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Paulo says BQ times are for wimps
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Guess I had better cancel all my reservations for 08 since Paulo says Boston is even more wimpy
than worlds. And when the coach speaks, we had better all listen. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Last edited by: h2ofun: Sep 8, 07 13:14
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for whimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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You better start another thread with:

Paulo says h2ofun is a self-centered, self-righteous prick.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for whimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Please start it yourself.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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It really is not that tough of a standard Dave. Guys that got their asses kicked in HS track are routinely BQ.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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It's a question of reality. If in your reality a BQ time is a good result then thats all that matter.

Paulo is right in an athletic sense BQ times are slow. So is qualifying for Kona......but in a personal sense it's still a great achievement.


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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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he is right...

Jorge Martinez
Head Coach - Sports Science
E3 Training Solutions, LLC
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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boston Q times are definitly pedestrian even for a age grouper.... a few years of consistant running will get anyone there....

hawaii spot are a bit harder.... and required often more work and preparation(a few more year)

both are still great accomplishement!!!! both boston isnt a hard thing to qualify for if someone is committed...

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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And has the genetics.

This is the piece that so many on ST, IMO, just do not seem to get. Many here are very lucky,
and take speed, times, etc. for granted, IMO. Just go to any large race. Why are they only a few great times?
Because the others are not committed? They do not work hard?

The first thing I look for in someone who is great, is are they humble. This trait is better than any
first place finish.

Oh well, when I am walking with all the folks who I have gathered for the marathon in Dec, and we do it in 6 hours,
I will be sure to tell each one of them from ST that they are all just wimps. But, their smiles when they have that
25 year medal on with be worth a million bucks.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Let me tell you this: You might have placed 41st at Worlds, but when it comes to being humble you're a WORLD CHAMPION.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Dave..... in long, genetic dosnt play much of a role in qualifying for boston in most case.... to get you down to sub 2:15 marathon...yes, it might.... but to make it to boston, it s commitement.... but a lot of people dont really know what commitement mean.... it s very complex and as many dimension. So i large, i would say most people that say are commited arent really......

what is the part about humble and first place? we arent talking about winning are we? we are talking about making to to boston...why do you look for someone humble????

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Thinking about your comment about commitment, okay, I see where you are coming from. Yes, I see very very few
folks who are committed to getting better at the level I think you are talking about. (As an example, there is
not one person in my masters that comes close to my commitment of 5 days a week for the last year.)

But, IMO, I do not look at it this way. I just try to support folks to be the best they can be based on having a life.
I know I do not have much of a life anymore, but I race well. Is it worth it?

I like to be around humble people who do not put down others for their definition of slow, or even commitment thinking about it.
I just try to always be supportive no matter what their goals are, or their race results, or even their "commitment".
I just try to get them off their butts as much as I can to try and exercise. I sure do not want them to be the Type A
about racing that I am!!!

When I look at the CIM that I have done the last few years, and what percentage qualify for Boston, it sure is small.
Why, does not matter to me. I just know lots would love to have my BQ time. I just try to support them to say if they
train all year round like I do, they could do it too.

Let me give you another example of being Humble. I would never cut someone down for ANY results they got. Whether it be Boston,
IMH, or Worlds. But why a few on ST just seem to enjoy cutting others down on anything they think is below their standards just
amazes me.

Oh well, hope we can help Dan with hits on this thread. I was gone too long so wanted to see how folks tapers went while I was out.
Did you miss me? Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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humble: not proud or arrogant; modest

With all due respect, there is nobody on this forum that talks about themselves and brags about their accomplishments more than you do.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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If you are just totaly focused on BQ and that is all you do in life then maybe a large % will qualify. You will though have a lot of people no matter how hard they try that will never come close to qualifying. I have ran 15 marathons and only qualified once. I did try pretty hard on some of those. Several times coming within a few minutes. I got pretty lucky on the race I did qualify in as the weather was really cold and it was a flat course. So for my as an average runner the BQ time is something that is special and hard to achieve. I know a lot of my average runner friends who dream of one day running in boston. I guess that is how a lot of people here dream of going to Kona.

Yea the BQ times are pedestrian for the top age groupers but not for the average age groupers. Just as a 10 hour IM finish is probably slow to you pros.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I agree Dave. I very much enjoy being around people that are hard working in all aspects of life. For most (I would hope), family comes first, then work, etc. They just seem more complete and honest to me (if that makes any sense). If racing is your life or you are "committed" as jonnyo (what else does he do?), then yes, a BQ time is relatively pedestrian. Actually, jonnyo, like Gordo, are very good examples of what a committed person can accomplish with years of hard work. Impressive!

But again, Slowtwitch is definitely NOT the norm. I'd say the current BQ times (except for women - I think 30 mins over the same male AG is a little too much) are just about right for the average runner. A 3:10 up to age 35 is not "easy" for sure, but certainly attainable with a good base and specific prep. But I've also seen plenty of good runners miss by just a little if something doesn't go right. I'm sure the Boston Athletic Association thought pretty long and hard and combed over lots of data when they came up with their qualification stds. (and that was back when avg times were MUCH faster). I've only ran Boston twice, but I've been there 6 times (twice with my father and twice as a medical volunteer) and the race has definitely changed since about 1999 or so - same as Kona I'm sure.

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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i think we agree.... i dont think it s easy and congrat you for making it ..... but like you said, if you commit to it, it s very in reach. the point is many wont necessarly commit because of so many other things in life that are in the way and more important. But the simple facto of running the time standar is in reach of you if you make it a priority. It dosnt matter to try hard in the race, the qualification happen in training...the race is only the confirmation of it.

anyway, i m sorry if some people think i look down on this... i dont at all, I would like to say that anyone that really want it can do it.... but it will take a lot of hard work....... after all, the goal of boston and kona is to get a part of the runners...not all of them.....

if it was easy, everyone would do it and it would not be special.....

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [kdw] [ In reply to ]
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Just show me one post where I ever bragged!! Now, since lots of folks do race reports, and talk about times,
I sure do not see this as bragging. Folks talking about getting to IMH, is not bragging. Now, if I talked about
what I have done, and said it was really easy and anyone could do, then yep, I would call this bragging!!

So, give me your definition of bragging?

Also, I would never judge anyone based on Emails.

I bet Paulo is a real nice person. I hope to met him some day and find out first hand.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Just show me one post where I ever bragged!!

That's easy...just click on your name and then the "Show user's posts" button

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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Your comments are right on. I was just thinking about this thread and it has only been the last year that my family life has taken a back seat that I can
even consider training as much as I do. (How folks even consider this sport while kids are at home is something I could never have done! Doing things
with my entire family, having my kids as first and only priority, is all I did until they went to college.)

I know I have even put training over my job, which may get me one of these days. I figure I can always work, but one does not have their age,
and health forever.

I know that commitment will not make success for all. I know at Masters there are folks who have swam for years and years, and close to the number
of days I do, and are not very happy to see my up in the middle lanes within such a short amount of time. I make sure I tell him that do not judge
by times. We were all born with different strengths, and just keeping in shape is more important than any race time.

Bottom line is I would NEVER say to anyone that anything is easy!!!!!!! And, I do not judge anyone by a time or finishing place. I support all folks in life,
whether they are "first" or "last", based on our society judgments. Anyone who starts with me at a race is the winner in my book, whether they are in
front of me or behind. Who cares, we are all there having a good time!!!


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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So, anyone who has equal of more posts than me is a bragger.
Guess I am in great company then.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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They should have left it at 2:50 for open men and then adjust for master's. I'm not sure where to start for women. 3:10 maybe? I don't know.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Just show me one post where I ever bragged!!

That's easy...just click on your name and then the "Show user's posts" button

One step too many. You don't even need to make that 2nd click.

Actually, I haven't read enough of h20fun's posts to know whether or not he is a braggart, but I did find that funny.

(This post was edited by jaylew on Sep 8, 07 15:04)

Ok, now I have after reading this whole thread :)
Last edited by: jaylew: Sep 8, 07 21:32
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Just show me one post where I ever bragged!!

Hard to find one where you don't. Just because you make a weak attempt to disguise it, doesn't mean you actually fool anyone. That is exactly why you "get picked on". If you'd just be straight about your "look at me" posts, it would be mush less nauseating.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Not to take anything away from the achievement, but I found it interesting that a few years ago they RELAXED the qualifying standards for Boston. Seemed odd. More and more people are running marathons. Training information is wide spread. There is a coach on every corner. Running shoes are better - same for other training gear. Yet on the whole, everyone is on average running slower!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Steve, totally agree. They lowered the standards because not enough folks were qualifying.

Yep, our whole society is slower, and more lazy. Just look at the IMH times. Why are they slower
than Dave Scott or Mark Allen when we have all these new training tools, food, etc?

Just walk down any US street and see all the fat people. Yep, getting slower.

Now, while in germany, I saw very very few fat people. Now, they all seemed to smoke,
so we will die for being fat, they will die from lung cancer.

I am not saying Boston is good or bad or easy or tough. It was just a goal of mine, line many other
normal blue collar racers. So, yep, I am proud of what I have done, and the folks I know think it is great.
Now, ST folks are the corner case and compared to them, I am dog meat.

So again, one can judge others by there abilities, or judge others by our total society.
Anyone who gets to Boston in my book, even with the slower qual times, is a stud!!!


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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Yup, fraid they're right Dave. We have seen about 10,000+ posts about Worlds from you in the past 6 months (as an example of disguising)...

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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Do you alway judge people you have never met?

In all the years I have read posts on ST, I have yet to think of one post written that I would call
the person is bragging. Now, I know you, and others love to accuse anyone who is proud of what they have
worked hard for, and give results you want to call bragging, but that is your choice.

I love to hear what others have done. Whether it is a 2:10 marathon, or a 6 hour marathon. Both are
winners in my book, and I want to hear everything about it.

I know when others race, I love to hear all about what happened. I ask lots of questions and let them
enjoy the moment. Some may consider this bragging, I sure do not! I also like to talk to others about what
I did. You want to call this bragging. Your choice.

Again, why so many on ST love to take the low road and think someone must have something negative in anything
they write or say I just smile at. All I can say is folks with high self esteem do not seem to waste time thinking like this.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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I think this forum is a great place to learn from the pros and other great athletes. I am glad I stumbled upon it. Sometimes words do not express the tone of the original intent.

I am going to use a lot of the advise I get here to try and lower my 1/2 iron distance at Muncie this year from 7:30 to 5:00 for next year. A big goal for sure but then I have 10 months or so to train.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [tildenm] [ In reply to ]
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Yup, fraid they're right Dave. We have seen about 10,000+ posts about Worlds from you in the past 6 months (as an example of disguising)...

Well that's rich. The last two people that have bashed Dave, implying that he's some sort of attention whore have a link to their own blog. How well did you or Katy fare in Worlds?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not judging Dave Campbell, I'm telling you how h20fun is perceived. I'm not alone. I think people should be proud of their accomplishments. Just don't BS about what you're doing in your posts. The "golly gee whiz" has worn thin.

People with high self esteem don't crave constant attention (negative or otherwise). Look in the mirror before you accuse.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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Being an attention whore" is not his offense. Its pretending not to be.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [tildenm] [ In reply to ]
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Interesting since I have only posted a little over 6000 times since 04, but who cares about
accuracy. Smile

So, sorry I did not see you at Worlds. Something I am very proud of. Maybe I will see you in 08?


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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Ditto to Katy. You'll see that aside from the fun 'my tires aren't here' thread (and that was just too much fun to resist), I have yet to bash Dave. Nor do I think you'll find any post by me that is bragging on this site - I generally make smart-assed remarks, ask questions, answer the limited ones I can, and I don't think I have ever said anything about my results other to say I am a MOP...

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Just making an observation and clearly I was making an exaggeration. If you are looking for more people who dislike you to argue with, you'll have to keep looking: I don't like nor dislike you.

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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made the mistake of clicking on to your little blog...."WHAT'S KATY UP TO?"... looks like you're begging for attention with your pic right there. I'd rethink that pic, is that the best one you could come up with?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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So many love to attack others. What does this say about them? They hide behind their issues with attacking others.

Oh well, we just need to keep the hits coming.

I just smile when some love to tell me what kind of person I am when they have never met me. I see these type of folks
in life all the time. Oh well, I am far from perfect, but, I sure know life is too short to waste it attacking others,
and judging others. The day the I meet a perfect person on ST, is the day I will be dead.

Now, I always love it when I complete a race Brad announces at. He right away starts into the comments that I post more
stuff on ST than anyone. So, I can look at it negative, or I can look at it positive. I elect to do the later.
Better to go though life being seen, than being invisible, IMO.

I am always honored to be attacked by folks. No one would ever waste their time on someone they do not care about. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, great observations! I just clicked on the two blogs that these folks have on their postings.

I do not have a blog, or a myspace location. I guess I had better get one going since got to keep
the reputation going. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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But you were linking to your website in your sig a few months ago...

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"Again, why so many on ST love to take the low road and think someone must have something negative in anything
they write or say I just smile at. All I can say is folks with high self esteem do not seem to waste time thinking like this."

