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EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run
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Hi Slowtwitchers,

Some of you have sent me emails asking about Epicman and I promised to post at the end of May/Early June, so here goes:



EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3/180/21.1

This is the seventh year running for the EPICMAN training session in Lake Placid. It consists of a 3K swim, 180K bike, 21.1 K run workout on the Ironman USA Lake Placid course. I originally hatched this idea back in 1999 before the first Ironman Lake Placid as a personal self supported challenge. Since then it has grown up to a as large as a 30 person training session, with the majority of folks using it as a dress rehearsal for their Ironman Lake Placid race, but many use it as prep for other Ironmans, and some like myself do it just cause “It’s There”.

Registration: None, show up at Mirror Lake Beach at 6 am on Jun 9th ready to roll, but if you send me an email, in advance I would appreciate it.

Entry Fee: Non, but if you can bring some extra Gatorade, gels, coke, chips, powerbars, pizza etc to share with your fellow athletes, it would be fantastic.

Timing: Non (time yourself)

Nutrition: Non (bring your favourite race day concoction)

Coaching: Free training and race day execution advice from multi Ironman vets like myself, or Kona Studs like Barry Dmitruk or Chris Macknie. Ladies will be able to tap into the expertise of the Kailua Queen Zoe Panchen, who will be one of the guides for the day.

Degree of Physical Difficulty: 9/10 (Ironman day is 10/10)

Degree of Technical Difficulty: 5/10

EPICMAN Schedule:

1. Arrive from wherever Wed Evening, June 8th

2. Please find your own accomodations in Lake Placid, there are lots of places on a week night(www.lakeplacid.com for info). A number of us are staying at the Jackrabbit Inn just outside LP 518-523-0123. Please note that you need to plan to pack your breakfast for the morning. This is a long 8-11 hour training day that you cannot survive on “last night’s pasta” and you will need a full breakfast at 5 am. It turns out, on a Thursday morning, there is nothing open in Lake Placid. The Jackrabbit Inn does have a kitchen.

Event Morning Jun 9th

3. Get up at 5 am, eat breakfast and , be at Mirror Lake Beach (ask locals the nite before for spot for Ironman swim start) at 6am ready to swim and transition straight to your bike (your bike gear, running shoes and nutrition needs to be ready to roll on you roof rack or in your car...there is parking on the road near the beach).


4. Swim for approximately 3K or 50 minutes max, whichever is less. You will have 10 min to take a leisurely transition and be on the bike no later than 7 am. Please bring a wetsuit and if you have one, a neoprene cap. Mirror Lake will be cold.


5. The bike ‘train leaves at 7 am sharp’. If you are disorganized, you will spend the next 180K riding solo, so please do an efficient transition. There will be two groups of cyclists. One group will be guided by myself aiming for a 5:50 to 6:10 pace including drafting. The other group will be lead by Kailua Queen, Zoe Panchen, who will be bringing you in at 6:30 to 7:00 pace.

6. During the bike, there will be three short 3 min stops at 45K, 90K, and 135K. The 90K stop is back at your car to get your bike “special needs”. Please note that with the size of the group, we can’t stop for every pee break along the route, so hold it in, or figure out how you will do it on the fly at the back of the group. Its good practice anyway for race day. We WILL wait for anyone who has a mechanical issue or flat if we are aware that this has occurred.

7. While we try to keep the group together at all times, there is a chance that you end up on the route alone, so please be SELF SUFFICIENT. Please remember to bring proper equipment, particularly TIRE INFLATION EQUIPMENT. Don’t show up with CO2 cartridges and no PUMP. If you flat, and you toast your CO2 attempts, there is a good chance that you could be on the road by yourself. There will be NO ONE to bail you out. This is a self supported training session.


8. Run one loop of the LP run course (21.1k) at your own pace...ie. hammering, shuffling or the skijumpdeathwalk are all permitted

9. Bring your own nutrition, try to rehearse your Ironman race day nutrition plan

10. If you just want to treat this whole day as an adventure to get a feel for what a future Ironman might be like, feel free to do less than the full 21.1K run. You can do anything from 1K to the full half marathon.


11. We hope to be done by around 3-5 pm, so after a quick cooldown dip, we will set up a restaurant to meet and chat about the day’s training.

