scripted answer.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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why do they have straws in their water glasses? I like the pottery on the set
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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No doping since 2005 BULLSHIT!!!! He still wants to race...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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And while this and another hoax story is going on, Congress is looking at stricter gun laws. What is the bigger picture?

Why is this coming out now?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
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He made sure to say he didn't read Tylers book. If Oprah's smart she will stop telling lance what she read in the book and ask if that's true. He doesn't seem to like to validate his claims... like not outright admitting the syringes ....and now he says he didn't dope in 2009...is he trying to avoid statute of limitations?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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maybe but she's called him on semantics - which should cover every possible loophole.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
No doping since 2005 BULLSHIT!!!! He still wants to race...

He cheated and relished in the victories that came with it. Do you ever see a kid that got away with taking a cookie from the cookie jar saying "one is enough". I really can't stand this guy, yet I watch.

Adrian in Vancouver
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
No doping since 2005 BULLSHIT!!!! He still wants to race...

I just couldn't swallow the "2005 was the last time." It just didn't sit right. Can't put my finger on it, but...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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If he lied in the past, he'll lie now...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
It appears he was definitely prepped by his lawyers on how to answer. The pauses, looking up, etc. I sense he wants to say a lot more than what what she is asking, but, he's reining it in.

It seems to me he wants to say more.....and he just said he did not dope after 2005 due to the bio passport....but he finished 3rd not that far behind Contador in 2009. Is that even physically possible to be in the same zip code as Contador sans dope? His 2009 Giro results I almost believe to be clean. But by the 2009 TdF he was right up there again!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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What's the deal with Oprah's left puffy eye?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Never mind an approaching new fiscal cliff. This kinda sucks. I hope everybody feels better. How anti-climatic.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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Yes or No: you've been waiting to use that one

I'm still trying to figure out what FTW stands for...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
No doping since 2005 BULLSHIT!!!! He still wants to race...

Everyone stopped in 2006. Didn't you read all the affidavits.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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and guess what....WADA's ban could be lifted after 8 years...its now 2013
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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By the way, this is much better than watching Kona online on Ironman.com and posting on ST. WTC's IT department needs to take input from Oprah's IT department. Oprah's servers are not choking and freezing up under the load from the viewers.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
He made sure to say he didn't read Tylers book. If Oprah's smart she will stop telling lance what she read in the book and ask if that's true. He doesn't seem to like to validate his claims... like not outright admitting the syringes ....and now he says he didn't dope in 2009...is he trying to avoid statute of limitations?

Hmmm, life down to 8 years.
2005 + 8 years = 2013 . . .
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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Once a liar, always a liar!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AJHull] [ In reply to ]
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"...yet I watch."

I'm with you. I personally have no ill feelings to LA. I've had my moments where I've let others down and lied about it, then later made it right. I have faults.

It's just this has gone on so long, while many of us watched, mesmerized, as he won seven TDF's in a row, just smoking most of the peloton while they (like Ulrich) hung their head in disbelief as he rocketed away on another mountain stage. Now, we are seeing he (and others) had extra help with EPO. Granted, he still trained his butt off, and props for that.
Last edited by: Recoverie: Jan 17, 13 23:57
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FTW - For The Win.

Pity I can't watch this - In Australia, At work :(
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bcagle25] [ In reply to ]
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"I'm not the most believable person in the world right now."

Come on buddy, don't be so hard on yourself.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed. I swear he comes out of this smelling mostly like a Rose....
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichris] [ In reply to ]
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trichris wrote:
Once a liar, always a liar!

I still don't find him credible. Not at all.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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Wow!!! Garmin slam!!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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He admits he's a bully!! Wow
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Lance says VDV is a liar?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Zach7956] [ In reply to ]
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He almost sounds like he just wasn't himself all those years and now he's "waking up."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mcdoublee] [ In reply to ]
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mcdoublee wrote:
Lance says VDV is a liar?

Haven't you been watching?? He won't use the words "lie" or "liar".... hilarious
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mistergomez] [ In reply to ]
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Lance hooked her one in the lobby?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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When Oprah said, "You were doing drugs." The look on LA's face, then she clarified what kind of drugs.
Last edited by: Recoverie: Jan 17, 13 23:58
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [PT] [ In reply to ]
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PT wrote:
Lance hooked her one in the lobby?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

"Betsy Deserved Better" lol.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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And while this and another hoax story is going on, Congress is looking at stricter gun laws. What is the bigger picture?

Why is this coming out now?

It's coming out now because of the USADA report and it is about time. Too many people like you want to wash it away and pretend there are other problems more significant and the result would be that nothing changes. Cycling will likely be booted out of the Olympics and some senior people at the UCI, doctors, managers etc., are now going to face the music and it is about time.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mcdoublee] [ In reply to ]
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Jeezus, I want to hate the guy, but, I can't.....
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mistergomez] [ In reply to ]
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mistergomez wrote:
What's the deal with Oprah's left puffy eye?

she got sucker punch by # 7 during the break
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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So is everyone on this thread here to pile on and criticize him no matter what or does he get any credit. His bully admission is the first thing he gets credit for. See if he admits to any of the people he hurt...if Oprah asks.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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Not very smart to go into something like this and flagrantly lie again and again. The press will kill him on that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [PT] [ In reply to ]
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Odds his biological father shows up to re-unite with him in Part 2?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bcagle25] [ In reply to ]
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Love the commercial breaks- enough time ooooops We're back !
Yep old squarely LA is still alive- CVdV and the whole pressuring team members to dope. Jeez, dude, what is the point of any of this if you're STILL going to lie !!??
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
He almost sounds like he just wasn't himself all those years and now he's "waking up."

He's definitely been well coached or he was not himself all those years. I feel it is a combination of both. He probably feels a certain weight coming off his shoulders.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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vibrolux wrote:
Jeezus, I want to hate the guy, but, I can't.....


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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mcdoublee] [ In reply to ]
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When he said that he was a bully...

Did anyone catch the issues he had with his real Dad he mentioned in "It's Not About the Bike." Clearly, his anger there was channeled into the person he's become today. I don't know the guy, but, I hope he finds reconciliation with his Dad (and Mom for that matter). It's almost sad in way, like he he didn't intend to end up like this when he first started riding that bike around his neighborhood in Plano. Seems, imo, there's bigger issues here and he just got sucked into a self-perpetuating lie.

This may not happen, but, I'd like to hear her ask LA how is relationship is today with his real Dad.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mcdoublee] [ In reply to ]
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Ha! I don't do pink font ......
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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AmaDablam wrote:
Not very smart to go into something like this and flagrantly lie again and again. The press will kill him on that.

So you think he is still lying?

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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I still don't find him credible. Not at all.

I completely agree.

He needed to come out and provide specific details on what he did, how he did it, who helped him etc. but at least so far he is not providing any details. He has been well coached and his very cautious. I don't believe him at all.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [atomic916] [ In reply to ]
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He doesn't want to be a snitch like everyone else has been but now he's forced to
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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I agree he rode so fast in a few 70.3 races. I call bullshit too - some things never change

Michael Hay - helped on the journey by the great folks at ZiZU Optics, (for the custom fit), and Bialkowlski's TRYSPORT
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [atomic916] [ In reply to ]
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I love the picture they just flashed of Ferrari pointing to a picture of Francesco Moser in the 1984 world hour record (see the other thread I started today about Italian and American Doping).
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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$50!says he's in congress or the senate soon.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
So is everyone on this thread here to pile on and criticize him no matter what or does he get any credit. His bully admission is the first thing he gets credit for. See if he admits to any of the people he hurt...if Oprah asks.

Actually I think he deserves a fair amount of credit... but not enough time to write it at this point
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
And while this and another hoax story is going on, Congress is looking at stricter gun laws. What is the bigger picture?

Why is this coming out now?

It's coming out now because of the USADA report and it is about time. Too many people like you want to wash it away and pretend there are other problems more significant and the result would be that nothing changes. Cycling will likely be booted out of the Olympics and some senior people at the UCI, doctors, managers etc., are now going to face the music and it is about time.

Thanks for your input. But, I disagree with being lumped into the "too many people...that want to wash it away." I don't feel that way, to wash it away. I personally don't use these things to get an advantage. This problem is bigger than LA and the UCI. It will never be totally cleaned up because people are imperfect, and there are others who will never do the right thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
No doping since 2005 BULLSHIT!!!! He still wants to race...

Come on guys. If he would have doped after 2005 he would have kept winning...has absolutely nothing to do with the USADA 8 year ban and nothing to do with wanting to be in Kona in October.

Ever Grateful, Ever True.
Boiler Up.
Hammer Down.
Hail Purdue
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [atomic916] [ In reply to ]
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atomic916 wrote:
He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.

It's clear just from his body language that his answers are very calculated. This is not a "no holds bar" interview. It's hand made for TV audiences. Just imagine what kind of boost this gives Oprah's ratings.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed dev. he wont admit to that doping till proof surfaces. very sad stuff

Michael Hay - helped on the journey by the great folks at ZiZU Optics, (for the custom fit), and Bialkowlski's TRYSPORT
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lessthaneight] [ In reply to ]
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Did he just say "prick" to Oprah?!?!?!

"The Fit Shall Inherit the Earth" -Endurance Conspiracy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lessthaneight] [ In reply to ]
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DVR failed to record... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lessthaneight] [ In reply to ]
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lessthaneight wrote:
Pooks wrote:
No doping since 2005 BULLSHIT!!!! He still wants to race...

Come on guys. If he would have doped after 2005 he would have kept winning...has absolutely nothing to do with the USADA 8 year ban and nothing to do with wanting to be in Kona in October.

Crap...that really didn't come off as sarcastically as I meant it too...probably because I'm losing terrible at this interview drinking game...

Ever Grateful, Ever True.
Boiler Up.
Hammer Down.
Hail Purdue
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lessthaneight] [ In reply to ]
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How about saying "If you are truly sorry, you would give back all the money because that was all gained from your illegitimate actions"

Adrian in Vancouver
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lessthaneight] [ In reply to ]
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I want to hear the hard questions: "How hot was it to bang Cheryl Crow"?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [blackduckracing] [ In reply to ]
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blackduckracing wrote:
Did he just say "prick" to Oprah?!?!?!

You heard it right. He called himself that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Definitely holding back... needs to keep something for USADA/WADA, but still amazing to watch.

I don't expect any details on the UCI during the interview :-(
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
blackduckracing wrote:
Did he just say "prick" to Oprah?!?!?!

You heard it right. He called himself that.

He needs to wash his mouth out with soap.... oh, wait.

"The Fit Shall Inherit the Earth" -Endurance Conspiracy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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vibrolux wrote:
I want to hear the hard questions: "How hot was it to bang Cheryl Crow"?

And wtf- the Olsen chick. Isn't she that ugly kid from that sitcom? What the hell were you thinking?

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TriRyno] [ In reply to ]
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TriRyno wrote:
DVR failed to record... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

It is on again after this one is over.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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No, he called the guy he used to be that...this is the new Lance.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AJHull] [ In reply to ]
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Never gonna happy sorry bro
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TriRyno] [ In reply to ]
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Check your listings....it's being repeated over and over into next week!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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vibrolux wrote:
I want to hear the hard questions: "How hot was it to bang Cheryl Crow"?

unintentional pun?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
vibrolux wrote:
I want to hear the hard questions: "How hot was it to bang Cheryl Crow"?

And wtf- the Olsen chick. Isn't she that ugly kid from that sitcom? What the hell were you thinking?

If he was a real champion it would have been both Olsen's simultaneously.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Right on Recoverie! I was all stoked when this interview started, but now I'm seeing it's still theater. Lance has been giving bullshit answers. I don't respect the dude saying "I feel uncomfortable talking about other people." And his response about what Tyler said about using soda bottles.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [blackduckracing] [ In reply to ]
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And she didn't flinch.
OW said that there were lawyers outside- not allowed any influence during the interview.
That could explain his guardedness....oh, and the fact that he's still not telling the truth about alot of this.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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vibrolux wrote:
I want to hear the hard questions: "How hot was it to bang Cheryl Crow"?

And were you doped during it.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [317] [ In reply to ]
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Hah! Yes, actually after 3 glasses of wine!

Good catch.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [atomic916] [ In reply to ]
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Didn't think that speech was really bad at all compared to everything else he's said
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Zach7956] [ In reply to ]
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Why didn't she pressure him more on Ferrari

"Bros b4 Hos, man" House MD

Team Aquaphor 06-08
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
atomic916 wrote:
He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.

It's clear just from his body language that his answers are very calculated. This is not a "no holds bar" interview. It's hand made for TV audiences. Just imagine what kind of boost this gives Oprah's ratings.

Disagree, his body language is in the other direction. constantly fidgeting, can't keep his hands still. That doesn't look forced to me. He looks very ill ease. Can you imagine looking at clips of yourself lying whilst holding your kids and sharing that with millions of viewers.

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Notice how his hand covers his mouth before answering some questions....that's subconscious body language telling us that what the mouth is saying is not true....just saying
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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boy she sure is asking some tough questions.....not.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Tri-Mot] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Mot wrote:
Notice how his hand covers his mouth before answering some questions....that's subconscious body language telling us that what the mouth is saying is not true....just saying

I'd like to read a report from a body language expert on this interview.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triyourbest] [ In reply to ]
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Fundamentally.... these guys do not believe doping is wrong. There is a huge cultural issue here...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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Gandalf wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
atomic916 wrote:
He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.

It's clear just from his body language that his answers are very calculated. This is not a "no holds bar" interview. It's hand made for TV audiences. Just imagine what kind of boost this gives Oprah's ratings.

Disagree, his body language is in the other direction. constantly fidgeting, can't keep his hands still. That doesn't look forced to me. He looks very ill ease. Can you imagine looking at clips of yourself lying whilst holding your kids and sharing that with millions of viewers.

I'll agree he does appear ill at ease. I'm hearing what he's saying, but, it seems like more needs to said. It does seem, imo, like a release for him. To come clean.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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[He needed to come out and provide specific details on what he did, how he did it, who helped him etc. but at least so far he is not providing any details. He has been well coached and his very cautious.]
#1 Yes he has been well coached obviously.
# 2 details, details, this is OWN, so you will not get details. I wonder how many gues never never never and will never again watch OWN are watching it now. (I am one of them).

BTW: How much Oprah paid him for this?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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Outside Mag has it already on.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Tri-Mot] [ In reply to ]
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Please explain your credibility as a human lie detector expert if you're going to make these comments. How do you know he's not nervous...geez

Tri-Mot wrote:
Notice how his hand covers his mouth before answering some questions....that's subconscious body language telling us that what the mouth is saying is not true....just saying
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [fred_h] [ In reply to ]
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Rut...row. Good question before the break: "you sued people who were telling the truth, what's with that"?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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"You're suing people who are telling the truth! What's the deal with that?" Oprah FTW!

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [fred_h] [ In reply to ]
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Oddly enough... now more than ever the fantasy of going on a long ride with just him and me is now more compelling than ever. I would live to hear him speak without measuring what he says.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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something's not quite right here... anyone else getting that vibe?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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Herbert wrote:
Outside Mag has it already on.

What are they saying? I'll look for the link.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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Jeezus, I want to hate the guy, but, I can't.....

Wow. I am watching and think he is even more of a jerk. All his answers are self-serving.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ickelly] [ In reply to ]
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did you catch the "shaky voice"?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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Gandalf wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
atomic916 wrote:
He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.

It's clear just from his body language that his answers are very calculated. This is not a "no holds bar" interview. It's hand made for TV audiences. Just imagine what kind of boost this gives Oprah's ratings.

Disagree, his body language is in the other direction. constantly fidgeting, can't keep his hands still. That doesn't look forced to me. He looks very ill ease. Can you imagine looking at clips of yourself lying whilst holding your kids and sharing that with millions of viewers.

I interview and interrogate people for a living. I tend to agree with Gandalf's take on this.

The video shown of his 2005 SCA deposition is a good comparison point. We all know he was lying during that depo and his body language in that depo video was indicative of that. Body language is very different in this interview. You want to see textbook lying with corresponding body language? Watch Roger Clemens' 60 Minutes interview.

Sure... his answers are guarded and calculated and he's not being 100% candid but he's not blatantly lying his ass off or anything. He and his lawyers could easily predict the questions Oprah would ask. It's not rocket science.

I 100% believe he's holding off on naming names and throwing people under the boss until he can get in front of WADA/USADA/Whoever. He has nothing to gain from outing everyone on Oprah.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
Last edited by: GMAN19030: Jan 17, 13 19:00
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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F*%k!! This is only one hour each night??? Bullshit!!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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I am very disappointed with this thus far. This is a PR move. He said no questions barred.... except names, except Ferrari, except who got him started....

And why has EVERY single cyclist said they stopped doping after 2005? Statute of Limitations. not the biological passport, as he claimed.

wovebike.com | Wove on instagram
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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krupkake wrote:
did you catch the "shaky voice"?

Its called being nervous.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [number114] [ In reply to ]
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I still support Lance. Oprah is someone looking at cycling from the outside. She has no idea what really goes on. She is prying and prying trying to get Lance to mess up. He is being extremely careful with his words to not throw anyone under the bus. Lance is a boss. They all dope just as lance said "it is a level playing field".
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triyourbest] [ In reply to ]
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This is him coming out of the closet.

I think this is just the beginning. Oprahs not going to hit him super hard, she's just going to get him talking. The weight lifted off his shoulders will be so immense and feel so good that he'll keep talking.

Keep a secret for your whole life and see how easy it is to admit to even those you care about... Let alone people that hate you.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [drewbiez] [ In reply to ]
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Kona 2013?

"Base training is bull shit" - desertdude
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [drewbiez] [ In reply to ]
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drewbiez wrote:
This is him coming out of the closet.

I think this is just the beginning. Oprahs not going to hit him super hard, she's just going to get him talking. The weight lifted off his shoulders will be so immense and feel so good that he'll keep talking.

Keep a secret for your whole life and see how easy it is to admit to even those you care about... Let alone people that hate you.

Sociopaths don't have that problem.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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I've followed him for most of his career. He's always been a jerk.
Last edited by: vibrolux: Jan 18, 13 6:57
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triyourbest] [ In reply to ]
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Lance is psychotic ! He is one one of the most twisted individuals I have ever watched. Something is wrong with him. What a worthless, selfesh, piece of Sh**.

I can't buy the logic that he's done a lot of good. His foundation is a farce. How can this man be a positive influence with anyone with cancer.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [johnmoon] [ In reply to ]
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johnmoon wrote:
Lance is psychotic ! He is one one of the most twisted individuals I have ever watched. Something is wrong with him. What a worthless, selfesh, piece of Sh**.

I can't buy the logic that he's done a lot of good. His foundation is a farce. How can this man be a positive influence with anyone with cancer.

Take a deep breath and relax dude.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
Tri-Mot wrote:
Notice how his hand covers his mouth before answering some questions....that's subconscious body language telling us that what the mouth is saying is not true....just saying

I'd like to read a report from a body language expert on this interview.

About that report...

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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It was on this link a few pages back

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [johnmoon] [ In reply to ]
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he is just trying to due damage control and not really come clean.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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"Did you call Betsy." LOL!

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Wow huge balls... "We were suing so many people I can't remember if I ruined Emma O'Reilly's life like that.. But I am planning on apologizing!"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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All I have to say is that his one nut is bigger than both nuts put together of those who will not be satisfied until his head is served on a platter. It takes a lot to sit in front of millions and admit that you're deeply flawed and that you've been living in a lie, and you're a prick. I don't have a dog in this hunt, but he sounds like he's being genuine to me.

Just ask the President that wasn't impeached, even after he vehemently lied to you about sleeping with that woman. LA is doing something that I wished Tiger Woods had the balls to do.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triathlung] [ In reply to ]
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Are all the shows on this channel this compelling?!?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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Suing people is a "major flaw." Just a bit. At least he's admitting it. I've had to come clean on other issues (not doping in an endurance sport) with close friends and family. I didn't have the need to tell everything, but enough to let others know that they were right. When you're in the middle of a lie, you don't see things clearly. It takes others pointing it out to wake you up.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [johnthesavage] [ In reply to ]
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johnthesavage wrote:
Wow huge BALL... "We were suing so many people I can't remember if I ruined Emma O'Reilly's life like that.. But I am planning on apologizing!"

Corrected that for you.
Last edited by: BayAreaUser: Jan 17, 13 19:05
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Tri-Mot] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Mot wrote:
Notice how his hand covers his mouth before answering some questions....that's subconscious body language telling us that what the mouth is saying is not true....just saying

So when he covered his mouth when he answered Oprah's question about why did you go on the attack and sue all these people? He covered his mouth as he said "its a major flaw".

So you're saying he was lying about saying he was flawed?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [johnmoon] [ In reply to ]
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I understand what you are saying but keep in mind, he got paid to ride a fucking bike! If I screw up at my job, multiple people could die. Just saying.

Just in case you don't get my point, while I admire pro athletes, I don't hold a reverence for them. They're just entertainment.
Last edited by: vibrolux: Jan 18, 13 6:57
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [drewbiez] [ In reply to ]
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drewbiez wrote:
This is him coming out of the closet.

I think this is just the beginning. Oprahs not going to hit him super hard, she's just going to get him talking. The weight lifted off his shoulders will be so immense and feel so good that he'll keep talking.

Keep a secret for your whole life and see how easy it is to admit to even those you care about... Let alone people that hate you.

So true...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triyourbest] [ In reply to ]
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triyourbest wrote:
he is just trying to due damage control and not really come clean.

What do you mean not really come clean. He just admitted to doping and lying. What else do you want?
Last edited by: BayAreaUser: Jan 17, 13 19:05
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
F*%k!! This is only one hour each night??? Bullshit!!

Nevermind.... me so moron
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I think I've seen enough... time to get on with my own life.

Good night all...

"The Fit Shall Inherit the Earth" -Endurance Conspiracy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think he's a sociopath. I think he just built a lie so big that he couldn't keep it up. Sure, his reasoning for "coming out" is selfish, but isn't that kind of understandable. Maybe I'm too forgiving. His rep is blown, no one will ever look at him the same, but I don't think he should be called a sociopath. I mean look at his body language, he's very obviously not comfortable; he's not that good of an actor.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [johnmoon] [ In reply to ]
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johnmoon wrote:
Lance is psychotic ! He is one one of the most twisted individuals I have ever watched. Something is wrong with him. What a worthless, selfesh, piece of Sh**.

I can't buy the logic that he's done a lot of good. His foundation is a farce. How can this man be a positive influence with anyone with cancer.

Please explain.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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The Guy Is A Dick. Plain and simple. End of thread.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [johnmoon] [ In reply to ]
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johnmoon wrote:
Lance is psychotic ! He is one one of the most twisted individuals I have ever watched. Something is wrong with him. What a worthless, selfesh, piece of Sh**.

I can't buy the logic that he's done a lot of good. His foundation is a farce. How can this man be a positive influence with anyone with cancer.

Well I know I wouldn't be racing if it wasn't for him so whatever happens now Is better than him never coming through
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
Are all the shows on this channel this compelling?!?

Just this one. :)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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I'm no body language expert, but I did watch Lie to Me a few times , so i noticed he nodded his head up and down (yes) a lot when he said "no." Specifically about the UCI.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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GMAN19030 wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
atomic916 wrote:
He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.

It's clear just from his body language that his answers are very calculated. This is not a "no holds bar" interview. It's hand made for TV audiences. Just imagine what kind of boost this gives Oprah's ratings.

Disagree, his body language is in the other direction. constantly fidgeting, can't keep his hands still. That doesn't look forced to me. He looks very ill ease. Can you imagine looking at clips of yourself lying whilst holding your kids and sharing that with millions of viewers.

I interview and interrogate people for a living. I tend to agree with Gandalf's take on this.

The video shown of his 2005 SCA deposition is a good comparison point. We all know he was lying during that depo and his body language in that depo video was indicative of that. Body language is very different in this interview. You want to see textbook lying with corresponding body language? Watch Roger Clemens' 60 Minutes interview.

Sure... his answers are guarded and calculated and he's not being 100% candid but he's not blatantly lying his ass off or anything. He and his lawyers could easily predict the questions Oprah would ask. It's not rocket science.

I 100% believe he's holding off on naming names and throwing people under the boss until he can get in front of WADA/USADA/Whoever. He has nothing to gain from outing everyone on Oprah.

I also think he is playing a good PR card. He's blaming himself and not others and he's not being a snitch in public. No one likes a snitch. This will gain him sympathy points in the public in the lead up to when he needs to talk to WADA. He can do the snitching under closed doors. Giving it away now is a bad public move and he loses any leverage for a future date. This has obviously been well planned out by him/legal team/pr team.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
johnmoon wrote:
Lance is psychotic ! He is one one of the most twisted individuals I have ever watched. Something is wrong with him. What a worthless, selfesh, piece of Sh**.

I can't buy the logic that he's done a lot of good. His foundation is a farce. How can this man be a positive influence with anyone with cancer.

Take a deep breath and relax dude.

This is a Lance hater's Halley Comet, they may never get another chance like this again.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [The Phoenix] [ In reply to ]
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Jeezus, so is the POTUS! All of them. That's what it takes.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [The Phoenix] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jaelinfunk] [ In reply to ]
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That is sort of impossible to know for sure, also impossible to know if you wouldn't have ended up doing something even better than racing =)

jaelinfunk wrote:
Well I know I wouldn't be racing if it wasn't for him so whatever happens now Is better than him never coming through

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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Livestrong bracelet on right arm
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pattersonpaul] [ In reply to ]
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The guy is human, just like us. I know most people, like my parents, just want you to tell the truth. "Don't lie," Dad and Mom always told my brother and I. It did help that my Dad worked for a time in law enforcement and studied criminal behavior. He could tell just by our body language and eye movement if we were lying or telling the truth.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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That's true but it's a bit particular for me I just started racing less than a year ago when lance made his ironman debut basically
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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vibrolux wrote:
Jeezus, so is the POTUS! All of them. That's what it takes.

I don't know this one - what is POTUS?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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LIsten Betsy... I've called you a bitch and crazy... but I did not call you fat!!!

Betsy: oh... alright.. we are good again. I had it all wrong!

COROS Sports Science

Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
The guy is human, just like us.

dunno bro...I'm looking at my power files and I don't think he is just like me.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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Does it matter if he is lying about anything or everything in this interview? No, it doesnt matter until they test every single rider from every race within the past 7 years and do a complete blackout of all race results for athletes who test positive for banned substances.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-livin wrote:
LIsten Betsy... I've called you a bitch and crazy... but I did not call you fat!!!

Betsy: oh... alright.. we are good again. I had it all wrong!

Oprah's WTF look was priceless

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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President of The United States
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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Ah, ha - thanks!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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President do the United States
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
vibrolux wrote:
Jeezus, so is the POTUS! All of them. That's what it takes.

I don't know this one - what is POTUS?

President of the United States
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
The guy is human, just like us.

dunno bro...I'm looking at my power files and I don't think he is just like me.

Well done, Jack!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triathlung] [ In reply to ]
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I'd have to agree, a whole lot of incredibly unrealistic expectations on here. A lot of holier than thou, but if posters on this board had a similar, easy way to succeed in their chosen profession, I'd say there would be a high level of acceptance. (especially if the rest of the people in your company were getting promoted over you)

I think the correct analogy for Oprah would be - "If you were an up and coming anchor/talk show host, and there was something you could do that would immediately send your ratings sky high with a tiny chance of getting caught, would you do it?"

I would say 95% would.

I never thought Lance wasn't doping, and I'm still waiting for the entire rest of the peleton to own up. A drop in the ocean, we've got juniors getting nailed, masters getting nailed. System is broken, and the rewards are too high.

Until there are actual penalties, and actual ways to catch athletes, this will go on and on.

Does it suck for those few that play fair? Absolutely. Any real solution? Still waiting...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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Edit: <to GMAN and to FisH2O>
Last edited by: ironpsych: Jan 17, 13 19:23
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [chrisshannon369] [ In reply to ]
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Every pro cyclist has been tested, and everyone who tested positive has been removed from the results already.


chrisshannon369 wrote:
Does it matter if he is lying about anything or everything in this interview? No, it doesnt matter until they test every single rider from every race within the past 7 years and do a complete blackout of all race results for athletes who test positive for banned substances.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [The Phoenix] [ In reply to ]
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Is triathlon gonna be mentioned even once? I mean it was the first and last sport he has done
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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I give Mellow Johnnie's five years max
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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Lance never doped.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jaelinfunk] [ In reply to ]
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jaelinfunk wrote:
Is triathlon gonna be mentioned even once? I mean it was the first and last sport he has done

I'd bet money he will.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FisH2O] [ In reply to ]
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Zero tolerance

Will it stop doping? I dont think there is any penalty that will stop cheating. But if you say 1 strike and you are out, it can scare enough people, that eventually/hopefully that scares them into racing clean.

But again, we'll never have "clean" sports. We just need to have confidence in the actual standards/protocols of the sport that when we see the winner, we have some certainty in that result.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SMp] [ In reply to ]
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I'll never shop at MJ again.

Giddy up, there's no reason to look behind you, you're not heading that way.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [chrisshannon369] [ In reply to ]
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I still support Lance.

Did you miss the opening round of "Yes/No" questions?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SMp] [ In reply to ]
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SMp wrote:
I give Mellow Johnnie's five years max

they have pretty good smoothies but just one won't show any real improvement.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jaelinfunk] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FisH2O] [ In reply to ]
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I think it is fair to say that many of us would have used EPO in Lance's situation

It is not fair to suggest that most of us would have sued people for telling the truth, or called our friends crazy btiches in the press, bribed the UCI, hired lobbyists to try and shut down usada, pressured trek to shut down lemond's business, and so on and so forth.

that takes a special kind of dedication, I think most of us would be too LAZY

FisH2O wrote:
I'd have to agree, a whole lot of incredibly unrealistic expectations on here. A lot of holier than thou, but if posters on this board had a similar, easy way to succeed in their chosen profession, I'd say there would be a high level of acceptance. (especially if the rest of the people in your company were getting promoted over you)

I think the correct analogy for Oprah would be - "If you were an up and coming anchor/talk show host, and there was something you could do that would immediately send your ratings sky high with a tiny chance of getting caught, would you do it?"

I would say 95% would.

I never thought Lance wasn't doping, and I'm still waiting for the entire rest of the peleton to own up. A drop in the ocean, we've got juniors getting nailed, masters getting nailed. System is broken, and the rewards are too high.

Until there are actual penalties, and actual ways to catch athletes, this will go on and on.

Does it suck for those few that play fair? Absolutely. Any real solution? Still waiting...

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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there is oddly enough just the right amount of commercials mixed in for me to keep refilling my popcorn bucket!!!

*cue the video of popcorn eating... anyone... anyone

COROS Sports Science

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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You will never have clean sports when athletes can make more $$ than Nurses, Doctors, Scientists, Engineers, etc........
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, I thought she would put the screws to him harder. I was expecting her to ask him "what's next" once he came clean as a drug users....questions about what he plans to do in the sport to help clean it up etc. Maybe that is more of a Dan Empfield question than an Oprah one though.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Jan 17, 13 19:27
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AustinDuDude] [ In reply to ]
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AustinDuDude wrote:
I'll never shop at MJ again.

It took Oprah to get you to this point. You are shocked?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.
this is an interview, not an interrogation. A good interviewer should be impartial, not indignant.

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AustinDuDude] [ In reply to ]
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Um, does that mean you're not shopping in Colorado again? ;-)

Edit: My bad, I thought you said you're never shopping "for" MJ.
Last edited by: ironpsych: Jan 17, 13 19:27
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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And too many commercial breaks. At least online it is elevator music. Damn a second night of this.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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He said at the beginning that he wanted to control the things in his environment.......

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

What the heck did you want. Someone to beat him up. He admitted to doping, bullying people, being a prick.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [kidrock] [ In reply to ]
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kidrock wrote:
Lance never doped.

Thank you!!!! I needed a good belly laugh

When all is said and done. More is usually said than done
Ba Ba Booey

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

Agreed. I find this entertaining as well, but she's not pushing him on a thing. He should be on his heels but he's not. He's way too comfortable. The point of the interview was to confess (to a certain, limited, extent) so the fact that he's confessing isn't a surprise or a success for her. Come on, Oprah, you know what we need.... "You want the truth??? You can't handle the truth!!..."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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I had a professor who proposed that the ONLY way to rid sports of drug use is to immediately ban anyone and everyone associated with the doper- coach, team mates, sponsors, etc.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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Gandalf wrote:
FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

this is an interview, not an interrogation. A good interviewer should be impartial, not indignant.

I fully appreciate the difference, trust me. But an interviewer also has to control the interview and ask the questions that the public wants answers to. She's letting him dodge questions and letting him control the interview. That's my criticism.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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Calculated. It's like a dance, almost. She came out strong at the start, imo, to hook the audience with those "yes or no" questions. Now it's a matter of how much to share and what details. There isn't enough time in this interview to go into specifics. I would like to have an iPhone recording in the car ride on the way home from this hotel after the interview.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:

In the audio book version of "The Secret Race" is it whispered or in a normal voice?

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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GMAN19030 wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
atomic916 wrote:
He is definately looking very uncomfortable. Not sure if I believe what he's saying, and I think there is a lot he is not saying.

It's clear just from his body language that his answers are very calculated. This is not a "no holds bar" interview. It's hand made for TV audiences. Just imagine what kind of boost this gives Oprah's ratings.

Disagree, his body language is in the other direction. constantly fidgeting, can't keep his hands still. That doesn't look forced to me. He looks very ill ease. Can you imagine looking at clips of yourself lying whilst holding your kids and sharing that with millions of viewers.

