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Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete
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If anyone is familiar with the Official Rules of the Euro Cyclist and their fervent hate of triathletes, this might give you a laugh. I made (with the help of others) a list entitled, "The Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete" which I would like help refining/adding to/etc. that sorta thing. Enjoy.

The official rules to live by for the elitist triathlete.
Badly parodied off The Official Rules of the Euro Cyclist.

-----------------Endorsed Bikes and Parts-----------------
- Shimano Gruppos
- SRAM Gruppos
- Zipp Anything
- Hed Anything
- Blackwell Research Wheelsets
- EDGE Wheelsets
- Cervelo Bicycles
- Felt Bicycles
- Specialized Bicycles
- Scott Bicycles
- Ceepo Bicycles
- Kestrel Bicycles
- Cannondale Bicycles
- Look Bicycles/Components
- Argon 18 Bicycles
- Blue Bicycles
- Orbea Bicycles
- Kuota Bicycles
- Quintana Roo Bicycles
- Elite Bicycles
- BH Bicycles
- Guru Bicycles
- Oval Componentry
- Profile Designs Componentry
- Continental Tires

---------------------Endorsed Apparel---------------------
- Giro Helmets
- Louis Garneau Helmets/Clothing
- Kiwami Race Wear
- Zoot Anything
- Speedo Swim Wear
- TYR Swim Wear
- Malmsten Swim Goggles
- Oakley Sunglasses
- Rudy Project Sunglasses/Helmets
- Tifosi Sunglasses
- Spuik Helmets/Clothing
- Orca Clothing
- Blue Seventy Wetsuits
- Sidi Footwear
- Newton Running Footwear
- Avia Footwear
- Skinz Compression Clothing
- 2XU Apparel
- Yankz Laces

--------------Other Endorsed Products-----------------
- Gatorade Sports Drink
- Accelerade Sports Drink
- Hammer Nutrition Products
- Clif Nutrition Products
- GU Nutrition Products
- PowerBar Nutrition Products
In tribute to The Official Rules of the Euro Cyclist created by the geniuses Dom Guiver and Mike Flavell.

***************** -THE OFFICIAL ELITIST TRIATHLETE CODE OF CONDUCT- ***************

1. An aerodynamic appearance is required at all times while swimming, cycling, and running. The only thing separating the Elitist Triathlete from greatness is the air and/or water and thankfully, one can spend inordinate amounts of money gaining the ability to cheat it in every facet imaginable.

2. Training shall be based solely upon one’s ability to talk it up to other triathletes. Backing up one’s wild claims of 8 hour rides with a quick 20 miles at the end is highly encouraged, but not always necessary due to the fact that any other triathlete one talks to will usually lie about what they did to show you up anyway.

3. There is a grace period of one year that one may wear anything other than spandex though it is HIGHLY frowned upon. Spandex is highly encouraged in ANY AND ALL situations.

4. Other than the hair on one’s head, the Elitist Triathlete’s entire body will be COMPLETELY shaved at ALL TIMES when in race season and a minimum of legs in the off-season. This is not only one of the most aero things one can do to one’s body, but also distinguishes the Elitist Triathlete from Elitist Cyclists. Failure to comply will render the triathlete looking like a fool.

5. One’s body must contain a MINIMUM of 3 different sets of tan lines. One’s race suit tan lines, one’s speedo tan lines, and one’s cycling outfit tan lines. This also helps distinguish the Elitist Triathlete from Elitist Cyclists.

6. Other than long rides/runs, it is FORBIDDEN to wear socks at any time. Instead, the Elitist Triathlete will wear any number of shoes that are designed for sockless wear and preferably have some kind of speed-of-entry advantage. If one develops blisters, one will need to suck it up princess.

7. Certain races dictate certain race apparel. However at no time is it ever acceptable for a man to wear something not covering, at the minimum, his chest. The abdomen is completely fine showing as you will need to show your dedication to your training by having nothing less than a ten pack.
a. Sprint distance races are the only time in which it is acceptable to wear any off combination items, though strongly discouraged.
b. Olympic distance races require at least some form of standardized triathlon gear and it is highly encouraged to wear an ITU style unitard with the zipper in the back and one’s country/last name on the front.
c. Half Ironman and up it is FORBIDDEN to race in any article of clothing without prominent sponsorship logos. The only exception to this rule is to race in a swimming brief and place prominent sponsorship tattoos all over one’s body, while keeping in mind that the chest must remain covered.