"So, sorry I did not see you at Worlds. Something I am very proud of. Maybe I will see you in 08?"

You don't find the irony in these two quotes from you do you?


"Sometimes you need to think INSIDE the box!" -- ME
"Why squirrel hate me?"
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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Why even bother clicking on my link? It wasn't put there for you. Primarily its for my family and friends that are long distances away (which is exactly every family member I have, save my daughter). The link is here for anyone that WANTS to click on it. Its passive. I'm not afraid to show who I am. I have no need to hide behind anonymity.

The point you and h20fun are completely missing (or ignoring) is that its about the disingenuous nature of the posts. Its not about qualifying for worlds, or Boston, or having a car boat. Its about pretending not to flaunt it.

I really don't give a rat's ass what you think of me, my picture or my website.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

Last edited by: Katy: Sep 8, 07 16:04
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"lots of folks do race reports, and talk about times"

Off the top of my head, I can't name a single Slowtwitcher other than you that went to Worlds.

I'll bet the majority of regulars here all know that you were there however.


"Sometimes you need to think INSIDE the box!" -- ME
"Why squirrel hate me?"
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]And has the genetics.

This is the piece that so many on ST, IMO, just do not seem to get. Many here are very lucky,
and take speed, times, etc. for granted, IMO. Just go to any large race. Why are they only a few great times?
Because the others are not committed? They do not work hard?


How do you know it's genetics? Maybe some of it is but the majority of the results doesn't come from genes IMO. I don't want to brag here.. But right now, I av about 14-15mph on the bike and 9:50min/mile on a 4 miles run. That's like zone 3. If I didn't know any better, I would say what the rest of people say on here and say I don't have the genes, I am just a MOP athletes bla bla bla. However, I did qualify for Kona and was a BQ and that only 1 1/2 years ago.... If I had the genes, I would be a lot faster when I don't work that hard at it....

I really wonder why people also talk about being lucky, or have the genes... Most of it is dedication, commitment and hard work. No questions there. i think the people that think it's luck, well they just can't get themselves to that commitment level and need to find a reason to complain about it.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [tildenm] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, still there, but no blog. Pretty boring website.

I only put it on since I had posted a picture that Eric had made for me.

If you go to my web, you will still see that one, and the one
from Martin.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
...a house boat...
Katy, it is a CAR boat. We all know that ;)

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [tildenm] [ In reply to ]
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Oops! Edited. Sorry tired from this morning's cross race and the long drive home.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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The day the I meet a perfect person on ST, is the day I will be dead.

Sorry everyone, it looks like I just killed h2ofun. I'll be sure to send flowers. Good job he made that will recently, before he went to worlds...

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"Do you alway judge people you have never met?"

Dave, she's not judging you - it's more her interpretation of how you write your posts. Honestly, you need to read what people are writing because based on the responses you look like a deer in headlights. Then go back and take a look at the manner and frequency in which you write about the same subjects over and over and HOW you talk about your achievements. You talk about your results more than anyone on this forum. Maybe you interpret this as a personal attack like every other comment you get and invite on this forum and I assure you its just an interpretation.

As far as BQ times go I think it could be a huge achievement for a lot of people depending on the person's background. Does it make you a great runner - no. Not everyone Paulo's coached is that fast, so I wonder how they take his comment, but we all know he doesn't care about marketing.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jason D] [ In reply to ]
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So, just a question if you believe you really know a person by their posts.

How about the folks that put the porno posts on ST, etc.? What does this make them?
And they do it over and over again.

Guess I am glad to be known as a bragger, compared to what I think about the above posters. Smile

Again, I have my opinion about folks who love to judge others by what they write, and read things always negative
into them. Easy to be on the dark side, I just elect to ride folks post from the bright side. (Not that I do not slip
back to the dark side once in a while. :o( )

So, hope to meet you at a race some day, will buy you a beer, and water for me. You can decide if I am the person you think
I am based on just how I write. (Which I know I write poorly.)


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jason D] [ In reply to ]
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And by the way, how can a single thread get over 10,000 views in what less than 6 honors.

Man did I help Dan with his hits today!!!!! Dan, do I get a percentage? Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Dave, the BQ times have gotten slower in the last 30 years. I believe it used to be a 3 hour marathon was the qualifier for the OPEN and 3:15 for the MAster. Now it is 10 minutes slower. With all the training and equipment enhancements the standard should have been dropped.

I would not say it is for wimps. It is just not impressive.

Just do the best you can and be happy with that. In fact, beat the original standard and then you can crow....or be maybe wimpy-lite (Oxy-moron?) in Paulo's eyes.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [rocklinwoody] [ In reply to ]
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I did not start the comment, Paulo did.

I never said BQ was impressive. But, for the vast majority of people, it is. Just not on ST.

And yes, I am glad it got slower, and I may not have made it. As I said, I am a crappy swimmer,
biker, and runner. I just try hard and get lucky some times.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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Just showed this thread to my boss, boy did she get a good laugh! She is always asking me how the twitchies are doing.

Send the flowers to her. She has more money now then ever with me being dead.

I showed her how ST really works with what threads get read the most. Got to give Paulo credit. I will try to make
sure I use his name more often in my subject lines!!



Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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One of these days I'll do another tri or come out to help my wife's athletes. Now if I come with my DOG will you judge me?

"How about the folks that put the porno posts on ST, etc.? What does this make them?"

Porno posts - damn I missed em. Where's the Hottie thread when you need it :)

As far as writing goes - its a forum where you post and respond with words and in many cases less is more not more is more! Same thing in your company when you email others - they form an impression of you from your emails over time.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jason D] [ In reply to ]
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Only takes 1 email and I am pegged. Smile
I can not stand to write at work!!!!!!!

Do you clean up after your dog? Smile
The boss loves dogs, even though we have 2 cats.

I always have a room, that folks can use if they are doing a race like Brads Auburn race.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Last edited by: h2ofun: Sep 8, 07 16:43
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Aaarrrggghhhh it's a ghost! Don't haunt me!

Do they have worlds in the afterlife?

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure since not sure where I am, only know it is real hot. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
So, just a question if you believe you really know a person by their posts.
**Don't think anyone said that, but we sure know your on-line persona, Waterboy, from your posts. Remember though, that some here HAVE MET you...**
Again, I have my opinion about folks who love to judge others by what they write, and read things always negative
into them. Easy to be on the dark side, I just elect to ride folks post from the bright side.
**The written word is an excellent way to evaluate the way someone thinks. Your posts are often annoying and as others have said, disguised bragging (or at the very least, show a serious desire to talk about yourself). I don't think it's so much that people read things negatively, because a WHOLE LOT OF OTHER THREADS don't end up this way. There's something about YOU that draws that (or what you interpret as negative) out. Think about that for awhile. Ask yourself why so many feel that way. In a popularity contest, you'd lose to Paulo!!!**
So, hope to meet you at a race some day, will buy you a beer, and water for me. **Nice. Subtle little judgment right there. And we all know why, from your previous, and totally unneccesary, comments about drinking, etc.**


Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
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Post deleted by Administrator [ In reply to ]
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"Do you clean up after your dog?"

Of course - pisses me off when dog owners are irresponsible.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Aztec] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
In Reply To:
In a popularity contest, you'd lose to Paulo!!!**
Whoa there! Okay, maybe, but just think of how many hits a "Paulo is an ass" thread would get. :)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Depends on the age and gender, at least somewhat. For me, at 45, the 3:30 goal was not that hard. With average (or worse) genetics, I was able to BQ after a year of fairly serious running. A younger male with so-so genetics is clearly going to have to work harder to hit the 3:10 standard. But, I was not a couch potato for the 20 years before I thought about doing marathons. My weight was already where it should be, I had some endurance background and had a decent amount of toughness from other sports. For someone starting from scratch athletically, I would not say that getting to Boston would be at all wimpy.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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Since I do not do personal attacks, I could not past a subject like that.

Was sure hoping Paulo posted the subject line the thinks about me.
It would put my zipp tires thread to shame.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Aztec] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, a number of folks have met me, and I have met them. There is only 1 that I know that loves to attack me.
I have kept my opinions to myself. Again, you trust every other person judgments of people. I sure have learned
over the years the hard way that doing this has been a very negative and dangerous process to follow.

So, feel free to continue to be my shadow, or what ever you want to call it.

Yep, not suttle comment. Beer is a drug, just like any of the illegal ones, IMO.
Just that our society somehow allows some drugs that impact the mind and body
to be legal, and others to be not. I think folks that use drugs is a big sign of weakness, IMO.
But, we all know my opinions are garbage. Smile

What draws my threads out is when I think someone is trying to say their way is the only way, YEP,
I push back. Not that they are wrong, but there is never one way to anything other than death
and taxes. So, yep, I am a warrior personality. In the right situation, and I your man. In the wrong,
I am your worst nightmare. Why I try to be very careful now what activities I get involved with.
Life is too short to work with Ego people any longer in my life.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I plan to brag and send you all my Kona Race report in 35 days! I even have my own web site for those with the stomach to look at it...truth told, it's more for me than anyone else....but youi might want to look at it anyway!!

Lar Dog
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Jonnyo, seriously, some of you guys who hang out too much with elite pro triathletes have a twisted sense of "anything is possible". I have to say for myself, getting a BQ time was never that difficult, but frankly, I could run fast from when I was kid. While other kids can lift a small truck, but just could never run. There are many adults who don't have the genetic durability to put in the miles required to do a marathon at those speeds. We all know guys like this...6"4", 275 lbs former linemen etc etc. Seriously, qualifying for Boston is a life's achievement for some, and they do it DESPITE their genetics, while others try their entire lives and don't make it. Let's not trivialize it for those people.

ST is a twisted world, in that there are lots of fast guys who post here and you get the sense that this is normal. The thread I posted on 10k/IM Marathon times was a perfect example...it seems the majority was posting that they run 38 10K or under and 3:30 IM Marathon or less....pretty cool that we have that many competitive types posting here, but if you look down the race results, there are not that many folks in any marathon that qualify for boston, only a few going sub 40min in a local 10K and barely 4% of the field in an Ironman going sub 3:30!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Marisol] [ In reply to ]
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Marisol....its not just all hard work that gets results. No matter how hard I work, I won't make the NBA. I just don't have the build for that. If I took a guy like Shaq O'Neill, I might never be able to train him to become a Boston qualifier no matter how hard he trained....or maybe he could...but the odds are against it. Yes, work and committment are important, but you can't be totally in an outlier genetic group to compete in a sport. There is a reason that all elite triathletes, look fairly similar in body type, or that all elite gymnasts or divers come from another body type...I'm not saying that qualifying for Boston or Kona is elite, but it helps to "not be" of certain body types to start with.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Dave, you are 8 minutes from the original 50+ BQ time. You can get the 3:20.

Age graded your time is 67%. (Your performance, as a percentage of the top standard for someone your age.)

3:20 is 70%
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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The BQ times do seem a little "easy" to me, but I'm not even a runner, so what do I know?
I'm still impressed when somebody says they qualified and all, since it's certainly not a gimme however.

I've only been seriously run training for the last 3 seasons (although most anybody who looked at my '05 training log would probably not call that year 'serious' either), and I think I could jog a BQ time.
If I'm not mistaken, for 40+ it's 3:20?? I was only 4 mins away from that at LP last year (in my first-ever mary), and that was with a bit o' swim and bike action as a pre-race warmup.

It just ain't that hard to do.

Stating the obvious, but the main difference between a BQ a an Kona Q is that for the former, an almost unlimited # of people could at least theoretically qualify, if they were able to train and race well enough.
For Kona, you need to beat other people out of the slot; so no matter how fast you go, if too many other folks yer age go faster, and they take their slots, yer shut out in the cold.

<< ST is a twisted world, in that there are lots of fast guys who post here and you get the sense that this is normal >>

I do have to agree, ST typically represents the pointier end of the endurance spectrum, so yes - we're all probably more than a bit jaded about certain things. Some folks moreso than others.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [rocklinwoody] [ In reply to ]
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If it were 3:20, looks like I would never get there. I trained as hard as I could last year with my weak knees.
I currently never plan to race another marathon. When I do boston next year, I will run it, not race it.

Best AG running I have done was about 70%, so not going to get any better.

All I know is of the 4000 racers that run the fast CIM course, it is not that large of percentage that get a BQ time.
Guess we are just all wimps that go to that race.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Jonnyo, seriously, some of you guys who hang out too much with elite pro triathletes have a twisted sense of "anything is possible". I have to say for myself, getting a BQ time was never that difficult, but frankly, I could run fast from when I was kid. While other kids can lift a small truck, but just could never run. There are many adults who don't have the genetic durability to put in the miles required to do a marathon at those speeds. We all know guys like this...6"4", 275 lbs former linemen etc etc. Seriously, qualifying for Boston is a life's achievement for some, and they do it DESPITE their genetics, while others try their entire lives and don't make it. Let's not trivialize it for those people.