12. I’ll also be doing an event writup on http://www.xtri.com, so if some of you can bring a digital cameras to capture the day’s events, it would be fantastic.

Finally, if you are wondering, this event is held mid week to accomodate those of us who might have other committments on the weekend, such as family, coaching soccer, Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour, or more tri training. For those that chose to stay around LP, there is the LP marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday !

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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sounds like great fun!

not sure though if i can make it - due to inferior season planing i had to cancel all my a races and ended up with only an olympic distance as my major race for 2005. it's on the 12th so just 3 days after epic man ...
Last edited by: sebBo: Jun 1, 05 8:24
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm there!!! Can someone in Lake Placid turn the heater on for the Lake though? :)
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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Markus, we should have around 30 folks from Ottawa. The Lake should warm up quickly with the warmer temps this week. It is quite shallow.

All kidding aside, it would be perfect if Ironmans were actually the same distance as Epicman. You can actually recover from this and race the following weekend :-)

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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...bump for the day crowd.

By the way, we start so early, so that those from Toronto, Ottawa, Boston, New York, Boston etc who want to make the trip can actually fuel up with coke and coffee after Epicman, drive home and be at work the next day (ie only 1-1.5 days required off work required)
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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...three days to go. I'll let you guys know how many "first loop big chainring studs" show up and "spike their power numbers" blowing through high falls gorge :-). It is supposed to be up in the 80's, so there may be a few meltdowns !
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I took my big ring off just so I won't be tempted ;)
Yesterday's run in the 95 degree humidity was fun!! ;)
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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what's wrong with the big chainring??

i'll be there too
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [sebBo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
what's wrong with the big chainring??

i'll be there too

You'll find out soon enough! :-) That big 55 of yours is going to feel like an anchor the second lap. LOL

You're not in Frankfurt anymore Toto. :-)
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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Boys, I am on a 48/34 set of rings with a 12-26 on the back. I might be able to get away with pretending like I am a big chainring stud, but I will still likely ditchbonk during the run along river road. It should be a lot of fun.

I'm off work today and I am heading to LP this afternoon. If anyone is getting there early, post here before noon and perhaps we can do a light 30 min swim in Mirror Lake sometime around 4-5 pm.

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I just got confirmation, that we'll have a few Team Timex Ironman Pros at Epicman. Dave Harju who won Wisconsin will be along for the swim and ride and will be there to encourage you along. Marie Danais (top 10 at various Ironman NA events), will be there for the full course in the "six hour bike group", so you can pick her brain along the ride and run for a variety of tips :-)
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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wow - that was cool!

chilly in the morning but the water of lake mirror was nice and warm so the swim was close to perfect.
it was heating up very quickly and after a great (and relativly cool) first bike loop on the amazing bike course things got really hot and the pace picked up.
i had only planned to swim and ride but somehow i got infected and went to do the full 21k. i was feeling really good after the bike but the heat and the fact that i couldn't carry any significant amounts of fluid finally made me walk 15 of the 21k (after missing the turnaround point ;-)

anyway - great idea and a perfect oportunity to test gear, nutrition and form for an upcoming ironman.
oh - and after talking to dave harju for about 40km i have to say - cool guy!
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [sebBo] [ In reply to ]
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Oh man,

Trev and SebBo were total studs on the bike. SebBo aka the Prussian Express was using his full Pizza size 55 tooth chainring, to blow my Roberto Heras climbing legs off my toy body as I furiously turned my lame 48 tooth ring trying to keep up with his motor after the second run turnaround. To make matters worse, after I had warned all the guys about slowing down and not being first loop big chainring studs, there was no shortage of studly attacks in the final 20 miles coming back into LP in the >80 degree heat and 100% humidity. Aside from around 800 m near Whiteface Mtn, I had to use my big ring (granted, only a 48) all the way back into LP.

As Trevor said, SebBo was riding like a real German. The first man to T2 wins. Well, there was shortage of studs riding my legs into mush as we entered T2. Leaving T2, I felt like crap, it was stinking hot and my stomach was bloated out somewhat. After 3 miles I got my legs. I had to let Barry Dmitruk (44 year old Kona stud from last year and just finished running a 2:56 marathon last week), fly off into the distance, and settled into a nice easy pace, running with Timex Pro Marie Danais, trotting in at a 1:48 run pace. Marie kept telling us to hold back and just "train". Don't get sucked into racing on a training day and save the juice for a real race.