8. One’s bike frame may not cost less than $2,000 and must have an aero appearance above all else. Actual wind-tunnel testing is encouraged but not required as some designs are just brilliant from common sense. (See the Kestrel Airfoil)

9. One shall race on Zipp wheel-sets or Hed wheel-sets only with the minimum wheel depth no less than 50 mm. Though fading in popularity, it is still HIGHLY encouraged to ride a disk rear and a Hed Tri-spoke front. In fact, other than the Ironman World Championship, one should never be caught without one’s disk wheel. Campagnolo Boras, Mavic Cosmic Carbones, Fullcrum Racing Ones, and Lightweights are incredibly Euro and should be treated with extreme apprehension.

10. Clinchers are only acceptable in training and it is FORBIDDEN to ride with them in a race. Tubular tires are vastly superior in all circumstances and one must always carry a spare tubular tire behind his seat regardless of one's ability to change a tire in a race.

11. Sunglasses must be extremely radiant and obnoxious. The general rule of thumb is, if you think a rapper would wear them, you’re good to go. Sunglasses must be worn under the straps as this means you pulled off a very quick transition.

12. Hair must be kept very neat and short, almost military-tapered in appearance. It is extremely frowned upon to have long hair, unless one is Ironman World Champion Faris al-Sultan. Even then, it is only okay if one adheres to the exception found in Rule 7c and wears a bandana with their country's colors.

13. A road helmet must be worn at all times in training and may only be raced in an ITU race. A matching aero helmet is required to race in and it must comply with all American safety standards. If it fails to, Charlie Crawford WILL find you and he WILL eat your lunch.

14. At no times is it ever acceptable for the Elitist Triathlete to be caught without his helmet on other than when said triathlete comes indoors, which should be kept to a strict minimum as there is nothing good inside, ever.

15. Water bottles should be chosen on the sole basis of how aero they are. It is highly encouraged to have anything requiring the use of hose to go from a large aero reservoir to your mouth.

16. If one finds themselves with a flat tire in a half or full Ironman race, one must throw their bike and hurl obscenities about how one can't possibly win the race now that one has no power. Crying is HIGHLY encouraged.

17. Work out apparel may be used more than once and it is encouraged to do so as this hints to others through odor that one is very dedicated to their training.

18. Upon completing an OFFICIAL Ironman, one has 24 hours to seek a tattoo artist to tattoo the M-Dot logo on one's leg. The M-Dot may not exceed 3 cm by 3 cm and must be located on the right leg, directly above the right ankle bone. If one wins Kona, one must instead get the Hawaiian Man of Power.

19. When getting water at water stops, one must make an effort to get the volunteers as wet as possible. This is best accomplished by throwing water on one's self from the side.

20. When one wins a race, one must grab the tape and raise it in the air over one's head which must be pointed to the sky. Screaming is HIGHLY encouraged. If no tape is available, it is advised to simply act as if there was tape there anyway.

21. Post-race composure is paramount to one's image. At no point should one ever look tired.

22. Post-race activities should include talking to reporters about:
a. How one made a gutsy move that nobody expected and that was one's key to the win.
b. How the course was less than par and hard to follow.
c. How one was simply feeling a win before even getting into the water.

23. If the Elitist Triathlete loses a race one should show signs of apparent injury and anything to show that it wasn't one's fault for losing. It is HIGHLY encouraged to either drop out mid race and/or argue with the Race Director as if that would make a difference.

24. One must be willing to wear a speedo brief or equivalent to any and all banquet type atmosphere. National Championship post-race events are prime locations for partial nudity.

25. Handlebar tape must either match one's bike or provide some sort of nod to vintage triathletes. At no point should one ever have two different colored tapes or anything that clashes with one's frame.

26. Top Gun style mustaches are HIGHLY encouraged for Ironman races. Otherwise, facial hair is forbidden.

27. If planning on getting in a training ride with a group of cyclists, the Elitist Triathlete should make a point to show up on his rig instead of an acceptable road bike. It is imperative that one also makes a point to pull the entire ride and always complain when people want to stop to grab water/use the restroom.

28. One should wait until the VERY LAST SECOND to put on one's wetsuit, regardless of how tricky it is.

29. If possible, one should make a big deal of and brag about one's eating disorder and dedication to training on any interviews they can arrange.

30. If one lives in a colder climate, they must relocate for approximately 2 months to Arizona or Florida.

31. The second best thing to winning the Hawaiian Ironman is not finishing second, it is setting the course bike record with no concern of how bad one will do on the marathon.

32. It is FORBIDDEN to have the green/purple/white color combination. This flags the Elitist Triathlete for being a member of Team-in-Training and subsequently, a road hazard.