ST is a twisted world, in that there are lots of fast guys who post here and you get the sense that this is normal. The thread I posted on 10k/IM Marathon times was a perfect example...it seems the majority was posting that they run 38 10K or under and 3:30 IM Marathon or less....pretty cool that we have that many competitive types posting here, but if you look down the race results, there are not that many folks in any marathon that qualify for boston, only a few going sub 40min in a local 10K and barely 4% of the field in an Ironman going sub 3:30! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Up to everyone to set there own mental limits........ sure happy i didnt listen to my coaches and what people were telling me 14 years ago.......... anyway, good luck to everyone that try for a boston marathon time standard...... i do beleive 95% of you have what it takes to make it, it might take a few years and a lot of hard work but most of you can do it.... i honestly 100% beleive this.

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Jonnyo, seriously, some of you guys who hang out too much with elite pro triathletes have a twisted sense of "anything is possible".

No Dev, elite Ironman triathletes should be qualifying for Boston at every Ironman they race.

If you look up a little of the science behind marathon performances, you'll see that the BQ times correspond to pretty pedestrian values of VO2, which are within reach of a large percentage of the general population.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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ML, you guys are so high on yourselves it is ridiculous. The things some of you are posting really trivialize the efforts of some folks who have never gotten to Boston and busted their asses trying.

I have a whole whack of friends who have trained for years trying to get a BQ time. They've either broken down with the mileage required for a good marathon, or their max 10K speed is "only 50 minutes", which is still too slow to get them to Boston cause if they theoretically kept that pace up for the entire thing (which they can't), they'd go 3:30. Its not for lack of trying and for them it is damn hard.

The same way you say BQ is easy, another guy who is 5'11" 220 and had 20% body fat might say that sub 60 min swim is super easy....Mike, you see now how hard it is????...you've been swimming for 3 years too....right? And are you anywhere close to sub 60 or sub 30 in a 2.4 or 1.2 mile swim...more like 39 and 1:18....or was that 1:38 in Kona? I've taken a guy who was a football QB from not being able to swim across the pool to a 62 min swim at IMC back in 1995 in only 3 years...for him, that was easy...but back then for him a 3:10 Boston time....forget about it!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [ike] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I would not say that getting to Boston would be at all wimpy.
For me, 50 yo male, the BQ time is 3:35 which is 64.87%ile in the WMA age grading tables. Not horrible, but not that great. I've only really been running seriously for about 16 months (after a 35 year layoff from junior high track) and I can quite easily pop out a 75%ile performance (my 19:20 5k last weekend was 76%ile), so I'd have agree with Paulo (if that's indeed what he said) that the BQ standards are not particularly difficult.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Why don't you just HARDEN THE FUCK UP.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
The BQ times do seem a little "easy" to me, but I'm not even a runner, so what do I know?
I think I could jog a BQ time.
If I'm not mistaken, for 40+ it's 3:20?? I was only 4 mins away from that at LP last year (in my first-ever mary), and that was with a bit o' swim and bike action as a pre-race warmup.

It just ain't that hard to do.
Dude you freakin averaged 5:51 pace in a 10k.. that would place in the top 15 in most local road races... you can "JOG" a freakin 3:20 marathon.. you are a freakin runner.... The best I could average with lots of training was a 6:16 pace on a 5k and a 3:19 marathon in which I could have swore I was running and not doing a Sunday JOG....
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
So, hope to meet you at a race some day, will buy you a beer, and water for me. Beer is a drug, just like any of the illegal ones, IMO.
I think folks that use drugs is a big sign of weakness, IMO.
So, you think Jason D is weak?

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Again, Paulo, take your heads out of your asses. Its not as simple for many folks are the theoretical low percentage of VO2 max suggests. And even you said, "large percentage of population"...but there is clearly "a not large percentage" for whom it is out of reach.

Anyway, pass the %VO2 message to all the guys going over 4 hours in a marathon and that, my friend, is the bulk of participants in a marathon. Some might get there with some hard work, some might have limitations for a number of reasons, that have nothing to do with %VO2, either related to not enough years of running, other aspects of health, family obligations, jobs that sap every ounce of energy, etc etc that all conspire to prevent them from getting there.

It really is not that "easy" for most people who live in the real world that does not revolve around sport! I can look around my immediate family and frankly, there are only 2 of us who have a hope of qualifying for Boston (myself and my brother in law). The rest could possibly get there with a very low probability with 5+ years of steady running, but likely cannot invest the effort to make it happen due to other obligations....and would likely fall apart....
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Again, Paulo, take your heads out of your asses.
Whatever, Dev.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Actually Paulo, if it is so easy, how about putting your running shoes where you mouth is and enter a marathon in the next quarter and show us your Boston Qual time...that would be a great starting point. You certainly have the genetics and time to pull it off...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Get off my back, Dev. You were rude to me once and I let it go. Take off, eh?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Dude, I am just pointing out that it is really not that easy for the majority out there to qualify for Boston. Probably the folks for whom it is a really tough feat are scared of posting here in fear of this type of treatment from the ST speed demons!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev, I asked Paulo how many BQ times he has, what they were, and how many Boston races he has done.
Wonder why he ignored the question.

And yes, ST has some many who thinks their genetics are the normal. Just wait until they get hurt and or get older.
I have seen some very kockie young stud racers who when they got hurt and could not longer do their easy 10K's
in 37 min, became a little humble.

This is why I get the reputation on ST I have. No way am I backing down that for 99% of the population, making a BQ time
is like winning the lottery. For some folks who think doing a marathon in 3 hours is easy, I bet I could find a few things they suck at.

As I say, when I find a great racer that is humble, I have a lot of respect for them. Most seem to be older, wonder why.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, I get PM's from these all the time that do not want to get personally attacked on ST, even though it is supposed to be illegal to the rules.

Is also interesting that I do not hear from these folks attacking me how many BQ times they have, and how many Bostons they have done.
Or Worlds for that matter of fact.

They seem to live in their own little world thinking what they can do well, is all that matters.

Well, I would be glad to go up against any of them in a debating contest, where the rules have to be facts, and no emotion. Will see how long they last.

I am amazed when I bring up ST, what most say. They just quickly state what a bunch of jerks. Wonder how many of them could
beat Steve Smith, at 60, who went 2:16 at worlds for the AG gold medal. Just a wimpy Oly distance.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Hate to break it to you but Paulo is right. BTW, last time I checked Dave you don't have to run a 3hour marathon to q for Boston.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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I bet the happiest 5 minutes of h2ofun's day was when he thought he was a faster marathoner than me.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Dave for your post. There was a time for me when running under 3 was a quick training run...seriously, it used to be that easy...no more...and quite frankly even today, on a bad day, I'd miss a BQ time...you just can't take fitness (especially running) for granted...it can be taken away as quickly as the next rolled ankle on a trail run or the next Hummer that cuts my bike off the road :-(. I look at the 100's of runners in my neighbourhood training diligently every day, and very very few will put down a time that gets them to Boston....but they sure are trying, putting in miles, eating well, stretching icing and doing all the right things!
Last edited by: devashish paul: Sep 8, 07 18:52
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev, I'm not trivializing anything. I can only relate to life via the body and brain I happen to own, and based on that, and my own experiences, it doesn't seem all that hard to run fast enuff to BQ.

The dude in yerexample who is 5'10" 220 w/ 20% bf would have to do a whole lot more than just run training to be able to run well. Part of my own running better was losing 15 lbs, and I was 170 and 10% before that happened, not exactly a porker.
And sure, I wouldn't be surprised at all if that same person could swim a 1hr IM. I know my poor swimming is a combo of me just not getting it, combined with a very large helping of me not applying myself to swim training enough to improve more rapidly.
(FWIW, over the last 3 years my swim splits have "improved" from about the 90th % in a given race, to about the mid 40th %. Which is still very mediocre, but at least it's going the right direction. But I digress.)

I ran in HS, but I wasn't all that good. If I had some sorta super running genetics, it probably woulda reared it's head back when I only weighed 135lbs, and had no other obligations besides homework and XC or track practice. But it didn't.

My V.DOT has gone from <49 to 58+ over the last 3 seasons. Why? I ran more.
Increased frequency, duration, and volume.

'04 and prior - < 10 mpw
2005 - 18.5 mpw
2006 - 28.5 mpw
2007 - 39 mpw

It doesn't take superhuman volume to run better, and to run well.
I'm just a regular schmoe. If I can do it, why can't somebody else too?

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Let me know your time when you are 50, assuming you can still run.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Marisol....its not just all hard work that gets results. No matter how hard I work, I won't make the NBA. I just don't have the build for that. If I took a guy like Shaq O'Neill, I might never be able to train him to become a Boston qualifier no matter how hard he trained....or maybe he could...but the odds are against it. Yes, work and committment are important, but you can't be totally in an outlier genetic group to compete in a sport. There is a reason that all elite triathletes, look fairly similar in body type, or that all elite gymnasts or divers come from another body type...I'm not saying that qualifying for Boston or Kona is elite, but it helps to "not be" of certain body types to start with.[/reply]

Dev I am not talking about winning Kona.. I am talking about people that just don't think they have the genes to get faster. If you look at me now, how fast I am and how out of shape I am, you wouldn't think in a million years I accomplish what i did. I didn't win Kona or anything, we are talking about BQ and KQ. I am saying for that level, well it's not as much "genes" as people think it is IMO. All the others numerous factors play a bigger role I think. I see too many athletes complaining about how they are slow, and don't have the genes, but gee, you look at their diet and commitment and how they prepare for a race and you don't wonder why.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, I know lots of folks who when they were younger could put down 5:30 pace runs with their eyes closed.
But now, after many knee issues, I am the one kicking their butts in racing now. So, I just smile at all these young
guys who think running sub 37's will be there when they are 50. Most of them will be so beat up they will not be able
to race.

I know one guy who I was supposed to go to worlds with in my AG. At 25, he was doing 34 10k's. Now, at 52,
he does usually 43's and it bummed he lost 9 minutes. He was really upset I beat him at nationals since I am a nobody.
And, then while doing his last runs for worlds, he ripped his calf muscle and could not even go.

So, let folks run all they want. My goal is to race for longevity. And so far, my results say my logic is not too bad.

I love to race against some of the ex pros my age. Many of them are so broken down they do not do well.
I may not be fast, but, I also still walk normal.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I look at the 100's of runners in my neighbourhood training diligently every day, and very very few will put down a time that gets them to Boston....but they sure are trying, putting in miles, eating well, stretching icing and doing all the right things!
In my experience. Yes they might be trying, puting in the mile, eating well, stretching icing..... but in general they are NOT doing the right things to get into Boston.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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IMO those who say: "you are so lucky to have the genes" = to "I am too lazy, affraid or just don't have the will to work for it".
We are talking about BQ, not runing a sub 2:30 hrs marathon or sub 9 hrs IM...

Jorge Martinez
Head Coach - Sports Science
E3 Training Solutions, LLC
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Marisol] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Marisol, I do agree that for many of us, its just a matter of training and focus. But for many, no amount of training will get them there. You think the guy who has been running for 10 years and still has not broken 10K will somehow magically put in more mileage and go 3:20 which is also faster than the person's 10K pace?

...and let's not forget that many don't have the opportunities of a job and family that support an endurance sport lifestyle. Take the example of a person say 15 years older than you, maybe have 3-4 kids in competitive sport, travelling around for kids activities, having to travel for work and also take care of aging infirmed parents...this person barely has time to down a sandwich, foreget about qualifying for Kona or even Boston.

I'm thankful for the opportunities that I have to train and race, but not for a second do I think anyone is wimp cause they can't "focus" like I do. Do you think it is the average person who can jet every weekend from Cincy to Arizona in the winter to train for a shot a Qualify for Kona??? I applaud you for setting up your life to the point that you are in a position to do this, but this certainly is not a common situation.

Even my situation of having every morning before work from 5:30-9 am free and every weekend morning from 6-11 am free is pretty insanely out of reach for the average middle age family guy hoping to qualify for Kona or Boston...most have to be at work well before 9 and they actually have to look after kids in the morning....not play athlete daily...if they are lucky they get a run in at lunch time or hop on the trainer for an hour at nite when everyone is asleep.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jorge M] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
IMO those who say: "you are so lucky to have the genes" = to "I am too lazy, affraid or just don't have the will to work for it".
We are talking about BQ, not runing a sub 2:30 hrs marathon or sub 9 hrs IM...
In the early '80's the qualifying times for the men was 2;50 (3:10 for the "Masters", 3:20?? Women) and they got 7,500 people. If they changed the q times back today. They'd be lucky to break 1,000 next year. :-)
Last edited by: Trevor S: Sep 8, 07 19:18
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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Trevor, in 2003, I ran 3:03 in Boston and was ~860th overall...that's how slow the field was! They did not even have 1000 people breaking 3 hours that day!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I always say that the biggest limiter for most AGers is time available for training and not really "genes", "talent" or "luck"

Jorge Martinez
Head Coach - Sports Science
E3 Training Solutions, LLC
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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dev you are missing my point... sure the guy with kids and family can't do as much, that's not my point. My point is that "that" guy's issue may not be genetic, it may be his schedule. Sure his kids are more important, but that is not my point. And by the way, goign to AZ on the week-ends to train is not what made me qualify... I know plenty of people that do well training on the trainer...

