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So how tough was Wildflower, anyway?
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DNF list comes close to 200 people. That's almost two-thirds of the number who started at CaliMan last year.

I know there are other tough courses out there, and maybe we'll even get a pissing contest going to determine the toughest (now that Auburn no longer claims the title) but WF with Saturday's monster wind had some saying that Nasty Grade was eaiser going up with the tailwind than some of the downhills into the wind (exaggeration). But conditions were hideous. This was a race where a lot of folks were wishing they had packed a gun or a hara kiri knife in the old Bento...

Cousin Elwood - Team Over-the-hill Racing
Brought to you by the good folks at Metamucil and Geritol...
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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My two toughest races, out of over 100, including 5 ironman events, were both Wildflower. 2001 with the over 100 degree temps on the run course, and what 2003-2004 the year it rained all weekend.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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the wind was brutal. this was my 6th year there and i think i would take 100 degree temps over the wind on saturday. it was not fun.

"No one ever told me they made black fondant!" - Duff Goldman
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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I've raced Wildflower 7 times since 1997. Heat, hills, etc, were nothing compared to the hell of Saturday. the swim chop (3 mins slower on average for most AG'ers) and the tornado that greeted us on the bike were the toughest hands down condtions I have ever seen in just about any race. granted I've struggled with a badly herniated disk and anemia since last year, but my bike split was 20 minutes slower than 2006.

My plan was to take it easy the first 15, but just pedaling was I was pushing 200-220 watts (42 year old lady here), which is very high for me. On the flat heading to Jolon Road, I was going 11 mph. It sucked big hairy donkey balls. I was 40 minutes off my time from last year (again, many injuries since, but still!, and a personal worse by over 25 minutes).

The fact that Bjorn smoked that bike is a testament to what a great biker he is.

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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I have raced WF in the 100 plus temps which was not fun. But, I sure glad I was not racing Sat. I talked to some of the top finishers and all
they were talking about is how scarey the bike was and at times, they were thinking of quiting. And when I was watching the later bikers
come through the entrance station, and watching them in the sun on the run, it was tough.

I know on Sat I have a few wind gusts that really blew me around my bike. I could not imagine the mental impact
the wind on Sat had since you had to be holding on the entire bike for dear life.

Has there ever been an easy year for weather at WF?


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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last year was damn near perfect. low temps, no wind, PR day for almost everyone last year. holy shit, what a contrast to Saturday.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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I had a great race on Saturday but yet seriously thought about turning back to wait at the top of Nasty Grade and escort my wife down the descent. She was riding her second race with a rear disk and medium dish front. I didn't do it but did spend the rest of the race worrying about her. Anyway, we both finished in one piece, but I was very uncomfortable in sections and I'm a heavy and experienced bike racer. I can only imagine how crappy she felt descending those hills with the same side gusts and 80 LBS less of mass to keep her upright. I heard a few people really ate it out there.

Also, interesting side note--- At least five guys were disqualified for riding with Bell Meteor helmets. The officials were catching the riders out on the bike course and DQing them.

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [MarcK] [ In reply to ]
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Seems every year more than a few people eat it on the big descent. I would hate to imagine it being 80 pounds lighter than I am.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [MarcK] [ In reply to ]
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you are not from Gear West team, are you? i talked to a lady on the bike out there running a disk in a Gear West (i think, red) jersey with a disk and she was HATING life. 40'ish AGer.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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It was a tough day. Much tougher then last year or even 3 weeks back when we had our training weekend and had 20 mph winds and rain. The head winds was bad (heading into Lockwood where it is flat) i was in my 3rd easiest gear to keep my cadence at 85-90. When you were out of the headwind you were in nasty crosswinds and it took extra energy to keep you bike on the road. 3 times a gust of wind caught be and basically made my bike jump a foot to the right. The decents were also interesting, I managed to not get past on any of the downhills, except once by a guy on a P3C and probably 50 extra lbs, but definitely scary at some times with my Hed 3's. I managed a 10 min PR on the bike and placed 4 spots higher in my AG (F25-29), but was 7 min slower over last. year.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [MarcK] [ In reply to ]
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"At least five guys were disqualified for riding with Bell Meteor helmets. The officials were catching the riders out on the bike course and DQing them.

what is the deal with these helmets? Why a DQ?
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [MarcK] [ In reply to ]
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"Death Wobble" was out with a vengeance on Saturday

The gusty winds were brutal, especially on the descents. I've always enjoyed descending during road races and the few tris that I have done, but Saturday was different. Steady side or quarter winds are relatively easy to manage but the gusts were likely bad enough to challenge even the most accomplished bike handlers. I was actually glad to climb as miserable as that sounds..