33. One's blood type must be clearly found on one's rig. Paramedics will not accept this as proof, but it is still necessary.

34. At no point in the race should one be smiling. A strong look of composure is the only acceptable sign of life. However, is one is a female, it is perfectly acceptable and highly encouraged to laugh and joke around with male athletes when passing them.

35. Only the following should ever enter the transition area: a bicycle with everything needed to ride, running shoes, a running hat, a race belt, and a USA Triathlon monogrammed towel that is only big enough to rest under one's running gear, or over top should weather turn nasty. The gear sans bicycle may be carried in a bag, though the bag must be as small as possible and fit in to a place as to not disturb anyone else. Crates and/or buckets are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

36. Transitions are to be performed with the shoes on the bike with rubber bands holding them up right. One will run with the bike GRABBING THE SEAT ONLY and hop on the bike past the dismount line. This should be absolutely flawless and if said triathlete falls, this is an unwritten rule of self-disqualification.

37. Upon approaching the dismount line to enter T2, the Elitist Triathlete will not ever come to a complete stop. At the minimum, entry speed should be approximately 15 to 16 miles per hour. One will be completely off one's bike exactly at the dismount line, no more, no less. This is to display one's perfection and dedication to training that are crucial to one's image.

38. Upon attaining a pro card, one is to hold a higher standard to themselves than anyone else. Violation of any "finesse" rules above are only acceptable if said professional self-disqualifies themselves after violating said rules.

39. One must always be in a state of "training," whether it be in the winter or summer, the word is to be applied to any form of physical activity.

40. One should always look down upon and be condescending of those who are not training. This can either be accomplished by outright ignoring someone or can be applied in passive comments about how one is doing a good job but would fold under the pressure of REAL training. Adherence to Rule #2 is paramount.

41. If one cannot make the Olympic Team in one's own country, say, New Zealand, one must relocate to another country much weaker in the sport, say, the United States.

42. Running calf sleeves are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AT ALL TIMES unless one can run 10 kilometers in under 35 minutes off the bike.

43. If one is a female competing in ITU racing, it is strongly discouraged to wear anything covering any part of the legs. It simply looks far too Ironman-like to race in at that level of the sport.

44. Powermeters are to never be used in races lower than a Half-Iron distance race as one must be going at a hella-mother-fuckin'-balls-to-the-walls pace in an Olympic or shorter.

45. In Olympic distances or shorter, computers and heart rate monitors are acceptable in races of B status or lower, though even B is discouraged. All A races must be raced in a manner that would suit the motto of HTFU.

46. One must always make sure that one is completely outfitted in every way possible by carbon fiber. This is absolutely essential as it can add to Rule #1 as well as lowering the weight of everything. EVERYTHING MUST BE AS LIGHT AS POSSIBLE. The only exception to this rule is if one is over the age of 55 when everything must be steel because, "Steel is Real."

47. Triathletes, being an elite breed of human, should only engage in romantic situations with other triathletes. Activities shall include, but are not limited to: co-ed training rides (as long as one acknowledges that it is a recovery/light aerobic base level ride), carpooling to a race, and challenging the All-You-Can-Eat offers at buffets after a race/long-training day.

48. Any romantic encounters with non-triathletes (with the exception of cyclists or marathoners) are HIGHLY discouraged as the other party would have no idea how to deal with triathlete activities (i.e. being busy the entire day with training/eating/sleeping/working and also starting the day at 5 am)

49. Alcohol may only be consumed, though minimally, during the two weeks of the year the Elitist Triathlete takes off for reflection on their Elitist Deeds and their future Elitist Deeds/Purchases. The exception to this rule is the Memphis in May triathlon when one must get as hammered as possible before the Pros take off. Another exception is the entire Wildflower Triathlon weekend.

50. One should make a point to count calories in front of non-athletic co-workers (I almost included non-athletic friends but... let's be honest...) and then proceed to comment on how fat one is becoming. Adherence to the general tone of Rule #7 is imperative.

51. Upon encountering a formidable Elitist Cyclist whilst riding one's rig, the Elitist Triathlete must pursue said cyclist, ride uncomfortably close in one's aerobars, and talk about how Lance is going to destroy the Tour de France this year whilst acting completely oblivious to the sport of cycling (regardless of one's knowledge of cycling).
*Bonus points may be attained if one can mention any of the following: "Lance Armstrong was a much better cyclist than Merckx," "Cycling is such a boring, loner, and solely individual sport," and/or "Is this a recovery ride for you? I was just wondering because you look like you're going a little slow."

