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Article suggestion for Dan
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As I've been reading through the various tri mags lately, as well as multiple websites, I've seen a trend to devote lots of "ink space" to useless product reviews (although Dan's bike reviews in Triathlete are always a good read). A hugely popular series, in my humble opinion, would be to do product reviews on some of the second tier products, and actually go out on a limb and recommend 2 of each product. One would be the best overall (the Mercedes) and another would be the best overall value (the Chevy). If you really want to push the envelope, include a 3rd category listing those which are overpriced or of low quality and should not be purchased.

The types of products I have in mind are things like:

- multivitamins

- pedals

- brake pads

- chain lube

- rain gear

- bike tools

- tires, etc.

These are things all of us must buy from time to time, but we usually don't know enough to make good decisions and just take the LBS suggetions. I think a lot of us would value slowtwitch's input on these types of products. Maybe one product every week or two, as I suppose the forum could get busy debating the obscure differences between a "Mercedes" and a "Cadillac" or Ford vs. Chevy. BUT, for 80% of us, Ford and Chevy are equals, and we'd benefit by knowing what other's recommend.

There is no way that things like bike frames, running shoes, or even saddles should be included in this review because the individual needs and fits are too varied to make a recommendation worthwhile.

Does anyone else think this series would be worthwhile? What other items should be included?
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Re: Article suggestion for Dan [Colin] [ In reply to ]
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We've noticed Dan hasn't been reviewing much over the past while. Hey Dan, isn't it aboiut time you started again. How about some more bike reviews?
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Re: Article suggestion for Dan [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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If you are looking for something on pedals check out Tom's review of Speedplay Zero's on his web site - while probably not a true comparative article it gives some great insite into pedals
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instead of articles... [ In reply to ]
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Instead of articles I would use the community as a resource.

Either have reader submissions (with guidelines)

Also I would archive certain informational posts.
(bunnyman's tubular mounting guide comes to mind)

There is so much information on this board, it would be a shame not to use it to the fullest.
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Re: instead of articles... [taku] [ In reply to ]
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Dan---another thought to consider. What about doing a weekly on-line survey on these types of products? Sounds cheesy...but might be helpful. For example "What is the best all around training tire" and list choices and publish results, along with your commentary? Again...I don't think all products are appropriate for this type of review. I'm only talking about the less critical products like those I listed in my first post, but things we all need to buy periodically nonetheless.

The reason for my suggestion of product reviews rather than researching prior postings is twofold:

1. Dan has built a reputation in the industry and is trusted by readers. His recommendation means something and is expected to be informed and valuable. Dan saying "such and such chain lube is a great value, Brand X is the absolute best if you can afford it, while brand Y really sucks" carries a lot more weight than Joe Blow poster saying the exact same thing. This is the power of slowtwitch's investment in branding itself. I'm not bashing anyone inf the forum, just stating the obvious about slowtwitch's value to us all.

2. I'm a typical American and want the answers as fast as possible. A quick product review and/or survey is a starting point. This doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue more information, but it at least says "here is an informed person's short list of good products to start with."
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Re: instead of articles... [Colin] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with Colin...

I think it may have been trinewbies but they had a generall guideline for

Things You Need...

Things You Want...

Maybe you can have suggestions for these categories...
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