I interview and interrogate people for a living. I tend to agree with Gandalf's take on this.

The video shown of his 2005 SCA deposition is a good comparison point. We all know he was lying during that depo and his body language in that depo video was indicative of that. Body language is very different in this interview. You want to see textbook lying with corresponding body language? Watch Roger Clemens' 60 Minutes interview.

Sure... his answers are guarded and calculated and he's not being 100% candid but he's not blatantly lying his ass off or anything. He and his lawyers could easily predict the questions Oprah would ask. It's not rocket science.

I 100% believe he's holding off on naming names and throwing people under the boss until he can get in front of WADA/USADA/Whoever. He has nothing to gain from outing everyone on Oprah.

Exactly. Oprah isn't the appropriate forum to be naming names etc.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [KRab] [ In reply to ]
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Wow - good insight.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Holy Shit! Finally I learned something tonight- I didn't know Drew Barrymore was bi!

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Calculated. It's like a dance, almost. She came out strong at the start, imo, to hook the audience with those "yes or no" questions. Now it's a matter of how much to share and what details. There isn't enough time in this interview to go into specifics. I would like to have an iPhone recording in the car ride on the way home from this hotel after the interview.

No doubt, but I'm not sure you'd hear much over the sound of his attorney(s) screaming into the phone.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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There isn't enough time in this interview to go into specifics.

Part 2 tomorrow night remember. I'm hoping there is more substance tomorrow.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

I find it hilarious. He is getting soft balled but still coming off as a creep. He is getting incinerated on Twitter.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FastGMan] [ In reply to ]
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Woah - Oprah is going to pull the tweet Lanced posted of himself in his house lying on his couch surrounded by those yellow jerseys.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

Agreed. I find this entertaining as well, but she's not pushing him on a thing. He should be on his heels but he's not. He's way too comfortable. The point of the interview was to confess (to a certain, limited, extent) so the fact that he's confessing isn't a surprise or a success for her. Come on, Oprah, you know what we need.... "You want the truth??? You can't handle the truth!!..."

You guys are delusional. Do you think Oprah gives a shit about the outcome of this story? She has the ear of presidents. She's a journalist for chrissakes, and is probably already thinking about her next big interview. She got out of him what nobody else could.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [atomic916] [ In reply to ]
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atomic916 wrote:
There isn't enough time in this interview to go into specifics.

Part 2 tomorrow night remember. I'm hoping there is more substance tomorrow.

Oh, right. Good call.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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WTF? Did I turn the channel too soon? And, I already thought she was hot...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I agree.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SMp] [ In reply to ]
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People are dumb, and it is well known that sheep can't read or watch TV. :-)
Last edited by: Herbert: Jan 17, 13 19:34
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triathlung] [ In reply to ]
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triathlung wrote:
Pooks wrote:
FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

Agreed. I find this entertaining as well, but she's not pushing him on a thing. He should be on his heels but he's not. He's way too comfortable. The point of the interview was to confess (to a certain, limited, extent) so the fact that he's confessing isn't a surprise or a success for her. Come on, Oprah, you know what we need.... "You want the truth??? You can't handle the truth!!..."

You guys are delusional. Do you think Oprah gives a shit about the outcome of this story? She has the ear of presidents. She's a journalist for chrissakes, and is probably already thinking about her next big interview. She got out of him what nobody else could.

Next up is Manti Te'o? He'd be good for only half an hour.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triathlung] [ In reply to ]
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triathlung wrote:
Pooks wrote:
FastGMan wrote:
Oprah is throwing him softballs and letting him control the interview, which is exactly what he wants. This is pathetic.

Agreed. I find this entertaining as well, but she's not pushing him on a thing. He should be on his heels but he's not. He's way too comfortable. The point of the interview was to confess (to a certain, limited, extent) so the fact that he's confessing isn't a surprise or a success for her. Come on, Oprah, you know what we need.... "You want the truth??? You can't handle the truth!!..."

You guys are delusional. Do you think Oprah gives a shit about the outcome of this story? She has the ear of presidents. She's a journalist for chrissakes, and is probably already thinking about her next big interview. She got out of him what nobody else could.

Journalist is a stretch for Oprah, more like celebrity interviewer. She has the ear of one President (which is probably enough). Keep in mind that she didn't corner him and get him to give it up, he set the events in motion and carefully picked Oprah because she ISN'T a journalist and wouldn't question him like one.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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Is it over? West Coast is to begin airing at 9 pm.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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What time is "part 2" tomorrow?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know. It just got really boring.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
What time is "part 2" tomorrow?

9 pm ET/PT.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
What time is "part 2" tomorrow?

Same Bat time, same fat channel.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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Betsy Andreu on CNN... Holy shit! She's going off!!!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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In this teaser, she says she's going to say (to LA), "Some people think you're only doing this so you can get back into the sport."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Just going to post the same. She's kicking his ass.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
In this teaser, she says she's going to say (to LA), "Some people think you're only doing this so you can get back into the sport."


Does he want to do another tour? Would he be the oldest ever after whatever ban? I thought he only wanted to do triathlon.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Where's the link? I'm seeing something right now with Piers Morgan.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I'm having flashbacks to when I read Agassi's memoir and learned that he had been wigged up much of his career with the collusion of at least one board-certified doctor, several associates and even family members.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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CNN with Anderson Cooper

Betsy for President!!!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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as would tyler , Floyd , van der velde et al - they are all the same
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Now Mike Anderson is on. Dude...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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krupkake wrote:
If he lied in the past, he'll lie now...

As has/would Floyd Tyler van der velde etc
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [erik haas] [ In reply to ]
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Sure. the lot of them aren't credible.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [krupkake] [ In reply to ]
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Besty is acting like a bitch
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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The Anderson Cooper show is a lot better in terms of it not being staged. These guys are ripping LA apart. Betsy has a lot of useful things to say, but her delivery could be a lot better. They are ripping apart that lack of spilling of all beans on Oprah. Fair point, but they have to realize that he's saving it for an actual WADA date?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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pink, right?

at least she isn't fat.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sweeneytoad] [ In reply to ]
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sweeneytoad wrote:
I'm having flashbacks to when I read Agassi's memoir and learned that he had been wigged up much of his career with the collusion of at least one board-certified doctor, several associates and even family members.

I think if the truth were revealed on all the "amazing things" that these athletes do in any sport, we might learn some of them had additional "help" outside of the usual "train, eat and sleep" components. Imo, what the athletes do at the top of their sport almost seems too amazing. Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

Ever been so wronged and pissed that you can't string a coherent sentence together??? She doesn't seem especially fun to be around at this point, but she sure as hell seems authentic.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Correction: he had BETTER ped's than the rest.

I wonder what the rest of these doped up sucks were thinking while watching this - if the playing field was "even", then he still must've been the better athlete!

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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dwesley wrote:
pink, right?

at least she isn't fat.

Right, she's actually hot.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

in which case, she should bitch-slap you back to the stone age
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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I wish we had another hour of Andersen Cooper! This is great!

-Stephen in Arkansas
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think Betsy on CNN is a bitch at all, she came across as a passionate, angry, frustrated woman who after 10 years of being crucified by the big liar Lance she just can't believe that when asked directly in the interview about her Lance still chooses to LIE . She was willing to give him a chance and Lance just blew it big time - I respect her so much for spitting nails on CNN and calling Lance out once again no matter the cost......you ROCK Betsy!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
The Anderson Cooper show is a lot better in terms of it not being staged. These guys are ripping LA apart. Betsy has a lot of useful things to say, but her delivery could be a lot better. They are ripping apart that lack of spilling of all beans on Oprah. Fair point, but they have to realize that he's saving it for an actual WADA date?

This is not about WADA or getting back to racing. Armstrong fears he will get hammered financially by the feds, possibly even criminally prosecuted. This was an attempt to buy public sympathy while lying about things that could toll the statute of limitations or be evidence of a conspiracy. It was no accident that he lied about doping during his comeback. It is also no accident that he refused to confirm what the Andreu's heard in the hospital room.

He tried to fend off the DOJ by offering $5M but it was not accepted. Armstrong must be pretty scared to resort to confessing on Oprah.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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Good thought. Well, for me, it settled it that he was truly taking PED's. I heard the testimony of others, read reports, etc. etc. Not until I hear it from his own mouth would I believe it. That's why I was numb the first few minutes during the "yes or no's."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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That's it man - the first few minutes of "Did you use EPO" - "Yes", "Did you use blood doping" - "Yes" , etc etc.
That's the first time we've heard an omission from the man himself.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.
Given that the response of his supporters have changed so many time over the years from he didn't dope to the sources couldn't be trusted to it doesn't matter, i'd say their opinion of the matter is indeed changing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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More men watched Oprah today than in the cumulative history of her career on television.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [andrewintown] [ In reply to ]
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andrewintown wrote:
That's it man - the first few minutes of "Did you use EPO" - "Yes", "Did you use blood doping" - "Yes" , etc etc.
That's the first time we've heard an omission from the man himself.

still not enough to convince the die-hard supporters.

They'll say something along the lines that he was coerced into it...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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I believe him....tough situation.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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and we have the winner!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [andrewintown] [ In reply to ]
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andrewintown wrote:
That's it man - the first few minutes of "Did you use EPO" - "Yes", "Did you use blood doping" - "Yes" , etc etc.
That's the first time we've heard an omission from the man himself.

Right - and I'm totally cool with that. Just tell the truth, make things right and press on. I would be willing to forgive and get on with living. For me to hold a grudge against someone else would eventually destroy me.

With that in mind, I'm still keeping my Trek road bikes. :)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [tjtryon] [ In reply to ]
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tjtryon wrote:
More men watched Oprah today than in the cumulative history of her career on television.

Well done!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Who's Oprah?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [toreishi] [ In reply to ]
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toreishi wrote:
I had a professor who proposed that the ONLY way to rid sports of drug use is to immediately ban anyone and everyone associated with the doper- coach, team mates, sponsors, etc.

If you include the teammates in the ban, you head right toward the scenario with the electrocuted monkeys and the bananas that they violently won't allow the others to touch.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BayAreaUser] [ In reply to ]
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BayAreaUser wrote:
johnthesavage wrote:
Wow huge BALL... "We were suing so many people I can't remember if I ruined Emma O'Reilly's life like that.. But I am planning on apologizing!"

Corrected that for you.


"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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Man, LA may need additional bodyguards. The temperature on Twitter is heating up (and I realize that suing other people who tried to blow the whistle is a tough one to swallow):

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

My wife, who has been a fan of Lance, has seen him race a half dozen times including at the Tour in 2004 and is a big cyclist, herself, was a fan until the interview. After, I asked her thoughts and she used these words to describe him:

Still lying (she questioned lance saying he didn't dope in 2009-2010, when usada report says 1 in 1,000,000 odds of clean)

So she is no longer a fan. The worst part for her was hearing how he attacked, bullied, and destroyed anyone who challenged him with the truth. She had no idea.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
The Anderson Cooper show is a lot better in terms of it not being staged. These guys are ripping LA apart. Betsy has a lot of useful things to say, but her delivery could be a lot better. They are ripping apart that lack of spilling of all beans on Oprah. Fair point, but they have to realize that he's saving it for an actual WADA date?

Is this show online anywhere? I didn't get to see it live outside of the last 5 minutes or so.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BayAreaUser] [ In reply to ]
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BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too.

I'll concede to that. So in the end, LA was the best of the dopers?
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BayAreaUser] [ In reply to ]
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BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too.

Which is why I posted earlier, if they were ALL on PEDs, then the playing field was even and thus he MUST'VE been the better athlete after all! Not that it makes right. Just saying. . . .

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mjpwooo] [ In reply to ]
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DVR it, its on again later tonight
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
DVR it, its on again later tonight

don't know why i didn't think of that. thanks.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mcycle] [ In reply to ]
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USADA says not good enough.

Statement From USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart Regarding Lance Armstrong Interview

January 17, 2013

“Tonight, Lance Armstrong finally acknowledged that his cycling career was built on a powerful combination of doping and deceit.

His admission that he doped throughout his career is a small step in the right direction. But if he is sincere in his desire to correct his past mistakes, he will testify under oath about the full extent of his doping activities.”

Suffer Well.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mjpwooo] [ In reply to ]
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mjpwooo wrote:
J_R wrote:
DVR it, its on again later tonight

don't know why i didn't think of that. thanks.

And Archer premiers tonight too - Can't miss that :)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too
I'll concede to that. So in the end, LA was the best of the dopers?

And add that he is likely a better genetic specimen. At that level, PEDs add that extra 1%. So LA's 99% was likely better than everyone else's 99%. Even with PEDs he was only winning mountain stages by 10-15 secs. They were all juiced.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mcycle] [ In reply to ]
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So she is no longer a fan. The worst part for her was hearing how he attacked, bullied, and destroyed anyone who challenged him with the truth. She had no idea.

if she was a fan, wouldn't she have known this? he did this publicly.

and i think what we're missing is the big picture. lance took advantage of a system that was easy to take advantage of. i think a lot of people do what lance did. granted, not to the same degree and scale. but when the teacher is not looking, you're going to sneak a peek at the smart kids' test right next to you.

the system is broken. needs to be fixed. as some people have mentioned, the reward outweights the risk. if there's the chance to get away with it, people will risk it.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mjpwooo] [ In reply to ]
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mjpwooo wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
The Anderson Cooper show is a lot better in terms of it not being staged. These guys are ripping LA apart. Betsy has a lot of useful things to say, but her delivery could be a lot better. They are ripping apart that lack of spilling of all beans on Oprah. Fair point, but they have to realize that he's saving it for an actual WADA date?

Is this show online anywhere? I didn't get to see it live outside of the last 5 minutes or so.

It will re-air at 9 PST (midnight EST) on streaming: http://ownspecial.oprah.com/lancearmstrong.html

ECMGN Therapy Silicon Valley:
Depression, Neurocognitive problems, Dementias (Testing and Evaluation), Trauma and PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still baffled why he did not admit to the conversation in the hospital in 1996. Who was he trying to protect from team Motorola? He just made Betsy more irate which, at this point is a bad move.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Titanflexr] [ In reply to ]
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My two favorite Lance quotes from day one...

"Man, I ain't tryin' to call no ho' no bitch."

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

TrainingPeaks | Altra Running | RAD Roller
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mjpwooo] [ In reply to ]
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Here is last weeks interview with her.. seems Oprah covered all the questions they were sure she would not.


Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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I found it interesting that he dismissed allegations of being the "mastermind". Sounds like he's trying to avoid RICO act indictments.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
USADA says not good enough.

Statement From USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart Regarding Lance Armstrong Interview

January 17, 2013

“Tonight, Lance Armstrong finally acknowledged that his cycling career was built on a powerful combination of doping and deceit.

His admission that he doped throughout his career is a small step in the right direction. But if he is sincere in his desire to correct his past mistakes, he will testify under oath about the full extent of his doping activities.”

I think LA has answered the question tonight, "Who let the dogs out?" He did with his confession. Now USADA wants the whole enchilada.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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So what's USADA going to offer Lance to get him to testify (that seems to be their tactic to get info)? And what is he actually having to testify in/about? I'm still confused about what legal ramifications he's under. I thought the drug scandel was thrown out, and I read the statue of limitations expired on his lying about his past doping.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [speedskater] [ In reply to ]
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speedskater wrote:
I found it interesting that he dismissed allegations of being the "mastermind". Sounds like he's trying to avoid RICO act indictments.

I think the whole purpose of his admission was to stave off criminal prosecution, even at the expense of his reputation. He is running scared.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:

Which is why I posted earlier, if they were ALL on PEDs, then the playing field was even and thus he MUST'VE been the better athlete after all! Not that it makes right. Just saying. . . .

Just saying what? how many times does this false premise need to be stricken down?

O2 vector doping helps dopers with naturally lower HCT more than it helps dopers with naturally high HCT. So from physiological stand point, it ain't an even playing field when you bring in EPO.

But in addition to the physiological benefit he was able to reap b/c of his lower HCT, Lance also did the following:

Lance had Ferrari all to himself while others ended up with the less skilled Fuentes. Again not a level field.

Landis and Hamilton alleges that Lance called in the UCI on his rivals who were doping. Again not a level field.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still baffled why he did not admit to the conversation in the hospital in 1996. Who was he trying to protect from team Motorola? He just made Betsy more irate which, at this point is a bad move.

Wasn't there other people in the room that testified under oath that Lance didn't say those things? I thought perhaps he was trying to protect the doctors and others that were there.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
I'm still baffled why he did not admit to the conversation in the hospital in 1996. Who was he trying to protect from team Motorola? He just made Betsy more irate which, at this point is a bad move.

He is trying to protect himself. Still lying and still a long way to go till he is done with this.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [tri_kid] [ In reply to ]
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tri_kid wrote:
I'm still baffled why he did not admit to the conversation in the hospital in 1996. Who was he trying to protect from team Motorola? He just made Betsy more irate which, at this point is a bad move.

Wasn't there other people in the room that testified under oath that Lance didn't say those things? I thought perhaps he was trying to protect the doctors and others that were there.

winner winner chicken dinner
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

We can all officially put this coward, who hides behind a fake name on the list of dickbag misogynists who deserve no place of respect in life, or sport.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Many people I know personally have changed their opinions over the last few months, yes.

eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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Which way?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ironpsych] [ In reply to ]
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FFS, if you would just read the Reasoned Decision and The Secret Race you would know that is totally not true.

ironpsych wrote:

BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too
I'll concede to that. So in the end, LA was the best of the dopers?

And add that he is likely a better genetic specimen. At that level, PEDs add that extra 1%. So LA's 99% was likely better than everyone else's 99%. Even with PEDs he was only winning mountain stages by 10-15 secs. They were all juiced.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
Many people I know personally have changed their opinions over the last few months, yes.

eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

Jack, that's nice and all but that wasn't an answer to the actual question.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ironpsych] [ In reply to ]
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That isn't how oxygen vector doping works, and they were NOT all juiced.

ironpsych wrote:
BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too
I'll concede to that. So in the end, LA was the best of the dopers?

And add that he is likely a better genetic specimen. At that level, PEDs add that extra 1%. So LA's 99% was likely better than everyone else's 99%. Even with PEDs he was only winning mountain stages by 10-15 secs. They were all juiced.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ironpsych] [ In reply to ]
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ironpsych wrote:
Which way?

Everyone I know who has converted their opinion has gone from being a lance fan to not a lance fan.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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One thing that I do believe LA was truthful on was when he said that he "loves cycling," as an activity. I get that. At the end of the day, it is about the bike (except that doping part).
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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last few months, sure. but my statement was about the interview. =P
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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as you've probably said, this is not about racing again, this is about $$, statutes of limitations, and not being proved that he lied under oath.

echappist wrote:
tri_kid wrote:
I'm still baffled why he did not admit to the conversation in the hospital in 1996. Who was he trying to protect from team Motorola? He just made Betsy more irate which, at this point is a bad move.

Wasn't there other people in the room that testified under oath that Lance didn't say those things? I thought perhaps he was trying to protect the doctors and others that were there.

winner winner chicken dinner

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
So she is no longer a fan. The worst part for her was hearing how he attacked, bullied, and destroyed anyone who challenged him with the truth. She had no idea.

if she was a fan, wouldn't she have known this? he did this publicly.


I think very few people knew this prior to the usada reasoned decision. I still think a huge portion didnt know this even after usada's report, but anyone who saw opah now knows he is majorly flawed.

She didn't follow him more than very, very casually, but still considered herself a fan. No longer.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ In reply to ]
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Lance for US president! Politics is in Lance's future. Evade, evade, evade.

Never give up!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Just as an aside, didn't Marion Jones end up doing actual jail time? Why not this clown?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone else get turned on by that behind-the-desk, leg shot of Erin Burnett on CNN. Damn, she be hot!

Nice teeth, too.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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Ok ned I will make this simple for you because you are historically too stupid to live:

Yes this interview has changed people's opinions, as have other revelations in the recent past.

I'll also point out for anyone who has any sympathy for Betsy tonight, that Ned here was one of the people, like Lance, who felt compelled to call her a bitch and drag her name through the mud, here on slowtwitch, repeatedly.

Add him to the list of misogynist dickwads here on slowtwitch.

nedbraden wrote:
jackmott wrote:
Many people I know personally have changed their opinions over the last few months, yes.

eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

Jack, that's nice and all but that wasn't an answer to the actual question.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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"FFS, if you would just read the Reasoned Decision and The Secret Race you would know that is totally not true. "

Um, I did read the RD (80%) but did not read The Secret Race.

In short, are you trying to say that Vino, Ulrich, Beloki, et al. were not doping? Nor that they had a team or at least "inner circle" doping program?
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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echappist wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:

Which is why I posted earlier, if they were ALL on PEDs, then the playing field was even and thus he MUST'VE been the better athlete after all! Not that it makes right. Just saying. . . .


Just saying what? how many times does this false premise need to be stricken down?

O2 vector doping helps dopers with naturally lower HCT more than it helps dopers with naturally high HCT. So from physiological stand point, it ain't an even playing field when you bring in EPO.

But in addition to the physiological benefit he was able to reap b/c of his lower HCT, Lance also did the following:

Lance had Ferrari all to himself while others ended up with the less skilled Fuentes. Again not a level field.

Landis and Hamilton alleges that Lance called in the UCI on his rivals who were doping. Again not a level field.

Easy there, fella! ALL the kettles were black. And I'm assuming you're NOT Lance's personal physician, so therefore what his supposed (or "disclosed") HCT levels were is irrelevant - you simply DON'T know, you don't have this data. What, are we supposed to feel bad for those "less skilled Fuentes'" just because of apologists like you? Please! They were all dirty, and he was the better dirty athlete.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ironpsych] [ In reply to ]
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He is saying that oxygen vector does not affect all people equally.

Two equally fast guys, one fast because his hematocrit is naturally super high,another guys fast for other reasons, perhaps efficiency, or slowtwitch muscle fiber makeup, but a low hematocrit.

Give both access to EPO and the 2nd guy will crush the first.

There also may have been people we never heard of, as talented as Ullrich, Lance etc, who never doped, which is why you never heard of them.

Assume for a moment that Jens Voight was clean for instance. Maybe he was one of the best of his era!

ironpsych wrote:
"FFS, if you would just read the Reasoned Decision and The Secret Race you would know that is totally not true. "

Um, I did read the RD (80%) but did not read The Secret Race.

In short, are you trying to say that Vino, Ulrich, Beloki, et al. were not doping? Nor that they had a team or at least "inner circle" doping program?

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pdxjohn] [ In reply to ]
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pdxjohn wrote:
Just as an aside, didn't Marion Jones end up doing actual jail time? Why not this clown?

She served no time for doping. She served time for lying to the Feds.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
Ok ned I will make this simple for you because you are historically too stupid to live:

What a surprise, Jackmott goes for the insult. That's about as tough as your drama queen departure from here and then talking shit about Dan and ST on twitter.

Yes this interview has changed people's opinions, as have other revelations in the recent past.

Why is it that it took me calling you out for you to answer the actual question and even then you had to revert to a totally different question as well.

I'll also point out for anyone who has any sympathy for Betsy tonight, that Ned here was one of the people, like Lance, who felt compelled to call her a bitch and drag her name through the mud, here on slowtwitch, repeatedly.

Sorry jack, but I relayed a personal experience I had with her, never called her a bitch or said anything about her except about that personal experience. Are you really so insecure and so obsessed with Armstrong that you have to lie about other people.

Add him to the list of misogynist dickwads here on slowtwitch.

I guess I would be right behind you on that list.

nedbraden wrote:
jackmott wrote:
Many people I know personally have changed their opinions over the last few months, yes.

eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

Jack, that's nice and all but that wasn't an answer to the actual question.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
ALL the kettles were black.

No they were not.

You're right - my apologies to the ones that were clean. But they were the few.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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i say let em dope. we talk about all these advances in nutrition and recovery and training. why not let them dope? it's not hurting me any. and no i do not mean for this to be pink.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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I thought he lied to the Feds too.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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You were intentionally misleading about that personal experience with her Ned, and absolutely deserving of insult for it.

You picked the wrong wagon to hop on, and you still don't realize it.

I've lied about nothing, and not ashamed of any shit I have talked about Dan or ST on twitter. I stand behind my shit, as I'm sure you stand behind yours.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
as you've probably said, this is not about racing again, this is about $$, statutes of limitations, and not being proved that he lied under oath.

echappist wrote:
tri_kid wrote:
I'm still baffled why he did not admit to the conversation in the hospital in 1996. Who was he trying to protect from team Motorola? He just made Betsy more irate which, at this point is a bad move.

Wasn't there other people in the room that testified under oath that Lance didn't say those things? I thought perhaps he was trying to protect the doctors and others that were there.

winner winner chicken dinner

Nope, it's about protecting the doctor. Look into the donations into that hospital.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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Two things caught my attention that were not followed up on:

* after denying any cover-up re: the 2001 TdS tests, at the end of the segment, after admitting to the backdated TUE, he said there was that and then2001 Suise test (or sample). So he contradicted himself in his own answer.

* he said his donation to the UCI came from a request from them and he said "I have money, I'm retired....why not?" Except he wasn't retired when he made the donation.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
Two things caught my attention that were not followed up on:

* after denying any cover-up re: the 2001 TdS tests, at the end of the segment, after admitting to the backdated TUE, he said there was that and then2001 Suise test (or sample). So he contradicted himself in his own answer.

* he said his donation to the UCI came from a request from them and he said "I have money, I'm retired....why not?" Except he wasn't retired when he made the donation.

Yep those were the obvious ones. That and the fact that he made the donation to the hospital where the doctor worked who didnt list his PEDs in the chart.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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'It is not fair to suggest that most of us would have sued people for telling the truth, or called our friends crazy btiches in the press, bribed the UCI, hired lobbyists to try and shut down usada, pressured trek to shut down lemond's business, and so on and so forth'

Well said, Jack, I agree 100%. My issue with Armstrong isn't that he doped, my issue with Armstrong is that he's a jerk.

Regarding the biological passport, it didn't stop any doping. It just made the riders switch to micro-dosing and keeping protease around for emergencies. Armstrong seemed reasonably credible to me in most of what he said in the interview but for whatever reason he is clearly lying about not having doped in 2009 and 2010.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
i say let em dope. we talk about all these advances in nutrition and recovery and training. why not let them dope? it's not hurting me any. and no i do not mean for this to be pink.

I don't usually listen to them, but there was a great piece on Mike and Mike this morning. The bottom line I agree with is this stuff is dangerous. If you legalize it, the cheaters will just go out and do more and and those that can't afford it will have to buy in back rooms. If the NFL legalized the use of steriods it would be a green light for high school students to start getting on a program. There are allways going to be cheaters, but caving in to them is not the solution.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [john] [ In reply to ]
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Tygart says the absolute minimum suspension period is 8 years and Armstrong contends that that despite doping practically his entire career and during each of his 7 Tour victories, he stopped doping entirely in 2005. 2005, plus 8 years...2013.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [john] [ In reply to ]
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john wrote:
'It is not fair to suggest that most of us would have sued people for telling the truth, or called our friends crazy btiches in the press, bribed the UCI, hired lobbyists to try and shut down usada, pressured trek to shut down lemond's business, and so on and so forth'

Well said, Jack, I agree 100%. My issue with Armstrong isn't that he doped, my issue with Armstrong is that he's a jerk.

Regarding the biological passport, it didn't stop any doping. It just made the riders switch to micro-dosing and keeping protease around for emergencies. Armstrong seemed reasonably credible to me in most of what he said in the interview but for whatever reason he is clearly lying about not having doped in 2009 and 2010.

whatever reason? All that stuff from 09 / 10 is open to huge lawsuits. most of the old stuff isnt.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
You were intentionally misleading about that personal experience with her Ned, and absolutely deserving of insult for it.

1) I mislead about nothing, I even told the actual story of why I have such an opinion of her. You should know that since you linked the post in some bizarre attempt to make me look bad when you were spending your time "away" from ST.

2) The problem is that you insulted me because I commented on you not answering the actual question he asked of you and not because of your anger in defense of Betsy. It's pretty bad a simple comment pointing out that you didn't answer what someone actually asked sends you off into angry insults.

You picked the wrong wagon to hop on, and you still don't realize it.

What wagon is that? The one where I said a number of years ago that I felt Armstrong doped? Or is it something else that you know but I do not know about?

I've lied about nothing, and not ashamed of any shit I have talked about Dan or ST on twitter. I stand behind my shit, as I'm sure you stand behind yours.

You have lied. It's a simple fact.

I have made my point and will not be dragged down to your level of lies and insults. Feel free to continue down the low road and I will continue down the high road and stop responding to you here...or man up admit your nonsense and stick to mature discussion instead of insults.

The choice is yours, but I am betting I know what it will be.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
jackmott wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
ALL the kettles were black.

No they were not.

You're right - my apologies to the ones that were clean. But they were the few.


I think people miss a lot when they make this statement. We can't really know how many people walked away from the sport because they weren't willing to cheat, because many of them aren't going to be sought out by reporters or even be listened to if they speak up. But we do have guys like Danny Pate who left the Euro peloton instead of doping, and made zero dollars racing in the USA until he found a Euro team that didn't expect him to be on 'the program'.

When people say there weren't many clean riders, they seem to be limiting the scope to the Euro peloton. And that may be true - the number of clean riders may have been small for a while. But there were a ton of guys who refused to dope, had talent, could have made it at the highest level... but were kept out by guys like Bruyneel and Lance. For every DZ crying in the bathroom about it afterwards, there's a Pate or Meyerson who just said no, and stayed home.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, you are a piece of work.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
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“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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therein lies the risk/reward paradigm. if hs kids are dumb enough to risk their lives at the chance of making it in the big leagues, so be it.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I did EPO......just a little, though!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pdxjohn] [ In reply to ]
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pdxjohn wrote:
I thought he lied to the Feds too.

No he has never talked to the Feds. He lies under oath in a civil case. It is too late to procecute for that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
therein lies the risk/reward paradigm. if hs kids are dumb enough to risk their lives at the chance of making it in the big leagues, so be it.

All kids do dumb shit. It's our job as adults to try and give them some good guidence. Legalizing EPO in sports wouldn't be good guidence in my opinion.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [paulthomas] [ In reply to ]
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Justification is tricky and must involve much more than personal motive or the preceived rules of the culture...of course most here already know that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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Here's my biggest issue. In all intent purposes with all the soon to be facts that will be laid out there, we already are legalizing doping. It's more or less lip service on the UCI's part to have a doping program, when you have the corruptness that is being shown by this whole mess. So, it's kinda a smoke and mirrors type of thing for me in sports these days. Dear lord, atleast cycling is having to somewhat follow an IOC doping program, private industry run sports like the NFL, NBA, etc., are you kidding me, they have just enough lip service "anti doping" rhetoric, to keep society happy by not actually actively pushing PED's, while also caving to the demand of pure entertainment.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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It's our job as adults to try and give them some good guidence.

EXACTLY! but just because it is legal doesn't mean anything as far as guidance goes. smoking tobacco is legal but i'm sure most people on here don't do it.

but i would guide them to spell "guidance" with an "a." HAHA. just giving you a hard time. ;)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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oh, you mean this blood data that no one has? try again.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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The problem is, we aren't really doing all that good of a job guiding them.

In one hand we say its bad to dope, and then our actions show that officials are covering up doping issues. So until the governing bodies of the sports actually stands by what it preaches, we really will only be pushing anti doping in name only. And this seems to really go across the board in most team sports.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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dwesley wrote:
oh, you mean this blood data that no one has? try again.

Cmon man, you believe everything you read/see on the internet?

So once I asked this chick what her name was, and she says "Jade"; so I'm like "prove it". So she pulls out a green rock from her purse. . . .
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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"he's a french model"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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dude, the spreadsheet at the end was posted on the livestrong site. I chose not to link there for obvious reasons. also, there's actually an explanation of what the numbers mean.

here's a CN article where they say Lance posted the data himself.
Last edited by: dwesley: Jan 17, 13 21:42
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I was watching this with a full house at Musette Cafe in Vancouver, and I was interviewed by CBC TV who was filming us watching the show. There is a Rapha clothing store attached to the cafe, and the owner offered a 40% discount if Lance cried. Guess well have to wait till tomorrow.

Cervelo R3 and Cannondale Synapse, Argon18 Electron Track Bike
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cervelo-van] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cervelo-van] [ In reply to ]
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cervelo-van wrote:
There is a Rapha clothing store attached to the cafe, and the owner offered a 40% discount if Lance cried.

Awesome. If it happens, pick up a backpack for me??
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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dwesley wrote:
dude, the spreadsheet at the end was posted on the livestrong site. I chose not to link there for obvious reasons. also, there's actually an explanation of what the numbers mean.

here's a CN article where they say Lance posted the data himself.

. . . . .and we all know everything Lance says is the truth.

Dude, regardless of whether the data is verifiable or not, I choose to be a little skeptical; in the end, only Lance knows the truth. Most posts here on ST are speculation - most of us simply were NOT there. I don't put that much credence in that chart any more than I believed most of Lance's mea culpa tonight.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Man, this is painful to watch. When Oprah asked him if knew he was going to have this following, that it would "get this big." He said he didn't really know. She then recited accounts of him talking to presidents, dating rock stars, "How could you not know?" He then responded in a flustered, "You asked me the question...I didn't know."

Who senses this is much bigger than LA and he is just the "fall guy" for the whole doping operation?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Man, this is painful to watch. When Oprah asked him if knew he was going to have this following, that it would "get this big." He said he didn't really know. She then recited accounts of him talking to presidents, dating rock stars, "How could you not know?" He then responded in a flustered, "You asked me the question...I didn't know."