Roadie to Trigeek convert
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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I have seen worse winds at Wildflower but that year I did the shorter distance. It was back in the late 80s. White caps on the lake at 5AM. Tents blowing around like tumbleweeds.

This year was very tough though. My ride was 15 minutes slower than expected. Part headwind and partly because I was spooked by the croswinds. I chose not to test the law of negative returns against that wind and try to make up time on the run. Decent run and could have been faster if it wasn't for the Perpetuem induced stomach gas cramps.

Lots of people looked tired and defeated on that run.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [OCTriGeek] [ In reply to ]
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In response to the question about Bell Meteor helmets:

Bell Meteor helmets are not CPSC certified, and per the USAT rules, section 5.9:

"All participants shall wear a protective head cover, undamaged and unaltered, which meets

or exceeds the safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)."

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [sto] [ In reply to ]
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One of the guys I saw at the race was real upset with his time yesterday, saying it was 10 minutes slower than last year.
He then said last year there was overcast and much better racing conditions. Darn, that must have been nice.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [MarcK] [ In reply to ]
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Interesting. When I came into the bike setup yesterday, a USAT official saw my Rudy helmet
and stated he wanted to see it. Thought it was weird since the way he said it implied it was illegal.
Luckily another USAT official next to him showed him the sticker in the helmet saying was approved.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Last edited by: h2ofun: May 7, 07 18:10
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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Saturday was so damn painful, that was my first time at Wildflower. I'm 180 lbs and was terrified on some of those descents, I can't imagine what it would have been like to be 20 lbs lighter (though it would have made some of those hills a bit more bareable). All things considered I had a good bike that day, averaging 19 mph, but it was all I could do to keep my legs going on the run. The mental battle I had to do with myself just to keep from throwing in the towel was ridiculous. All that being said, that race is done right; the volunteers on it were great, drunk out of their minds but great. And the dude with the Energizer Bunny outfit at the top of Nasty Grade is awesome!
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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I raced Sunday so I spent Saturday cheering for people on the bike course. We positioned ourselves around mile 49 at the top of what looked like a long, annoying grade. The wind was absolutely awful and I kept thinking how smart I was to do the oly distance instead this year (that is, until i sat around waiting until 10:25 in the heat for my wave to go off). People looked like they were in major PAIN by the time they got to us. My fiance was doing some video work and captured some painful faces. Congrats to all those who dealt with the wind on Saturday. Hard core!
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [sto] [ In reply to ]
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I know exactly who that is...
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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I moved up 25 AG postitions in the Oly with the same exact time as last year.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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I did not race, but I did the course just ahead of the pros (left at 8:10am). If I did not have a power meter to tell me I was working so hard, I would have just pulled over and waiting for the pros to pass me. Between miles 7-8 I was riding at 22kph and pushing 280w.

The slower riders had a worse conditions. I stood out on Nasty Grade with my wife (who kept deflating) and as the day progressed, so did the winds. It was odd though, most of the time it was a tailwind going up nasty grade, but it would shift 180 degrees sometimes and be a strong headwind.

Some of the gusts were so bad that I could not stand in one spot.

Anyone of the three that took my picture, I would like a copy of it :)

Oh, when I was up on the hill, I took off my shirt and pull the straps off my shoulders of my bib shorts. The marshal came by and told me to not take off my shorts. LOL.

Congrats to everyone that finished on both days. I cheered for many hours and enjoyed every minute.

Reverend Dr. Jay
Lake of the Pines Triathlon fastest bike course record holder - Golden State Super Sprint fastest tri course record holder - Wildflower Long Course slowest run course record holder (4:46:32)

"If you have a body, you are an athlete." -Bill Bowerman
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Styk33] [ In reply to ]
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your wife is the only reason i do this race every year. she gave me a look this year. i think we have a thing going.

"No one ever told me they made black fondant!" - Duff Goldman
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Styk33] [ In reply to ]
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dude, you were the guy with the blow-up doll? you gotta find her a nicer dress!

i was wondering about the wind (i.e if it got worse as the day progressed, because it sure felt like it). i had a very slow bike and i can't imagine how the pro's went so fast. when i saw their times, i was wondering if it had picked up throughout the day. i'm glad to know that starting in the last wave and being slow made my day all that more hellish.