In all we had over ~35 starters and 17 finishers.

SebBo and Trev, we missed you at the post event McDonalds banquet :-). The guys and gals were loading up on salt, grease and caffeine for their respective rides home. If you send me your address, I have finisher medals for you Rochester Studs.

Thanks for riding my legs off my body. It was awesome.


I posted this on a local Ottawa Tri forum


I was walking my son to school on Wed morning and told him that I would miss coaching his Wed evening soccer game as I was going to be in Lake Placid for Epicman on Wed evening and all day on Thursday.

He said, "What is Epicman ? Is he a comic book hero ?"

"No", I replied, "It is a 3K swim, 180K bike and 21K run training event in Lake Placid"

As it turns out, Epicman is not a comic book hero, but what we did find out was that:

1. Epicman does not care if you are a first loop big chainring stud. Epicman makes you pay dearly for going into the red zone during the bike and pretending to be an Uberbiker :-)

2. Epicman does not care if you race into T2 ending the bike. Epicman encourages you as you race "out of T2" in your running shoes. "Congrats he says, the bike just ended, now the fun begins"

3. Epicman does not care if your spring was 5 degrees and rain for 2 months. Epicman serves up the required meltdown day with over 80 degree heat, 100% humidity and ending off in a torrential rain storm that one has not seen since Noah's Arc (or at least since Ironman LP 2003)

4. Epicman embraces you with open arms as you strut down Mirror Lake drive at mile 13 after completing 3K of swimming, 180K of biking and 21.1 K of running. "You are an Epicman, he shouts...you now have bragging rights till the end of July...but don't get too cocky, I am only Ironman's little brother superhero. On July 25th, you'll be hammered over your head by my bigger, stonger and more unforgiving brother. I've just warmed you up for the real beating. You did a good job, and if you learned nothing else today, I hope that you learned to respect the distance. My brother will beat you over the head harder, for more time, but if you succeed, he might even give you a trip to Hawaii. All I can give you is bragging rights :-)"

All kidding aside, congrats to our 15 finishers, with men's winner Alexandre Albequerque from Montreal and women's winner Marie Danais from Gatineau.

7 years ago, I started this crazy event wondering if I could do the distances in an unsupported non race environment. Now, >30 people are willing to take it on mid week. All you guys rock.
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Great Day. Good Fun.

No finisher medal for me. I was alright until I missed the run turnaround (it's not like I haven't run the course a few times before ) and ended up on the 86 :-) Sort of took the wind out of my sails. :-) So I took a dip in the river (the fly fishmen didn't like it too much) and took my time getting back to L.P. So....10:38 last year for the full IM and 10:00 for the Epicman. Epicman is harder. :-)

BTW, you forgot to mention that the bike course is a lot harder if you actually have to take some air during the bike ride. :-)

SEE YOU IN OTTAWA at the Canadian HIM. :-)
Last edited by: Trevor S: Jun 10, 05 14:08
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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Trevor, you guys were really studly. Epicman is just tough cause it is unsupported. Thanks for pulling me along. I do agree that it is tougher when you stick your nose in the wind (I've done the whole thing solo), but I have Muskoka and Tupper Lake coming up in the next two weeks and I had to save me legs for not only the Epicman run but these two upcoming races. After the month of June is done, I should be a well done steak. Right now, I am "medium rare". Hopefully I can recover in time for Muskoka !

See you at the Canadian half Ironman in Ottawa. It is nice quick PB course. My final time for Epicman ended up being 9:04 with transitions and stops, approximately 8:34 of training time to put in the log if you take out the various stops :-)

Trev, being the event director, and having discretionary power over who gets the finisher medals, please send me your address so that I can drop them in the mail. You the the Prussian Rocket did so much work on the bike and the extra mile on River road qualifies you for Epicman finisher status even though you did not do the exta 1.5 miles on Mirror Lake. Man, that Japanese style Typhoon that you guys finished in was enough to deserve finisher status.