Who senses this is much bigger than LA and he is just the "fall guy" for the whole doping operation?

So what are you saying - Romney was on PEDs in the first presidential debate?? Explains a lot.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Who senses this is much bigger than LA and he is just the "fall guy" for the whole doping operation?

He is the face of this but I think you're right that this is much bigger than him. He is the lynchpin. I really, really hope that under sworn testimony he torches everything. "Screw everybody."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Man, this is painful to watch. When Oprah asked him if knew he was going to have this following, that it would "get this big." He said he didn't really know. She then recited accounts of him talking to presidents, dating rock stars, "How could you not know?" He then responded in a flustered, "You asked me the question...I didn't know."

Who senses this is much bigger than LA and he is just the "fall guy" for the whole doping operation?

So what are you saying - Romney was on PEDs in the first presidential debate?? Explains a lot.

Yeah, and I think Perry got a spoiled blood bag during the primaries.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
dwesley wrote:
dude, the spreadsheet at the end was posted on the livestrong site. I chose not to link there for obvious reasons. also, there's actually an explanation of what the numbers mean.

here's a CN article where they say Lance posted the data himself.

. . . . .and we all know everything Lance says is the truth.

Dude, regardless of whether the data is verifiable or not, I choose to be a little skeptical; in the end, only Lance knows the truth. Most posts here on ST are speculation - most of us simply were NOT there. I don't put that much credence in that chart any more than I believed most of Lance's mea culpa tonight.

Ahahahaha. I have to quote this for posterity.

You're actually saying we can't trust the veracity of the biopassport data used to prove ('one in a million') Lance doped on his comeback because Lance posted it? So Lance's blood profile was actually clean and he changed it to show he doped? Do you know how crazy that sounds?

And sure, most posts might be speculation, but these are facts. Numbers don't care if you believe them or not, they're true either way.
Last edited by: dwesley: Jan 17, 13 22:06
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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dwesley wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
dwesley wrote:
dude, the spreadsheet at the end was posted on the livestrong site. I chose not to link there for obvious reasons. also, there's actually an explanation of what the numbers mean.

here's a CN article where they say Lance posted the data himself.

. . . . .and we all know everything Lance says is the truth.

Dude, regardless of whether the data is verifiable or not, I choose to be a little skeptical; in the end, only Lance knows the truth. Most posts here on ST are speculation - most of us simply were NOT there. I don't put that much credence in that chart any more than I believed most of Lance's mea culpa tonight.

Ahahahaha. I have to quote this for posterity.

You're actually saying we can't trust the veracity of the biopassport data used to prove ('one in a million') Lance doped on his comeback because Lance posted it? So Lance's blood profile was actually clean and he changed to show he doped? Do you know how crazy that sounds?

And sure, most posts might be speculation, but these are facts. Numbers don't care if you believe them or not, they're true either way.

I'm not questioning the veracity of biopassport data. I said I choose to be a little skeptical. But even in the interview, didn't he or Oprah says that the biodata could be jigged?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Man, this is painful to watch. When Oprah asked him if knew he was going to have this following, that it would "get this big." He said he didn't really know. She then recited accounts of him talking to presidents, dating rock stars, "How could you not know?" He then responded in a flustered, "You asked me the question...I didn't know."

Who senses this is much bigger than LA and he is just the "fall guy" for the whole doping operation?

So what are you saying - Romney was on PEDs in the first presidential debate?? Explains a lot.

Yeah, and I think Perry got a spoiled blood bag during the primaries.

Well done, gentlemen.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
dwesley wrote:
dude, the spreadsheet at the end was posted on the livestrong site. I chose not to link there for obvious reasons. also, there's actually an explanation of what the numbers mean.

here's a CN article where they say Lance posted the data himself.

. . . . .and we all know everything Lance says is the truth.

Dude, regardless of whether the data is verifiable or not, I choose to be a little skeptical; in the end, only Lance knows the truth. Most posts here on ST are speculation - most of us simply were NOT there. I don't put that much credence in that chart any more than I believed most of Lance's mea culpa tonight.

ive spoken directly to some of the teammates who were there. Lance isnt the only one who knows the truth. he told the truth about a few things tonight, but only things he wasnt going to get sued about. he withheld all the names to try to entice WADA/USADA to let him back in and to reduce Qui Tam liability.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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I don't remember either person saying that, but maybe.

What I do remember is Lance saying the biopassport is changing the anti-doping game and helping to catch cheats. Then in the next sentence turning around and saying, "except in the case where USADA is using it to prove I doped in '09-'10".
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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Don't forget that johan has a pending hearing. Riders like Horner (it kills me) are going to testify that the team was squeaky clean and it will be revealed that, shockingly, all of the transgressions occurred outside the statute of limitations or under previous team management.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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dwesley wrote:
I don't remember either person saying that, but maybe.

What I do remember is Lance saying the biopassport is changing the anti-doping game and helping to catch cheats. Then in the next sentence turning around and saying, "except in the case where USADA is using it to prove I doped in '09-'10".

And the point I was trying to make is that among the "elite" of the cheats, he was the best one. . . .7 times! And another point: assuming he's clean of late, he's won a few triathlons recently, even some halfs. So, obviously the guy's got some athletic ability beyond the PEDs.

It's 1:15 on the east coast; i'm outta here!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Who senses this is much bigger than LA and he is just the "fall guy" for the whole doping operation?

He is the face of this but I think you're right that this is much bigger than him. He is the lynchpin. I really, really hope that under sworn testimony he torches everything. "Screw everybody."

If that does happen, then, in the public's eye, LA might think he could come out of this thing smelling like a rose.

It's a "common enemy" scenario. If the public thinks someone is the enemy, and that person, through calculated moves (press conferences, media, etc.) convinces the public that "I'm not the bad guy. No, the real threat is 'so and so, group, nation, etc.'" If the public takes the bait, they would then transfer their animosity to the bigger enemy, and gradually forget the first one. If that "first enemy" links arms with the public in an attempt to take down the "bigger enemy," they would viewed as a hero.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
If that does happen, then, in the public's eye, LA might think he could come out of this thing smelling like a rose.

It's a "common enemy" scenario. If the public thinks someone is the enemy, and that person, through calculated moves (press conferences, media, etc.) convinces the public that "I'm not the bad guy. No, the real threat is 'so and so, group, nation, etc.'" If the public takes the bait, they would then transfer their animosity to the bigger enemy, and gradually forget the first one. If that "first enemy" links arms with the public in an attempt to take down the "bigger enemy," they would viewed as a hero.

Well, I don't think that anybody should lose sight of the fact that he's a petty, vindictive asshole.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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"That isn't how oxygen vector doping works, and they were NOT all juiced."

Care to name names? Podium finishers of course.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Pretty good interview with, I believe, some honesty and humility from Lance. Not really any of the nuts and bolts doping info that everyone here wants of course.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
Recoverie wrote:

If that does happen, then, in the public's eye, LA might think he could come out of this thing smelling like a rose.

It's a "common enemy" scenario. If the public thinks someone is the enemy, and that person, through calculated moves (press conferences, media, etc.) convinces the public that "I'm not the bad guy. No, the real threat is 'so and so, group, nation, etc.'" If the public takes the bait, they would then transfer their animosity to the bigger enemy, and gradually forget the first one. If that "first enemy" links arms with the public in an attempt to take down the "bigger enemy," they would viewed as a hero.

Well, I don't think that anybody should lose sight of the fact that he's a petty, vindictive asshole.

True. I didn't realize the vindictive part until I began to hear the things he said in the interview. I cannot wrap my mind around suing someone to keep them from speaking the truth. History is filled with accounts where political and religious groups drug people from their homes, tortured and killed them because they were speaking "truth." Clearly, there are deep unresolved issues with LA (and others involved in this problem).

I have hunch this personality was formed because of the strained relationship with his real Dad (he spoke of such in one of his books). He said himself that anger is what drives him, and he attacks anyone that gets in his way and threatens "his space." I sense a lot of hurt and animosity toward his Dad that he has stuffed all these years. Those he lashed out at are just projections of his true anger toward his Dad. But, I could be wrong.
Last edited by: Recoverie: Jan 17, 13 22:52
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:

True. I didn't realize the vindictive part until I began to hear the things he said in the interview. I cannot wrap my mind around suing someone to keep them from speaking the truth. History is filled with accounts where political and religious groups drug people from their homes, tortured and killed them because they were speaking "truth." Clearly, there are deep unresolved issues with LA (and others involved in this problem).

I have hunch this personality was formed because of the strained relationship with his real Dad (he spoke of such in one of his books). He said himself that anger is what drives him, and he attacks anyone that gets in his way and threatens "his space." I sense a lot of hurt and animosity toward his Dad that he has stuffed all these years. Those he lashed out at are just projections of his true anger toward his Dad. But, I could be wrong.

I have thought those things about Lance for most of his career. This interview is the first time it looks like he may be growing or maturing. I think in the space of a few years he could be a very different person, one that he chooses to become, rather than the one whose path was set by early experiences. Funny that some who never realized the utterly egocentric asshole that Lance has been have turned against him, while I see the current Lance as beginning to step away from that person.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
ALL the kettles were black.

No they were not.

You are right, they were not. And not all riders doped... We just don't know their names because they were so far back behind the leaders we did not care.... and still do not.

I apologize, i'm assuming people do not care about who finishes in the bottom 50% of the peloton. I don't and doubt many others do.
Last edited by: BayAreaUser: Jan 17, 13 23:16
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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dave_w wrote:
Recoverie wrote:

True. I didn't realize the vindictive part until I began to hear the things he said in the interview. I cannot wrap my mind around suing someone to keep them from speaking the truth. History is filled with accounts where political and religious groups drug people from their homes, tortured and killed them because they were speaking "truth." Clearly, there are deep unresolved issues with LA (and others involved in this problem).

I have hunch this personality was formed because of the strained relationship with his real Dad (he spoke of such in one of his books). He said himself that anger is what drives him, and he attacks anyone that gets in his way and threatens "his space." I sense a lot of hurt and animosity toward his Dad that he has stuffed all these years. Those he lashed out at are just projections of his true anger toward his Dad. But, I could be wrong.

I have thought those things about Lance for most of his career. This interview is the first time it looks like he may be growing or maturing. I think in the space of a few years he could be a very different person, one that he chooses to become, rather than the one whose path was set by early experiences. Funny that some who never realized the utterly egocentric asshole that Lance has been have turned against him, while I see the current Lance as beginning to step away from that person.

I hear you and agree. I hope the best for LA (and everyone involved). It appears to be a step in the right direction, imo. When I reconciled past issues with my Dad and Mom that I had stuffed for many years, amazing things happened where healing took place. My pent up anger that I had no answer for initially dissipated when I learned about the "bigger picture."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vdubkb] [ In reply to ]
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vdubkb wrote:
I don't see his Livestrong bracelet on? I dont thinkni have ever seen him not wearing one. Did he also stop supporting the cause?

He was wearing it on his right wrist.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:

Yes or No: you've been waiting to use that one

I'm still trying to figure out what FTW stands for...

For The Win :)

Usually you can just Google "FTW meaning" for any acronym and it pops right up.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
dwesley wrote:
oh, you mean this blood data that no one has? try again.

Cmon man, you believe everything you read/see on the internet?

So once I asked this chick what her name was, and she says "Jade"; so I'm like "prove it". So she pulls out a green rock from her purse. . . .

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Has anyone found a full transcript? I was at work when it was streamed and we don't subscribe to the tier that carries OWN. Thanks!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GatorDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Bbc transcript:


´Get the most aero and light bike you can get. With the aero advantage you can be saving minutes and with the weight advantage you can be saving seconds. In a race against the clock both matter.´

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

It did for me. I was first in the "everyone doped" camp. I've always believed he doped, but also believed everyone else did.

My distaste for him started when I learned what a horrible despicable human being he is, bullying and suing people.

This interview is actually softening me up a bit towards him.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sneakerchimp] [ In reply to ]
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sneakerchimp wrote:
Tygart says the absolute minimum suspension period is 8 years and Armstrong contends that that despite doping practically his entire career and during each of his 7 Tour victories, he stopped doping entirely in 2005. 2005, plus 8 years...2013.

Haven't there been a few other busted riders who have all said they stopped doping around 2005 for that very reason as well ?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
Two things caught my attention that were not followed up on:

* after denying any cover-up re: the 2001 TdS tests, at the end of the segment, after admitting to the backdated TUE, he said there was that and then2001 Suise test (or sample). So he contradicted himself in his own answer.

* he said his donation to the UCI came from a request from them and he said "I have money, I'm retired....why not?" Except he wasn't retired when he made the donation.

Yes picked up both of these too - wish Oprah had of gone in harder on these 2 points and also the hospital incident too.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Barchettaman] [ In reply to ]
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Barchettaman wrote:
Bbc transcript:http://www.bbc.co.uk/...t/0/cycling/21065539

Thanks!! That seems to be snippets, though, although the most important ones. Is there an uncut version?

Wow, just wow. I mean what else do you want the guy to do? He's actually growing on me again.
Last edited by: GatorDeb: Jan 18, 13 2:09
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GatorDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Really? The more I hear, the more utterly dispicable he appears to be.

´Get the most aero and light bike you can get. With the aero advantage you can be saving minutes and with the weight advantage you can be saving seconds. In a race against the clock both matter.´

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Barchettaman] [ In reply to ]
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Barchettaman wrote:
Really? The more I hear, the more utterly dispicable he appears to be.

I already knew he lied, sued innocent people, called people names if they said anything negative against him (specially if true), bullied people, and pretty much does whatever he wants whenever he wants and has a huge ego. And he pretty much just reiterated all that in the interview and said, I'm an a**, and I'm sorry. I mean, really, not one single person can throw stones.
Last edited by: GatorDeb: Jan 18, 13 2:11
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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If you have ever lied about something or had someone lie to you about something, you might have a different take on this Lance thing. I know there are many out there that feel Lance should be hated like Lanza, Hitler, Bundy or Madoff, but I really can't find it in myself to hate him.

My mother cheated on my father with the family doctor, our neighbor, for over ten years. My mother was a nurse and worked with the doctor for years so it had crossed my mind that something was going on. When my mother finally admitted to the truth, I know it was a huge weight off her back, but I forgave her and my parents got back together after a couple years apart. My mom dragged the neighbors who knew about it through the dirt, like Lance did, and it wasn't pretty. Anyways, I just want to say that I can't hate Lance for being human. He probably did more good than bad in his life.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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matbe just give the yellow shirt to the dude who came in last since he is prob one of tthe few who didnt use drugs. lance shouldnt be the only one investgated. i still like the guy. flotd was angry, boo hoo. bummer he got caught.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [chrisshannon369] [ In reply to ]
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Does it matter if he is lying about anything or everything in this interview? No, it doesnt matter until they test every single rider from every race within the past 7 years and do a complete blackout of all race results for athletes who test positive for banned substances.

You are STILL apologizing for Lance?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FisH2O] [ In reply to ]
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I never thought Lance wasn't doping, and I'm still waiting for the entire rest of the peleton to own up. A drop in the ocean, we've got juniors getting nailed, masters getting nailed. System is broken, and the rewards are too high.

But Lance could do something about the problem. He can go into details about how the system works, he could name names and talk about how the team was able to know when the out of competition testing occurred, how the doctors and trainers were involved etc.

If Lance really wanted to do what is right for the sport he could provide details now that he has retired. Anything else is just more self-serving crap designed to get Lance back into competition.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
Does it matter if he is lying about anything or everything in this interview? No, it doesnt matter until they test every single rider from every race within the past 7 years and do a complete blackout of all race results for athletes who test positive for banned substances.

You are STILL apologizing for Lance?

You must have a very odd sense of the word "apology" if you take that as "apologizing for Lance."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Barchettaman] [ In reply to ]
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Barchettaman wrote:
Really? The more I hear, the more utterly dispicable he appears to be.

This. I PVR'd it and watched this morning and I was very happy to see that Oprah was asking all the right questions, even if she didn't press on some things. He's doing a very good job at being contrite and dodging answers about things that would really make him look bad. But there were certain times (like when he was apologizing for anything) when you could tell that answering a question really tasted like poop in his mouth and he didn't want to say it. I'm not falling for the "oh, I'm so sorry that I got caught" routine because the look on his face when she asked him if he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for his comeback was like he wanted to brag about the fact he got away with it for so long.

I have no doubt that what his teammates (and a lot of other people) have said is totally true and he is a major egomaniac and a total prick in person.

Strength coach and post rehab injury specialist. Check out my blog at http://www.paradigmfitnessottawa.com.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GatorDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Me too, i was a big fan and wanted to believe he never doped which seems ridiculous now

watched it with the wife , she said she felt sorry for him, i wont go that far but i do feel he was honest at least and i would like to think he does spend the rest of his life apologizing

he admits he is deeply flawed and a fighter - i have met people like that, who just lash out, feel persecuted and will fight at all costs

it is clear that he is one fecked up guy

the whole thing makes me feel sad but i would be prepared to forgive him for sure if he does try and make amends - too late? yes but i am just not a hater and i just cannot get on the hate bandwaggon that we have on here, he may be an arsehole but think he has done more good than bad in his life
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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Someone may have already alluded to this but I have not read all the threads. Lance cannot and will not "tell everything" because there are still financial and legal ramifications. His calculated answers are exactly that. Seems to me (n=1) the plan is to be as forthcoming as he can without saying anything that would confirm any part of the DOJ investigation. Can't blame the guy really, why would you willingly throw whats left of your wealth away when you have kids to worry about.

That being said, does anyone think that Tygart is still a world class A**hole? I always knew he was right but did and still despise him. Maybe its because "we" have already spent millions of tax dollars to prove what everyone already knew.....
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [edtlonsway] [ In reply to ]
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Some of Betsy's CNN appearance..


-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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This is not much different than Bill Clinton's "I did not have sex relationships with that woman" repeated denial to later confess only because the evidence was overwhelming.

Did you think Clinton was remorseful? His apology didn't seem sincere either. Yet, he is still a hero... to most democrats and lots of others too.

He should have been more open and explain the details of that "cigar game" he was playing with Monica...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

From my cheap seat, i have to ask "WGAS/WGAF what she has to say about anything?"

In this whole thing of massive doping, cover-ups, bribes, etc that LA is accused of, admitted to, guilty of, etc, she is, by far, the smallest cog in the chainring, yet she gets mentioned in the same sentence.

Don't worry Betsy, your 15 minutes of "fame" still has a few more minuted left on the clock. You might be able to milk another appearance on Anderson Cooper and you will get money from LA in some type of suit (which is the goal all along)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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If Lance wants redemption then he should not compete in sports. He competes for selfish reasons - ego, fame, and money. Instead of all that time training and competing, he should spend his time teaching children three things: don't do drugs, don't cheat, and don't lie. If he devoted himself to that rather than selfish pursuits perhaps he might gain some modicum of redemption.


"Some guys they just give up living, and start dying little by little piece by piece. Some guys come home from work and wash up, then go racin' in the street." Bruce Springsteen
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
dwesley wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
dwesley wrote:
dude, the spreadsheet at the end was posted on the livestrong site. I chose not to link there for obvious reasons. also, there's actually an explanation of what the numbers mean.

here's a CN article where they say Lance posted the data himself.

. . . . .and we all know everything Lance says is the truth.

Dude, regardless of whether the data is verifiable or not, I choose to be a little skeptical; in the end, only Lance knows the truth. Most posts here on ST are speculation - most of us simply were NOT there. I don't put that much credence in that chart any more than I believed most of Lance's mea culpa tonight.

Ahahahaha. I have to quote this for posterity.

You're actually saying we can't trust the veracity of the biopassport data used to prove ('one in a million') Lance doped on his comeback because Lance posted it? So Lance's blood profile was actually clean and he changed to show he doped? Do you know how crazy that sounds?

And sure, most posts might be speculation, but these are facts. Numbers don't care if you believe them or not, they're true either way.

I'm not questioning the veracity of biopassport data. I said I choose to be a little skeptical. But even in the interview, didn't he or Oprah says that the biodata could be jigged?

No, in fact, Lance said the biopassport changed everything. rewatch it. he gives credit to it for changing the doping landscape but then disputes his own tests. if this interview happend 6 years from now, he'd be telling the truth about 2010 too. Nike and Co could come for money if he admits to 2009/2010 because by then all those contracts had morals clauses in them.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SayHey Kid] [ In reply to ]
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SayHey Kid wrote:
rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

From my cheap seat, i have to ask "WGAS/WGAF what she has to say about anything?"

In this whole thing of massive doping, cover-ups, bribes, etc that LA is accused of, admitted to, guilty of, etc, she is, by far, the smallest cog in the chainring, yet she gets mentioned in the same sentence.

Don't worry Betsy, your 15 minutes of "fame" still has a few more minuted left on the clock. You might be able to milk another appearance on Anderson Cooper and you will get money from LA in some type of suit (which is the goal all along)

You've got to be kidding. You clearly don't know Betsy. She wants Lance to tell the truth about her. If he does, I guarantee you she goes away.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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What does JRenfro think of the interview?
I miss that guy, he used to have some hilarious departures from reality.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SayHey Kid] [ In reply to ]
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SayHey Kid wrote:
rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch


Don't worry Betsy, your 15 minutes of "fame" still has a few more minuted left on the clock. You might be able to milk another appearance on Anderson Cooper and you will get money from LA in some type of suit (which is the goal all along)

Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

But hey, at least he didn't call her fat, right?


"Remember: a bicycle is an elegant and efficient tool designed for seeking out and defeating people who aren't as good as you."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SayHey Kid] [ In reply to ]
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SayHey Kid wrote:
rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

From my cheap seat, i have to ask "WGAS/WGAF what she has to say about anything?"

In this whole thing of massive doping, cover-ups, bribes, etc that LA is accused of, admitted to, guilty of, etc, she is, by far, the smallest cog in the chainring, yet she gets mentioned in the same sentence.

Don't worry Betsy, your 15 minutes of "fame" still has a few more minuted left on the clock. You might be able to milk another appearance on Anderson Cooper and you will get money from LA in some type of suit (which is the goal all along)

You are either completely clueless or you are related to Lance.

Her family's life was turned completely upside down by Lance and you see it as money grabbing. Unreal.

She may be a small chainring to you, but she is one of a long list of people that once called Lance a friend, only to have their lives ruined by him. It is the reprehensible behavior to save his own ass that will define him, much more than admitting, only under extreme pressure, that he is a doper, a liar, and a fraud.
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Post deleted by ........ [ In reply to ]
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [shovelhd] [ In reply to ]
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I will have to say, after watching the interview, and unbelievable as it is, my view on Lance has changed.

I did not think it possible...

But it has...

I am hard pressed to think of a big self-absorbed douche in the world...

And there are a lot of them.

I think if there was someone dying, Lance was there to be able to help save them, but in doing so, that person had information that would keep Lance from riding again...

He would just sit and watch that person die.

As bad as my image was of the slime ball before... hearing him talk and hearing his wheels grinding of it getting him back in the sport....

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [PT] [ In reply to ]
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PT wrote:
Lance hooked her one in the lobby?
My first laugh of the day ...welll done.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Francois wrote:
vitalstatistix wrote:
What does JRenfro think of the interview?
I miss that guy, he used to have some hilarious departures from reality.

JRenfro is gone but cyclops is still here...we also need giuseppe, TriBeer, and a few others...
Funny that in 2000 when the likes of Uli, me and a few others were saying he's doped, everyone was
telling us to shut the hell up, or were accusing the dirty french ;-)

while i agree that we have to face the fact that Lance doped, i think we can still dislike the French. i mean come on, you know what those people are like.
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Post deleted by ........ [ In reply to ]
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Francois wrote:
Cheese eating surrender monkeys!

bless you Willy. that made me laugh so hard i cried. and I didn't cry when me own father was hung for stealing a pig.

ok, back to your regularly scheduled Lancing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [rferic18] [ In reply to ]
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Besty is acting like a bitch

At least she is credible, unlike Lance.

She is owning Lance right now.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vibrolux] [ In reply to ]
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Disagree, I 've been trained by two veteran fighter pilots....one a with a Silver Cross. They were men of great integrity. That was cute and macho of you to say , but on behalf of my mentors and friends ,very disrespectful and not true. but
vibrolux wrote:
I've followed him for most of his career. He's always been a jerk. Most Navy fighter pilots are also. Trust me, you want them that way.

P.S. I don't do pink font.....

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [carlsomi] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think Betsy on CNN is a bitch at all, she came across as a passionate, angry, frustrated woman who after 10 years of being crucified by the big liar Lance she just can't believe that when asked directly in the interview about her Lance still chooses to LIE . She was willing to give him a chance and Lance just blew it big time - I respect her so much for spitting nails on CNN and calling Lance out once again no matter the cost......you ROCK Betsy!

I completely agree.

However, there are still a lot of Lance lovers and they will attack her, just wait and see the responses you get here in the LR.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

I can't say that the interview changed my opinion but rather that it changed over the past few years. I had been a big supporter but started to slowly change as former USPS guys like Heras, Floyd and Tyler started getting nabbed once they were with different teams, and then as some of the other stories started to come out. Reading "The Secret Race" when it came out was the clincher for me. I felt that he was candid for the most part last night but somehow still coming off like a jerk in doing so.

Biggest thing I agreed with last night was him saying early on that his admission was years too late. I also agree with a few other replies in this thread where he's likely holding off on naming names (no mention of Bruyneel at all) and talking more about Ferrari until he meets with USADA/WADA. I also think that he wasn't totally honest about a few things, namely the donation to the UCI or what happened with Betsy Andreu (odd how he felt the need to make clear that he never called her fat). Looking forward to Part 2 tonight.

"You can never win or lose if you don't run the race." - Richard Butler

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Yes or no, did NIKE encourage you to dope? Did any of your sponsors know you or any of your team members were doping?

Last edited by: mustangchef: Jan 18, 13 6:34
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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One thing that I do believe LA was truthful on was when he said that he "loves cycling," as an activity.

Who cares about that?

I know lots of people who love cycling as an activity and it's not that hard to be truthful about that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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Which is why I posted earlier, if they were ALL on PEDs, then the playing field was even and thus he MUST'VE been the better athlete after all! Not that it makes right. Just saying. . . .

What you are just saying is that you are still buying into the myth of Lance.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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* he said his donation to the UCI came from a request from them and he said "I have money, I'm retired....why not?" Except he wasn't retired when he made the donation.

Yeah, I caught that too and it is something that Oprah really has no chance to address but it just shows that he continues to lie through his teeth and hopefully most people are just not buying it and think like I do and that is that he came off as even more of a jerk than I thought. And that is saying a lot because I thought he was the world's biggest jerk before the interview.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

At least she is credible, unlike Lance.

She is owning Lance right now.

Yea but she minimizes her own husbands doping and lying.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [eriqp] [ In reply to ]
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eriqp wrote:
i've read 11 pages of posts. and i have one question...

did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

this whole interview is like people who post their agendas on fb. put it out there but in the end, everyone still has the same opinion about it.

When I think about the interview this morning, my opinion of him has changed based upon the interview.

It has gotten worse.

This interview could have been an opportunity to come clean and take responsibility. He was half hearted in admission in every response after the yes/no portion. His whole discussion about 3 to 1 is a "score" and he never called Besty "fat" (along with a chuckle and sly grin) came across as calculating and vindicative and self perserving as I thought he was. But to be that person in that forum with the opportunity he had, it shows he is neither sorry for what he did or who he hurt, but is still in "perserve Lance" and defend his space mode. The whole discussion on not doping in during his comeback is not credible (when balanced against blod values reports). The double talk about the post dated TUE for the 2001 Tour de Swiss shows he is still a compulsive liar and I'm not even sure he can sort out the truth and the lies.

He has a long way to go really be honset, reconcile with those he hurt and show he is not just doing this to feed his ego. Perhaps tonight's installment he will be more apolgetic and take responsibility and not come across as a self absorbed prick. Perhaps.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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You have lied. It's a simple fact.

I have made my point and will not be dragged down to your level of lies and insults. Feel free to continue down the low road and I will continue down the high road and stop responding to you here...or man up admit your nonsense and stick to mature discussion instead of insults.

Ha ha ha ha.

I was worried about you to be honest. I know how much you love Lance and it must be hard for you to hear that he actually admitted using drugs, something you consistently refused to believe. Hopefully his admission will slowly sink in and you too will accept that he is just another human that lied for his own good.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GT] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed GT, after all the gloss and then a good nights sleep, my first thoughts this morning were about how Lance had ruined some peoples lives. That's the bottom line for me.
GT wrote:
SayHey Kid wrote:
rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch


Don't worry Betsy, your 15 minutes of "fame" still has a few more minuted left on the clock. You might be able to milk another appearance on Anderson Cooper and you will get money from LA in some type of suit (which is the goal all along)

Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

But hey, at least he didn't call her fat, right?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
You have lied. It's a simple fact.

I have made my point and will not be dragged down to your level of lies and insults. Feel free to continue down the low road and I will continue down the high road and stop responding to you here...or man up admit your nonsense and stick to mature discussion instead of insults.

Ha ha ha ha.

I was worried about you to be honest. I know how much you love Lance and it must be hard for you to hear that he actually admitted using drugs, something you consistently refused to believe. Hopefully his admission will slowly sink in and you too will accept that he is just another human that lied for his own good.

Thanks for your concern but you really should try to stick to what people actually say instead of making shit up to push your personal agenda. The worst part for people like you and jack is that your statements can be proven false with a simple search on this forum.
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Post deleted by vibrolux [ In reply to ]
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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And another point: assuming he's clean of late, he's won a few triathlons recently, even some halts.

Why would anyone believe he is clean of late?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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This interview is the first time it looks like he may be growing or maturing.

I watched it twice and my take is the opposite. He showed "humility" on the easy questions but then went on the attack or claimed a lack of knowledge on the things that would hurt him which shows that he is just as arrogant as ever. It's the old "admit the obvious but create doubt on the things that can hurt you down the road" strategy that his lawyers coached him on well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Barchettaman] [ In reply to ]
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Really? The more I hear, the more utterly dispicable he appears to be.

I completely agree. The lives he ruined or tried to ruin just to make himself look good for such a long time makes me think he is just a horrible person.

Those who actually buy into his remorse are just the Lance lovers falling for the celebrity all over again.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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Lying bullies usually go "on the attack" when challenged to a place of discomfort. Habitual behaviour is not easy to change and is pretty transparent when an interview subject feels pressured. Let's see what happens with second half of interview tonight. Oprah gave LA, his mother, his cause lots of TV coverage before the scandal broke. She even had a "fun" bike race with him on one show. Oprah does not look pleased.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GT] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

Thank you for your voice of reason. Some of the responses here are really hard to believe. The fact that there are people attacking Betsy and standing by Lance is just hard to fathom and goes to show you the power of celebrity.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Brian in MA] [ In reply to ]
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Brian in MA wrote:
did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

Yes, I would say I was a fanboy of sorts.. Loved watching him crush the competition... He got me into cycling when I was 12 years old...

After this interview... and hearing the words come out of his mouth (which I 99% knew was already true).. I have changed my mind

#1. No way this guy should ever race again
#2. Who can you really trust in sport anymore
#3. Its sad that every great performance is now questioned

COROS Sports Science

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
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Everyone is focused on Betsey and Oprah and the UCI, but who's thinking of 7 sets of Podium girls? Imagine how they must feel, they've been complicit in a lie all these years, through no fault of their own. Sure, time heals all wounds, but it must be pretty raw right now.

Cervelo R3 and Cannondale Synapse, Argon18 Electron Track Bike
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

Thank you for your voice of reason. Some of the responses here are really hard to believe. The fact that there are people attacking Betsy and standing by Lance is just hard to fathom and goes to show you the power of celebrity.

What happened to Andreu happens daily in the United States. Go dig up some dirt on your boss. Make him feel like your holding it over his head and see what happens. No one in this world is "clean." Furthermore, dragging a private conversation with a doc out into public on CNN is rather deplorable. She deserves no sympathy. Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.
Last edited by: lhpoulin: Jan 18, 13 7:18
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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Here's a great read by Bonnie Ford:


Suffer Well.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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I think it should be pretty obvious to anyone that watched last night that he only confessed to doping (that he never did) because he was forced by someone possibly threatening harm to him or his loved ones. Ive always had my suspicions that this might be the case, but last night just confirmed it.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [paulthomas] [ In reply to ]
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paulthomas wrote:
I did EPO......just a little, though!

yea, and I got her just a little bit pregnant, but not alot.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [nhunter344] [ In reply to ]
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It really isn't about the bike. It isn't about the money. It is about winning. The simple, animal drive to win. Or, slightly differently, about beating all those who challenge you. A real life human tragedy. All that is left now to do is to take the "Hitler in the Bunker" meme and replace his head with LA's.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone catch this?

He said that he had never failed a drug test (he said that now he has - retroactively). But he was adamant that he never failed a test *at the time*. But... then he admitted to the Emma O'Reily story - that he had failed a test for steroids, and then they back-dated a fake prescription for a saddle sore cream to cover it up. Sounds to me like he *did* fail a drug test. Yes?

Also - although it was good to finally hear him own up to some of this stuff, there were still some annoyingly calculated answers. The whole Vande Velde thing - "Is this an issue of semantics" - Oprah. Yes. Yes, it is. Perhaps Vande Velde didn't get the quote 100% right and Lance didn't say, "Christian - you must get on the EPO program." But he could have said something very close to that, pressured, implied, etc. Lance just seemed to insist on answering some of the questions *accurately* ("No, I didn't tell Christian to take EPO in June before the Tour.")... and then changed the subject. He may have been technically accurate, but (I'm guessing) missed the larger picture. Accurate doesn't always equal "right thing to do". Now, I'm sure he has some reason for this that his lawyers coached him on...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

Thank you for your voice of reason. Some of the responses here are really hard to believe. The fact that there are people attacking Betsy and standing by Lance is just hard to fathom and goes to show you the power of celebrity.