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Tim, great job!! Did you like the view on the run? Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Last edited by: Martin C: May 7, 07 13:10
Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Styk33] [ In reply to ]
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That was your wife??? sorry dude, think I said something like "that is one ugly chick" as I passed you.....
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [sto] [ In reply to ]
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Don't get me wrong, it was still very windy when I was out riding (10-15 minutes up the road from Bjorn), but it did get worse as the day progressed. The gusts were stronger and the seperation between the wind was getting shorter. That was up until 1:45pm when I left my spot on the hill and heading in.

Oh, if the cutie in the pink spandex that was drinking from her bottle around mile 50 is on here, I am sorry. I rode by you fairly fast with no warning as we went around the corner.

The dress came with the wife. I should look for something better though for next year. Maybe a nice bikini or something. Something light weight since I have to carry it in a backpack as I ride the course ahead of everyone :)

Reverend Dr. Jay
Lake of the Pines Triathlon fastest bike course record holder - Golden State Super Sprint fastest tri course record holder - Wildflower Long Course slowest run course record holder (4:46:32)

"If you have a body, you are an athlete." -Bill Bowerman
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Styk33] [ In reply to ]
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Jay, thanks for all the support you gave out there on both days. I know it was great the couple of times I heard the nice comments and then
saw you on the course. Yep, I looked terrible, was giving it all I had. Sure paying for it today. I got lazy, slept in and missed my swimming this
morning. Still trying to recover from not drinking enough in the heat.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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weaker field.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't see anything interesting this year on the run. Just the guy in the purple pimp daddy suit. Last year I got flashed by a co-ed. I told her it was my birthday and she said "happy birthday" and flashed me. Seemed like a lot more crowds this year including students and others. Super encouraging people.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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I saw the guy in purple going up the hill where they always seem to have a hose, like mile 2.

The gals and guy where past this right before you took the big right. Since it was clear the ladies
did not have tans where there were exposing, hope they did not get too burned. Smile I got a high five
from one gal that kept me going. Guess I grabbed the wrong place.

There were sure many many more college gals in skimpy outfits than I remember from the past!
Yes, they were all super positive. I also agree seemed to be more folks on the course.

From a support perspective, aid, etc., it is one first class event!!!

Guess if I have no pictures, it did not happen. I told the boss on the way home she said
I could look but no touching and better come home hungry. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I spoke to a guy that finished about 45 minutes after you and he said that there was no flashing going on. It could be they just were tired and stopped. It is hard work cheering for hours on end.

Reverend Dr. Jay
Lake of the Pines Triathlon fastest bike course record holder - Golden State Super Sprint fastest tri course record holder - Wildflower Long Course slowest run course record holder (4:46:32)

"If you have a body, you are an athlete." -Bill Bowerman
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Interesting. When I came into the bike setup yesterday, a USAT official saw my Rudy helmet
and stated he wanted to see it. Thought it was weird since the way he said it implied it was illegal.
Luckily another USAT official next to him showed him the sticker in the helmet saying was approved.

Now, I have to give a story of what I saw based on this. On both days we saw multiple times a USAT
official, blonde hair with a pony tail, riding on a motorcycle with no helmet. One time I yelled at
her to get a helmet. My wife kept bringing it up since she knows all about USAT officials from
vineman last year. So, to hear USAT was DQing folks for illegal helmets, and then seeing her riding
all over the WF main event area without a helmet on is, well, .....


Officials were looking at aero helmets for CPSC certification, particularly Specialized, Bell Meteor, Limar, Chrono, and Giro. They knew Rudy's were OK, but wanted to see the sticker to familiarize their crew with what they looked like from each manufacturer.

Also, the woman you saw on the moto without a helmet was not a USAT official. There were plenty of non-USAT moto's (media and Tri-Cal volunteers/VIPs and possibly others) on the course and in the main event area. I would hope that if that woman had actually gone out on Interlake Rd, one of the CHP's controlling traffic would have issued her a ticket. Seems like it would be hard to overlook that violation.