Last edited by: devashish paul: Jun 10, 05 6:44
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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"Japanese style Typhoon" LOL.... I was sitting by a stream on River Rd. filling my water bottles (I'll probably get beaver fever...:-) ) praying for rain. However I didn't want that much rain. Just a light drizzle would have been nice. :-)
Last edited by: Trevor S: Jun 10, 05 14:09
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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What a great event (training day)!!!

The mirror lake was really warm close to 70, so it wasn't difficult to jump in for the 6AM start. There was no problem with the mass start :) We all swam until the other side of the lake and back, some did a little extra once back to cover the time limit of 50min. We had 5-10 mins to get off of our wetsuit and prepare our bikes, there's nobody until on the beach to pell of our wetsuit nor to give our bikes. The transition area is each one car, every remove their bikes from the trunk mounts their wheels and put there gears on for the bike. All this in less then 10 minutes (no assistance) I have seen people in Ironman with slower transition times :)

We were very lucky to have two top pro joining us for the day, Dave Harju and Marie Danais. It was fun to have them around and exchange a little during the ride, they are really nice persons and they were willing to give us some hints for race day as well for training. So we hit the road at 7am, with two groups around 30 athletes. The pace was really easy on the first loop because we all know that what is easy now will be less on the second. There was little wind so the drafting didn't made much of a difference of course in some section you benefit but there are very little flats section on this course either you going up, down are you are in some rolling section. First loop was complete in 2h53, a 3 mins stop at everyone cars to put on new water bottles and more food. Dev made a great Job in making sure everybody stays together, there some that couldn't control themselves and had too to ride alone...but that was only one or two and at the end they end-up into the group. On the second loop of the bike we made a quick stop at a gas station to fill our bottles, the temperature was rising fast... Dev decided that we needed another break so he got a flat. Once we hit the last Turnaround of the bike with 20 miles to go thinks really started to cranking up. I had decided to stop for a quick pit stop, not a good idea, the boys and girls were flying it took me nearly two miles, I was riding 55km/hr and they were flying at around 50km/hr. After a few miles things settle down and we were crusing back to a more normal pace. The way back to town went fast we had a tail wind which is pretty rare. We were still pretty much bunch together, there was one hero in front, but we caught him up, with less then 5 miles to town. With less then 3 miles to go and in the middle of bears hill, someone decide to do a Lance Armstrong attack to be the first in T2. I don't see the point of spending so much energy with less then 2 miles to go, for a few seconds...I guess it's probably the pride to be able to say I was first after the bike... Well, our second loop tooks us 2h50...Yes negative split something that you don't see on this course. You can go through the past IMLP results and 99.9999% have a slower second lap. People were swimming on the mirror lake beach and us we prefer to go out for half-marathon on a really hot day, it was around 1h30pm. Everyone packed their bike into their cars (3-5mins), jump into their running shoes and hit the run course.

Some of us had hide some water, coke and even chips the night before...remember it's a no assistance event. I which I had water not every mile like the IM, but even 3 or 4 miles would have been really nice!!! In the middle of the day like we ran, there was not place to hide no shade. We just settle down for a slow pace a made our way through the course. The finish line each one cars where everything started. All finishers were awarded a Epicman medal. What a great sense of accomplishment.

Thanks Dev for the event.
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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the best thing about it - i'd be absolutely ready for a long bike ride or run today (after having suffered tremendously in the car on the way home) - not sore at all! unbelievable ...
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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WOW....I have a new found respect for
A. Ironman Lake Placid Finishers
B. Hills.

Coming from Southern Ontario where there really isn't any significant hills, I have to say, I got my ass kicked soundly. And I thought I was going as slow as I could to last the whole day. That was freakin hot and brutal. Glad I got yo do it before the big day. Now I know what I am up against.
Thanks to Zoe for coming back to get me countless times and showing me where to go. :)
Congrats to all the others. Would have loved to have gone to MacD's, but I went back to the Inn and passed out ;)
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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Dave and Marie are awesome. Dev I wish I would have seen this thread sooner I would have shipped you some of the magic powder for your day. Dave and Marie are both on the infinIT team.