I also dont mean that EVERYONE can qualify no matter what. i mean more that too many people blame the lack of performance of genes, where it's more the others 10 things that are to blame. That is my point.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Trevor, in 2003, I ran 3:03 in Boston and was ~860th overall...that's how slow the field was! They did not even have 1000 people breaking 3 hours that day!
Back in the late '80's in Southern Ontario in the group I ran with there were many and I mean many sub 3:00 "Master" runners some were in their 50's. Now if you're 30 and sub 3:10 you're a run stud. 3:10 for a sub 35 year old (and dare I suggest sub 45 year old) couch potato with proper motivation and training is reachable.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jorge M] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, I know folks who have the genes, but for some reason, do not want to admit it.

I have a friend at work that I have known for 28 years, and have done some sports with.
Everytime I tell him I am no good, he gives me a bad times and tells me I have always had the genes.
I then slap myself and ask who am I comparing myself to? The 99% behind me, or the few I just raced with
at Worlds.

I know many many folks who train their butts off, based on what their bodies can withstand. But they will never
ever be fast enough for a BQ time. Telling them that they just do not want it enough, would be the biggest
insult you could ever tell them.

Again, IMO, anyone who says Boston is easy, IMH, Nationals, Worlds, etc. is easy, has said all I need to know about
where they are in life.

And, sports mean NOTHING in life as far as I am concerned. What do folks talk about at a persons funeral?
Where they worked? How fast their 10K times where? Did they go to Hawaii? Not the ones I go to.
I hear things like were they a good humble honest person, good father, husband, role model, mentor,
positive person, etc. These are the traits I value. Not telling folks that they are too lazy, afraid, and just don't have
the will to work for it.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Get off my back, Dev. You were rude to me once and I let it go. Take off, eh?
Boohoo someone calls you out and actually asks you do something other than shooting your mouth off and you cry like a baby. If you can't take it, don't fling it. Twat.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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You're comments reflect on the fact that you are an entirely different level of athlete than 99% of competitors in the sport.

To suggest that qualifying for Kona is a 'bit harder' than BQ is entirely, totally, completely false.

Qualifying for BQ is probably within each of 80% of the population if they train right. You just need to find a flat course, figure out your qualifying time (3:10 is the fastest), train and execute.

By it's very nature, most people cannot qualify for Kona because it's a top 3/4/5 or so out of an age group that may contain several hundred.

I tip my hat to the BQs. I remove my hat for the Kona qualifers.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Marisol] [ In reply to ]
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I'm going to cut the guy with the crazy family schedule a bit more slack if he wants to blame his genetics a bit. Once you have a family, it really takes a lot of focus from you and those around you to be successful at racing. If you have really good speed genetics to start off with, it sure can help. The kid that was winning in the elementary school track meet has got a solid leg up from the get go...

I trained with a friend for 4 years who had more kids than me and less "speed" genetics and I always beat him, even though we pretty well did the same training. Between more kids and having less time to recover and just being heavier than me with shorter limbs, I just always had an advantage over him that my parents gave me and his parents did not. If he wanted to blame his genetics, I had no issue with it...by and large, he was putting in the work :-). Eventually though, we got the guy from a 4:08 to a 3:18 Boston Qualifier despite him blaming his genetics all the way to the finish line at Kiawah (for his 3:18) and then to to Boyleston street. He'd always be saying something like, "You guys have no clue what it is like to be me and costantly get hammered by your guys every day"...well after 4 years of hammering, the guy did get to Boston (to prove Paulo and your point)...but just barely, and it took every ounce of energy in the guys body to make it....it was no cakewalk and most cannot put that type of effort in with all that goes around in their life...thus having a solid genetic starting point for running is a huge advantage.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Your levels of self-righteousness just hit record levels. I never thought it was possible, but some analists had predicted this phenomenon after you returned from Worlds.

Congrats again on your 41st place.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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And I walked to school in bare feet in the snow.

So, why has no one answered my question. Why are the times at IMH so slowed compared to the old timers?
I guess we need to tell the pros they do not train hard enough?


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I have more posts than you - you suck!

I agree with you. Most of the folks at Boston are not pros...they are every day folks with a dream. I guess they just dont dream as big as Paulo when it comes to human perfomance as a runner...I do however bet that they mostly have a nicer house, happier family and larger number on their 401k...who is to say they all have the same goals in life eh?


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Learn] [ In reply to ]
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you are just playing with word.... i m french... i can write a lot harder if you want... a bit seems like the word i wanted to use....seems the same to me...but i m french...

and i m not different than any age group like you, i just took a different path but definitly can relate to most people...

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Oh. I mean no offense. I just found it odd that you would suggest that Kona was just 'a bit' harder'. I am sure that you, as an awesome athlete, probably qualifed for Boston at an IM.

Your English is great BTW.
Last edited by: Learn: Sep 8, 07 19:46
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Windy Miller] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
In Reply To:
Get off my back, Dev. You were rude to me once and I let it go. Take off, eh?
Boohoo someone calls you out and actually asks you do something other than shooting your mouth off and you cry like a baby. If you can't take it, don't fling it. Twat.
Excellent post about the guy who comes into a thread and calls me a prick in his first post in he thread...and then months later when I called him the same thing for being an ass in a thread he got upset and cried like a baby.


Proud Founder of the Jamis Mafia- Daring to be different.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [House] [ In reply to ]
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What the hell is with this thread? Dev is a hell of a nice guy - I know him and met him in person a few times. I dont get it folks...Paulo is Paulo...we all know what to expect from him and his arrogant "if you are not pro you suck" attitude...fact is - most of the time he is right. But why in the hell has this turned into a fight?


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [House] [ In reply to ]
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House, even you can qualify for Boston. I believe, do you?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Marisol] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Marisol,

How's this for a summary on where I stand:
  1. If someone wants to pull the family card and says they could qualify for Boston or Kona if they had more time, I accept it
  2. If someone wants to pull the genetics card and says that they could qualify for Boston or Kona if they had a better set of parents (for these endurance sports), I'll still accept it
  3. If someone says they could qualify for Boston or Kona, but when I show up for the ride at 6 am in 2 degree C and rain or for the Feb run at 6:30 am at sunrise in minus 20 with windchill, and the person is not there, I know why they are not qualifying...its cause the person is plain lazy!!!...yes the warm bed is nicer, but frankly not that many are busy that early in the morning when the weather is horrible aside from the odd hockey dad driving the boys to the arena...

Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Yep, I know folks who have the genes, but for some reason, do not want to admit it.

I have a friend at work that I have known for 28 years, and have done some sports with.
Everytime I tell him I am no good, he gives me a bad times and tells me I have always had the genes.
I then slap myself and ask who am I comparing myself to? The 99% behind me, or the few I just raced with
at Worlds.

I know many many folks who train their butts off, based on what their bodies can withstand. But they will never
ever be fast enough for a BQ time. Telling them that they just do not want it enough, would be the biggest
insult you could ever tell them.

Again, IMO, anyone who says Boston is easy, IMH, Nationals, Worlds, etc. is easy, has said all I need to know about
where they are in life.

And, sports mean NOTHING in life as far as I am concerned. What do folks talk about at a persons funeral?
Where they worked? How fast their 10K times where? Did they go to Hawaii? Not the ones I go to.
I hear things like were they a good humble honest person, good father, husband, role model, mentor,
positive person, etc. These are the traits I value. Not telling folks that they are too lazy, afraid, and just don't have
the will to work for it.


Same here, someone who says it is about genes, talent or luck for something such as BQ tells me something about their character. Again, we are talking about something within reach for a lot of folks; we are not talking about going to the Olympics. Of course some might not reach the goal no matter how hard they try but when you really look a bit closer as to why many come short, in most cases the limiters are others things and has nothing to do with genes or talent. But then again it is easier to place the blame in something else just to justify our shortcomings no?

BTW, your last paragraph is just priceless, in particular coming from a guy who hasn’t stop talking about worlds for months!!! We come here to talk about endurance sports but folks like you are quick to throw the "there are bigger things in life than this" argument when questioned about their opinions; well no shit!

Jorge Martinez
Head Coach - Sports Science
E3 Training Solutions, LLC
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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And I walked to school in bare feet in the snow.

Since you have a hard time even with rain. I'm pretty sure your mom kept you home on those days.


Why are the times at IMH so slowed compared to the old timers?
I guess we need to tell the pros they do not train hard enough?

Please. Do you understand pro racing at all?

Btw...Didn't Stadler go 8:11 last year? Top three under 8:20. How many times did the "Old Timers" do that? I count twice. However I count LVL, Helliriegel and Welch as "Mid-Timers".
Last edited by: Trevor S: Sep 8, 07 20:04
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Are you at Moo?


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Why are the times at IMH so slowed compared to the old timers?

You do realize it's not the same course?

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Still waiting for all those easy BQ time races you did, and all the Boston races.
What, you have none?


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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OMG, you really got me there now...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Chip, was just thinking that. When one has nothing else in life worth talking about, they "brag" about their hard work ethics and easy BQ times.
But, for most of us, this is the least important activity on our list. I know it is for me. If I had to give something up, my training and
racing would be the first to go. My family, friends, kids, home, job are much more important. Wonder who some few of them talke about what
they really important things in life are.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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This is like a dream thread: h2o, Dev and R10C all agreeing with each other and being hammered by everyone else.

It's GOLD, Jerry, GOLD!!!!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
What the hell is with this thread? Dev is a hell of a nice guy - I know him and met him in person a few times. I dont get it folks...Paulo is Paulo...we all know what to expect from him and his arrogant "if you are not pro you suck" attitude...fact is - most of the time he is right. But why in the hell has this turned into a fight?
Ah, just let it go and see how it plays out. I"m not on here a whole lot...mostly to just seek some answers. But I don't remember seeing one this good in a long time. But Paulo, people have got some good points on here on the everyday runner and you are not doing a very good job defending yourself.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Na, still waiting for you to pay for the vo2 max test you promised.

So, I am going to see you running in Boston in 08 so you can kick my butt, right.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I'm trying to see where Paulo called them "wimps", but all I could find was:

"If you look at the qualifying times, they're like the "minimum" time you have to run in order to be remotely called a runner."

You already said you don't consider yourself a runner. I would have to agree with Paulo's statement. For whatever reason,
if someone can't qualify for Boston, I would put them in the "jogger" category. Doesn't necessarily make them wimps.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [kdw] [ In reply to ]
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The difference between a jogger and a runner is an entry blank. ~George Sheehan
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [House] [ In reply to ]
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point out the truth in a not so eloquent manner, which often appears to be an attack then apologizes and plays poor me over and over.....*yawn*

what's funny is to watch the reactions though
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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"h2o, Dev and R10C all agreeing with each other and being hammered by everyone else."

Your groupies are out in force tonight eh Paulo? :-)

I'm neutral on this thread but couldn't resist.!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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In the early '80's the qualifying times for the men was 2;50 (3:10 for the "Masters", 3:20?? Women) and they got 7,500 people. If they changed the q times back today. They'd be lucky to break 1,000 next year. :-)
Nowadays it is like a "No runner left behind" program to get into Boston.
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Post deleted by Bman [ In reply to ]
Last edited by: Bman: Sep 8, 07 22:23
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Bman] [ In reply to ]
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"those who can, do: those who can't, teach (coach)"

Scott Molina
Dave Scott
Mark Allen
Peter Reid
Lisa Bentley
Heather Fuhr

They all coach. So, what is it exactly you are trying to say?


"Sometimes you need to think INSIDE the box!" -- ME
"Why squirrel hate me?"
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Post deleted by Bman [ In reply to ]
Post deleted by Bman [ In reply to ]
Last edited by: Bman: Sep 8, 07 22:49
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Haim] [ In reply to ]
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Interestingly, from those 3 only Dev I would consider an athlete and from what I recall we have similar 10k PB. Is this still a running thread?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Bman] [ In reply to ]
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Jonnyo just asked me "Why don't you post your marathon PB?". I replied "You think I care about what some Internet idiots think about my running ability...?"
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Bman] [ In reply to ]
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"it was directed at Paulo!"

Oh...I see...you are confusing being glib with being clever.

You should really leave the pithy comments to those that are more adept.


"Sometimes you need to think INSIDE the box!" -- ME
"Why squirrel hate me?"
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Haim] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Holy cow, anyone that has replied to this thread more than once has got to get a life. OK, I'll give the people who replied twice a break, but come on, it's freak'n Saturday.

Tomorrow, Sunday, please get out and do something productive.



“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!â€
― Hunter S. Thompson,
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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That was an entertaining 30 min. of my life.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [SneakySpeed] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
That was an entertaining 30 min. of my life.
"I laughed until I stopped laughing."