On the Andreus Lance was very aware and admitted that he could not and would not answer. He admitted theat they are not good with him, and that one could not expect that. I think he's very aware that complete truth would be best for them, but as alluded to earlier in this thread, there are probably other considerations. If the doctor and others agreed to strike that info from the record and deny it was said, then Lance has put himself in the place where being totally honest may very well damage or ruin still other careers. I'm surprised that people think unwinding a lifetime of lies should be simple, quick, and painless for all but Lance.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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yeah jmh that article was fantastic

"Armstrong is a toppled despot, a statue pulled off his pedestal, but his legs are still moving reflexively in the rubble. By force of lifetime habit, he's still trying to shape his own narrative."

heres another that i really liked
"Armstrong appeared as reasoned and dispassionate telling the truth as he did all those years that he so fluently and convincingly spun a lie."

The consensus is that he did not achieve his goals with this interview. We have some consolation at least that virtually all the stories by people close to him were true.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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lhpoulin wrote:
What happened to Andreu happens daily in the United States. Go dig up some dirt on your boss. Make him feel like your holding it over his head and see what happens. No one in this world is "clean."

Are you really this stupid? It's not that Lance just went after the Andreus and others . . . it's that he did it knowing they were telling the truth because the truth would hurt him. It's typical bully behavior magnified on an international level. Don't just deny their story, crush them and destroy them for daring to tell it. THAT is deplorable behavior. I get the reasoning for why he would do it, but that doesn't make Lance's actions right; nor does it make Betsy Andreu a "bitch" for standing up for the truth.

I would have a completely opposite opinion of Lance if the Andreus were blackmailing him with false information about his doping for their own benefit. Not only is there no evidence of this, however, the evidence that DOES exist proves the exact opposite.

lhpoulin wrote:
Furthermore, dragging a private conversation with a doc out into public on CNN is rather deplorable. She deserves no sympathy.

Explain, please. According to Betsy, Lance admitted to a doctor that he used PEDs. He then built his reputation and his empire on the false statement that he had never used PEDs. He then destroyed the Andreu's lives when they dared come forward to speak the truth. How exactly is it that Betsy's conduct is the "deplorable" conduct here?

Edited to add: If Lance wanted to preserve a medical privilege of his admissions to the doctor, he should have made Betsy and Frankie leave the room. The presence of third parties negates the privilege. I see nothing wrong with Betsy telling the world what was said in that conversation. If the doctor fudged Lance's records and is worried now that he might have his career damaged by having done so, then he should be. Assuming it happened, it was not a smart move on his part.

lhpoulin wrote:
Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.

Again, this is stupid rationalization and typical Lance fanboy "reasoning." Nobody is pissed that Lance is "faster" than them. They're pissed that this guy built his career on lies, deceit, cheating, and ruthless tactics to destroy anyone who knew the truth and dared to speak it. Does it happen a lot? Sure, but not so often on an international stage, and not so often with someone who becomes a national hero.

Get over yourself. You're taking the Lance apologist position to new heights of stupidity.

''The enemy isn't conservatism. The enemy isn't liberalism. The enemy is bulls**t.''

—Lars-Erik Nelson
Last edited by: Danno: Jan 18, 13 7:52
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [tlc13] [ In reply to ]
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i cant be the only one who thought of this, if its been posted in the first 18 pages that im not going through i apologize.

but this would be a funny shirt. i just threw it together quick, someone should make it though.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [shovelhd] [ In reply to ]
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shovelhd wrote:
SayHey Kid wrote:
rferic18 wrote:
Besty is acting like a bitch

From my cheap seat, i have to ask "WGAS/WGAF what she has to say about anything?"

In this whole thing of massive doping, cover-ups, bribes, etc that LA is accused of, admitted to, guilty of, etc, she is, by far, the smallest cog in the chainring, yet she gets mentioned in the same sentence.

Don't worry Betsy, your 15 minutes of "fame" still has a few more minuted left on the clock. You might be able to milk another appearance on Anderson Cooper and you will get money from LA in some type of suit (which is the goal all along)

You are either completely clueless or you are related to Lance

Her family's life was turned completely upside down by Lance and you see it as money grabbing. Unreal.

She may be a small chainring to you, but she is one of a long list of people that once called Lance a friend, only to have their lives ruined by him. It is the reprehensible behavior to save his own ass that will define him, much more than admitting, only under extreme pressure, that he is a doper, a liar, and a fraud.

Never understand the Slowtwitch Math that if you criticize, scrutinize a opinion or have an opposing view on LA, that you are a fanboy or related to LA.

Not that it matters to anyone, but my opinion/view of LA has always been the same , which is: Do I think he doped? Yes. Do I care? No. (Not sure what category I fall into with that)

Not defending Lance with my comment, simply stating in the “crimes” against LA, Betsy ranks very low on the pole in my opinion.
GT wrote:

Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

But hey, at least he didn't call her fat, right?

I am sure that is absolutely no exaggeration with the above.
Last edited by: SayHey Kid: Jan 18, 13 7:51
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ In reply to ]
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Since Lance has now admitted to lying under oath in multiple depositions including at least one to the US Dept. of Justice, what is the chance that he will face jail time for perjury? That also begs the question that if he does go away, will he be the man or woman in the cell.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Drericknight] [ In reply to ]
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Drericknight wrote:
Since Lance has now admitted to lying under oath in multiple depositions including at least one to the US Dept. of Justice, what is the chance that he will face jail time for perjury?

Virtually none. The statute of limitations on perjury charges for those sworn depositions has likely run. If they hadn't, no lawyer would have let Lance go near this interview.

''The enemy isn't conservatism. The enemy isn't liberalism. The enemy is bulls**t.''

—Lars-Erik Nelson
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [gregk] [ In reply to ]
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I wonder if Oprah will ask tonight more about the non-failed drug tests. I mean seriously he was tested all during those tours and he said that he was doping during stages but yet not failing tests. Is it basically no test works? I mean he's taking EPO and they're testing for it and he's passing. No wonder he keeps saying it was just like air in the tires and water in the bottles and that he didn't think he was cheating.

I really don't think he would've done things differently when the USADA investigation started as he mentions. He was always going to be in protect and keep lying mode until the absolute last days.

I still remember all the denying during the retroactive EPO tests and him going on Charlie Rose, Larry King and the personal sit-down with Phil and Paul. Just so crazy...but he's just has that mentality so it is what it is.

Overall for me it's just sad that's it's all crap.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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I liked this gem from Bonnie Ford's conversation w/ Messick @ WTC: "If he's eligible to race, he can race, but Lance has been controversial in our community from the beginning," Messick said. He said that under no circumstances would the WTC abandon its status as a World Anti-Doping Agency signatory to accommodate Armstrong or anyone else.

Really impressed with Bonnie... a real journalist.

Really NOT impressed with Charlie @ Rev3. They had such a HUGE opportunity to take the high road here and, combined with their low prices and awesome races and professional prize purses, put some distance on WTC. Swing and a miss.

Same goes for those asshats at Superfrog or whatever it's called.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
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“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [tri_kid] [ In reply to ]
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tri_kid wrote:
If you have ever lied about something or had someone lie to you about something, you might have a different take on this Lance thing. I know there are many out there that feel Lance should be hated like Lanza, Hitler, Bundy or Madoff, but I really can't find it in myself to hate him.

My mother cheated on my father with the family doctor, our neighbor, for over ten years. My mother was a nurse and worked with the doctor for years so it had crossed my mind that something was going on. When my mother finally admitted to the truth, I know it was a huge weight off her back, but I forgave her and my parents got back together after a couple years apart. My mom dragged the neighbors who knew about it through the dirt, like Lance did, and it wasn't pretty. Anyways, I just want to say that I can't hate Lance for being human. He probably did more good than bad in his life.

I agree with you. Thanks for sharing. I haven't met anyone that didn't have some issue or dysfunction in the family circle. Everyone has something.

I don't hate LA or anyone else connected with this doping issue. I can look at my own life and recount the times I was mean and deceptive to others. So, I don't point fingers at others and say they're deplorable. I know what I've done and how my actions hurt others. Compassion and forgiveness is what's needed here. Hating the guy (and others) will just perpetuate the problem, in my experience.
Last edited by: Recoverie: Jan 18, 13 8:03
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Danno] [ In reply to ]
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Are you really this stupid?

Stopped right there. Keep trolling, kid.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [masterslacker] [ In reply to ]
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masterslacker wrote:
I wonder if Oprah will ask tonight more about the non-failed drug tests. I mean seriously he was tested all during those tours and he said that he was doping during stages but yet not failing tests. Is it basically no test works? I mean he's taking EPO and they're testing for it and he's passing. No wonder he keeps saying it was just like air in the tires and water in the bottles and that he didn't think he was cheating.

I really don't think he would've done things differently when the USADA investigation started as he mentions. He was always going to be in protect and keep lying mode until the absolute last days.

I still remember all the denying during the retroactive EPO tests and him going on Charlie Rose, Larry King and the personal sit-down with Phil and Paul. Just so crazy...but he's just has that mentality so it is what it is.

Overall for me it's just sad that's it's all crap.

Yes, I hope she asks more real, pointed questions - and doesn't let him give short answers and/or skirt the issue... but I'm not hopeful.

The other one I liked - "Naw, we didn't have a *sophisticated* program. It was just a basic deal - EPO, testosterone... yadda yadda"

30 seconds later...

Oprah: "So was Motoman real?"

Lance: "Yeah, that part is true."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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lhpoulin wrote:
Are you really this stupid?
Stopped right there. Keep trolling, kid.

Too bad. You missed a good post. Grow a pair and don't be so thin-skinned. And, when I'm trolling, you'll know it.

''The enemy isn't conservatism. The enemy isn't liberalism. The enemy is bulls**t.''

—Lars-Erik Nelson
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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lhpoulin wrote:
Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.

Again, wow, just wow. Geddy Lee is a thousand times better at playing bass than I will ever be. Andrew Vachss writes with cutting prose that I could never come close to. Chris Rock can see the truth of the human condition that I am frequently blinded to. Fabian Cancellara can generate more continuous power than my Mustang. I don't hate any of them. I am not jealous of any of them. I do not begrudge any of them their talent. I think the world of all of them. Of course, none of them have ruthlessly pursued, sued and made other's lives a living hell for a decade. Funny how that works.

Sorry Lance has let you down so. I know it hurts. Don't worry, it does get better. Time heals these wounds. You'll find another.


"Remember: a bicycle is an elegant and efficient tool designed for seeking out and defeating people who aren't as good as you."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Francois wrote:
Cheese eating surrender monkeys!

worth reading 17 pages just to see this.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Danno] [ In reply to ]
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I have read Walsh's books and listened to tons of interviews and followed this like every other person here. I am no Lance apologist. But, Betsy Andreu very much comes off like a shrew and a woman who seeks the spotlight over and over and over and over. And telling the world what was said in privacy to a doctor by a friend is deplorable. Plead the 5th. It was not a grand jury. She got screwed, but her response to that was just as bad.

As far as LA, I can get past the doping, but his nasty, aggressive, mean behavior is unforgivable. Total A-hole. And I am not believing the entirety of his response - not doping past 2005, not getting out of the Tour de Suisse test. I want to like this guy, but I am having a hard time. The first time he was likened to Bernie Madoff, I brushed it aside, but I now realize he IS like him. He just wanted money/fame/success like Madoff and would screw anyone around him to get it.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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That private conversation was not private. In fact Betsy said it when questioned under oath. Its on public record in the deposition. So you perfer peaople lie under oath for Lancy...I see
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
That private conversation was not private. In fact Betsy said it when questioned under oath. Its on public record in the deposition. So you perfer peaople lie under oath for Lancy...I see

Not to mention she tried to excuse herself and Frankie and LA said "No, you guys can stay" and then rattled off his doping regimen. Hardly a "private" conversation.

edit to add: She couldn't take the 5th because there was no self-incrimination. She was asked, under oath, what she heard LA say. You don't get to take the 5th simply because you don't like the question or you want to protect someone.

Pesky details....

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
Last edited by: Power13: Jan 18, 13 8:17
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
One thing that I do believe LA was truthful on was when he said that he "loves cycling," as an activity.

Who cares about that?

I know lots of people who love cycling as an activity and it's not that hard to be truthful about that.

Well, I did. :) That part just spoke to me, that, despite his behavior of lying and hurting others, the man does love to ride the bike, like many of us do. It will interesting to see how the non-cycling public will now view cycling and cyclists in light of LA's confession.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.


That might be the most inappropriate and misinformed post of the year, and we are only a few weeks into the new year!

Did you really write that?

What I find most fascinating about all this is not the did-he or didn't-he. There really was nothing dramatically new or revealing that came out last night. What is fascinating is the sides people take and the positions they take knowing what we know. Now that is interesting and revealing.

I've said this before, it's really hard to believe any of this. This is a man who lied under oath, and is conveniently, publically admitting to it now. The statute of limitations puts him beyond reach on this, but how can you now trust or respect someone like that, who seems to care so little about one of the most absolute and fundamental foundations of our justice and legal system.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Jan 18, 13 8:40
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Danno] [ In reply to ]
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Danno wrote:
lhpoulin wrote:
What happened to Andreu happens daily in the United States. Go dig up some dirt on your boss. Make him feel like your holding it over his head and see what happens. No one in this world is "clean."

Are you really this stupid? It's not that Lance just went after the Andreus and others . . . it's that he did it knowing they were telling the truth because the truth would hurt him. It's typical bully behavior magnified on an international level. Don't just deny their story, crush them and destroy them for daring to tell it. THAT is deplorable behavior. I get the reasoning for why he would do it, but that doesn't make Lance's actions right; nor does it make Betsy Andreu a "bitch" for standing up for the truth.

I would have a completely opposite opinion of Lance if the Andreus were blackmailing him with false information about his doping for their own benefit. Not only is there no evidence of this, however, the evidence that DOES exist proves the exact opposite.

lhpoulin wrote:
Furthermore, dragging a private conversation with a doc out into public on CNN is rather deplorable. She deserves no sympathy.

Explain, please. According to Betsy, Lance admitted to a doctor that he used PEDs. He then built his reputation and his empire on the false statement that he had never used PEDs. He then destroyed the Andreu's lives when they dared come forward to speak the truth. How exactly is it that Betsy's conduct is the "deplorable" conduct here?

Edited to add: If Lance wanted to preserve a medical privilege of his admissions to the doctor, he should have made Betsy and Frankie leave the room. The presence of third parties negates the privilege. I see nothing wrong with Betsy telling the world what was said in that conversation. If the doctor fudged Lance's records and is worried now that he might have his career damaged by having done so, then he should be. Assuming it happened, it was not a smart move on his part.

lhpoulin wrote:
Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.

Again, this is stupid rationalization and typical Lance fanboy "reasoning." Nobody is pissed that Lance is "faster" than them. They're pissed that this guy built his career on lies, deceit, cheating, and ruthless tactics to destroy anyone who knew the truth and dared to speak it. Does it happen a lot? Sure, but not so often on an international stage, and not so often with someone who becomes a national hero.

Get over yourself. You're taking the Lance apologist position to new heights of stupidity.

Perhaps why Lance felt slighted. Here were his best friends - Frankie and Besty. Lance has cancer. He thinks he is going to die. He trusts Frankie and Besty so much that while being treated to prevent his death, he allows them in the room while Lance tells the doctor everything he needs to so he can get the right treatment for his cancer. Betsy - who Lance thinks he can trust and who thinks is his friend - takes that information, breaches any sense of trust between "best" friends as Betsy herself claims they were - and stabs Lance in the back (and only once Lance has lots of money) by disclosing it to the public. I think most people would be pissed off and go on the attack in that type of situation. Not to mention this happened almost 20 years ago - in 1996. And more importantly - which she fails to mention - Frankie was doping before and independent of Lance. She's trying to turn in 15 minutes of playing victim into 20.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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With how he believed it was necessary to dope for the 7 wins, there is no way he came out of retirement thinking he can beat Contrador in his prime while he himself road clean.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [gregk] [ In reply to ]
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Perhaps it has already been noted, but there was an eery similarity between his recorded responses of 8 years ago as he vehemently defended himself and his responses on the interview. Nothing changed except the words...his facial expressions, his posture, his inflection... all remained identical. The man has a poker face, I'll give him that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [masterslacker] [ In reply to ]
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masterslacker wrote:
I wonder if Oprah will ask tonight more about the non-failed drug tests. I mean seriously he was tested all during those tours and he said that he was doping during stages but yet not failing tests. Is it basically no test works? I mean he's taking EPO and they're testing for it and he's passing. No wonder he keeps saying it was just like air in the tires and water in the bottles and that he didn't think he was cheating.


They didn't take EPO during races that's why they never tested positive. They did blood boost during races and there still is no one off test for that either. The biological passport can show hints of doping but only with mulitple tests over a longer period of time (and the smart ones have probably already worked away around that).
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Crazy Legs] [ In reply to ]
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Crazy Legs wrote:
I have read Walsh's books and listened to tons of interviews and followed this like every other person here. I am no Lance apologist. But, Betsy Andreu very much comes off like a shrew and a woman who seeks the spotlight over and over and over and over.

Interesting. I have a totally different take on it. To me, Betsy comes off like a cornered wolf. She may very well be seeking the spotlight, but from my perspective, it would appear that if this were true it's because she's motivated by the prospect of repairing the public damage Lance did to her and Frankie. It does not seem like she is doing it to further some other personal/financial gain. What would she really have to gain from that?

Crazy Legs wrote:
And telling the world what was said in privacy to a doctor by a friend is deplorable. Plead the 5th. It was not a grand jury. She got screwed, but her response to that was just as bad.

I don't get the "deplorable" nature telling the world what was said in privacy to a doctor. She was in a tough spot. She was under oath to say what happened. You'd rather she refuse to answer? I'm not sure that's how it works. I'll grant you that she squealed about what was said to saver her own and Frankie's skin, but I don't look at that as deplorable. Lance had already cast them aside. Why show loyalty to a guy like that?

Crazy Legs wrote:
As far as LA, I can get past the doping, but his nasty, aggressive, mean behavior is unforgivable. Total A-hole. And I am not believing the entirety of his response - not doping past 2005, not getting out of the Tour de Suisse test. I want to like this guy, but I am having a hard time. The first time he was likened to Bernie Madoff, I brushed it aside, but I now realize he IS like him. He just wanted money/fame/success like Madoff and would screw anyone around him to get it.

Totally agree.

''The enemy isn't conservatism. The enemy isn't liberalism. The enemy is bulls**t.''

—Lars-Erik Nelson
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [aerobike] [ In reply to ]
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You kidden? She just did not go and disclose. She was questioned under oath. Why lie? Guess the option of Lance telling the truth when trying to get 5 million is out of the question.
To the other poster about pleading the 5th...under what grounds.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Crazy Legs] [ In reply to ]
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Crazy Legs wrote:
I have read Walsh's books and listened to tons of interviews and followed this like every other person here. I am no Lance apologist. But, Betsy Andreu very much comes off like a shrew and a woman who seeks the spotlight over and over and over and over. And telling the world what was said in privacy to a doctor by a friend is deplorable. Plead the 5th. It was not a grand jury. She got screwed, but her response to that was just as bad.

As far as LA, I can get past the doping, but his nasty, aggressive, mean behavior is unforgivable. Total A-hole. And I am not believing the entirety of his response - not doping past 2005, not getting out of the Tour de Suisse test. I want to like this guy, but I am having a hard time. The first time he was likened to Bernie Madoff, I brushed it aside, but I now realize he IS like him. He just wanted money/fame/success like Madoff and would screw anyone around him to get it.

I'm going to restrain myself from using the choice words I really want to.

First of all, pleading the 5th only stops you from incriminating yourself with testimony. Betsy did nothing wrong and thus couldn't stay silent.

And even if she could have - why is it any better to lie for a cheat so he can profit in a lawsuit? You'd prefer if she also lied just so Lance could profit from one of his many suits intended to silence and profit?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [trichappy] [ In reply to ]
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Perhaps it has already been noted, but there was an eery similarity between his recorded responses of 8 years ago as he vehemently defended himself and his responses on the interview. Nothing changed except the words...his facial expressions, his posture, his inflection... all remained identical. The man has a poker face, I'll give him that.

It's the thing that perhaps worked best in his favour. He's always been an extraordinarily gifted public speaker. No matter the situation, the pressure, the issue, he comes across, in a positive and plausible manner.

Look at those interviews with Floyd and Hamilton. They can barely string together a sentence!

I seem to recall, that he even offered to take a lie detector test, and be asked if he had taken PED's. He must have ice-water running through his veins.

Recall the exchange with Paul Kimmage at the Press Conference from the Tour of California during the comeback. That whole thing has rich irony to it now. Kimmage really put Armstrong on the spot, but Lance never missed a beat! Cut Kimmage down to size, and looked like a hero coming out of it.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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sdmike wrote:

They didn't take EPO during races that's why they never tested positive. They did blood boost during races and there still is no one off test for that either. The biological passport can show hints of doping but only with mulitple tests over a longer period of time (and the smart ones have probably already worked away around that).

Yeah that would make sense but it's hard to discern from what he's saying that they're disposing of syringes during the Tour but it was probably the 99 one. I just wish Oprah would ask more about how he got away with it especially with everyone on the planet it seems trying to prove it and watching 24/7. But he probably wouldn't answer since it involves talking about everyone who helped make sure they never got caught.

Plus like others have said she didn't press him on how he wasn't doped in 09/10 and yet they played the clip that it was impossible for him to have that blood profile at that time. I guess he's just denying that because it was so recent and it's not past the statue of limitations for various crimes.

Now that's it's really absolutely official, I wonder how this all plays out in a few years.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
The statue of limitations puts him beyond reach on this...

Is that the opposite of the Statue of Liberty? ;)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
Which is probably why I was registering 59.67mi as I rolled into T2.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
Wow, just wow.

Lance pursued her for over 10 years. Her family lost jobs and financial compensation. She was personally insulted and vilified. She had the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Lance made her life a living hell for 10 years. And you think she wants 15 minutes of fame? Really? You should read up a little on what her and Frankie went through, and how they had to survive.

Comments like yours just make internet forums look like a huge mistake.

Thank you for your voice of reason. Some of the responses here are really hard to believe. The fact that there are people attacking Betsy and standing by Lance is just hard to fathom and goes to show you the power of celebrity.

I didn't see her immediate response on AC360 yet (and I don't think we need to call her a bitch regardless of how she responded), but I did hear both her and Frankie separately have interviews with Mike Greenberg & Colin Cowherd (ESPN guys together today) and WOW what a difference between how they handled it. Betsy starts out by saying "Hello, is this the Mike and Mike guys?" and then blasts into them. Blaming them. It was pretty inappropriate. Frankie was all class in his interview.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
I never thought Lance wasn't doping, and I'm still waiting for the entire rest of the peleton to own up. A drop in the ocean, we've got juniors getting nailed, masters getting nailed. System is broken, and the rewards are too high.

But Lance could do something about the problem. He can go into details about how the system works, he could name names and talk about how the team was able to know when the out of competition testing occurred, how the doctors and trainers were involved etc.

If Lance really wanted to do what is right for the sport he could provide details now that he has retired. Anything else is just more self-serving crap designed to get Lance back into competition.

Completely true, but are you implying that this is what the Oprah interview should have included? Also not sure the UCI is interested in hearing any of this...

Anyone interested in my new categories for cycling - stock and modified?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Eppur si muove] [ In reply to ]
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Is that the opposite of the Statue of Liberty? ;)

Thank you. Noted and corrected.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.


That might be the most inappropriate and misinformed post of the year, and we are only a few weeks into the new year!

Did you really write that?

What I find most fascinating about all this is not the did-he or didn't-he. There really was nothing dramatically new or revealing that came out last night. What is fascinating is the sides people take and the positions they take knowing what we know. Now that is interesting and revealing.

I've said this before, it's really hard to believe any of this. This is a man who lied under oath, and is conveniently, publically admitting to it now. The statue of limitations puts him beyond reach on this, but how can you now trust or respect someone like that, who seems to care so little about one of the most absolute and fundamental foundations of our justice and legal system.

Hardly. Unless you can somehow confirm with 100% accuracy that the person I'm replying to does not, in fact, feel that way you can hard say that my reply was "the most inappropriate and misinformed post of the year." I've never seen so many grown men beat their breasts so shamelessly in one place before.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dwesley] [ In reply to ]
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Ok. Let me re-phrase/back-pedal. Perhaps she couldn't have pleaded the 5th. What I am saying is that, after hearing all accounts, Betsy comes off poorly. To me, she seems to have gone out of her way to be in the spotlight. That is my perception. It is not better to lie, but it seems that she went out of her way to tell people that Lance doped. Maybe this is Lance's ruse getting the desired effect on cycling fans like me. But, the interviews I hear with Betsy make her sound hysterical at times.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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So I have read a lot of the Lance threads and some of the transcripts of his Oprah interview, but still don't understand why he said if he had not come back then we would not be here today. What did his comeback have to do with all of this coming out instead of staying hidden? Does it have something to do with Floyd not being happy about his comeback?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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Hardly. Unless you can somehow confirm with 100% accuracy that the person I'm replying to does not, in fact, feel that way you can hard say that my reply was "the most inappropriate and misinformed post of the year." I've never seen so many grown men beat their breasts so shamelessly in one place before.

It's one thing to have a good debate and discussion, but demeaning and degrading other people's position and views is sort of like . . . :)

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Post deleted by ........ [ In reply to ]
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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"I didn't see her immediate response on AC360 yet (and I don't think we need to call her a bitch regardless of how she responded), but I did hear both her and Frankie separately have interviews with Mike Greenberg & Colin Cowherd (ESPN guys together today) and WOW what a difference between how they handled it. Betsy starts out by saying "Hello, is this the Mike and Mike guys?" and then blasts into them. Blaming them. It was pretty inappropriate. Frankie was all class in his interview."

This is what I'm talking about
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [erik haas] [ In reply to ]
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erik haas wrote:
Power13 wrote:
Two things caught my attention that were not followed up on:

* after denying any cover-up re: the 2001 TdS tests, at the end of the segment, after admitting to the backdated TUE, he said there was that and then2001 Suise test (or sample). So he contradicted himself in his own answer.

* he said his donation to the UCI came from a request from them and he said "I have money, I'm retired....why not?" Except he wasn't retired when he made the donation.

Yes picked up both of these too - wish Oprah had of gone in harder on these 2 points and also the hospital incident too.

Me too. I also noticed how he repeated many times "I'm no fan of the UCI". That was laughable. That tells me one of his biggest legal concerns is future bribery/collusion with UCI which could come out in whistle-blower suit. He also doesn't want to face issues related to ruining career's, etc. Those are potential lawsuits.

What I'm curious about is how many of his lies to Oprah were based on legal advice vs. a real psychological disorder/dissociation from his actions. I noticed he talked a lot in the 3rd person when explaining his bullying behavior.

Bottom line for me - he's just a rat floating in the water scrambling for dry land.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
FFS, if you would just read the Reasoned Decision and The Secret Race you would know that is totally not true.

ironpsych wrote:

BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too
I'll concede to that. So in the end, LA was the best of the dopers?

And add that he is likely a better genetic specimen. At that level, PEDs add that extra 1%. So LA's 99% was likely better than everyone else's 99%. Even with PEDs he was only winning mountain stages by 10-15 secs. They were all juiced.

Yes. How long until we can put to bed the myths that EVERYONE doped, that Lance was a better specimen genetically, and that he trained harder.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
You kidden? She just did not go and disclose. She was questioned under oath. Why lie? Guess the option of Lance telling the truth when trying to get 5 million is out of the question.
To the other poster about pleading the 5th...under what grounds.

How do you think that the Lawyer deposing her knew to ask the question about what was said in the hospital room...could it be b/c she had already gone out and talked about what was said. She certainly got a raw deal out of all this and Lance was very wrong for what he did...but I really don't feel sorry for her. She broke a huge trust. You are right, she can't plead the 5th in that instance b/c it does not apply...but she also could have chosen to not say anything about it in the first place. I don't feel like staying silent on something that was said in a cancer patient's hospital room between him and doctors is embracing the omerta.

I don't think anything Lance said would have appeased some of the people on this board. You all call for him to admit it...he did. You say you need details...go read Tyler's book if you want the details...it's all in there. It was a 2.5 hour interview...if he went through all the details it would have turned into a three day interview and then you all would have bitched that he didn't say anything about apologizing to Betsy, or Emma, or didn't say anything about another topic. Just admit it that no matter what he says, you don't believe him and that nothing he says will appease you. It will make it a lot easier to weed out the chaff. Honestly, you all are just as bad as the people that are giving him a free pass on it all.

I thought he was very candid and was telling the truth and that it was a good interview.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jpay] [ In reply to ]
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So I have read a lot of the Lance threads and some of the transcripts of his Oprah interview, but still don't understand why he said if he had not come back then we would not be here today. What did his comeback have to do with all of this coming out instead of staying hidden? Does it have something to do with Floyd not being happy about his comeback?

Yes, I can see how that can confuse. My guess is that, the comeback really got Floyd really riled up. Kind of like rubbing his nose in it.

Don't forget, Floyd is out of work, probably massively in debt, his credibility in tatters, and with no real good prospects for himself at all. Meanwhile, Armstrong is carrying on the charade, fabulously wealthy, flying in the private jet, with people shooting the comeback for coffee table books and documentaries, getting hosted around the world by Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other famous VIP's, and racing again in the world-wide spot-light. The contrast at the time to Floyd's reality could not have been more stark!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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GMAN19030 wrote:
I interview and interrogate people for a living.

Well that explains the username then.

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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According to Kevin Dutton, author of The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, people with high psychopathic tendencies often appear outwardly normal. In fact, they are often quite charming. But psychopaths are also looking to use that charm to deceive people, as they have the tendency to be ruthless competitors who aim to win at all cost.


Yep, he sounds like quite the Pschopath!

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Twotter] [ In reply to ]
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I do not know how the lawyers heard it. Do you? Was maybe the Dr who changed his testimony first overheard before this? There are a million ways. This we do know. Lance when young and broke lived with the Andreu's. After the 2000 tour (before Anrue's testimony) Frankie was fired from postal and did not get his bonus for deciding not to dope anymore. When Frankie came clean on his doping past, on his own, not forced, like always, Lance attacked him for his non doping stance and hurt his career. ......................So keep finding ways to shift the blame on how Betsy betrayed Lance. Poor Lance, beterayed......right
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
So I have read a lot of the Lance threads and some of the transcripts of his Oprah interview, but still don't understand why he said if he had not come back then we would not be here today. What did his comeback have to do with all of this coming out instead of staying hidden? Does it have something to do with Floyd not being happy about his comeback?

Yes, I can see how that can confuse. My guess is that, the comeback really got Floyd really riled up. Kind of like rubbing his nose in it.

Don't forget, Floyd is out of work, probably massively in debt, his credibility in tatters, and with no real good prospects for himself at all. Meanwhile, Armstrong is carrying on the charade, fabulously wealthy, flying in the private jet, with people shooting the comeback for coffee table books and documentaries, getting hosted around the world by Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other famous VIP's, and racing again in the world-wide spot-light. The contrast at the time to Floyd's reality could not have been more stark!

On the comeback....it seemed like like was most sorry for making the comeback. "We wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't come back." His whole demeanor talking about that told me that above everything else, he's sorry he got caught.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
Hardly. Unless you can somehow confirm with 100% accuracy that the person I'm replying to does not, in fact, feel that way you can hard say that my reply was "the most inappropriate and misinformed post of the year." I've never seen so many grown men beat their breasts so shamelessly in one place before.

It's one thing to have a good debate and discussion, but demeaning and degrading other people's position and views is sort of like . . . :)

And I believe my post following your "inappropriate and misinformed" post did indeed confirm that. Point for Fleck. (And to make a point, I hold no ill-will toward Fleck for being much more successful at triathlon than I. In fact, I celebrate his success!)


"Remember: a bicycle is an elegant and efficient tool designed for seeking out and defeating people who aren't as good as you."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Crazy Legs] [ In reply to ]
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Crazy Legs wrote:
Ok. Let me re-phrase/back-pedal. Perhaps she couldn't have pleaded the 5th. What I am saying is that, after hearing all accounts, Betsy comes off poorly. To me, she seems to have gone out of her way to be in the spotlight. That is my perception. It is not better to lie, but it seems that she went out of her way to tell people that Lance doped. Maybe this is Lance's ruse getting the desired effect on cycling fans like me. But, the interviews I hear with Betsy make her sound hysterical at times.

I don't think she just came out and went public with it. There is a lot of history between what happened in that hospital room and when she went public. Lance started screwing with Frankie. Lance started screwing the Andreus over before she went public. Frankie wouldn't play ball with doping, Lance wanted payback. Lance didn't think a Betsy the mama bear would go on the offense after messing with her family. He was wrong.

I don't think Lance was forthcoming in the interview about any of his interactions with specific people, namely Betsy, Emma, VDV, and Floyd. He was very coy and evasive when answering those questions. But I think that was a legal issue more than an attempt to truly cover up. And by coy and evasive, I think he outright lied again about VDV.

Redemption is a process. I think Lance can redeem himself. I am not sure how yet, but I think he can.

