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NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend
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Just wondering if any other ST'ers are signed up for this race. Should be a great one with a flat fast course and temps in the low 70's. Anyone have any experience with this race?
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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Heard some bad things about the water last year. Like huge stumps or something that people kept swimming into. Mud and murky stuff, hard to see your arms let alone your hands in the water. Brutal swim....Other than that windy last year.

Good luck...

Team Zoot Northeast
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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I have ridden the bike course several times and I can tell you that the roads are good and you will likely have at least some wind from every direction (its a double loop). Its a different swim then last year, so thats unknown (from the shore it looks fine). The run is flat with no shade. Best of luck, I'm doing the sprint. Tim
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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i'll be there.
only kinda ready, only kinda tapered, definitely not my 'a' race but i'll be there.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone have a sense of what water temps are like? I know the athlete guide is saying 70F, but with the cool spring we've been having, I can't imagine that'll be the case.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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I did it the first year and it was a really nice race. The bike course was flat with nice wide shoulders and little traffic. 3/4 of it was on fantastic road surface and the other 1/4 was so-so with some pretty rough patches. I heard there were snakes in the water last year, so I will not be back, however.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Jon] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be there (second time). I don't think it's a different swim location, just an improved venue. I didn't have any trouble last year, except not being able to see. I never hit any stumps. They switched the waves around a little, so I'm curious to see how that plays out.

Like someone else said, bring sunscreen for the run. No shade at all.

Last year I swam in a sleeveless wetsuit. I'm going to do a practice swim tomorrow to see if I should go with the fullsuit.

Last year it was a fun, well-run race. I'm looking forward to it.

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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [gadzinm] [ In reply to ]
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I received an e-mail from the race organizers about a month back, saying that the swim will be in the same place last year, but that they were making efforts to pull out all of the offending stumps, and a few other things to improve the swim.

The stumps were bad because by the time the last half IM wave was swimming, the water was completely churned and black. You only found the stumps when they found you first, either your hand, your arm, or your torso. It was more than a little disconcerting. Good luck with the water this year.

Otherwise, it is a very nice bike course, essentially flat, with two quick loops for the half IM. The run course is also pretty nice with two out and back loops. Hopefully this year, they will have some one with more experience directing runners at the critical intersection where the two out and backs split off. It was rather entertaining last year when after the first half dozen half IMers started down the correct first loop to the left, for some unkown reason, the volunteers then proceeded to direct everyone else to the right. Arguing with the volunteers just cost you time, and most people trudged on fairly calmly, and ran the loops in reverse order.

Also cool last year, were actual podiums for the finisher awards. If you are one of the blessed ones with exceptional speed, don't be shy and step up.

Behold the turtle! He makes progess only when he sticks his neck out. (James Bryant Conant)
GET OFF THE F*%KING WALL!!!!!!! (Doug Stern)
Brevity is the soul of wit. (William Shakespeare)
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [parkito] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in.......last year the water was bad. RD said they cleared stumps and added sand to the entry ramp to keep the mud to a minimum. I'm not ready but so what, let's do it.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [NMath] [ In reply to ]
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Last year I swam in a sleeveless wetsuit. I'm going to do a practice swim tomorrow to see if I should go with the fullsuit.

Let us know what your results were.
I'm trying to decide btwn wearing my sleeveless wetsuit and being comfortable, and wearing my sleeveless wetsuit and freezing.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I have not tapered either. More like a long organized training day. Hell my longest ride of the year has only been 3 hours. But looking forward to shaking off the cobwebs and seeing if spending time on the trainer this winter has helped.
Will be wearing a full suit no matter what. Would need an outboard motor to keep up with NMath in the water.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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I will first say that any RD planning a 1/2 for early may in NJ is taking a risk with weather. Looks like this year could be cold, even though today looks nice.

I've done this race two years in a row. The first was in a different and better lake than the second, but the second year's run course was better, while the bike was basiccally the same both years.

Overall this is a fast course and has what I like to call a local 1/2 feel to it. It's nice. Oh, and the bike course was slightly short last year.

Good luck.