And you can quote me on that.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Marisol....its not just all hard work that gets results. No matter how hard I work, I won't make the NBA. I just don't have the build for that. If I took a guy like Shaq O'Neill, I might never be able to train him to become a Boston qualifier no matter how hard he trained....or maybe he could...but the odds are against it. Yes, work and committment are important, but you can't be totally in an outlier genetic group to compete in a sport. There is a reason that all elite triathletes, look fairly similar in body type, or that all elite gymnasts or divers come from another body type...I'm not saying that qualifying for Boston or Kona is elite, but it helps to "not be" of certain body types to start with

Mugsie Bogues??

Hawaii Qualification Analysis
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Bman] [ In reply to ]
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I am not a coach fucktard.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [kdw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I just wrote what Paulo meant to say. Smile

And, if getting a BQ is just a jogger category, well, read the thread.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Bman] [ In reply to ]
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I was thinking just the same thing when Paulo says BQ is so easy, and he runs under 3 hour marathons.

So, if it is so easy, why does it seem he has never qualified for Boston, let alone go. Maybe it is just
below himself to race with us joggers wimps.

And since it is so easy for him, I have offered to race with him in Boston in 08. Wonder why he does not
take me up on the offer. Smile I love to help folks be inclusive.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Paulo, thanks for the compliment. This has been my point with my post on ST forever. Yep, I am NOT an athlete.
I am just an average blue collar person who worked hard, and got to go race with the joggers and losers.
For you and your groupies, it means nothing. But for the 99% of us low life folks, well, we have a great time.

So, to comment on your coaching thread, I do believe my results prove that I can walk the talk knowing how to
get the most out of a non athlete body.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [cvillatri] [ In reply to ]
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Will be leaving for my 5 hour bike ride in a while. But, how could I leave this thread. We are all
having a great Paulo hug.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Still waiting for all those easy BQ time races you did, and all the Boston races.
What, you have none?

Dave, I would venture a guess that Paulo would beat you in a marathon. When I raced him last year he beat me in both running legs of the duathlon, both times were sub 20:00 for the 5k. However I don't believe that is a important issue here.

The fact is the BQ standard is a relatively attainable goal for many reasonable fit athletes. I believe that the Boston Marathon people want it that way. This helps drive the popularity of marathons around the country. It is a carrot out there that many people (if they work hard and keep trying) can obtain. This is exactly what we need in this country where obesity and a sedentary lifestyle have become commonplace. I say good job on your BQ time, but don't make it out to be some accomplishment that puts you in the elite company because it doesn't. You worked hard, obtained a goal and you should be proud of yourself for that.

As to whoever said "those who do, do, and those who can't coach" I would wager a guess that you never had any meaningful coaching in your life. I have had the pleasure of being coached by some men who guided me in both sport and life. These coaches could never accomplish some of the things that my teammates and I could, but we never could have accomplished what we did without them.

One more thing when it comes running all of you should remember

Those who can run do, those who can't race triathlon. :-P

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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Erik, first, I beat no one since I race against myself.

I never said I would try to beat Paulo.

I only race against people my own age. (When you guys get older you will understand)

Again, this thread had nothing to do about whether boston was easy or not. It was about no matter who posts a thread,
Paulo seems to love to post negative attacks in all of them. And then to top it off, to have someone who calls themselves
a "coach", say that making a BQ time is NOTHING. Well, this shows what kind of coach he really is.

Yes, whether it is boston, or IM events, they are there to MAKE MONEY. Nothing more, nothing less. If folks want to try and
read negatives into it, then go for it. But, follow the money.

Define "meaningful coaching". Since I get and support lots to do various racing and achieve goals they never thought they could
obtain, what do you call this? I call it "meaningfull coaching", even though it is for us non ego minded normal folks.
Now, when I take a whole group of folks completing the marathon in Dec, you will all call these folks losers. But, they will achieve
something they thought was never possible and they and families will remember it for the rest of their lifes. And I have been the single
person support and pushing them. Again, what is coaching. Taking red hots, have them race, and then trying to take credit that
ones coaching made a difference. Or is it taking coach potatoes, and supporting them to do something they thought they could never do.
I know where I spend my time.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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3 things Dave, then I am done here, because you are unable to reply without twisting words to make your own argument.

1. Is Paulo your coach? Because why does it matter what he says about anything unless he is responsible for coaching you. Perhaps for Paulo's athletes a BQ is not an large enough goal.

2. I never said anything about people being losers, all I said was BQ standard does not make you elite.

3. I will not address "meaningful coaching" questions to you, because you did not make that statement.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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I thought you addressed meaningful coaching to me, but after reading your post again, I agree, it was not.

I know I have said getting a BQ time means nothing more than having the ability to go to Boston.
But again, why do some feel the need to degrade some of us mortals with goals that are within our reach?
Thats the issue. I may have an opinion about what getting a bottom roll down spot to a big event means, but
I sure would never post it. I would never post that someones goal is dog meat.

Now, you may feel it is fine that Paulo loves to post negative attacks in EVERY thread it seems. But, for me, and others,
it just gets old. Will it ever change, NOPE. But once in a while, I just needed to say something about it, which I know
I should not have done since I knew it would allow the attack dogs to come after me again. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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This could have been a really good thread about BQ times, but instead it turned into a typical ST meltdown. I think Learn and Erik Clark summed up everything really well. A BQ is an amazing achievement for the person attaining it, but it is far from making you a great or elite athlete. It is attainable by a huge percentage of the population just by some hard work. This is coming from someone who last ran a marathon in 4:52 and is going for a BQ next year. I think I can get very close if not get that BQ just by concentrating on my running more. The goal is definitely within my grasp.

It won't be easy for someone like me, but it's definitely possible. I will be thrilled if I ever do get a BQ, but it won't mean squat compared to anyone else. It just means I can buckle down and do some serious run training for a consistent period of time. That's all it takes for a large majority of people. That shouldn't take away anything from your individual achievement. It's still a wonderful goal and amazing accomplishment, but in the grand scheme of things it's really not that hard.

I also agree that the women's standard is too loose. I believe it's way easier for a woman to get a 3:40 than a man to get a 3:10. I think the difference should be no more than 20 minutes. But, again, I think this is just a way to encourage women to run. Similar to the reasons why they relaxed the men's standard to 3:10.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [DawnT] [ In reply to ]
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The thread had nothing to do about BQ times. It was only to show one persons opinion that he posted
about what he thought of us mortals trying to get it.

Best of luck in trying to get your goal. And in the big picture, who really cares. The journey is what is
the most fun. The friends we meet. The efforts we put out. And if we become lucky and get the goal, great,
but I find it a lot more fun in trying to get the goal in most cases.

So, not making any judgment on whether BQ is hard or easy. I have no right to make that judgment for anyone else.
But, whether it is a BQ time, or one entering their first Sprint distance Tri with the goal to just finish and be dead last,
anyone who strives for goals is a winner and an elite in my book!!!


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I do hold an opinion on the current BQ times in relation to the 20,000 people that enter every year; and after reading the idiotic banter in this thread here is a newsflash - it hasn't changed.

Have you ever wondered why possibly all the threads you've started or contributed to have ended with you as the last poster? Most people know when to quit...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Isn't differing opinions what makes a forum?

TORRE Consulting Services, LLC

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [ShawnF] [ In reply to ]
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Shawn, don't feed the trolls ;-) This was fun yesterday though, you're a little late to the party :-)

Now let's ALL enjoy h2ofun's 5 hour ride.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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You know it's just killing him that you won't tell him your marathon time. : )

It's going to be a loooong 5 hour ride today.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Yep, I know lots of folks who when they were younger could put down 5:30 pace runs with their eyes closed.
But now, after many knee issues, I am the one kicking their butts in racing now. So, I just smile at all these young
guys who think running sub 37's will be there when they are 50. Most of them will be so beat up they will not be able
to race.

I know one guy who I was supposed to go to worlds with in my AG. At 25, he was doing 34 10k's. Now, at 52,
he does usually 43's and it bummed he lost 9 minutes. He was really upset I beat him at nationals since I am a nobody.
And, then while doing his last runs for worlds, he ripped his calf muscle and could not even go.

So, let folks run all they want. My goal is to race for longevity. And so far, my results say my logic is not too bad.

I love to race against some of the ex pros my age. Many of them are so broken down they do not do well.
I may not be fast, but, I also still walk normal.


OK, review your post. It is almost entirely bragging. This is the crap that annoys everyone on this forum.

Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Let me know if you ever need a coach. I am looking for folks to lead...if it makes you feel faster than you most certainly will be faster.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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"This is like a dream thread: h2o, Dev and R10C all agreeing with each other and being hammered by everyone else.

It's GOLD, Jerry, GOLD!!!!
Paulo Sousa "

This pretty well sums it all up...it certainly is gold :-). I think I am less cranky now....something about coming back from a 4 hour ride with 4000 ft of vertical followed by a 30 min transition run and then hanging out with my 11 year old son having ham and cheese omlettes and rye toast. I don't know what it is, but at the end of Sunday morning training all I can think of is this vision of the ham and cheese omlette.

But to the point of others, this morning when I started the ride, there was no one on the road. I started collecting training partners along the 25K warmup to Gatineau Park which is a National Park "like" area north of town....when I get to Gatineau Park there are around 7 of us there....in a city of 1M people, only 7 people ready to ride, in the cold morning....where are the rest? Who knows, but I do concede that if some of these folks who say that can't do it because of genetics suck it up and train, they'd have a better shot at Boston or Kona....yes the warm bed is nice option, but that is not getting anyone to Boston :-)

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [rocklinwoody] [ In reply to ]
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Yet still, less than 10% qualify for Boston....

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Cant we all just get along.:-D

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [catmandu] [ In reply to ]
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Amazing what you can do with photoshop.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [catmandu] [ In reply to ]
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Hey, nice one....1 mile from the finish on Alii drive 2006 and 15 years of busting my ass to get there....thanks for capturing the moment whoever it was! 15 years of getting up early, and training in crap. When I was a sprinter in high school, I never dreamed you could run more than 400m without stopping!

As much as you guys might think that Paulo and I hate each other, the reality is that we actually think fairly alike on many topics. It is how we present in text that seems to be so orthogonal to each other's views. In person, we got along just fine...just shows you what removing a keyboard and screen and putting parties face to face within punching/hugging range of one another can do to human interactions :-).

While I am not a Paulo athlete, if there was an age grouper who would be poster child for the "More is More" approach, you could use the above with a picture with a caption like this:

Kona Mile 139....15 years...220,000K...one finish line...MORE IS MORE !
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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Come on Martin, you know on ST it is not what you write, but what you meant.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Last edited by: Martin C: Sep 9, 07 12:22
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Come on Martin, you know on ST it is not what you write, but what you meant.

You mean like when you posted about finally getting your will done, when what you meant was "hey everyone, I'm going to worlds, just in case you forgot after the other several dozen threads I started about it".

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Interestingly, from those 3 only Dev I would consider an athlete and from what I recall we have similar 10k PB. Is this still a running thread?
Whoa. Running is hardly an "athletic" endeavor. I'll go with Francois as the best "athlete" here, as he has attained fairly high levels of accomplishment in tennis...a sport that actually requires athleticism.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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You're funny. Did you ever try standup?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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I believe we have more than one highly accomplished tennis player among us. I don't think you have enough information to judge who is the greatest athlete here.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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You're funny. [/reply]

True :) The point is still there, maybe a good one for a different thread if there has not been the arguments along the lines of golf/vs pro cycling. The whole gamut of 98% skill to 98% plumbing thing, and my point is that of all "sports" running is the most natural, and non-skill based there is.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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Here - I think its on page 2 - h2o's post about the swim....

In Reply To
Paulo, forgot one more. I qualified for Boston after I began masters swimming.

Never ceases to amuse me the people that see qualifying for Boston as an achievement. If you look at the qualifying times, they're like the "minimum" time you have to run in order to be remotely called a runner. All they're trying to do is to keep the walkers away so that it can remain a true running race.
Paulo Sousa
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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FWIW (and yes, I have read the entire thread...!), I tend to agree with Paulo on this one---let's face it, for 45-49 men, the BQ is roughly an 8 minute pace...respectable, yes, but hardly something to be crowing about IMO. I would be very proud if I were able to do that at the end of an IM...perhaps someday.

Dave---as many others have said, it is not necessarily what you post as it is how you post it, with the, to quote Katy, "golly gee whiz" attitude as though you have no clue how what you write is being perceived....and understand that "perception is indeed reality" when it comes to human interaction. You think you're "right", the vast majority that post here disagree. You seem to be okay with that, and that's cool....just don't get your tit in a wringer when you get called out on it time after time. If you want an exercise sometime, go back over some of your posts---including in this thread---and count the numbers of "I", "me" and "my" statements you make. That's what the issue is, along with the denial that you might be doing anything other than writing self-aggrandizing statements that you think are veiled in "helping" others....the "will" thread being one of the more classic ones along those lines.

You seem like a good guy--I have stated that before--and you live a good life and probably have a great family that adores you. All very good, and truly the point of why we're here on this Earth. But I don't for a minute believe that you are truly surprised at the reactions you get when you post...in fact, I think you revel in it.