And this is just another instance of the coverup being even more disgusting than the actual crime. I am not saying doping isn't disgusting, but compared to how he went after people in their personal lives, it is childs play.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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He competes for selfish reasons - ego, fame, and money.
Wait... don't all pro athletes? The drive to win can be attributed to ego and fame. Money, yup. Otherwise pros wouldn't be looking for sponsorships, right?

and a couple more things i just gotta throw out there this morn...

1 - there are some awesome one liners in this thread that seriously made me laugh out loud. you guys are hilarious.
2 - some of you people are way sensitive and take things too personally. most of us don't know each other from Adam and yet we go attacking people on a personal level. we really should cut that out.
3 - i like playing devils' advocate in this forum as some of you really get going easily. must admit, great to see the passion.

have a great friday everyone!!! go enjoy your ride this weekend.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Twotter] [ In reply to ]
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Twotter wrote:
How do you think that the Lawyer deposing her knew to ask the question about what was said in the hospital room...could it be b/c she had already gone out and talked about what was said.

Any smart lawyer would have known to ask about conversations between Lance and anyone else where she was present.

Twotter wrote:
She certainly got a raw deal out of all this and Lance was very wrong for what he did...but I really don't feel sorry for her. She broke a huge trust. You are right, she can't plead the 5th in that instance b/c it does not apply...but she also could have chosen to not say anything about it in the first place. I don't feel like staying silent on something that was said in a cancer patient's hospital room between him and doctors is embracing the omerta.

The forum in which the PED use admissions were made really makes no difference. You don't have to feel sorry for Betsy Andreu, and it is certainly a legitimate opinion to believe she has ulterior motives or that she is not sympathetic because of how she comes off on TV or the radio. My opinion is that I cut her a good bit of slack for her reactions considering what Lance did to her over the last 15 years. Would it be better if she was more of a class act (like Frankie appears to be)? Probably, but I can forgive her lack of polish and her defensive attitude. I think what she's been through would make a lot of people behave even worse.

That said, I could be entirely wrong, and maybe she and Frankie are "good cop/bad cop"-ing the media for some other purpose. I dunno. My cynicism on all this crap is amazing even me.

Twotter wrote:
I don't think anything Lance said would have appeased some of the people on this board. You all call for him to admit it...he did. You say you need details...go read Tyler's book if you want the details...it's all in there. It was a 2.5 hour interview...if he went through all the details it would have turned into a three day interview and then you all would have bitched that he didn't say anything about apologizing to Betsy, or Emma, or didn't say anything about another topic. Just admit it that no matter what he says, you don't believe him and that nothing he says will appease you. It will make it a lot easier to weed out the chaff. Honestly, you all are just as bad as the people that are giving him a free pass on it all.

I will admit that I don't believe he told the whole truth and I don't believe he was motivated to come clean for any reason than that it was he best play to help his own self interests. I would be happy with the interview if he appeared to be sincere and if he was truly apologetic. He was not, IMHO. He might not have created the doping culture, but he used it to his advantage, perpetuated, expanded and refined it, and reaped a helluva lot of benefits from thriving in it. I would like to have seen him take some responsibility for perpetuating it. Too much of the interview sounded like he was sorry he got caught, but that the blame lies with others. Maybe I misread him, but I was not convinced.

Twotter wrote:
I thought he was very candid and was telling the truth and that it was a good interview.

Call me crazy, but I will continue to be suspicious of someone who doesn't appear contrite and remorseful, and who has a track record for lying as a matter of course (especially under oath), and will not accept what they say at face value.

''The enemy isn't conservatism. The enemy isn't liberalism. The enemy is bulls**t.''

—Lars-Erik Nelson
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Twotter] [ In reply to ]
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I thought he was very candid and was telling the truth and that it was a good interview.

Agreed. The admissions that needed to be made - the really big one in particular, that, "I did it" - were all there. However, based on what we know, there was still a fair amount of skating, and he-said he-said situations. Example: VDV said under oath, that he was pressured to stay "On the program". Lance says, not under oath, that this was not the case. Who's right? Of course there was blatent evidence last night that Lance seems to care little for, oaths. So, point for VDV?

Then, there is the whole issue with the Andreu's, but admittedly that is a murky area to begin with, but it all fits a pattern, and it's the pattern that's important, and it's really the pattern, that was what was running through USADA's case, because, they had no definitive positive test, with the hand in the cookie jar!

Ditto for the whole UCI situation. Still a way to go there. I don't think the full story has been told.

Also short on apologies, but perhaps that's coming tonight.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Jan 18, 13 9:16
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Crazy Legs] [ In reply to ]
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Surprised no one has mentioned this revealing comment. Went something like this " everyone out there said this or said that... it meant nothing....it was only when George Hincapie testified that my fate was sealed". Some may waste their time stumbling through all the smoke and mirrors of the OPRAH interview last night if they prefer, LA's self admitted fault is not imprinted on his DNA but rather the fault is in his heart. His fate was sealed when he made the decision to illegally use performance enhancing drugs. Interesting that even after months (years ?) of counseling from his legal "team" he does not understand right from wrong and believes that his fate is the result of someone else and not the result of his decisions.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Well you think he was honest..ok. But by the way you use "pattern"....Do you think the overall pattern was/is such, that after doping for 7 that He would come back in 2009 at his age and really think he could beat Contrador and Andy at their age and win the tour without doping?...You know that it was like air in tires, filling water bottles and now train clean confidant to beat AC without it?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [vitalstatistix] [ In reply to ]
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vitalstatistix wrote:
What does JRenfro think of the interview?
I miss that guy, he used to have some hilarious departures from reality.

He's in a corner huddled in livestrong lycra sipping whiskey and crying
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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I hope Oprah paid him a lot for this interview, so he can use it and the rest of his fortune to pay back all the people he screwed over.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
Don't forget that johan has a pending hearing. Riders like Horner (it kills me) are going to testify that the team was squeaky clean and it will be revealed that, shockingly, all of the transgressions occurred outside the statute of limitations or under previous team management.

The thing about Horner whether you believe he was individually clean or not, he was NEVER a JB guy. He had to beg his way onto the tour team even after Andy crashed out. If he testifies, it will be to say he never saw active doping because im guessing by 2009 for Lances last two tours, you were no longer "required" to dope (just expected to) so they werent doping in front of each other, so he could be telling the truth there.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TxDude] [ In reply to ]
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TxDude wrote:
Fleck wrote:
So I have read a lot of the Lance threads and some of the transcripts of his Oprah interview, but still don't understand why he said if he had not come back then we would not be here today. What did his comeback have to do with all of this coming out instead of staying hidden? Does it have something to do with Floyd not being happy about his comeback?

Yes, I can see how that can confuse. My guess is that, the comeback really got Floyd really riled up. Kind of like rubbing his nose in it.

Don't forget, Floyd is out of work, probably massively in debt, his credibility in tatters, and with no real good prospects for himself at all. Meanwhile, Armstrong is carrying on the charade, fabulously wealthy, flying in the private jet, with people shooting the comeback for coffee table books and documentaries, getting hosted around the world by Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other famous VIP's, and racing again in the world-wide spot-light. The contrast at the time to Floyd's reality could not have been more stark!

On the comeback....it seemed like like was most sorry for making the comeback. "We wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't come back." His whole demeanor talking about that told me that above everything else, he's sorry he got caught.

That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw that part. If he had not come back and had to go through this, it seems he would have been more than happy to continue denying the doping and making all his endorsement money while NOT feeling bad. It is just hard for me to immediately forgive people when they were compelled to say sorry. But even then why exactly is he doing the repenting? Is it really just so he can casually race triathlons? That doesn't seem like a big enough reason. He probably has some money making angle somewhere.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
Hardly. Unless you can somehow confirm with 100% accuracy that the person I'm replying to does not, in fact, feel that way you can hard say that my reply was "the most inappropriate and misinformed post of the year." I've never seen so many grown men beat their breasts so shamelessly in one place before.

It's one thing to have a good debate and discussion, but demeaning and degrading other people's position and views is sort of like . . . :)

Well, there's only so much of that I'll take before I respond in kind.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Well you think he was honest..ok. But by the way you use "pattern"....Do you think the overall pattern was/is such, that after doping for 7 that He would come back in 2009 at his age and really think he could beat Contrador and Andy at their age and win the tour without doping?

This is a clear and classic example, and LA even admitted it last night( Has he had some therapy?), that you get so far, and deep into the lie and the success, that you become delusional about just about everything.

Some of the telling comments that he made last night seem to sum that up:

"we sued so many people that I don't really know . . . "

"there are only two times in my life that I have never been in control and got what I want . . . when I was sick, and right now"

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Jan 18, 13 9:26
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jpay] [ In reply to ]
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jpay wrote:
TxDude wrote:
Fleck wrote:
On the comeback....it seemed like like was most sorry for making the comeback. "We wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't come back." His whole demeanor talking about that told me that above everything else, he's sorry he got caught.

That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw that part. If he had not come back and had to go through this, it seems he would have been more than happy to continue denying the doping and making all his endorsement money while NOT feeling bad. It is just hard for me to immediately forgive people when they were compelled to say sorry. But even then why exactly is he doing the repenting? Is it really just so he can casually race triathlons? That doesn't seem like a big enough reason. He probably has some money making angle somewhere.

I think Rick Reilly said it really well on ESPN radio a few minutes ago. LA always told him when he retired from cycling he was going to go on to win triathlons and be a mountain bike champ well into his 40s. Now all of that is gone. I really think the reason he's doing this is trying to find a path so he can race again, and he really wants to win again so in backhanded way he can show everybody how great he is without doping. And that cycling was a doping culture and he was the best on a level playing field, and "now that I'm clean, look at me winning still. How great I am. I would have won those Tours if we were all clean, so don't fault me for what I had to do to compete in that arena. See. I'm still world class and the best. Oh, and I'm working on my flaws." ("hahaha....they will never know that I'm still doping!!! heeheeheehee")
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [lhpoulin] [ In reply to ]
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lhpoulin wrote:

What happened to Andreu happens daily in the United States. Go dig up some dirt on your boss. Make him feel like your holding it over his head and see what happens. No one in this world is "clean." Furthermore, dragging a private conversation with a doc out into public on CNN is rather deplorable. She deserves no sympathy. Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.

So that makes reprehensible behavior ok?

Listen to this and tell me if you still feel the same way.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Crazy Legs] [ In reply to ]
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lhpoulin wrote:
Are you really this stupid?

Stopped right there. Keep trolling, kid.
funny, as you should like someone who struggled to graduate from high school

lhpoulin wrote:
FJB wrote:
Does it matter if he is lying about anything or everything in this interview? No, it doesnt matter until they test every single rider from every race within the past 7 years and do a complete blackout of all race results for athletes who test positive for banned substances.

You are STILL apologizing for Lance?

You must have a very odd sense of the word "apology" if you take that as "apologizing for Lance."

from Merriam-Webster:

apol·o·gist noun \&#601;-&#712;pä-l&#601;-jist\

Definition of APOLOGIST
: one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something

SC_NICK wrote:
i cant be the only one who thought of this, if its been posted in the first 18 pages that im not going through i apologize.

but this would be a funny shirt. i just threw it together quick, someone should make it though.

took me a few seconds to get it, but i started clapping my hands after i did. well done

Crazy Legs wrote:
I have read Walsh's books and listened to tons of interviews and followed this like every other person here. I am no Lance apologist. But, Betsy Andreu very much comes off like a shrew and a woman who seeks the spotlight over and over and over and over. And telling the world what was said in privacy to a doctor by a friend is deplorable. Plead the 5th. It was not a grand jury. She got screwed, but her response to that was just as bad.

you must be quite ignorant about the law

-one, as others have pointed out, you plead the 5th when you could incriminate yourself
-two, breach of contract is a civil, not criminal offense. You sure can still plead the 5th, but unlike in a criminal trial when the act of pleading itself is inadmissable, in a civil trial your unwillingness to respond can be used against you
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AlanShearer] [ In reply to ]
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AlanShearer wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
FFS, if you would just read the Reasoned Decision and The Secret Race you would know that is totally not true.

ironpsych wrote:

BayAreaUser wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
sweeneytoad wrote:
Now I know why LA was able to rocket away from other riders when in those mountain stages as if he was just out for a "Sunday drive." Sure, he said he was hurting, but, he had additional help in the form of PED's.

No you don't. They were on PEDs too
I'll concede to that. So in the end, LA was the best of the dopers?

And add that he is likely a better genetic specimen. At that level, PEDs add that extra 1%. So LA's 99% was likely better than everyone else's 99%. Even with PEDs he was only winning mountain stages by 10-15 secs. They were all juiced.

Yes. How long until we can put to bed the myths that EVERYONE doped, that Lance was a better specimen genetically, and that he trained harder.

as soon as we put to bed the myth that JFK assassination was an inside job, the nonsense spewed by the Truthers, and the nonsense spewed by the Birthers, which is apparently never...

anyways, some people will grab onto the red herrings b/c it's all they can grasp. Dig a little deeper into human physiology and it all falls apart...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [aerobike] [ In reply to ]
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aerobike wrote:
Danno wrote:
lhpoulin wrote:
What happened to Andreu happens daily in the United States. Go dig up some dirt on your boss. Make him feel like your holding it over his head and see what happens. No one in this world is "clean."

Are you really this stupid? It's not that Lance just went after the Andreus and others . . . it's that he did it knowing they were telling the truth because the truth would hurt him. It's typical bully behavior magnified on an international level. Don't just deny their story, crush them and destroy them for daring to tell it. THAT is deplorable behavior. I get the reasoning for why he would do it, but that doesn't make Lance's actions right; nor does it make Betsy Andreu a "bitch" for standing up for the truth.

I would have a completely opposite opinion of Lance if the Andreus were blackmailing him with false information about his doping for their own benefit. Not only is there no evidence of this, however, the evidence that DOES exist proves the exact opposite.

lhpoulin wrote:
Furthermore, dragging a private conversation with a doc out into public on CNN is rather deplorable. She deserves no sympathy.

Explain, please. According to Betsy, Lance admitted to a doctor that he used PEDs. He then built his reputation and his empire on the false statement that he had never used PEDs. He then destroyed the Andreu's lives when they dared come forward to speak the truth. How exactly is it that Betsy's conduct is the "deplorable" conduct here?

Edited to add: If Lance wanted to preserve a medical privilege of his admissions to the doctor, he should have made Betsy and Frankie leave the room. The presence of third parties negates the privilege. I see nothing wrong with Betsy telling the world what was said in that conversation. If the doctor fudged Lance's records and is worried now that he might have his career damaged by having done so, then he should be. Assuming it happened, it was not a smart move on his part.

lhpoulin wrote:
Finally, people like you are amusing. Amusing because you're so mad that even on Lance's worst day of chemo he was faster than you. People tend to hate most the things that remind them of their own flaws. Your posts reek of that analysis.

Again, this is stupid rationalization and typical Lance fanboy "reasoning." Nobody is pissed that Lance is "faster" than them. They're pissed that this guy built his career on lies, deceit, cheating, and ruthless tactics to destroy anyone who knew the truth and dared to speak it. Does it happen a lot? Sure, but not so often on an international stage, and not so often with someone who becomes a national hero.

Get over yourself. You're taking the Lance apologist position to new heights of stupidity.

Perhaps why Lance felt slighted. Here were his best friends - Frankie and Besty. Lance has cancer. He thinks he is going to die. He trusts Frankie and Besty so much that while being treated to prevent his death, he allows them in the room while Lance tells the doctor everything he needs to so he can get the right treatment for his cancer. Betsy - who Lance thinks he can trust and who thinks is his friend - takes that information, breaches any sense of trust between "best" friends as Betsy herself claims they were - and stabs Lance in the back (and only once Lance has lots of money) by disclosing it to the public. I think most people would be pissed off and go on the attack in that type of situation. Not to mention this happened almost 20 years ago - in 1996. And more importantly - which she fails to mention - Frankie was doping before and independent of Lance. She's trying to turn in 15 minutes of playing victim into 20.


Team Every Man Jack

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Pooks wrote:
Recoverie wrote:

If that does happen, then, in the public's eye, LA might think he could come out of this thing smelling like a rose.

It's a "common enemy" scenario. If the public thinks someone is the enemy, and that person, through calculated moves (press conferences, media, etc.) convinces the public that "I'm not the bad guy. No, the real threat is 'so and so, group, nation, etc.'" If the public takes the bait, they would then transfer their animosity to the bigger enemy, and gradually forget the first one. If that "first enemy" links arms with the public in an attempt to take down the "bigger enemy," they would viewed as a hero.

Well, I don't think that anybody should lose sight of the fact that he's a petty, vindictive asshole.

True. I didn't realize the vindictive part until I began to hear the things he said in the interview. I cannot wrap my mind around suing someone to keep them from speaking the truth. History is filled with accounts where political and religious groups drug people from their homes, tortured and killed them because they were speaking "truth." Clearly, there are deep unresolved issues with LA (and others involved in this problem).

I have hunch this personality was formed because of the strained relationship with his real Dad (he spoke of such in one of his books). He said himself that anger is what drives him, and he attacks anyone that gets in his way and threatens "his space." I sense a lot of hurt and animosity toward his Dad that he has stuffed all these years. Those he lashed out at are just projections of his true anger toward his Dad. But, I could be wrong.

If you commit to the act of doping, then you are automatically committed to the acts necessary to covering it up. Surely there can be no surprise in that. I mean, you dope, you win the TdF multiple times, make millions of dollars and then someone calls you out on it..... If you are the kind of person that would stand up and say immediately 'Yep, fair cop, she got me.. all true' then you are not kind of person that would have doped in the first place.

The biggest thing LA did last night was to admit to his bullying and character flaws, whilst only skirting with the issue (cause) of the childhood and missing dad. Now whether by co-incidence or by design, did you see the show immediately afterwards about the 2 children who were 'abandoned' by their mother at a young age. The emotional damage done to those children is irreparable. Yes they had grown up further and moved on, but the issues were still deep down and were fully exposed during the 'reunion'. There is no way that experience does not impact they way they live their lives from here on and the way they will deal with others.

I think the Dad issue is legitimate for Lance. Whether you blame him for it or not is obviously a debatable point, but it's undeniably there.

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [dmounts] [ In reply to ]
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I think anyone who seriously tries to attack Betsy Andreu has failed a stupidity test, and should hand in their firearms/driving license, library card, or something. Maybe be forced to retake third grade at school. I dunno.

I mean, come on people. Read up on what LA & his team actually did to her (and her husband). His (LA's) reaction last night when questioned about her was typically offensive.

Andreu is one of the few people who comes out of this sordid, shitty mess with her credibilty intact. Granted, she's not as slick in the media spotlight as LA. But hey, she's speaking truthfully, with a huge amount of pent-up passion and frustration. LA is a highly media-savvy pychopath. He certainly fooled a few of you last night!

´Get the most aero and light bike you can get. With the aero advantage you can be saving minutes and with the weight advantage you can be saving seconds. In a race against the clock both matter.´

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Brian in MA] [ In reply to ]
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Brian in MA wrote:
did this interview actually change anyone's opinions?

Yes, i was on the fence about lance before, and i was excited about what he might bring to the triathlon community.

Now, i couldnt think worse of the guy
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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He did that in the cancer ward of the hospital once when the doctor asked him what drugs he was on. Seems no one will keep their mouths shut. I wonder how much she tried to extort from LA o stay quiet.
BTW All this should be in pink

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ In reply to ]
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From http://nyc.barstoolsports.com


Lance Armstrong Delivered The Line Of The Week Last Night, Too Bad Nobody Cared

"I called you crazy. I called you a bitch. But I never called you fat."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Miguelon] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure why, but I thought for sure, that he would stop lying and hiding things and come clean with it all and clear his conscience so that he might someday be able to sleep in peace. It appears as though he has chosen to continue to lie or be evasive about anything he still thinks he can get away with. I'm not at all sure any longer that the lie he had been living and the lives he was ruining was torturing him like I though it was. The person in that interview was not the least bit remorseful. His game plan has simply switched from deny and attack to damage control.

Miguelon wrote:
This is not much different than Bill Clinton's "I did not have sex relationships with that woman" repeated denial to later confess only because the evidence was overwhelming.

Did you think Clinton was remorseful? His apology didn't seem sincere either. Yet, he is still a hero... to most democrats and lots of others too.

He should have been more open and explain the details of that "cigar game" he was playing with Monica...

Very good comparison. I seem to recall stories about people's lives that he ruined as well...

-Bryan Journey
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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One thing not discussed yet is Oprah's complicity in all of this. Back in her glory days Oprah had Lance on a bunch of times and they were great for eachother, each adding to the others fame and fortune.

Now they are both circling the toilet bowl professionally. They are sitting on huge piles of money but are next to irrelevant in their respective fields. They have both come to the same conclusion at the same point in their lives, that the relevance is more important to them than the cash.

Here's how it went down. Seveal months ago Lance decided that USADA and others had boxed him into a corner and his competitive racing days were over. The vision of a future filled with nothing but court rooms and National Enquirer exposes, with perhaps a clebrity spot on Survivor Sardinia, filled him with sadness so he decided that coming clean...ish, would make him relevant again and open a path to competition. But how best could this feat be accomplished? hmmmmm.

His old pal Oprah was sitting on her golden throne watching the OWN network get its ratings clock cleaned by Honey Boo Boo and that f**ker Dr. Phil. She too was quickly becoming irrelevant and was none to happy about it. Lance Armstrong saw his chance.

"Hey Oprah, let me run something by you. I know your new network is as popular as an infected saddle sore but I think I have a solution for you. I will give you the biggest interview of the year; the "Lance Armstrong admits all" interview, but here's the deal. I give you all the questions on a piece of paper before hand and you are not allowed to deviate. I get to stage manage this whole thing. I will admit to doping before 2005. I will fall on my own sword, BUT, you MUST NOT pursue any line of questioning about Michele, or Johan, or Pat, or anyone else in my inner circle who made all of this possible. Nor can you ask me any questions that might incriminate me. I'm willing to give back a large part of my fortune to the people I sued and destroyed over the years, but I'm not going to jail."

Oprah thought for 5 seconds and then grabbed that huge syringe full of journalistic EPO and plunged it into her fat ass. HELL YES LANCE LETS GET IT ON!

They are both liars and whores.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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Gandalf wrote:
I think the Dad issue is legitimate for Lance. Whether you blame him for it or not is obviously a debatable point, but it's undeniably there.

There are too many people who grew up without dads and abused homes who do not commit fraud, squash people, etc. God I hope we don't start giving him an excuse for being an a-hole absolutely void of conscious.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Paddywhack wrote:
One thing not discussed yet is Oprah's complicity in all of this. Back in her glory days Oprah had Lance on a bunch of times and they were great for eachother, each adding to the others fame and fortune.

Now they are both circling the toilet bowl professionally. They are sitting on huge piles of money but are next to irrelevant in their respective fields. They have both come to the same conclusion at the same point in their lives, that the relevance is more important to them than the cash.

Here's how it went down. Seveal months ago Lance decided that USADA and others had boxed him into a corner and his competitive racing days were over. The vision of a future filled with nothing but court rooms and National Enquirer exposes, with perhaps a clebrity spot on Survivor Sardinia, filled him with sadness so he decided that coming clean...ish, would make him relevant again and open a path to competition. But how best could this feat be accomplished? hmmmmm.

His old pal Oprah was sitting on her golden throne watching the OWN network get its ratings clock cleaned by Honey Boo Boo and that f**ker Dr. Phil. She too was quickly becoming irrelevant and was none to happy about it. Lance Armstrong saw his chance.

"Hey Oprah, let me run something by you. I know your new network is as popular as an infected saddle sore but I think I have a solution for you. I will give you the biggest interview of the year; the "Lance Armstrong admits all" interview, but here's the deal. I give you all the questions on a piece of paper before hand and you are not allowed to deviate. I get to stage manage this whole thing. I will admit to doping before 2005. I will fall on my own sword, BUT, you MUST NOT pursue any line of questioning about Michele, or Johan, or Pat, or anyone else in my inner circle who made all of this possible. Nor can you ask me any questions that might incriminate me. I'm willing to give back a large part of my fortune to the people I sued and destroyed over the years, but I'm not going to jail."

Oprah thought for 5 seconds and then grabbed that huge syringe full of journalistic EPO and plunged it into her fat ass. HELL YES LANCE LETS GET IT ON!

They are both liars and whores.

well done. Won't go as far as calling them whores, but both seemed to be attention-grubbers
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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I'm thinking that was irony considering his statements about Emma O'Reilly
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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LetsRun nails analysis:


Suffer Well.
Last edited by: jmh: Jan 18, 13 10:51
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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Rojo is a sychophant, always has been.

What we saw on TV last night was not an interview it was a stage managed piece of theater. Oprah deviated from the script one time with the Betsy Andreu question and Lance said he wasn't going to go there. WTF??? really Oprah, you take that shit? a real interviewer, a real journalist, asks "why not go there" you destroyed this person's life because she told the truth about you in a court of law, she told the truth about what you said to your doctor while she was in the room, she did nothign wrong and you have ruthlessly pursued her for over 10 years using all your power and influence to defame her at every opportunity; OK lets not go there.

Last edited by: Paddywhack: Jan 18, 13 10:59
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [masterslacker] [ In reply to ]
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masterslacker wrote:
sdmike wrote:

They didn't take EPO during races that's why they never tested positive. They did blood boost during races and there still is no one off test for that either. The biological passport can show hints of doping but only with mulitple tests over a longer period of time (and the smart ones have probably already worked away around that).

Yeah that would make sense but it's hard to discern from what he's saying that they're disposing of syringes during the Tour but it was probably the 99 one. I just wish Oprah would ask more about how he got away with it especially with everyone on the planet it seems trying to prove it and watching 24/7. But he probably wouldn't answer since it involves talking about everyone who helped make sure they never got caught.

Plus like others have said she didn't press him on how he wasn't doped in 09/10 and yet they played the clip that it was impossible for him to have that blood profile at that time. I guess he's just denying that because it was so recent and it's not past the statue of limitations for various crimes.

Now that's it's really absolutely official, I wonder how this all plays out in a few years.

So to be more specific. They probably did do EPO during the 99 tour and years before because there was not even a test. But once the test came out of EPO they did not do during the tour. And this explains why went they went back and test the 99 samples he came up positive.

I agree with you on his motivation for note being truthfull about 09/10.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Barchettaman] [ In reply to ]
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I hope the people he defamend and filed false lawsuits, sue him for what he's worth.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Barchettaman] [ In reply to ]
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What is the fascination with people referring to Lance as a sociopath and a psycopath? Internet anonymity and a$$hatness at its finenest I guess. I don't know why this rubs my the wrong way, guess I just see it as over the top vitrol...no matter what your websters dictionary logic justification is.

I haven't learned anything much new from Lance on his interview, basically confirming that we already knew he doped and owning up to it. Surprisingly he owned up to being a bully. I think the most interesting part was the way he seemed to view doping (at that time) and that there was absolutrly nothing wrong with it. He thought of it as another thing to check off on the list of preparadness like putting air in the tires and lubing the chain.

I also think much of what we see as evasiveness is that he is continuing to not speak much about anyone else directly or implicate people by name. He did state that he would do this up front, when the interview began.

Most of the comments on this thread make it mostly an un-enjoyable read and pretty disappointing, no matter which camp you come from. The way I am seeing the responses:

  • The haters are not mollified in the least. No admission or actions by Lance will ever be enough, no matter what they say. I am a bit surprised that this group seems to have even gotten more hatefull after this interview. I had expected them to at least remain the same, but wow, so many of the comments in this thread are way over the top. Sucks to have that much hate in you
  • The supporters still like Lance, and are probably garnering back some of their lost love. Not to say that that groups comments have not been much better than the haters, just of the opposite opinion.
  • Probably a good bit of the 99.9% of the other population who havn't really given a crap or are neutral on Lance are still there. I think I see a good bunch of these people however swing over to a more negative position after the interview, but probably b/c they just hadn't paid that much attention to the details to begin with.
  • What I haven't seen evidence of (on this board) is any of the haters, softening on their opinions and letting some of that anger go.

I think the second part tonight will be less on the doping aspect and wander into more of his social/family/charity aspects in all this. So the sport fans populous of this board are not going to like it much, on what we already perceive is not near enough info on all the "details" of the doping ring.

Last edited by: Endo: Jan 18, 13 11:03
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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But did you really think it was going to be an actual interview? Hell, this is Oprah for crying out loud, not an actual beat writer/reporter. This was an well stage opening act for Lance, nothing more, nothing less. If you thought he was going to get grilled by Oprah or she was going to be doing "investigative" reporting, you really arent paying attention to the characters in this play.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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Best analysis of all
Last edited by: ironotter: Jan 18, 13 11:08
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
But did you really think it was going to be an actual interview? Hell, this is Oprah for crying out loud, not an actual beat writer/reporter. This was an well stage opening act for Lance, nothing more, nothing less. If you thought he was going to get grilled by Oprah or she was going to be doing "investigative" reporting, you really arent paying attention to the characters in this play.

The point that I'm making is that the lead actor in this play is also the producer and the director.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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What I'm saying is, if we all admit this was a made for tv interview, we cant really then get to bent out of shape for their lack of actual substance can we?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
Yes, I can see how that can confuse. My guess is that, the comeback really got Floyd really riled up. Kind of like rubbing his nose in it.

Don't forget, Floyd is out of work, probably massively in debt, his credibility in tatters, and with no real good prospects for himself at all. Meanwhile, Armstrong is carrying on the charade, fabulously wealthy, flying in the private jet, with people shooting the comeback for coffee table books and documentaries, getting hosted around the world by Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other famous VIP's, and racing again in the world-wide spot-light. The contrast at the time to Floyd's reality could not have been more stark!


At the Tour of Gila, Lance and his posse were making fun of Landis when Landis was racing on a shitty little domestic team, but the most important thing is that Lance coming back gave the opportunity for the feds to possibly toll the statute of limitations by saying the conspiracy had continued to the present day. Without that there probably would have been no federal investigation and Lance would have ridden off into the sunset with adulation of all the clueless fanboys too stupid to put one and one together.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
What I'm saying is, if we all admit this was a made for tv interview, we cant really then get to bent out of shape for their lack of actual substance can we?

No. I'm getting bent out of shape because people who purport to be journalists like Robert Johnson actually believe this charade was a genuine interview and are perpetuating that myth on their publications.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Paddywhack wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
What I'm saying is, if we all admit this was a made for tv interview, we cant really then get to bent out of shape for their lack of actual substance can we?

No. I'm getting bent out of shape because people who purport to be journalists like Robert Johnson actually believe this charade was a genuine interview and are perpetuating that myth on their publications.

Point me to one interview where the doper being interviewed stated exactly where they got their dope? Where did someone point out fellow riders that were doping besides Armstrong?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Endo] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Endo,

Let me explain my reasoning a bit. I don´t want to rub anyone up the wrong way, so here goes.

As far as I understand it, the clinical definition of psychopathy (which is what I was referring to) differs to its popular usage definition, which is basically whatever you want it to be.

Some of the factors on the clinical assessment checklist apparently include:

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Pathological lying
  • Cunning/manipulative behaviour
  • Lack of remorse or guilt
  • Emotional shallowness
  • Callous/lack of empathy
  • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
  • Many short-term marital relationships
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior
  • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  • Parasitic lifestyle
  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • Impulsiveness
  • Irresponsibility

Sound like anyone we know?


´Get the most aero and light bike you can get. With the aero advantage you can be saving minutes and with the weight advantage you can be saving seconds. In a race against the clock both matter.´

Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Endo] [ In reply to ]
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Endo wrote:
What is the fascination with people referring to Lance as a sociopath and a psycopath? Internet anonymity and a$$hatness at its finenest I guess. I don't know why this rubs my the wrong way, guess I just see it as over the top vitrol...no matter what your websters dictionary logic justification is.

I haven't learned anything much new from Lance on his interview, basically confirming that we already knew he doped and owning up to it. Surprisingly he owned up to being a bully. I think the most interesting part was the way he seemed to view doping (at that time) and that there was absolutrly nothing wrong with it. He thought of it as another thing to check off on the list of preparadness like putting air in the tires and lubing the chain.

I also think much of what we see as evasiveness is that he is continuing to not speak much about anyone else directly or implicate people by name. He did state that he would do this up front, when the interview began.

Most of the comments on this thread make it mostly an un-enjoyable read and pretty disappointing, no matter which camp you come from. The way I am seeing the responses:

  • The haters are not mollified in the least. No admission or actions by Lance will ever be enough, no matter what they say. I am a bit surprised that this group seems to have even gotten more hatefull after this interview. I had expected them to at least remain the same, but wow, so many of the comments in this thread are way over the top. Sucks to have that much hate in you
  • The supporters still like Lance, and are probably garnering back some of their lost love. Not to say that that groups comments have not been much better than the haters, just of the opposite opinion.
  • Probably a good bit of the 99.9% of the other population who havn't really given a crap or are neutral on Lance are still there. I think I see a good bunch of these people however swing over to a more negative position after the interview, but probably b/c they just hadn't paid that much attention to the details to begin with.
  • What I haven't seen evidence of (on this board) is any of the haters, softening on their opinions and letting some of that anger go.

I think the second part tonight will be less on the doping aspect and wander into more of his social/family/charity aspects in all this. So the sport fans populous of this board are not going to like it much, on what we already perceive is not near enough info on all the "details" of the doping ring.


Spot on. Two more thoughts:

1. I think most folks don't really care about Lance, and what they (especially the haters) really want is not an interview, but a deposition.

2. I'm troubled because today I find myself looking forward to the next "Oprah". :)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Hanaki wrote:
Paddywhack wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
What I'm saying is, if we all admit this was a made for tv interview, we cant really then get to bent out of shape for their lack of actual substance can we?