Fortitudine Vincimus
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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I did the sprint/oly? in '05 and the 1/2 in '06 (PB despite feeling under-trained). I decided to sit this year out to see if the RD could get it together. '05 was a nice venue so I don't know why they changed. '06 was bad: no swim warm-up, awful swim conditions (I still can't believe I didn't end up in the ER after that dip in the cesspool), unannounced change in wave order (after a delayed start), bottle hand-ups in random locations, & incorrect mile markers on the run. There are some other issues but all races have them and I am sure it is very tough to put it all together. I would love to see this race succeed as it is a great, local, early-season ass-kicking that helps re-focus the training. Until I know that the RD can organize an event, I will just use the day to get in some quality training.

Best of luck to all of you & be sure to share your thoughts on the '07 version.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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So how was the race??
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [RandyS] [ In reply to ]
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [jime] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah the weather on race day was pretty windy and that affected the bike course as well as the run course as the run is generally on roads through open fields. The swim was odd in that it was a three loop course and to say that the water was dirty would be an understatement. I think that the few mouthfuls that I swallowed came back to haunt me on the run and gave me some GI issues.......thank god for the mid-run potta-potties. How did everyone do? 4hrs 32mins for me.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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Water was disgusting, with really none of the promsied changes from last year. Other than the oppressive wind, the rest of the course was pretty good. Also, we are stil wating for our results to be posted; very late IMHO.

Slower than U
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [RandyS] [ In reply to ]
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It was my first Tri this year and only my 3rd HIM. I thought the weather conditions were tough. It was in the upper 40s to low 50s at the start with 20mph winds. The swim was a 3 loop water polo match in water with a lot of silt. No Stumps. My wave was slow getting off the ramp so I wasnt even wet when my wave started. The fact it was 3 loops made for a lot of congestion.
The bike was good except for the wind. Nice roads little traffic only one area of dubious roadway and one turn that could of been better swept. Saw no accidents and only a few flats. Took one water bottle exchange with a good handoff. If no wind it would of been perfect.
The run was flat into the local marsh land so once again windy. Good aid stations except no mixed drinks:)
The food afterwards was not great but I was in no mood to eat either.
I would not pay extra for the dry release shirt again...low quality for the price.
Overall I would say the race was good..the swim will continue to be a problem but everything else was well thought out and safe. Worth going to for an early season event.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [slower than U] [ In reply to ]
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This was my first time at Devilman and I did the sprint. I thought the RD was joking with the pre swim map of the buoys when it read: Swim No walking between the buoys. That was no joke, the whole lake is very shallow and at one point I saw someone standing up in waist deep water in the middle adjusting his goggles. At least the mud bath was warm and the entrance and exit mats did protect my bare feet. Yes, there was a lot of wind with gusts up to 30mph and while it did slow me down some I was very happy that with a Zipp disc in the back and a Zipp 404 up front on my Cervelo P3C that I was not blown all over the road. I'm 5'10" and 175 pounds, I think my beer gut has finally found a purpose in life: center of line ballast. The run was fine, but on a hot day it would be a drag as there was no shade.

I placed 3rd in the whole farts division (read: make it to the finish line and you place), however its now Tuesday morning and the final results have not yet been put on line. In todays digital age most race results go up on the same day, and with real time stats during the really big events. Tim
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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good job on the 4:31!
that's a full hour faster than me...

as other people have said, the water was gross gross gross. i just q-tipped my ears last night, hadn't yet, and there was still silt in there. i'm thinking that was what made me have to, uhm, stop a few times during the race.

since i wasn't really trained for it, except the run part, i decided to race it watchless and just go by feel. (my bike computer was on, i just didn't reset it - so on that leg it wasn't totally by feel). it was a good race strategy, but man am i curious what my splits were.

also - the transition areas seemed really long. my sense is that part of t1 will actually be in the swim time. i'm hoping i broke the mendoza line on my swim, the running part might put that in jeopardy!

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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [cervelorider] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
however its now Tuesday morning and the final results have not yet been put on line. In todays digital age most race results go up on the same day, and with real time stats during the really big events. Tim

"Results for NJD to be posted on/around Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your patience."