Not that there's anything wrong with that....just admit it, even once. You'd gain a ton more respect for it.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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Whoa. Running is hardly an "athletic" endeavor. I'll go with Francois as the best "athlete" here, as he has attained fairly high levels of accomplishment in tennis...a sport that actually requires athleticism.
Uh, try racing cross country. Not ultras. Cross Country requires some pretty good footwork and coordination.

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Post deleted by Administrator [ In reply to ]
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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Can I sue him for slander?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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You have to be kidding. Do I go into everyone else's posts and attack them?

Did you read my post that started this all?

"Even though I know some will have fun with this thread, if I can help one person consider doing what I did last year finally getting
off my butt with swimming, it will be worth the post. Smile "

I am just sick and tired of a few that say I am the devill, but seem to read and post on every thread I write. I guess they think it is cute.
But, thats fine. I can take it. And you and others can read into threads what ever you want. I am NOT a grammer major.
I do not waste my time reading my posts thinking how someone can take it negative, or think I am bragging or what ever
stuff they want to read negative into it. Only on ST do some waste so much time on the dark side!!!!!!

So, if you or others think you know me, great. I do not judge others via email, especially when the ST groupies attack. I just feel
sorry for them, since I can image what their real life must be like.

So, maybe you think it is okay to have a few attack me in threads no matter what I say, and even when they add no value.
Fine. I get enough PM's from folks thanking me from TRYING to put some other data on this site that us blue collar racers can use,
rather than just the elite who say what they do is SO easy, and if anyone else was as committed as they were, we all could do the same.

Oh well, I stand behind everything I have written. And for those few times I mess up, I have the balls to say I am wrong and sorry.

So, I still stand by my original words. If I have one person try masters swimming for the off season, I have again used
my coaching skills.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Well, since you asked:

"Guess I had better cancel all my reservations for 08 since Paulo says Boston is even more wimpy
than worlds. And when the coach speaks, we had better all listen. Smile "

That was the first post in this thread. What exactly were your expectations when you hit the send button?

I read bits and pieces of the other post where you said something to the effect "oh yeah, I qualified for Boston while upping my swimming..." (paraphrasing here)...to which I guess most would say "huh??"

"So, if you or others think you know me, great."

Uhhh, I think I said words to the effect that you're an okay guy...am I wrong? ;-)

"I do not judge others via email"

Sure you do, everybody does. How do you judge Paulo? How about the others that "attack" you? And what were your thoughts on the "weak" among us who imbibe on an adult beverage from time to time?

Dave, you can't have it both ways.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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I stated this thread AFTER Paulo AGAIN just could not leave the attack comments out of the other thread where I was trying to help others.

I have also stated I bet Paulo is a nice guy.

Find one of my post of over 6000 where I personally attack anyone.

I am not perfect, but, if you talk to ANYONE who knows me, one thing I am is humble. I know folks here will never believe this,
but know who I am by what others tell me and say to others!!

Just like there are a few dog owners who really are good, there are a few drinkers I know that are the same.
But, the majority of folks I know who take drugs are just trying to impress others! So, yep, I am proud I have never taken drugs.
(I have had a drink or two in the way past, but never drunk). I am proud of this and think it really helped my raise my kids where I walked
the talk.

Again, I never say everyone on anything.

Oh well, I am working on putting my worlds video on youtube! Let the attacks continue. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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Mike, another question for ya.

What in your opinion, what is the difference between being proud and bragging?

Meaning, I am proud I was able to represent the red, white, and blue at worlds. I am proud to wear
the Team USA clothing and plan to in the future. So, why do I do this? Because I am proud of what I have
worked hard for, and want to support others in shooting for this goal if they want to. But,
seems like if one wants to take the low road, I can do and say the exact same stuff as above and some will
accuse me of bragging.

So, just wondering your thoughts.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Who's up for a little grass?

Cool kids smoke grass.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Scott Tinley wrote something years ago along the lines of this...something to do with talking about some sort of epic workout, or one that moved him deeply. Basically his point was that by sharing the story--"hey, look at me, I did this epic/surreal/whatever workout today blah blah blah"---it in effect ruined it.

Dave, you should be proud of your accomplishments---but my question back to you is what is the point of sharing all that information? Who are you trying to impress? What are the reasons you are striving to achieve those goals? Are they personal, or are there other motives?

What would be really cool is that if someone else started a thread that said "hey, didja hear that ST's own Dave Campbell did such and such?", or something like that. Or if someone asked "hey Dave, how's the training going? Didja do (insert whatever here)?" and then you went on about it.

Like I said, be proud of your accomplishments....I only question the burning desire to promote them so lustily...and then come across like that's not what you are trying to do. Remember, perception is reality. Your posts are being perceived in a certain way, by more than a handful of folks...at what point do you take them to heart?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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Mike, another question for ya.

What in your opinion, what is the difference between being AN ASS and A PRICK?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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I just do not under this trying to impress stuff. Just is not in my DNA.

Am I trying to motivate others? Yep. I guess we all just have different ways doing this.

Oh well, this is one of those topics that everyone has their opinion, and it can be the only right one.
Yes, if I want to go to the dark side, I could read EVERY person who posts on ST about a race,
or training miles, or anything and say they are bragging. But, this just never occurs to me, and I
hope to never change.

On ST unless you are an elite, you are not in the club. ST is the exception in our sport, in my experience.

Thanks for the inputs.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I am not perfect, but, if you talk to ANYONE who knows me, one thing I am is humble.

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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I basically said what you did already and he just doesn't get it or pretends not too. Any how - I've got a beer company as a sponsor and need to support em. See ya.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Paulo, I can't decide if I like or dislike your question.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jason D] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Jason D] [ In reply to ]
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Dooode!!! You hafta hook me up w/ a sponsorship w/ Sierra Nevada!!!!

I've been drinking (and pimping for) their various malt beverages for well over a decade now!!!
(We had a keg of SNPA at our wedding, as one small example)

That stuff is the nectar of life!!! I'm working on a sixer of their Silver Anniversary right now, and it is quite yummers!!!! :)


float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [ In reply to ]
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Sigh - for me, qualifying for Boston would be a huge accomplishment. I've always loved running, but I never could get enough miles in to be even average in the long stuff without getting injured.

I'm guessing that for the people that have an extremely hectic work and home life with limited time to train, qualifying would be really be something to be proud of.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [tildenm] [ In reply to ]
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That statement is ridiculous.

The most humble person would never say they are humble.

The moment a person says they are humble, the person becomes full of pride.

Proud Member of the Cervelo Mafia.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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still need to try the anniversary, but love the pale and celebration

if you move to Norcal and are a cat 3+ masters (2 is better) then we can talk.... glad you can get it back east though!

now I really need to go get the take out order from one of my other sponsors www.mikunisushi.com - yuuuummmm
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [zone2] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

The most humble person would never say they are humble.

The moment a person says they are humble, the person becomes full of pride.

Exactly! Let your actions speak.

The one thing I can't understand is that when you have dozens of people having a problem with what you say or type on a regular basis, do
you ever get to a point where you think it just might be you??

At least consider the possiblity, that's all.

I can't ever think of a situation where I'd say "I'm humble".. it sounds weird to me.
It's like the girl I dated who repeatedly said, "I'm the most grounded person I know" and ended up being totally Fruit Loops.

I'll bet Dave C is a very cool guy in person, I do (and he feels free to tell you as such). In print though, the vibe of hubris fills the air.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"On ST unless you are an elite, you are not in the club. ST is the exception in our sport, in my experience. "

I guess i am bored today and feel like arguing. So instead of letting it out on my friends, well there ya go, you seem like a fun one to argue with. So who is elite? what club are you talking about? Sure there are a few elites on ST and we sure are proud of them , I mean how nice is it to see them do well at these races??!! And follow their journey? Most people enjoy that here. I have a really hard time understanding what exactly your point is here. I think you just like the attention.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [zone2] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
That statement is ridiculous.

The most humble person would never say they are humble.

The moment a person says they are humble, the person becomes full of pride.
Did you mean "shit"?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"Erik, first, I beat no one since I race against myself."

hmmm..are you sure Dave???

I fondly remember many a recommendation of yours ending something like:

"use powercranks..unless you're M50-54"
"go to masters swimming..unless you're M50-54"
"don't drink beer..unless you're M50-54"
"come and ski off the back of my car boat..unless you're M50-54"
"use five thousand mm cranks...unless you're M50-54"
"use 185mm cranks...unless you're M50-54"
"buy crazy expensive zipp clinchers with dimpled tires..unless you're M50-54"
"have 97 inch long legs...unless you're M50-54"


www.true-motion.com Triathlete Casual Wear since 2007
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"show me one post where I have ever bragged"

does this one count?

www.true-motion.com Triathlete Casual Wear since 2007
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [SlayerHatebreed] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Exactly! Let your actions speak.

The one thing I can't understand is that when you have dozens of people having a problem with what you say or type on a regular basis, do
you ever get to a point where you think it just might be you??
Kinda like drug addicts and alcoholics - "I don't have a problem!"
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"Just like there are a few dog owners who really are good, there are a few drinkers I know that are the same."


Slow down....take a deep breath.

Your posts are starting to make Jonnyo's posts read like the NY Times.


"Sometimes you need to think INSIDE the box!" -- ME
"Why squirrel hate me?"
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for whimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]You better start another thread with:

Paulo says h2ofun is a self-centered, self-righteous prick.[/reply]

Pot, meet kettle - kettle, meet pot.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Dave, as a very simple example of what Slayerhatebreed, Mike C and several others are trying to say:

In your profile under occupation it says "great father." Now I have no doubt that you are a great father, but if you want people to know that you consider fathering to be your true vocation, why not just say father. Why the need for "great?"

It's obvious from his many posts that Irondad lives for his kids and it's no surprise that he alludes to them in his profile. But what does he say? "single dad / lawyer"

I personally don't usually mind it that much if people want to brag, but don't act like you're oblivious to it.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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[reply][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 2][b] Just show me one post where I ever bragged!!

[/b]Hard to find one where you don't. Just because you make a weak attempt to disguise it, doesn't mean you actually fool anyone. That is exactly why you "get picked on". If you'd just be straight about your "look at me" posts, it would be mush less nauseating.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but OMG, who on this page is NOT guilty of "look at me posts"???
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Haim] [ In reply to ]
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what is your problem? WHAT S WRONG WITH MY POST???????:)

oh... and i just wanted to say that i beleive i m a very nice and humble down to earth handsome person!

thank you!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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They are MUCH better now that you have discovered that your keyboard has the letter "H" ;)


"Sometimes you need to think INSIDE the box!" -- ME
"Why squirrel hate me?"
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Haim] [ In reply to ]
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i just wanted to be reply no. 200

as you were folks...

blood, sweat...and big gears

I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.''
- Muhammad Ali
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't followed the entire thread, but it seems to have turned into trying to figure out who the jerk is.

Regarding the accomplishment of qualifying for Boston, I personally consider it to be pretty impressive. People seem to forget how difficult it is for the average person to even complete a marathon. I checked the Philly marathon results and, as an example, in the 35-39 AG, 40 people qualified, 600 did not.

Being top 7% in any sport as challenging as the marathon is hardly what I'd call wimpy. The true wimps are people like myself who don't have the balls to attempt such a race (or maybe its because I have the brains not to punish myself in such a manner ; ^ ).

Everything I wrote above is completely out of the context of who said what about whom and what sport.

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I dont post here very often, usually when i can post information or anything to help anyone with things ive owned/done/etc. I do read a lot of threads, however, and im sure there are some... but every post i can recall you making is about yourself. Thats great you're proud of going to worlds, im sure a lot of people are, but i cant remember one other person from the forum that started a thread about themselves and qualifying, let alone 20(im sure its close to that if its not more). If you were confident about being a great athlete youd let your results stand on their own, you wouldnt have to post thread after thread about it. How many pro's that post here make thread after thread about their performance(which is at a very high level), aside from a race report you dont hear about it, i wonder why? If you were truly humble you'd let your actions stand on their own, you wouldnt have to tell people you're humble. Seems like you are the one with the insecurities, but just like when other people have pointed it out im sure you'll dismiss it as me "attacking you". Paulo is correct, i'd say most bq times are pretty pedestrian, even the 3:10 needed for my age group. I would say there are very few people who, if they put in the effort required, couldnt qualify at some point. It might take some longer than others but i dont think genetics are goign to be a limiter for 95+% of people.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [omoore61] [ In reply to ]
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What time do you consider to not be pedestrian for a marathon and do you group that by age and gender or you do feel anyone with training can make the time you feel to be non pedestrian? I was also wondering what time do you feel someone should complete a ironman distance so it is not a sunday casual swim/bike/walk? I mean could everyone with training finish a marathon in 2 1/2 hours and an Ironman under 10 hours or do genes play a part somewhere.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Wow. Wish I would have been around for this one. Gotta agree with what Paulo actually said, not Dave's interpretation. BTW, Dave did Worlds??? ;-)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Strange I just received an email saying you replied a post of mine but when I click on the link it says page not found. mmmm the gremlins are out
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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It doesnt matter what times i think are fast, youre opinion obviously differs and that is probably indicative of your personal run speeds or what you consider "fast". I dont consider a 7:20/mi(roughly) pace for an open mary fast, period. Im not going to repeat myself or spell it out for you, its very simple.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [omoore61] [ In reply to ]
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Not replying to you in particular, but who freaking cares what Paulo says? It's not as if he is the ultimate authority on all things related to swim/bike/run. Why in the world is his opinion taken as if it were worth anything?