No. I'm getting bent out of shape because people who purport to be journalists like Robert Johnson actually believe this charade was a genuine interview and are perpetuating that myth on their publications.

Point me to one interview where the doper being interviewed stated exactly where they got their dope? Where did someone point out fellow riders that were doping besides Armstrong?

Who did Armstrong incriminate in this "expose" ?

This was a very carefully crafted and managed charade designed to do one thing and one thing only; get the USADA off Lance Armstrong's back thereby allowing him to get his ass back on a bike. Lance admitted he took PEDs. Whoopdefrickindoo. Charlie Sheen admits he bangs porn stars!

Lance told snippets of the truth to paint the picture he wants you to see. Oprah gladly assisted.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Endo] [ In reply to ]
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Endo wrote:
What is the fascination with people referring to Lance as a sociopath and a psycopath? Internet anonymity and a$$hatness at its finenest I guess. I don't know why this rubs my the wrong way, guess I just see it as over the top vitrol...no matter what your websters dictionary logic justification is.

I haven't learned anything much new from Lance on his interview, basically confirming that we already knew he doped and owning up to it. Surprisingly he owned up to being a bully. I think the most interesting part was the way he seemed to view doping (at that time) and that there was absolutrly nothing wrong with it. He thought of it as another thing to check off on the list of preparadness like putting air in the tires and lubing the chain.

I also think much of what we see as evasiveness is that he is continuing to not speak much about anyone else directly or implicate people by name. He did state that he would do this up front, when the interview began.

Most of the comments on this thread make it mostly an un-enjoyable read and pretty disappointing, no matter which camp you come from. The way I am seeing the responses:

  • The haters are not mollified in the least. No admission or actions by Lance will ever be enough, no matter what they say. I am a bit surprised that this group seems to have even gotten more hatefull after this interview. I had expected them to at least remain the same, but wow, so many of the comments in this thread are way over the top. Sucks to have that much hate in you
  • The supporters still like Lance, and are probably garnering back some of their lost love. Not to say that that groups comments have not been much better than the haters, just of the opposite opinion.
  • Probably a good bit of the 99.9% of the other population who havn't really given a crap or are neutral on Lance are still there. I think I see a good bunch of these people however swing over to a more negative position after the interview, but probably b/c they just hadn't paid that much attention to the details to begin with.
  • What I haven't seen evidence of (on this board) is any of the haters, softening on their opinions and letting some of that anger go.

I think the second part tonight will be less on the doping aspect and wander into more of his social/family/charity aspects in all this. So the sport fans populous of this board are not going to like it much, on what we already perceive is not near enough info on all the "details" of the doping ring.


Well said.

My wife and I watched and she looked at me and said "well?" what do you think? I said well....I think he said what he COULD say....it was a step in the right direction. I am a firm believer in triumph rises out of great tragedy and he really has the opportunity to be a crusader now....did he do irreputable damage YES..but for crying out loud its day f'ing one people of him admitting...sorry he hasn't risen from the ashes already and solved it all. In respects to Betsy.....she had an opportunity to look really good and she came off TO ME really crappy...like the whole thing was about her...Lance is in damage control and he doesn't want to bring more people into this I would imagine. there were other people in that room and maybe he wants to talk to them before he says something. I actually respected the fact that he didn't speak about the conversation between them.. I want to see how this plays out and if he puts the energy into cleaning up cycling like he did in bringing it down....it could really turn out to be a whole lot of good. We as a society love to see people fall, especially our heroes. No Lance was not my hero, I have known and raced against him since we were kids and he has always been an a$$hole and arrogant. I love all the orgs coming out saying well....saying sorry on Oprah isn't enough.....Who said it was? did he? i think he did the right thing by apologizing to certain people via phone or whatever first then the public. WADA and USADA will get their turn I hope to talk to him and see what his agenda is. I love all the self righteous people on here who have never done wrong and take glory in this. I agree....you people have a lot of hate inside you and that sucks for you.

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Endo] [ In reply to ]
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Endo wrote:

  • The haters are not mollified in the least. No admission or actions by Lance will ever be enough, no matter what they say. I am a bit surprised that this group seems to have even gotten more hatefull after this interview. I had expected them to at least remain the same, but wow, so many of the comments in this thread are way over the top. Sucks

I would not call myself a hater.Definately not satisfied though.
He only admitted to the minimal amount to try and restore his image.
He is still lying about things (didn't dope in 2009/2010, connections with UCI).
So, no hate. Just dispointment.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Paddywhack wrote:
Hanaki wrote:
Paddywhack wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
What I'm saying is, if we all admit this was a made for tv interview, we cant really then get to bent out of shape for their lack of actual substance can we?

No. I'm getting bent out of shape because people who purport to be journalists like Robert Johnson actually believe this charade was a genuine interview and are perpetuating that myth on their publications.

Point me to one interview where the doper being interviewed stated exactly where they got their dope? Where did someone point out fellow riders that were doping besides Armstrong?

Who did Armstrong incriminate in this "expose" ?

This was a very carefully crafted and managed charade designed to do one thing and one thing only; get the USADA off Lance Armstrong's back thereby allowing him to get his ass back on a bike. Lance admitted he took PEDs. Whoopdefrickindoo. Charlie Sheen admits he bangs porn stars!

Lance told snippets of the truth to paint the picture he wants you to see. Oprah gladly assisted.

No one.. just like no one in any interview betrayed anyone but Lance... so don't expect more from this. You people must have never watched Oprah before.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Paddywhack wrote:
This was a very carefully crafted and managed charade designed to do one thing and one thing only; get the USADA off Lance Armstrong's back thereby allowing him to get his ass back on a bike. Lance admitted he took PEDs. Whoopdefrickindoo. Charlie Sheen admits he bangs porn stars!

Lance told snippets of the truth to paint the picture he wants you to see. Oprah gladly assisted.

I don't think getting back to racing has much to do with it. He would not swallow his pride with an admission if it were just to race. He offered to turn on his long time backer, Thom Weisel. That would not happen simply so he can race a few age group triathlons. He is running scared. Whethe it is financial issues or fear of criminal charges I don't know.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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Seems to me there are 3 goals he currently has:

1. Protect his assets
2. Stay out of prison
3. Tell the truth

These are not compatible with each other.

If he would tell the whole truth he would have to surrender the outcome, which he is unwilling to do with his "total control" mentality. Its seems as he's trying to get us to think about him as old Lance (version 1.0) and new Lance (version 2.0).

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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AmaDablam wrote:
He offered to turn on his long time backer, Thom Weisel.

When did that happen? That's interesting.

He's the nexus of it all, that's for sure. Weisel to Ochowicz to Stapleton with a dash of Eddie B and Carmichael. Also, Weisel is connected to Verbruggen.

My hypothesis? UCI needed a Mark McGuire/Sammy Sosa to save cycling after Festina. Weisel really wanted to win the TDF. Nike and Trek and Oakley really wanted to sell stuff. A star was born.

At any rate, Lance probably knows all and this means nothing until he gets under oath with the USADA or the Feds, whomever gets him first.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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AmaDablam wrote:
Paddywhack wrote:

This was a very carefully crafted and managed charade designed to do one thing and one thing only; get the USADA off Lance Armstrong's back thereby allowing him to get his ass back on a bike. Lance admitted he took PEDs. Whoopdefrickindoo. Charlie Sheen admits he bangs porn stars!

Lance told snippets of the truth to paint the picture he wants you to see. Oprah gladly assisted.

I don't think getting back to racing has much to do with it. He would not swallow his pride with an admission if it were just to race. He offered to turn on his long time backer, Thom Weisel. That would not happen simply so he can race a few age group triathlons. He is running scared. Whethe it is financial issues or fear of criminal charges I don't know.

Lance could quite easily have thumbed his nose at the world and ridden off into the sunset (not in a sanctioned race) to spend his ill gotten gains. He would have lost his tour titles, the Olympic medals, perhaps even his god like status with the yellow bracelet brigade, but his money was 100% safe. He as not going to fail any tests and he had won every civil case relating to drug accusations. Nobody would ever challenge him again in print or in a court room.

Lance, as things stand today, has complete immunity from any criminal charges. Of course new evidence might come to light of crimes we don't yet know about, but right now he is safe; which is why he was very careful not to answer any potentially incriminating questions. His biggest potential threat is a RICO charge, or wire fraud, money laundering, drug trafficking. If the feds go after him on a racketeering charge, he could be in deep doodoo which is why he was adamant that he didn't force anyone else to take drugs and that he wasn't the boss.

He was, until yesterday, in the same boat as Barry Bonds rich and retired. The very best in his day at what he did, a hero to many, but a doper; and as the years go by fewer and fewer people believe the bullshit stories anymore. He was rich beyond the dreams of everyone on this site, homes in half a dozen beautiful locations, jets, cars, champagne. Lance had it all, but it wasn't enough. Lance wanted to compete. He wanted to compete so badly, he put all the money on the line to get back in the good graces of the USADA.

He will now lose all of his tour victory money, he will have to repay several successful lawsuit settlments, and he will find his mailbox today filled with lawsuits from every other person who crossed his path in the last 20 years. I suspect this is 100% about his desire to compete in triathalon and nothing else.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Frankie is about to come on the Doug Gottleib show on CBS Sports radio....link below.


Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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I do not think tri is THAT important to him. You cna be sure that there is more than we currently know.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Anybody notice he first claimed that they didn't do EPO during the races (because that was when they were tested) but then he admitted that "Motoman" was true. Wasn't Motoman's entire purpose to provide EPO during the race?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
I do not think tri is THAT important to him. You cna be sure that there is more than we currently know.

I'm not sure. Its my best guess. A photo or a tape of Lance giving Pat McQuaid a brown paper bag full of cash might surface tomorrow and you'll be right and I'll be wrong, but as things currently stand, the only good reason I can see for a "confession" is to get back into racing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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A lot will be determined by how he/usada deal with the info he has. I hope if usada is consistent it gives lance some leeway if he has info on a fully corrupt sport.

I certainly don't want him in the sport, but if usada is going on their stance that it is about improving the sport, the info lance has could be a complete game changer or atleast the embarrassment/kick in the pants it needs to clean itself up.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:

At any rate, Lance probably knows all and this means nothing until he gets under oath with the USADA or the Feds, whomever gets him first.

It is hard for me to believe that he would even tell the truth under oath, even now, especially after he failed to do so when he was already under oath. To him, under oath doesn't seem to mean what it should. Whatever he would happen to say to USADA or the Feds, I would take with a grain of salt, especially if he said he didn't dope in 09/10.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Sluglas] [ In reply to ]
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Sluglas wrote:
Anybody notice he first claimed that they didn't do EPO during the races (because that was when they were tested) but then he admitted that "Motoman" was true. Wasn't Motoman's entire purpose to provide EPO during the race?

I thought he provided the blood.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Yea but she minimizes her own husbands doping and lying.

That isn't true.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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1. IME, - no Lance "haters" on any of these forums, - just realistic evaluations...

2. Was there an expectation that he would actually confess to the real crime of running a doping program, & coercing others to dope? (not hardly).

3. Fortunately, - he did come across as the selfish A$$hole & general bad person that he really is.

He is not going to show contrition about being a jerk, a liar, & ruining people. He is also not going to confess for essentially forcing others to dope. But he is also not going to be "clearing his name"

Question: How is he going to make a living now? Will he be a paid celebrity speaker? How much money could he possibly make as a participating athlete?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [MCSLC] [ In reply to ]
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MCSLC wrote:
Seems to me there are 3 goals he currently has:

1. Protect his assets
2. Stay out of prison
3. Tell the truth

These are not compatible with each other.

If he would tell the whole truth he would have to surrender the outcome, which he is unwilling to do with his "total control" mentality. Its seems as he's trying to get us to think about him as old Lance (version 1.0) and new Lance (version 2.0).

I agree with this 100%, but think the order is (2), (1), (3). I think he has done about as much of (3) as he could during his interview with Oprah, within the constraints imposed by items (1) and (2).

The thing that I still can't figure out is: Who does Lance think Lance (version 2.0) is? He's too old to seriously think of himself as a professional athlete. The typical former-pro-athlete careers like "coach", "product whore", or "anonymous guy living in the big house on the hill, with all the neighborhood kids wonder who that guy was when he was young" don't appear to be options for him.


-Mark Rebuck, http://www.markrebuck.com/
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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Sluglas wrote:
Anybody notice he first claimed that they didn't do EPO during the races (because that was when they were tested) but then he admitted that "Motoman" was true. Wasn't Motoman's entire purpose to provide EPO during the race?
I thought he provided the blood.

My memory from the Hamilton book was that they weren't doing the blood transfusions at that point (this is 1999) and that it was all EPO.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ In reply to ]
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The first part of Lance Armstrong’s doping confession to Oprah Winfrey drew about 4.3 million viewers to OWN on Thursday night, according to preliminary Nielsen ratings released on Friday.About 3.17 million watched the first telecast of the interview at 9 p.m. on Thursday. Another 1.12 million watched the repeat at 10:30 p.m., bringing the total and unduplicated audience to 4.3 million, according to a spokeswoman for the channel.

Previously, the title of highest-rated telecast belonged to Ms. Winfrey’s interview of Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina, and her family last March, one month after Ms. Houston died. That program attracted 3.5 million viewers to the channel.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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FJB wrote:
And another point: assuming he's clean of late, he's won a few triathlons recently, even some halts.

Why would anyone believe he is clean of late?

1. Meants to say "halfs", not "halts".

2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.

Clean because he did not test positive. How quaint.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Sluglas] [ In reply to ]
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Sluglas wrote:


Sluglas wrote:
Anybody notice he first claimed that they didn't do EPO during the races (because that was when they were tested) but then he admitted that "Motoman" was true. Wasn't Motoman's entire purpose to provide EPO during the race?

I thought he provided the blood.

My memory from the Hamilton book was that they weren't doing the blood transfusions at that point (this is 1999) and that it was all EPO.

I stand corrected. Another lie it is....;)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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Why would anyone believe he is clean of late?[/quote]

1. Meants to say "halfs", not "halts".

2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.

H.[/quote] Huh???? Assuming because he got tested............well how about all thiose other tests then? Was that supposed to be in pink?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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AmaDablam wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:

2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.

Clean because he did not test positive. How quaint.

There's no way on earth that he could ever show an honest to god false positive
and have anyone believe him. Now that would be funny.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Last edited by: pattersonpaul: Jan 18, 13 14:13
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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sdmike wrote:
Sluglas wrote:


Sluglas wrote:
Anybody notice he first claimed that they didn't do EPO during the races (because that was when they were tested) but then he admitted that "Motoman" was true. Wasn't Motoman's entire purpose to provide EPO during the race?

I thought he provided the blood.

My memory from the Hamilton book was that they weren't doing the blood transfusions at that point (this is 1999) and that it was all EPO.

I stand corrected. Another lie it is....;)http://road.cc/...-delivered-epo-lance[/quote[/url]]

He may have meant that they didn't use it when there was a test for it or maybe when they perfected the dosage so they didn't need it at the race.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pattersonpaul] [ In reply to ]
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My brush with fame/infamy. CBC TV was at the Musette Cafe in Vancouver last night. http://www.musettecaffe.com

The first person you see interviewed is Kevin Corkum, owner of La Bicicletta. I'm the bald guy in glasses with a red jacket half way through. I can tell you this episode was good business for Musette, full house last night, not so sure what it will be like tonight.

I had just rushed there after an hour trainer workout (Goddard on TrainerRoad if you must know) and didn't even have time to shower.


Cervelo R3 and Cannondale Synapse, Argon18 Electron Track Bike
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
What I'm saying is, if we all admit this was a made for tv interview, we cant really then get to bent out of shape for their lack of actual substance can we?

Like most news, it's calculated to give what the media moguls what the audience to hear. It's sensationalism. We don't know the whole story, that is, what is being said behind closed doors. Imo, it's all a dog and pony show.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Sluglas] [ In reply to ]
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Sluglas wrote:
Anybody notice he first claimed that they didn't do EPO during the races (because that was when they were tested) but then he admitted that "Motoman" was true. Wasn't Motoman's entire purpose to provide EPO during the race?

What year was Motoman? He might have been before there was testing of EPO.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:

2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.


there are massive threads on this forum and direct eyewitness testimony from other professional athletes that says that is exactly the case.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
So I have read a lot of the Lance threads and some of the transcripts of his Oprah interview, but still don't understand why he said if he had not come back then we would not be here today. What did his comeback have to do with all of this coming out instead of staying hidden? Does it have something to do with Floyd not being happy about his comeback?

Yes, I can see how that can confuse. My guess is that, the comeback really got Floyd really riled up. Kind of like rubbing his nose in it.

Don't forget, Floyd is out of work, probably massively in debt, his credibility in tatters, and with no real good prospects for himself at all. Meanwhile, Armstrong is carrying on the charade, fabulously wealthy, flying in the private jet, with people shooting the comeback for coffee table books and documentaries, getting hosted around the world by Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other famous VIP's, and racing again in the world-wide spot-light. The contrast at the time to Floyd's reality could not have been more stark!

Do we all really feel that sorry for those that hitched their wagon to Team Lance and par took in the deception and drugs for so many years? Sure Lance threw them under a bus when it suited him, but they chose to dance with him for as long as they did.

Kind of like the guy who works for a mobster taking the fall for something that the group did and then tossed to the wind. I have no love loss for them.

And your older comment about why people still like Lance? Same Godfather-esque analogy. Those not directly getting killed by the godfather all loved him for his good work in the community. They looked the other way, no matter what they saw. People will never separate Lance from cancer and his public speaking and his seemingly good nature to the crowds.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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Are you saying there is direct eyewitness accounts of him doping in the tri"s. Is there a link to the threads (interested not contending)?

Anyhow, this is all the start of what the USA mainstream media seems to love, redemption. Confess go away for a while, come back win and be loved. Lance would like this to end with a Kona win.

Not sure he will get this as it's a bit different to Tiger Wood's situation. He could have chosen to stay out of the spotlight, negotiate settlements where he was going to lose and then move to Monaco, Spain, Russia become a recluse.

But I figure he must hope that he will be allowed back and allowed back quickly
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [kennyDalglish] [ In reply to ]
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Lance can comeback THIS year, be doped to the gills and still not win Kona. That ship has sailed. ETA: But I guess we all have different takes on that, and it can be frustrating because now, we'll never know. But I dont think he has a chance in hell to win Kona, even if he went into Kona with a Tour like preparedness.

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Jan 18, 13 15:48
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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Gandalf wrote:
If you commit to the act of doping, then you are automatically committed to the acts necessary to covering it up. Surely there can be no surprise in that. I mean, you dope, you win the TdF multiple times, make millions of dollars and then someone calls you out on it..... If you are the kind of person that would stand up and say immediately 'Yep, fair cop, she got me.. all true' then you are not kind of person that would have doped in the first place.

The biggest thing LA did last night was to admit to his bullying and character flaws, whilst only skirting with the issue (cause) of the childhood and missing dad. Now whether by co-incidence or by design, did you see the show immediately afterwards about the 2 children who were 'abandoned' by their mother at a young age. The emotional damage done to those children is irreparable. Yes they had grown up further and moved on, but the issues were still deep down and were fully exposed during the 'reunion'. There is no way that experience does not impact they way they live their lives from here on and the way they will deal with others.

I think the Dad issue is legitimate for Lance. Whether you blame him for it or not is obviously a debatable point, but it's undeniably there.

I agree with you, especially about the part of doping then the acts to cover it up.

As far as the root cause that drives him to commit the lying and bullying, that may never air on public TV. Who knows, this may be a turning point to get to those deep issues. Imo, the root issue is being avoided (LA's deep seated anger, and win at all costs attitude) by most of the people connected to him, the media and some on this forum. Of course, the media is only sharing what they are paid to share. Oprah stated that some things were "left on the cutting room floor." I think the real story is what's being said behind closed doors, in the vehicle on the way home from the interview. Seems to me this is more sensationalism, made for TV drama.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I'm calling BS on Lance saying stuff that was cut from Oprah, especially if it was worth any merit. That would have been among the 1st things leaked after the "admission". Was there stuff editted it out probaly, you bet, or not allowed to air. But nothing "juicy", that's just not how it works.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [tkos] [ In reply to ]
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tkos wrote:
And your older comment about why people still like Lance? Same Godfather-esque analogy. Those not directly getting killed by the godfather all loved him for his good work in the community. They looked the other way, no matter what they saw. People will never separate Lance from cancer and his public speaking and his seemingly good nature to the crowds.

Funny, I saw a comment earlier this month in response to LA's charity work offsetting his "sins", comparing it to John Gotti's philanthropic efforts (giving money back to the community etc). Everyone knew who was giving the money, and roughly where it came from, but pretty much everybody turned a blind eye to it when they were benefitting.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TxDude] [ In reply to ]
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TxDude wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
I think the Dad issue is legitimate for Lance. Whether you blame him for it or not is obviously a debatable point, but it's undeniably there.

There are too many people who grew up without dads and abused homes who do not commit fraud, squash people, etc. God I hope we don't start giving him an excuse for being an a-hole absolutely void of conscious.

No, it's not an excuse for the behavior, just identifying the root issue that drives all of this. Unless the root is dealt with, it will always be a problem.

Everyone has some dysfunction in the family circle. Some try to keep a tighter lid on it than others, but, if one is paying attention, they'll see it. I wasn't aware of it until I dealt with my own family issues. Once I discovered the root, with the help of relatives and counseling, the outward shenanigans fell by the wayside.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [WelshinPhilly] [ In reply to ]
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I was at the 1st or 2nd race that Lance raced in after his "sanctioning" (Rev3 in Maryland). It was interesting to see the reverence people had for him, even kinda knowing his doping sins (obviously most didnt know the really dark secrets about his bullying, buying off UCI, "failed" tests cover ups). The MC of the event even made a comment, "This isnt about any issues, this is about cancer", and then called up Lance and of course everyone got all jacked up.

It's a very interesting social experiment almost. I think alot of people are willing to overlook his "sins" because when they were on their death/cancer bed and got a card/note/letter from Lance/Livestrong, that can be a very powerful tool in the fight against cancer. And honestly, I think alot of people just dont care what he did, that like you said, his "good" outweighs the bad, and they'll gladly overlook/turn their head to the negative.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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don't disagree but given the way he is wired he would like that scenario.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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will probably be an uncut DVD or something stupid
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Post deleted by coyote pelon [ In reply to ]
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
I'm calling BS on Lance saying stuff that was cut from Oprah, especially if it was worth any merit. That would have been among the 1st things leaked after the "admission". Was there stuff editted it out probaly, you bet, or not allowed to air. But nothing "juicy", that's just not how it works.

I can't prove that some things were cut, but edited. However, editing and cutting may be the same thing. As far as juicy, what constitutes that? Imo, everything involved in this scandal is juice (unintentional pun, but hey, it fits).

Oprah said she went in to this interview as prepared as possible, with a list of 112 questions for Lance. I haven't kept tabs on the number of questions last night. We'll see what happens tonight. However, she left one question undone when Lance said (about the hospital issue) that, "I'm not going to take that on."

Last week, the AP wrote this:

In a text to the AP on Saturday, Armstrong said: "I told her (Winfrey) to go wherever she wants and I'll answer the questions directly, honestly and candidly. That's all I can say." Imo, Oprah tried to go wherever she wanted, but, LA shut it down.

Here's a part of dialogue between Gayle King and Oprah:

“I said, ‘Are you walking on clouds?’ and she said she is still in ‘Operation Lance,’ which is what they’re calling it. As of Tuesday they were still editing and she’s part of that whole process.”
Last edited by: Recoverie: Jan 18, 13 17:52
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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I missed the interview. Where can I watch it now?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jwood064] [ In reply to ]
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jwood064 wrote:
I missed the interview. Where can I watch it now?

Here you go:

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
I'm calling BS on Lance saying stuff that was cut from Oprah, especially if it was worth any merit. That would have been among the 1st things leaked after the "admission". Was there stuff editted it out probaly, you bet, or not allowed to air. But nothing "juicy", that's just not how it works.

I can't prove that some things were cut, but edited. However, editing and cutting may be the same thing. As far as juicy, what constitutes that? Imo, everything involved in this scandal is juice (unintentional pun, but hey, it fits).

Oprah said she went in to this interview as prepared as possible, with a list of 112 questions for Lance. I haven't kept tabs on the number of questions last night. We'll see what happens tonight. However, she left one question undone when Lance said (about the hospital issue) that, "I'm not going to take that on."

Last week, the AP wrote this:

In a text to the AP on Saturday, Armstrong said: "I told her (Winfrey) to go wherever she wants and I'll answer the questions directly, honestly and candidly. That's all I can say." Imo, Oprah tried to go wherever she wanted, but, LA shut it down.

Here's a part of dialogue between Gayle King and Oprah:

“I said, ‘Are you walking on clouds?’ and she said she is still in ‘Operation Lance,’ which is what they’re calling it. As of Tuesday they were still editing and she’s part of that whole process.”

The editing most likely was to intersperse the instructive historical segments that provide context to the general public. Were some things run out of order? maybe, even probably. But you can bet the Floyd/Feds will subpoena raw footage so if there were outtakes or staged responses, we'll find out. My guess is that there arent. The things he's still lying about he went into that interview prepared to still lie about.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I should rephrase. I gurantee you the process will include editing and cutting. But I don't believe for a second that if something is "off the table" it's because it was too damning or personal. When I say "juicy", I'm referring to info that actual opens up more info. You can say she went into great detail with all these questions, and ill still see this as more of a puff piece interview than anything. That was exactly what this needed to be for lance.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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Part two is up.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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pick6 wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
I'm calling BS on Lance saying stuff that was cut from Oprah, especially if it was worth any merit. That would have been among the 1st things leaked after the "admission". Was there stuff editted it out probaly, you bet, or not allowed to air. But nothing "juicy", that's just not how it works.

I can't prove that some things were cut, but edited. However, editing and cutting may be the same thing. As far as juicy, what constitutes that? Imo, everything involved in this scandal is juice (unintentional pun, but hey, it fits).

Oprah said she went in to this interview as prepared as possible, with a list of 112 questions for Lance. I haven't kept tabs on the number of questions last night. We'll see what happens tonight. However, she left one question undone when Lance said (about the hospital issue) that, "I'm not going to take that on."

Last week, the AP wrote this:

In a text to the AP on Saturday, Armstrong said: "I told her (Winfrey) to go wherever she wants and I'll answer the questions directly, honestly and candidly. That's all I can say." Imo, Oprah tried to go wherever she wanted, but, LA shut it down.

Here's a part of dialogue between Gayle King and Oprah:

“I said, ‘Are you walking on clouds?’ and she said she is still in ‘Operation Lance,’ which is what they’re calling it. As of Tuesday they were still editing and she’s part of that whole process.”

The editing most likely was to intersperse the instructive historical segments that provide context to the general public. Were some things run out of order? maybe, even probably. But you can bet the Floyd/Feds will subpoena raw footage so if there were outtakes or staged responses, we'll find out. My guess is that there arent. The things he's still lying about he went into that interview prepared to still lie about.

I agree with that. Like I mentioned, I have no evidence that shows there were things purposely cut or edited out.
Last edited by: Recoverie: Jan 18, 13 18:27
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [AmaDablam] [ In reply to ]
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AmaDablam wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:

2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.

Clean because he did not test positive. How quaint.

Take it up with WTC, bud. Until such time as they say otherwise, he appears to have raced "clean" recently.

Otherwise, man up & make a point!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
I should rephrase. I gurantee you the process will include editing and cutting. But I don't believe for a second that if something is "off the table" it's because it was too damning or personal. When I say "juicy", I'm referring to info that actual opens up more info. You can say she went into great detail with all these questions, and ill still see this as more of a puff piece interview than anything. That was exactly what this needed to be for lance.

I hear you, and see your point. Like I said, I have no evidence that something was purposely left out. I agree that this is a puff piece made for TV drama. Imo, LA is not being truthful still. OW is making it look like she's being tough. But, it's clear, LA was coached on how to answer. And, it has given a boost to the OW show:

"Gayle King says Winfrey stayed in and prepared for the interview like it was the most important one of her career — and one that could help her struggling network."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Part two is up.

So he said he would like to race again and when Oprah asks like the tour? And he says the Chicago Marathon. Why no mention of triathlons?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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I believe he was about to say that when she opened her pie hole and interupted him.
Last edited by: triathlung: Jan 18, 13 18:26
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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The man still has it:

"I feel like I deserve to be able to race again".

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [triathlung] [ In reply to ]
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Ya, I thought that too, so much for the 1 publicity shot for tris.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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Man, listening to part two about his family life, it's as if Lance has become the very person he didn't want to become - his real Dad (who left him and his Mom when he a kid).
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Part two is up.

So he said he would like to race again and when Oprah asks like the tour? And he says the Chicago Marathon. Why no mention of triathlons?

she cut him off a little on that answer
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
Ya, I thought that too, so much for the 1 publicity shot for tris.

Kind of blows the "scripted" conspiracy theorists out of the water.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Part two is up.

So he said he would like to race again and when Oprah asks like the tour? And he says the Chicago Marathon. Why no mention of triathlons?

Maybe doesn't want to make it obvious that he still thinks he can be competative
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, Oprah just threw down, "Earlier in the interview, you said that it would be impossible to win the tour (seven times) without doping. And now, you want to come back (clean to the Tour), and thought you could win?"

LA's response, "Yes, because I thought the sport was clean."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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    They revisit the comeback, and he makes a couple more points to shore up his "I raced clean" argument.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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Deserve? I deserve to win the lottery!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Theory] [ In reply to ]
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He bleeds he is a man

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Almost a tearshed moment talking about his son!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Theory] [ In reply to ]
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And what's with the hand repeatedly in front of the mouth?? I'm a trained salesman - that's not a good cue. And I wanna believe him . . . .
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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He swelling up . I kind of feel bad for him a d all his money

Official Polar Ambassador
Last edited by: Bmanners: Jan 18, 13 18:40
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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I want to jump onto the set and tailor the shoulders of his blazer.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
And what's with the hand repeatedly in front of the mouth?? I'm a trained salesman - that's not a good cue. And I wanna believe him . . . .

Like the body language is showing that it doesn't believe what is coming out of the mouth?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Admits that he wants the ban lifted, even if unlikely. Stated intention of this process is about his kids.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:
And what's with the hand repeatedly in front of the mouth?? I'm a trained salesman - that's not a good cue. And I wanna believe him . . . .

Like the body language is showing that it doesn't believe what is coming out of the mouth?

Ya, he's not comfortable telling the truth...more comfortable with lying.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [davetallo] [ In reply to ]
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Christ someone take a sip of water out of one of them strategically placed glasses and straws :0)

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I touch my mouth when I am nervous. My HOPE is that when he was talking about his son, that that was why. Not that he was lying.

That part was difficult to watch.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Lance took a drink out of the bendy straw once.

And his watch beeped. Who keeps their watch like that?

I feel bad for those kids.
Last edited by: bt: Jan 18, 13 18:46
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Bmanners wrote:
Christ someone take a sip of water out of one of them strategically placed glasses and straws :0)

Right. I haven't seen either of them refuel in front of the camera.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [PT] [ In reply to ]
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Going for the soft side of people . Pretty soon he will say he rescued a puppy from the SPCA and it was uplifting.

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [PT] [ In reply to ]
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To all of you Betsy Andreau haters. If tonight's Lance was last night's Lance, there would have been a completely different reaction.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mjpwooo] [ In reply to ]
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x2. It's always the kids that get to you...

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Would you rather it replaced by Coke glasses like American Idol?

I wonder whats happens next year with Rev3 Maryland

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bt] [ In reply to ]
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bt wrote:
Lance took a drink out of the bendy straw once.

And his watch beeped. Who keeps their watch like that?

I feel bad for those kids.

It was a signal from his lawyers - time to start the tears!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bt] [ In reply to ]
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I do my watch reminds me to drink so I don't dehydrate. He is treatin this like a race and who can win.

Official Polar Ambassador
Last edited by: Bmanners: Jan 18, 13 18:47
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [mjpwooo] [ In reply to ]
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mjpwooo wrote:
I touch my mouth when I am nervous. My HOPE is that when he was talking about his son, that that was why. Not that he was lying.

That part was difficult to watch.

That and not comfortable being open and honest so body language shows that. He was a great liar in the depositions,etc and never showed this kind of nervous behavior. Once a good liar, always... so take that as a good sign.

I'd almost be more suspicious when he feels confident without the covering of the mouth. That's when he lied in the past.
Last edited by: CP78: Jan 18, 13 18:49
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Bmanners wrote:
Christ someone take a sip of water out of one of them strategically placed glasses and straws :0)

Right. I haven't seen either of them refuel in front of the camera.

Sipaway system mounted in a cage behind the seat
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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It's worse seems he does not learn from the past. History repeats itself

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Fair enough. His water glass is at a lower level than Oprah's...he's been drinking.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bt] [ In reply to ]
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Must be filled with EPO to get through this marathon ;0)

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Bmanners wrote:
I do my watch reminds me to drink so I don't dehydrate. He is treatin this like a race and who can win.

Wow. So full of win.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:

You read my mind. I was trying to figure out that last word right before the break. "What, epileptic?"

Now I see that in the Greek, the word means 'disabled by a stroke.'
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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I do my watch reminds me to drink so I don't dehydrate.

Oprah makes me sweat too.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Did Oprah just quote Russell Crowe's dialogue in the Man of Steel teaser trailer?

"...they will stumble, they will fall..."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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He says he's become a better man twice and he's still sort of sketchy.

He must have been really horrible before.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Damn I just went to get a piece of I e cream cake and missed that

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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so when is the expected meeting with usada?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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The truth my man will set you free.