I think yesterday the Web site said Tuesday. Gotta wonder why they abandoned Lin-Mark for timing, as Mark & Linda get their race results up the day of the race without fail.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [RandyS] [ In reply to ]
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Did the sprint. I swam in first wave, so the swim course was not crowded. Had GI issues on the run and for several hours after. Course was mega windy. My feet went numb during the swim and stayed that way until mile 2 of the run - it was cold. The bike course is pretty nice. I saw no drafting on my part of the course. Was impressed to see young riders (age 20-22) following rules on passing/no drafting. Running in that wind sucked almost as much as riding in it. Good tune up race for early May.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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This race was timed by Lin Mark. They have this event on their web page, but no results. Tim
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [cervelorider] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not sure that Lin-Mark does the timing for Piranha-Sports events anymore. I think Lin-Mark just handles the registration/entry list. If you check the Devilman web site, it states "Results provided by Piranha Sports".

Based on their websites, Lin-Mark uses the "WinningTime chip system" and Devilman used Championchip timing chips.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [cervelorider] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
This race was timed by Lin Mark. They have this event on their web page, but no results. Tim
Wrong. Lin-Mark handled registration only. Had they done timing, the results would be available. Lin-Mark no longer handles timing for Piranha Sports.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [cervelorider] [ In reply to ]
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The race was not timed by Lin-Mark. Usually you can tell as their camper is on site, and Lynn or Mark is usually at the starting line. Read the RD's site carefully; he is doing the timing now. Ken has it right; Lin-Mark (and most other timing co's in NJ) without fail has the results up the same day.

I wonder how many he gets next year due to the contined problems on the swim

Slower than U
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [slower than U] [ In reply to ]
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not to mention the somewhat farcical awards announcements, that had to be backtracked because they'd given the wrong people podium awards in at least 2 AG's
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [ChrisG in PA] [ In reply to ]
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I sit (at my computer) corrected. Tim
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [slower than U] [ In reply to ]
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i won't be back, because of the swim.

which is too bad - it's not like it's a bad event overall. the bike and run were very well put together. great aid stations, flat course, seemed like nice people, not a lot of races that long around here in the early part of the season. and while i'm impatient about the results, in the end, that's not that big of a deal. (but of course this happens on the race i decide to do watchless!)

that swim's a deal-breaker, though. too nasty. i can't imagine doing it with stumps, too.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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What number were you? I was 553 and I was near someone who went watchless was that you? I was the tall not thin enough guy on the dual with 404s.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Flat Tire] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]What number were you? I was 553 and I was near someone who went watchless was that you? I was the tall not thin enough guy on the dual with 404s.[/reply]

i don't remember my number.

oh, wait, there it is, still on my arm!
558. yep, just 5 bikes down. black soloist blue tires yellow shirt.

i know this is very un-slowtwitch, but i actually don't remember most of the bikes that were racked near mine.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [iainbanks1] [ In reply to ]
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results are up.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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Results are up. Is our T1 time included in the bike?
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [slower than U] [ In reply to ]
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After reading everyone's posts, I am glad I sat this one out. It is pretty clear the RD doesn't have is shit together. Any suggestions for early-season half IMs in the NJ/Philly area for next year? I know the Kinetic half (third week in April) has a good reputation but I would prefer something in mid-May.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [RandyS] [ In reply to ]
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [RandyS] [ In reply to ]
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there's a HIM the first weekend of june this year, not sure if that's early enough for you. i'd guess it'll happen next year too. forget the name, (something with a 'bear' i think) - CGI racing puts it on. looks good, actually.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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Black Bear Tri near Jim Thorpe on June 3rd. A friend of mine rode the course last weekend and said it is VERY HILLY!
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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That's the Black Bear tri, in PA I believe. It looks pretty great. Hilly. After too many years of stormy tris in May, I think it's best to wait till June to do a Half in the NE.


...the only thing.
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Re: NJ Devilman 1/2 Iron - This weekend [trigalwins] [ In reply to ]
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