Sounds like you all had a great day!


infinIT Nutrition
Custom Blended Nutrition Solutions

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Mark,

Chris here. I rode with you, Zoe and John at Epicman. Great to meet you and yes, the hills and heat were brutal yesterday. I'll pass on your thanks to Zoe. We were a bit worried when we didn't see you on the second out and back, but were pretty sure you'd just skipped it and headed into T2. You missed a really impressive greasefest from a dozen triathletes at McD's. Did you know there's a signed IMUSA poster from Thomas Heilreigel at the LP McD's? Hey, if McD's good enough for him...

Zoe and I (and a few other Epicpeople) are off tomorrow and Sunday to do the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour (Ottawa-Kingston-Ottawa, 180 km each way) in 30+ deg C heat. Epicman was just the warmup!

See you in LP for the race in July!

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [infinIT 1] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Folan dude, I did not know that you are the man behind Infinite Nutrition !

Yes, Dave and Marie are awesome as were all the Epicmen/women this year.

Chris, and Zoe, you guys rocked as usual. You have proven that it is better to go easy at Epicman and then qualify for Kona. For those who felt that the day was tough at Epicman and adding another 13 miles would feel impossible, here are a bunch of reaons why it is not that way:

1. You will be tapered for the race

2. You will be using race wheels

3. You will do the event at your own pace, not that of others

4. There are aid stations on the bike and most importantly on the run

5. There are 2000 other people to run with

6. You get to sleep in for Ironman, starting at 7 am not 6 am, not 6 am like Epicman

7. You'll have family and friends to cheer you on

8. You will have paid $425 US to do it. It is funny how you can push yourself harder when you pay for something

9. There is a medical tent to bail your out (unwise to put yourself there, but it is comforting insurance nonetheless)

10. Your results will be timed and viewed worldwide on Ironmanlive by all your buddies. Nothing like some live pressure to put a fire under your ass and make you move quicker !

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [sebBo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
the best thing about it - i'd be absolutely ready for a long bike ride or run today (after having suffered tremendously in the car on the way home) - not sore at all! unbelievable ...
Ya, you suffered in the Car alright....I couldn't hear the radio with all the snoring! :-)
Last edited by: Trevor S: Jun 10, 05 14:33
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yup, I owe it all to a chance meeting to a certain Canadian in Lake Placid. :)

infinIT Nutrition
Custom Blended Nutrition Solutions

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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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hey dev - are you going to post the pictures?
you know the rule - if there are no pictures it didn't happen ...
Last edited by: sebBo: Jun 10, 05 16:02
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [sebBo] [ In reply to ]
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Prussian Rocket...aka SebBo, I was just using an regular $7.99 disposable camera, so I have to get the pics developed, scanned and then hosted on a website somewhere.

I got some awesome shots at 75 kph (> 40 mph) as I descended the cascade screamer as the 4th man back with one arm on the aerobars and the other on the camera, looking through it and hoping to dear God that I did not hit a pothole or a gust of wind as we rounded the final turn into Keene.

What a blast. This is what biking is all about. I must have got 4-5 shots on the second loop descent alone behind your huge German Uberbiker quads....first one to T2 wins the race...but keep the rubber side up :-). I must be carrying some extra cosmetic bulk on my toy body as I was able to keep up with all you studs on the descents :-)

Actually, I am very lucky I did not flat at 75 kph with a camera in my hand !!! As you know I made the silly rookie mistake of not pumping up my tires before a long ride. I was riding with 70 psi as it turns out and then on the out and back when I flatted, all I pumped in was 50 psi (so that I did not keep you guys waiting too long). I guess that may partially explain why my toy Roberto Heras legs felt so cooked :-(.

Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that you do not try this manoevre at home (ie, whipping down to Keene at 75 kph with one arm on the aerobars and the other on a camera with your view to the world being all of one square cm). This manoevre was attempted by a poser stuntman triathlete and is not to be emulated in any form at home. Possible outcomes can include and are not limited to:

a. severe road rash

b. broken bones

c. a bruised ego

d. death

e. all of the above !
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Re: EPICMAN Lake Placid 6 am Thu Jun 9th 2005 3K swim/180K bike/21.1K run [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Prussian Rocket...aka SebBo, I was just using an regular $7.99 disposable camera, so I have to get the pics developed, scanned and then hosted on a website somewhere.
Entry fee was free. Registration week of. Medals to finishers. Still you maintain Ironman North America quality! How do you do it! :-)
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