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Bmanners wrote:
Damn I just went to get a piece of I e cream cake and missed that

Ice cream cake? It's my birthday...I want some! :)

Oprah didn't even hug Lance at the end.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Time to switch over to CNN and watch Betsy lose her mind again.


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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [] [ In reply to ]
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I'm disappointed with today's episode. Too much after school special questions.

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bt] [ In reply to ]
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Well I was sitting on the spin bike spinning away duri g the interview so decided I deserved a chance.....I mean a piece:0)
Happy birthday BTW

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [bt] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:
Time to switch over to CNN and watch Betsy lose her mind again.


Oprah nearly lost her mind when he mentioned $75M - how can someone make so little money??
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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In plain English, apoplectic usually means angry beyond speech, one step away from implosion. I imagine Lance gets apoplectic from time to time.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, she probably thought "Oh well, can't you just make that back tomorrow?"


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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:
He says he's become a better man twice and he's still sort of sketchy.

He must have been really horrible before.

It was an epic ride. What now, Brah?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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Only if team Discovery give LA a cash infusion like they gave OWN :0)

Official Polar Ambassador
Last edited by: Bmanners: Jan 18, 13 19:08
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:
Time to switch over to CNN and watch Betsy lose her mind again.


Anderson Cooper just tried to convince the analysts that triathlons are a big sport and Lance was dominating. The analyst was like really? Almost like tri what? Haha
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone watching CNN? Anderson Cooper just said triathlon is a big sport in America, then defended triathlon when one of the panelists said it was tiny.

3 cheers for Anderson! Hip-hip hoary.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, Oprah just threw down, "Earlier in the interview, you said that it would be impossible to win the tour (seven times) without doping. And now, you want to come back (clean to the Tour), and thought you could win?"
That was an excellent follow on question by Oprah.

Of course her lasting legacy to Lance is chopping this interview in two pieces, leaving the second part where he comes across as almost human on the backwater of Friday night when no one watches TV. If she had 3.5M viewers on Thursday I bet less than 1M are watching tonight. Just a guess. The commercial breaks and the background pieces really made this a tough watch especially last night. I wanted more interview and less fluff.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [p2k2001] [ In reply to ]
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p2k2001 wrote:

Wow, Oprah just threw down, "Earlier in the interview, you said that it would be impossible to win the tour (seven times) without doping. And now, you want to come back (clean to the Tour), and thought you could win?"

That was an excellent follow on question by Oprah.

Of course her lasting legacy to Lance is chopping this interview in two pieces, leaving the second part where he comes across as almost human on the backwater of Friday night when no one watches TV. If she had 3.5M viewers on Thursday I bet less than 1M are watching tonight. Just a guess. The commercial breaks and the background pieces really made this a tough watch especially last night. I wanted more interview and less fluff.

Agreed - after seeing tonight's piece, I was surprised they didn't flip the focus between the two.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [WelshinPhilly] [ In reply to ]
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WelshinPhilly wrote:
p2k2001 wrote:

Wow, Oprah just threw down, "Earlier in the interview, you said that it would be impossible to win the tour (seven times) without doping. And now, you want to come back (clean to the Tour), and thought you could win?"

That was an excellent follow on question by Oprah.

Of course her lasting legacy to Lance is chopping this interview in two pieces, leaving the second part where he comes across as almost human on the backwater of Friday night when no one watches TV. If she had 3.5M viewers on Thursday I bet less than 1M are watching tonight. Just a guess. The commercial breaks and the background pieces really made this a tough watch especially last night. I wanted more interview and less fluff.

Agreed - after seeing tonight's piece, I was surprised they didn't flip the focus between the two.

But she could've pushed it & asked HOW IS IT possible to win if YOU YOURSELF said it's "humanly impossible" to do so clean? She blew over that.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [clarkoe] [ In reply to ]
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Betsy on AC360.... "Kirsten muled the drugs in the baby carriage". Holy cow, live TV!

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [clarkoe] [ In reply to ]
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Heres a youtube of the part where Cooper defends tris:

clarkoe wrote:
Anyone watching CNN? Anderson Cooper just said triathlon is a big sport in America, then defended triathlon when one of the panelists said it was tiny.

3 cheers for Anderson! Hip-hip hoary.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
Betsy on AC360.... "Kirsten muled the drugs in the baby carriage". Holy cow, live TV!

And I thought her handlers would tell her to not be so angry tonight . . . Let the vitriol flow!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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That was classic. He mentioned triathlons and all you heard were crickets...


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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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I don't care what people say about her. I love all of her responses. It's raw. It's not scripted. It comes from her heart. I think she begins every sentence with, "are you freaken kidding me?" :)

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:
Time to switch over to CNN and watch Betsy lose her mind again.


That woman needs some therapy. Her husband is probably hides in shame everytime she opens her mouth.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure if mentioned prior but just caught this:
J.J. Abrams to Produce Lance Armstrong Biopic


"Some guys they just give up living, and start dying little by little piece by piece. Some guys come home from work and wash up, then go racin' in the street." Bruce Springsteen
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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Yea, that's just wild. I really hope that isn't true.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:
That was classic. He mentioned triathlons and all you heard were crickets...


Ha, ha. AC's look at their silence was gold.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [hillier99] [ In reply to ]
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hillier99 wrote:
That was classic. He mentioned triathlons and all you heard were crickets...


Could triathlon be less important than we think?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, I'm over Lance, but, can we get an interview with Suzy!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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So Lance came clean about what happened after he was caught, I still admire the man as an inspirational man and an outstanding competitor and athlete. He made mistakes and is asking for forgiveness. He has it from me and I hope all the best for him.

Live Free and Ride Hard

Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
hillier99 wrote:
That was classic. He mentioned triathlons and all you heard were crickets...


Could triathlon be less important than we think?

This just in: "WTC buys CNN, will convert to 24h tri-channel"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [2_tires] [ In reply to ]
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It's debatable whether he really came clean. He says that he has raced clean since 2005, but the bio passport results of 2009 and 2010 would suggest otherwise

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Recoverie wrote:
hillier99 wrote:
That was classic. He mentioned triathlons and all you heard were crickets...


Ha, ha. AC's look at their silence was gold.

If only he would have said "C'mon guys...triathlon! Do I need to get Sanjay Gupta in here to back me on this one?"
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
sbrxxx wrote:
J_R wrote:
hillier99 wrote:
That was classic. He mentioned triathlons and all you heard were crickets...


Could triathlon be less important than we think?

This just in: "WTC buys CNN, will convert to 24h tri-channel"

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [clarkoe] [ In reply to ]
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the differences between Betsy and Kik are quite shocking.

clarkoe wrote:
Yea, that's just wild. I really hope that isn't true.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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I wonder if Anderson is a member on ST, or if he just casually cruises the forums? How else would he know that triathlon is huge in America???
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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I think Betsy might spontaniously combust. AC also needs to keep that Asshat of a lawyer from talking. He is not adding credability to the panel.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, her voice is so shrill, I had to turn the TV off I can't take that.

I hope Lance just pays her off so she'll go away and get some help.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Hanaki wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.


Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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And He came clean and both admiited their mistakes and did it without any pressure. All on their own becasue they knew what they did was wrong. Funny, you want Lance given a fair chance to be forgiven but mock a person who stood for truth and did not back down for years.
Would you care to explain all the money they made doping? He got his contract dropped for refusing to continue to dope. Suggest you look up why Frank came clean
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
And He came clean and both admiited their mistakes and did it without any pressure. All on their own becasue they knew what they did was wrong. Funny, you want Lance given a fair chance to be forgiven but mock a person who stood for truth and did not back down for years.
Would you care to explain all the money they made doping? He got his contract dropped for refusing to continue to dope. Suggest you look up why Frank came clean

How long was he on the team where doping was rampant. Did they return that money? He doped did they return that money?
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Hanaki wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.

Can we all agree that we'd lay down some decent pay per view coin to watch Betsy interview Lance? I would lift my ban of the word "epic" for that one.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
Hanaki wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.

Can we all agree that we'd lay down some decent pay per view coin to watch Betsy interview Lance? I would lift my ban of the word "epic" for that one.

I rather see 60 minutes do an hour then hear her for 60 seconds.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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And thus ends the saga, for now. We now all know for sure what we all thought we knew for sure.

Lance doped.
Betsy's angry.
Travis was right.
LeMond's owed a big apology.
Oprah is Anderson Cooper's mother.

"God bless America, and no place else".

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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He did not dope the whole time. Did not get winnings one year. But that is not the point is it. You just changed the subject. He and she admitted it was wrong. Publicly without pressure but that is not good enough for you. So berate her and defend your Lancy.
Please explain what money. The 99 winnings? He did not get any for 2000 when clean. Or you want to list the big money he made in 98
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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dude, don't feed the troll.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the reminder ;-)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [clarkoe] [ In reply to ]
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clarkoe wrote:
I wonder if Anderson is a member on ST, or if he just casually cruises the forums? How else would he know that triathlon is huge in America???

Based on his recent revelation, I think that he cruises more than forums in and about sports where men are clad in spandex.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
dude, don't feed the troll.

Do you not listen to rules about calling people trolls. Trolling is also fishing and has nothing to do with the ones living under a bridge.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Well she and he are gonna get paid now. We all know that.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [zoom] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Her responses are normal, what a normal person with a soul and a heart would say. Lance by comparison was wooden and stone.

Thank god he dedicated his life to winning bike races and banging chicks or we'd be looking at the all time record holder serial killer.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pattersonpaul] [ In reply to ]
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Well why not something after he ruined his career. Is that unfair? Might not though too. I would bet they do not sue
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
He did not dope the whole time. Did not get winnings one year. But that is not the point is it. You just changed the subject. He and she admitted it was wrong. Publicly without pressure but that is not good enough for you. So berate her and defend your Lancy.
Please explain what money. The 99 winnings? He did not get any for 2000 when clean. Or you want to list the big money he made in 98

Point to where I defend Lance. He is a liar a cheat.

Frankie was on a doping team for three years. Getting money off of doping for three years. He was on doping teams even before that. My issuue is her not him. She gets all this money from dopers her husband is a doper and she is crying like a victim all the time.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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"Oprah is Anderson Cooper's mother."

yes, she just paid Gloria Vanderbilt to give birth so she didn't have to
interrupt the taping of her shows.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Last edited by: pattersonpaul: Jan 19, 13 17:51
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Show me where he was doping all that time. Look it up. ................The only victim part is where they were betrayed by armstrong becuse he would not dope. For standing up against doping then how slandered by armstrong (which he admits) after having testified under oath. He lost his riding career and part broadcasting career. They were his friends and he betrayed them. Publicly slandered them. And it was all a lie and you critize her?? ........well go for it. We all can read what you write and decide ourselves
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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FTW. Betsy is a hottie.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
Well why not something after he ruined his career. Is that unfair? Might not though too. I would bet they do not sue

Poor Lance, he's going to have to get right back on EPO so he'll be able to write checks non stop 6 hours a day.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pattersonpaul] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, and the French are going to have a field day with this.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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Bigcreek wrote:
Not sure if mentioned prior but just caught this:
J.J. Abrams to Produce Lance Armstrong Biopic

Wonder if it'll star Matthew McConaughey as Lance?
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
Show me where he was doping all that time. Look it up. ................The only victim part is where they were betrayed by armstrong becuse he would not dope. For standing up against doping then how slandered by armstrong (which he admits) after having testified under oath. He lost his riding career and part broadcasting career. They were his friends and he betrayed them. Publicly slandered them. And it was all a lie and you critize her?? ........well go for it. We all can read what you write and decide ourselves

Where did I say Frankie was doping all the time? I said he was on a doping team and knew everyone was doping. He doped for a year or more. He was on a doping team before postal. He and his wife got money off of doping. Now she wants to call out other wives. That is just BS.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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echappist wrote:
Bigcreek wrote:
Not sure if mentioned prior but just caught this:
J.J. Abrams to Produce Lance Armstrong Biopic

Wonder if it'll star Matthew McConaughey as Lance?

Seems like there was talk way before all this that maybe
Jake Gyllenhaal would star as Lance in a movie.

I wonder if they put a hold on it because they knew
it wouldn't end with his seven TDF wins being
the biggest part of the story.

I'd just about bet anything there'll be a movie made now.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Hanaki wrote:
Kenney wrote:
Show me where he was doping all that time. Look it up. ................The only victim part is where they were betrayed by armstrong becuse he would not dope. For standing up against doping then how slandered by armstrong (which he admits) after having testified under oath. He lost his riding career and part broadcasting career. They were his friends and he betrayed them. Publicly slandered them. And it was all a lie and you critize her?? ........well go for it. We all can read what you write and decide ourselves

Where did I say Frankie was doping all the time? I said he was on a doping team and knew everyone was doping. He doped for a year or more. He was on a doping team before postal. He and his wife got money off of doping. Now she wants to call out other wives. That is just BS.

Frankie Says Relax...

Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Hanaki wrote:
Kenney wrote:
Show me where he was doping all that time. Look it up. ................The only victim part is where they were betrayed by armstrong becuse he would not dope. For standing up against doping then how slandered by armstrong (which he admits) after having testified under oath. He lost his riding career and part broadcasting career. They were his friends and he betrayed them. Publicly slandered them. And it was all a lie and you critize her?? ........well go for it. We all can read what you write and decide ourselves

Where did I say Frankie was doping all the time? I said he was on a doping team and knew everyone was doping. He doped for a year or more. He was on a doping team before postal. He and his wife got money off of doping. Now she wants to call out other wives. That is just BS.

Frankie Says Relax...

watch out Frankie, don't turn your back on her.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Most disgusting lie of the interview "I asked Kristin for permission to comeback, she said yes provided I did it clean. I would never break that trust."

Meanwhile his bio passport from both races say he doped. What a monstrous sack of shit.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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In life, we nearly always have a low road or high road to choose when we think no one is looking. We must always be willing to live with that choice...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sbrxxx] [ In reply to ]
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sbrxxx wrote:
AmaDablam wrote:
sbrxxx wrote:

2. I'm assuming he's clean of late since he probably got tested after his IM 70.3 podiums. Nothing's saying to the contrary.

Clean because he did not test positive. How quaint.

Take it up with WTC, bud. Until such time as they say otherwise, he appears to have raced "clean" recently.

Otherwise, man up & make a point!

Ok, I'll make the point: He didn't get tested for his first 70.3 podium; in fact he wasn't even in USADA OOC testing until the monday he got back from Panama.

Next, there's no test for blood doping, which his 2009 bio passport shows he's been doing. The only reason he didn't positive in 2009 is because UCI never put that bio passport in front of it's bio passport committee. It's absolutely that simple.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Paddywhack wrote:
Most disgusting lie of the interview "I asked Kristin for permission to comeback, she said yes provided I did it clean. I would never break that trust."

Meanwhile his bio passport from both races say he doped. What a monstrous sack of shit.

The woman he dumped by leaving on a beach while they were on a cycling work trip. Yeah, that's the man who is gonna keep his anti-doping vows.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pattersonpaul] [ In reply to ]
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pattersonpaul wrote:
echappist wrote:
Bigcreek wrote:
Not sure if mentioned prior but just caught this:
J.J. Abrams to Produce Lance Armstrong Biopic

Wonder if it'll star Matthew McConaughey as Lance?

Seems like there was talk way before all this that maybe
Jake Gyllenhaal would star as Lance in a movie.

I wonder if they put a hold on it because they knew
it wouldn't end with his seven TDF wins being
the biggest part of the story.

I'd just about bet anything there'll be a movie made now.

Different movie. This one is the movie based on knowing he doped. the other one was based on the myth, assuming he didn't. I bet Matt Damon (who was doing the narration) is glad that didnt finish before this all happened.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [denali2001] [ In reply to ]
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Oprah is a a hottie
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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I have formed an opinion after watching this tonight that Lance doesn't express himself very well at all. Admittedly, I've only seen 3 or 4 short clips in the past where he's talking, but he seems like he's really bad at trying to put into words what he wants to say. Is he always like this? Or was this interview a long drawn-out cognitive dissonance vapor lock?
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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Hanaki wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.

Sad thing is that there is probably no one who is clean who was associated with cycling. Even Betsy lied. She said she wouldn't marry someone who doped, yet she married Frankie (see Francisco's Affidavit). Does that make her sort of like the Lorraine Bracco character in Goodfellas, married to a guy in the mob who later wants out and they end up in witness protection? Tragic. Betsy's instincts told her it was a bad idea, but love overcame her instincts, and she found out that the consequences of marrying into the conspiracy were much worse than she had expected.

Have we cycling fans been lying all this time as well?

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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Bigcreek wrote:
Not sure if mentioned prior but just caught this:
J.J. Abrams to Produce Lance Armstrong Biopic

So lets see... Lance is really an alien, who took drugs because he was forced to by a covert operation who he thought was the good guys, but were really the bad guys.

Would be much more entertaining if Ron Jeremy produced it as a porno - "Big D^&*(k - Little Gun"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [RZ] [ In reply to ]
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RZ wrote:
I have formed an opinion after watching this tonight that Lance doesn't express himself very well at all. Admittedly, I've only seen 3 or 4 short clips in the past where he's talking, but he seems like he's really bad at trying to put into words what he wants to say. Is he always like this? Or was this interview a long drawn-out cognitive dissonance vapor lock?

for another view on this, read the Tyler interview Jordan linked in his thread (will link if I find...)
here you go.


Last edited by: kathy_caribe: Jan 19, 13 4:41
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Maui5150] [ In reply to ]
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Is Lance actually in therapy or was he lying about that too? I was glad Oprah brought it up but it's never been reported that he's seeing a therapist that I know of (and you would think that the press would find out). After lying about everything else I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks he's too awesome to need it, but he definitely does.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [David B] [ In reply to ]
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David B wrote:
Is Lance actually in therapy or was he lying about that too? I was glad Oprah brought it up but it's never been reported that he's seeing a therapist that I know of (and you would think that the press would find out). After lying about everything else I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks he's too awesome to need it, but he definitely does.

Attending therapy and being in therapy are TWO COMPLETELY different things.

I remember quotes when I was reading my ex's emails (and she was a piece of work) but she would often right how bored she was, hating the waste of time, but she would go through therapy to make it look like she was making an effort.

Therapy these days seems like the Hollywood get out of jail card... Opps... I screwed up.. Let me spend a few weeks at a resort, blame it on an addiction, seem vulnerable, and if people pick on me, then they are jerks for picking on someone who is crying out for help.

Sort of like hiding behind a cancer shield

My read, if Lance is indeed in therapy, it is all for show, for image and appearances.

While he may have raised a lot of money for cancer, he also siphoned a lot of money off too. A ton of the Livestrong money went to "Legal" expenses, and remember in the last few years as this spun up, the legal fees went up like 300%. Suing people into the ground costs money. So not only was that money taken away from those suffering with cancer, much of it was used to inflict pain on the innocent, or at least those who were trying to tell the truth, despite their own guilt and motivations.

Anyone that can do that for a decade can lie to your face, cry crocodile tears and will use anything and everything to manipulate and get back what they think they deserve, no matter how delusional, and regardless of who gets hurt and how much it costs.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [clarkoe] [ In reply to ]
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clarkoe wrote:
I wonder if Anderson is a member on ST, or if he just casually cruises the forums? How else would he know that triathlon is huge in America???

Funny tweet that popped up on the VeloNews live thread:

Clueless CNN lawyer just received 8 million death threats from trigeeks on SlowTwitch


Funny people are still trying to criticize Betsy. I guess some people will never forgive you for helping to take down the king! I like her. If somebody had spent 10 years trying to ruin my life, I would not be as nice as she is. I would be moving in for the kill.


"Remember: a bicycle is an elegant and efficient tool designed for seeking out and defeating people who aren't as good as you."

Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ericM35-39] [ In reply to ]
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ericM35-39 wrote:
Thank god he dedicated his life to winning bike races and banging chicks or we'd be looking at the all time record holder serial killer.

for the record...i think that's quite a bit out of line to make a statement like that. maybe you should think twice before submitting something like this?
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Paddywhack] [ In reply to ]
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Paddywhack wrote:
Most disgusting lie of the interview "I asked Kristin for permission to comeback, she said yes provided I did it clean. I would never break that trust."

Meanwhile his bio passport from both races say he doped. What a monstrous sack of shit.
C'mon, nobody, least of all Armstrong, would ever lie to their wife.

Would they????

"Human existence is based upon two pillars: Compassion and knowledge. Compassion without knowledge is ineffective; Knowledge without compassion is inhuman." Victor Weisskopf.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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Jamie Bamber (Lee Adama from Battlestar Galactica) MUST play Lance. He was born for this role.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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How so? Several people who outed or investigated lance received death threats. The guy is deranged.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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Guys, was traveling the past 2 nights and missed the interviews. Have looked several places for the full interviews with no luck. Anyone know where I can find them? Thanks, Jeff
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ In reply to ]
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. wrote:
Almost a tearshed moment talking about his son!

If that is really is his son. I have expect some of the morbidly obsessed haters out there are pouring through the financial statements of Livestrong to see if Lance had hired a kid to pretend to be his son
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
Hanaki wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.

Can we all agree that we'd lay down some decent pay per view coin to watch Betsy interview Lance? I would lift my ban of the word "epic" for that one.

I think a reality show where he has to face each one of them on every episode. And the the grand finale where they all give him a celebrity roast and/or they can chose one of the regular comedians to deliver the roast. Damn I wish Greg Giraldo was still alive.

Calling Comedy Central now

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Gandalf] [ In reply to ]
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Gandalf wrote:
J_R wrote:
Hanaki wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
no, she's hot. Smart, passionate, moral backbone.

Moral backbone. That is a laugh. Her husband doped and she knew about it. She spent that money just like the other wives.

Can we all agree that we'd lay down some decent pay per view coin to watch Betsy interview Lance? I would lift my ban of the word "epic" for that one.

I think a reality show where he has to face each one of them on every episode. And the the grand finale where they all give him a celebrity roast and/or they can chose one of the regular comedians to deliver the roast. Damn I wish Greg Giraldo was still alive.

Calling Comedy Central now

Or he could just give them each a big pile of money. That's the likely outcome.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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That makes sense I suppose. Anyone else notice the gesture he makes like he's holding a ball and twisting it? It makes me think of an analogy; "here I have this ball of shit, I'm trying to get control of it, but the more I handle it, the more shit I get on myself"
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [RZ] [ In reply to ]
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From the interview, his body language is showing he's uncomfortable making this confession. Maybe this is new territory for him, and despite his efforts to put on a good show for the cameras, he knows he can't control it anymore.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [RZ] [ In reply to ]
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He's not used to faking remorse, or displaying emotion other than anger
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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Just ran across this today; http://www.guardian.co.uk/...ce-armstrong-cycling

Does anyone know if that exchange (end of article) with Lemond and L.A.'s mother supposedly actually happened? Or did the author just make that up to try to prove some point? This is the first I have ever heard of this.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [RZ] [ In reply to ]
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Kathy lemond swears it did. they were close with lances mom for a few years.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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If it's true, that's just crazy. A mother will overlook a LOT of bad things in her child. If his mom really thought he was an asshole, then he was probably pretty damn bad.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [echappist] [ In reply to ]
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Did you see Andy S said Lance could not have doped in 2009 because he came in 3rd. Says if Lance doped he would of beat him so thats the proof....................Sooooo AC was doped cause he came in first? too funny
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Wow, and the French are going to have a field day with this.

I doubt you'll hear much from them. I have French colleagues who I've discussed this with in the past. Generally, they really don't care because they believe that there was nobody riding competitively during that era who did not dope, American, French or other. They're just glad that the suspicions they've had all along have now been proved to be true. I doubt you'll hear much gloating because of the glass house effect.

BTW, I saw LA at the athlete sign-in ceremony in 2009 at the beginning of the Montellimar to Mont Ventoux stage. The French crowd was extremely supportive of him, more-so than they were for the holder of the yellow jersey on that day: Contador.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [anitan1] [ In reply to ]
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anitan1 wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Wow, and the French are going to have a field day with this.

I doubt you'll hear much from them. I have French colleagues who I've discussed this with in the past. Generally, they really don't care because they believe that there was nobody riding competitively during that era who did not dope, American, French or other. They're just glad that the suspicions they've had all along have now been proved to be true. I doubt you'll hear much gloating because of the glass house effect.

BTW, I saw LA at the athlete sign-in ceremony in 2009 at the beginning of the Montellimar to Mont Ventoux stage. The French crowd was extremely supportive of him, more-so than they were for the holder of the yellow jersey on that day: Contador.

Good points. Yeah, knowing most of the top riders, including French ones, were on the juice, if they point a finger at LA, they'll have three or more pointing back at them. Yet, I have a hunch that not all the French are hateful toward LA.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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KAlber wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
Thank god he dedicated his life to winning bike races and banging chicks or we'd be looking at the all time record holder serial killer.

for the record...i think that's quite a bit out of line to make a statement like that. maybe you should think twice before submitting something like this?

Really? For me this... Having followed the entire thread this is one of the funniest quotes in it.... This is what I come to slowtwitch for...
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [squall88uk] [ In reply to ]
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squall88uk wrote:
KAlber wrote:
ericM35-39 wrote:
Thank god he dedicated his life to winning bike races and banging chicks or we'd be looking at the all time record holder serial killer.

for the record...i think that's quite a bit out of line to make a statement like that. maybe you should think twice before submitting something like this?

Really? For me this... Having followed the entire thread this is one of the funniest quotes in it.... This is what I come to slowtwitch for...

I agree. Your statement is completely out of line and uncalled for. You can't make comments like that on slowtwitch. Banging chicks and killing people. Come on, kids read these posts ;-).
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [anitan1] [ In reply to ]
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I suspect that the hatred was more directed at his inference that he was clean when the French guessed he was as dirty as the rest.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Recoverie wrote:
Wow, and the French are going to have a field day with this.
Why should we hate him? He learnt the language, trained here, ate our food and appreciated our fine wines and finer women.
European fans at large tend to be educated about cycling, and it pains us to see a great talent, a guy who could have made quite a few firsts on one day classics, throw it away for tainted glory.
Most people here tend to agree that Armstrong, however bad he was at times, is just the symptom of a disease at the top of the UCI.


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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Peanut] [ In reply to ]
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1999 Samples question:

Aside from Lances samples, was it ever revealed how many or what percentage of sample where positive. Not necessarily names, just quantity?
Last edited by: sdmike: Jan 20, 13 7:08
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Philb] [ In reply to ]
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Philb wrote:
I suspect that the hatred was more directed at his inference that he was clean when the French guessed he was as dirty as the rest.

You stated it right - the French were "guessing".
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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sdmike wrote:
1999 Samples question:

Aside from Lances samples, was it ever revealed how many or what percentage of sample where positive. Not necessarily names, just quantity?

I undestood from all this that Lance never actually tested positive for any substance. It was the biological passport that basically stated his elevated blood levels were indicative of cheating, probably moer along the line of blood transfussion than EPO. It was the testimony along with causal evidence that did him in - not a smoking gun drug test.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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It was an educated guess compared to the american belief that he just trained harder.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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Here's something I dont like about the 1999 samples being retested years later for epo when they finally got a test for it. Hell, I guess here's my whole stance on the entire doping issue. If you dont have a test for something, I kinda find it weird/hard to believe you can actually say it's ban. Only because it seems like there is no way to detect it, so it's kinda like an "honor" system. And I'd rather it be a situation where the procedures can test and determine if XYZ is in your system at the time of the test. Not having to wait 8 more years to validate the achievement or not. If that really is the procedures that we are using, just seems like it's false hope.

And with that being said, I probaly realize that the dopers will always be ahead of the curve, and maybe that's the only solution to the problem. I just kinda have issues with the entire timing of the process.

ETA: I'm bringing this up, not because Lance is the most "tested" athlete or that he passed all those countless tests. I'm bringing it up, because at the basic level, testing is what we are suppose to believe in. So if the system is built into place to kinda have a fail safe backup plan, is there any point in really announcing the test results in the 1st place?

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Jan 20, 13 8:15
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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I still don't think he doped. He could just be saying he did it so he could race again.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cyclops] [ In reply to ]
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I dont really care if he did or didnt dope (but come on). He's now an sanctioned athlete and as such, has to live with being an official doper. I dont know if you are actually trolling with that comment, so I dont know if I'm allowed to respond to what makes you think that, but anyways, nevermind.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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I have no problems with them retesting years later, as long as it was banned at the time the sample was taken. It's like using the advancement of DNA testing on old samples at crime scenes many years after they were taken ... Like in cold cases.

Baseball, on the other hand, is kind of tricky. Some of those guys are villified for taking substances that weren't banned at the time.

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [RZ] [ In reply to ]
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RZ wrote:
Just ran across this today; http://www.guardian.co.uk/...ce-armstrong-cycling

Does anyone know if that exchange (end of article) with Lemond and L.A.'s mother supposedly actually happened? Or did the author just make that up to try to prove some point? This is the first I have ever heard of this.

Armstrong was a child of single mother with a father that willfully disowned him. That subconscious damage runs very deep. Really deep. Mothers are good at caring for children, but without a father to cushion the fundamental sociopathy of general human society (oh, you thought we had a moral, upstanding world out there?), the child learns pretty quickly to distrust everyone.

Inevitably there's a stepfather. That stepfather doesn't care about the child, only cares about the woman and the child is baggage. So the child learns to distrust the motives of even those closest to them. The child trusts nobody. Any shelter and support is conditional, and can be removed at any time.

From these fires can come champions, psychological torture that steels the mind for uncompromising competition. Nobody cares about the child, so he doesn't care about them. Outwork them, outsmart them, and outcheat them, because they will do the very same thing. If there are rules, and they aren't being applied to the enemy, then why should the child follow them? They are just another way of disadvantaging the child, who is already disadvantaged. And the child has had enough of that.

The child learns to form its own code. The laws, customs, culture of the world didn't protect the child growing up. Labels that should have protected the child, like "mother", "father", "guardian", "friend", have been proven to be lies a dozen times over. So what is a true friend? What is true protection? What is loyalty? What is love? What is success?

The child defines its own meanings, rules, signs for those. Usually they are more idealized that what most people practically regard them, since the child did not live them, only knows them in theory, in ideal, without the warts of living them in real life.

This child seems to value trust above all things, and if the trust is violated, a trust given very very carefully, it provokes the vindictiveness that only a childhood of pain and betrayal can provoke. The child sees an enemy worse that any peripheral enemy like "journalist" or anything else. The child sees their father: someone that should have protected him, but instead betrayed him in the worst way.

The child seems vindictive, sensitive to slights, devalues relationships, trusts nobody. The child is competitive, driven, and a very hard worker. The child is desperate and hungry.

The child becomes rich and famous.

The child sees that fame brings an entirely different breed of distrust. Motives of people around him become even more contemptously shallow. They want his money. They want his fame. They want to make money tearing down his fame.

The child sees a system that used to protect the dopers (if they were European dopers) but doesn't now that the doper is him. The child sees a sport that was organized around team doping and doping culture for decades, the sport that he followed the unwritten rules on, be turned against him, now that he is the success. The child only sees a world that is out to get him, when others were not punished. The child sees an unfair world.


Okay, does that excuse his actions or free him from complicity of his sins? Nope.

But I believe that is the psychology of Lance Armstrong. I don't know if that makes him a psychopath (I believe psychopaths are fundamentally born without empathy, not conditioned to reject it as Armstrong's upbringing suggests).

I believe the world is ugly, mean, capitalist, and unfair. The culture values winners at all costs.

Our values produced this man and his career. To lay the blame on him as a "bad apple" rejects the very nature of the society we have constructed and the gladitorial bloodsports we blindly cheer.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [zoom] [ In reply to ]
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I have a problem with it, only in that we are merging an "honor" system with an scientific system. If you cant test for something at the time of the test, I dont think it should be a banned substance. I want the test and the test result to be able to stand on it's own, not have to wait a certain number of years for it to get verified. If that's the case, then dont ever announce any test results, until full lab analysis can be run on the sample.

It cheapens the entire process in my eyes, because it never really gives any closure to the process, and that is what I think is lacking here. Being able to say "I believe in that test result", is something I want to have, especially for the elite athlete that I coach and look in the eye and say "is that valid"? I want them to be able to say, the result speaks for itself.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
Here's something I dont like about the 1999 samples being retested years later for epo when they finally got a test for it. Hell, I guess here's my whole stance on the entire doping issue. If you dont have a test for something, I kinda find it weird/hard to believe you can actually say it's ban. Only because it seems like there is no way to detect it, so it's kinda like an "honor" system. And I'd rather it be a situation where the procedures can test and determine if XYZ is in your system at the time of the test. Not having to wait 8 more years to validate the achievement or not. If that really is the procedures that we are using, just seems like it's false hope.

And with that being said, I probaly realize that the dopers will always be ahead of the curve, and maybe that's the only solution to the problem. I just kinda have issues with the entire timing of the process.

ETA: I'm bringing this up, not because Lance is the most "tested" athlete or that he passed all those countless tests. I'm bringing it up, because at the basic level, testing is what we are suppose to believe in. So if the system is built into place to kinda have a fail safe backup plan, is there any point in really announcing the test results in the 1st place?

The possibility that more sophisticated tests in the future will catch present dopers is a valuable deterrant and is also a reason why it's good they popped LA now. Same with testimony from others. Dopers will always be one step ahead of the testers, so without this possibility the sport would quickly become rife with doping again.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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And that's great in all. So just dont ever announce that an result is "negative" until full official analysis is run on said sample. That's it. Dont say it's "negative" and then come back with it being positive. Simply wait until it's fully anaylyzed.