One cannot enlighten the unconscious.
Stuff that rocks: <fawning links here>
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [JHo] [ In reply to ]
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CHP out on Nasty Grade were enforcing laws and making cars know that they need to be respectful too. One motorcycle cop pulled over two people in front of me. Just two guys in trucks driving dangerously on the wrong side of the hill too fast. Neither were ticketed, but both had the look of fear in there eyes as the CHP officer turned around. Oh, both guys almost hit the CHP officer head on as he was coming down that hill.

I saw no one on a motorcycle without a helmet outside the park on either day. One person without a helmet did get yelled at by the announcer at the top of lynch hill. Yelled at over the PA system :)

Reverend Dr. Jay
Lake of the Pines Triathlon fastest bike course record holder - Golden State Super Sprint fastest tri course record holder - Wildflower Long Course slowest run course record holder (4:46:32)

"If you have a body, you are an athlete." -Bill Bowerman
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [JHo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
[reply]Interesting. When I came into the bike setup yesterday, a USAT official saw my Rudy helmet
and stated he wanted to see it. Thought it was weird since the way he said it implied it was illegal.
Luckily another USAT official next to him showed him the sticker in the helmet saying was approved.

Now, I have to give a story of what I saw based on this. On both days we saw multiple times a USAT
official, blonde hair with a pony tail, riding on a motorcycle with no helmet. One time I yelled at
her to get a helmet. My wife kept bringing it up since she knows all about USAT officials from
vineman last year. So, to hear USAT was DQing folks for illegal helmets, and then seeing her riding
all over the WF main event area without a helmet on is, well, .....


Officials were looking at aero helmets for CPSC certification, particularly Specialized, Bell Meteor, Limar, Chrono, and Giro. They knew Rudy's were OK, but wanted to see the sticker to familiarize their crew with what they looked like from each manufacturer.

Also, the woman you saw on the moto without a helmet was not a USAT official. There were plenty of non-USAT moto's (media and Tri-Cal volunteers/VIPs and possibly others) on the course and in the main event area. I would hope that if that woman had actually gone out on Interlake Rd, one of the CHP's controlling traffic would have issued her a ticket. Seems like it would be hard to overlook that violation.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [sto] [ In reply to ]
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Sto, on race morning I looked up and saw a bit of wind. I was thinking...OK, I am still ~ 5 lbs over race weight, so my hill climbing performance will be down, so let it blow. The harder the wind came, the more I was enjoying it. Going to the summit of nasty grade, I was thinking...OK, this is nasty, but that wind is harsh, but I was passing people, so what the heck. But starting from the old man 40-44 wave and passing ~1000 people over the course of the race, white kuckling it to the bottom of hills in front of me was hairy.


When it is windy and you are going down a steep hill with cross winds..DO NOT SIT UP...DO NOT SLAM your BRAKES. Get low so your centre of gravity is close the ground and get small so you don't get blown off the road. This is the way to descend in hills. Don't believe it, then try it...you'll be amazed how stable you will be with your head down between the aero pads, outside leg pushing pedal hard into the ground, hands on cowhorns countersteering my pushing the inside hand (the hand opposite to the leg that is down). Finally point your belly button at where you want to go, don't look at the object that you are about to crash into....think about the slalom skier setting himself up to hit the next gate as he comes out of this gate.

I'm a 145 lbs guy riding a HED Stinger 60 front and a trispoke in the back and I was fine...most of you who are bigger have no excuse

OK so much for my rant. I'm not sure where people are from that were complaining about the heat on Saturday... but you have to be kidding. Those temps were not hot at all....there was wind and frankly by the end of the run I was suffering and wishing the wind would die (I guess I got a dosage of what I was hoping for). My time of 4:56 was 13 minutes slower than my time here in 1996. Funny enough, in both years I finished 53rd overall...back in 1996 I got 8th in my age group...11 years later, 7th...so it seems that there are just as many fast guys around. Frankly though, I found the race to be much tougher than the Half Ironman in St. Croix last year, where I went 4:54. Wildflower has a way tougher bike and run course. St. Croix just has more heat, but I am OK with performing in heat (even though my last ride at home was 90K in 3 degree Celsius).

For those saying that the swim was slow, I am glad you felt it was this way. I thought I improved my swim (thanks Ksweet and Tigerchik for the swim challenges on ST), and was expecting to see a sub 29 min time (and maybe sub 28) when I came out of the water around top 10 in my age group, but was surprised when I hit the mat in 31:29....well at least my transitions were 1:04 and 1:19...free speed :-).