52. If one is ever in any form of training and/or racing in one of the three disciplines, one must display something to indicate that one is a triathlete. This can range anywhere from having outrageous tan-lines whilst swimming, wearing a tri-suit whilst cycling, and/or having over-sized quadriceps whilst running.

53. If one is an ITU triathlete who is getting slower and decides to move up to 70.3s or Full Ironmans, one must abandon all former racing techniques. Though one could easily conform to the 15 second drafting technique with other riders and keep things interesting, one must instead crush the field on the bike and not look back. Ironman is entirely individual and should be treated as such.

54. One must make a point to always wear one's race wrist bracelet for a long period of time. Each race is different.
a. National Championship = 2 weeks
b. 70.3 Ironmans = 3 weeks
c. Ironman = 1 month
d. First completed Ironman = Til it falls off

55. When consuming gels, one must smoothly extract at least 95% of a packet's contents without swerving or dropping below a speed of 20 MPH. When gel extraction is complete, the foil packet should be neatly folded (Origami is always preferable) and placed in one's rear jersey's pocket. The foil tear-tab may be discretely flicked to the curb to "bio-degrade" (Preferably in the stomach of an endangered species). Never is it acceptable to extrude gel onto one's top-tube, or any other component of the bike for that matter.

56. If one is to become romantically involved with a non-triathlete, no more than two months may elapse before they have convinced said non-triathlete to start training. Further continuation of the relationship shall be dependent on completion of a triathlon within four months. Remember at all times that one's true "significant other" is his or her bike, and time should be allotted appropriately.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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41. If one cannot make the Olympic Team in one's own country, say, New Zealand, one must relocate to another country much weaker in the sport, say, the United States.
MUHAHAHAHA I love this one.

Just saw a man jogging. For recreation. At 3am. Who's he training to be, Batman?

(Formerly Lind)
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Well done.

Another IM in 2016 - hopefully..
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Well done

(insert golf clap)

coming soon...
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Who ever reads that whole thing needs to work out more.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Who ever reads that whole thing needs to work out more.

X2 - I almost ran out of time just trying to scroll through it!
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I read it, but today I only do a 5 km swim. It is a rest day.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [ckautz] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
In Reply To:
Who ever reads that whole thing needs to work out more.

X2 - I almost ran out of time just trying to scroll through it!
Dude, I gave up on Commandment #2...
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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I love it!
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Lind] [ In reply to ]
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39. One must always be in a state of "training," whether it be in the winter or summer, the word is to be applied to any form of physical activity.

Excellent. I think this one needs to be amended to include "12 oz. curls" as a form of training, especially during the two week reflection period of #49. This way one is never not training.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Man, my bike (Litespeed), helmet (Bell), shoes (Carnac), wetsuit (Promotion), bars (vision/FSA) and saddle (Selle) didn't make the list. My ice cream (Blue Bell) was also left off the list.

I knew there was something fundamentally wrong with me.

Then again, being a homebuilder in this economy, I haven't felt much like an elitist lately anyway.

The Code of Conduct was hilarious, though. Good job.

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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [shaymike2014] [ In reply to ]
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: )

Isaiah 40:31 - Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I read the whole thing. I had time though because I'm just chilin here with my feet up after my 90 mile, 846 watt (normalized power) training ride and quick 16 mile brick run. I need to rest and relax before my recovery swim tonight. Gonna take it easy and only do 7-8k.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [onyurleft] [ In reply to ]
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fucking hilarious
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [NateC] [ In reply to ]
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i read this during my morning century ride, my blackberry mounts between my aerobars (and i stayed above 20mph while reading and extracting gels)

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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [uncle_evan] [ In reply to ]
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i read this during my morning century ride, my blackberry mounts between my aerobars (and i stayed above 20mph while reading and extracting gels)

I thought the BlackBerry interferred with your iPod?


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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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6.5 out of 10.

A for effort. B+ for political correctness. C for humour.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Emilio will be sad he did not make your Apparel list.
as a Fred and part-time relay-er/cyclist, this was almost
enough to make me snort my lunch out my nose.

p.s. i have the 3-layer tan and it really does look weird.