ETA: Because the test result is the ONLY thing an athlete can use that will verify if an athlete is doping or not. So I think it's very unfair to make the claim that an sample is "clean" but yet it's not really clean, and therefore kinda compromises the entire process, until the full lab analysis can be run at a later date.

I'm fine with them holding samples for later testing, but I'm not ok with you announcing that said athlete is officially clean, and then get mad when athlete uses that as his defense.

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Jan 20, 13 8:51
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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To me the whole process is set up for confusion. If you want to have a process where years later samples can be re-tested, fine. But to me all it does is invalidate the official "clean" result that you previously announced. And I just have concern because when an athlete's test says what it is, it's as if we cant really live by that finding. It's like we have to wait X number of years later to really know if he's clean. I certainly dont want that to be the case with the athletes I deal with. I want to be able to trust the system and the athlete to be able to say with certanity and validity that atleast I can live with the test result. That's why I dont understand why they even allow an test result to be published, if all they are going to do is further analyze it years later. Seems to be kinda an ass backwards approach.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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And before any jumps down my throat. I'm not advocating for doping, I'm simply saying that a test result is the only real defense an athlete has in determining if someone is doping or not. So if that's the case, you damn well better be sure of the findings of your result before you announce any finding. So, dont even put the athlete in a position to be able to use the "I'm clean because the test says so" defense, if all you are going to do is analyze the sample again some years later. You aren't really being fair to the athlete at that point, and so if we want the process to include post dated lab analyze, let's simply not announce any decision until the FINAL verdict on said sample can be announced with upmost certanity and accuracy.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
To me the whole process is set up for confusion. If you want to have a process where years later samples can be re-tested, fine. But to me all it does is invalidate the official "clean" result that you previously announced. And I just have concern because when an athlete's test says what it is, it's as if we cant really live by that finding. It's like we have to wait X number of years later to really know if he's clean. I certainly dont want that to be the case with the athletes I deal with. I want to be able to trust the system and the athlete to be able to say with certanity and validity that atleast I can live with the test result. That's why I dont understand why they even allow an test result to be published, if all they are going to do is further analyze it years later. Seems to be kinda an ass backwards approach.

So the only way retro testing would be valid for you would include time travel?

In the dark bowels of a National Federation:
-"We got the results for the Tour, phone Bob to tell him he is clean"
Tap on the shoulder...
-"I"m the lab rat from the future - these are the retests from the future with future tech that you don't have to test stuff that is illegal now."
-"Oh gee thanks, lab rat from the future, how did Bob's test come back as?".
-"Glow in the dark piss positive - it can melt glass if heated - in fact it validated some of biology of Alien."
- "Bob's not going to be happy about his past deeds being busted in the present because of the future."
-"Got to leave now, I have some stock to buy before I go back to the future."

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [gildasd] [ In reply to ]
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I dont know if you are being serious or not. If you are trying to be a smart ass, fair enough. But if you dont want to see the viewpoint I'm making, just say that, because I think what I'm bringing up is valid, is it not? You simply just disagree with it, which is fine.

I am saying, if you want to include retro testing, than dont ever announce ANY rulings on said sample until a federation/lab is ready to make a complete and full ruling, that we call can say "ok, that's the result". Right now, it's as if every test has an * by it, as if saying "it's negative until we retest at a later date". If you are cool with that, fair enough. I find that process to be never ending and really no point in ever announcing a test result because you can then retest it. So your "negative" isnt really a negative is it?

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
I dont know if you are being serious or not. If you are trying to be a smart ass, fair enough. But if you dont want to see the viewpoint I'm making, just say that, because I think what I'm bringing up is valid, is it not? You simply just disagree with it, which is fine.

I am saying, if you want to include retro testing, than dont ever announce ANY rulings on said sample until a federation/lab is ready to make a complete and full ruling, that we call can say "ok, that's the result". Right now, it's as if every test has an * by it, as if saying "it's negative until we retest at a later date". If you are cool with that, fair enough. I find that process to be never ending and really no point in ever announcing a test result because you can then retest it. So your "negative" isnt really a negative is it?

I think the only ones that have anything to fear from retro-testing are dopers cheats, and liars. The rest can sleep fine at night.
For one, as I don't dope, I hope they bring it on.

If it leaves some people confused to why it's clean now and dirty in 5 years, well, hell, aww, it sucks for them. But that's acceptable collateral.

Beating the tests should not be a sport. But a criminal activity you always lose at - be it sooner or later.


Last edited by: gildasd: Jan 20, 13 9:47
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [gildasd] [ In reply to ]
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So just dont allow an test result to be announced until the federation and/or the governing body is sure that said test is completely processed, that's my only issue, because until then, an athlete can't really say anything to clear his name. That's the issue I have. We've now made it where until an test is completely verified, claiming an test result as your defense of your innocent just isnt applicable anymore. That, I find the troubling part in all of it.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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So when should that test result be? 5, 10, 15 years.? What if a new test is out in three years then another updated test in 5? It is an impossible solution you are proposing. Since a new test will be developed in the "Future" you never know when that "future" is going to be in present time.
So are you suggesting that if an athlete is tested today they will not be announced clean or negative till a set future time in the future?
In the case of the 99 samples, even if epo was not illegal, manipulating your hemocrit in an unatural way was cheating. Lance chose to lie about it. He was proven a liar about it. Those samples did not prove to be the key of his punishment, just the proof that he was a public liar. If someone takes away your job at work due to lying, you do not think their should be repricussions if it is found out at a later date you lost your job becasue of false accusations?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cyclops] [ In reply to ]
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cyclops wrote:
I still don't think he doped. He could just be saying he did it so he could race again.
WTF?????? All the evidence. Loss of millions and millions of dollars he would accept to lie......Do keep your aluminum hat on at all times?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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No what I'm saying is by allowing retro testing, what the system is saying is that X athlete is "clean" for xy but we don't know if he is clean for Z. So we will just wait for a test on that and then we can all agree to determine if an athlete truly is clean or not. The fact that it took 6 years to determine if an athlete truly is clean or not, is an time period I'm not willing to accept.

I'm saying this. If we have a test for X and Y, make X and Y illegal to use. But if we don't have a test for Z, I find it hard to say Z should be illegal, unless we want to always be able to retroactively test an sample. Which again, if that is the case, we are only offering partial confirmed negative test results.

As I said with retro testing I think the process of announcing an athlete is clean but then not allowing that confirmation to stand because there is always a retro test, completely backwards. If we are cool with retro testing, let's end all partial testing results announcements. That only seems fair.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the clarification. Though I think epo was illegal, on the list. But know test for. However unatural manipulation of hemocrit was illegal.
To this quote "As I said with retro testing I think the process of announcing an athlete is clean but then not allowing that confirmation to stand because there is always a retro test, completely backwards. If we are cool with retro testing, let's end all partial testing results announcements. That only seems fair.
You would never know its partial testing unless a new test came out. You would have to know the future.....
I just disagree. but that fine.....cheers
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cowardlydragon] [ In reply to ]
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cowardlydragon wrote:
RZ wrote:
Just ran across this today; http://www.guardian.co.uk/...ce-armstrong-cycling

Does anyone know if that exchange (end of article) with Lemond and L.A.'s mother supposedly actually happened? Or did the author just make that up to try to prove some point? This is the first I have ever heard of this.

Armstrong was a child of single mother with a father that willfully disowned him. That subconscious damage runs very deep. Really deep. Mothers are good at caring for children, but without a father to cushion the fundamental sociopathy of general human society (oh, you thought we had a moral, upstanding world out there?), the child learns pretty quickly to distrust everyone.

Inevitably there's a stepfather. That stepfather doesn't care about the child, only cares about the woman and the child is baggage. So the child learns to distrust the motives of even those closest to them. The child trusts nobody. Any shelter and support is conditional, and can be removed at any time.

From these fires can come champions, psychological torture that steels the mind for uncompromising competition. Nobody cares about the child, so he doesn't care about them. Outwork them, outsmart them, and outcheat them, because they will do the very same thing. If there are rules, and they aren't being applied to the enemy, then why should the child follow them? They are just another way of disadvantaging the child, who is already disadvantaged. And the child has had enough of that.

The child learns to form its own code. The laws, customs, culture of the world didn't protect the child growing up. Labels that should have protected the child, like "mother", "father", "guardian", "friend", have been proven to be lies a dozen times over. So what is a true friend? What is true protection? What is loyalty? What is love? What is success?

The child defines its own meanings, rules, signs for those. Usually they are more idealized that what most people practically regard them, since the child did not live them, only knows them in theory, in ideal, without the warts of living them in real life.

This child seems to value trust above all things, and if the trust is violated, a trust given very very carefully, it provokes the vindictiveness that only a childhood of pain and betrayal can provoke. The child sees an enemy worse that any peripheral enemy like "journalist" or anything else. The child sees their father: someone that should have protected him, but instead betrayed him in the worst way.

The child seems vindictive, sensitive to slights, devalues relationships, trusts nobody. The child is competitive, driven, and a very hard worker. The child is desperate and hungry.

The child becomes rich and famous.

The child sees that fame brings an entirely different breed of distrust. Motives of people around him become even more contemptously shallow. They want his money. They want his fame. They want to make money tearing down his fame.

The child sees a system that used to protect the dopers (if they were European dopers) but doesn't now that the doper is him. The child sees a sport that was organized around team doping and doping culture for decades, the sport that he followed the unwritten rules on, be turned against him, now that he is the success. The child only sees a world that is out to get him, when others were not punished. The child sees an unfair world.


Okay, does that excuse his actions or free him from complicity of his sins? Nope.

But I believe that is the psychology of Lance Armstrong. I don't know if that makes him a psychopath (I believe psychopaths are fundamentally born without empathy, not conditioned to reject it as Armstrong's upbringing suggests).

I believe the world is ugly, mean, capitalist, and unfair. The culture values winners at all costs.

Our values produced this man and his career. To lay the blame on him as a "bad apple" rejects the very nature of the society we have constructed and the gladitorial bloodsports we blindly cheer.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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If a new test comes out then immediately make it illegal. I have an issue that it took 6 years to determine if the 99 samples really were clean it not. I'm of the nature, test for what you can basically test for at a present time. If it takes a long period of time where an athlete is almost retired before they can actually validate an sample, that I find faulty process. If you can't test for it so be it, keep it off the banned list. Or don't ever announce any testing result until the authorities have finalized the sample. That's just my take on it.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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I get what you are saying. The 6 yrs later on the 99 samples were not used to convict Lance. Part of reasoned decision but not used as "proof" for banning. Just used that he lied, which I think is ok. He was not banned in 2007 on those tests......but as an anology I get what you are saying, I just disagree
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Lol that's even more bizarre. We are doing retro testing that doesn't even matter? Because I think you are right, the governing bodies actually wouldn't validate the results. This process definitely has some holes in it unfortunately.

Which is why I'm of the thinking, test what you can test and said test result should stand for that athlete.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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YaHey wrote:
sdmike wrote:
1999 Samples question:

Aside from Lances samples, was it ever revealed how many or what percentage of sample where positive. Not necessarily names, just quantity?

I undestood from all this that Lance never actually tested positive for any substance. It was the biological passport that basically stated his elevated blood levels were indicative of cheating, probably moer along the line of blood transfussion than EPO. It was the testimony along with causal evidence that did him in - not a smoking gun drug test.

Cortisone. LA finally admitted that the prescription was backdated
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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But that becomes a cheat's charter as the dopers are usually one step ahead of the testers
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
Lol that's even more bizarre. We are doing retro testing that doesn't even matter? Because I think you are right, the governing bodies actually wouldn't validate the results. This process definitely has some holes in it unfortunately.

Which is why I'm of the thinking, test what you can test and said test result should stand for that athlete.

Did you not read how and why the 1999 samples were tested? Please do some basic research before you ramble on here.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Damn! you made me break my number 1 rule. That was to never comment on a Lance thread. Shame on me.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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But this is more than just about the 99 samples. This is a process question that I'm bringing up. I did some basic research because epo was banned but wasn't tested for (because there was no test). If I remember correctly, it was an independent lab/authority that actually did the tests I believe. Or if it was the authorities, they weren't going to actually ban an athlete from the findings.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cowardlydragon] [ In reply to ]
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...really interesting post !

I remember Ligget commenting once (pre Lance) how he had noticed that many Tour champions had grown up without father figures. He laughed saying that it was so common that it almost seemed like a prerequisite.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
But this is more than just about the 99 samples. This is a process question that I'm bringing up. I did some basic research because epo was banned but wasn't tested for (because there was no test). If I remember correctly, it was an independent lab/authority that actually did the tests I believe. Or if it was the authorities, they weren't going to actually ban an athlete from the findings.

That's just part of it. The team that was building the EPO test went back to the '99 samples to test them thinking they would get some hits. The tests were not personally identified, other than a serial #. It was a Journalist who was able to get Lance's serial #'s and pinpoint who was positive.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
Quote Reply
Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [McNulty] [ In reply to ]
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McNulty wrote:
cowardlydragon wrote:
RZ wrote:
Just ran across this today; http://www.guardian.co.uk/...ce-armstrong-cycling

Does anyone know if that exchange (end of article) with Lemond and L.A.'s mother supposedly actually happened? Or did the author just make that up to try to prove some point? This is the first I have ever heard of this.

Armstrong was a child of single mother with a father that willfully disowned him. That subconscious damage runs very deep. Really deep. Mothers are good at caring for children, but without a father to cushion the fundamental sociopathy of general human society (oh, you thought we had a moral, upstanding world out there?), the child learns pretty quickly to distrust everyone.

Inevitably there's a stepfather. That stepfather doesn't care about the child, only cares about the woman and the child is baggage. So the child learns to distrust the motives of even those closest to them. The child trusts nobody. Any shelter and support is conditional, and can be removed at any time.

From these fires can come champions, psychological torture that steels the mind for uncompromising competition. Nobody cares about the child, so he doesn't care about them. Outwork them, outsmart them, and outcheat them, because they will do the very same thing. If there are rules, and they aren't being applied to the enemy, then why should the child follow them? They are just another way of disadvantaging the child, who is already disadvantaged. And the child has had enough of that.

The child learns to form its own code. The laws, customs, culture of the world didn't protect the child growing up. Labels that should have protected the child, like "mother", "father", "guardian", "friend", have been proven to be lies a dozen times over. So what is a true friend? What is true protection? What is loyalty? What is love? What is success?

The child defines its own meanings, rules, signs for those. Usually they are more idealized that what most people practically regard them, since the child did not live them, only knows them in theory, in ideal, without the warts of living them in real life.

This child seems to value trust above all things, and if the trust is violated, a trust given very very carefully, it provokes the vindictiveness that only a childhood of pain and betrayal can provoke. The child sees an enemy worse that any peripheral enemy like "journalist" or anything else. The child sees their father: someone that should have protected him, but instead betrayed him in the worst way.

The child seems vindictive, sensitive to slights, devalues relationships, trusts nobody. The child is competitive, driven, and a very hard worker. The child is desperate and hungry.

The child becomes rich and famous.

The child sees that fame brings an entirely different breed of distrust. Motives of people around him become even more contemptously shallow. They want his money. They want his fame. They want to make money tearing down his fame.

The child sees a system that used to protect the dopers (if they were European dopers) but doesn't now that the doper is him. The child sees a sport that was organized around team doping and doping culture for decades, the sport that he followed the unwritten rules on, be turned against him, now that he is the success. The child only sees a world that is out to get him, when others were not punished. The child sees an unfair world.


Okay, does that excuse his actions or free him from complicity of his sins? Nope.

But I believe that is the psychology of Lance Armstrong. I don't know if that makes him a psychopath (I believe psychopaths are fundamentally born without empathy, not conditioned to reject it as Armstrong's upbringing suggests).

I believe the world is ugly, mean, capitalist, and unfair. The culture values winners at all costs.

Our values produced this man and his career. To lay the blame on him as a "bad apple" rejects the very nature of the society we have constructed and the gladitorial bloodsports we blindly cheer.


Great explanation, totally agree.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [cowardlydragon] [ In reply to ]
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cowardlydragon wrote:
RZ wrote:
Just ran across this today; http://www.guardian.co.uk/...ce-armstrong-cycling

Does anyone know if that exchange (end of article) with Lemond and L.A.'s mother supposedly actually happened? Or did the author just make that up to try to prove some point? This is the first I have ever heard of this.

Armstrong was a child of single mother with a father that willfully disowned him. That subconscious damage runs very deep. Really deep. Mothers are good at caring for children, but without a father to cushion the fundamental sociopathy of general human society (oh, you thought we had a moral, upstanding world out there?), the child learns pretty quickly to distrust everyone.

Inevitably there's a stepfather. That stepfather doesn't care about the child, only cares about the woman and the child is baggage. So the child learns to distrust the motives of even those closest to them. The child trusts nobody. Any shelter and support is conditional, and can be removed at any time.

From these fires can come champions, psychological torture that steels the mind for uncompromising competition. Nobody cares about the child, so he doesn't care about them. Outwork them, outsmart them, and outcheat them, because they will do the very same thing. If there are rules, and they aren't being applied to the enemy, then why should the child follow them? They are just another way of disadvantaging the child, who is already disadvantaged. And the child has had enough of that.

The child learns to form its own code. The laws, customs, culture of the world didn't protect the child growing up. Labels that should have protected the child, like "mother", "father", "guardian", "friend", have been proven to be lies a dozen times over. So what is a true friend? What is true protection? What is loyalty? What is love? What is success?

The child defines its own meanings, rules, signs for those. Usually they are more idealized that what most people practically regard them, since the child did not live them, only knows them in theory, in ideal, without the warts of living them in real life.

This child seems to value trust above all things, and if the trust is violated, a trust given very very carefully, it provokes the vindictiveness that only a childhood of pain and betrayal can provoke. The child sees an enemy worse that any peripheral enemy like "journalist" or anything else. The child sees their father: someone that should have protected him, but instead betrayed him in the worst way.

The child seems vindictive, sensitive to slights, devalues relationships, trusts nobody. The child is competitive, driven, and a very hard worker. The child is desperate and hungry.

The child becomes rich and famous.

The child sees that fame brings an entirely different breed of distrust. Motives of people around him become even more contemptously shallow. They want his money. They want his fame. They want to make money tearing down his fame.

The child sees a system that used to protect the dopers (if they were European dopers) but doesn't now that the doper is him. The child sees a sport that was organized around team doping and doping culture for decades, the sport that he followed the unwritten rules on, be turned against him, now that he is the success. The child only sees a world that is out to get him, when others were not punished. The child sees an unfair world.


Okay, does that excuse his actions or free him from complicity of his sins? Nope.

But I believe that is the psychology of Lance Armstrong. I don't know if that makes him a psychopath (I believe psychopaths are fundamentally born without empathy, not conditioned to reject it as Armstrong's upbringing suggests).

I believe the world is ugly, mean, capitalist, and unfair. The culture values winners at all costs.

Our values produced this man and his career. To lay the blame on him as a "bad apple" rejects the very nature of the society we have constructed and the gladitorial bloodsports we blindly cheer.

Reading this post was a good take on the scenario. Much more interesting than the doped 49ers vs. the doped Falcons putting on a freak show beamed into my house. Did humans grow 33% in size since 1975 or is something else at play? OK, carry on with this thread.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, I take it back. The Atlanta - San Francisco NFL freak show is providing high entertainment value (and likely with a lot of dope). I'm still tuned in. I wonder if Oprah is going to get on the field and ask the boys for a few confessions after the game, or will they wait for 8 years after this game to say they never doped today?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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The difference is, the NFL/NFLPA doesnt really hide behind the facade of a "doping" program. The NFL nor the NFLPA want nothing to do with a doping program, and only want the bare min requirements. Which is why they've continued to pretty much block following any real WADA approved program, and they certainly have that right to, because it's a private run business, and a damn successful one at that. It's actually a great business strategy, where as cycling/tri/track have a more stringent code they have to follow.

ETA: I've never once heard in my life from an NFL/NBA athlete, "I'm a clean athlete", as I think they pretty much all accept that doping is apart of the program, but everyone is seemingly willing to be ok with that (team mangament, NFL mang. and players). Whereas in cycling, it's like everyone wants to accept doping, but then they are still held to this higher standard of controls, so they are in limbo with how to really deal with doping problems.

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Jan 20, 13 14:13
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Just look at how people deal with doping. You dope in cycling and you become scum of the earth. You dope in an US based pro sport, and you catch 1 day of flack and then your back before you know it. It's as if its an honor because they were doing it to "help" the team. US fans just don't really care, and I don't even think they care about it in cycling. But because its held to a higher standard, the actual doping stains the sport more. It's almost it's own worse enemy.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
The difference is, the NFL/NFLPA doesnt really hide behind the facade of a "doping" program. The NFL nor the NFLPA want nothing to do with a doping program, and only want the bare min requirements. Which is why they've continued to pretty much block following any real WADA approved program, and they certainly have that right to, because it's a private run business, and a damn successful one at that. It's actually a great business strategy, where as cycling/tri/track have a more stringent code they have to follow.

ETA: I've never once heard in my life from an NFL/NBA athlete, "I'm a clean athlete", as I think they pretty much all accept that doping is apart of the program, but everyone is seemingly willing to be ok with that (team mangament, NFL mang. and players). Whereas in cycling, it's like everyone wants to accept doping, but then they are still held to this higher standard of controls, so they are in limbo with how to really deal with doping problems.

I bet the UCI guys are no better than the NFL guys. The only problem is that cycling is in the Olympics and the UCI needs the Olympics for track cycling, mountain biking etc. Road cycling does not need the Olympics. So the UCI wants NFL like "feats of strength" in road cycling, and turns a blind eye to doping. The only way this mess will be cleaned up is when entire teams get banned for doping along with management. That will change the entire dynamic. Right now, going after the Gladiators in the Coliseum is great. Throw the gladiators under the bus, because they are replaceable....we'll have a new champion tomorrow. Meanwhile the guys charging tickets at the Coliseum entrance keep making money because of the spectacle that the fans view. Seems like not much has changed in 2000 years.

If the UCI did not need the Olympics I am sure they would be glad to do like the NFL (in fact, they are doing like the NFL, just doing it under the table). Now this fame is getting good...SF is finally up!
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
Just look at how people deal with doping. You dope in cycling and you become scum of the earth. You dope in an US based pro sport, and you catch 1 day of flack and then your back before you know it. It's as if its an honor because they were doing it to "help" the team. US fans just don't really care, and I don't even think they care about it in cycling. But because its held to a higher standard, the actual doping stains the sport more. It's almost it's own worse enemy.

Yes and no. I think it's more of an individual sport thing. Yes cycling is a team sport, but the winner it is awarded as an individual. Take baseball. No big deal as far as team record. but when it comes to the home run record people in baseball REALLY care.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
Just look at how people deal with doping. You dope in cycling and you become scum of the earth. You dope in an US based pro sport, and you catch 1 day of flack and then your back before you know it. It's as if its an honor because they were doing it to "help" the team. US fans just don't really care, and I don't even think they care about it in cycling. But because its held to a higher standard, the actual doping stains the sport more. It's almost it's own worse enemy.

Yes and no. I think it's more of an individual sport thing. Yes cycling is a team sport, but the winner it is awarded as an individual. Take baseball. No big deal as far as team record. but when it comes to the home run record people in baseball REALLY care.
+1. Melky Cabrera's suspension this year was reported to cost him on the order of $50M. Not exactly a slap on the wrist.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [gregf83] [ In reply to ]
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The Melky issue goes even deeper. It is rumored that the Yankees got rid of him during the previous year because he was a bad influence on Robi Cano.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
Just look at how people deal with doping. You dope in cycling and you become scum of the earth. You dope in an US based pro sport, and you catch 1 day of flack and then your back before you know it. It's as if its an honor because they were doing it to "help" the team. US fans just don't really care, and I don't even think they care about it in cycling. But because its held to a higher standard, the actual doping stains the sport more. It's almost it's own worse enemy.

Yes and no. I think it's more of an individual sport thing. Yes cycling is a team sport, but the winner it is awarded as an individual. Take baseball. No big deal as far as team record. but when it comes to the home run record people in baseball REALLY care.

56, 61, 714>755, .406, 2130, 4192
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
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BDoughtie wrote:
The difference is, the NFL/NFLPA doesnt really hide behind the facade of a "doping" program. The NFL nor the NFLPA want nothing to do with a doping program, and only want the bare min requirements. Which is why they've continued to pretty much block following any real WADA approved program, and they certainly have that right to, because it's a private run business, and a damn successful one at that. It's actually a great business strategy, where as cycling/tri/track have a more stringent code they have to follow.

ETA: I've never once heard in my life from an NFL/NBA athlete, "I'm a clean athlete", as I think they pretty much all accept that doping is apart of the program, but everyone is seemingly willing to be ok with that (team mangament, NFL mang. and players). Whereas in cycling, it's like everyone wants to accept doping, but then they are still held to this higher standard of controls, so they are in limbo with how to really deal with doping problems.[/quote

Right because sadly people value their gambling based entertainment over the health and wellness of the entertainers. There are a ton of ways to make football safer, rpolong careers and still have great catches, awesome throws and last minute heroics. reducing steroids would be one them. decreased mass and speed would reduce power of impacts in hits. Further, all the stress on joints from over developed muscles has to increase risk of strcutural damage. Even if linemen were 25% smaller and everyone was 15% slower, it;d stikll be a great game, even more compelling to watch IMO. Of course I hardly watch it now as it is because of the dope. And I sure as shit hope the 49ers win so the murderer doesnt get further portrayed as a "hero" if the Ravens win.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [gildasd] [ In reply to ]
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gildasd wrote:
Recoverie wrote:
Wow, and the French are going to have a field day with this.

Why should we hate him? He learnt the language, trained here, ate our food and appreciated our fine wines and finer women.
European fans at large tend to be educated about cycling, and it pains us to see a great talent, a guy who could have made quite a few firsts on one day classics, throw it away for tainted glory.
Most people here tend to agree that Armstrong, however bad he was at times, is just the symptom of a disease at the top of the UCI.


I agree with you that this issue with LA is just a symptom. This is bigger than him. He just happened to be in the limelight and is one of the most recognized cyclists in the U.S. It's really sad. I hope the best for him and others who have been affected by this scandal.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Recoverie] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jager66] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, that is pretty funny.
(good to find some humor in a sad situation ... )

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
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pick6 wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
The difference is, the NFL/NFLPA doesnt really hide behind the facade of a "doping" program. The NFL nor the NFLPA want nothing to do with a doping program, and only want the bare min requirements. Which is why they've continued to pretty much block following any real WADA approved program, and they certainly have that right to, because it's a private run business, and a damn successful one at that. It's actually a great business strategy, where as cycling/tri/track have a more stringent code they have to follow.

ETA: I've never once heard in my life from an NFL/NBA athlete, "I'm a clean athlete", as I think they pretty much all accept that doping is apart of the program, but everyone is seemingly willing to be ok with that (team mangament, NFL mang. and players). Whereas in cycling, it's like everyone wants to accept doping, but then they are still held to this higher standard of controls, so they are in limbo with how to really deal with doping problems.[/quote

Right because sadly people value their gambling based entertainment over the health and wellness of the entertainers. There are a ton of ways to make football safer, rpolong careers and still have great catches, awesome throws and last minute heroics. reducing steroids would be one them. decreased mass and speed would reduce power of impacts in hits. Further, all the stress on joints from over developed muscles has to increase risk of strcutural damage. Even if linemen were 25% smaller and everyone was 15% slower, it;d still be a great game, even more compelling to watch IMO. Of course I hardly watch it now as it is because of the dope. And I sure as shit hope the 49ers win so the murderer doesnt get further portrayed as a "hero" if the Ravens win.

A big YES to everything in bold. Likewise, the tour de France would be equally exciting if everyone climbed Alpe d'Huez in 45-50 minutes....in the end the entertainment value is relative to the players on the field, not the absolute performance. As for the last line after the part in bold, we are in agreement. I have difficulty watching the post game interviews after the Ravens win.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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does anyone know if this springs world baseball classic tournament will use tougher standards? mlb players will be filling most rosters
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jager66] [ In reply to ]
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Well done! :)

Another IM in 2016 - hopefully..
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [JollyRogers] [ In reply to ]
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JollyRogers wrote:
YaHey wrote:
sdmike wrote:
1999 Samples question:

Aside from Lances samples, was it ever revealed how many or what percentage of sample where positive. Not necessarily names, just quantity?

I undestood from all this that Lance never actually tested positive for any substance. It was the biological passport that basically stated his elevated blood levels were indicative of cheating, probably moer along the line of blood transfussion than EPO. It was the testimony along with causal evidence that did him in - not a smoking gun drug test.

Cortisone. LA finally admitted that the prescription was backdated

When did that happen because on Oprah he denied it still
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Runguy] [ In reply to ]
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Runguy wrote:
JollyRogers wrote:
YaHey wrote:
sdmike wrote:
1999 Samples question:

Aside from Lances samples, was it ever revealed how many or what percentage of sample where positive. Not necessarily names, just quantity?

I undestood from all this that Lance never actually tested positive for any substance. It was the biological passport that basically stated his elevated blood levels were indicative of cheating, probably moer along the line of blood transfussion than EPO. It was the testimony along with causal evidence that did him in - not a smoking gun drug test.

Cortisone. LA finally admitted that the prescription was backdated

When did that happen because on Oprah he denied it still

no he did not.

Q: What about the story [masseuse] Emma O'Reilly tells about cortisone and you having cortisone backdated - is that true?

A: "That was true."

Q: What do you want to say about Emma O'Reilly? You sued her?

A: "Emma O'Reilly is one of these people I have to apologise to. We ran over her, we bullied her."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SayHey Kid] [ In reply to ]
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is that part of the transcript from the interview?
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Runguy] [ In reply to ]
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Runguy wrote:
is that part of the transcript from the interview?

It was on TV
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [TxDude] [ In reply to ]
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ok, I just watched that confession
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [azironman] [ In reply to ]
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azironman wrote:
does anyone know if this springs world baseball classic tournament will use tougher standards? mlb players will be filling most rosters

MLB just agreed to HGH in season testing for 2013, and I believe the WBC has more stringent anti-doping but im still looking. I know in the general rules they talk about anti-doping violations, but I still am researching.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [SayHey Kid] [ In reply to ]
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He said she got run over, not I or we ran her over. A subtle, but distinct, difference.
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [jager66] [ In reply to ]
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Another humorous take on the interview, this one courtesy of Conan and company: http://teamcoco.com/...-armstrong-interview.

"I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for His reputation if He didn't." Jules Renard (1864 - 1910)
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ironyman] [ In reply to ]
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Now that's ENTERTAINMENT!!! :)


Team Every Man Jack

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [ironyman] [ In reply to ]
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May be one of the best ones so far
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Maui5150] [ In reply to ]
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Maui5150 wrote:
David B wrote:
Is Lance actually in therapy or was he lying about that too? I was glad Oprah brought it up but it's never been reported that he's seeing a therapist that I know of (and you would think that the press would find out). After lying about everything else I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks he's too awesome to need it, but he definitely does.

Attending therapy and being in therapy are TWO COMPLETELY different things.

I remember quotes when I was reading my ex's emails (and she was a piece of work) but she would often right how bored she was, hating the waste of time, but she would go through therapy to make it look like she was making an effort.

Therapy these days seems like the Hollywood get out of jail card... Opps... I screwed up.. Let me spend a few weeks at a resort, blame it on an addiction, seem vulnerable, and if people pick on me, then they are jerks for picking on someone who is crying out for help.

Sort of like hiding behind a cancer shield

My read, if Lance is indeed in therapy, it is all for show, for image and appearances.

While he may have raised a lot of money for cancer, he also siphoned a lot of money off too. A ton of the Livestrong money went to "Legal" expenses, and remember in the last few years as this spun up, the legal fees went up like 300%. Suing people into the ground costs money. So not only was that money taken away from those suffering with cancer, much of it was used to inflict pain on the innocent, or at least those who were trying to tell the truth, despite their own guilt and motivations.

Anyone that can do that for a decade can lie to your face, cry crocodile tears and will use anything and everything to manipulate and get back what they think they deserve, no matter how delusional, and regardless of who gets hurt and how much it costs.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [QRNub] [ In reply to ]
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QRNub wrote:
He said she got run over, not I or we ran her over. A subtle, but distinct, difference.

Unless the BBC transcript is lying, he said: "we ran over her, we bullied her."

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
Which is probably why I was registering 59.67mi as I rolled into T2.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Eppur si muove] [ In reply to ]
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About 20 seconds in is the comment that struck a chord with me, the passive "she got run over" is not the same as an active "I did that." One the one hand, he's making great strides admitting he (or "we") bullied people, on the other, he's not taking it to the specific/personal level. Normally, I would gloss over this as semantics, but after the way he shit all over Emma and Betsy I'm disappointed he skirted responsibility. Disappointed in Oprah too. I wish she had said "I have to lay down on that one? WTF does that mean? You said you'd be open and honest."
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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [QRNub] [ In reply to ]
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i literally just taught a lesson on the active and passive voice.

"an offer he could not refuse was made to him" just lacks the same punch, doesn't it?

well played, lance.



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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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iron_mike wrote:
i literally just taught a lesson on the active and passive voice.

"an offer he could not refuse was made to him" just lacks the same punch, doesn't it?

well played, lance.


Except for the fact that elsewhere in the interview he makes the same point in the active voice, using the first person. So much for that theory.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
Which is probably why I was registering 59.67mi as I rolled into T2.

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Re: Official Oprah Lance interview live thread [Eppur si muove] [ In reply to ]
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The BBC transcript is wrong. Compare the video I linked to the transcript in the section labeled "Damage to others"
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