Anyway, yes the conditions were tough, but when I do a race like St. Croix or Wildflower early in the year, this is what I expect...after posting a slow season opening time, I can feel good about doing faster times later in the year.

I'm already looking forward to the Demi Esprit on the Formula 1 track in Montreal in September (www.esprittriathlon.com) . If you guys want a fast course, this is the place to go. I posted my PB there last year at the age of 40 :-). Aparently Desertdude will be heading over to hammer me soundly and go sub 4:05 :-).
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [Cousin Elwood] [ In reply to ]
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4th time at LC, 7th time at WF overall ... every year it is something - the hot year, the rainy year, the perfect year. this year was the windy year. i managed to PR the LC by 20 minutes over my best time despite the conditions, so i am overwhelmed with joy. as a small women riding a 3 spoke 650 H3C i got pushed around like never before. the head winds sucked and the chop on the water was no fun either. i was even trying to duck in and draft on the run at times.

weaker field ... maybe. along with my PR, i placed higher in the standings than ever before (took home hardware even), but i am keeping it in a personal perspective and i am very happy with my own performance, not so much of the others around me.

the course is challenging no matter what the conditions. it is like a sick joke ... as if the race directors thought 'oh wait, let's throw in a really steep uphill trail right after this beautiful lake shore path just to really f' with the racers ... HA HA HA' (mean laugh and the sound of thunder in the background) <terry davis is outstanding and this is not a shot at tricalifornia>

is TNT taking more slots ... keeping the hard core / more competitive racers out? although, i had no trouble signing up this year, i can remember in years past the agony of trying to get to the online registration page in the wee hours of the morning on decemeber 1st.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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yeah awesome doll, i remember some of your comments and the girls behind me thinking you were crude. whatever. some people need to loosen up and have fun. we were all dying out there and seeing you was exactly what we needed. thanks!!
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dev...

Congrats on a great race on a tough day. I said hello as you flew by me like I was standing still around mile 6 (I think) . It was basically a long training day for me, but still... the conditions made for a pretty tough day.

With regards to the wind, I was on a disc rear and 404 front and with the exception of a few gusts on the steep decent after Nasty Grade... didn't think it was all that bad. My bike split was about 10-15 min slower than what I would have expected but or most of the ride I was thinking to myself "the disc is PERFECT for days like today" with a moderate to strong cross or headwind for most of the time.

I loved the course. The swim was about 4-5 min slow for me (36 min) but the bike was fun and the crowd support on the run was awesome.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [sto] [ In reply to ]
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 My first Wildflower so I have nothing to compare it to, but what a great time. There was ALOT of wind on the bike course (first 15 miles were alot harder and slower than I expected) and my split was certainly slower than I'd hoped for, but it was the same wind for everyone else in my age group. Had a nice little death wobble, too, on one of the downhills when someone braked quickly in front of me which certainly got the adrenaline flowing, but otherwise it was just a good honest struggle. I mean, this is a classic race, its supposed to be really hard. That why we do this stuff, right??

What was interesting for me is that I am usually a much stronger cyclist than a runner but I had a much better run than bike at WF on what I found to be an awesome and fun (loved the topless aid station) run course - I really wish there were more races with trail or partial-trail runs. Not sure what accounts for my bike/run inversion at this point (wind, hills, not fully recovered from race the previous week, I climb like a slug, etc). Had my usual crap swim but am now taking some minor solace in the fact that it appears the swim was a couple minutes slower than usual for most folks (take a couple minutes off my time, though = still crap).

Like I said, it being my first Wildflower, I have no reference point, but if you love triathlon you have to do this race. Its that simple. I will be back.
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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I raced the Oly, and there were some very encouraging coeds at the fourth aid station on the run. Some with painted on bikini tops and some without. All good. But the guy wearing nothing other than a gatorade cup on his junk was not a welcome sight...
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [PeterAK] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, loved that aid station, even though sounds like they were not always there.
The guy gave equal time to the women, thought he had balls. Smile


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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The guy gave equal time to the women, thought he had balls.

Were you running so fast you couldn't tell for sure?

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Re: So how tough was Wildflower, anyway? [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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No, at that point in the race, I was not running fast. Missed most of the sights since I was dying.
What ever he had was all nicely hidden behind the cup. Some of those folks may have been sun
burned in places for the first times in their lifes.

Did make the race much more fun than the 2 times I did a few years back. Other than the spiked drink
issue, the cal poly kids were all great supporters!!


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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