"...I try not to ever ride as slow as 20mph. ;) ... And even more than that, I don't race with a speedometer. My computer is set up to show Power // Cadence // Time. I don't actually ever know how fast I'm going. I only know that if I'm in 53/11, and it takes more than 100rpm to hit my target watts, it's time to coast." - Jordan Rapp on '09 IMC
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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any additions or changes?
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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This was great! I'd add that when the elitist triathlite is on the line at the start of a race, it's best form to only talk about how sick you've been all week and all the muscles you've damaged during long training and no taper and a challenging, hilly race just yesterday that left your legs destroyed, so you're not sure you can race your best, but you're gonna pound it out anyway and try to save a little for your long ride or recovery swim later that afternoon.

Empire Tri Coach
Team Gatorade Endurance
USATF Coach | NYRR Distance Pacer
Dad of twins
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Who ever reads that whole thing needs to work out more.

I read the whole thing!

But, I'm off training at the moment, healing a couple of broken ribs from a few weeks ago. OK so the car won, but it took a beating! and the driver learned some new words!

Back to training (and skipping ST a bit) in the next week or so I hope. (Can't wait to see the girls at the pool again)


"Happiness is a myth. All you can hope for is to get laid once in a while, drunk once in a while and to eat chocolate every day"
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
any additions or changes?


Question to Canadian pro marathoner Reid Coolsaet:
Do you have any interest in triathlon?

I’d like to try a triathlon but I don’t think I’m a good swimmer and I don’t have the passion to learn to swim well. At this point I wouldn’t want to do a tri unless I was going to be competitive, maybe that will change once I’m done competitive running. I also don’t feel like wearing visors just yet.

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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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54. One must make a point to always wear one's race wrist bracelet for a long period of time. Each race is different.
a. National Championship = 2 weeks
b. 70.3 Ironmans = 3 weeks
c. Ironman = 1 month
d. First completed Ironman = Til it falls off
What about body markings? Should one make it a point when showering after the event to scrub around the marker so that it stays on longer??
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Just an amendment to the tan line rule.

You need to add another for the tan line from your compression socks.

Other than that. Awesome!

NCCP certified Comp coach
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [uli] [ In reply to ]
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kosherdave- Quite right, the true Elitist Triathlete would never show up to a race telling people he is confident. That would make him look like a fool at the finish line in the event he does poorly and a God vice versa.

uli- Excellent addition.

feinbergb- Absolutely, one should prolong the showing of one's body markings to any and all outings.

psychosyd- You better run really fast if you're going to wear those things. Many a heated argument and temper-tantrum was had just to get the calf sleeve exception rule in there. You wear those... things... at your own risk.

Revisions coming soon, I've got a 100 mile TT I need to take care of and a 10 mile tempo run right afterwards.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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I love it!


Next race: IRONMAN Florida

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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Brawndo's got what plants crave. Brawndo's got electrolytes. And that's what plants crave. They crave electrolytes. Which is what Brawndo has. And that's why plants crave Brawndo. Not water, like from the toilet.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Hamner] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Was searching for something else and came across this. It's been 3 years and was wondering how some of this might have changed according to the eyes of the ST masses.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [JPDMD25] [ In reply to ]
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#9 might have to be amended with the advent of FLO wheels.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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This is great!

When your legs get tired, run with your heart
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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Nice work. I read the whole thing, slowly, on my iPhone, while on my 38K tempo run. I'd show you the file, but my phone battery died just as I finished reading.



Swim. Bike. Run. Repeat as necessary.
Welcome to the Church of Briantriology!
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [alex_m] [ In reply to ]
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alex_m wrote:
Well done

(insert golf clap)

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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [JPDMD25] [ In reply to ]
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JPDMD25 wrote:
Was searching for something else and came across this. It's been 3 years and was wondering how some of this might have changed according to the eyes of the ST masses.

What this guy said.

just your average age grouper . no one special . no scientific knowledge . just having fun.
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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If you are ever engaged in conversation with a Masters Swimmer who calls themselves a "distance expert" because they race the 500 and 1650 free, reply with a casual "that's quaint," followed by a muffled chuckle. For the sake of preserving your dignity, however, do not, under any circumstances, agree to join this person for a swim workout.

"They're made of latex, not nitroglycerin"
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [equ1nt1s] [ In reply to ]
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21. Post-race composure is paramount to one's image. At no point should one ever look tired.

The exception is an itu race, where collapsing on the carpet within 5s of finishing is mandatory to demonstrate that you left it all on the course.

ECMGN Therapy Silicon Valley:
Depression, Neurocognitive problems, Dementias (Testing and Evaluation), Trauma and PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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Re: Official Rules of the Elitist Triathlete [Titanflexr] [ In reply to ]
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This made me LOL simply because the finish is completely different in ITU the pros break down and almost die and after finishing an ironman they come in dancing and smiling like it was easy.
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