Tri-ing to have fun. Anything else is just a bonus!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Tri2HaveFun] [ In reply to ]
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After 2 days of watching/contributing to this thread, the only conclusion I can possibly reach is that EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO TRAIN LONGER AND HARDER....6 HOUR 100 MILE RIDE FOR EVERYONE WITH 10000FT OF CLIMBING AND THEN GO TO THE TRACK AND DO 10X1MILE AT THE FLECK APPROVED 7 MIN PER MILE PACE.

After this, I am sure all of us will get along and no will have an excuse for missing out on Boston or Kona!!!

Time to hop on the Kestrel with Powercranks and ride over to the river for an openwater swim...it is currently 11C...Yikes...at least the water will be warmer!

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Paulo's right. BQ's are slow. And you do brag quite a bit. I have been training all weekend and missed the fun but this thread is better than a Monday morning triple espresso. Also seems the perfect time to throw this little nugget of personal belief out there to be considered....Genetics is an excuse. YOU ARE NOT YOUR GENES!!!
You are first your thoughts and beliefs. Genetics are not etched in granite, despite what decades of scientific thought has led us to believe. To believe so deeply we continue to spout this belief without realizing the power we remove from the equation. The power to change your athletic performance and anything else you choose. Genetics are a 2 way street. These are not original thoughts. Genetic researchers are beginning to find these things out as well. Repeat...YOU ARE NOT YOUR GENES!!! Stop using them as an excuse as to why you can't go faster.

Also, I dont 'just race myself' That's stupid. Not really a race then is it? I compete in triathlons and other races for fun as well. You know what is the most fun? WINNING IS FUN! Can we get over this 'I just do it for the enjoyment crap please?' Say it with me ....WINNING IS FUN!!!

So be a winner! Not a genetic excuse making braggart!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [soulswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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I wonder why women are slower in marathons and at the ironmans. I was looking at the times of the Ironman finishes and they are at least a 1/2 hour slower. Do you think it is because they are just not training hard enough or could it be genetics. The amount of slow twitch muscles fibers, the aerobic capacity of the body, the amount of red muscle cells. These are all determined by your genetics.

If you believe that women are slower due to genetic rather than not training hard than you would also have to believe that males are also not the same. We are not clones of each other. We have different genetic structutures. A 6 foot 200 man will never make a great jockey as a 5 foot man won't be a olympic high jumper. You are born with certain limitation that you can train hard and be as fast as your body can be but there is a point where some will always be MOP.

I say don't give up training hard because you never know if you are going slower because of your genetics or it is because you are not training hard or correctly.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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I read a few of the posts and it seems that you're right...trying to figure out who the jerk is. OTOH I pretty much lay claim to that and my brothers and I have since, well since birth. Juric = Jerk, as well as Jerk off, jercic, and several other itterations...so since we have that mystery solved.

BQ times seem to be heavily weighted for some reason. At 34 years old you have to run a 3:10. At this point I would say that Paulo's opinion does not really carry much weight. A 3:10 is around a 7:15 pace, I'd say a 7:15 pace is a far cry from "Walking". However at 45 you get 3:30 or around a little over 8:00 pace. Still a far cry from walking but good deal away from a 7:15 pace.

My point is that the "Real world" age gap between 34 and 45 is not all that great and at least around here the 45-49 AG is pretty competitive with the 30-34 AG group. What I'm saying is that it seems alot easier to qualify at 45 then 34, but I'd not consider either of them "Pedestrian".

All to often people seem to see things from only their perspective. "If one is committed" it's a pedestrian pace. Sure if one turns running into ones "Life focus" and makes it's a couple year project, sure qualifing for Boston would seem "Easy", even "pedestrian" for most folks. OTOH I know a lot of people that have lives, kids, full time jobs and "shit that happens" and have worked for years and not yet been succesful. Are they "Committed?" Sure, maybe not to the level that they need to be to make that time "Pedestrian" but certainly they are committed to some level.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [rocklinwoody] [ In reply to ]
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Dave, the BQ times have gotten slower in the last 30 years. I believe it used to be a 3 hour marathon was the qualifier for the OPEN and 3:15 for the MAster. Now it is 10 minutes slower. With all the training and equipment enhancements the standard should have been dropped.

I would not say it is for wimps. It is just not impressive.

I am 35 and I have run 11 marathons(2 in IM) and the closest I got to 3:15:59 was 3:25:52. As 3-year runner who has no junior high/high school/college running experience this time seems impressive.

Only 11 people out of the 356 runners hit my BQ standard at my last marathon. The top 3% seems pretty fast to me.

Maybe when I qualify on a consistent basis or even once it will seem slow, but right now in the M35-39 it seems speedy.

Swim - Bike - Run the rest is just clothing changes.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Erik, first, I beat no one since I race against myself.

I only race against people my own age. (When you guys get older you will understand)


[cough] [cough] [choke]
[falls off chair in permanent catatonic state]

blog thing - strava thing
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Erik, first, I beat no one since I race against myself.

I only race against people my own age. (When you guys get older you will understand)


[temporarily revived from catatonic state]

I've stood idly by, wondering when enough would be enough.
Statistically I'm in the vast minority of slowtwitch members because I've actually met you.
I've been silent for months, unsure of whether it was appropriate to link your real-life behavior to your online behavior.

Please retract this before I start Story Time at Lake Oroville. I'm sure the masses would enjoy. Check your freakin' head, man.

blog thing - strava thing
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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Please retract this before I start Story Time at Lake Oroville. I'm sure the masses would enjoy.

Oh man, I love a good story. I'm sitting comfortably, please begin :)

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe I'm (slightly) genetically gifted but I went from a 3:58 to a BQ time of 3:12 in a year and about 1,500 miles of training. It was not really all that hard, so I would agree that in general for a athelte of moderate talent/ability that it is not that hard to qualify for Boston. My reasoning for doing it was to get in so that I can say I qualified and made the most of my opportunity to run in the most famous marathon in the world (and in this years case in some of the worst conditions on record).

I'd say Kona is harder in general, but that really depends on which race you pick. Someone who has cash and goes oversees to an Asian event may have a better shot than someone trying to do it in Europe or in the States. But I don't care how much natural talent you have, going sub 9:45 to qualify in the 35 - 39 AG at IMFL or sub 10:15 at LP in the same AG takes a lot of hard work

Rick, "Retired" hobbyist athlete
Trying to come back slowly from acute A-Fib
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Daremo] [ In reply to ]
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You ran a 18:26 5k. That would win your age group in a lot of local 5k races and maybe put you in the top 10 overall. So yea getting to Boston was probably easy for you. That speed is not typical of most moderate runners.

Good job on lowering your marathon time and reach your goal of getting in to Boston. I am sure if you had been 34 you could have maybe went 61 seconds faster and qualified for that age group too. Just wondering what your Boston time was. I think a lot of people get to Boston and then are suprised when they run slower then their qualifying time. I know I was suprised I didn't do better there.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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When IMH opens the gates and allows 25,000 people into the race, and they have to quaify by time and not place, at not at specific, designated races, it will be a fair comparison. As it stands, Boston should seem easier. There are more opportunities and there is a standard benchmark for each age group.

Could you imagine what it would be like if Kona qualifications were like Boston? In the 35-39 you need to finish under 10:30, in the 40-44 you need to finish under 10:45, etc....

Kona awards place-winners, not finishing time. Very different type of race.

Man has this thread been interesting!!!

póg mo thóin
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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I went for a ride and I am tired.
Last edited by: Paulo: Sep 10, 07 15:13
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Post deleted by FJB [ In reply to ]
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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That's not to say they are easy for everyone, but for serious runners, they are pedestrian and that is Paulo's point.

The problem here is defining "Serious runners", "Pedestrian" and then figuring out what it takes to get to those points. I have no idea here and would be interested in any studies that show the info, but I'm guessing if you randomly took 1000 people, even assuming healthy non obese individuals, that it would not be "Pedestrian" for those individuals to qualify for Boston.

What I'm saying is that sure it's easy for a fast runner to qualify for Boston, pretty obvious. Sure a "Serious" runner can qualify as they are likely to be fast. But on average what percentage of people can even become "Serious" runners. Again I have no idea but I'm guessing that it's not a real high percentage.

I know a fairly large group of runners. Not many of them have been able to qualify for Boston and many of them have spent more than a couple years trying. I've watched some people that are very dedicated, reading, training and studying that have struggled to qualify for Boston.

Point is, as stated before, it's pretty easy to say it's easy. Especially when you're dealing with people that are already fairly successful and already in the "Serious" category. But speaking in "General" terms, I think you'd be hard pressed to say it's easy for the general population.


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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [FJB] [ In reply to ]
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"If you look back about 20 years and see how many people in your age group hit the BQ standard, it is clear that things have changed."

I think therein lies the issue..."marathoners" as a whole have slowed down on average if you look at times....heck, look at your local 10k and tell me if the times are faster now versus 10 or 20 years ago.

Again, I will point to the BQ standard in my current age group, 45-49....it's 8 minutes per mile. As I have stated, it's a decent time and I'd give my left nut to do it in an IM...but as a stand-alone 'thon, it's just "okay".

That it qualifies you for Boston is cool and all, and I encourage anyone to at least run that race once if they're able....but in general, if you consider yourself an "athlete", specifically an endurance athlete---the qualifying standard itself is not that magnificent an achievement....generally speaking.

Now, what set this whole thread off was someone tossing out a statement that in essence was "hey, while I upped my swimming I also qualified for Boston"...which made absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially in the context of the thread in which it was contained.

But anyway....I'd post the Ferris Bueller "you're still here???" picture...but I'm here too....

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Just out of curiosity, I wonder what Paulo's BQ time was?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BillyJ] [ In reply to ]
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If I am faster than you, will you be my butler for a month?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
In Reply To:
Erik, first, I beat no one since I race against myself.

I only race against people my own age. (When you guys get older you will understand)


[temporarily revived from catatonic state]

I've stood idly by, wondering when enough would be enough.
Statistically I'm in the vast minority of slowtwitch members because I've actually met you.
I've been silent for months, unsure of whether it was appropriate to link your real-life behavior to your online behavior.

Please retract this before I start Story Time at Lake Oroville. I'm sure the masses would enjoy. Check your freakin' head, man.

You must tell the story. By the way, pretty easy to find Dave's Wildflower race report, where he said:

"So, I am bummed. With all my training, I was hoping to get 5th place. But, even though I beat the 5th place guy in everything other than the bike split,
I still came up 13 seconds short. Oh well, first time I have ever made 10% in the AG or OA, so as the boss kept telling me on the way home, shut up. :o( "


It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [HH] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
so as the boss kept telling me on the way home, shut up.
Sounded like good advice. . .
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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You watching a Seinfeld marathon?

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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Well, this is a thread about nothing...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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You have to admit- h2ofun could totally be a character on Seinfeld.

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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I think Paulo hit it on the head with the "That's gold, I tell ya, gold!"

Kenny Banya, meet ST.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [I Wear a Speedo] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still waiting for Dave to start a bunch of threads about the newest Zipp Wheels what he should do...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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Please retract this before I start Story Time at Lake Oroville. I'm sure the masses would enjoy. Check your freakin' head, man.

Dude, you're killing us here!

The thread still stands...so tell the freakin' story!!

blood, sweat...and big gears

I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.''
- Muhammad Ali
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [show pony] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Please retract this before I start Story Time at Lake Oroville. I'm sure the masses would enjoy. Check your freakin' head, man.

Dude, you're killing us here!

The thread still stands...so tell the freakin' story!!
Well, I'm a man of my word, and there's no way I can guarantee Dave's read this until he says something like "I stand by everything I've written, especially this. :-)"
So just know that while I've got a separate window open and I'm ready to hit Post, it's not quite time to gather 'round Uncle Eliot's Rocking Chair yet...

blog thing - strava thing
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun can't get online at the moment but he just sent me a carrier pigeon. I will transcribe his message below:

"oh boy. Seems some folks just want to misunderstand me when I'm the most humble person in the world and a fantastic father and blue-collar car boat owner. I stand by everything I have said. Ever. Tell folks they can write whatever stories they want but I'll still be trying to come 38th at Worlds next year despite being genetically disadvantaged and old and being super-humble and only being interested in my own race and not being at all excited whenever I win 6th place (take that you 7th place loser!)."

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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You knowledge of American pop culture is awesome. MuffinTop was totally inspirational today in the pool.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
whenever I win 6th place
If Ricky Bobby taught us only one thing, it's that "win" and "6th place" do not belong together in any form.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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that's ok - we all know he's a little off base

remember the Velotron threads :)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [I Wear a Speedo] [ In reply to ]
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how about "win" and "41st at world's"? :)

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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I can't believe you dissed the REAL Seinfeld thread with that remark, Paulo!

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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"You have to admit- h2ofun could totally be a character on Seinfeld."

Perhaps "Trinity"...

As in me, myself, I
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
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I know I was suprised I didn't do better there.

Really? It's a pretty tough course and for many it's no more than a victory lap. What do you qualify for by doing well... at Boston?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Learn] [ In reply to ]
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I am not trying to rip on anybody here, but I would be very curious to see what paulo could do in a marathon if he trained properly, I wonder if he could do a 3:15 or a 3:20 or whatever a 40 year old man needs to get in to Boston, I only wonder because it seems that people who go around saying qualifying is so easy, typically aren't capable of doing it themselves. Unless you have done it yourself, you shouldn't go around talking like its easy. Many, Many people have been humbled and made to look like fools when talking like that. FWIW, I have qualified for Boston a few times, I have never gone to it due to the travel costs of it (and i know how to run a 3:00 marathon), but I would never say that if I did go to Boston I would run a 2:XX:XX.....I haven't done it, I shouldn't talk...right?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Sure. I'll go with you. Ironman distance? Pick the race.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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ok...... i will make a game....

paulo official marathon time is.... you need to put the numbers in the right order....... 74925 up to you to figure out.... it s like the price is right!!! and he will kill me if i tell the time..... but he is gone running so it s all good!!!!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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"I only wonder because it seems that people who go around saying qualifying is so easy, typically aren't capable of doing it themselves."

Besides Boston, I've run 3 open marathons and BQ'd in 2...I crashed and burned in Beantown and struggled home in 3:31---that was 1999. My 3 marathons were 3:20, 3:06 and 3:14. Currently I'm training for December's CIM and hoping to improve on that 12-year old 3:06.

Just as an FYI.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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paulo official marathon time is.... you need to put the numbers in the right order....... 74925 up to you to figure out.... it s like the price is right!!! and he will kill me if i tell the time..... but he is gone running so it s all good!!!!

9:57:42! That was easy! What do i win?

OK... 2:57:49?

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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I don't want to search through 10 pages of posts, but I believe he said it was 2:59.

Mike Sparks

I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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I will guess that Paulos marathon time is 3:22:20
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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very close........ but i tiny bit too fast!!!!! the winner get a all expense not covered ticket for the LC training camp starting in 4 days!!!!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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mister lobo..... there is no 3 in the numbers i have given as option....

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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he told me once before, i believe him

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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you will never make it far at the price is right if you dont respect the rules.... i gave number to help you out!!!!! you can screw up that much!!!!:)

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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LOL, I get it now...gimme a minute and i'll guess. Don't worry, if I win, I wouldn't show up to his camp anyhow
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Assuming Paulo has qualified it has to be:


I am guesing 2:57:49, just faster than Lance.

Pain or damage don't end the world, or despair, or beatings. The world ends when you're dead, until then you're due for more punishment. Stand it like a man. And give some back.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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we already have a winner......ERIC Clark!!!! why not show up??? we are having so much fun !!!!!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
Last edited by: jonnyo: Sep 10, 07 17:56
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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2:59:47.....however I would not be suprised if it were 4:59:27
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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inside info, you're disqualified you dastardly cheater!!!!

I forgot he'd already posted something to this effect earlier in the thread when taunting the waterboy. I'm failing my ST exams

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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well, jonnyo, as much as I would love to come and hang around with some 40 year old portugese(sp?) coach who has a nasty habit of lurking on facebook and a pro that would totally destroy me, I have this thing to do, its just this little thing that some people have...its called a job.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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too bad.... i m sure we would have a lot of fun, there will be a lot of other really nice age group athlete here and we are just having a good time. But work is sure something that is also important!

and to stay with the thread, good luck to everyone that want to make it to Boston!!!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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however, if paulo would put up with my shit talking, I might actually try to go to the spring camp before HIM ca and IMAZ...if he is still having it.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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Mike, 3:06 is pretty damn quick by my standards. I'm thinking I might be able to run 8's, but I need more training to be sure.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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no problem...we will keep you update... as much as paulo is one special personality on slowtwitch, i have to say he is very different in person and everyone is very welcome as long as they have positive attitude.... training as to be fun and that s how we try to keep it. We like people with opinion, it make for fun and interesting talk and if we really get into a impass, we can settle everything over a hard run or bike workout!!

ok...back to boston, if they have quizno's on the course...maybe i can convience paulo to run it!

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
no problem...we will keep you update... as much as paulo is one special personality on slowtwitch, i have to say he is very different in person and everyone is very welcome as long as they have positive attitude....
Fuck you, Jonnyo.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Quiznos are everywhere on the course. Here is one in Coolidge Corner which is about at mile 23. He should call ahead so his order will be ready if he wants to BQ again at Boston:
(617) 277-7827

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [kdw] [ In reply to ]
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Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Paulo, impressive, I didn't have you pegged as a sub 3 guy. I should have jumped onto that deal about the slower one being a butler for the other/faster one.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Stop it. H2ofun has been absent for about 90 posts. This is his thread. Please be polite and wait for him to return.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun is taunting you with his non-response on this thread, he is daring you to go ahead.

Come on Eliot, I'm dyin' here....

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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Come on....let's hear it.

He's been posting, he's just ignoring this thread now...

"Lemond is cycling's version of Rev Jessie Jackson." -johnnyperu 5/18/07
"Just because I suck doesn't mean my bike has to" -rickn 9/2/08
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [brandonecpt] [ In reply to ]
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You missed it...this thread ballooned and got trimmed back, it's gone now.

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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Tell me you're kidding....

"Lemond is cycling's version of Rev Jessie Jackson." -johnnyperu 5/18/07
"Just because I suck doesn't mean my bike has to" -rickn 9/2/08
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [brandonecpt] [ In reply to ]
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maybe someone will pm you the Reader's Digest version of it.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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Give me a hand here...

"Lemond is cycling's version of Rev Jessie Jackson." -johnnyperu 5/18/07
"Just because I suck doesn't mean my bike has to" -rickn 9/2/08
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [brandonecpt] [ In reply to ]
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Paulo's marathon PR sub-3.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Uncle Phil] [ In reply to ]
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After accomplishing that amazing goal, I have set my eyes on the next one: The Lake Oroville Sprint Triathlon.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Now THAT is funny.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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After accomplishing that amazing goal, I have set my eyes on the next one: The Lake Oroville Sprint Triathlon.

be careful of that fork in the road.........
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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The first, true "laugh out loud" moment of my day...!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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I made it! 281 posts in one sitting . Okay, someone quiz me to make sure I was paying attention.

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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Oh please, this is nothing compared to the 'Atlas Shrugged'-esque "he said..he said" thread. And Slowman's already removed the best parts. Coward :^P
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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That's what I did to catch up as well...though likely you missed the I-don't-know-how-many posts on the Lake Oroville race story referred to in a few of the later posts....

But I suppose the question would be---what was the thread about?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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I made it! 281 posts in one sitting . Okay, someone quiz me to make sure I was paying attention.

What happened at Lake Oroville? Your problem is the next 200 posts were when this thread really got going and then...poof...they were gone...

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't want to be the one to rehash the story, but here's what happened at Lake Oroville:

Mrs. h20fun stalked a group of camp counselors. She was determined to make sure Camp Lake Oroville did not reopen, after her son Dave almost drowned in the lake when two counselors were supposed to be watching him. The last guy, Dan Empfield (Slowman), fended off Mrs. h20fun long enough to grap a machete to decapitate her.

h20fun gets revenge by constantly posting on "Slowtwitch."
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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Heh heh...that was Barry's quiz question by the way. I have the full transcript of the Lake Oroville incident :)

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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I have the full transcript of the Lake Oroville incident :)

Are you auctioning it off? Can I place a bid?

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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I think PMs for Katy and I may be in order...

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Katy] [ In reply to ]
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LOL! What do you think I'd get on ebay for it?

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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I'm affraid its a limited market, but I'm in it!

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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[reply] I have the full transcript of the Lake Oroville incident :)[/reply]

So do I....

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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Any idea what tipped it over the edge? I missed the very end

ps make sure you don't just PM it to anyone who asks, you'll affect the market value :)

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Post deleted by Administrator [ In reply to ]
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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You would need to ask the hand of god about that.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Any idea what tipped it over the edge?
I think it was the other thread YOU started.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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But I was very humble, I gave full credit to the real author :(

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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Here on ST, the bar for humble is set VERY high.

About 6'5" I believe.


float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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"Any idea what tipped it over the edge? I missed the very end"

I think the lesson here is that once the victim lies motionless for a few pages people should probably
stop kicking.

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [kdw] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"Any idea what tipped it over the edge? I missed the very end"

I think the lesson here is that once the victim lies motionless for a few pages people should probably
stop kicking.

F that.

And dammit, I'm late to the party AGAIN. How much time do I need to spend on ST to not miss this stuff????

Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Any idea what tipped it over the edge? I missed the very end

There were always going to be posts pulled once the Oroville story got posted. You could see it coming, that's why so many people made a point to copy it offline.

The thread that got started after the Oroville story was pulled was definitely on borrowed time. That one got a little too mean-spirited, imo.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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TNO had the "DISAPPOINTED" thread, and we'll have this one...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Uncle Phil] [ In reply to ]
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You were not on ST about two years ago, I imagine...
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Aahhh yes. I do remember what I think you're referring to...HeavyD? Not as legendary as the Story of the Oroville Triathlon should become though!
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I missed the very end

Me too, believe it or not.

Hi guys! What's goin' on over here?

What a trip this place can be.


blog thing - strava thing
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [eganski] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Oh please, this is nothing compared to the 'Atlas Shrugged'-esque "he said..he said" thread. And Slowman's already removed the best parts. Coward :^P

Hey! What happens in the LR, STAYS in the LR!

The few times I meet people from ST, I ask "so.....uh......you don't read my stuff from the LR do you? No? Good, because I can be a real dick."

; ^ )

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
though likely you missed the I-don't-know-how-many posts on the Lake Oroville race story referred to in a few of the later posts....

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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I can't believe it!!!!! The one day I do what I'm actually supposed to at work and I miss the story!!!!!!! That'll teach me to be productive and responsible...

Someone has the story, right?
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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did you make it to h2ofun's response? Perhaps the thread was dissolved to prevent anyone else from having to read that 'rebuttal'

you know my name, look up my number
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [kdw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Kick, kick, kick. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Do Du] [ In reply to ]
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I believe I missed the rebuttal (damnit)...still, I'll always have my memeories of our time at the lake :)

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [Lazy Ben] [ In reply to ]
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For those of us a little late to the party, is someone willing to send me the oroville thread? Curiosity is getting to me......
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [ahariton] [ In reply to ]
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I would send you the thread, but I do not have it.

But, what is your curiosity? Maybe I can give you a honest answer.

Going to do the race? The web is up at http://cityofgoldtri.com/
and registration is soon.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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Jesus h. christ Barry, WTF took you so long to post a photo with a caption??

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [etocaj] [ In reply to ]
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I am sooo confused. What are you talking about?

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I've been seeing references to that disaster of a thread - so was curious to see what all of the fuss was about
Last edited by: ahariton: Jan 25, 08 13:50
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [ahariton] [ In reply to ]
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What gets talked about is the personal attack that was made at me that is standard for ST
and allowed a lot of folks to have "fun" at my expense.

So, technically, you see this stuff on ST all the time. Just happened to be this time is was
me having fun with Paulo since he loved to attack me, and then the personal attack from a person at the race who in one
encounter, made an opinion about me, and had fun posting it on ST. No matter this is against
the rules, as I said, it allowed a few folks to have fun. The thread was then pulled but a few bragged
they had saved it. I wonder why? Again, I love it when I make some folks day on ST.
They must have a great life.

So, anything left unanswered? If you really want the thread, or the attack post, start a new thread asking for it,
some still have it I assume, and maybe it can make your day, if this is what you are into. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Yup, Paulo certainly loved to drink the Hater-Ade
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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But I do miss him. He really is one smart guy. Just wish he could have treated others as I assume
he likes to be treated, but I could be wrong.

I really wanted to see him kick this old mans butt in a race, but oh well, he was busy he said. Smile
(It would have made great fun for the RD, and put her race on the ST map)


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I agree, I wish he was here but if you cant act civil then.....I was also disapointed that he got sick before SOMA, I wanted to brag about beating him.
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Re: Paulo says BQ times are for wimps [IRONLOBO] [ In reply to ]
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In some ways beating him could be cool, but on the other, it goes against my values. I love to go out
and have folks push me to my limit to be the best I could on that day. Whether I am first or last
really means nothing other than good friends can have fun with it. But, so many in our sport
can seem to take it personally rather than as a bond within our sport.

Oh well, when you coming out to do a real mans race at Auburn? Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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